Friday Night Live w/ Prophet Pat Fraley and Elder Judy Highum (The Life Center 9/17/21)

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i just could feel the presence of the lord tonight during praise and worship he just touched our hearts and he is truly a great god who does great things who touched us greatly out of which he'll continue to do great things amen let's pray father we thank you so much for your goodness and for your greatness we thank you so much for your generosity and your love that shares that goodness and that greatness with us that we might be expressed through us in jesus name father i pray in the name of jesus christ our lord and savior that this house would always be a house of truth that this house would always be a house of courage that this house would not be afraid to stand on what is true about you and not be afraid to share it not be afraid to disciple lord god but let us be a people that will always always always lead people to you in jesus name we pray amen thank you lord hallelujah let's give the lord a hand hallelujah now this is topic friday and this is actually the second night of a topic that we began in july for those of you who are not here in july what we talked about was family as a as demonstrators for god we went back to genesis and we talked about what family looks like from the garden what the environment was supposed to look like and should continue to look like in our families today we talked about marriage and what that was supposed to be look like the atmosphere we should have in our homes that comes out of genesis the presence of god that we should have in our families the role of parents uh the authority and responsibility of parents in raising children and bringing them into the church the responsibility of the church and helping to prepare every individual as someone who would live a productive creative spirit-filled life walking according to the plans and purposes and the destiny of god that was the message we uh some summary of some of the points of the message from july so i would recommend that if you haven't heard it you go back and you listen to that so you'll know how we got to where we are today we took a break in the month of september because what we are addressing today really ties in a bit to the theme of our conference this year which was deployments so with that we'll go ahead and get started the title of tonight's message from my perspective is preparing our children for deployment preparing our children for deployments our children not just us but our children we've talked time and time again from this platform about the attacks on our children we talked about the attacks on the body beginning with abortion beginning with uh also transgendering to the point that medications are taking surgeries occur to change their bodies which also changes their very souls we've talked about gender confusion we've talked about the battle of for the mind through the educational process through censoring uh in all of the media of course and of course all of our kids are almost addicted to media we talked about the fact that our children are no longer taught how to think for themselves that they're no longer taught how to debate and how to analyze there are no debating clubs and high schools that we know of today and so they are fed what it is that those in power in positions of authority in the world want them to think want them to feel uh creating a generation that supports a platform that's not necessarily a christian platform and is not a christian platform uh we live in a world where christian values uh again we've talked a lot about have been eliminated uh attempting to eliminate god all together from society uh living in a world of humanism and secularism and those are the gods of the day and the gods that are being purported those are the gods that are being pushed so where do i what's happened to our children in this well there are some interesting statistics that from 2007 until now children from the ages of 10 to 24 have had a 60 increase in suicide rates 60 percent that's pretty astounding those from ages 10 through 34 the second highest cause of death is suicide there's a hopelessness in the younger generations partly because of what's going on in the world a lot because they've from the time they're in kindergarten they're taught a different value system they don't have a foundation of truth on which to stand they don't have a hope and an almighty god because god has been replaced by other gods our children are suffering god never intended for our children to be targets he always intended for our children to be weapons to be the ones who changed the environment of the world to be the ones who were part of church family but also part of the church army equipped and trained with truth and other weapons of warfare to change the atmosphere of the world not to have the atmosphere of the world change them in every way shape or fashion god never intended for them to be targets and yet they are primary targets of the enemy period amen jesus said in matthew 18 that if anybody caused a child to sin it would be better for them if they had a big stone a a millstone tied around their neck and thrown into the ocean thrown into the sea it would be better for them to be dead than to cause an innocent one to sin and pull them away from christ and you look at what's going on around in the world today and it is a struggle for our children to maintain truth about god because they're fed lies from the time they enter kindergarten that's just where it starts once they enter the public arena they and especially the more hours that they need to spend in it the more opportunity the world