MISSED FOCUS? Save a Blurry Photo in Photoshop

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hi there this is animation fixin perfect and today I'm gonna show you how to save a blurry photo from going into the trash can now before we begin there are a couple limitations that you have to keep in mind once the picture has gone blurry there is no way a machine can invent the details because we have lost them once you have blurred it you have lost the texture you have lost the details a machine cannot invent it because the machine has not seen it how can it so how are we be able to save it well we will have to fake it we will have to apply some effects to kind of hide it once you have lost the focus in most cases you won't be able to use the image commercially get a huge print so on and so forth however you can post that online and nobody go who notice here's how to hide it so without any further ado let's get started [Music] so here we n Photoshop makhmur go ahead and download this photo check the links in the description so this is one of the photos that I took in one of my college strips all right let's have a look at it zoom in have a look at the face this bottle is in focus but her face is slightly out of focus and then again you have to keep this in mind that if you have totally lost focus we cannot do anything about it this is slightly out of focus look the bottle is in focus she is out of focus and that was one of the points of time in my life where I was getting started with photography this was I think three years ago I'm not sure so this is old I was just getting started with photography all right now let's learn how to fix it well we cannot actually fix it let's fake it first of all let's make a copy of the background layer press ctrl or command J and just focus on the face because everything else is in focus the bottles and everything now once you have made a copy Kenward this into a smart object to do that go to filter convert for Smart Filters hit okay alright now we will apply some sharpness to it to do that he would go to filter sharpen smart sharpen where it is there it is alright why did we convert that into a smart object so that we can change the values of sharpening later right all right now let's focus on the face place it right here so that you can see and I would suggest increase the amount all the way to 500 now decrease the Rays radius to 0-0 and decrease reduce noise that's how we start gradually increase the radius at this point as you can see the noise is sharpened let's zoom in so that you can have a closer look the noise is sharpened not her features not the eyes not the nose but the noise we don't want that keep on increasing the radius don't worry about noise right now keep on increasing it till now still the noise is being sharpened not the features don't focus on the bottles just her face alright keep on increasing it at this point as I see the features are being accentuated if I go beyond it's looking pretty bad the edges have totally blown out we don't want that we have to find a sweet spot where the edges don't show halo at the same time they are pronounced so for this image I guess it would be somewhere around six point four ish or six point two ish let's type in six point two all right now once you do that you see there's a lot of noise in here you would gradually increase reduce noise it's all self-explanatory keep on increasing it if you go too much it looks very bad okay let's increase it to this point it's okay don't worry so much about noise right now okay alright it looks okay better than before it's okay once you're satisfied now keep in mind you can always change the values everything else is sharpened with her face how do we get just her face sharpened and not the cheeks and get all of it noisy here's how to do it every smart filter comes with a mask and that is one of the advantages of converting this into a smart object everything is a smart filter and it comes with a mask isn't that amazing now select the mask invert it press ctrl or command I everything is black now now the effect shows up nowhere keep in mind the concept of mosque black Heights and white shows up now if I take a brush okay decrease the flow to somewhere around 10% 15% that's fine and if you are using a tablet I would suggest that you choose this brush soft round pressure opacity or this is even better soft round pressure opacity and flow as you increase the pressure the intensity will increase so much better than normal one now let's decrease the brush size and start painting on the eyes nose which require details right just like that slowly and gradually don't go fast slowly and gradually now if I'm using a tablet I would increase the flow even more but if you're using a mouse keep the flow low because I can control it with the pressure alright and why is it anything happening because the color is black make sure the foreground color is all white I will decrease the flow something like that I painted a little extra so press X to toggle between the black and the white as the foreground color and paint out the extras inside the eye as well inside the eye we don't want noise there all right looks better press X again to get the white back and let's paint on the eyebrows get some details there nose I would decrease the flow even more I'll go 8% that's fine the lips keep in mind that this is for online Facebook ish Instagram ish stuff you really cannot print it on a huge print make it a huge print make a huge print out of it and make sure you paint around the edges and the hair it's gonna get a little noisy but that's the sacrifice that you have to do well you can always increase reduce noise but I wouldn't suggest that very much oh we can try that okay looks pretty good if you want you can also sharpen her scarf but I'll leave it up just like that to have a shallow depth of field effect all right now let's try increasing it now that I've not that we have an idea let's try increasing the reduce noise let's see what happens let's zoom in quite a bit let's try increasing it does it help does it hurt it doesn't hurt to increase it well let's see what happens I can keep it at that and I will hit okay now it's much better than before have a look here's the before totally blurred out right and here is the after we have fixed it a little bit before after before after now here's the deal now we have to top it off with some effects to hide the faults that we have made it's just