Head of the Month w/ Prophet Catherine Sykes (The Life Center 9/3/21)

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thank you holy spirit [Music] father we thank you for your presence in this place we thank you god that you have the revelation that is needed to take us to the next place so lord as we come together tonight we pray for each minister that brings forth the word we pray god that it would be directly from your throne that it would be directly from your heart to your people and i pray father that we would have an ear to hear what the holy spirit is saying to us tonight so we thank you for that we give you praise and honor and glory in jesus name and if you agree with that say amen amen god bless you you may be seated well i am really excited about the upcoming conference next week yes it's exciting it is exciting this is actually our 30th annual prophets and apostles conference we have been doing it here at life center for 30 years to bring cutting edge and timely revelation to the body of christ so that we can enter into the next year you know hit the ground running and to hear what holy spirit is saying to us and we're excited about the speakers that we've got this year we've got apostle john eckhart you saw that he's awesome we've got apostle alexander pagani and i tell you paso pagani is in has a church in new york and he is undergoing revival and uh there are lines out the door around the corners for people trying to get into the church and have been for i'm i'm not sure exactly how long it's been going on so you know when god is pouring himself out like that you want to not only be there but you want to hear what he has to say and so he's going to be with us we've got katie souza who is just awesome and and really has an anointing to um to heal the inner man and to charge and to release impartation and then we have our own dr bill hammond who is our bishop father of the prophetic movement he's going to open up the conference on tuesday night and then of course we have prophet pat fraley we have eric etheridge we have apostle don wales we have our own apostle buddy crumb is going to be speaking it's going to be an on and i'll be speaking it's going to be an awesome conference and the theme for this year's conference is deployment and i think that that speaks to what is going to be coming in the coming year um you know we hold this conference in september which on the hebraic calendar uh is the beginning of a new year the year changes every september on the jewish calendar on the hebraic calendar and of course we didn't have any concept of that back when those conferences started but it's an important and strategic time to get new instruction new direction new impartation for that new season so for those of you who have not registered i really want to encourage you to register and those of you who are watching online or even across the nation we have a lot of people from south africa that have been tuning in and i know there's a time difference but you can join us virtually and also have access to these sessions for a period of time following so you won't miss anything but we're excited about that and uh looking forward to it begins tuesday night the evening sessions are open so uh but registered guests are first come first i mean our guaranteed cd and then it's first come first serve after that so be sure and join us beginning tuesday night at 7 30. well we are in a month i will tell you um you know god gave us a calendar and god's calendar has uh he he set it in motion and set it in order and to our knowledge he's never changed it so the the hebraic calendar uh is god's calendar we use the gregorian calendar but um the jewish calendar begins a new year this month and it begins at rosh hashanah which is the literally translates to head of the year that is going to come on monday september 6th said sundown begins rosh hashanah and it will end wednesday september 8th at sundown it is the first of the high holy days or the days of all there are 10 days that start out the hebraic month of tishri which is what we will be entering into on monday there are 10 days there called the days of awe and they lead up to yom kippur which is the day of atonement and it's a it's uh called the high holy days and rosh hashanah is observed on the first two days of the month of tishri which is going to be on the 7th and the 8th and it's described in the bible as a day of sounding the shofar and hence because of that rosh hashanah is also called the feast of trumpets now the feast of trumpets uh trumpets are prophetically um representative of the the prophetic voice the prophet's voice the voice of god so uh we believe that especially since we're going to be in the middle of our conference that there's going to be just a real release of the direction and the voice and revelation of god so we enter into the month of tishrei on monday 9 6 and this month is viewed as the most holy of months because in the jewish calendar because it contains four jewish holidays rosh hashanah and yom kippur are called the high holidays and then the other two are the feast of tabernacles and um and that is broken down into the feast of ingathering the feast of booths and uh just the feast it's called the feast so we have all of these holidays important biblical holidays coming up biblical and coming to us from the old testament but just like the seventh day was considered holy so is the seventh month and tishri is the seventh month on the calendar now we are currently in the year 5781 on that calendar that's where we are right