and our enemy and the government and everybody else in public works to mold their minds and change their hearts and to line up with an agenda that is not a godly agenda and i don't want parents feeling guilty about this because it does not matter parents have the responsibility yes but they also have the authority the authority the authority to pray over your children and to reverse whatever it is that the world is throwing at them so do not beat yourself up because your child is in child care and being fed may be lies maybe trash maybe truth you don't know unless you're there but your authority is higher than any authority that your child sits under any authority and we don't want you to forget that amen so our children were meant to be weapons my part's going to be short because i have never had my own children so i'm going to give the scripture piece and then i'll turn it over to judy who's had four and you can speak to you from experience etc however as i said our children were meant to be weapons they were never meant to be victims of the world they were meant to be victorious and victors in whatever arena and whatever assignment god placed them was in they were meant to be the ones who were placed in the seven cultural mountains and to change those cultural mountains so that what's in heaven can be brought to earth that's god's intention for them they were meant to be part of a family of god they were also meant to be part of the army of god not just family but also part of the army which implies that they need to be taught they need to be trained they need to be equipped before anybody in the military is ever deployed they're already trained and equipped for wherever it is that they're going and they also in addition to being trained and equipped before they're deployed they have to have a physical mentally and physically our children right now are being sent into the world outside the walls of the church where they primarily live a little bit trained a little bit equipped and a lot of times not emotionally healthy if you look at the suicide rate something is very wrong right now the enemy thinks that he has one but let me tell you i am hot about our children right now and who they are and who they are supposed to be and i'm hot on parents and who they are and what their capabilities are and no demon in hell has higher authority than you do as a parent amen and it is time for us to pull our children back into a healthy spiritual zone in which they can grow in which they'll have hope in which they can prosper in which they can be deployed be successful not just in the world but also in the supernatural realm as well it's time to bring our children back home amen to bring him home proverbs 17 127 3-5 this is a familiar scripture the children are a heritage they're a gift from god children are a gift from the womb they are a reward from the womb to parents and that verse goes on to the verses go on to say that as arrows they're like arrows in the hand of a mighty warrior so are the children of your youth we talk about the arrows part sometimes we don't talk about the parts of youth you know what god is saying there is if you have your children when you're younger that you're even more blessed because when we get into the point in our lives when we need help then our children will be adults and will be able to assist us it says as arrows are in the hand of a mighty man so are children of the youth happy is the man that has his quiver full of them so having a lot of children having them young is a blessing and a reward because the verse goes on to say that um they won't be ashamed they'll speak with the enemies in the gate i have to remember what time we're talking about the men sat in the gate business transactions occurred in the gate uh judicial issues were were brought forth to the gate everything was brought to the gate that's where the major transactions occurred and what this verse says is if we have our children young enough that they're old enough that when we get old that they will help to defend they will war they will be your children they'll be your family just like the church but they'll be warriors on your behalf they will help to defend this verse says they'll help to defend the property that someone owns then that case they'll help to defend not just the real estate property but all the animals and whatever other blessings that a man had they had sons and children to help to war and defend what god gave them in terms of material blessings for sure but also so that sons would stand at the gate and make sure that their fathers would not be attacked by any enemy in any way that in any transaction that occurred that they wouldn't be defrauded they wouldn't fall into a bribe uh if a if a if a judicial determination was being made to make sure that it was a righteous determination that the justice system at the gate was what it needed to be children were meant to help and assist their parents and then inherit what it is that their parents had now what we have come to in our day is to uh and it's because of the ways of the world you know it's definitely harder to raise children it's expensive it sometimes demands two people to work not always but sometimes demands that two people work even with a lot of sacrifice materially and so it's difficult families divide they move to other parts of the country if not other parts of the world so we're not raised close together in those days they were raised to be independent to become young adults who could care for themselves for property for whatever and their parents and um so they were independent and yet still remained a part of the family we live in a time now when a child