A 'Smart' Way to Fix Motion Blur in Photoshop!

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I don't understand, maybe he can dumb it down a bit?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Frisheid 📅︎︎ Jan 24 2019 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Launchy21 📅︎︎ Jan 24 2019 🗫︎ replies
hey there this is animation pics imperfect and today we gonna learn how to fix blur caused by a motion or in other words motion blur this can be caused due to a variety of reasons maybe your camera shook while you were taking the picture or maybe your subject moved and the baby fixed that is by telling Photoshop three things so we tell Photoshop hey Photoshop you need to fix a motion blur this is not any other type of blur this is motion blur or blur caused by motion secondly we need to tell Photoshop okay so if I move it this way and I capture an image and in the image there is a motion blur in this direction we need to tell Photoshop okay so the motion happened by let's say 45 degrees okay we need to tell Photoshop the angle number three we need to tell Photoshop so the motion happened by the distance so the motion happened by let's say three centimeters but if we tell Photoshop three centimeters it won't understand why because centimeter is a physical unit of distance keep in mind that we are dealing with a digital image now what is the digital unit of distance so if it moved this much inside the image which is the digital image we will have to say okay it moved by let's say 10 pixels right so three things number one this is a motion blur that you need to fix second we need to tell Photoshop the angle third we need to tell Photoshop the distance and we will learn super cool ways to exactly figure out all of that however this is very different from fixing the blur caused by focus mist so if you want to learn how to do that you can check out this video now this will be an easy fix and will be fun to do but I always hope that you get it quite in camera so without any further ado let's get started [Music] so here we on Photoshop and before we begin I just wanted to let you know that there's a complete dedicated filter just for fixing motion blur and that is called shake reduction as the name suggests so if you go to filter sharpen there is this shake reduction but we are not gonna use it today because personally I don't like shake reduction because its first of all terribly slow go ahead and try it it's very very slow at this moment secondly it's super complex and personally I don't like the results created we gonna use something fast exciting and highly customizable so first of all if you wanna go ahead and download this photo and follow along check the links in the description let's zoom in and have a look at the image all right now as you can see there is a little bit of camera shake as you can see everything has been moved if only a section has been moved due to the subject moving then we can of course mask it but have a look everything has moved in around this direction so step number one would be determining the angle or in other words the direction so we need to tell Photoshop the direction in terms of angle and the way we do that very easily here's the trick all you need to do click and hold on the eyedropper tool there's a tool called the ruler tool all right select the ruler tool and then you just click and draw a line along the direction of the motion so the motion happened in this direction as you can see from the image so just click and drag and try to be as accurate as possible all right so I will try to align this according to the motion and I guess this is pretty perfect so I'm gonna stop at that now once you stop at that have a look here this is the angle a stands for angle so this ruler is angled at 45.8 so keep that in mind note it down we're gonna use that later second step is determining the distance of movement how much it moved when the blur was created so when the shutter opened it was probably here and when the shutter of the camera closed it was here and that's why we had the there may be the shutter speed was not enough all right so let's have a look at it we start measuring from here and we stop right there let's see so it says ten which means then pixels so the angle is how much 45 point something so we'll round it off to 46 and the length as you can see l1 is 10 which means 10 pixels we must also do it in couple other areas as well just to make sure we are correct it's 10 here as well ten point eight to round it off to ten I know Levin is closer but the previous one said ten all right let's see this one around is eight point nine point two two just make sure just it's ten is fine all right so it's ten let's get back to the Move tool we just measured everything that we needed to so step number one was determining the angle step number two was determining the distance step number three is a sharpening this is where we dial in all those information make sure the background layer is selected and then press ctrl or command J to make a copy of it you can also name it sharpen one okay great now we're gonna use smart sharpen yes but before we do that let's convert this into a smart object so that we can change the values later go to filter convert for Smart Filters hit okay all right now this is a smart object as you can see by the logo right over them then go to filter sharpen smart sharpen now what did we discuss we need to tell Photoshop that this is a motion blur so we need to go ahead and select the motion blur now everything is already adjusted because I did practice before recording this tutorial so let me just cancel all of this all right let me just bring everything back to normal all right suppose this was the thing we need to fix the blur so first we need to tell Photoshop that this is a motion blur so here as you can see remove you need to select motion blur next you need to dial in the angle so what was the angle that we found out 46 so let's dial in 46 if it's already there all right now radius here we need to dial in the distance so what was the distance 10 pixels right so let's type in 10 now always keep the amount first all the way to the right which is 500% and then we can adjust that later all right you can also set reduce noise to around 10 percent that's fine you can adjust that later it doesn't matter much but now as you can see let's have a look at it before and after so