Miracle of the White Stallions Arthur Hiller, 1963

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[Music] in the Alpine country of Austria lies the village of P / home of the lipids on horses the lipids on breed had its beginning in 1580 during the reign of Maxima in the second from that time until the end of the empire the white horses served the crown [Music] today they belong to the people of Austria cherished as a living symbol of times that were splendid that are gone and will not return [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] in the autumn of their third year when the lipid saunas are turning from dark to white the finest stallions are selected for the famous Spanish Riding School in Vienna named for the Spanish origin of the lipids on horses the school was built in 1735 when every court in Europe patronized the art of classical writing today it is the only home of that art in the world it has survived Wars and occupations crowns and republics but near the end of the Second World War it was almost lost in the spring of 1945 a great adventure began for the white horses of Vienna [Music] general tell him this is a pleasant surprise Colonel Podolski you remember general striker yes of course I remember the general very well forgive me for not calling my staff to attention but a military atmosphere in the hall would disturb the concentration necessary in our training I see general strike arrived only this morning and one of his first inquiries was of the spanish riding school we're honoured I'm a great admirer Philip it's honest I always make it a point to see them on my visits to Vienna then you must attend tomorrow's performance it's our first in several months so I understand but what happened here Khurana Podolski happened general yes it doesn't look the same wasn't there a portrait of child vi above the gallery and I remember some magnificent Road Ilyas I had them removed did you have orders to do that colonel I gave the colonel permission to take certain precautions measures these things are irreplaceable I was anxious for their safety oh I see anxious for their safety why do you anxiety also explain the number of empty stars and youths tabor colonel i did send some of the younger stallions to the country you made a request to Berlin asking permission to move the spanish riding school out of Vienna yes some time ago let request was denied yes it was I was very disappointed so disappointed that you chose to ignore those instructions if I chosen to ignore them none of us would be here the horses I sent away were still in training they were not yet school performance you may decisions that contradict the spirit of orders from the Fuhrer Vienna is in no danger life has to continue as usual here you can't honestly order the spanish riding school papers you have a number of riders on leave from the Army they are to be returned to active service immediately you want the riding school to continue and yet you take my staff away from me men are needed at the front striker the basis of the school is in its training I sympathize with your problems colonel but the war is fast reaching a climax and I tell you in confidence that it will not be easy if Germany is to win some sacrifice will be required by everyone I am looking forward to tumors performance [Music] you're there that horse should kick you for giving him such confused signals and they kicked me for allowing you in this hole it wasn't you he was shouting at you were only a substitute will you check my work if I'm doing something wrong I want to be corrected [Music] who is cast something wrong yes something's wrong I don't permit childish outbursts of emotion to interrupt training in the writing hall and who is having childish outbursts I am I sent myself away I shouted at a young writer you should have heard me he's a conscientious boy too one of the best well if he's one of the best clear survive your temper come and have some coffee I just remember to praise Him tomorrow how can the Nazis be so stupid are they now believing their own ridiculous propaganda ah the Nazis yes the Nazis always the Nazis I feel her than Nazis all my life the school should be closed I should be evacuating it from the city right now and there should be no one in Berlin to stop me you can ask to leave the city and keep asking that's all you can do you are in the army the school is under military control and that's that is the Opera run by the army or the symphony perhaps Vienna will be spared after all it like Paris has been spared I must prepare to leave Vienna on my own if necessary no Louis you mustn't even think of it I have to do whatever I can to assure the survival of the school what of your own survival the school is my responsibility before there were Nazis giving orders in Austria and they remains my responsibility my first responsibility I'll keep trying to get permission and pray they come to their senses but if they still won't listen to me in time run no I don't even want to hear this right now I want you to understand Europe is going to split wide open and only those people who are ready to do something you have a plan and the courage to use it will have a chance to save something of their lives the school is my life and my obligation I can't turn from it forget it out of fear think about it Verena as I have thought about it you do understand but I don't want Louis promise me you won't risk yourself unless it's the only way until it's a last desperate resort don't forget you are my life [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] beautiful wine just beautiful you for nangka how could I help it going back to my old outfit that when I left C years ago I'll sink I'll have a nice time seeing them all again fanny of them are left that's a fine way to talk