now but at rosh hashanah we enter into the year 5782 now each year is represented by a unique set of hebrew letters and they were originally pictograms so each one was represented each letter each number was represented by a picture and if we can understand the year hebraically and look to see what is there and and learn to understand it prophetically and interpret it it gives us a prophetic picture of the season that we're in um every number can be translated into a word so 5782 it's 5700 is literally translated as may it be the year of 80 is the word pay p-e-i and i'll talk about that in just a moment and two is the word bet so we will be entering into the year of pay bet pay is the picture of a mouth representing speech and breath so we have been in a season when we entered the 57 80s we entered a season where god is putting an emphasis on speech and his breath his life and so this is a key time uh god wants us to speak you know our words have power we we're empowered by the holy spirit we don't just just speak nonsense out of our mouths we speak the things of god we speak the word of god we speak and we believe we make god's decrees we make faith declarations and as we do so we begin to walk in a new level of kingdom authority now we're entering the the year of pay bet bet is the second letter of the hebrew alphabet it represents the number two and it is translated as tent or house so pay bet when we're in the year of pay bet means the lord is speaking over his house so god is going to be speaking into his house this year not only into on his house but what is in his house you know there will be a revelation this year of god's true house you know not all gatherings not all things and groups that call themselves churches are god's house and god is going to begin to make revelation of his true house he is going to give revelation of who is in the house you know some people visit and some dwell in his house and he's going to give revelation he's also going to give revelation who is of the house those who have the heart and vision for his house but he will also be speaking into your house this year and family is going to be very important during the coming year your natural your spiritual and your extended family and uh this is a year that jesus is revealing himself as master and indweller of his house because of that there are going to be uh there's going to begin a ro an evangelistic thrust this coming year with an emphasis on people coming in to the house of god and being invited to come to the house of god there will also be key prophetic words released into his house at times of gathering so have an ear to hear you know sometimes when we live in and go to a prophetic house our ears become dull because we get used to hearing prophetic words over and over and over but this is a time where there's a sharpening of the prophetic words and some strategic words are going to be released in his house for his church for his people in this coming year and we we need to have that ear to hear amen amen um a lot of things happened this month when we look at the biblical calendar and calendar of events and things that happen scripturally and i've got four pages of things that happened and i'm not going to read them to you because it's not time to take a nap so but what i am going to do is i'm just going to highlight some of them so that you can see how strategic this month is overall on the on the first we are in teshuva and i talked about that last month which is the 40 days of returning to the lord uh it's 40 days where we are to really seek god and really go after him and the last 10 days are called the days of all which i already talked about on the first david according to jewish tradition got married to bathsheba on the second the world was created on this day according to jewish tradition on the um i'm going to go down to the seventh which is rosh hashanah adam and eve are created it is the sixth day noah's birthday according to jewish tradition and genesis 8 13 is on that day we see that joseph was released from prison on that day elijah prophesied the birth of a son to the shunammite and jewish tradition holds that it was jonah the prophet is it that interesting i just found that out um that's in second kings 4 16 then we see that on uh the seventh also that would have been the day that herod would slay all of the children trying to kill yeshua or jesus as in matthew 2 13-23 and in on that date a number of years later john the baptist wants to know if jesus is the expected one after he raised the widow's son um luke 7 11-35 on the 14th is abraham's birthday on the 15th jesus would be baptized by john the baptist in luke 3 21-23 on the 16th is yom kippur the day of atonement it is also the day that abraham and his household would have been circumcised in genesis 17 26 and 27 and a number of years later abraham would place isaac on the altar of mount moriah on that day according to jewish tradition on that day also joseph would be sold by his brothers and we already heard that he got out of prison this same month the ninevites would also repent and fast after jonah preaches in jonah 3 1-10 on the 17th in the old testament exodus 35 1 the work on the tenth of meeting is begun and the first judicial session is held on the 18th jesus would have andrew and peter to start following him in john 1 35-42 on the 19th would be the day that abraham would be unable to find 10 righteous people to save sodom and we know sodom and gomorrah were destroyed that's in genesis 18. then on the 21st we begin the feast of tabernacles