"Buffalo Soldiers" 1997 Western U.S. 10th Cavalry TV-Movie

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[Music] [Music] oh [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] three on the hour every hour until somebody talks where is victorio donde esta victorio number three then that boy [Music] [Music] what do you mean to lay down their weapons i'm captain orrin draper of the texas rangers and my commission is legal and it runs texas this is federal land i'm the military protection captain and as such i'm arresting you and your men for trespassing and murder murder now lay down your weapons you let me tell you something about murder blue boy in less than a week victorio and his renegade muscularos burned out nine rancheros all along big bend there they didn't leave nothing alive chicken or child now my men and me we've been tracking that band for over a month and the trail led straight here your so-called federal land and your so-called military protection which one of these do you take for the great apache war chief texas victorio's here and 400 mile of his stinking trail has led me here and i know he's here hold up in some canyon or cave i ain't saying nothing reservation engines sergeant ruth front and center ask the boy what he knows don't really stop victorious boy says he don't know nothing well he ain't gonna take that engine brat's word are you even a [ __ ] can't be that stupid corporal lloyd corporal boya first sergeant let's get these prisoners ready for transport all right i want y'all to mount up and extend your wrist over your first sergeant first sergeant intends to send a detachment out to complete a thorough search of the reservation for that first sergeant requires a sergeant you think you can hold on to these for more than a few months this time sergeant we'll always think so why that's the hell of take half the muster see if you can flush victoria out and shag that calf home to his mama victoria's coming this deep into new mexico territory has to be a reason richard pickens in texas easy to jump to mexico you be careful out there don't make me come looking for them stripes you take your own advice wyatt i ain't the one going picnicking with rattlesnakes first squad on me what kind of soldiers are you [Applause] [Music] move out [Music] [Music] wow [Music] these are no longer the color barracks have the negro troops move their personal belongings across the parade grounds to set up their tents behind the east barracks yes sir when i say clean i need plenty of hot water i want those bear bunks kerosene and talon for bugs the second's used to a certain level of hygiene my men expect it that'd be john horse pike scout half black half seminole windy swamp knee sorry for putting you out on the streets benjamin i imagine you've been ranked out of a few post commands in your time sir more than a few if memory serves i was in philadelphia recently just before this posting actually i had memory of your father my father theo grissom didn't have much give to him and that's a fact it hurt him to think of you throwing your life away like this one word benjamin and i'll have you out of this self-imposed exile and commanding a real cavalry regiment within a month of our capturing victorio i volunteered for command of the 10th general pike because i believe in our negro troops well if that is your belief sir then this belief will finish you this experiment with the coloreds is doomed to failure it's been 17 years sir and a waste of time [Music] that would be wyatt yes first sergeant washington wyatt yes sir you've written him up for meritorious commendation often enough with good reason he's the best damn soldier i ever served with posting accompanying the train kicked out our own beds digging holes and shoveling dirt what the hell is going on with our barracks watch it suck those eyes back in your skull too so i'm knocking my fool what about the ranger sir i'm going to file charges on them secure them here got a report to me and while leaving sergeant christie to continue searching the reservation i brought draper and his men back to stand trial sir stand at ease sergeant that was a fine report fine sir the first sergeant thanks to general sir sergeant besides rescuing apaches from texas rangers i assume you had some other reason for being on the mescalero reservation yes sir on routine patrol h troop cut trail heading up from the southeast onto reservation land victorio has ken on the reservation now isn't that exactly what the texas rangers did sergeant no sir it's true committed no murders sir for those of you who don't know yet john horse is my personal scout i requested his services for several reasons standard e sergeant not the least being his familiarity with the arizona new mexico territories this last week or so horse has been scouting reports of activity along the arizona new mexico border mr horse the membrano patches have left the arizona reservation because of nana's vision another vision yet which doctors general old fools smear themselves with horse dung cornmeal praying to the great sky father to make the white eyes go away and na na's vision the membreno joined with victoria's masculines to form an army the membrano and the muscularis hate each other it goes back so far they don't even know why despite all that apparently they're