yes nice and cheerful drink up everybody after a few glasses everything will be nice and cheerful and before you know it we'll have are volunteering to go along to the front well I've already been thinking about that after all you'll need somebody to wipe your nose such an honor for me please see the head of the table [Music] good here for mine [Music] miss purr-fect sit down please come Apple daisuki I'd like to propose a toast when we first came to the Spanish Riding School three years ago you said we'd be expected to give the best that was in us that you would settle for no less and as time passed we saw that you meant it it was difficult because I don't think any of us knew what the best in us wars are even where to look for it but you kept demanding until you made us find it and for that we thank you because we can take it with us now wherever we go you were sent to the writing school under orders I want to ask you if you wanted to go there and I wasn't given much choice either but the writing school is lucky it would have to be you know to still be around after so many years if I had been allowed to go through the entire cavalry myself unit by unit to find a staff I couldn't have done better those of you who remain here will have to work harder than ever those who are returning to active service will I'm sure be a credit to your units we'll miss you good luck they're good boys going off to war so uselessly at this point noise sorry [Applause] [Music] just say we'll meet again tomorrow just say auf wiedersehen soon our don't say goodbye and don't despair I know that we will meet again somewhere our dreams will [Music] frenzy okay [Music] [Music] come on play something very gay come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm so afraid get ready to leave Vienna going to defense headquarters in the morning they can't refuse me now [Music] the jury would see you know [Music] what can I do for you colonel Podolski I have a request to make I want permission to evacuate the Spanish Riding School immediately your request has been denied but that was before that was this morning I've been in contact with Billy but why would they deny it last month was one thing even last week but now the Spanish Riding School is a simple of yenna its evacuation might be interpreted by the Viennese as a sign that their situation is regarded as hopeless but the city is doomed it's an extravagant sacrifice general striker and I don't believe the Viennese people can be so easily fooled it's not my place colonel to question the decisions of higher headquarters I have a responsibility general indeed the responsibility of any man in uniform to obey orders [Music] [Music] nice to see general tell I'm do you have an appointment colonel no I do not sergeant I want to report a plot on general strikers life [Music] [Music] where did you see two elderly it was very impressed with you you know he stutters when he's impressed it isn't difficult to impress people these days you just talk very loud and have an unpleasant manner does you impress general striker no he's an exception request denied any requests all requests I'm sorry I I can't believe such waste such as you better don't tell me what you think don't tell anyone these are no times for saying what you think forget my temper the school mayor's were moved to Czechoslovakia for reasons I never understood I can't predict what will happen to them there now air raids in danger my stallions and I refused permission to save them it's it's as if the end of the Spanish Riding School had been deliberately planned and is being carried out on on some secret schedule from higher headquarters I don't know how to be polite and patient any longer ah I only wish I call Berlin and accomplish something for you since the attempt on Hitler's life having too many changes no friends left there I know thanks for listening to me again now just a second some time ago I gave you orders to take certain art treasures out of the school to safety those orders have not been rescinded can you help me with transportation well would you like to take these treasures to Saint Martin in the in Christ there's plenty of stable space in the castle they're as perfect restoring art treasures cradle of causes chaos but I'll see what I can do and I send you some trucks or wagons of trucks are scarce my lipids honors will help me with his evacuation I'll give you what help I can and then it's up to you you know I could be setting a trap for you I'm willing to take that chance be careful my friend [Music] [Music] colonel you want me to wait for you now you go ahead to the trucks in these wagons all come with the rest we'll meet you at the railroads to copy the orders in case you get stopped yes but I'm hoping we don't have to use them those field police there make me nervous good luck [Music] [Music] we are ready to volcano [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's going on here I'm Colonel Petoskey of the Spanish Riding School take a look in those wagons all of them and evacuating valuable equipment and art treasures from the writing school were on our way to the railroad yard you have orders signed by the area defense commanded your wife yes she helps you with evacuations I don't like to leave her alone why do you have horses tied behind your wagons colonel these are show animals they're not used to pulling loads I brought extra horses for relief furniture paintings some sails and harnesses what you are doing is very dangerous colonel for daisuki I realize that I'd hate to see these beautiful animals caught in array dude better move on and go quickly thank you [Applause] [Applause] [Music] there very few trains going out there's been heavy damage on the Western line not hopeless auto never hopeless where is he he's over here come