The Heroes of Telemark 1965

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The Heroes of Telemark (1965)

Action, Drama, History, War [USA:Approved, 2 h 3 min]
Kirk Douglas, Richard Harris, Ulla Jacobsson, Michael Redgrave
Director: Anthony Mann

IMDb rating: ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ 6.5/10 (5,240 votes)

During WW2 Norway was occupied by Germany. In the clear deep fjords they tried to produce "heavy" water; a vital component in the making of an atomic bomb. A weapon that would win the war for Germany. Norwegian resistance movement finds out about this and the allied are alerted. But will they have the time and opportunity to stop this from happening? (IMDb)

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/MovieGuide 📅︎︎ Jul 27 2017 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] look good up what the wrong way wait a brick the Tom commented a ryokan but an attempt has been made on the right kamikaze lright for 15 civilian hostages from the district of Telemark to be shot in a fight [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] like the look of it gentlemen most interesting we are well informed of what you do here our news a little experimentation with heavy water that's all with deuterium oxide yes yes we know nuisance I'm a failure the time had come to make a decisive transition from theory to practice you've done enough experimentation My dear fellow this home has more significance for us and you can possibly fear life oh well one day I have seen realized what you sink gentlemen forget about fertilizers this factor is required by the race to increase the production of heavy water by 400% we want 10,000 pounds of heavy water by Easter next year that's impossible it's not at all impossible here is what is necessary will always be accomplished awesome also when the whole future of the hike is at stake all the technical details have been worked out in Berlin here take a look and nurses also our modification of the deuterium formula but what is the reason I don't understand that for the firings what my dear Nilson let it be a warning major Frick here would be in charge of security and it will be the maximum [Music] [ __ ] Kapila [Applause] [Applause] [Music] Cuban pulpit now I'm sorry busy working in the dark alone Haley hundred Bosnian professor Peterson unit how long is he likely to be there could be there all afternoon hallways shut that door the hell you think you're doing can't you see the red lights on I'm sorry let's speak to you don't you know the damage it can do barging into a dark room and the signal lights on I've got to give you a message all right I'll be in touch now what do you want come from Telemark near the North Hydra Factory I didn't ask what you were born council chief engineer news he wants your opinion on something he says only you would understand it understand what a message it's in here what's this some sort of student joke it's not a joke and I'm no student contained an undeveloped photographic negative open it so you Kanoe extraord i used to work on the sawmill but now I fight Nazis one of those get back to your sawmill I'm not interested in your messages my work is here understand I've just seen you at your work I'd rather embrace one Norwegian than kill a dozen a day friend look at this every time you people play Boy Scouts and drop a few naughty trucks 12 hostages are shot that's your great work keep it get out of here and take your toothpaste with you a lot of Boy Scouts risk their lives to get this to you [Music] [Music] muscat Ingram it I got like nama young leather second piercing clinic sizes or Italian [Music] contacted London not expecting us our we've a few I'm sorry but my wife is a little clumsy no no it's my fault how far you going kiss your son shut up tomorrow Fisher go how far will she go we'll make it I've counted 12 and a crew and eight passengers classic whistling all we need now is a little [ __ ] and the trolls on our side don't tell me a big boy like you please control [Music] Oh [Music] whoa know what to do well dr. press this little thing here and we have the bullet come up there get off the bridge we're taking over the ship in the name of the Royal Norwegian government Bishop's going to England I heard it she's got a choice stay under the king of three men are we prisoners for the rest of the war good evening today we are taking over the ship at the name of the king [Music] quizmaster dozen right what can we do for you give us a hand nothing to be alarmed about there's just been a slight change in our itinerary Charlie now instead of blowing up the coast of citizens to be going to English now I'm never captain who's your never gonna talk to no sir you live enemy planes will spot you that's the chance we're going to take there are mines thousands of them neither the British nor the Germans haven't have given us a map you believe in the trolls oh yes EDA oh so do I providing with a sharp lookout England captain south-southwest South service' Thank You captain [Music] Oh [Music] coven Oh close you trying to blow us up get that pole [Music] hang on this lock [Music] [Music] [Music] the next time you want to face Billy for the line remember my job is to get you