willing to band together to drive the whites out of the apache rear forever you see the problem gentlemen if h troop did track victorio under the mescalero reservation he and nana are within spitting distance of each other except i'm not going to let that happen i pray you didn't let victoria slip through your fingers sergeant just for the sake of two apache bratz sergeant you're dismissed [Music] [Music] the fight with some of the new mounts you did good sergeant though we did what needed doing i don't like it much don't mind saying put out of our own barracks without so much as a thank you kiss my ass when the big christy finds out when he gets back ain't no telling what he'll do sergeant christie do his order same as you same as me [Applause] oh yo i'm dead i'm just too damn tired to lay on down and admit we had us a running gun fight after that last 10 mile that's some [ __ ] paper he was right victoria yeah he out there we drew him out his hiding hole but then we lost him at the foot of the guadalupe he just disappeared got out ahead of us ain't no way no live man could have done that get out ahead of us like that and flank us didn't pick that is all the way in here i mean he picked that us all the way victorio son of a [ __ ] from mesa caliente same victoria managed out flank and i'll maneuver you sergeant taking the high ground firing it will upon your men isn't that how it happened sergeant sir we couldn't even general sergeant christie isn't an hour out of the infirmary might be a good idea if he sat no sir thank you sir the sergeant's fine sir then the sergeant is a liar gentlemen victorio has been allowed to escape and is once more free to find an ally himself with nana tomorrow c troop will leave fort craig and not return until victorio is either dead or in chains i don't care which no doubt the tenth is a fine regiment but even you would have to admit that h troop comes in shy on leadership general i'm sorry i have no reflection on sergeants wyatt and christie they're not trained to command their kind relays orders they don't give them as the general says sir robert i want you to take command of h troop and back up c troop in the field command [ __ ] general you're asking me to throw away my career good god general we can't have that what would bobby do without his fancy uniform and his little toy sword you're out of line calvin out of line but volunteering i'll take each troop general i wonder what your late father would think about your willingness to serve with field [ __ ] captain calhoun are you interested in my father's opinion as a slave owner colonel in the army of northern virginia or major in the union army major the only interest i have in a trade is the date and place of his death july 2nd 1863 gettysburg pennsylvania perhaps you've heard of it sir as the 10th regimental ceo i would hope this would meet with your approval sir sir i have to wonder does anyone in this room remember who the real enemy is [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are rest gentle peace you are longing and the calms [Music] i never wanted the army ever tell you that no well it's true horses blue wool i don't know which i hate more you sergeant do you want the army is this what you and your fellows bargained for with your newfound freedom sir it's not my place to say speak up man you hold the rank of first sergeant in the united states army you have the right to an opinion i chose the army sir with all due respect i'm in scheduled for target practice with your permission [Music] ruth lloyd say fine range now [Music] god [Music] oh [Music] [Music] right [Music] oh why does general turn them loose they don't murder them boys and pike's banking them with fresh horses because they aren't apaches because they kill apaches because they're white and we're an attention sergeant mama see troop don't they look fine yep good enough hey man that's a fact just look at old tubes there i think you can punch off a dozen all by itself and don't big crystal look pretty today all patched up with a spitting bell and why ready to ride still looking for some lost soul attack behind that mule wagon with a shovel you and your brother got plans for the next hundred miles or so boyle keep your troops back captain calhoun parade regulations color companies 15 yards behind white prepare to dismount this boat what the hell are you doing first sergeant caller soldier's not supposed to ride through town with fanfare regulations captain that is not military first sergeant it's not for the first sergeant to say sir [Music] mesa caliente this is where victoria turned the tables on christy and h troop it's as good a place as any to split up cut the mescaleros trail i'll take seat company south captain you and why are right north we'll have to find something someone that way shut up [Music] lord [Music] [Music] now [Music] why are we stopping sergeant we're here in the rocks riflemen they're watching us could be a faint pull us off victoria's real trail yeah but ain't one way to find out leader thomas hubble wager on me that's right ah [Music] he just disappeared [Music] go come on go go oh what the hell are you giving that boy [Music] [Music] ah [Music] william christie thank you oh [Music] captain damn and i was such a pretty thing you take a bullet [Applause] my family never owned a slave