and it is believed that jesus was born during the feast of tabernacles luke 1 26 on that day a peter identifies yeshua as the messiah of god in luke 9 18-28 and then on the 23rd of september it would be the third day of the feast of tabernacles now the feast of tabernacles the purpose of that feast was to celebrate god with us and they would build booths that's why little booths b-o-o-t-h booths um little little huts little little houses or tabernacles and they would live in them for seven days and it would be like uh they would be celebrating that god was among them and that god was with them and so god would tabernacle with them and that is why they partially the reason why they believe that jesus was born during the feast of tabernacles god with us but on the third day of the feast of tabernacles on the 23rd of september that would be when jesus would go to the wedding feast on the third day at cana and turn the six jars of water into wine in john 2 verses 1 through 11 and that would be that would be his first miracle and also on the 27th jesus would invite the thirsty to drink living water and then on the 28th uh when jesus was a baby that would be the day he was circumcised many years later jesus began his ministry on the 28th according to luke 3 23 on that same date but separate years jesus would be transfigured before peter john and james and peter wants to build three tabernacles three booths for them to stay in on the 29th the adulteress would be brought to jesus and he would say let him who is without sin cast the first stone and on that date he was also spent the night on the mount of olives as outlined in john 7 37 so you can see that there's a lot of things that happened this month biblically it is a very important month and so what is god saying to us this month well the things that i got from the lord about this month uh i give the the general overview of the month and then we have our prophetic ministers drill down into the specific areas that they were assigned but the points that the lord gave me for this month is number one be sure of your connection this month don't be disconnected um you know you want to stay connected and and you want to enter the new year connected so don't be disconnected this month the second point is ask the lord for the training plan for your training plan this coming year for the coming year you know god is bringing us to a new level of maturity he's raising us up he's equipping us and you know it may be formal training it may be um some of specific training but let me tell you god is training you this year you know all of us and so ask him for the training plan ask him for what it is that he wants you to be a part of or you to do to get an alignment with where he's taking you especially in this coming year number four number three it's time to conduct a review of not only what you were doing but how you were doing it um i saw people standing over almost like a strategy table and they were looking at maps and they were looking at blueprints and they were discussing among themselves what had been done and then it was all of a sudden it was like a light was turned on and they could see all of this stuff that they could not see before it was like there was light but it was dim and then god began to just turn on the light and all of a sudden they saw that some of their plans were not going to get them to where they were were thinking that they were going and where they thought that the lord was taking them so it was almost like they had to step back and regroup reassess and re-look at what they were doing and how they were doing it and as they did that it was almost like that bright light came on that made everything very clear so this month be sure and conduct a review not only of where you're spending your time your resources and so forth not only what you were doing but how you were doing it and and change what the lord shows you to change or what is not working the next point is this is a time especially the next 12 days to ask the lord to expose any unclean thing in you repent and get it cleaned up god wants us all to be free to move into the new with a clean heart so that he can anoint us with power for the days ahead because we are going to need the power we're going to need the presence we're going to need everything that god wants to impart to us for this coming year 2022. so if we if we have stuff and junk that we're carrying in or or even sin or or uh bad habit you know just whatever it is if the lord shows it to you and that's the prayer lord expose in me any unclean thing and you know and when he shows it to you repent because he didn't show it to you just for you to go oh yeah i know yeah i got that one lord and he says yes you do you do have that one and you don't need to have it anymore amen and this goes right along with that be quick to repent this month there will be opportunity to take offense for yourself or even take offense for others and don't take the bait because the bait will come so don't take the bait the devil doesn't want you to be able to move into what the lord has got for you in this next season and then the last point that's a general point for this month that i heard was we are be and this is for all of us so i'm going to say you but it's all of us you are beginning a new race this month when you enter into this this new year it is going to be a new race your pace is going to change uh your view and perspective is going to change it is a new race that you're in and i saw that some had been handed batons like they were runners and