can go to court and divorce him or herself from their mother and father we live in a time where in some nations right now government government officials are removing children from their families simply because simply because their mother and father think they're too young to make a decision about transgendering at eight or ten years old we live in a time when the government talks about we follow science but only the science that what they want to follow that supports the agenda it's one side of the coin it's that loss of analytical thinking again it's that loss of thinking for themselves and being brainwashed from the time their young children that's that's just where it is right now so i'm just painting a picture so that's the world we live in so it says as arrows are children in the hand of a mighty man um if you have them in in your youth there's still a blessing and a reward if you have them too old you might still be taking care of them by the time you get old but god intended for parents to raise their children and their children to honor their mother and father that they might have a long life amen it's one of our major commandments so as arrows we know that in the bible arrows are used as weapons they're used to hunt they were used to war they also in the middle east uh were used in a major way for divination they might do something like take three arrows label one as yes god says label the other as god says no and the other a blank and just shoot you know draw draw from the quiver shoot an arrow or draw an arrow whatever the arrow said so there was a use of arrows in divination and that is what the enemy wants to do with our children today is to pull them from a platform of truth from a relationship with the almighty god so that they can be used like arrows in the hands of the enemy rather than arrows in the hands of a mighty father or mother and you see it going on all over the place i mean some children are happy to go to court to divorce their mother and father all they have to do is get angry you know and take it to the right source and whatever they want however foolish their thinking is for the age that they are in they might get their way so we have an enemy that looks at them and sees the weapons that they can be and is ready to use them like divination is ready to use them to advance the agenda of our enemy supernaturally and or naturally whatever the case may be that's what we live in i keep saying all the time but god but god but god but god in the lives and the hearts of parents but god who brings forth his son jesus as shepherd to meet every need who brings forth jesus as king who has all power and all authority to change all circumstances and jesus as captain of the host who can lead the arrows that y'all produce as weapons as well as family so that to a place of victory on behalf of the lord rather than a place of victory on behalf of the enemy i just feel like god is saying it is time it is time it is time it we have had enough and it's time to snatch back our children snatch back our children they belong with you not on the streets of atlanta or any place else so our children the enemy wants our children to be used for the enemy um the enemy in essence would like them just to stay in the quiver of a christian family you know it says blessed is a man who whose quiver is full you can have a full quiver but it's of no use if the arrow never comes out of the quiver or if the arrow comes out in the hands of the wrong person i don't know a lot about arrows but i know a little bit one thing that i know which is kind of intuitive is that arrows are meant to be released you know we don't make arrows just to stick them in a quiver or hang them on the wall although we can do that but originally as weapons uh as for hunting to to to to to provide whether that be protection or anything else arrows are meant to be released they were never meant to live forever in the quiver now you've heard me say this over and over again and i'll probably might be sick of it but i'm going to say it until we all believe it that when you look at the hebrew word for sent ones our children are meant to be sent out of the walls of the home out of the walls of the church uh on behalf of the lord in the army of the lord etc that our children the the the hebraic word for sense is uh sherlock if you change one letter it's the same root word and it also means missiles of attack i want everybody to remember that forever until you go be with the lord our children are meant to be sent as missiles of attack on behalf of god's army they're not sent without courage they're not sent without honor they're not sent not equipped god equips him and he sends them as missiles of attack against the enemy one thing we know is that or i know even intuitively i never hunted never will probably but this much i can figure out the same arrow that's used to kill a deer is not going to be the same arrow that you use to kill a squirrel when you're hunting arrows have different purposes they have different points they have different feathers on how they fly i know that um i've never done an in-depth study on arrows it might be worth doing it they're made out of different materials now of course but they have different tips but one thing i do know is they all need to be sharp so our children need to be sharpened and who has the primary responsibility for sharpening our children the parents the parents and i don't care if you have an hour with your children in the evening and daycare or somebody else has them eight hours a day because of the authority that the lord has given you that one hour a day can and will have greater impact than those eight hours if we use