with me I'm Colonel Petoskey I have transportation orders I told you it's impossible you didn't tell me anything well it's still impossible I have orders who else you won't get rid of me I promise you colonel for daisuki I have $100 I cannot fill all of the merited soldiers equipment and you want a car for hard objects I want six cars six I can't leave until you help me Colonel I'm a very busy man my concern is not for myself it's for the horses will cease your orders colonel put ice key collar to transportation of certain treasures and what are the treasures of the spanish riding school the real treasures that's not for me to decide Carol I can't help you boy you horses are you Austrian yes almost then there is much your horses as they are mine please Karl don't try to use sentiment on me there's no place for sentiment is de not sentiment hard reality something irreplaceable is in danger of being destroyed put ice key you're gonna forced me to telephone the police your children yes they are my children very handsome such an eager look as if they know that tomorrow will be a good day are they here in Vienna no I've sent them away out of danger good I'm relieved kupah daisuki I must ask you again have they seen the leopards on horses yes they've seen the horses they love the horses I love the horses why wouldn't you take no for an answer you're putting me into a terrible position I look at my desk and I I see a hundred orders I cannot fill but you make me also see the faces of my children well there's some things that a man should never lose sight of [Music] the horses are restless oh you you must get some sleep Louis when we get to st. Martin [Music] [Music] get off the train no I'm staying [Music] just passing by just turning around [Music] they're passing on by [Music] you are so stubborn sometimes you would talk me [Music] it's so quiet here it makes me nervous we reduce the noise now where's Otto he went for a walk he was born here in winds until a few days ago the war was just radio reports and a few inconveniences and suddenly now and it still seems unreal to me I'll be coming back there's nothing left we're left [Applause] I think I waited for you to tell me [Music] we're not going anywhere and leaving is here to be slaughtered like sheep [Music] [Applause] [Music] is it all over how long do we have to stay here until I get orders to move out that's how long well it's not a very safe place what do you get your orders from from everybody on this dog I'm getting pretty tired of it to stop until they bomb this place off the map it's smarter to leave us here we can't risk an engine what are you waiting for I didn't bring the spanish riding school all the way to Lintz to have it destroyed the spanish riding school is on my train or cars of us my wife and I went to see your beautiful white horse is a narrative to the enemy are you crazy it's a right and you are talking about horses [Music] but Japan's just leave us here [Music] I don't got to get the horses out of here where will we go I don't know anyway he's taking us with him [Applause] [Music] [Music] during the last weeks of the war the castle of st. Martin was a refuge for hundreds of homeless frightened people and for the Spanish Riding School of bein the days were long with waiting wider with the hands [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's better the thief you broke into the storeroom I only took some blankets and a saddle the quiet nobody's hurting in my wife inside the freezing what could I do freezing in this weather it's cold at night we have to sleep on the ground and a saddle keeps you warm see if anything else is missing what are you doing Twitter they hurt you brother I only wanted some blankets a man has to take care of his family yeah my tears are not freezing a moment ago you only had one child there shouldn't bully poor people you're not needed here there's a pistol missing I didn't take any pistol I swear I don't know anything about the faceless search me go on get [Music] we'd better keep a guard here from now on des and I set up some kind of a signal system he'll steal everything we've got to use for barter yes I'll make up a roster give each guard a rifle and a clip of ammunition don't forget someone out there has a pistol [Music] [Music] Louis Otto caught a thief in the stables what did you do with him let him go what could I do to turn him over to the authorities I'm a fugitive from Authority and we couldn't wait to reach the safety of Sint Maarten like we're going to have a very important visitor we better go upstairs Lois aren't you coming no when I say any reason to draw attention to yourself going outside to say hello can't believe my eyes what brings you to st. Martin brought permission for you to finally evacuate Vienna how quickly do you think you can accomplish such [Music] what a pleasure to see you general tell him do come in you were right Louis a very important visitor indeed countess allow me to present general tell hime the countess very generously opened the doors of her home to us on their general tell hime is a dear friend from Vienna welcome to San Martin general his visit is a happy surprise for us how did you manage to get away from your office everything is confusion these days I don't think I'll even be missed in that case you must stay for dinner oh I don't want to impose I insist I'll see to arrangements yes and next to yourself the busiest person in Austria I see she has quite a population here I can't even count the number of refugees who come through San Martin every week and she nurses and biases and worries over them where's her husband in the army no he disagreed with the authorities he's in a concentration camp I see well come in come in please sit down tell us what's been happening to you don't pretend