don't tell me god break his heart [Music] [Music] oh you know what you're doing son oh yes sir my granddaddy taught me this fix all the scars on his back i need your help what's wrong with you brother carl what is it andrew don't know that dance crawling underneath my skin eating at my vitals it doesn't have a fever sorry the enemies from the inside out car what is it sergeant [Applause] it's poison causing me with the marrow son the sergeant he did it to us again victorio he left behind just enough shooters to keep us hold up for the night while him and the rest of them backtracked out of there that correct look we can't let go like this why i mean to turn victoria over to pike myself and invite him to kiss my big black untrained behind now give me two scorpio scene one other in the morning we'll make our way back climb up over the crush line and sneak up behind them some [ __ ] waiting on us and then rocks as we go hell of a climb will you you sure i'm sure which i'd rather die doing to get picked off like cans on the fence me too get it done then in the morning hold up hold up [Music] put down them rifles now oh cover me she's watching now sergeant [Applause] which one of you sons of [ __ ] took my eye andrew come on now come on come on come on the general scout you're gonna hold on you hear me car picked up victoria's trail to the south but lost it once they fought at the gila he wants you to come about and [Music] i've been spit on before what'd she say she promised to cut my heart out first chance she got yeah cheer under congratulations sergeant you've captured [Music] the great apache profit and wizard major car will be sorely disappointed he wanted merlin or a charlatan something flamboyant even if a fake what do you think of him sergeant i think he's the most alone man on this earth alone nada with the us army at his throat patchy nation at his feet half himself buried and the other half left to wander looking for what's dead and gone [Music] as bad as it gets you colored new freed i did what all the mississippi's couldn't i shall not want to prove something carr in the general would never believe anyway i killed andy boyer and i might as well kill carl too soldiers die sergeant for something you captured the one man who had the power to turn a murdering renegade like victorio into a holy crusader you not carr not the general and it brings you what seven dead men sprawled me seven dead men lead me take my hands [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we lost victoria at the gila yeah we lost him but we didn't stop no we crossed the gila we followed south for miles in northback tracking looking for signs of victoria any signs we found them we found lots of them we just couldn't find victoria maybe if there had been a few more of us how's that make you feel first sergeant knowing you might have been the difference between life and death for these men you got nothing to say sir first sergeant has made a full report to the post commander said report was accepted complete without prejudice sir one of these days mr wyatt you're not going to be able to hide behind those army regulations [Music] okay have you anything to add to major cars report army scout horse i may remember things different how different not so urgent carl knew when he sent me to find h troop it'd take three days for calhoun to join up with him at the gila if i found him right off whatever major car found at those home stairs was long done before i could even get back anything to add to your earlier report sergeant in light of what major cara said here tonight no sir lacking proper leadership skills i relied on my limited field experience i believe then and i believe now that the mission was best served by seeing nana back to fort craig and properly secured no major car had every right to expect reinforcement from another troop commander another officer but then the first sergeant isn't an officer are you sergeant no sir of course captain calhoun's dead placed the sergeant in a position he readily admits was just too it was just too complicated for him to handle upon further consideration general i accepted first sergeant wyatt acted to the best of his ability you are out of line major car carefully colonel griezmann general you step carefully you are dangerously close that you're trying to charge yourself i will no longer sit here in silence while you and your feist terrier my men sakes have you forgotten who brought you nana you are absolutely right colonel what matters is that i have nana the soul of the apache uprising but victoria is still the heart and victoria is still free and i want him i want him dead before i have to look at another mutilated white man am i making myself clear [Music] we never shut up [Music] dragon dead folk out like that just for folks to gawk instead it's a shame and a pity that's what my mama said shoot yo mama never had words for what carl did today and you be glad of it i kill anybody try to do my brother andy that way toss his body out like he's an animal i'm just trying to stir things up let me look how he baited the sword and grayson never said away colonel grayson wasn't there you weren't gonna say nothing no how pike's in charge now grissoms by his useless tits on a ball one more word out of you twos and i'ma put the chains on you myself something