Mind Boggling A.I. to Fix EXTREME Blur!

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hi there this is umesh from pixar perfect and i know i know i'm late to the mobile applications party but better late than never you know recently i came across something that absolutely blew my mind i always used to think that desktop software programs are always superior and that's what we use for our professional workflows always neglected what mobile applications could do but this time i gotta tell you words fail me so i'm just gonna show this to you take a look at this so here we have a picture taken with a shallow depth of field and the focus is on her hands and her face is out of focus and it's supposed to happen it's supposed to be out of focus you know why because it's taken with a wider aperture but in this photo let's say we want to focus also on the face how can we get it it's just not possible your computer cannot invent the details and that's when i came across this application take a look at this click on enhance right there choose that image and just click on the tick right there and it automatically does everything for you now let's take a look at the before and after if this doesn't blow your mind i don't know what will have a look so here is the before and here is the after it's inventing those details i don't know how it's doing it maybe i have an idea maybe it has some sample images i'm gonna talk about it later but let's just take a look at just the faces right so here is the before and here is the after just look at the details of the eye right here is the before there's nothing in there and here is the after let's take a look at the entire face so that we can see it clearly here's the before here's the after similarly with the other face here is the before and here is the after see it also brought back details in the firecrackers before after this is absolute magic totally out of this world isn't it and if you ask me i won't even mind if this company advertises itself as an ai software because it works and also practically it's the most astounding feature i have seen since photoshop came up with select subject in this video we're gonna discover how further we can push this application and whether you can use it in your professional workflow we'll first look at the whoopsy situations of poor quality selfies or pictures where we have focused everywhere but the subject then we'll look at some restoration followed by how low a resolution can we bring back to life and in the end we'll see how further we can unblur an image and also look at some practical examples keep in mind good news everything i show you today can be done for free unless of course you want to pay to stop the stupid ads but that's just it also i think there's a limit of five images per day but trust me you won't be needing more than that unless you are serious about it so without any further ado this has got me excited let's get started [Music] back in the magical world of remedy this time that's the name of the application and before we begin huge disclaimer this video has been sponsored by nobody nobody but my curiosity let's take a look at this the first example is an example where you have a picture of me and my mother but the problem is the background is in focus but the picture is mostly out of focus and everything seems out of focus and she also put it as a profile picture on whatsapp i don't know what she was thinking but anyway all you have to do is to click on the check box right there and let's see how it does it now keep in mind this is a cloud-based software so what i'm assuming is on their server they have pictures of a lot of eyes nose mouth and they match what is this most similar one and they adjust it accordingly to just fit in along the grooves and the lines of the original face so i think that's what they are doing so let's have a look at the results let's zoom into the faces and here is the before there's nothing in there and here is the after let's take a look at the original faces okay so this is my face here is the before and here is the after there's a little bit of change doesn't totally look like me because if you have a look at the lips it's not exactly how my lips look also if you look at my beard i just shave it pretty good i think i do pretty good job of it and it's sharp so they have not done that they have kind of put the hair here and there so i think they're sampling for uh from other images but this is brilliant this is brilliant before there was nothing in there if there was something this would have been just out of this world this is already brilliant let's look at the face of my mother so here is the before see there's nothing in there again and here is the after just look at that i think they also changed the specs as well because she wears a pink frame now if you look at the after they added a more expensive spectacle right there and there's a sign of the older one there as well see that there's that double sign or maybe that's a different design of that i don't know what it is and look at her teeth the teeth they added there was nothing in there and my mother's teeth was pretty beautiful and it's very even if you look at the photo they just elongated one of the teeth but that's fine just look at the details and they changed the earring as well she was wearing earring of something else but they had to change it because the software has no idea what was there before but looking at it this is absolutely brilliant absolutely postable i think you can also use it in professional work and we'll get to that in later examples but unless you give your camera to your friend who always seems to focus on the background but you for some crazy reason let's talk about an area where this software can potentially shine the most and that is restoration so again let's go to enhance again and this time let's choose an older picture so here i have a picture of my mother and father graduating from art college as you can see they are very very young and this is a pretty old photo probably 30 years ago or something like that and look at it the photo is pretty good but i wish there were more details on the faces so let's try this all right moment of truth guys so here is my father before after just look at the details sometimes it just messes up the lips a little bit it created this but maybe that's okay we can fix it in photoshop but here's the before here is the after my father doesn't have that deep cut but it's pretty darn good if you look at the eyes and the eyebrows on the face and the skin texture it's just spot on so perfect let's look at my mother so here's the before here is the after just look at the details it's so highly defined now this is not absolutely magical as i told you it may be using a lot of sample images from other faces and i can tell you this because if you look at the other details they're holding the certificates have a look these certificates right and if you look at the before you could read it a little bit it says tagore society but if you look at the after yeah you can't really read anything it looks cleaner it looks clearer but you can't really decipher what there is and this even looks like the ones in the cartoon here