The Undefeated | WESTERN MOVIE | John Wayne | HD 1080p | Full Length Classic Western Film

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] corporal Clemens Seraphim masters Brigade at Dotty's crossroads who gave you permission to come riding across the face of my command yelling like a fool have you got a message for me from general masters yes sir deliver it that's it sir the war is over Lee surrendered to General Grant in Virginia place called Ephraim Maddox courthouse when three days ago sir [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] three days general masters just got word himself Colonel Thomas our wires were down with your permission sir rig up a flag of truce blue boy char grub yo nice kill [Music] I'll be a sergeant sir can I be of any service to y'all I'd like to talk to your commanding officer will be given artists today Jim yes sir major I've just received word that Lee surrendered to grant three days ago yes sir you know it we receive a news yesterday I don't think you understand major the war is over notion are you telling me that you intend to keep fighting haven't we just proven it sir but why cause this is our land and you honor to all Americans yes sir that's always been the saddest part good day sir colonel thank you for your courtesy [Music] damn captain Anderson general robert e lee surrendered am i right yes sir that means that officially we no longer exist as an armed body yet everywhere I look here today I see armed men wearing uniforms that fly in a battle flag get it down yes sir Jamison yes sir take down the flag all right people now listen to me ollie we have about 2,000 miles to go 700 or more between here and the Mexican border and to a Yankee occupation army we are not gonna give the lowliest bluebelly we meet along the way any reason to suspect we're anything but a band of homeless pilgrims until we cross the Rio Grande arms and ammunition will remain in the bottom of the wagons you men pack those uniforms away wear regular clothing the poor look on the better now once across the border we still have another 500 miles to go before we reach a town called Durango there we will be met by representatives of Emperor Maximilian who will escort us to Mexico City captain Anderson sir we leave at midnight we will rally from the hillside we'll gather from the plane shouting command will probably round the flag boys rally once again [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] ah mrs. Langdon my name is Benedict Thad Benedict late of Pittsburgh but now of Natchez this is my partner Jimmy Collins words got around mrs. Langdon that you people are of a mind to put your place up for sale was that right I beg your pardon sir but I'm the sister-in-law I believe you want to speak to mrs. James Langdon ah this is James lang bad Benedict is my name I just telling your sister-in-law here we heard the place is up for sale that right we've come all the way from mattress just to make you people a handsome offer mind if I get down yes she does and so do I my father resting over there he minds too well well well well you must be Colonel Lane James Lane well I'm here to do you a favor well let's see now uh Langdon hall plantation oh yes here it is 1500 acres right 600 acres bottomland 400 in pasture and 500 in woods two streams three ponds with a two and a half mile riverfront hahaha nice place thank you kindly I imagine the house could use a little work though huh good stand it yeah well I'll just have a look inside we just swept the floor mr. Benedict you understand I'll give you 50 cents an acre that's my top off of you Buzzard you'll come down here we're gonna get fed on the misfortune of others this house is not for sale not now not next year not ever you're trash well well you're right plain talking gentlemen ain't you hear what the man said to me trash who's gonna pick you cotton and who's gonna plow up all that bottom land out there and who's gonna chop the wood when it gets cold no no Jimmy no need to get up with you with the colonel 60 cents an acre take it or leave us just like that just like that if I was you I'd grab it we're gonna get it anyway you know we'll get the house and I realized acre of land when they put it up attack sir oh and how do you know it will be put up for taxes mr. Benedict you weren't busted outfitting that's rebel regiment of yours now what'd he say 60 cents or nothing [Applause] [Music] [Music] is below ground Atalanta knows I think maybe he'd want you to Heather Thanks [Music] George yes sir bring along that anvil I told you can carry yes sir girl yeah by going with the talk at their Mexican [Music] you stop looking at me I can't charlie I just can't keep my eyes off you will you make me uneasy stop [Music] you know I've asked you a dozen times to marry me and you've never answered I'm too young to man when girl looks the way you do is too young to marry if you don't believe me you can ask my dad you ask your daddy your daddy knows there's no man better suited to me [Music] maybe better going up that house every month you're a good junior officer Bubba Wilkes thank you sir don't let anybody tell you enough no sir but as a young man with a desire my daughter's hand your pitiful