them wisely scripture tells us that you know the god teaches us things and every moment that we have with our children is a teachable moment whether we're sitting down to rest whether we're lying down or getting up the word tells us to be talking to our children about truth training them and teaching them every waking moment as we put them down to sleep as we get up those are just a few moments but they are powerful moments and more powerful than what a teacher is going to tell them all day long if we introduce them to the almighty god if we begin even doing things with our children like what we call activations here the lord has put it in my heart i want to do a family activation day it's just in my heart i i don't know how when that's going to happen but i want to do a family activation day i want to do activations show activations parents can do with their children i want uh from youth from a young way age all the way up into teenage years when they when they should be able to prophesy along with the best of anyone but we need to have a family activation day we need to come together and support each other in raising our children and teaching each other how to raise our children amen so that's in my heart to do like i said i don't know how it's going to happen yet but i want it to is anybody in here who would come amen amen and judy you could help me because you're experienced at it so i want to walk you through uh second kings for a moment and then i'm gonna turn it over to judy shortly and that this is a this is a scripture that talks about arrows it's when elisha was dying and johash the king came to him and you know he shot the arrows through the window and stuff like that but let me walk you through it elisha said several things to jehovah ash first thing he said to him was take the bow in your hands take the bow in your hands that means pick up this case pick up the responsibility of making sure that your children are released don't put in anybody else's hands don't give your authority away to anybody else hold them in your hands the second thing he said to him was open the east window and shoot opening a window makes a way for our children to be able to step forward and step into what is their calling and what is their destiny we have to open the window for them we have to find ways to give them opportunities to practice what it takes to move them forward in their individual walk as we said every arrow has a different purpose every one of our children is could be totally different arrows which means i believe the lord god is going to give us a discernment above that which we have not yet ever had to see into the lives and the hearts of our children to be able to see what god's plan is for them based on what we see them do in the natural so that we can sharpen them in the ways that they need to be sharpened for what god's called them to do so um he said open the window and shoot so we have to make a way for our children we make a way not the educational system not anybody else and he said open the east window and shoot and then declared the lord's arrow of victory over the enemy at that time it was aram so as parents it doesn't matter how small you think the window is how much time you think you have to open the window for them if all it means if you have if you're working two or three jobs if all it means is taking them to an activation workshop for children something open a window of opportunity for them to become sharpened you've done your job you've got to care for your children in every way possible physically spiritually emotionally every way and and it's a tough job it's a tough job but i believe in my heart of hearts that god is in an equipping season for parents there's an attack on children but there's an attack on parents as well so we have to make a way for our children to be launched and be deployed successfully which means also deployment in the military you have a physical they check you physically they check you out emotionally in every way at this point in time when you listen to the suicide rate being 60 percent higher than it was 60 percent then we need to have the skills know what to look for in our children to make sure that they are emotionally healthy and watch them closely because if we send them out into the world and even into supernatural warfare unequipped in every way shape or fashion then we said it's a danger zone so watch your children carefully i know you do you know i'm beating a dead horse here's a woman who's never had a child but i'm just quoting from scripture and and i can feel it in my bones what god wants for parents and ones for children so i'm not speaking as a physical natural mother i'm speaking as someone who's reading the word of god and god's speaking to me through it so i hope even though i've never had a child that you can receive the truth of it amen because i haven't but i have a lot of spiritual children and there they come into the realm innocent once they wash clean they're innocent you have spiritual children the same principles hold for those spiritual children we need to teach him train him or release them the the fourth thing that elisha did was he said take the arrow and strike the ground and the king struck down two three times and elisha was upset said you should have struck five or six or whatever times because that was an indicator of what kind of victory that um israel would have over its enemy and by striking the ground when i read that was rereading that this phrase jumped out as close to audibly as i have ever heard but it wasn't audible i wouldn't be telling the truth if i said it was but i heard so clearly put your children's boots on the ground while you're