they it was like their turn to take the baton and they took the baton and began to run and the lord said you have been in training for what is coming this year for you and it is not just it is not just you know a few months training i'm talking about you have been training for a number of years for what is coming this next year and you're going to begin a new race it's going to be new it's going to be different it's going to you're going to see new scenery i saw i saw it was almost like you know there was a group of people running together and like not jogging they were going faster than that but they were running and then one kind of took a fork and started going up the mountain and as they went up the mountain they began to see vistas that you couldn't see from where you were before but your strength and the strength in your legs the strength that you had to go was already given to you you already have it in you because of the training that you've been through over these past years so it's going to be a great year coming up it's going to be an exciting year and it's going to be a year of great advancement in the house of god and in the kingdom of god god is going to uh you're going to begin to see some really innovative ways that the kingdom of god will outreach and and that will get outside of the four walls i really believe it that deployment is what we're talking about which is a positioning of people and resources for military conquest you know i believe god has got you in a position to be able to deploy you and get you where you need to go and that you're equipped you're ready and whatever you need in these last days of this year to to get off of you so you can receive everything going into it he's going to do it if you'll seek him amen amen let's give him some praise thank you lord thank you god thank you father thank you jesus so it's going to be a great year and it's going to be a great month and i'm excited about it and you know we we i get excited when he shows us things like a new race a new impartation you know all of that going forward and yet we have no idea what that's going to look like you know but i'm still excited because god's in it and if we've been training for it over these past years if we've been training to get ready for it then it's gonna be a ride you know it's gonna be glorious and i believe that we are going to see uh that you know that even as the times represent you know this the mouth the voice of god and the breath of god i believe we're going to see god begin to breathe his life into some houses of his and we're going to see more outbreaks of revival we're going to see more outbreaks of his present we're going to see that you know begin to come forth and not just in little select places but i think we're going to begin hearing about it more and more and not just in nigeria and not just in china not just in afghanistan but we're going to hear about it in dunwoody georgia we're going to hear about it metro atlanta we're going to be hearing about it in in all the places and the number of places that we're going to begin to hear god's pouring out his presence because it's time church and we are we are so blessed to be a part of what god is doing in his church today amen amen well let's give one more hand of praise thank you jesus thank you lord thank you father thank you jesus hallelujah well now we're going to move into the prophetic words that are going to be given by our prophetic ministers that have been given specific areas in which to drill down with the lord so we're first going to hear from charlotte davis who is going to share what the lord is saying about family and relationships so would you welcome her as she trucks around to get here she comes would you welcome charlotte davis please amen thank you god is doing amazing things within our family and the first thing that he is doing is he is dismantling generational hindrances and those hindrances have come in the form of sickness those hindrances have come in the form of financial distress those hindrances have come in the form of discouragement so in this month he is upsetting the plans of the enemy concerning the family he is rewiring the dna that has been infected and influenced by trauma by abuse by those negative experiences within the family that have caused risks in relationships he is bringing the restoration that you have been looking for there are many of you that have been praying for restoration and reconciliation because things have been broken well this is the month that reparations and repairing will take place within your family and even as he begins to repair he's going to bring in the prodigals those who have been heavily influenced by those negative things generate those negative cycles generationally that have been causing all of the turmoil within the family so this is the month that you're going to begin to see forgiveness flow afresh this is the month that you're going to begin to see the the spirit of god move and and and the salvation of your family members come to fruition all of those prayers that you have lifted up to the lord about your family members salvation you will begin to see that take place this month sons and daughters i am giving you new dna old infirmity oh trauma and wounds i am destroying by my spirit i'm lifting you up out of those places where you felt like the doors were closed salvation and breathing over every single one of your children you will see revival take place and you will know that it's by my hand it shall be done thank you jesus thank you lord i didn't even