Pimpernel Smith 1941 WWII Spy Movie

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] you you [Music] [Music] everybody I think so yes I think so Weber my notebook [Music] what's the matter I thought I heard someone outside he's always hearing things since he got that message what message message I do not quite understand from home that's just it I don't know but you think it's wrong is mysterious rescue I believe it came from him yes I believe I shall be got safely away there wouldn't be the first and you'll go on with your work somewhere else are the reach of the none of course it was refused to work for them haven't you we soon and I my business is to cure not to keep the baby you say you give the last injections at 4 o'clock yes greatly increased resistance they were definitely better seems to be working [Music] there is an an outside he told me to give you this note let me read it thank you the mind of man is bounded only by the universe outside me I knew it sabor if my hat and cut quickly and bring my suitcase cook please be careful please be careful whatever I do rules good luck my friends in my newspaper freedom I shall tell proudly of a German whose brains could not be bought thank you because I should not advise you although I am quite safe I'm a pole my country another war yet goodbye goodbye in Weber see that they get better I am ready I think he will be alright dr. Ben Knopf he has gone away the colleges were fond of it you are wasting your time city Miroslav isn't it our time isn't entirely wasted you saved us a journey inside [Music] [Music] get this it's hot another big escape Justin for long the other head on mission and nobody knows who he is gentlemen please gentle the minister of propaganda instructs me to inform all foreign correspondents the rumors of a mysterious person is helping enemies of the state to escape from Germany or without foundation we can assure you there have been no such escapes and there is no such rescuer furthermore in Nazi Germany no one can hope to be saved by anybody [Music] John Jordan yes sir Jordan you are nothing better than a band or a goth a spiritual descendant of the Huns whose primary object was the desecration of beauty I wouldn't know what you mean sir not without a dictionary yours is the unique privilege of looking after the fairest goddess of them all the one sublime woman and how do you treat her look man look sorry sir as a matter of fact I'm very fond of Aphrodite very fond but there's a many of them so many of them well in a manner of speaking they're all opposite there's only one woman like this look at the symmetry look at the grace look at look at the desk Jordan sorry sir I'll go and get my feather duster otherwise fun of her look at John Hill no madam not Juno Aphrodite khalipa God are you sure well I ought to know I discovered her yeah she just come out of her bath and you see that towel she's holding in her hand that is not a towel madam it is a heat on the form of drapery it looks like a table very good it's a towel to you it's a he done to me she's a goddess a 20 no no no no the goddess of love of lawful wedded love she's a respectable goddess girls she's practically perfect as you can see and in the languishing eye on smiling lips there is a boundless compassion for the folly and ignorance of a blind world very jolly yes very jolly coming uncle there's a the college Portage's called please sir your length late for what your lecture sir oh don't be ridiculous my lecture is until Friday but today is Friday sir good hymns extraordinary what happened to Thursday we had it yesterday sir diddly diddly [Music] well teacher if he doesn't have any that income be over before it stops when I sent the porter to write he must have announced nothing he didn't tell up at all last week look at that boy that's beautiful I think it's insulting being so late what do you expect baby archeologists are always a thousand years behind the times there are mr. Maxwell Amir madam thirty five minutes which compels me to omit two thirds of my lecture for which no doubt you will be duly grateful I shall therefore content myself with merely giving you something to think about till our next meeting the constitution of ancient Greece bears witness to both practical and spiritual influences for example every line of the Parthenon either returns to mother earth or slopes gently upwards to the heavens what is that pepsin oh that's a dice dice what's it doing here it showed a regrettable tendency to return to mother earth better remove it yeah sorry give it to me mr. Maxwell I often wonder what persuaded you to join this class my old man figured that a course of archaeologists over me he figured in vain anyhow he was crazy my coming to England that I can will understand but to continue but professor could I have my dice on to continue in the Parthenon we see the working of the spiritual influence while in the dwelling houses of the Greeks we find the practical as emphasized by a strict division of the women's quarters from the men's an arrangement which in my view proves the vast superiority of Greek civilization over our own always making Greek women moreover were condemned to habitual seclusion and admirable practice which unfortunately is not followed in this university do you object to our presence here professor why can't object I can merely deplore it now that we've succeeded somewhat elaborately in getting rid of the female students I'd like to have a word with you for some time part I've been making excavations in Central Europe so the purpose of discovering traces of an Aryan civilization oh I'm perfectly serious gentlemen it may surprise you to learn the German government is most interested in the idea next week the term comes to an end yes mr. Maxwell it comes to an end and in a vacation I decided that I might take a few archaeology students with me how does the idea appeal to you it appeals enormously to Mesa and Mesa high by kamsa so what I said if the financial law requirements can be kept within reasonable limits I think I can guarantee that mr. MacIntyre that's for for not a very flattering response would I be allowed to be my young sister sir no mr. Elstad I'm seeking to avoid the company of females in general and young sisters in particular I assume you would not be interested mr. Maxwell no sir I spent my vacations in the present not the past good good professor what do we ask you the trouble getting to Germany is a time like this trouble I mean I'd like to come to with the jolly old blue might govern any moment you know why are having fun of it a roughhouse is just my meat is to Maxwell I've already accepted your refuse all right take it back drop you can count me in row but I assure you I'll drop you might need a few Huskies and I'm a whale an organization what you say the word now on the whole on mr. max one of the chief attractions of this expedition was the thought that for three whole months I wouldn't be seeing you however now let's remind me of something of course crumpets for tea I'll think it over gentlemen those of you who want more information can come and see me in the morning good day I'll be along with the whole thing scheduled after dinner come on boys brillig and the slithy Toves did gyre and gimble in the wave function all mimsy ah good afternoon good afternoon how are you praying late to my crumpets as a matter of fact which unlike wine do not improve with keeping good day there one moment it may have escaped your memory that I am the Dean of this College so you are I'm so sorry but you will hardly forgotten doctor bank and off I couldn't it's the guinea pig my old friend how good it is to see well well well must be nearly 20 years all of that type of radar this is wonderful how the experiments coming and uh Natalie what you must come around to my rooms after hall and we'll talk the clock around may I remind you that the doctor is my case no no no no you're both of you my guests come along well goodbye whistle Oh hmm well now that the dealer's left us tell me all about it the theorem was a success a I left before I had the final proof no that was too bad on the other hand I still have my life mmm it's hard to believe conditions are as bad as you say worse my friend my escape was a miracle so it seems I very much regret I am unable to thank my rescue by the way who was he and how on earth did he manage it I have no idea he came and went like a shadow an invisible bodyguard every detail was arranged for me from the time I left my home regular cook story