like food for example you made something right and the food is not delicious enough so how do you hide it you add a lot of ketchup on top of it and it took that's exactly what we cannot do today ketchup and syrup and all that stuff to hide the actual taste of the food let's create a merge visible layer press ctrl alt shift e command option shift + E it creates a merged layer of everything that you see on the canvas right now keep in mind to keep it non-destructive again we will convert that into a smart object so right-click on it and click on convert to smart object or you can also go to filter convert for Smart Filters it does the same thing now once this is a smart object then let's go to filter and let's apply blur gallery and let's go to iris blur I think this will be interesting let's move it on here and what happens in iris blur is that have a look if I increase the blur everything outside the circle has a blur of 135 pixels or whatever number you have chosen everything inside of these dots have blur zero and from this dot to the edge of the circle the blur gradually increases from zero and gradually to 135 okay inside the start zero outside the circle 135 or whatever number you have selected and from these dots to the edge of the circle it gradually increases so I'm gonna increase it a bit increase the size of the circle a bit just like that and then get the dots a little closer to her face just like this and maybe make it a little larger and move it here just like that it will be interesting make it a little larger and we are not gonna apply that much blur we will apply a little less something like for example 1920 I like 20-ish let's keep 20 ish that's fine let's make it even more small and you'll make the circle even more smaller to focus just on her and it looks interesting hit okay now you can always change the value later you can double click on the blur gallery change the value later this makes things a little more interesting now what you can also do too let's change the value I think it's kind of too much so I'm gonna make it a little wide just like that and I'm gonna decrease the value to around 16 inch get that is more legible looks interesting okay now let's go ahead and apply a levels adjustment layer and we will create a spotlight kind of effect so let's click on levels and this Lida makes the brights darker so let's make it dark and this lighter makes the darks darker move it just a little bit just like that let's go a little excess and then select the mask take the brush make sure the foreground color is black opacity and flow at 100 and select the normal the top ones soft round brush you can make it hard make it bigger make it harder just like that and then just dab on her face interesting ctrl or command D and then adjust it the way you like it just like that probably I'll go something like this and hit Enter or return select the mask open the mask properties if you don't see this property I will go to Windows and then make sure properties is checked and then you would click here and this is for the mass properties increase the feather gradually to match it with that of the image will go for 514 or 450 is fine for us now even at this point with the move tool selected you can move it whatever area you like and double click on the symbol to open up the properties of the levels and then you can control the brightness of it something like that spotlight and even after that you can also add a curves adjustment layer just like this and maybe you want to brighten it up like that and select the mask invert the mask ctrl or command I and then you can take a brush make it bigger make it softer this time you can just dab on her face with white why does the foreground color you can just dab on her face just like that to add that brightness or attention to it I'll make it a little smaller and add it just like that now I want you to have a look at that before and after so this is the after you can apply an effect one more effective hide it like got a lookup table and you can choose something like Chris warm Wow this really makes it interesting now what we have to do we have to decrease the opacity just like that interesting isn't it now let's zoom in and have a look at the before and after so this is the after and let me show you the before and this is the before before in which it is blurred out have a look it's blurred out and this is the after so now you can post it online and you're good to go so that's how we save a blurry face in Photoshop keep in mind it is very limited if it's too much blurry we cannot fix it there's no other way to fix it then taking the photo again with the focus right all you have to do make a copy of the background layer and then can work that into a smart object then you can apply smart sharpen or any sharpening of your choice you can also do the high pass way just keep in mind that you apply sharpening only on those areas which require it we applied smart sharpening and then using the smart filter mask we applied it only in those areas which required it with a soft brush with a reduced flow after that we can top it off with some effects like we applied the blur gallery iris blur and applied the color lookup table and all that kind of stuff the vignette in to just kind of hide it just like you put a lot of ketchup to hide the bad taste of her food so that's pretty much it hope this video helped you and if it did make sure to give us a like and also don't forget to subscribe and not just subscribe ring the bell so that you my friend don't miss any other future tip trick or tutorial I would like to thank all these amazing and nice people for supporting this channel on patreon and helping keep fix imperfect free for everybody forever thank you so much for all your support thank you for watching I'll see you guys in my next one till then stay tuned and make sure that you keep creating [Music] you
Channel: PiXimperfect
Views: 758,505
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fix blurry pictures photoshop, sharpen blurry images photoshop, save blurry photo, blurry image fix, fix blurry photo, photo effects, missed focus, photography, portrait photography, smart sharpen, smart object, remove noise, grain, photoshop tutorial, piximperfect, unmesh dinda
Id: 32ccycfCyE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 17sec (857 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 24 2018
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