i can do for you scout though maybe you might like to thank me thank you for going on record against carr damn are you such a stupid [ __ ] maybe why don't you tell me what kind of [ __ ] you think i am breed if grissom and i hadn't backed you car would have managed to get you drawn up on charges i asked you to tell me what kind of [ __ ] you think i am i don't understand you i don't understand who you are i'm the first sergeant in the united states army army army bears you know love none of you they endure you they'll endure you till they've wiped all the tribes from the slate with our blood you have no pride for a sergeant you have no pride one thing's for sure scout i didn't leave it in a bowl on the floor next to pike's boots lights out [Music] oh [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] uh [Music] is is oh now maybe you'll shut up [Music] [Applause] [Music] word no accident jesus was a carpenter what kind of notch is this you say you done chopped in here it's a dovetail finger joint yeah well it ain't dovetailing it's cut right ain't my fault it ain't fit well if it don't fit this log ain't no good for nothing but firewood this thing ain't gonna stay up here by itself why not next time you ride your horse out for money i'm gonna leave your buddy in the desert what you looking at old fool young fool i guess i was just going to send for you sergeant well step up don't tell me you've gone shy there's been news good or bad it's your call horse has been out scouting the last two days he thinks he may have cut two separate trails mescaleros and osmenbrenos while we've been here acting like the apache wars were all but finished the membranos have actually made it into the heart of the territory from what i saw and pieced together both armies intend to link up with one of the watering holes along this route they have to there's no other way to cross some of that desert and get out alive all we have to do is figure out which one and get there first i was going to send for you sergeant because i intend to give this mission to h troop i know major cars report cast appall over the capture of nana through no fault of your own but i'd imagine you and your colored troops would appreciate a chance to set the record straight for good and all i'll be in command wyatt it's been a while since you and i took the field together each troop will be ready to take the field down tomorrow sir and it's dead you think pika chris and even kids even noticed that her face was missing but you think they lose sleep over every white face missing from roll call boy now i want to live in the world you come from yeah ain't no he was dead didn't even know he was here see that's what kills the body hey we're not soldiers with sponges going around soaking up the blood in the guts [Applause] and for what [ __ ] until i joined this heavy army i ain't even know me no indians never even cared to meet one now they killed a dozen and i have to wonder why because some white boy would go breed on his arm tells us to that's why and we let him hear one of us gave him the right to tell us what to do when to do it man we might as well be back on the block the mess we made of this thing well everybody got something to say how about you wesley you feeling misunderstood these days i like the army ain't a bad place to be when you slow to the point somebody tell you what to do when you do it and the food pretty good mother mercy boy what's the matter with you son still looking to join with victoria's mescaleros tomorrow this troop goes after victorio we don't come back until he's captured or dead or we are victorio's here power meant to warn us off here's where horse first got track now we know vittorio is partial to this area it's easy for him to skedaddle down into mexico first sign of a blue coat these watering holes run 20 miles all through here so we'll cut trail side along here flank him come around and beat him to the water hole whichever water hole that'll be the plan we cannot help march their patches we don't travel like that we could try sir we can try to the left come on there's nobody here damn how is he quiet come here sergeant hammerlink machine commander the troop to you washington i don't know if i'm gonna live an hour or a week it doesn't matter it matters no the mission matters this regimen each troop they matter if we fail in this men like bike we'll use it to force men like you out of the army [Music] you can't let that happen we've come sir so far [Music] always knew what you tried to do for us colonel take him home maybe that's the direction we all should be heading you can leave whenever you choose scout what about us sergeant are we any less than grace and left to be picked off one by one fighting men we have more in common with than we dare admit out of conscience have you i'll tell them where you find one these days don't cross me scout i'm a free man wyatt i come and go at my pleasure for my reasons can you say the same [Applause] so any man without the balls to follow me after victorio fall out now you and the scout can catch up with the detail head back to post but any man stays stays from here on out and keeps his mouth shut any man deserts on my watch i put a bullet in his head and any man talks mutiny i'll rip him apart with my bare hands is that understood [Applause] all