safely to London [Music] exactly [Music] what the devil is heavy water so liquid with a heavier hydrogen structure than ordinary water possesses property useful in the study of atomic energy is the what's the significance of the Germans ordering this vast increase in the stuff in the formula that Nilsson sent me the Germans have added a new component to the accepted equation I rather wait for that formulas time examined by Professor Einstein and dr. Oppenheimer in New York a professor surely it's something more than just a doubt that brought you all the way to ring it is the very great fear if it's justified a little valid soon enough Valley diverse I'm Charlie I want to drink one with your minds thank you so much this is Professor Sir Roderick lerton gentlemen gentlemen perhaps I should kill you or perhaps I should not tell you but we have just come from a very brief and equally a very painful session with Prime Minister on this I well then rate here is a report that came from Washington this month following their initial reading of the data brought by dr. Peterson from Norway plus certain other indicators incidentally professors Einstein Fenian Oppenheimer concurring the scientific and military consensus in America is what the Germans may be ahead of us in the rest which heave controlled atomic fission they are ahead when they get their atomic bomb they won the war ah there you are Luke how long coming come on in let's decide come on in take Jeff with examine the situation very carefully and it's been agreed in London on Washington with the factory making heavy water must be destroyed without delayed definitely I agree with his own but bombing is in this instance the most obvious method right at the same time we wish if we can to avoid large-scale civilian death this is also clearly the wish of the Norwegian government I suggest gentlemen that dr. Peterson knows what's at stake mr. stride in his country backwards the Astra turn immediately to Telemark in order to resolve this question that is to determine with objectivity whether a ground attack by commandos is practical or not indeed greed how do we get back to Norway the simplest way I parachute [Music] [Music] but miles off course but I know where they are beautiful ended yes if you're a reindeer where we go from here I'm taking it to one of my radio operators he's our contact with London's Oh Oh [Music] now I owe that mount farmhouse another one of my operation you [Music] I know this place [Music] [Applause] [Music] all chaos rod come inside how are you hi wonderful to see you come on good god what are you doing here well just dropped in for a cup of coffee I'm good uncle what is it I'll be here oh hello uncle Ralph what are you doing here Oh mr. size it's always good to see you you know each other - yes we've met surprised I yeah and no idea you were all such good friends how'd you listen I think you better know that we put you in some danger by coming here huh we're working for the resistance you you're not serious you got me into it that's why it's closed oh you seem to know each other quite well Oh everybody knows everybody here let me introduce you to my ex-wife we have some coffee now honor and the time for coffee I'm working for the resistance we both can't be working as resistance ridiculous you look terrible dragging me around the reed of today some pyjamas not water upstairs YouTube vertical on up to the bedroom I am I take it you know the way yeah you know the way follow me it's odd isn't it to heaven in the house again what's odd about it you and he shared the same bed for two years as far as I remember you damn seldom got out of it you should be see boy I just thought I'd pop in on the line of duty to discuss resistance tactics with a fellow fire by the way how's your resistance these days fine how's your mom not it was great until I met that boy scout bootstrap I still can't realize is it's exhausting to commit the sin time you still can let yourself beautiful I'm not your wife small nothing is what it was it would like nitrogen to meet you with your next report you were born I say those things to you you ever got in my hand in the same yes the garsun hunting license assistance you've got the words wrong both see it's not so easy to using your ex-wife students I'm a TV on day I just don't believe in you animals [Music] Thank You school please [Music] take one we'll make this our main transmitter Hut cat wrister farm it's getting too dangerous I'll make sure that Nielsen is at the church this morning good uncle be careful the town is full of Germans Merry Christmas uncle C in church Merry Christmas [Music] you [Music] see good Barnes way [Music] a message for you for not visiting we fine and I never meant to be him too inside in the street [Music] we [Music] they'll have their 10,000 pounds of heavy water by Easter the marker microfilm the factory executives [Music] ammonia and hydrogen back dear close it is to the village [Music] [Music] look on the other factories to their homes you'll get the rabbit come on excuse me I don't think I've seen you in Greek and before why when I've come to visit my fiance to Christmas I see your fiance a very charming indeed and what is his name well my name I'm