with me but you really want to know is what has happened to the writings is it so easy to see through me oh the hole is still standing it looks the same I am happy to see you I'm happier every minute [Music] [Music] [Music] how beautiful thank you what's my pleasure I don't often get the chance to play anymore you know we we have just broken the law yes the music of Mendel's own is forbidden I'd forgotten of course your Hannah who can remember such things who the brain is superb then the wines with dinner I'm not accustomed anymore to such good things in Vienna they all God or very well hidden we lacked the map general literally from under the flow of the wine cellar and the silver and the China where to bury nan died by digging all afternoon I went to a lot of trouble but it's a good to have guests again a new sec [Music] I've always loved medicine I played cradle song as a boy what can happen through a country that causes it to outlaw the genius of a great composer what happens to people that they permit themselves there is so denied perhaps you are being too hard on them generally it doesn't happen overnight this condition it developed slowly and so subtly that people don't realize what's being done yeah and suddenly it's all there and then it's too late to fight back at least that's what do we keep people say all right I think you're being too kind the strong people fight in spite of everything they risked themselves for what they believe in I admire them I I envy them whatever happens ya know I think I must go it was a wonderful evening for a while I completely lost track of time but only one hour but but yeah thank you for that I thank you it was worth more than I can tell you I hope we're going to see you again think of me sometime you don't have to ask now I would like to see my beautiful lipids honest once more of course goodbye in car thought you were announcing an enemy general tell him you've done so much for the school already I'm embarrassed to ask more of you but I'm terribly worried about my mayor's in Czechoslovakia I wonder if there isn't something can be done before it's too late it's already too late save your appeal for the conquerors I brought very bad news with me I've postponed telling it for selfish reasons it's been such a pleasant visit what news the Hungarian writing school fled Budapest but was captured by the Russians on the outskirts of Vienna the outskirts fall of Jena is imminent may have happened since I left what happened to has Lynch Ginny's horses do you know he and the stuff we're taking prisoners of war there in uniform and the horses were destroyed I see we've talked so much about the end expecting it waiting for it it's still a shock when it comes but I can do one thing for you my last good deed I can demilitarized the school might make things easier for you when the conquering forces take over I'd be very grateful all right I'll send the official papers to you establishing the school as a civil institution the way it was before you called it your last good deed yeah the fall of Germany my life is over I've given a great deal of thought to my situation and I've decided neither the courage not a desire to begin over again more than that I've decided I don't want to be judged and Nazi I want to accept the responsibility but you were never in sympathy with Hitler no I sold myself to like many others I'm only being faithful to a cross that took years ago a week course then week still but my chosen one [Music] such a terrible winter I think we are going to have quite a nice spring I don't believe the Russians will come as far as San Martin whatever encouragement that may be to you I believe the Americans will come into this area should I expect more from them don't give up hope my friend the past to be proud of chance for the future few of us have that much and sorry I had to spoil our beautiful evening written reports general tell him why don't you stay here for a while I'm sure the countess would be very happy to take in when Marisa tea No thank you for the thought [Music] goodbye I hope things go well with you [Music] to strengthen ourselves for greater battles the server eyes will rise up again to meet its glorious destiny no news the last rattles of a dying monster I want it to die but I don't want to listen to it perhaps tonight we have better luck with a British broadcasts at night I don't think they're bothering with us anymore what do they care if we know the truth they've won it's all over except for some cleaning up here and there the rain puts you in a bad mood [Music] [Music] take it easy you might shoot somebody by accident I shoot somebody it won't be an accident it's very cool on that kind phase infuse I don't believe it [Music] [Music] that's right channel just stay right there are you doing my horse they're going to use them to get us out of here before the Russians camp I think I'll let you do this no no giving orders today Carl besides we're doing you a favor I hear the Russians have it tasteful horse meat if you're running from the Russians you're wasting your energy the Russians aren't coming to say Martin that's not what I hear I hear they're already in the enna and moving in this direction but where do you have to run I tell you you're better off staying here I don't think you're really clear what's better for us colonel you saw that German officer who visited here a few days ago he came from Vienna and he told me what's going to happen the Russians are not coming as far as st. Martin maybe we were listened to too many German officers [Music] get that voice out kill you be careful colonel absolutely man [Music] everybody but my staff better get out of here fast The Doors annastolz to stay with him somebody help me get out of the house [Music] now I am going to retire don't