3 Ways to Remove Hot Spots, Highlights, or Shine from Portraits in Photoshop

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today I'm gonna show you three solid ways to reduce highlights hot spots and shine from your portraits in Photoshop and at the end I'm going to show you a bonus method that is really really fantastic so without any further ado let's get started hashtag D shine let's roll so here we on the magical world of Photoshop free cannot download any of the photos used in the video make sure and check the links in the description okay so here if you have an image of a beautiful lady flashing a dark lipstick maybe a black lipstick I'm not sure so the first method is using the regular healing brush - alright let's zoom in quite a bit and first of all create a new layer okay very simple click on the new layer button just squeeze a new layer now select the healing brush tool the regular healing brush tool then here's the key change the blend mode of this one to darken okay now zoom in quite a bit and make sure sample all layers are current and below is checked what that means is that if you said that the current left it will only sample from the current layer but the currently doesn't have anything it's a blank new layer so make sure you said that to all layers or current and below all layers will sample from every layer which means whatever you see on the canvas right now on the other hand current and below with a sample from the current layer and the layer is just below it in this case there are just two layers really doesn't matter select all layers and just zoom in quite a bit now if you select the Healing Brush tool sample from any area and paint on a brighter area what the darken blend mode will do it will only paint on the areas and listen to this very carefully it will only paint on the areas which are brighter than the sampled area so if we try to just take a sample from this area and paint in here it will just paint on that bright area and if you try to take a sample of Mir paint on yet it will not do anything so it only paints on the areas which are brighter then the sampled area and I'll think of it this way this sounds confusing if you choose the darkened blend mode you are saying to photoshop hey Photoshop when I paint darken okay when I paint darken and if you cannot darken do nothing so if you sample from a bright area and paint on a dark area you cannot do anything why because you cannot darken a darker area from brighter pixels right you cannot darken a dark thing using bright colors you have to use darker colors and that's why when we choose darken we are saying if you can darken darken it if you cannot darken do nothing and that's why when you take a sample it will only paint on the areas which are brighter than the sampled areas because that way it will have the ability to darken it okay so that thing is taken care of here's another shine and let's take a sample from this area now I'm doing a mistake on purpose let's take a sample from a dark area very dark and painted now this looks strange very dark you can't paint it it looks very dark now here's another tip and it comes to choosing darken when you have a choice of sampling from a lighter area and a darker area all these sample from the lighter area why because if you sample from a darker area there is a chance that you might over darken it okay but if you sample from an extra light area it will do no harm so suppose you sample from an area which is lighter than the area that you're painting on it just won't paint because the area that you're painting on is darker than the sampled area it just won't paint but if you choose a very dark area there is a chance of over darkening so here's the tip when you have a choice of sampling from a lighter area and a darker area all these choose the lighter area so we had a choice we can we can simple from this area which is light and just paint on this that looks more natural there you go just like that and it's taken care off now similarly here just let don't take sample from here and paint it if you're just over darken it take sample from here which is lighter there you go and if you choose something which is very light doesn't matter it just won't paint okay so all these take samples from lighter areas and it is also taking care of have a look at that before and after so this is the before and this is the after we took care of this and we have a little bit light area left in here so we can take care of this by sampling from this particular area and just paint in yes now this is too much choose the lighter here we are always and something like this and there you have a look at the before before after I think we did a little mistake we can erase that and do that again have a look now this is another benefit of doing this on a separate layer so it's on its own layer so that's the benefit that we get let's turn this back on and we can erase that take the eraser and just erase this area we kind of messed it up a bit okay let's turn this off just erase that and then do that again select the regular Healing Brush tool not the spot one the regular one and just sample from here and just paint on this a particular area you get the idea how to do that before after before after now it's too much you can just decrease the opacity decrease the opacity to zero and then gradually increase it now that's better now let's have a look at the next example have a look at the before and after first before after next example now as you can see in this example let me zoom out so that you can see the image completely sunlight is pouring through and shining on his face you want to move that so similarly let's zoom in quite a bit create a new layer and then select the regular Healing Brush tool and just make sure the blend mode is darkened all layers is selected or current and below selected and if you sample from here it will only paint on those extra bright sunlight areas isn't that cool just those areas and you can just paint in those areas slowly and that is taken care off just paint in similarly here let's zoom in and this is too much zoom ok let's take a sample from this and if you're wondering how am I making the brush bigger and smaller it's also very simple hold the alter option the right mouse button drag it to the right to make it bigger drag it to the left to make it smaller drag it up to make it soft drag it down to make it hard so make it soft make it a little big alt hold the alt or option click on it sample from it and just paint on this area send from it again sample and there you go it's taken care of have a look at it before and after so this is the after and this is the before we deleted it now if you think it's too much I think I will leave it at that but if you think it's too much you can decrease the opacity I think it's better have a look before after now let's switch to the next example and then we'll go to another method so as you can see in this example we have some highlights but you can not clearly see it let me just apply more highlights okay I'm destroying the image just to show you how to solve it ok image adjustments curves I'll just add some highlights to it so that you can see how to remove it just like that okay there we go click OK now