know she could sing [Laughter] praise the lord that's that was awesome and next we're going to have chris washington is going to share what the lord is saying in the area of business and economy so would you welcome chris as he comes praise god for the month of september the lord is resetting the boundaries in business and economy he is having his businesses re-plan to get appropriately positioned in the marketplace and he is refreshing all who have grown tired in this season all right first reset and i'm giving my businesses grace a second chance do not be discouraged in this particular time when you feel like you had to close your business be encouraged i'm bringing a new light and a new on your business so that you will keep your doors open do not be discouraged my vision will take place in your life hold on to it do not sign those final papers continue to step on faith continue to step out on faith and i am transferring a large amount of yeah i'm i'm transferring a large amount of real estate to my stewards i'm repositioning the boundaries in the real estate market and i'm getting over to my kingdom representatives i'm rearranging the schools and i'm doing it with my young leaders and beacons they're going to be schools that are in one district they're going to be moved to another district because of what i'm doing in the classrooms that what i'm doing bringing the word into the young people's lives i'm making sure that there are homeowners who are going to take such gratitude gratitude in their home they're going to reposition it and build it up and upgrade it and they're going to see such a grace that they're going to look to their neighbors and continue to befriend them i'm breathing into those neighborhoods and causing a strong bond again instead of people feeling alone by themselves like there's no one in the world that cares for them and they're completely surrounded i'm breathing into those neighborhoods through this real estate market so that people will reach out again and have that strong bond replanting [Applause] my entrepreneurs do not be discouraged because of what of the of the turbulence that's happening right now go back to find the joy that you first had when you first opened those doors when you first business it seems like the final set define of what you need to do is such a long way away but remember the beginning because it is just as sweet as the end the beginning just as sweet as the end take joy in that and i want you to focus not just on what people need right now i'm going to make you the trend so that you're ahead of the curve you're also going to focus on when people are going to need in the future so that you can be a leader in your industry i want you to be more creative with the little things that you have sometimes you feel like you do not have much but i want you to understand that every gift that i've given you handles someone's need everything i want you to use all of it everything that i give you i want your stock to be empty because everything that i give you there's a need for that so make sure that you distribute all that i've given you i want you to refocus on what your target audience is you feel like there's a small plateau but i want you to take courage and have faith and marketing to a new target audience people that you haven't never ever did have done business with before i know that some of your relationship with your clients are very formal and kind of still but what you will find out is that you if you open your net up to reach out and target people that you normally would not have before that you will have very fun and beautiful relationships it's going to be very profitable and you will find that there were some very intelligent people that you didn't even know about because you weren't even looking at that particular area um a new win on a new industry and their industry is generosity i have shaken up so many systems and people have lost in their idols they can see the cracks it's completely transparent and they're looking for something to put their faith and trust in and they're going to put it in my kingdom because my entrepreneurs will lead with generosity and finally refresh those who are working they feel like there's a large load on what they're doing but i want you to understand that even though you have more work there is a larger reward and the shift the work shifts will go quickly i'm making sure that i'm not leaving anyone behind when you're in management when you're in leadership and you find that the businesses have come to where it seems like things are drying out i want you to do a full accept every department and you will find that there are some people who have a mundane attitude there you'll find there's some people who have low morale some of the managers are telling them they're the bottleneck in the company everything's flown but it stops the flow stops when it gets to them but i love them and what i want you to do is to put your arms around them and undergird them and tell them specifically their identity their identity is they're a key employee that they're vital to the business i want you to rebrand them i want you to re-label them so that they can see themselves as valuable and do it publicly and you will find that these businesses these individuals will start to produce more because they feel valued because of how they see themselves amen thank you jesus that was an awesome word wasn't it thank you lord and next we have monique etheridge who is going to share what the lord is saying about nations and governments so would you