talk that doesn't sound like thunder it isn't thunder it's the vectors [Music] it isn't a deep wooden thing goodness is it worth it marina what all our efforts all our care now I've never heard you ask that before no I'm stubborn the truth is stubborn - time comes when you have to see things as they are and how are they I'm curious to know just open your eyes and your ears here come the conquerors they take lives and destroy tradition without a second thought how do you know what they do Lewis you heard what happened to the Hungarian school that was one unit in the Russian army that's all you heard anything better about the other side it's not the worst of it not nearly the worst the very people I've been trying to save the school for now threatened to destroy it that's not true well what happened today just a few hours ago somebody gets hold of a gun and they're all ready to go ready to kill me or anyone else who gets in their way and steal every stallion in the stable Lois there's something you must understand there are people in this world to whom a horse is just a horse white black or piebald not a thing of beauty or culture but just a horse the means of transportation or perhaps something to fill their stomachs well maybe there won't be room for tradition and art in the world that comes out of this war maybe those things are obsolete if they are then so am i obsolete like tell him a man whose time has passed his world is gone if that's so then I should know it I should open my eyes wide and recognize it yes open them your sight is foggy that doesn't blindness it's just near sightedness you can see a desperate group of refugees because they come near you and shout threats into your face where are all the others all those Austrians who risk themselves trying to save the school the engineer on the train that brought us here the dispatcher at the railroad station Auto Sascha you've suddenly lost sight of them you compared yourself to tell I'm it's unfair for a tell I'm nothing to hold on to nothing to fight for so he gives up but it's not you lose as long as there's a chance for the school to continue you've got to keep on fighting you owe it to those people in the background I have something else to hold on to besides the school thank you [Music] I'm looking for Colonel Podolski advertised key I have on a soil Colonel orders you are to be defense area commander Colonel the men of the village have been armed and await your instructions area commander as the highest-ranking officer but I'm no longer in the military I've been waiting for official papers these are or official papers Carla certified is not over any ideas of peaceable surrendered with the Americans will bring severe punishment do you have any questions colonel no yoga massage husband will remain here for you instructions they're open are you any relation to the man who owns the butcher shop in the village yes time to see mouths month they're often I wonder if there isn't a closer danger facing us right now than those guns we hear echoing in the hills the closer danger as the danger of plundering Grande there are over 300 refugees here and as those guns grow louder they grow more restless now their fear and desperation were to reach the breaking point and they gave themselves to open riot and looting what you can see what would happen to all of us yes yes I see it might not be a bad idea if we kept our armed men close to the village just in case there is such an outbreak what do you think he's gonna get himself in trouble Louis I don't like what you're doing what should I do send a bunch of sick and tired old men out to fight soldiers I don't want it on my conscience and the orders orders I promise you will never see the Christ lighter again I am no longer in the army with or without written confirmation I'm through with Nazis once and for all has been used to say I play the piano like a carpenter any big thing sounds fine to me wait listen I don't hear anything exactly the guns have stopped what do you suppose that means for Reina bring the clothes you ordered for the staff I think we should get out of these uniforms Luis please go right now Marina how do I want the uniforms burn and get rid of those rifles we have in this table right away curly not have to explain them yes sir isn't there something I can do I'd like to be busy too I feel the world is spinning twice it's normal spade tonight and if I don't know it tight I don't know what tell me I do I feel it too before many hours have passed a whole way of thinking and acting will end for us and welcome or not it's a jolt finally the end what will they be like the Americans I don't know we'll find out soon enough [Applause] [Applause] [Music] they aren't stopping they're passing us by weight [Music] Haeju - find out who these people are no owns this place how do you do I'm Lois boat I ski are you the owner no the count Arco Valley is the owner where is he he's not here my husband is in no concentration camp we'd like to inspect your home counters as a possible headquarters we would be honored to have an American headquarters in San Martin will you show me through major often take a look at the other buildings [Music] be patience for a while hey come on I'm sorry what is it honor what's wrong no no nothing's wrong there's an American officer asking for you you know your name take me to him are we sure it must be the same pad I see a major Hoffman sorry you ride in the 1936 Olympics a long time ago yeah well it seems like a long time ago of it I certainly remember your performance I never seen riding like that you're very kind please your horses they're from the Spanish Riding School in Vienna I read about your being made director there that that was before the war wasn't no I'm still director or whatever it's worth