still the general over their lives put your children's boots on the ground while you are still the general over their lives just like that it came so i equate the striking of the ground is putting our children's boots on the ground while we're still the general means they're under our supervision they only do what we tell them to do if they're good military children and so we have to have the acuity the astuteness and the wisdom to know how to launch them to put their boots on the ground and let them go to warfare with us right there helping them to know how to pray right there helping to know what they're what they're feeling and whether there's a demon in their room or an angel in their room where there is a general to help them to begin to speak their first prophetic word we're there as generals in the army to help them to share as evangelists little evangelists in their school playground so that phrase just rings on me i had to write it down i don't write a lot of things down i hear i should we all should i teach it i need to walk it better but that one i had to put your children's boots on the ground where you're still the general over their lives and as long as your children are not married your prayer your daughter's especially your prayer has authority over their lives until they have a husband who covers them so you're still a spiritual general over their lives and don't give that up so we had a conference that talked about deployment and what it was defined as the movement of troops or equipment really any resources to a place or position for military action another definition is bringing all those resources together for effective action and that comes out of the teaching and the training moving them to a position um a strategic position or just putting them in a place of readiness that's our job as parents or spiritual parents is seeing what god's placed inside of them and doing everything we know to do to position them where god wants them to be positioned and make sure that they're ready we're not giving that up we are i'm going to close with this we are in a new era in 2020 let's prophesy this isn't just a new season it is a new era which means it's going to go on for a long time what i really believe is this that and i said this at the activation workshop at the conference that i believe we are in an era when a brand new prophetic voice is going to emerge there are voices still coming from those who are the generals and those who are older but i believe that it is a time to make way for the sons and the daughters that god has been prophesying about we now see coming out of the caves and they come out with a gifting that is so accelerated it's incredible it needs some wisdom to go along with it but these young people are coming out prophesying they can do it all they need the old ones to keep them in line so they don't get whacked by the enemy and so they have some wisdom in what they're doing but it is time for our son your sons and your daughters my spiritual sons and daughters to rise to a new level and i believe as a prophet that this is the time and it is time for us to snatch our children back because they have the voice they have the clarion call that's clearer than that which we have had over the last 10 20 30 years not that it hasn't been clear but it says in first corinthians 14 8 if a trumpet gives an uncertain sound who's going to prepare themselves for battle i believe that those god has prepared these next generations are the ones who have the clearest sound so that when they speak that those who have been trained and equipped by the almighty god will rise to battle because they'll recognize the truth amen but we have to put it in them to have the ear to recognize the truth and this upcoming generation has a very discerning ear so let's release our children but let me finish by saying this proverbs 1 me finish and have judy come up proverbs 1 8 9 is a there's a proverb that tells children that the instructions that they get from their parents are kind of like wearing a pendant around their neck well i thought about that but that pendant that proverbs is talking about is not a piece of plastic costume jewelry that we go to the store and pick up just to adorn our our our less formal a less dressy clothes when i thought about it and prayed about it what god is saying there is that pair your instructions your instructions to your children your instructions to your children are like expensive ornamental jewelry like the gold and the silver and the platinum all the rubies and the all the other stones the expensive stuff your instructions are the ones they are to wear around their neck and when they have the quality of instructions that god is about to pour into you to pour into your grandchildren your spiritual children then they're a treasure they're valuable they have history and their treasures that can be passed on from one generation to the next just like you might pass on your rings to your daughter what is about to come out of your mouths as parents what is about to come out of your mouths is going to surprise the stew out of you because it's going to be prophetic it's going to be from the holy spirit so i'm encouraging you to open yourselves up you know to the holy spirit take time i think in july we shared that parents spend more time on facebook than they do with their children parents are stressed they probably go on facebook and stuff because they're stressed don't let your stress overwhelm you to the point that it steals the little bit of time that you have to place valuable jewelry around their necks that can be placed on the necks of these successive generations amen i'm here to encourage