well anyway you're safe and alive and able to get on with your work yes I like to believe it was because of my work that he did it not a bad reason it is difficult for people like us to understand the motives of a true adventurer you and I are not men of action my friend no I hate violence seems such a paradox to kill a man before you can persuade him what's right so uncivilized bless my soul what's it you know things wind up problem about the bunt along for a final checkup I said tomorrow sure but I Karpin you by 12 hours now look chief here's the itinerary of the times of arrival departure an iron ration will be carried by all and personal luggage restricted 28 pounds and we're all set to go go away don't you realize that I hope sorry we'll see your prop can I have my bones look dice no they're my bones no you're all welcome proxy in the morning good ships time to remove it I'm afraid not we're all set to go [Music] our convent Isabella's darkest I know what they are until the lulu guitar expression my home is enjoy hi boy but when I am on duty I am billeted at the chalet you need you bite me no not unless I tell him to come here gentlemen I want you to meet a friend of mine from Boy oh I'll say professor we're not going to walk right on out of Germany today are we my feet are giving out do you think they'll manage to carry you another 20 hours mr. Gregson what's always spot wire for we are at the German Swiss frontier gentlemen and the barbed wire is to prevent the oppressed Swiss from escaping in the free general sea you see what I see what do you mean the car yeah the count yeah believe it or not by zetas Bonhoeffer car they produced less milk little jelly jelly cows or ever you must tell me more of your experiences some some other time yeah where are you boy [Music] [Applause] how about analog everything go right now professor Hemmings lending and the copies excellent and pledges to your taste still have a profit yeah we should only be doing about fifteen miles tomorrow but seem like standing still well if we got our marching order yeah just another fifteen miles he never relax he's like a man hundred buy a conscience forever foraging ahead that must be leavin for it there is sick starvation don't care Danny D you're right what can we do something about it see that's quite an idea turtle on that little joke I'm going into action [Music] now gentlemen since you are all in such magnificent spirits I've decided to alter slightly tomorrow's itinerary it will now be 20 miles 20 months the best animated 19 miles and yes now as you all know we are now at Wanda's it'san burger altitude 5,000 feet in the morning we should climb to 8,000 feet feet and in the afternoon yes on second thoughts will postpone discussion about the afternoon's operations until later and so gentlemen to bid the call tomorrow morning is 5:30 a.m. hello and good coffee no no I want to go to pay take it easy I know I've never seen Eva's getting late hair professor thank you for reminding me my friend silence go to sleep an organized banana [Music] [Music] you're looking for Dame's around enough to go around but we suggest come [Music] anybody come in here just out there's no one here but the English party so I haven't seen anyone sir are you sure yes sir I've been here since I came off duty [Music] well he didn't switch them by now there be that double to pay for this get your foot [Music] you don't expect me to believe that nonsense yes I do it couldn't be the same man it might be it couldn't be here here here here here he couldn't be everywhere he could and last night here on the Swiss frontier let's go see how the reports are coming in to read populated about Tonga Oh a miss from grizzle no information regarding identity of unknown man who assisted in carbuncles escape until O'Neill's it is better off being so low for someone any news message from Hamburg no information regarding identity of under and men who prevented the execution of Joseph fields Breslau Hamburg Belton 2004 it's like they're all the same no news tanka fiends who got away oh the swiss corner same as josef tson Blumenfeld shaken hurts went to Holland this damn shadow that grounds after if you can believe in it's what I do you call this thing a report what is the use here commandant of a Gestapo arresting enemies of the Reich if you permit them to escape every precaution was taken purser excuse your honor we are answerable for our conductor general von Braun not to his assistant kindly have my report delivered I'm afraid you'll regret this hair Colin done please wait outside Schmidt take this report to General von Braun is it well don't you see good at once is it Oh Hoffman take this report in there what is it another report from the prison comment about Carl plonkers escape sorry that's going to have my lunch poppin this is a molar [Music] you [Music] hey Reich minister know your enemy I am told that the English had a secret weapon there our sense of humor and I am determined to find out all about it for instance PG Wodehouse this the man with the beard side down in the forest something stirred is that funny no it's not funny good now the famous English humanistic German punch young lady a telephone you see you admit an officer and a gentleman well bring them both up not funny no not funny now work it would Lear there was an old man of being gone went to a fancy dress ball he said I'll risk it and goes the biscuits and the dog ate him up in the hall for the unfunny yes very no hair Luis scallop and it's through the looking-glass twas brillig and the slithy Toves did gyre and gimble in the body painful rubbish very painful well I am complete illusion that English sense of humor is a myth they have no sense of humor and therefore they have no secret weapon the whole thing is a complete bluff yes yes ah but wait when I am Gauleiter of London I shall see to it that there is no talk of sense of humor oh you will hair like Minister but what is this the report on the escape of car plank Schmidt remarks bring them here get them I shall see the prisoner Kozlowski in three minutes ah come in gently come in incompetent clowns you have read this report I have sir I told the prison commandant what to expect neither the frontiers are watched all foreigners Christian it won't be long before we get the man who arranged these escapes oh then you have his description hardly sir yeah they never occurred you to question of a man who can give it you who's that sending City miracle zovsky yes a more impatient man might resent having to supply all the brains and his department prisoners are asking ah just the man we want to see I wanted to have a little chat with you about freedom oh not the people you ate it but your own personal freedom well and our last interview I asked you to let me have a list well the persons who have contributed matter to your paper contrary to the interests of the life you did well suppose we forget that it'll save you a lot of disappointment and suppose you answer me a much simpler question in return for what ticket to Warsaw the freedom of your own country while it exists what do you want a description of the man who prevented the arrest of dr. Baker ball I can't give it you were present at the time a cleaned observer must have noticed some little peculiarities how he walked he talked his Heights or was it nationality I have no idea Oh calm I'd hate to leave you to the tender mercies of those idiots have just gone out mellimelon under duress he was seven feet high and covered with red hair I see you are a believer married me correct but with Europe in its present state my family is abroad no family consisting of one daughter yes she's safely in America in America yes thank good day is it the real thing so no mr. Gregson time frame is just a flint from one of mr. Hitler's new roads puppy paws oh thank you I'm very sorry mrs. Gregson well look at that that's very pretty an invitation from our embassy in Berlin Berlin oh that seems an awful long way away quiet a minute don't tell me you forgot my offset for Berlin tomorrow morning Howie sure what time we leaving 952 oh and I am and I'm gonna write it down and I'm 52 how it's right here in your pocket thank you thank you well gentlemen I shall see you on the tain nigth colonel too but when are you going to Nights Watch will stay here probably probably thank you don't worry about me you know some guys should go around in the lead what is it agent if you live it you fool what are you doing you - nothing you were looking at something I was