similarly in this one create a new layer okay now there's a twist in this image just stay tuned for that okay if you select the Healing Brush tool darken all let's just take a sample from this and start painting okay let's make it start painting don't pick up the brush it will leave as much there it will just okay there you go it literally solves the problem have a look at the before and after so before after but here's a problem you lose the skin texture you have a new skin texture here you have a new skin texture but you use the original skin texture of this area that's something that would happen now if you try to decrease the opacity here which you would what will happen is you will see both skin textures so you'll see a part of this contexture and that skin texture and cross-hatching and it might not matter to you but if you're a high-end retouch it might matter to you a lot okay so that's good that looks good for most part but if you want to make the skin texture see-through make the original skin texture see-through here's what you can do you can increase the opacity all the way to hundred-percent and then double-click on the right-hand-side sled and take the slider of the underlying layer from left to right if you do that you will introduce the dark areas of the underlined layer or the layer which is underneath it which is this so the dark pours off the underlying layer will show up and the light pores will be covered by this layer so you can do that let's zoom in and take the star of the underlying layer as you can see as we do this the dark areas are becoming more and more visible and the white bright areas are covered by the currently but that's kind of looking a little strange so we need to make it smoother hold the alter option click on it and take this letter to the ROI just like this and take it to the left okay well that looks a little better and then you can go ahead and decrease the opacity to 75% before after and there you go there you have it salt might decrease it even more and done and create a new layer for different areas you can create different layers as well because you might want different opacities or different effects in different areas so create a new layer and then you can choose the same Healing Brush tool and do two same just take a sample from this take a sample from this area and just start painting like that and then you can go ahead and decrease the opacity if you want and that's how to do it now let's switch to the second method and the second method which is something which I have already shown you but let me show that to you again so that it becomes a set of all four methods and it is much easier but it doesn't give you so much of a quality result like this one but it has its own pros and cons all right so the second method is using the Spot Healing Brush tool let's go ahead and delete both of these lists and select right click in here and select the Spot Healing Brush tool now similarly in this one change the blend mode to darken and Nuala just make sure sample all layers is checked but tiny little strokes just keep on painting just like this okay just like this I'm going to fasten up the process for you now we're done with this let's have a look now as you can see it has applied a little bit of smudgy effect here have a look at the before and after so this is the before this is the after of course we have done a pretty good job but it's very smudgy and we have lost the skin texture now it is one of the advantages of this method since we have lost the skin texture if we decrease the opacity there will be no cross hatching we'll have the original skin texture inside of that okay so if you decrease the opacity to say 51% let's have a look at the before and after so this is the after and this is the before you have the original skin texture unlike the Healing Brush tool the regular Healing Brush tool vary up like some other area skin texture in this case you have the original skin texture because the darkening that we did that's completely smooth okay also what you can do it can increase the opacity to 100% double click on the right hand side of the layer to open up the layer Styles dialog box and then you can take the underlying layer slider from left to right just like that and make it smoother by holding the alter option clicking on it taking them apart like that and then there you go if you satisfied with this click OK have a look then you can go ahead and decrease the opacity if you think it's too much okay now that looks very very natural have a look before after before after before after right it's reduced now it's time for us to jump into the third way which is the quickest and that is using the patch tool so how do we do that make a copy of the background layer in this case you cannot create a new layer and just have that area in that new layer separately and that's one of the major drawbacks of the patch tool so you have to make a copy of the background layer by holding ctrl and pressing J if you're using a Mac that would be command J ctrl J ok in this let's just select the patch tool by right clicking here and choose the patch tool now simply just make a selection of the area which is highlighted just like this and then make sure you have source selected here patch is normal and just move it to an area with no shine just like this and there you have it removed now it's too much what you can do you can go to edit and then fade path selection now here's where the magic happens I can decrease the opacity this is zero zero opacity is nothing it's just nothing you did nothing 100 opacity is complete replacement think of it like this this is like undo on a slider when you have it zero it's completely undone like you did nothing when you have it the effect is completely applied so when you have it 50 it's like a partial undo okay so let's keep it at that 29 ish is fine click OK once you're satisfied ctrl or command D and this method was taught to me by Scott Kelby he's an awesome Photoshop expert is one of my inspirations and I was very happy when recently in one of his webcasts he gave me a shout out that made my day anyway let's just move into this tutorial back in let's move into the nose similarly we'll take this area make a selection of it and move it to an area where we have no shine like this and then edit fade bad selection let's just keep it at okay this is a really really quick way so let's move to the next example in this image as you can see there's a lot more hotspots here now the area of hotspots is too much and for this I'll show you away which is better for bigger hotspots or shine all right so similarly in this one you can make a copy of the background layer by holding the ctrl or command and pressing J and then you can also make a copy by dragging the background layer and dropping it on the new layer icon and that makes a copy now zoom in take the patch to make sure the patch is normal and diffusion is 5 source is selected make a selection of this drag it and take it in an area where there is no shine and just drop it and there you have it removed now before you press ctrl or command D you need to go to edit and then fade bad selection and decrease the fade just like this okay now here's a warning here if you let me show