embarrasses me to watch you I don't understand sir don't you let moonlight magnolia blossoms go your hair you forget the real purpose of your mission don't tell me I can't resign Jo I volunteered into this now fit and I'll volunteer out a lot of work to be done not for me this thing three years ago with 75 volunteers all good writers yeah how many of those men are left look out this window you'll see ten two of them won't make Christmas understand what those men have to do with you resigning they didn't join the army Jo they joined me for three years I've watched him fall not one of them quit not one of them deserted those that are left is there more than a pat on the back from some newspaper editor I'm gonna see that they get it army needs horses well there's plenty of horses in the territory wild horses Arizona New Mexico we're going after tell them to the army I'm sure as hell not gonna give them to the army all right letter of resignation and I'll see you come in mighty handy a few times take care of yourself you may need you again John Henry you level our job finding me Joe we're to John Henry George Grubb I've been trying for three years to get you to call me colonel now it's too late where to John Henry wet [Music] Bano yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] how come you know they're gonna get in you today cuz I told him to be here today that's why where do you think you're gonna mail that thing Solomon the Pony Express ain't there somewhere a long ways to Oklahoma John enemy anything good ever not the blue boy it won't come on give me Chu Baker come on get ready gonna come on [Music] hello hello hello mr. McCarney you're cooking still as bad as I remember it you go to hell you still got that mangy old cat hybrid the finest part hammerhand cleans it cause and fair she's leaving blackboard some folks I know trouble nope lost track of time though correct I'm a day early or day late you're four days late but they don't mind our things at home like everyone else I guess yeah yeah I guess we better get organ [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] tough way to make a few dollars fighting a damn war Hey he'll a lot easier than this I'm too close Marlo might be catching it ain't bright those clothes and anger all me just comes with John you blamed ol Army on KITT just me just paint both garlic I'd uh I'd like to talk to you night after supper after it's dark you made all you wanna do hug me oh jeez mothers there's something wrong with that well young lady's looking for more these days she's looking for something a bit more substantial like what Charlotte said all I'm going to say brother Wilkes well will you walk out moon tonight after some sweat what could get eaten by Tigers something oh you must have lost your foolish mind Bubba wilts and it just goes to prove you don't have any true regard for me whatsoever [Music] first good grass you come to get my rest all right johnandrich we'll be back around sundown [Music] seize your dust all day what's you driving Buffalo stage arrived yet it's overdue I need asking cuz I don't care but if your name's Thomas there's a couple of popinjays waiting inside to see you they've been here for two days now I'd give them water the first day and they took a route government agents I ain't asked they ain't said are you the gentleman that we're looking for me you are Monsieur Jean and I tell us you have me at a disadvantage I am Monsieur Pierre Peter this is my company on senior Lewis's kadavo we have the honor to represent the Emperor Maximilian of Mexico Oh would you have a cheer Monsieur Thomas well thank you no we're waiting for the stage we understand you have many horses is that correct mr. Thomas it could be we have been authorized by the Emperor to purchase all you can supply well I'm afraid you gentlemen have made a long trip for nothing my horses are going to the United States Army but mr. Thomas will buy the whole herd sight unseen top dollar if you drive into Mexico all expenses big stagecoach comin sorry gentlemen army needs a pardon me [Applause] [Applause] mr. Thomas that's right my name is DJ Giles and this is my associate mr. Ezra Parker this is your drill we're out of the US Army purchasing office at Fort Clark and we understand you have some horses to show us no as a Morrison to sell you three thousand to be exact and it's the best turd you'll find anywhere fine shall we go inside thank you we'll call your herd tomorrow mr. Thomas as soon as our Wranglers arrived from Brackett bill I suppose it out of 3,000 head we ought to be able to find 500 or so that we can use our usual procedure is it just rain up a minute mr. Giles you're going a little fast for me do you mind trotting through that again not at all I said that out of 3,000 head we might be able to find 500 or so that we can use you know animals that meet our specifications well I have 3,000 for sale well not 500 surely you don't expect us to purchase just any old horse for the United States Army well now there just ain't any old horse and this whole herd you'll take them all or none mr. Thomas I'm sure you're aware of the fact that times are hard maybe not as hard as you think the Army's not that hungry for horse