asking her it's young Kristensen mm-hmm the let me see your identity card please certainly uh-huh your text ugly yes thank you thank you a bigger than I am the compliment of the season two [Music] [Applause] that is like all-time wrong oh I like it should I see the torchlight type be special every November the wonderful flaming torches it would people miles away up in the mountain snow was whiter this and it's all the lights on the smoke then we make snowballs and throw them at the torches remembers me the tale layout of the factory I've got three thousand pounds of heavy water in there right now ready to be shipped to Germany let's decide on what message we sent to London there's only one message examine area consider ground attack totally impractical recommend alternate panic you mean to bomb it yes for destroyer gallant everybody in it passively bombing is impossible a factory is deeply embedded in a god way across that gorge the narrow bridge 75 feet long two men with machine guns could hold off a battalion I can get inside that Factory with 10 men 10 men and blocked sky-high they've got 88 millimeter guns and every year and without destroying an entire village in the process the barbed wire landmines 6,000 lives do you realize how this we're talking about something that affects the world because I feel like that about the world I'm talking about my town hotel is we live there I'm talking about people you understand that people you were in so squeamish when hostages were being shot there people it's a hell of a lot more important than blowing up I do not see trucks fighting a war doctor and I be doing my job and I'm doing mine I don't like it can I didn't ask for it Anna you live here it's natural you want to save your own people's lies but this is something that has to be done it's important important enough to kill 6000 people yes look I want to know what's so important to my heavy water I don't make the rules I can't take I want to know doctor than you're going to tell me I'm telling you nothing do you think that I'm going to sacrifice the lives of 6,000 people on the opinion of a playboy scientist or what I want to know doctor and you're going to tell me you want to know what it's all about alright I'll tell you that's what it's all about you understand of course you should why you those who boys were here to fight the Nazis why don't you both send in reports Annette London decide all right fine yeah so deny flight but we still managed to live with each other I know you fellas are anxious to get back to Norway notes router and rugby does not on the mountains of Telemark waiting for you the main assault group the Royal Engineers commander will come in two or three days weather permitting we are counting on you to get a glider landing strip on the lake ready for them well happy landings every life [Music] even people your hotel the Arctic Circle what are you talking about we leave your message for the past five weeks it hasn't come we're expecting more company tomorrow yeah 50 British commander and the wrong ancient Romans they land tomorrow night I've got a message to you from secret we won't have a baby in the spring how is she she's pregnant who you my name is Jensen what do you want I'm on a hunting trip hunting for what you better come ass you I won't say a word ever on my honor look my village is localized anyone there will tell you who I am listen I hate the Nazis believe me my wife is in a guest stop imprison little listen her father's name is Yan trend that's why she's in paren the resistance leader yes it fits shoot him no we'll keep him you can't risk the whole organization because of one man I would kind of and me I think Rose is right no - I we'll have a show of hands those against shooting him we'll have your skis take them off [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] I still can't believe it they weren't even Norwegian justice British commandos flash the whole operations over waste so I can't get out of my head you're not going to be wasted we're going ahead tonight now as if they were with us it's the same plan we all know it what are you talking about they're going to get into that Factory and complete the mission ourselves I'm sorry but your mags and a nine of us left we'd better wait we can't wait it'll be months before they can mount an assault of the same scale not it meets our only chance if we win those men won't have died for nothing tonight there were fifty of them and in nine of us you won't even be nice what you mean I'm sorry but I'm not going on such an impossible mission oh yes you are off you're coming with us you're the only one who knows exactly where that dynamite must be placed dude after what happened the night s factory is going to be jumping with guards is right I'll listen listen to me they have completely wiped out our entire assault force right now they'll be feeling completely safe you don't have a chance in the world fifty men died tonight I can't here to help us they won't even Norwegian so who's coming with me tonight it's 10:00 to 12:00 is the military operation launched by the British will release uniforms so the Germans won't shoot Norwegian hostages afterwards exactly take place in the 350 on you