only looking at his hands why because their hands of the world's greatest pianist well who wants to look at the dirty hand of a dirty loafer I shall report you for this name my Aunt Carol's fire get on with your work we all have a taste of this how do you expect the rescue from this place nothing but field seven country I don't know what I believe so have been others you know stop talking now next time is any trouble it'll be one of you scarecrows gosh the shot has been out again wealthiness penises action liebecker italics Carmyle appear is is reported to across the french frontier and exhausted condition it is ingested as if escaped with affected by the mysterious personal itch believed to have been responsible to similar rescues of other enemies of the right of bad game marketing well on borrowing like a rabbit for bits of a cast that guy has guts even a rabbit has got mister mental because it sounds awfully sensational well wonder how he does it by taking a chance they'll catch him on the up one of these days they always catch that sort of bloke don't desert in the deplorable argue of you modern I wouldn't know the man penetrated the camp the guise of a scarecrow in the guise of a scarecrow he left a look as a scarecrow he was undoubtedly wounded but on ragged coat for the blood-soaked sleeve was picked up when the escape was a bit not so sleeves very melodramatic [Laughter] tin they are me [Music] I would have paid too much attention to newspaper reports gentlemen [Music] so I suppose one can get a wash on this day here good that's a good idea you gotta wash to wash my hands up ready to clean the Natalie just so mr. Maxwell but a sensible fellow would keep his mouth shut gee oh boy oh boy well kicked me from here at Christmas apart from the wearisomeness of such an undertaking I'm the one who should be kicked have another natural mistake of under estimating your intelligence well how did you get into the Rex trouble was to keep out of it you see when a man holds the view the progress and civilization depend in every age upon the hands and brains of the few exceptional spirits it's rather hard to stand by and see them destroyed but how did you get away with it you of all people mr. Maxwell I'm not a spectacular person in fact a natural capacity for melting into the landscape that suddenly proved Billy use I guess you're one of the greatest guys and creation that mr. Maxwell is a gross overstatement actually I'm a singularly weak person who invariably gives way to his impulses fellas come back here on all fours will gentlemen I hope you feel duly refresh yes thank you spitting hook professor Lee I should give either hand certainly mr. MacIntyre especially as we shall soon be saying goodbye goodbye what else now that you've discovered my guilty secret yes we often say about this planet is saying yes we've been talking it over as you want to be units where you hiring it up to the neck and sort of the finish oh no you're not oh yes we are otherwise I'm afraid we'll have to get the whole shawl way hey fellas yes yes sir I don't really want to hear your idea what is this gentlemen blackmail fell and ice kind of blackmail [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so nowhere else you can go to perpetrate these noises characteristics are purely French rubbish the phrase or one like it occurs in no fewer than several compositions of Lu backs earlier works nothing lacking well at least we're agreed about a tempo I maintain there is a modulation in the second movements but I heard the record and I didn't notice it well who doesn't more carefully you'd have heard that the tempo of the second loop is fast slower than the temple of the first well yes will you be quiet here in this building we are supposed to know everything because on in German you can hardly expect me to believe that these escapes are effected without treachery someone all right minister we've given all the information we possess if my lawyer sees in Creston I leave I resign that is your valuable contributions to job now there is example months for the available evidence first a scrap of music was fall in the night your pardon sir I'm in a statement this way no no this way no no stop the origin of the truth is being chased by a committee of experts secondly the corner of a card found in the pocket of the Scarecrow's cooked sending has evil where is it a carrot ism a piece of pace pork gilt aged with RSVP printed in common trade on one side and the figures 952 in pencil under others well it must be part of an invitation card sir oh well done they are smashing and that being so disposable about of a number issue for the same reception is it beyond the power of the Gestapo to trace where that was actually be hell ethical in here well as honors unfortunately sir none of the persons who overheard the whistling that followed each escape has enjoyed a musical education her so we have endeavoured to crystallize their renderings into a single musical phrase and score it there I asked you to trace the origin of the phrase tops with a 27th bar of the third movement of low-pass Concerto in G minor I mean I played for you know I will sit down to put on the Red Army by the frontier job but don't start it certo I don't believe it [Music] pull on the record I'll stop well here at last we have something come over here all you see identical absolutely identical the British embassy reception that means you must be English does it how interesting is the fact that I do receive the invitation means if I must be English thank you gentle of your invaluable help you may all go and you are you doing here just collecting some papers for for I don't know I always do what's your name do you like music Barker not very much [ __ ] do you like this melody it's quite nice for an English - did you say English - why of course an Old English song there's a tavern in the tongue come here vodka here Jenna don't be nervous you shall be rewarded you are a genius you shall have a sighing picture of the Fuhrer have a chocolate you can salute to the Peruvian Minister Naoto Gloria grab it hi I am Ella yeah the vessels no no no no he had to fly to London oh he's better than a will help Springs eternally our reich minister general bomb ground it's for this edition except now you weren't able to come I never miss an opportunity of cementing the friendship between Britain and Bryden oh it's very happily please I hope you'll be able to come to the Nuremberg rally yes I hotel [Music] the desk well I did well the alumni parties of the dead if you search on around me right arm on the arm of Meadowbrook hello buddy what have you been doing absolutely nothing I never ah you must never do it I know Oh the jaw was cool cleaning general general Fung cloud+ member brothers not me well you know what sort of you know I have my own typically English guards ups and then about town of have the Explorer type strong silent resident gods often man Vuitton Explorer it's a member oh no I'm a mmm no I'm looking for brain not cool as you will and all I can tell you is the man we want will be here tonight see what you can do to get the generals name game yo thank you sir the Rajan lady tattwa your card please sir thank you this way please thank you sir [Music] you've excellent --are the Chilean ambassador put a match I'll get you answer thank you you then y'all and segorita go yeah those soldiers yes sir [Music] sorry professor Horatio Smith hello George hello honey so I've come as I promised it's like spinning can I go though oh I should stay a bit enjoy yourself all right it's a nice suit did you make it yourself certainly not a sailor in Cambridge me before when I was 17 Alice I'd like you to meet my brother professor Smith lady widow without the professor Smith why only the other day someone said I would the image of your Aphrodite what do you think well it's other hard to judge you see I only know my Aphrodite in the nude how do you say I don't know whether these details of your private run fits well to the pure all things of you [Music] good evening alright my head's like irons in more ways than one believe me here's a prop and it looks like he wants me you mean us well Matt I've no idea she's here I don't know I've just been upstairs and notice that so I do my best not to think I'll bet you've got a headache holding that up let that serve as a reminder to you gentlemen that the rendezvous is 11:30 at for 99 years room I don't speak until I'm certain I thought you said there was half a dozen cards with their corners going on yes