you parents god is about to pour himself out in ways to you he's had enough too enough is enough with killing our children enough is enough with snatching them and changing their bodies and losing their identities enough is enough enough is enough with parents being overburdened with working this job and that job and three and four how many jobs i just want to encourage you that those few precious moments you might have left have more weight than anything else and will be what remains with them forever so instruct them if you have to spend more time in the word spend it and i know you're saying well i can't read the word and then teach them do it together do it together if it's one scripture a day if it's one summer day do it together ask them what do you think this means because you carry what goes in the treasure chest and the true treasure chest are our children amen all right all right i'm going to bring up elder judy hyam who is a natural mother as well as a spiritual mother and let her impart experiential truths amen let's welcome judy hallelujah thank you jesus well i'm prophet pat mentioned a little bit in there that she has a lot of spiritual children for those here or online that don't have natural children you should always be raising up training up imparting into whatever the next generation even if they're only five years younger than you that this is not just to those who have uh birthed children but you know that the church is never going to have the impact that we need to have if we aren't all about raising up that next generation impacting that next generation um my children we have four kids and i'm kind of the encourager you know you can do it brah ra all that kind of stuff my husband who does sound back there is the more technical teacher steady dependable kind of person and so when my kids all got to the age of needing to learn how to drive i was like you can do this you can do this as long as daddy's the one that teaches you right and to this day our oldest is oh i hate to say this soon to be 34 um and he says he he all our kids all four of them learn to drive from their dad and all of them say you know getting on the highway they can just hear their dad going okay watch that guy to the left now what's he gonna do do you can he do you see him what's he gonna do what's he gonna do and that kind of thing is is still still to this day they're driving and they can hear tom's voice in their ear watch out for that guy look over there are you looking in your mirrors you know all those so you know you want that pendant to always be there you know when a lot of times when my girls would come to me with you know somebody it's i homeschooled but we belong to a homeschool group that did history through music art and drama and so you know even though 99 percent of the people there were christian christians have a way of not being so christian sometimes and i know none of you have ever experienced that um and so they come home heard about what somebody said or you know they said i wasn't good at this i couldn't do that you know i didn't look pretty whatever and i just go okay what's the truth what does god say what's the truth and you know whether you're a parent a trainer a whatever especially today what's the truth okay global warming would make you think that in 12 years the world's gonna end now do you really think god brought us through all of this to just make the world end in 12 years because of carbon i mean think just think god has plans for this earth god has plans for his church god has plans for our children there is no way this is so what is the truth and if you raise your children from the very beginning to go to god's word what does god say when he did the flat thing he said i'll never do this again i'll never wipe it all out again he is not a man that he would lie so what is the truth okay so um so there are two things that i i really ask god for almost every single day number one is wherever i go i want to carry his glory and i want to demonstrate that i belong to him and most of the time i do that now every now and then you know i'm human and the other thing is that every day that i wake up the devil regrets that i was ever born that he just regret oh why was she ever born and i'm telling you that our children spiritual and natural are a way to really nail it to the enemy that if he you know um elder pat talked about arrows in the quiver i heard a teaching oh man it's probably 20 years ago i hate to say that but i think we were in the barn so that'd be like 25 wouldn't it yeah okay so i just felt more gray hair grow girl anyway and the teaching was that our children are a way to impact into the future to throw an arrow into the future to affect the future and if you can you know i don't know how many of you have seen lord of the rings but you know people used to fight with just swords right but an arrow change things because with a sword you got to be right up there with the enemy but the arrow if you had the high ground you could throw arrows down that way and you could take out a lot of your enemy and i you know with children and and i raised half the kids in this church in the nursery and all of that kind of thing i just see every single one of them as an arrow to impact the future and and you just like i look at prophet pat and i think of the hundreds of people she has trained to give a prophetic word well long long long after she leaves this earth those people are going to be continuing to prophesy and their children will prophesy and you impact generations far beyond if you just have the mindset of i gotta raise them up and train them and then you pray that they will go way beyond anything you ever