you if you make a selection of this if you sample it right then you forgot to go to edit and fade path selection and you press ctrl or command D now if you want you can press ctrl alt Z command option Z Z as you pronounce ctrl alt Z if you want to go back so you went back and then if you want to go to edit fade path selection you cannot do it and that's why I said it's a warning it's a warning because just after you did it just after you replaced it only then just then at that moment you have to go to edit fade bad selection if you do anything else that is gone okay keep that in mind all right so similarly you can do it for this area you can do it for this area that's too much okay I did a mistake yes so just messed it up a bit so you get the idea how to do it right so really simple and make sure once you take a sample now here's another warning once you replace a particular area you'll see something which is called repetition so you'll see a pattern forming out here so you can see this pattern you can see it happening again here so you can again just get this right so make sure that pattern does not happen remove that pattern because that gives the name is a very bad sign that it was retouched okay now let me show you a wave which is much much better when it comes to large hotspots ods or large shiny areas okay so let's go ahead and delete this background copy and let's move to the fourth and the bonus wave and that is using curves with blend if simply create a curves adjustment layer by clicking on the adjustment layer icon and choose curves now darken it just like this you can also darken the highlights by taking it down like that now what you can do double click on the right hand side of the layer and you wanna just restrict the darkness to the bright areas of the photo and you can do that using blend if so double click on the right hand side of the layer to open the layer style dialog box or right click and choose blending options does the exact same thing now take the slider of the underlying layer from left to right see what happens this deletes the dark areas of the underlying layer from the current layer or in other words this deletes the dark areas of the layers which is beneath it from the current layer or in other words this deletes the effect of the curves from the dark areas as simple as that now let's take the slider and make sure it's just limited to the bright area like that and once you're ready hold it the alter option click on this because this is very harsh let's make it smooth take it all the way to the right and let's just control it how much of an area you want to be in darkness okay just like that once you're satisfied hit OK and have a look at that before and after so this is the before this is the after very quick way to do it it kind of sometimes might look a little unrealistic but if you decrease the opacity it's a really cool method okay have a look before after it's a really nice effect now let's try this on another image on this one if you have a lot of hotspots lot of highlights in this photo so first of all let's go ahead and clear this mole out it's kind of little distracting jumping out of the photo you don't remove a move you reduce the mole because that removes the characteristic now when you attaching portraits you have to ask the person whether they want their mole removed or not mole or birthmark or whatever there is if they say no if that's a characteristic of them then you can reduce it because that might be jumping out of the photo because camera kind of enhances those things okay now this is not a mole this I think some pimple or something you can remove that okay just okay that's gone now simply create a curves adjustment layer click on the adjustment layer icon and choose curves similarly take it down take it down from the highlights not too much double-click on the right-hand side of the layer and then similarly take the underlying layer slider from left to right like that let's zoom out and let's see where the effect is being effected like that and take it all the way to the right by holding the altar option I clicked on it it's separated now let's just control this okay that looks good click OK and then can control the opacity yeah that's nice now let's decrease it even more just like this and if you think the girls adjustment layer is affecting the colors of the photo so if you take it very much down you'll see this see it's affecting the colors if you don't want it to affect the colors you can change the blend mode of this one to luminosity that helps a little bit okay so if you change the blend mode to luminosity see it doesn't affect the colors have a look normal and luminosity that's something you can do it's too much okay there you go have a look at the before and after so this is the after this is the before too much highlights and after that looks natural now guys there are no limitations to photoshop you can mix and match all of the four methods or whatever method you have found okay so you can zoom in it's good for overall hotspots but for little hotspots you can use the first method or the second method or whatever method you choose you can also use the patch tool so let's just turn this layer off create a new layer you can use for example the Spot Healing Brush tool or the Healing Brush tool just zoom in change it darken all layers sample from this area and cover this area sample from probably this area and cover this area and you get the idea how to do this this is too much highlights and just cover that and you have to be a little bit careful in the lips area so for the lips I'll create a new layer and then maybe I'll try the Spot Healing Brush tool as I said mix and match all the four methods just try to paint it and that kind of looks strange that looks better yep that looks good now when the healing tool doesn't work you can use the Spot Healing when the Spot Healing doesn't work you can use the Healing just play with it now decrease the opacity of this one that looks good now turn on the curves adjustment layer now you have overall removed all of the highlights now this is too much removal of the nose highlight before after this is let's decrease the opacity of this one and there you go before after doesn't this look great so there you go four ways to diiie shine your photos in Photoshop Spot Healing Brush tool Healing Brush tool the regular one patch tool and curves with blend if very simple ways to diiie shine your photos and always remember to reduce the opacity because sometimes we overdo things I hope this video helped the end if it did make sure to give us a like and also don't forget to subscribe and not just subscribe you bring the best that you my friend don't miss the day I'll see you guys manage mine till then stay tuned and each other Chi Chi [Music]
Channel: PiXimperfect
Views: 246,477
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: remove hot spot photoshop, reduce shine in photoshop, oily skin photoshop, flash skin tone, flash hot spot, harsh light, photography, piximperfect, photoshop tutorial
Id: 21xdf-4a3aE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 6sec (1446 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 20 2017
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