but only one that would exactly fit the one that I have here I can hardly imagine the man you're looking for being wise enough to telephones from half a dozen and foolish enough to leave his own car well it is intelligent woman any intelligence you've realized now that he's in here I can promise you won't get out I have many complaints the champagnes not too hot and take it to home the expect baby it's free soon equals to die what do you see there's a different approach to Watchmen [Music] excuse me oh I'm so sorry I thought you two somebody else fun Graham Smith clearly a case of mistaken identity I'm looking for G Co and I find hi g qu hi or English truth well hardly a joke will you excuse me no no you mustn't go tell me more about yourself I'm always interested in local customs and habits for instance what do you do with yourself I hunt for the enemies of the life do you we get much shooting - waiter well there excuse me I think someone wants did you had your coffee they tell me the British Embassy is the last place in Germany where it can be obtained in Germany we have discovered that a substitute can be better than the real thing are the story of the grapes mmm tell me is it affected in your country there's no longer any freedom of speech homage all lives of the degenerate photographic press I let so then you see this journalism is so untrustworthy with yes what brings you to Germany Harry a thirst for knowledge I'm trying to discover whether there was or was not an Aryan civilization in this country there was happy to say there wasn't and I shall find out here's a risky path what will happen it absolutely nothing you know it is extraordinary but if your cavalry consists of absolutely not it's a lie it's ridicu it can be in it and it can be absolutely nothing you can even be an insult before a password tell me I am curious your English humorist Louis car why does he write such hideous yes twas bribing and thus little Toby's did gyre and gimble in the body the song except he does trust Lily and the slithy Toves did gyre and gimble in the way all mimsy were the borogroves and the mome Raths outgrabe it makes perfect sense it means whatever we wanted here you can either use it directly or as I'm trade items sometimes in place of swear words strong as a matter of fact Oh ever since I've been in Germany I felt exactly like Alice in Wonderland for Germany's a wonder it is but we have one problem to be or not to be as our great German products in general but that Shakespeare what you don't know why I know it shakes there I thought Shakespeare was English your experience of German professorships Potter has proved once and for all you have very upsetting till you must admit that the English translations are most remarkable good night good night good night parting is such sweet sorrow for dessert one of the most famous lines in German literature [Music] [Applause] you haven't even told me your name it's not Nana what a lullaby Nellie for short no loose income Oh have you noticed the music stopped all right back to earth again let's talk about you for a change apart from being American what are you I'm a student of archeology that is funny on the level I'm a member of the professor Smith expedition and proud Allen Smith oh the vague person I saw you talking to looks as though he haters coming into the middle of the room the greatest guy that ever drew breath Menace how is it one shouldn't go by appearances I could tell you things about him that have knocked a legs from under you you could and do know I guess you'll have to take my word for it and give me a glass of champagne to make up for it sure I'm certainly to him I've just been listening to him no loser absolutely nothing why bother me but that's what he said do you want me yes I'll friend Marx thinks that to step out of that agility I wouldn't add some already Bella's addition yes if I would have said he was more likely that man by the schedule - come - sir smiley intuition that arable fool that's what Evelyn's told you dude well that's what I think intuition hello George sorry I think George can I leave now My dear fellow of course I hope you enjoyed yourself oddly enough I did write a pleasure to be on British territory a game technically general let excuse me I have said of course you have but do you another walrus and the carpenter' evidently not [Music] in America they regard German propaganda stories as jokes they are mistaken in Germany we never do because a terrible photo has been haunting the Olli he's follow me about like a shadow hmm what do you want that I want the rest that man who man they called Vasya the Earl of Netivot here on the British Embassy the Gifu all say my what how do you do it with no absolutely nothing lovely cheese a midsummer night's dream quite big your pardon it's quite all right now I know a balcony where there isn't so much traffic I find it quite pleasant here I've been looking for you all over the place professors just leaving he would well aren't we be going to scram you my instructions are that I'm not to let you out of my sight how hard please click around someplace all right I'll wait for you on this deck is another party all just going together with the rest of the gang in a beer cellar the poster wouldn't be any value in BSA well not know that is that it it'd be swell if you could call me on it it's just a dumb I don't think like I better couldn't be any worse from Smokey Joe's and 670 the unil smoggy James don't let it go any further come on this has gotta be another party thank you well well well well a little liberty and they say the age of miracles is far well you put on weight all right what's the news democratic leagues in trouble not a game and every shoe that progenitor kozlovsky oh there's hothead Oh cosmos he's a great man I know but I'm not interested in policy I know but you should be good evening gentlemen okay what was the party night folks it was very instructive with the center hello yeah I think I'll have a pilsner yes who's that new waiter this used to be the telephone service really he was this mr. to trouble with an atheist man oh and you all ready for the night I'm not so now there might be a microphone hidden under the table you don't mean no mister L said I don't mean we're perfectly safe here look what's just come in and I wasn't allowed to bring my purse who's the girl I'm sorry honey I did my best but but someone else did better I understand Maya allow me to present professor senescent property this is Ludmilla upon from little old New York how do you do I no idea you were so interested in modern Thursday mr. Maxwell won't you sit down hello thank you very much prop so you're presently well gentlemen I regret you were unnecessarily cold at this rendezvous or nothing doing tonight sir on account of mr. Maxwell's regretable preoccupation with American poetry there will be nothing doing tonight that we meet at the excavation tomorrow you can have my beer good night afternoon animals root our yards where did you go then no no I'm very interested well tell me forgive me for interrupting that haven't I seen you somewhere before sure tonight at the Embassy of course has cilia well prof. you'll excuse us were gonna dance not quite enough dancing for one night oh you should have seen her why she's lighten their feet as a butterfly on a definite not a very happy simulate when daffodils are in season butterflies and mere grubs Oh forth that's hardly complimentary but scientifically accurate as I rather expected the professor would be thank you who could you be an angel and get my hand better not have left in the car well I please okay well we seem to be alone so we do your friends been telling me also to flashing things Roger yeah I hope you didn't believe him well I said to Josh myself I must be on my best behavior I should hate you to leave here with the wrong impression I should hate to leave for the wrong impression yes yes who's the girl I don't know who she ate they wouldn't go away without you with her all evening but I don't know who she is I've looked everywhere it isn't there what is there or Hamburg it is here it's been there all the time good nice nice thing oil guy but be absent association but gone already professor norik you see my impulsive young American friend over there I fear you see the mysterious young woman within I see her be a good fellow and investigate Quattro Victor I don't think anything but I'd like to know good night or night forever thank you sir I think you've made a mistake this is my room