did i want all my children to minister prophesy whatever i do i want them to do it ten times bigger ten times better you know which a whole different level so um training them up you know from the very beginning when when you work with children i i know a long long time ago now this is when my oldest was little so it was 30 something years ago we had this couple come to the barn and teach our kids and this is the first guy i ever heard say this it was kathy kathy and david walters and he was the first guy that ever said that i ever heard say children do not have a little holy spirit they have the same holy spirit you have so our job is to train children or really if you listen to any of the prophetic words about what's coming a billion soul harvest those are going to be whether they're 50 60 70 or 20 years old that's going to be a lot of new children we're going to have to raise up and they've got to learn to listen to that holy spirit because they've been taught not to listen to it they've taught to shut it off they've actually in a lot of places been taught it doesn't even exist and that's in a lot of churches we want to blame that on the world but really there are churches that don't believe in the prophetic still now when we started this back in 86 it was rare but now i mean pretty much if you're in a live church you've got prophecy going on so the gifts the the deliverance the inner healing the power of forgiveness those kinds of things we've got to teach them we've got to teach them you know when somebody's nasty to you on facebook don't go out there and find the gift that's you know the ugliest meanest thing you've ever seen and post that on there to get back at them nope that's that you know over the last couple years we probably should have learned that doesn't work right we haven't converted a whole lot of people to our side with that kind of stuff ain't gonna happen so you gotta teach them in everything they do in life forgiveness the power of forgiveness the you know take what's been said and take it to the word and what does god say about it train them up if your children aren't comfortable around someone i don't care if they're newborn i will never forget when i when we first had our son dj and i handed him one friday night over to some lady to hole and he started wailing she never held my son again because i was like well he knows something i don't know you know i remember other times when one of my kids was looking at the neighbor's house across the street and and was scared at what he was seeing over there and i'm looking over there and i'm seeing a garage door and i'm thinking oh so i just said dj i don't see it but obviously you see it so you tell it get out this is our neighborhood now he was probably four years old but you got to teach him from the very beginning you got authority over this and that's with movies tv if your kid is acting uncomfortable with some kind of tv show you got on turn it off you might not be discerning it but they are and i i'll take a kid's discernment over anybody's you know over anybody's because we've all learned to just oh he's a nice man he's a nice man mommy i don't like being around him oh sweetie he's a nice man oh how many children could have been saved from horrible things if we had never used that phrase or if we had turned on our discernment so from the very young age and and people as this billion soul harvest comes in it's going to shake up the church because we're going to have kids coming in with tattoos all over their necks and their arms and their legs and every body part you can imagine and earrings and whatever they're calling them coming out of their ears and their nose and their eyelids and we need to be ready for that and judging them because of how they look that ain't going to work we got to be ready to train them and raise them and love them so do your kids see things do they hear things oh my goodness how many children have said to their mama oh there's something under the bed there's something under the bed and you look under the bed and you go there ain't nothing under that bed well there was something under that bed you just didn't see it it was a prime opportunity to say to your kid sweetie whatever's under that bed you tell it to get out if it doesn't know jesus it's got to leave now if it does know jesus why is it here is it here to protect you is it here to give you a message just ask it does it know jesus is lord and savior just ask it does it identify with jesus if it doesn't then you got authority over it and if it does then you want to know why did jesus send it amen so look for teachable moments you are a model for your children i you know growing up it's not so much now but growing up everybody smokes cigarettes oh my goodness you can't watch a t movie from the 50s and 60s that everybody isn't smoking cigarettes it's amazing to me everybody that was an actor in the 50s didn't die lung cancer i mean they're just all they're just all smoking cigarettes so if you're smoking cigarettes and you say to your kids now you can't smoke cigarettes you know if you're watching soap operas and you say to your kids you can't watch porn nowadays there is no difference there is absolutely no difference same thing so you are a model for your children they will do what you do if they see you going into a grocery store and having at the clerk because she rang something up wrong what do you think they're going to do when they grow up and a clerk messes up they're going to do that same thing if you say sweetie don't worry about it i'm not in a hurry i got no place to go then she chills you chill everybody in line behind you chills it's amazing what a good attitude does