you can say that there is some text but if you look at the after it's just some crazy wiggly lines so if you were expecting you could recover some blurred number plates well this is not the software for you maybe hollywood is your chance now let's put it to extreme test let's test how low of a resolution can we recover and we're going to go a little extreme right here for the test here i have a full resolution portrait as you can see and have a look at the dimension right there it's 2800 by 2022 if you cannot look at the dimension just click on the arrow at the corner and choose document dimension that way you will be able to see the dimensions of the document that you have open all right and i've made a low resolution version of the same how much low you might ask let's take a look at it super low and look at the dimension 100 by 100 pixels which means this image this total image has 10 000 pixels in other words 0.01 megapixels can we make it look like this probably not but why not let's just try let's try what remini can do so first of all let's go to the low resolution image and we don't want to feed such a low resolution such a small image right there we already have lost the detail so let's just enlarge it just a little bit in photoshop by going to image and then image size let's give it thousand by thousand and we want to choose resampling to nothing biased here just by linear hit okay now this has been just made bigger still we don't have any details we just made it bigger right now let's bring this image to my mobile and then let's see what remini can do now that it's on our phone let's go to enhance as usual and select that image as you can see there is not much detail no details at all actually let's try to fix it now it's going to take a while because it will upload it to its server the server will process it their servers and then get it back so it'll take a while and it's done actually let's take a look at the before and after here's the before no details at all and here is the after that is just out of the world now we're gonna take it a step further and compare it with the original image with all the details and see what extra this thing does have a look at the overall image here's the before here is the after and i notice a flaw the flaw is it just does the face not the other areas if you look at the hair area in the background here's the before here's the after it tends to fix it but not that much all right let's export this by clicking on this button and it's already saved let's bring it back to our computer so this my friend is the processed image let's drag it and drop it into photoshop and let's try to drop it over the original image just here so this is the original image with all the details and this is the processed image as you can see it has artificially added some eyelashes from its library probably and also if you look at the before the eyes are a little different i think it's absolutely different look at the pupil so this is the original one and this is the one done later have a look at the lips here's the before this the original lips this is the one done with ai it's absolutely different lips but still recovering from this well it's a night and day helen heaven difference here i'm telling you this is actually how ai should work adobe luminar you guys listening if this comes out with the photoshop plugin i'm buying it i'm on the line first to get it now there is indeed a problem with this application it won't export in full resolution now don't get me wrong it has the capability of exporting in a higher resolution with more details but it just doesn't do it because if you have a look at this image we are looking at the complete image right now and then we are zooming in let's look at the before and after right on just the face here's the before here's the after the eyes are not very much detailed and that is what we export right but if you look at just the face if you click on the right and look at just the face and now when you look at the eyes here's the before here's the after it's much more detailed than the absolute original image see here here's the before here's the after not high resolution but if you look at the individual face now compare it see here's the before here's the after it has more resolution so it it is capable of exporting in a much higher resolution with much more details but it doesn't do it now it is time for us to do the blur test in this test we're going to see how further we can blur this image and recover it with remedy so let's just copy the layer by pressing ctrl or command j this duplicates the layer and then go to filter blur and then gaussian blur so we're going to blur it so much so we have a little bit of the details because we already saw what happens when we take away all the details it does give you the eyes and the nose and the mouth and the lips back but then again it just creates a whole new eye usually in real life scenarios where we miss the focus just by a little bit let's see what happens then so i'm not going to increase it so much so that it's totally gone just a little bit so that the focus is lost right here as you can see or even let's go even further to about three pixels all right hit okay it's not very sharp this is what happens when we lose focus let's see if we can really use it in our professional workflows let's just export it to my phone and then we'll open it back up in photoshop so here it's ready on our phone let's go to enhance and then check this image first as you can see this has missed focus it's not very sharp so i'm just going to click on the check button right there and let's see how good it is does it retain the original eye we'll just compare it back in photoshop so let's take a look at the result this is the overall image so here is the before here is the after it does retain a lot of the old eyes so again this is the face just the eyes zoomed in so here's the before here's the after a lot has been retained now if i export it again it has a limitation and that's what i hate about this so let's export it and bring it back to photoshop so this my friend is the exported file let's drag it and drop it over the same canvas and as you can see most of the details have been retained so here's the before the focus was lost and here is the after it does retain a little bit of the original eye but then again it's a different die because it just doesn't know how the original eye was but look at the rest of the areas just works perfectly here's the before here is the after just look at that it looks amazing now if you compare it with the original one of course the original one is better because the resolution of this is limited because if you look at the resolution if i open that up now keep in mind it has the capability of high resolution output but it limits that the dimensions may be high because if you look at it it's four zero nine six by two seven three zero but look at the size it's barely one mb right there so that is where it loses just a little bit but there's a way to fix it you can use external upscalers like gigapixel ai which is a software you can also use image larger or other online upscalers as well to easily fix something like this by the way