aren't you being rather unwise I want to talk to IDSA you do but this is neither the time nor the place don't worry no one saw me come into the room then let's hope no one sees you go out good night No you've got to listen to me I'm rather desperate and I do need your help you may not believe a word I say before I need this wrong we will be you now my dear young lady I'd be with you no please don't send thing to live heard me do you know of a Polish paper called freedom I'm familiar with it is who heard that editor said Emir Kozlovsky yes some weeks ago he came to Berlin for material he was arrested yes he would be they put him in a concentration camp they would he happens to be my father hmm I received the cable in New York which I believe does from him begging me to come at once it wasn't from him it was from the Gestapo they had been trying to force him because the names of his German associates he wouldn't speak nothing they could do would make him speak so they hit on the idea of getting me over to persuade him and did you you don't know my father he's fearless unshakable no two people were ever closer than he and I he filled my life with love and tenderness he's wonderful that's why I don't care what I did one his freedom there's nothing nobody I wouldn't sacrifice for that I think he's worth it he must be he is I made a bargain with chrome he promised to let my father go I hoped him find the man who's been responsible for these escapes and have you yes but I don't want to be forced to give him away why not because I had now what he's doing why are you telling me use you are that man judge for nonsense you do talk to guests at the moment I saw you and the admiration of that boy David convinced me you and your party when the other frontier post when Carl punky escaped Oh diggings were only a few miles from a concentration camp for a scarecrow came to life you are that man I know it aren't you tell me well will that be enough for tonight tell me I know you're quite honest but please please go before I go you've got to choose I do help my father to escape or I go straight to the Gestapo and tell him what I know very well go there quickly I hope they'll prove less skeptical and I what on earth you crying for what have I done you brought this all on yourself I didn't ask you to come here I horrified at the idea of a strange woman in my rooms and a woman in tears at that where are they tears yes yeah well they don't have any effect on me believe me yeah ma come up with that you look awful and don't you try any more fairy tales with me here you forgotten York have you noticed a delightful smell everywhere this morning you mean the egg everything smells delightful to me but of course you wouldn't understand that mr. Maxwell you're sure you feel all right prof I feel splendid thank you now Dvorak tell me why you were here so early in the morning you asked me to get you some information about a certain young lady so I did and I've got it in the first place our name is MCOs at all its kozlovsky in the second place you don't tell me anymore now I feel even better what is all this trailing a girl with whom I belong some dude have you sure good that'll save me a telephone call talk I don't get it exactly you made the same mistake I did the trouble with us mr. Maxwell is it we don't understand women we've even forgotten they used powder on their faces [Music] [Music] can I help you are you French [ __ ] they're not German no I'm still French this is essential to see the French oasis in the German desert what I don't for your legit oh yeah powder powder oh yes I like some powder don't even what kind of father last juice talker thankful face face Oh any special mate having fun which method you prefer well I what would you suggest I always is Dori do it oh hi some of them you won't regret it watch it Oh what shade you got well they are shown actually an open Morgan dish and said all that side would be on me I I'll be back tomorrow thank you what is she like well I really don't quite remember see someone's her coloring dog win it I know what you want you take this I have a pound of that the bun let me last a lifetime this is a vegan box I'm not alright I have two of those - very well we don't bother to wrap it up alright I just think it's rated good I think you how much is that that will be 40 to mastership 42 months thank you will you allow me Jorge gonzález / born in France born in fall [Music] good bye good bye hello Paul and our wedding good morning mr. Maxwell good morning I hope you'll forgive me for having invited myself to luncheon let me find you right here yours I believe okay your handbag thank you if I would have run after last night but unfortunately everything fell and scattered all over the place reach and fire your lies in Mexican hand hey I'm in all this happen as a matter thank you a powder will school - and I I brought you something to make up for me in the car before is nobody told ya my favorite shade how did you know intuition you know what's going on first your Don going to HR now look at us we're not a business where's the menu by the way whose luncheon is this mine no it's not as mine souls ago mr. baxford if you heard that a very remarkable man had been imprisoned by the Nazis what would you do my damnedest to get him out isn't it amazing every now and then he and I have exactly the same idea please Moretz chutney not there were some champagne what kind of champagne Oh - it I've had this conversation to force any kind rachelle natural the best you have only hurry I don't hate you Kampai bees it's true suppose we have some nice coats out starting and we'll follow that with I don't even know well that he taking you no one knows he's a gross bear your said man cook you claim them all things I think she's been watched every minute as report went up to his room enterprising in my opinion she's wasting a time sequestered in issue wasting our with idiotic archaeologist lunch lasted two hours conversation up got friendly and animated he presented her with a box of powder how gallant how helpful love is I don't know what to get start over do without it this is all nonsense all right surely I could Davis Co sit down you're looking very radiant it must be love I'm afraid not even though I did go to his room last night wrong usual the professors didn't you know as a new recruit I made sure I would be followed quiet sir but we like to get our news at first hair very well here it is at first hand you were right and I was wrong that process is crazy and so as I think the deed your famous rescuer so much we are intuition I made a mistake well I'm afraid I made rather a fool of myself well rome wasn't built in a day even by Museveni and secret agents are made in a night you did your best now bargain still stands oh of course I've given you my word as a party member isn't that enough more than enough you shall have another assignment there are several persons I suspect are very kind you kind of stolen tell me something how is my father well I love oil the PC is it something of course being the Kozlowski file would you like to see your father more than anything you don't mean if that wasn't in our bargain wants to give her a little encouragement I'd be so grateful if you would thank you hmm he appears to be in excellent health is he transferred he's being moved to a more comfortable camp will I be able to see him there I don't see why not excuse me hello all right are the other state away excuse me I'll be back in a moment where are they young lady I'm very busy at the moment but I'll be sending for you again shortly and I hope your father will be together again very soon good bye thank you goodbye I don't believe her marks I didn't believe her but I do now that idiotic archaeologist San but we've got to have proof let me absolutely nothing against him you'll see my dear fellow you'll see not you've said the elevator problems every morning I've got to judge your girls back then the afternoon I shall be there myself to be in at the kill as the English say so Joffrey I found out something something which might give used to look I made a note of it my father's being transferred from Roseburg to reason felt on Saturday afternoon with four other men who are they Schumann Fleck Gruber and Houston that makes five altogether yes how did you name him on God now leaving prospers by card for flooding and riding that we've insulted about six now we're getting someplace would not be your chance prof Saturday afternoon possibly yes say this is