flesh this country's going through a period of reconstruction money is in short supply hmm can you sell them - not to us monster 410 hold up a minute - just for the record what do you paying top bunny $25 a head last month it was 35 but this month it's $25 a head well these gentlemen of offered to take the whole barrel sight-unseen is that correct that's correct mr. Thomas and what's your top offer $35 ahead of cause you just bought yourself a herd and you can tell that max million that he won't find better animals between Montezuma and the Canadian border just a minute you're selling horses to Maximilian in preference to your own country's army no I'm selling horses for $35 in preference to 25 you two figured to make $10 a head are you calling us thieves well mr. Parker yes that's a pretty accurate description [Applause] [Music] [Music] read that message again sergeant [Music] 18 rollin units with men women and children pass through Gladesville Texas 10:20 p.m. this day suspected Confederates probable destination Mexico detained search and turn back [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what do you make of that seems I've heard that bird enforcer at missionary rich and if I'm not mistaken that's a great bellied sapsucker [Music] [Music] [Music] the river [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] get your weapon [Music] real sorry miss I am we didn't plan things this way [Music] let them go sergeant whitey Gibbs let him go [Music] [Applause] I don't mean the dough sergeant but if I can't have the whole dog I don't want the tail yes sir [Music] we'll probably cross them at the old monastery Eagle Pass ready if we do not see each other again until the handi who on the plane of Durango vocalize with you thank you they are fine-looking animals mr. Thomas the Emperor will be pleased I hope he is but whether he is or whether he isn't you have the money there when the horses arrived [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] what's troubling you calories comin for park damn government agents can they stop us not if we get across that River think then let's take him to Mexico let's go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we'll be mighty proud to stop with mr. Giles all 12 of them just as soon as you tell us how to go about it [Music] next mr. McCartney when are we gonna have some mid right now if you want it belly cheater I've read you know what good food is don't you makes you old catch hey McCartney mr. McCartney there's something crawling in these bean well you can speak to it but don't play with it they'll sell doesn't want one they're Beach to hold that plate yes sir I can just feel all that money in my pocket right now what are you gonna do with it when you get it when I had to give that a lot of good thought but I somehow ain't come to sit right down on the notion yet I know what I'm gonna buy me some pack animals and trap whatever is left over I'm gonna get drunk and if I ever sober up again I'm heading further rocky well that might be flying for you it but be being bitter bread of course they got higher ambitions like what a small library under a big elm someplace me and ha beds gonna go to st. Louis no come up a little cat house everything quiet out there would you believe it John Henry I had to wake tor the men let's hope it stays that way you ain't expectin trouble are you done Henry trouble well let's see we got maximilien on one hand and or as on the other and bandits in between and on top of that were Americans in Mexico taking a cameo horses to a very unpopular government why should we expect trouble how come you didn't tell us at a forehand how come you didn't ask me John Henry there's a box canyon about four miles from here not forage to vilem no sir but there's enough to hold him or something else I wrote across two trails one was wagons and washes the sucker trail was many writers at least 40 and maybe 60 the second trail ran just down the side of the first wall of you were to tell me that a year ago in Virginia Tennessee I'd suspect gamblers look that way to me chard grab there's forage and water about four miles ahead in the box canyon move in there and all them till we get back [Music] I don't believe it pally sergeant do be hearty for later Jamison right now let me see you start her in that holes yes it's like old times eh just like old times [Music] afternoon my name is Thomas we're driving her herd of horses south just over the hill I'm Colonel James Langham mr. Thomas what can I do for you well it isn't what you can do for us we came to warn you that you're probably riding into a bandit ambush how do you happen to know that well Blue Boy here is a full-blooded Cherokee when he suspect something you usually get it there's 40 to 60 riders moving parallel to you just out of sight wait until we get into those heels that'd be my guess what did you say your name was John Henry Thomas how do I know you from somewhere to my knowledge Colonel we've never met before well we appreciate the warning sir it's late will you and your friend join us for supper stay the night the best offer we've had all day [Music] that's nothing like a full stomach facing the unknown future well I ain't to