major Hoffman will set up call headquarters here would you take charge of moving in the various sections yes sir we'll set up a motor pool here in the stables that seems to be enough room can i ski here he's director of the Spanish Riding School are the finest horsemen in the world sir famous lipizzans day is a here at st. Martin how many horses do you have here Petoskey 77 handsome animals yes sir I've never seen them before myself but it's supposed to be quite an experience they're unique in the world you've brought them from the enemy for their safety very handsome its general sir the Spanish Riding School is worth saving not just for Austria but for the world we need your protection I'm sorry pathetic oh I don't believe we can survive without it we have 70 stallions here to care for to feed and shelter and defend our mayor's have been removed to a hostile in Czechoslovakia if they're not returned to us the breed will die Petoskey we're still trying to win a war once that's done agencies will be set up to take care of requests such as yours forgive my impatience sir but those agencies may be too late I have no authority to grant army protection to you as for the mayor's a line of demarcation has been drawn that American forces will not cross that line lies on the Czechoslovakian border the Russians will take hostile I respect your devotion to your school sorry I can't help you [Applause] well don't give up not yet and I spoke too soon house 2 for no just don't give up [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm not [Music] but I ski we have a talk I just had a long conversation with the general he'd like to help you we've got an idea yes what I did do you think you could give a performance here at Saint Martin on short notice performance yeah you see General Patton commander the Third Army he's a he's a real horse lover you rode the 1912 Olympics well if you're to take an interest in the school he might be able to do things for you no one else could do even save the mares well I can't make any promises but if we invited Patton to come here see a performance oh how can I give a respectable show under these conditions I I have a small staff the stallions are out of training well if it can't be done well I didn't say it couldn't be done I I only said I I don't know how but you're willing what's the chance isn't it I need a chance good already Army Headquarters tonight major Hoffman I want to thank you you go into a town after so many sad towns walk into a stable and you see something beautiful don't expect it helps you forget some of the not so beautiful things you've been seen well goodnight but a ski [Music] we're going to give a performance here perhaps the most important performance in the history of the school for an American general who can help us when's it gonna take place I don't know yet maybe a couple of days a couple of days that's not possible it would take weeks to get the horses ready come on I don't see how we can do it well I'll tell you something we've come too far and gone through too much to give up now to save the school we need the help of the Americans and this General Patton is the one to impress but we need times there isn't time so he can shake our heads and throw up our hands and turn from this opportunity and there may never be another performance anywhere is that what you want let's take this chance to thank God Lord it may be our only one a training program will start early tomorrow morning very early I suggest you get some rest [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey nobody gets out of a sack earlier than the US Tommy but nobody you want two rows of seats each one long enough for about ten men okay I'll show you the plans hey what's going on no it's not a circus it's the Spanish Riding School from Vienna what's a Spanish Riding School doing in Austria we got a Spanish restaurant in Brooklyn it's the oldest writing school in the world they certainly are beautiful horses ma'am aren't they and you want to make a friend smile and we're in need of friends just now look at him /a Araya weren't you asking for the next dance cornpone yeah well I want to tell you something he's a whole lot lighter on his feet than a lot of the girls back home the director of the riding school says he's happy for the chance to show his horses to the American liberators he has a big job to do now making a suitable place but once it's done the stallions can perform for you perhaps give you a happy memory of Austria to take that home well maybe we can help out man mm-hmm really oh that would be very kind Hey look what he's doing now freaks to them Brennan for sideshow performers I don't need noise very young how could they understand about the riding school means they appreciate tradition but they're willing to understand they're open I don't have time to teach them and I don't like their jokes Louis you're always talking about your responsibilities to the school you think your responsibility is just a B it's also a game you know what are you doing I don't want to have an argument with you especially over such a thing as this such a thing as this is very important I have heard of men and wartime who killed so long they just couldn't stop maybe you fought too long you've distrusted for too long just leave the coffee we'll help ourselves [Music] kitchen so farm as well down to the village pump for water you're too lazy to do that good morning marina good morning aunt the Americans wonderful they have an absolute passion for cleanliness yes as wonderful they are finding dirt that I'm sure has been in the palace for centuries I hate to see it go Verena something wrong won't you tell me we asked too much of our men we asked them to have the strength and fury of Giants event a change could be again the men