here's the before here's the after this is okay ish but you know what it's just not looking right the edges look at the it's just not looking right so this is the before this is the after let's move in a little downwards let's see let's check it okay now let's play with the radius a little bit let's try increasing it just a tad bit and see what's happening see these are coming closer we will increase it a little more and that's why I asked you to have the amount at 500 so that everything is exaggerated and that way we can just make the lines proper now this is looking too bad let's move back little so 11.8 is fine now I think the amount is too much so let's go ahead and decrease the amount you can click and drag on the text where amount as shown lets gradually increase the amount yeah this is pretty okay let's have a look at that before and after so this is the before see the blur and this is the octet fixed now there are some advanced options as well now as you can see the sharpening has been applied to the shadows as well and that's why the shadows have an artifact the black artifact is there a way to remove this yes there is if you go to the advanced just click on this we have more options shadows and highlights let's keep it to the side so that you can see what's happening now let's increase the fade amount on the shadows see it's gone from the shadows of course you need to just play with the radius a little more maybe 12 is fine and play with the amount a little more as you can see it's much more cleaner and we don't have that artifact let's have a look at the before and after so this is the before this is the after but here's the thing as we increase the fade amount of the shadows the sharpening also goes away from certain areas have a look at it so have a look at the eye right when the fade amount was zero the I was sharp but as we increase the fade amount the edges look fine amazing because the fade amount was zero you see the artifact around the edges right and you increase the fade amount the edges look amazing but the sharpening goes away from the eyes no problem and that's where the next step comes in that is refining of course you can apply it without the shadows and the highlights and all that stuff but refining is very important to figure out which areas need sharpening okay so let's keep the fade amount of the shadows at 100 hit okay and only apply it around the edges so let's hold the alt or option click on the mask button now the sharpening has been removed from every place now we need to take the brush and paint only around the edges with white so make sure why it is the foreground color flow and opacity at 100 because we don't want any artifacts around the edge okay all right great but what about the other areas right no problem at all just make a copy of sharpen one make sure sharpen one is selected and then press ctrl or command J now let's name it sharpen two and in this case we will in the world the mask select the mask and then press ctrl or command I it will sharpen the other areas now that's the advantage of smart object we can double click on it open up the properties change any value so this time we will decrease the fade amount of the shadows and the eyes are sharpened back again let's decrease the amount a little bit maybe let's increase the radius and see what happens 13:13 is fine for this a little bit here and there is ok hit OK and zoom out just a little I just wanted to show you this the difference so here is the after and here is the before see before after before after fixed have a look now here is the before here is the after so easily fixed but it does not invent the details any kind of computer sharpening all these fakes it as of now at this point of technological development because come on when you were taking the shot and when we moved the camera and there was a camera shake and we lost the details your computer was not there to witness it and capture the details so that it will bring back the details in post it's just not possible so any kind of sharpening is just a fake illusion by the way if in your image only one object shows the motion bill you can do this you can group all of the list that you created press ctrl or command hold it select the other one or you can also select the first one hold the shift key select the last one if you have created a bunch of them and all of them in the middle will be selected and then press ctrl or command G then you can hold the alt or option click on the mass button this creates a negative mask and then only paint on the areas which need sharpening so you can take the brush for round color white and they can only paint on the areas which you would need sharpening if only that was the thing which moved so that's something that you can do if only one object has moved now just a quick little recap step number one determine the direction step number two determine the distance we do both of these by using the ruler to once we have that in mind step number three is sharpening using smart sharpen of course you can go into shadows and highlights which brings us to step number four which is refining so you can refine your sharpening in any which way you want you can create masks groups and all of that you can do selective sharpening that's totally upon you as simple as that but I again as I always wish please get it right in camera because this is all fake I hope this tutorial helped you and if it did make sure to give us a like and also don't forget to subscribe and not just subscribe ring the bell so that you don't miss any other future tip trick our tutorial I would like to take this moment to thank all these nice and amazing people for supporting this channel on patreon and helping keep pigs in perfect free for everybody forever thank you so much for only support thank you for watching I'll see you guys my next one till then stay tuned and make sure that you keep creating [Music] you
Channel: PiXimperfect
Views: 1,962,559
Rating: 4.9121189 out of 5
Keywords: fix blurry pictures photoshop, sharpen blurry images, fix motion blur, reduce camera shake, fix blurry photo, portrait photography, retouching, smart sharpen, photoshop tutorial, piximperfect, unmesh dinda
Id: US8yI3ymZEE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 54sec (834 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 02 2018
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