be persistent Colonel but I think the futures pretty certain I fully agree I think they'll give you a couple of days to get up into the hills before they strike but this was my outfit I'd hold right here and make them come to me that's good thinking I'm not yet me choose the side of his own destruction I'd like to play in my yard what are these bandits after gold horses women we had an experience or two with him before the war were you perchance in the war mr. Thomas yes captain I was would it be brash in for some shorts of me to ask which side you were on mr. Thomas well I favored to think that I was on the right side mrs. Langdon I detect a shadow of animosity towards my question could it be that you are a Yankee soldier what a question to ask a man yes ma'am I was a Yankee soldier mr. Thomas about to make my rounds before I turn in tonight would you care to accompany me thank you sir I suspected it when I saw those Union charges on that Indian boy my son was killed by Union cavalry Shiloh mr. Thomas we called it Pittsburg Landing you were there then I was may I ask your rank as a colonel in that cavalry John Henry Thomas of course well you were on George Custer's right flank when you charge the breastworks of Madisonville weren't we did a job that day didn't we you were damn cruel cruel those Johnny Reb's had 40 pounders looking right down our throats you think you were coming to a ball sergeant I can find the time I'm gonna sit down and write the social history of bourbon mr. Thomas were you by chain said Chickamauga I asked because I lost my brother there Ann's husband I lost 23 in my command at Chickamauga friends and Sons of friends men that I'd known all their lives now can I ask you a question colonel fire one mr. Thomas why did you come clear out here to continue a war that ended months ago in Virginia because I'm a stubborn man tis that satisfy you no because I got no taste for losing to a lot of Yankee rabble how about that it won't wash you can be a very aggravating man mr. Thomas sergeant yes sir [Music] let's just say we haven't seen the end you'll see it quick enough if you keep drinking this stuff excuse me girl sergeant [Music] mind a suggestion from a flat River Indian fighter little charm your women that's what we did on the Bozeman in the California all the Jameson sir we'll go get it Carlisle little George [Music] Jameson sir [Music] issue a rifle every woman knows how to use it yes sir carry on sergeant ladies [Music] brenell [Music] [Music] looks like he wants to talk we have nothing to talk about well he's got you outnumbered let's start from there finding ourselves outnumbered Colonel Thomas is a fact of life we've gotten used to when women and children in the pot I'll go sir no the colonel and I will go let's understand each other Thomas your Indian friend wrote out of here last night with no explanation he hadn't returned one false move on your pardon my man won't miss friends your men have been missing me for years as far as that Indian boy is concerned his father was bold Eagle will the bravest warriors that ever rode a horse and on top of that he's my adopted son and I haven't done this much explaining in years don't press me captain Anderson yes sir windage and elevation mrs. Langdon windage and elevation - yes in your is your so yes kalantay do you speak English ah si I speak English most excellently well then tell us what you want and be damn quick about it we want everything so poor and we need so much I'm gonna ask you one more time what do you want when two wagons your horses your guns and your gold and you also have some women's in your just full series you can bet your life on it it's preposterous yeah I have more maze than you and if you want to lose most of them you come right on ahead otherwise you better hide till you ass right on out of here I'll fight a thousand it before I'll give you a penny I was hoping you'd say that there's a flap on your holsters snapped or unsnapped my Confederate friend snapped my Yankee friend I guess pigeon [Music] then a talk why don't you have to shoot the main conversation kind of dried up man [Music] [Music] [Music] don't even know ma'am they're reforming to charge again these flies that's their plan [Music] [Music] [Music] I'll even now man that's blue boys I'll be damned miss Langdon the colonel your brother-in-law said you lost your husband during the war yes mr. Thomas I'm sorry I didn't know him why should you be sorry my cavalry was in that engagement I promise one thing no thanks are necessary there were our enemies as much as there were yours their own people shoot them on sight all the same we're in your death colonel why don't you take all these people and go on to home there's no telling what you're gonna run into farther south in a day or two we make contact with a military escort from Emperor Maximilian we are going home it's ahead of us all right colonel [Music] who you waving that [Music] [Music] want to tell me all about it I was thinking about that girl what girl the Confederate Colonels daughter mmm the one named Charlotte she's a pretty girl a little young but pretty I want her you want her and she wants me how'd you figure that out you raised me - no - John