terrific for those maps you might have I try to work is hard profit oh thanks now here's reason built and here's Grossberg that's about 60 miles say 45 miles per hour starting 4:30 we're parting this road here somewhere look through the wood at the bottom of the hill there yeah I'll be going through there what about 5:15 yes we can get a tree across the road a dog held him up long enough yeah then we can scoot down the side road here and catch the main road to Berlin here how's that sounds alright pie surprise is a principle element surprise when you could do something don't worry we will well if I can't be of any more used to I'll leave you my text is ticking away goodbye thank you for coming you've done very well okay I'll show the way so where's she going it's too late you're mister well see how's that for the plane rough what plan the planner the escape gentlemen mr. max rule is serious about this plan but we'll never get another chance like this possibly that's exactly what the Gestapo wanted you to think this guy's gotta be saved somebody's gonna be done Saturday on the contrary if we do anything it'll be on Friday Friday yes but you said certainly would not drop what I found is it a use any use this mr. look say listen prompt my plan thousand VCS think never get paid anything like this here wait till Oxford University hear about this they'll be green within my plan losses astonishing really astonishing thank you mr. Elster thank you 48 hours and he has not in a word do you think he's thought of anything let's ask him say prof. I hate to interrupt the seance but have you thought of anything yet told it if that guy caught us cos gotta be rescued oh yes of course that guy cuz laughs is gonna be rescued on Friday and four other guys with it what all fine alone but of course Jeepers Creepers as a matter of fact I had thought of something yeah yes have any of you gentlemen ever considered journalism as a profession a laughs uh no no no no you listen now over here you have the private line go to a soft propaganda ministry Gestapo headquarters speaking Department x2 about those six American journalists we are permitting their visit to Grossberg the journalists who wish to accompany how modern chats your representative of the Boone how do you mean you don't know and find out I take it easy there I love you Jessie I need now those equipped by appointment how long have you been here you don't know me ever heard of the American Department I guess so I told apologize see if you can find my umbrella I left it behind the other day floating chest is the name excuse me well that's the man I wanted to see you don't recognize me but I remember you I heard doctor girdle say some very nice things about you sir so keep it yourself how is the baby you're getting married at the end of the month so now how about the six American journalists what about them I'm asking you you're not earning about it get me someone who does perhaps haired rabbits would know hmm Robert should know naruki a hair girl do you know anything of six American journalists no yes smells was just asking me there was a message from Augusto who's the head of the department O'Hare steinhoff but he wouldn't know we'll see here I don't care sign up where the payments of the six American journalist Thomas yes don't you say hi hips anymore how did not valid that I don't even I knew you now what do you know have you ever heard of America yes good the mayor of the permit so Tiger I wanted now listen I'm bone says the man who what's the nasty party those nice headlines in America where they don't like you I'm the man who put the last American Bund on the map you never you heard of me let this be a lesson to you gentlemen pick job no no no no let me speak I come all the way from New York to correct your blunders with the American correspondents I spent two whole weeks with them trying to let them into a better humor this afternoon I was taking them to the Grossberg camp so they could cable the United States and tell them not to believe those stories they hear about the German concentration camps you've gotta spoil everything I asked for thermos and you haven't got any permits no one told me anything about this but Gustav will do telephone oh so now you're deliberately obstructing the Gestapo that'll be the last thing I do perhaps you came back tomorrow from our own do you want me to keep the representatives of six of the biggest newspapers in America waiting outside this building until tomorrow and this I get those permits in two minutes you'll be responsible I'll be responsible right I know what I'll do get me dr. Goebbels no no Helen is a shot I'll find a service one fine and violent there are some user back there now you can tell him up as we go as we go but did I say you were coming with a smooth no I have but also he has too much did it please get me don't go no no no no I can finish the book home yeah that's right and we be waiting long enough come along come along you know the trouble with you propaganda boys you get so used to dealing lies you don't recognize the truth when you hear it but all this or all this look you don't grab it you're a smart boy thank you sir okay you can do something folks bring up the ghost work as until we're on the way haven't prepare everything in the usual Ministry of propaganda style and remember America is a soft hearted democracy giving little American jobs your umbrellas oh oh I'm better thank you even's the journalists are just arriving here coming up by Hitler later Einstein of the Ministry of propaganda this is her burden shots for Nazi American Bund I am honored Heil Hitler allow me to present you the Chicago Tribune Baltimore Sun New York Herald Tribune Boston tensed Philadelphia public ledger and the Scripps Howard syndicate 350 newspapers throughout America plus 349 hi they are on I love accuracy welcome gentlemen let me show you around a little cap you will see how happy everybody come on to your propaganda stuff you talk don't you you'll see gentlemen there is plenty of food eggs vegetables bread butter jam and took a real fruit everybody hit everybody's had it the eggs were fresh for breakfast the extra fresh for breakfast good in this house we have some men who are stupid enough to himself a beloved zero the editor of eradicates flourish paper and form decided German contributors well I'm glad you hold up the truth in America they have the idiotic idea that German concentration camps are full of unhappy people and the truth is the American people only pretend to be democratic at heart they are 100% National Socialists I think well goodbye voting Schatz you were the quintessence of all the most objectionable men I ever met that you served a noble purpose I don't often lose my verb but can't we get on all right he's just coming he's just been to telephone to make sure it's clear you two go to your destination ah office [Music] none already provisioning rooms up I'm ready carry on that plane much please announce get top what are they doing down there stir them up send good salt she'll come on don't they're coming down bring that light a bit closer what's happens there he's unconscious something must have hit him on the head now come on this hair coming it why didn't you know about this you fool oh gee boy my head's like the inside of a beehive ah talk about pile drivers who what happened journalists led by guerrillas American flag insulted where's our pony boarding shots he started it lamb bell tarragon telephone Berlin says when my apologies I don't understand I'll get you a card secret of Berlin moonshot are you on a bet pasted to the wall here snap out of a policy get underneath and the gentlemen who could flush these ladies grab the telephone give me five minutes for the transatlantic telephone and I won't be honest I'm how could a simple sort of man let myself imagine that instead of attempting to rescue your father tomorrow as I expected you to do laughter had so carefully examined my papers you would rescue him today do you mean what do you mean your acting is very clever but I'm getting a little bored with your accomplish may have rescued your father but please remember that you are still here my father's escaped yes this town big isn't it he'll Reich minister Stein Hafiz here forgive him take it in there goodie and you are the man who has just been brought by this obvious hoax I just started missile itself responsible for watch for the incumbent instability of the Ministry of propaganda boat and shots couldn't any of you will check