they were we have to ask it isn't that true it's our Georgia - don't worry so much foreigner you see I have to think of what will happen to him if the American general will not help oh how beautiful and I have just the place for us yeah now I can see without being seen it's late it's so nervous it's as bad as the day we got married worse even I didn't know what to expect from you General Patton has a reputation he's here the big man good luck [Music] yes can we begin now [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I was it's alright to move in closer you want to go ahead sit out if you want to move in closer [Music] [Applause] [Music] I never seem to muster that before did you never seen a worse fight he's never seen a horse before a horse has better sense than to go anyplace near Brooklyn yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what's the matter baby Scott does talking [Music] general I thank you for the great honor you have shown the Spanish writings this cultural institution so deeply tied to the Austrian soil and heart the oldest writing school in the world has survived centuries of war and revolution surely the great American nation which has gone to war to save European culture from destruction will be interested in this old school which is truly a living piece of the Baroque I believe I am doing right in asking you general for your special protection and health protection for the school and help in finding and returning the lipids on Mayor's which are now in gravest danger in Czechoslovakia thank you for fine performance now will you join my party for two of your stables yes of course did you say yes or no I missed it he didn't or they're ready to perform three to four years amazing to me there's so much time and energy can be in the middle war we've tried to preserve our arts where the idea if we could look for Tommy but I see you never use the mayor no sir only the Stallions who worked in the school the mayors are kept aside for breeding that's why it's so necessary to get our marathon of Czechoslovakia there are no others the Germans moved ours from the Bieber some time ago over my strong protests I have done a fine job but I ski my congratulations well what did he say he said he was hungry [Applause] oh my go I want to see a map of Czechoslovakia I'll get the overlay for that area sir I'll be handsome I received a message from the commanding officer of the second mechanized cavalry earlier this week informally of some 2,000 Allied prisoners just across the Czech border being used to take care of a large herd of horses excuse me sir that's it sir it's across the line of demarcation of course but I never was much in favor of that line I'd like to see those prisoners liberated before the Russians move in I want to communicate sent to that effect conditions permitting Colonel Reade might bring the horses along too no sense letting the rush into him right sir I'll contact General Eisenhower he has authority over the American president performance in spite of everything but why did we bother why don't we go to the trouble please yes I'm not hungry Louis Lorena don't fall at me when I see I well did General Patton get his lunch is he in good health the Spanish Riding School is now under the protection of the United States Army by order of General Patton 2nd mechanized cavalry regiments going into hostile congratulations what I said before I'm sorry I I was upset well you asked about General Patton's health nothing wrong with that when will they leave for us no orders have already been sent to Colonel Reade I leave tomorrow morning Colonel reads official concern is 2,000 a line prisoners reaching them and liberating them and of course I'll be free to take care of any other matters that might come up like Lipizzaner horses for instance I would love to be part of it well I can arrange for you to meet us at the Czechoslovakian border unless we run into heavy resistance the whole operation should be completed in a few days a few days did you hear that Farina I hear I hear Oh who goes there Captain Dan over the German army I come an answer to a message from your commander can you read what's a password cowboy well you didn't say it very good but I guess you said it let's go [Music] oh good even to meet you often hello Carol grab yourself a cup of coffee oh thank you sir some words from the Germans yet no not you I'm trying to catch up on my meals here seems like I'm worried about three behind well that's a meal worth waiting for and then I order baked Virginia ham or how many grits black-eyed peas corn bread now you know what I ordered you're a southern boy Texas sir that's close enough have you tried closing your eyes sir I just closed her eyes open it's still SOS major you can't ignore it can't disguise it you can't escape it it's the one mutual nightmare we'll all take out of this war yeah come on in what kind of rate sir there's a German officer out here from the unit is hostile aren't your men here sergeant yes sir where's maybe I'll offer him some of this stuff see how tough those Germans really are they might accuse us of germ warfare sir captain down officer down off please you accept my invitation this is major Hoffman I believe talk between us can be of mutual benefit please sit down [Applause] I'm going on my supper if you don't mind you're most welcome to join me No thank you sir hmm oh yeah I understand you have a large number of Allied prisoners in hostile yes sir what's the French on English well I'm interested in liberating those prisoners I wonder if you and I couldn't make ourselves a little deal a deal Hillary I'm assuming your men would rather surrender to us to the Russians my proposition is very simple if your garrison will surrender peaceably we will move in the hostile on the Russians will