right wyatt you're the man what now take the girl come on bro shut up shut up do what i do carpool you wanna help your girl so man you translate exactly what i say word for word you hear me i'm running out of time oh man i'm going to ask you once corporal this man refuses to answer me you will shoot the girl in the back of her head shut up oh man where's victoria shoot the girl start your [Music] i know that old man which one [Music] [Applause] did springs our job's simple be there for us that's 50 miles more than we got water for we have our orders with him i thought you was in charge now sarge i am oh there's something you're gonna need to see wyatt [Music] the rangers [Music] [Music] [Music] kill me [Music] god [Music] shoots so oh is you're following me up what you coming with me i don't need to come back and find you going in my men too come on dukes [Music] uh [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] scout [Music] yes [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] uh [Music] wow um [Music] [Music] oh my god oh my god we did it we all smart at the damn freaking apache it's still about a couple hours away from where see that ridge behind us that sits right above rattlesnake springs and that's where we gotta be in less than an hour [Music] see i want all four platoons up to the edge of that ridge above rattlesnake springs nobody stays back with horses quiet we have to retreat we won't have any mounts any supplies we ain't got no way back damn it victoria has 100 warriors you can pretty much rule out retreat dukes corporal pick 10 men from your platoon and with the mouth of that canyon seal as soon as victoria's inside all right sergeant [Music] wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] get their attention help the wounded and get those canteens full i want this place swept clear of tracks and everybody on that ridge in 15 minutes [Music] so [Music] uh [Music] um [Music] oh i never think they might do that play splash and such [Music] this is it let's move [Music] [Applause] drop your weapons i down drop it [Music] so scout tell them we want to talk in a way you know star city [Applause] i want to speak to victoria the warchief victorio nantan victoria bishadzi victoria costa this is victorious sergeant [Applause] hello the man not the myth it was a good name you are much like buffalo on the move you stop for nothing a good naming i think i think so too we made it for our own when an enemy praises an enemy the smart man listens uh i've come for you victoria you know that victorio the entire are you a slave no i'm not a slave [Music] schneider you were a slave yes i was oh i'm doing dumping that was caught washington wyatt why do you fight for those who were your masters washington wyatt sir you are surrounded we hold the high ground you cannot escape i'm offering you a means of surrendering we will not be slaves like you i wish to save as many of you here as possible i cannot promise much for yourself foreign said why why do you murder my people for those who made you less than cattle please no you have children here oh people lay down your weapons believe this in come tomorrow's son i will kill every man woman and child in this canyon and it will be on your head [Music] tell him that [Music] m [Music] no with evil thou prepares the table before me in the [Music] presence [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we can't do this why [Music] we can't do this ain't nothing hungry stop oven [Music] how can you live with this [Music] target [Music] i will buy the first shot on my shot commence fiery [Music] mercy [Music] [Music] mommy's got horse how fast it to the mexican border [Music] victoria mexico [Music] yes you said [Music] i hear i hear [Music] i will deliver the following report we could not hold victorio we fought through our barricades taking it now not with him we regret their escape but with food and water running low believed it best to return to post we will pursue at a later date is that not correct gentlemen yes sir [Music] we do not use the word sir for the first sergeant you only [Music] salute [Music] it's the fourth of july [Music] left [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] as you were [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] our brothers true and brave shouting the battle cry and although he may be poor he shall never be a slave shout in the cry off so [Music] okay [Music] one [Music] thanks for watching if you'd like to help us produce more compelling historical content like this 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Channel: LionHeart FilmWorks
Views: 350,201
Rating: 4.7359695 out of 5
Keywords: buffalo soldiers, 10th cavalry, danny glover, buffalo soldiers documentary, american civil war, american history, black powder revolver, cavalry, horse soldiers, living history, military history, u.s. cavalry, u.s. cavalry charge, u.s. cavalry history, united states, united states cavalry, us history, african american history, old tucson studios, apache, Mykelti Williamson, Timothy Busfield, bob gunton, Glynn Turman, 10th us cavalry, indian wars, Vittorio, us army
Id: AUh80G0OUsw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 22sec (5602 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 24 2021
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