welcome monique please hallelujah full disclaimer i cannot sing no all right um the lord gave me three countries they were afghanistan germany and india okay so um sons and daughters for those children of mine that were left behind in afghanistan i just want you to know that i have not forgotten you there are secret plans being made just similar to like what harriet tubman did with the underground railroad there's something similar going on right now to get you out of there just continue to extend your faith and it was no accident that i did leave some blackhawks behind and just like a hawk in the natural has eight times more vision than a human being i'm increasing your discernment i'm giving you more eight times discernment in your natural vision supernatural vision and your hearing and your tasting and your smelling so that you will be well advanced and know when the enemy is coming and you will have the opportunity to make the proper adjustments so also sons and daughters know that those who try to come and harm you will have a damascus experience this year this month they will go from saul to paul and the clue that you would know that having the damascus experience is that they will ask you about your jesus and instead of harming you they will help you and do not limit my ways of getting you out by the natural realms i am still god just like my son jesus walked on water and walked through walls and philip was naturally transported from one city to the next if you extend your faith you will be supernaturally transported from one country to the next and also i did not forget the refugees who've been displaced just know that i'm giving you favor and your new place of identity i'm giving you the grace to know how to adjust and i'm also healing your wounds that you've gone through so much just know that i'm concluding you with love i'm concluding you around the right people who care about you and want to take you to the next level and just as afghanistan is going through their changes germany is making a turn also um there's a new person coming in to a command as angela marco steps down just know that i'm counsel putting him to the next level i'm placing a new mantle on their new leader he doesn't even know it but he will realize that i have a hook in his mouth because i have plans for germany i am hovering over germany i love germany and so that um i would place people around him to give him the right advice that germany will continue to be a superpower in the european nation and throughout the world and also the government will turn their heart towards the elderly you will see that they will start creating programs for the elderly they will honor their elderly and they will make sure that the elderly is okay and just like germany is making sure that elderly is okay the people in india are really looking out for those orphans who were orphaned by all the people who died from coven and i am raising up a young people group who were mentored by mother teresa who would take in those orphans and they had the right demeanor the right heart posture because they understand what it feels like to be abandoned but they are going to be a new elijah group this group is anointed and appointed for the season they will rain down fire they will operate in miracles and these miracles would be a huge evangelistic turn to turn so many people away from false god to the true and living god so they will also have the ability to bring in fresh wind into the count to the continent of india and make it turn around amen thank you jesus wow wow you know you listen to these words and you just really have to process through because they're you know what he's saying is the implications are so great well last but not least we have eric etheridge is going to be sharing what the lord is saying to the church at large so if you're a member of his church this word is for you and for your church amen amen yes it's so good um god the lord gave me a couple of things he said this is a month that i will show my loving-kindness to the church another thing he says this is a month to release righteous decrees for the reconstruction that is happening in this month amen so lord says that this is a month that you will begin to see my loving kindness go before my church and that where there's been things that have really been coming against the church and where there's been many that have tried to mock it for it seems like it was taking victory it was being the one that was even leading but now understand my beloved that now i'm beginning to switch those things and i'm beginning to show my loving kindness and i'm beginning to show you that it wasn't just the enemy that was leading but it's me that's beginning to step into situations and i will cause many people to even rise up at this time and i will cause my church to be the ones in the forefront where they will be uh the leaders and they will be voices of reason in the marketplace and in many industries and many cultures because the enemy has tried and just bring discouragement but i'm beginning to change those things for where it seemed like there was a cloud and fear was being released i'm beginning to change the fear to even faith at this time and i'm glad for my church to begin to rise up with a new confidence and a new boldness as i begin to take the lead in many situations so allow me church to be the one that will lead you and watch how i begin to shift your situation it is now a shift that where you will begin to be the ones in the forefront where the church will be begins to be the voice uh that