remember this image from a previous example we recovered it from a 0.01 megapixel image and we increased its resolution right now it's 2000 by 2000 pixels not much which turns out to be about 4 megapixels exactly 4 megapixels so if you want to increase it even further you can use external upscalers one of the upscaling softwares that i happen to have already in my computer is gigapixel ai i'm not saying i'm recommending it i have it because i was using it for a review in a previous video you can use whatever you want there's image larger big jpeg let's enhance tons of online and offline software that you can google and find it out so let's use one of these to increase the resolution of this image even further so i'm just gonna drag this one and open it up in gigapixel ai and it's very easy interface you can just increase it four times or two times if you go four times it would be eight thousand by eight thousand pixels do you wanna suppress the noise i don't want to do any of that i don't also want to remove the blur maybe you want to turn on face refinement now when you move to the eye it tries to recreate the details but it's not perfect as you can see it just dries it's pretty good now let's do two times i think four times would be just too much it does it pretty good i think we can work with that and once you're happy with it you can just click on start to start the conversion and it does an okay job and by the way i did not use 4x the resolution because it can take a little longer but if you did choose it your final resolution would be 8 000 by 8000 or in other words 64 megapixels it's crazy isn't it now let's open the upscaled image back in photoshop and as you can see this has a little more detail although this looks a little artificial but then again we brought it from a 0.01 megapixel image so what are some practical applications of this application well remember the first example here their faces are blurred we want a little focus back on that so we took that on our phone and opened it up in remedy and just enhanced it well i got the edited image back in my computer and this is the one let's drag it and drop it into photoshop and this can be a very practical use and as you can see the faces are back in focus so this is the before and this is the after and also a little bit of hair here is also back in focus and it looks a little strange right there we only want the focus back and parts of the face so how do we apply that this is the original image that we have with a lot of blur on top of that we just brought it and then you have to create a simple mask by holding the alt key of the option key and click on the mask button this creates a negative mask with a soft around brush just let's paint on the areas where you want the details and paint in white and create an illusion of a shallow depth of field where the focus is on the face as well which is actually not possible if you look in the photography world unless you're stacking different images but this is how you can actually possibly do it this is one other application of this apart from common restoration or when you lose focus due to mistakes so let's take a look at the overall result so here's the before faces are blurred and here's the after they are sharp you can further increase the resolution using an upscaler so that's all the show for today my friend if you ask me personally this is a brilliant application i am flabbergasted to be honest i truly wish a feature like this would exist for photoshop or lightroom or even luminar that would be truly fantastic or even if this company chooses to release its desktop version or photoshop plug-in or lightroom plug-in i will buy it 110 sure however at the moment working with this application on a professional level might be a bit of a challenge i'm not saying you cannot do it you can definitely do it however it's challenging because you got to take your images from your computer to your phone and then edit it there and get it back from your phone to your computer so you know it can be a little bit of challenge and if the final resolution on top of that is not up to the mark you would have to just use an external upscaler to upscale it even more so it is a little bit of challenge so this brings me to the other request for this software and that is please make it possible to export an even higher resolution at least make it 20 megapixels that would be really really helpful and i'm telling you remedy if you do this you're gonna make a ton of money a ton of money especially from professionals here's the thing you are capable my friend of exporting in higher resolution especially when you look at the individual faces you have way more detail than when you export the overall image so why limiting it i i understand there's a reason for uploading it in social media but make it available for professionals as well with all that being said you can definitely incorporate this application to your workflow to unblur portraits or restore portraits and save dozens of hours you know how much of a pain it has especially if you're a restorer to just unblur an image you have to just paint sometimes it's so hard now the question is to pay or not to pay well if you're not fixing and blurring or restoring more than five images a day you don't really need to pay yes you have to watch those stupid ads but then how many images are you unblurring every day for me it's just about one or two an entire month or even less than that so after i'm done filming this video i'm just gonna unsubscribe because i did subscribe just for you guys just so that i can show this to you well if you're a professional and you're editing an unlimited amount of images and also you don't want to watch those stupid advertisements you might consider to pay that's absolutely up to you because with the free version you get five images every single day and that's more than enough for most of us what if you watch a few stupid ads that's fine we'll save a little bit of money also do not waste money on enhance plus trust me it's not worth it i hope i could show you something new in this video i hope you enjoyed it and if you did make sure to give us a like and also don't forget to subscribe and not just subscribe ring the bell so that you don't miss any other future tips tricks or tutorials i would like to take this moment to thank all these nice and amazing people for supporting this channel on patreon and helping keep fixing perfect free for everybody forever thanks so much for watching i'll see you in my next one till then stay tuned and make sure that you keep creating you
Channel: PiXimperfect
Views: 709,675
Rating: 4.9162664 out of 5
Keywords: remini, low to high quality, low resolution to high resolution photoshop, unblur, sharpen blurred images photoshop, restoration in photoshop, restore old photos, remini review, how to depixelate images, low quality photo to hd photo, upscale, increase image resolution, increase image quality, increase photo size, gigapixel ai, adobe, piximperfect, unmesh dinda
Id: Q8HFN4y1WVw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 45sec (1305 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 10 2020
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