have no chance to call on you you will bring us out of Czechoslovakia as American prisoners of war with our wives all physicians I'll be as generous as I can under the conditions at the time I'll explain it to my men but they may want more issuances cannot haggle captain I got no assurance it up my sleeve well I believe my men to cooperate I have your promise Carl that under favorable conditions your wives will be brought out with you I can't say about possessions we're moving into hostile within the next 48 hours you're wise to move quickly the Russians are not far away captain Dino if you have some horses in her staff yes a treasure forces major perhaps the finest collection in history we're interested I shall see you next in hostile good I came down huh hey you're hopin would you ask captain Loring with lieutenant Powell Vinnie up things yes operation cowboy will get underway at old 500 hours [Music] [Music] they knew we were coming [Music] german forces concentrated on that Ridge [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well it looks harmless enough I stay got something tucked away in those building I'd sure like to know how that SS unit found out we were gonna cross the port at this point find out they did we will proceed but with caution weapons ready [Music] [Music] as acting commander of the hostel girls not hereby surrender my troops and equipment according to the terms of our agreement we are your prisoners color my bard that agreement will be faithfully followed captain Anna off I'll inspect the post and the prisoners lieutenant Berger lead the way everyone you're charged you we were expected at the border this morning I know an officer from this garrison anticipated our agreement that left here before marriage on last night to inform the SS this action wasn't subordinate will discuss responsibilities later cap I'm confident your consideration will be fair calm air and cautious may I suggest that you return across the border as soon as possible the VSS vet certainty reorganized at my latest reports inform me often substantial Russian offenses we don't and a vacation hostile cap [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] how many are there the thousand more less 600 on cassette causes 100 of the best Arabians in all of europe and over a hundred lipid saunas 'captain hauk were particularly interested in livers owners are you thinking of taking them back with you that's right I can help you pick them out from the rest but it will take time if you had let me know last night but you didn't want to ask favors not last night made you often do you come from that part of Texas well they still know how to ride a horse yes sir why do you say we have ourselves around sir a big round we haven't got time to pick out the ones we want let's take them all right sir you're in charge Carla I know these horses I could be a very real assistance of the American army not only here but in Austria and Anna I suggest you be a very real assistance man we'll discuss your future [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well sir this is a war story we can tell our grandchildren about yeah and I find out back get on the bridge you shooter the whopper granddad told last night cowboy this is schoolhouse cowboy is his schoolhouse over cowboy this is schoolhouse cowboy this is schoolhouse over why don't we hear something the patient daughter you remind me of someone they had trouble at the border maybe there's trouble a toast are as well I read you cowboy over Roger out tella stallions I said for him to just sit tight their girlfriends are on the way when we reach the border are we close and we're there you sure where are my horses maybe what you're looking for you don't suppose they crossed Olympus and mares with other horses it's been a long war [Music] major hello colonel Colonel Reed tonight how do you do your name is very familiar to me colonel thank you sir yes sir my brother rode a horse named verdice key the captain of the American Olympic team was so impressed when he saw you ride in 1936 that he named the horse at Fort Riley after you I'm complimented yeah my brother won several jumping leads on Pulaski well they're your horses colonel and a few extras thrown in [Music] colonel shall we get busy any news not since last night but we don't even know whether they reach the border I can't raise the living soul on this thing would you like some fudge I got a box from the states oh thank you it's stale but it's the best Dale fudge I ever tasted Caesarion sit stay what is hysteria no no slow down slow down what are you trying to say this Higgins the man you're right heavy weight this is schoolhouse heavy weight this is schoolhouse over the stallion said to tell you to sit tight their girlfriends are just over the hill [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hi marina what kind of welcome is this with tears no notice I have tears left over from all the times I haven't dared cry you get them now on all occasions [Music] for ten long years the Spanish Riding School remained in exile then in 1955 occupation forces left Austria and on the two hundred and twentieth anniversary of the riding all the white horses performed once more in VF [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] for me these horses wouldn't be here today yes I saved them you know I saved the spanish riding school during the Boer how did you do that grandpa was that Lintz and the bombings firstly I was facing this every day [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Michael Strong
Views: 950,391
Rating: 4.7092314 out of 5
Id: N_XDeZvyDIs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 42sec (7062 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 04 2019
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