Henry I taught you what to do in the snow guns how to survive and Blizzard and I taught you how to deal with men love women nobody knows what's on a woman's mind well she wants me and when we go home she'll be with me not yet [Applause] [Music] get me a cup of coffee never mind I got his coffee [Music] damn census burner dropping half Matt's coming John Henry [Music] kind of like me sir I'm the wait for an answer we're in a new camp waiting for an ESCO for maximilian there's a map on the other side what's the matter you Yanks ever seen a live one before last time I seen a pretty gray uniform like that it was all full of holes do you know what's in this sergeant what cosine oh well there must have been a few words in that camp before the colonel sat down wrote this out yes sir there was a whole lot of words I thought captain Anderson was gonna have an apoplexy and how about you personally sergeant what do you think about it well ought to be right interesting anything wrong John Henry you won't believe it but we've been invited to a fourth of July party [Music] we'll be on our best manners today [Applause] Colonel thank you colonel for inviting us first time we've ever been invited to a Confederate shindig I'm not surprised all things considered get down thank you get out alia oh we didn't intend to interrupt the festivities well what are y'all looking at you ever seen the Yankee before just people start playing captain Tom's gonna take care sir yeah I guess it's captain make sure that they enjoy it will drive girl can't join me or don't you endo where's the sergeant I'll risk it thank you [Music] whoo Yankee boys hungry cattle appointed me to attend to you as a mess of beans and ham up yonder like some coffee and grits to keep in mind grip I wouldn't touch him why not might be unclean it will be a change Thank You Langdon that's a mighty attractive dress French isn't it yes I bought it New Orleans before the war seldom medication to Roman sense you surprise me mr. Holmes you have knowledge of ladies fashions well I was once married I am knowledge of the cost is extra the awesome Oh sippin liquor good what sergeant provides may you be in heaven half an hour before the devil knows you here al Jimmy largely cousin Cora and that Sam oh they have another go-around Clark yeah you said that you were once married mr. Thomas yes men lucky for me she left me I must say mr. Thomas that whatever your thoughts are you do have a quaint kind of honest well she was so busy being a lady that she forgot to be a woman was Indian country and she didn't like that it's cold in the winter hot in the summer and dusty in the dry spells and she didn't like that and when I want to go hunting and fishing I go hunting and fishing and she didn't like that and I wanted children and she didn't like that either she didn't like much did she she's happy now I guess she's living in Philadelphia with her kid giving piano lessons won't you sit down mr. Thomas thank you is that Indian boy Britta your adopted son yes but I'm as proud of him as if he were my own blood Charlotte Oh sixteen nobody ever looked at me the way you do draw it who I'm gonna kill that Bubba Wilkes why are you afraid to have someone see me kiss you I've never felt like this before [Music] good I want to keep it I'm gonna keep it just like it is I believe you promise me the next step [Music] I didn't know maybe ain't on your mouth my name is Kevon Pablo how you fellas today say you wouldn't have to have a little jug of whiskey on you with you won't anyone they won't talk to me or nothing just cause a wouldn't join their army well why wouldn't you join the army didn't want to get shot that's why sure glad you folks came over here today though I ain't had nobody to talk to Hey [Music] [Music] [Music] you made your point Bobby Joe let it go begging the Colonel's pardon mm-hmm you know we got a Arkansas Razorback it's just whooped everybody in our outfit well me and the boys was just wondering if maybe you had somebody you thought might could take him I use being of the manly art of self-defense sergeant yes I'm here to tell you Ruth Walker died no-holds-barred John Henry was my idea chart him out little George never lost a fight middle George he better has me Tony you sure about this Bobby Joe trot him out we'll go get it Newby Oh [Music] tell me think what I think it is I can't fight I'm tired of hurting people this time you gotta fight you got to uphold the honor the outfit I can't and Bluebell is called you yella you know I know coward you youngers now you go on and play go on you wait right here gets you out of that blouse sure you want to go through with this thing please read I ever saw it's the biggest anything I ever hear all right your folks huh right rabbit meat you have little George [Applause] [Music] yeah [Applause] [Music] [Music] there's no coward he's outnumbered [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] which [Music] [Applause] well they went down to found you I sure don't feel much lucky mean even just one fools thing after another can't you stop is stop what it just started [Music] thanks John Harry I would call that jacket failed you know I would [Music] I party [Music] not without taking