double story we are not policemen unfortunately but you realize the manager saw him again I have an excellent memory for faces thank you I may give you an opportunity to prove it before long ba ah marks that archaeologist okay sir Smith yes sir mr. Smith I want to see him here a bunch bring it cookies do you want me do you want to see me yeah odd because I wanted to see you come in here thank you I'm so glad to find you're not busy because I'd be doing a little research where that's just what I want to do the identity of Shakespeare I'd like to know how you spend this afternoon what's the matter with you you seem upset I spent the afternoon in the library of the embassy now this this proves conclusively the Shakespeare wasn't really Shakespeare at all no no he was the Earl of Oxford now you can't pretend that the Earl of Oxford was a German can you now can you no no not there you are han general how much longer am I to spend here have you anything to say to me please we have a visitor I think you have met professor Smith no good a goodbye but you have met here vodka shots fun shots do you know voting shots no should I anyway I didn't come here to discuss Shakespeare if you want me you know where I am the Earl of Oxford was a very bright Elizabethan light but this book will tell you he was a good deal more Ned I [Music] [Music] will apology a professor can you stay initially longer with pleasure here's somebody who will recognize it coming miss girls ah the young lady who asked question but doesn't answer them professor Smith that was a remarkable affair this afternoon who have I missed something five prisoners escaped from gross bear Oh splendid splendid I bigger partner how annoying for you by a strange coincidence miss curls father that was a mammal well congratulations miss Cole's just a few days ago this young lady called here and obtained some secret information she then went straight to your excavations why now we welcome visitors you must come one day do you deny having received that information really general fun ground because if the person who received it is not punished the person who gave it will be well this girl's which is it to be what exactly do you want to know just the name of the person to whom you gave that information I gave it to no one and you will be called marshal tomorrow on a charge of espionage and you know the vedett there is only one penalty in German law what's that the state execution of mug double oh yes of course I forgotten you've gone back to the ex of the Middle Ages but we were modern dress white gloves white I'm white waistcoat the dress of an English gentleman is a dinner a French gentleman is a wedding and a German gentleman yes serve reversal at a murder that's good heaven as I just remember that excuse me Oh my dear child to a man of peace like myself always seems incredible but in your own interest if you do know anything wouldn't it be wiser to speak take it away miss a word general fun ground you appear to regard me with some suspicious first of all you confront me with an individual who's supposed to identify me as something or other but refuses to do so next you threaten the life of this young lady on the presumption that I shall make a gallant gesture and declare myself as this fellow you want I'm not in a position to do that I see you go on well after such a procession of disappointments you surely cannot intend to commit the crowning folly of cutting off your chief source of information in the absence of any hint of subtlety it doesn't surprise me that this rescuer has been so successful so it's no concern of mine I just came here to talk about Shakespeare person can read about the Earl of Oxford I do wish it with my power to help you that's goodbye professor you should have been a detective of me oh thank you all I Briscoes you can go does that mean I'm free at the moment yes perhaps the professor would care to see you home oh dear fraid i'ma let a poor escort now allow me I hope you want to get taking my advice I shall why did you let her go it's not her I want you fool it's him that man put using this superiority seems to be mocking at our greater German world power and I've got to get even doctor yes hair lice minister how do you feel oh no don't ask me any question we're not alone ah how about a glass of wine you need but if my father's safe why can't I go to him because we want to keep him safe if you're Berlin the fewer people who know where he is the better yeah drink your wine do you good excuse me you like music no enjoy it wait take some wine with my compliments to that unhappy looking fellow over there very good sir cigarette attendant that's him I've given him wine and music I'm afraid that's all I can do for him I think you're the bravest man I've ever met you mustn't exaggerate especially after your own remarkable courage but if you will now feel for yourself what about those who depend on you nobody does I'm a bachelor I wonder why well I tell you a secret years ago I fell in love I've been in love ever since shiridi not pretty divinely beautiful is English no she's Greek we do not see her total I always carry one with me but it's Aphrodite khalipa goose the perfect woman I found her at least us ours is an ideal relationship you know they say no woman compares with their physical perfection mess for her mental equipment well I tried to supply that do you never wish she could come to mine sir I always thought that would be most unsatisfactory in fact during the last two days I suddenly she become less real just marble pity [Music] [Music] well I think we'd better be going now and in opposite directions I'm afraid you better go first a little I want you to trust me implicitly it's going to be hard whatever happens you mustn't get in touch with us or try to see us this is going to be a battle of nerves we're going to be watched day and light but you must trust me to the end I will well whatever happens don't worry I promise you I won't leave Germany without you give my love to father keep some for yourself [Music] a week a whole week and what has happened nothing to report nothing to report the girl has been to a hairdresser and he has kept eating why why why what's his gait I can't stand this way in the eye say prom we've dug up half Germany whatever you know dig up the other half thank you oh that's for the Berlin Museum thank you I'm most grateful not at all you'll be most helpful doctor I wish I could do more one has to be careful I know thank you what you doing with that just bringing a little sunshine into the life will give it my love what's the master Kosaka we're all right this is where I go to work hang up Oh David I need you I'll shoot it you must excuse like how we have announced but you didn't write for him I brought on my boy you like it well as a large family you don't mind that the yellow ground those are interested in your operation not at all make yourselves at home gentlemen you know doctor full route of the Berlin Museum Heil Hitler Heil Hitler doctor full run is making a catalogue of the relics which our government is permitting us to take nectarines and so specialist discoveries have been quite remarkable he's been most generous in his gifts to our museum so yes you'll be surprised what we've discovered about an early Aryan civilization Lords honor or relics of pottery weapons here same thing and yeah a man a dead man would you like to see him there we are buried with all his weapons you see presumably in the belief that there might be a rearmament program in the hereafter a mr. Spencer an ancient tutor alas poor Yorick get thee to my lady's chamber my dear general tell her though she paint an inch thick to this favour must she can make her laugh at that the Earl of Oxford wrote that you remember boyfriend s up well no so we should be leaving ourselves in the morning it's okay please it's gone we'll never get out of here never they watch a still night take it easy buddy the professor won't fail us we'll get away alright yes but how Hecht and brand and marked fragile [Music] changing Gaza all president car what are you taking so much care of red herrings huh red herrings well what did you say he's gonna fall I'm gone yes he left for England on the 10:30 train this morning they rolled on counters it is true I spoke to the whole call to put their luggage on the taxi they've gone all right thank you Koslowski get out Saddam our class of information which only you can give me [Music] where are we now we're nearly at Seldon caching sir what's the exact