Heinrich so we have table party you'll move forward and cut a hole in the fence the actual demolition party will concern relation party would consist of Knut haoles myself Jennsen inside [Music] not ultracold judgment [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] one [Music] hello hello [Music] [Music] but it is too [Music] take care to those life you will blow the whole place up ready yeah let's get out of here my God my god I love my passes that on top of your head what's going to happen to me put your somewhere safe [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] Oh gender on your next mission to find out how neutral Sweden is especially the girl Plus out down in the gorge let's get going the btob swarming with jonathan half an hour excellent excellent work is it not my deal you sent an extraordinary job one might say of sabotage or naturally you had no knowledge of this detraction sabotage list all this is against your safety scientific nature is it not in some in that case answer me this how long will it take before production gets back into high gear again a year at least first you containers having rebuilt new store and heavy water accumulated before production flows at full speed a year he says what you think we Germans have been doing sleeping what you think your two friends from the Berlin Institute have been doing since they went home playing golf all the way they spent in themselves very much after what they've done here Winston Churchill is having an extra big cigar today and Queen laughing five because all these containers with the very insisting so much to destroy have already been prefabricated in Berlin they are already on their way here and will be installed by tomorrow that is I must say that is fantastic officials don't you ever make the mistake of anti hating the Germans by danielson by Easter we will have not merely 10,000 pounds of heavy water but 12,000 pounds of heavy water because from now on no one leaves this building not you are anybody unless it's you go to grainy concentration camp but we're all suspect employers are yesterday's protest as much as you wish I get used to the idea you built this place but you will now work in it even it and sleep in it until our victory Heil Hitler made effective this is one of the most disastrous security breakdowns of the entire wall and you are responsible point I leave you in charge John's only factor in Europe making heavy water and a dozen men it is the shoe defaults calmly walk in and blow it up right in front of your eyes so get up into those mountains and get back every one of those men tent or life and if it turns out the Norwegians I want 100 hostages held it up and shop I don't work even our half left alive up there go on get out that even tougher your day you can take us to that would better be telling the truth you keep your part of the bargain I'll keep mine [Music] your right leg area [Music] [Music] you [Music] I thought okay look the further they talk be enough go down that side ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] why why Dhar life wife what the hell you mean your wife I made a bargain with Atlantic [Music] heyo I was helping track down the saboteurs I I got hurt in the foot my new better come without dialogue for em [Music] satellite sex 20 start going to greeny concentration camp I think I better go see my doctor thanks for your help hey wait a minute we have a doctor right here now come and see him I think I'd rather see my own it if it's almost empty Oh nonsense Oh doctor will look after you for nothing wiping a civilian where's this fella one of the men helping all the throwers if he is having us we must have him thank you I've been offended Master we better have that seen - I shall fear I think we've got another personal for your love [Music] remember me no I never do arrested okay very mistaken madam you know this man no I I thought I did but I don't know you know him what did you say his name was Noah please I I don't know papers say his name is Christiansen what was it you said his name was his name my name is dr. Ralph Peterson University of Oslo stop with headquarters no doubt will be delighted to confirm this sound that paid a cent not maybe son I'm very proud of my name let me help you get it here it is Pattinson Ralph doctor of physics leaved escape to England things even the Gestapo can be wrong sometimes [Music] No how long would it be dr. got to leave here you hear me doctor I can't stay here long I don't know who you are and I don't want to know but if you leave here you'll be arrested and so will I and my staff will therefore please stay here until I make the arrangements [Music] Anna I told you I don't want to do think that transmitter said I'm trying to contact London they must know where are they can't risk it why don't you go up and try to find him then I'm not a member of the missing persons Bureau I can't jeopardize the whole operation I'm a bad ex-wife chief why because we love him yeah we haven't much use for that tell you but um this sort of war softens you up but sex that's something different it seems also makes the same distinction but you don't do it on Maura and this area somewhere hello you understand that transmitter