the lump buster Hey [Music] [Music] to make this unanimous with pleasure Colonel Langdon [Music] why did you want to do a thing like that they're stopped I want this stopped now [Music] well it's civilization for you know like Philadelphia nothing Oh Colonel Sasha's got a bail for well Thank You general you've been a perfect dose always heard of southern hospitality now my men understand what it means well I thought my men to do better colonel see how it's the first time in years we had you Yankees outnumbered y'all come back here windage and elevation mrs. Langdon always remember Wendy gin elevation [Music] French old bandits done it bandits at a strip tomb or unlikely war Easter's when one man to go back to those Southerners and tell him to forget their escort from Maximilian this is it I might have known it it'd be him he's been acting kind of peculiar lately John Henry pretty sick yeah Oh [Applause] there'll be no escort from Maximilian John Henry sent me to tell you how does he know that we ran across him for five miles south of here they're dead John Henry thinks to what Reese does did it see Colonel you're not gonna believe that all yeah why should I not believe it why would those Yankees bother to send us word of anything it just doesn't make sense what reason would I have been coming to you with such a lie yes captain what reason Slade son please we'll stay the night Thank You Margaret place this young man join us for supper [Music] during the day I went to men ahead of the column two men at the rear and two men on each flank yes sir good night captain good night sir Oh bro yes sir [Music] give me half hour three days you know I [Music] I've been thinking an awful lot about home I have too many [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] why'd you ask me hold on [Music] glad you're young gives it more time to be together oh I'll always be young if I always feel the way I do now we go back to the territory me [Music] [Music] take me now tonight you go to bed [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] but for my Crimmins I'd like a Kansas City steak well-done you go to hell but John Henry did you ever hear about that gal of st. Louis she had the dangdest itch in the day shut up we're coming down to the end of it now we've lost 500 horses between here and the border and I don't think that's very funny we lose anymore and somebody's gonna be damned uncomfortable you know what I think John Henry scared how about some coffee and worried about he meant yoo-hoo well you're the worst Lara I ever come across John Henry blue boy that's who well he should have caught up with us three days ago you don't reckon he'd come across Bannister you know I think he's too smart for that you know what I'd be thinking if I was you I'd be thinking he made off of that little red girl and I'd be thinking that he was just about to the Rio Grande by this time that's all I've been thinking oh he wouldn't do that oh you wouldn't do that thanks sure I've changed my mind Oh oh here they are ready boy they're all set to make the couch mr. Thomas good coming along the way well none defeat club where he earned them horses are here how about that money oh it's coming by special courier with a troop of the endless cavalry you supposed to push it in how soon is that special courier due any day shall we make a count why not Union so simple two thousand five hundred and five horses I am surprised mr. Thomas how's that well I thought you would lose more on a long trip like that well I hadn't understanding with my men I asked him not to lose any more and they didn't how long we gonna be here John Henry till I give us the money my men haven't been home for four years we're a little anxious so we won't be hard to find we'll be right handed [Applause] [Music] a compliment sir [Music] Colonel James Langdon sir Confederate States Army my aide captain Anderson general my name is na zdorov'e in the name of our Emperor Maximilian I welcome you to our window we happy Perry welcome banquet for you and you people Colonel Langton please do us the honor of extending our invitation to those who your party thank you very much [Applause] [Music] Vegas see ya [Music] thank you very much [Music] consider yourselves prisoners of the revolution I shall protestors to Emperor Maximilian sir we take no orders from Maximilian Colonel Langdon our president is on Benito Juarez the drums from Mexico vicunas Colonel please change well you skewers on miss Landon you think you're gonna scare us with threats general uns tomatoes no Colonel Landon we have estimated you very well aside from the men in your party there are 32 women and 17 children your friends for Maximilian he has brought the French into our country and they have tried wide shot now much Tamina has taught you shorten Americans in to our country because he can no longer get help from Napoleon these Frenchmen kill the entire population of a small village every man woman and child butchered [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] that is what happens colonel invader so my country my people are not invaders you are here and you are different so much media but we're not your enemies what are you one of us general our