time 2:47 means we're four minutes late good not very long to wait you only want to do or yes two hours to the frontier and with ordinary luck gentlemen our last adventure will be successfully concluded in case there's no opportunity to do so later I want to tell you now that your conduct throughout in spite of occasional fits of lunacy has been most exemplary I do hope the trip route instructive as I suppose which role the media game producer at Cambridge sir I wonder I have an idea that our country may have more important work for us anyway I do thank you all you Steve Nevada and you have it Madison ready and Jacque and Clarence Clarence costs it and David how did you remember all those names excuse the familiarity mr. Mexico well by the way I owe you an apology I did my best at Cambridge to prevent your joining this expedition I admit now that would have been a mistake Oh allow me to return to you your food take care of yourself prop I will now gentlemen I'm just going to take a little nap meanwhile do your stuff sure good night not right that's the signal [Music] excuse me one of us gotta move Cowell and it hasn't gone to me this is it we'll never get through never we don't stand a chance we'll all get through we are in good end it nervous myself kozloski not Kozlovsky here please when we are the purlins it won't be long now the restoration of on a skein be is to be put into operation immediately understand in Holland a Maharaja don't bother me under port from the dress the professor's the people of the professor's RC and the students regarding attacking cases don't bother did you say passion cases yes they had permits to take packing case precisely the trains coming in get rid it up [Music] there are those cases as soon as she stops [Music] [Music] where's experience Oh are we new yet so that's naughty you idiot what have you been doing are you guys looking for professor Smith with a warrant for his arrest or all you'll be unlucky is not here use me but I saw are very suspicious character just not relevant in there but is not a cheat sheet yo long headphones right away hi David ten times the breaking of not Creek right yes madam Alexandra can you press four please thank you poppycock party let's both freeze on your passport please yes I don't anymore [Music] hey what is that weave of government clamor to clear the space is all open keep your mouth shut is 1492 make a composite of this I've been interested I'm sorry pass along a candle madam please can't you see the office is busy it's great I'm a married woman and in such a years of married life I have never been manhandled what can I do about it all right take a sluggish Italy come along cooks coffee this way please you're not see Russian are closer to you this way up this way madam cooks father is way below thank you all right come along come along please bits of stone what do you expect ostrich feathers with the aren't you gentlemen with the cooks party sure sure we are well come along gentlemen come along the rest of the party is already across the frontier [Music] you but I didn't expect I told you I'd come back for you but but I thought that I forgotten my promise yes Crown's been here for hours I don't know he never left me alone please sit you've gone away if it my father's been arrested again they never stopped asking questions they never stopped talking your father safely across the frontier Oh quite safe I wanted to forgive me for what I done I'll never forgive you if you don't put on your coat we haven't much time you know yes but in the end he had to tell them things it should be another I didn't know what to do it seemed the only way to save my father they said they'd shoot him so of course you told you're so human [Music] they haven't wasted much time why did you come back tell me isn't any other way out of this house except the front door inspector and the fire escape why did you come back because I said I would come here here put this on they're gone fire escape come at me you go down and bring the car round to the back wireless to headquarters the car goes on come on well I'm almost ashamed of use that old trick nearly always work how do we do now now in the immortal words of mr. Maxwell we scram it was brilliant and the slithy Toves did gyre and gimble in the way I use and not yet I will not be provided archaeologists the metal of personal honor I can show you how I Finister that every train is being checked and every frontier watched he can't get away in a few moments I should be able to give you some definite information but I'll see to it I'll get it myself understand myself you when do we go back about 25 minutes and run then England amen there are varying opinions of us there was an Englishman named Rupert Brooke it was also in Germany when he said God have a pack and take a train and get me to England once again for England for one land I know we're men with splendid parks Livia and women with splendid master good morning professor Smith good morning you come with me what for I have orders to detain you I'm coming too no madam your train is waiting take this lady through the barrier I wouldn't go without you I should be alright go straight in Mont Rea Hotel Excelsior your father is waiting for you you can you manage I shall do my bit how do you know it train is waiting oh wow this way please in here please professor well professor of archeology well captain a murderer's you won't mind spending a few minutes with them to our special train arrives I think it I had no choice a bit a little this must be a big moment for you a minor satisfaction I wanted to get you out of my system before I turn my mind to more important methods you would become a great nuisance to me professor almost an obsession but everything comes to an end what particular end did you plan for me you be going to details at least it will be quick but violent I suppose a strange into one who despises violence at the hands of those who worship it the new german god of course we worship it violence means power and power crushes opposition the epoch of the council chamber is over there professor I tell you that power and strength and violence will rule the world why are you sweating my dear general someday warm are you afraid of something afraid we Germans fear nothing ah because you have a pistol yes I have a pistol it has eight bullets eight lives and I have 28 lives No scientists minute letters artists doctors 28 saved from your pagan pistol and all you've got is my humble self not a very profitable transaction we can afford the major loss our profits will be tremendous tonight we march against Poland and tomorrow we'll see the dawn of a new order we shall make a German Empire the world why do I talk to you you are a dead man mayor dead man say a few words to you generals your enlightenment you will never rule the world because you are doomed all of you who have demoralized and corrupted a nation are doomed tonight you will take the first step along a dark road from which there is no turning back you will have to go on and on one madness to another leaving behind you a wilderness of misery and hatred and still you will have to go on because you will find no horizon and see no dawn until at last you are lost and destroyed you are doomed captain of murderers and one day sooner or later you will remember my words coming will never never desolate that moment how could one die better than waving goodbye to a fen or I take charge of tell you one that alive what I can see him all right he has to be careful he's only just a pasta barrier across the tundra that's exactly what I want him to do ah shot while trying to escape and by me or I grab I will protect you myself professor - careful English cigarette you know it might steady your nerves my nerves our product list study they don't appear to be just an old-fashioned match there's rather a valuable relic at your feet general may I pick it up to preserve it to the future no I will how careless of improve overlooked it charming isn't it it proves among other things the complete non-existence of an early Aryan civilization in this country hey get back who can't you come back don't worry I shall be back we shall all be back [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] you you you
Channel: The Federal File
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Id: 95rnzuAYr50
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Length: 121min 5sec (7265 seconds)
Published: Wed May 17 2017
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