remain silent until I give the order now you see Anna that's what I was talking about my god you friend of yours is here room seven down the corridor secret hello dr. Patterson right you were locked up in the factory we are and this was real I'll having a baby is something to that commencing find out you were here I've got to tell you about I know the Germans have installed new containers so heavy water production is it full level again cheering when can you deliver the message you got the contact London why last night the Nazis have completely restored heavy water production a lot instead of two years just taking them two weeks right back where we started I went off to bomb [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and the very bill had to take his appendix out in their case one of our security officers must remain with him day and night until he leaves and I shan't be lonely by the way doctor how a Sigrid and her baby coming along Oh excellent matter of fact she's bringing here this afternoon for checkup I'd like to see her no one is allowed to communicate with the other doctor you 67 civilians killed factory virtually untouched the Nazis and a third rider is going to last for a thousand years so I'll go down in the rookin good Nazi dinner see a nice nappy fill out that's that getting used to it the Nazis are shipping their entire stock of heavy water to Germany by rail and ferry under the god of a thousand picked troops the railway tent cars will leave the factory Saturday evening be placed under hydro ferry Sunday morning and Nielsen had to lose a perfectly good appendix to deliver that message in a minute maybe now the very moment we've all read it when they take the stuff to Germany by ferry this is where we finally get them for all thousand picked routes but there's one place you can't use a thousand pick troops how much Wendell is dying with me I'm just sort of a nice way to go it left of nine o'clock yes and it's got to be the deepest point at least three four admits now 9:45 you know what we're talking about yes we're talking about murder why two clocks one does not the other will to sing to ferry invest in a minute it has to be done enough it's all being calculated happened it was nothing left to chance the people's I hope that one of the children unless hope isn't going to drown we're gonna try and get into your head what counts is not who's gonna die in the ferry but how many millions will be saved the ferry sunk a nice equation of put it on the black button science it's not a nice equation I didn't invent it exist so do people Rose people exist to hella we do we do that isn't for people you don't do things for people do that ahead O'Connor this word is tough enough even without you one day after the war a woman is going to come and ask for her child had to be drowned I won't know the answer this simple is this they have no choice what are you going to say to that woman rose the radio the Norwegian government in Milan tell them the plan all its risks climbing to the king the whole lot then if they approve at least we've shared the responsibility plus it's contact number Buntrock reports our contact on two thousand degrees contact 73 degrees west southwest not more than six kilometers from here all right honey [Music] shut that door with that's better I'm glad you think so stand up [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] went off back in two hours don't wait for us and he shot leave immediately [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh let me do up hey-ya now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] there is nine minutes left you'd better go on to the boathouse with clues why are you going I've got to see that that ferry leaves on time then I'll cut across the point and join you together I will explosion times 9:45 we won't make a move until them [Music] appeal it ticket I'll have a ticket [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] there you are it was a nice surprise I want you to understand I don't think you read it alarming see me listen to me Sigrid so you've met a friend yes this is mr. Samson and reply from their little boy see I've got why don't you come in if you're just over here alone we brought some sandwiches Judas please I'm sorry mr. Sanderson I thank you I want you to start a children's game from the back of the box as far back as you can what's on again let's call it lifejackets everybody puts one out when I say go we're gonna get the bar of chocolate [Music] I'm doing something [Music] that's organizing children [Music] [Music] we are Israel it's only a couple of minutes he doesn't come a time I'll have to go out and do it we can develop [Music] I don't want to play oh boy you're doing one make sure you do [Music] don't forget the winner gets a bark chocolate now ready you go oh ready go [Music] signal ownership and Ralph Ralph Eva's well [Music] [Applause] [Music] the last immunity [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Ramiro Roman
Views: 2,136,202
Rating: 4.5736246 out of 5
Id: axBiR8ZipPM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 125min 18sec (7518 seconds)
Published: Sun May 21 2017
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