forces need horses colonel not far from here there is a herd of 3,000 yes Thomas I'm afraid I don't understand you general you will deliver this to Thomas I'll be damned if I will I believe you were colonel our revolution needs those courses Benito Juarez needs those courses I'm a Confederate officer you can't expect me to go beggin those Yankees for anything that's in the first place in the second place they wouldn't do it they have no reason to care what happens to us well general that man Thomas would spit in my face you will do as I say well you will all be shut I'm not asking any Yankee [Applause] [Applause] Oh Oh [Music] general [Music] I'll go progressive as pitch on a muscle you will have the horses in this place by noon tomorrow or you will all be shot [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] don't leave me please [Music] all right get up yeah - told you dug up something come on get up listen Johnny yeah we got company Thank You mr. McCartney [Applause] what's all this we found this man found me you trapped me up here on time I told you that you Cooper gets in trouble mr. McCartney you got the coffee ready already morning yes wake up little coffee anyons settle down you can tell us what it's all about I was given no choice that's why I'm here my family they all gonna be murdered all of my people in his hands when we reached the Ranga they they gave us a partyer than they tricked us my people are prisoners of war Easter general I didn't want to come here I didn't want to cause you people any more dammit he'll read this general Rojas is more eloquent than I am it's good coffee like you think so sure game how do you want to play it John Henry we've been dealt lots of tough hands since the summer of 61 one wish we could fast but let's don't leave us nothing John Henry we never had nothing nohow wait a minute Bobby Joe you mean you're willing to give up all them horses to them Johnny Reb's well I ain't no Christian but my mama was John Henry remember when I lost my horse up there Pittsburgh Lindy yeah there I was without a horse behind that log Nimrod was all over but there's one didn't have no gun let me tell you about that one come crawling up to me behind that log yeah but what's that got to do with this well this Reb he said he was all tuckered out and he wanted to give himself up don't even - get the hell on down there I didn't you know what he said to me you've got me whether you want me or not [Music] all right [Music] looks like you're stuck with us John Henry I well we have to get there by noon we [Applause] short grub you better throw a couple outriders in from the point when we get started no break camp [Music] scintillate to divide along and even eat the Waris ha boom I see cilantro a parfait but I said I did muy bien [Music] I'm at six my Jesus really found from here I thought we'd run away from all that what about a John Henry looks like we got ourselves mixed up in somebody else's war yeah it sure does we're gonna do new well that's already been decided bring it to Chuck wagons up here and fill them full of men and ride Hawk yet well give them a taste to General Sherman's war I remember [Music] and get a little closer yep the ready journal read it right to the side try to move McCartney [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] take care of it for me I said a lot of many words that a boy you sure have maybe damn [Music] [Music] [Music] you do steps for a while okay yo yo yo yo yo okay I'd love back [Music] [Music] [Music] Hyannis was tomboyish [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you can complete your mission Colonel Langdon thank you John Henry you must be Ross generallaughter you must be John Henry Thomas we drive on a hard bargain general Wars war colonel you should know that yeah yeah win one lose one it is cognac the only good thing the French have brought to my country may I propose that we drink to the health and success my president Dom Benito Juarez the Revolution and the future of Mexico in general may I propose a toast to the United States of America not even for 3,000 horses to the United States of America John Henry what about Indian boys and tensions probably disgraceful colonel but it's not what he'll do to her what she's done to him [Music] it ain't much like old times gentlemen no it ain't much like old times mr. noobie what are you planning on doing once we get back home well the only place a man can raise more hell and kennen of war floor the House of Representatives no friend of mine once told me people like to vote for Heroes so I'll guess that's what I'll do that team working out all right sure you going back there there many women out there good contrast suppose Zuri into the Pacific Ocean mostly good land for farming and raising cattle and raising the family are you gonna raise it fat Solomon did you play any other yank sure do miss mr. micawber yeah but not as cooking put a feather in his hat [Music]
Channel: Grjngo - Western Movies
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Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 17sec (7097 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 18 2019
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