will begin to speak against many things that you will find that even through at this particular time that i'm even allowing the prophets begin to rise up and to begin to release righteous decrees at this time even the ones that will begin to stand up to deal with those individuals who've been kicking against the goal where it seems like deception has come in they will begin to be the ones that will expose unrighteousness and they will begin to speak to those things because i'm even causing my prophets to release a righteous judgment that they that you will begin to see that my church lord who have begun to even intercede and begin to walk in righteousness they will begin to be rewarded for those things that those individuals who are beginning to release a deception have beginning to release our fear or beginning to reach for lies and those things you will begin to see that there will be a shift in their situation not so that i can not so that i can be uh will glorify in their in their uh in their hurt or in their shame but so that they can come to a place of repentance so that i can begin to redeem them and show you show them who i am for i ain't even gonna cause uh those prophets even as they begin to stand and speak to those things that they release a righteous decree even to the systems that even where there's been barriers that have been holding my people back and holding my church back you will begin to see those things quickly because there's going to be a quick move that will happen at this time so your church understand that i am with you and that even as as you allow me to come in even as there's a restructuring in the church there's going to be a glory that begins to come and hit the church because the latter glory is going to be greater than the former glory and there's going to be such a hunger and it's going to be a thirst that's inside the church that's gonna even draw people because now i'm beginning to cause my church to rise up and to many arenas and to shine bright at this time and many are gonna come to your horizon and they're gonna come to the light that you've even shining at this time for this is that month that things begin to accelerate and they begin to change in your favor because there's also a thirsty thirstiness and a hunger and a thirst for authentic truths and authentic things and they're going to come to christ or who you are and who i who i am in the church because i'm even making you a new for this is your time even when there's going to be some things that will shift there's going to be some new places and new faces and new places and and new places if you will it's going to be things that's going to move differently there's going to be a restructuring and it's now time for a new move and even as you begin to release the righteous decrees even at this time when there's new cycles there are new portals you're going to see that those things that you release and the truths that you release will be a quick work at this time amen [Applause] all right and if we could have our ministers come up we're going to make some declarations we believe that making declarations over the prophetic words that have been given help us to align with god and align with heaven so we're going to go in the order that we ministered so charlotte if you would lead us out i'm amen so let's stand because we want our full authority to be reflected in the words that we say so i declare that the generational curses that have hindered my family are completely destroyed today in jesus name and i declare that i will cooperate with the move of god in my family and in my relationships to bring about restoration and reconciliation in jesus name amen i declare that i will not quit god's vision and i will be his kingdom ambassador in my own neighborhood i declare that i will be open to his revelation for new marketplace strategies led with generosity and i declare that i will be sensitive to the pain of my peers in love with the heart of the father in jesus name amen i declare claire that the lord with supernaturally transport those out of afghanistan germany will rise to your new level within the european union the indian orphanage will operate in supernatural miracles we declare that this month we will release righteous decrees over the church of our situations and in the earth we declare that the church will not fear but we'll move forward on the unfit for the kingdom of god this month we declare that this month we will receive and see the lord's loving-kindness in our lives and over the church in jesus name amen amen hallelujah thank you lord i decree that i will stay connected this month i declare that i will be open to well to what the lord would show me and i will rid myself of any unclean thing i will repent and i will enter the new year starting a new race at a new pace with a new direction a new destiny and i will see what i need to see and i will hear what i need to hear and god will get the glory let's give him praise thank you jesus thank you holy spirit thank you lord it's going to be a great month i i trust that we will take these words and really allow the lord to show us individually and corporately how to apply them this coming month because there's a lot that's going to be happening amen amen god bless you [Applause]
Channel: The Life Center Atlanta
Views: 412
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: yFiHUF9jpXc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 4sec (3424 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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