for setting an atmosphere hallelujah okay i gotta watch my time here so uh i'm gonna go to this section all right purpose and vision you know you can go into psalms 139 beautiful beautiful beautiful song david's saying where can i go where can i go to get away from you god nowhere nowhere and this is a parenthetical comment but i always thought that hell was the absence of god that's just kind of always in my head was that hell must be you you aren't with god your god is absent from where you are so how come david says if i go to the lowest places you're there that's just a parenthesis something for you to pray about and think about i don't know why i even brought that up amen amen all right so psalms 139 god's everywhere he is everywhere now if you go to hell is your relationship with god the same as someone who doesn't i doubt it but that doesn't mean he's not there hallelujah okay so anyway psalms 139 starts out saying there's no way to escape god then it describes how each of us was formed in our mother's womb you know god just said now is your time now is your time see some of us are scared about raising children in this time god doesn't make mistakes if he sent your children in this time he's going to equip him to deal with it i mean you read stories about people in world war ii my goodness that was a generation that was raised to deal with that did everybody no but you know god sent your children for this day and time for a reason and the people he's bringing into the kingdom over the next few years it's for a reason everything they've been through everything they've done all the things they've participated in god's gonna use it all he doesn't waste any of it amen so psalms 139 all right it ends with the fact that god knows everything that is planned for our lives like an open book you watched me grow from conception to birth all the stages of my life were spread out before you the days of my life all prepared before i even lived one day man if that doesn't convict you about abortion i don't know what else will everything god designed every day that your children are alive jeremiah 29 11 says everybody knows this one for i know the plans i have for you says the lord their plans for good and not for evil to give you a future and a hope so if you have children if you are training someone if you are discipling someone who just came into the kingdom of god ask god what's his vision for them okay not your vision for them but his vision for them i remember one of my sons was on a football team and there was a kid on that football team and he did not want to play football he he just didn't but his mama and his daddy wanted him to play football and that was just the saddest thing to me because that poor kid did not want to play football but his parents were determined he was going to live out some kind of dream they had your kids are not there not a second chance for you to get it right whatever your dream was they they aren't your second chance at that you know if you wanted to think and you were going to be an opera singer when you were six or seven and now you're in your 60s and you're not an opera singer yet that might not be your kid's vision you know and so seeking the lord about what is his vision for them if you're teaching if you're training if you're discipling what is god's vision for them and then do everything you can do to help them accomplish that that will impact further generations all right hallelujah i think prophet pat we probably should pray i was going to go a little bit into honor honoring your parents and honoring your children so i'll just give you this reader's digest condensed version and that is that no matter what kind of parents you had god says honor them why so you'll have a long life and it'll go well with you okay do you just want to be right they were horrible parents got it so you're right but if you don't honor them it will not go well with you so honor them forgive them release them all your judgments that i will never be like that i will never do my children that i will never i would ask god for forgiveness repent turn from that and then honor your children children honor their parents and i'm going to add to it honor your children they don't have a little holy spirit they got same holy spirit you got and you might have messed up so you know whatever you didn't do that god had for you to do pray that your children will do 10 times that pray that they will get ten times the anointing that you were supposed to pick up whatever but there's a there's a honor is something we have lost in our society and it's time to get it back it's time to get it back so hallelujah all right elder pat come on up and we'll pray thank you jesus thank you thank you jesus all right you want to start or all right why don't you stand up and let's just pray you know i think i want to start with just the declaration of repentance okay so just repeat after me father in the name of jesus i repent of any judgments against people in authority over me pastors teachers parents any authority i repent of those judgments forgive me father for those judgments i release those people to you in jesus name thank you father hallelujah now let me just pray father i just thank you lord i thank you that as we raise up natural children and spiritual children that father solomon prayed for your wisdom god let us have your wisdom in all areas of teaching and training and raising up let us have your wisdom father i just speak a blessing over all those here tonight and watching online with us lord i thank you that we are coming into a season father where you're going to use us father to demonstrate your love to demonstrate abba father lord we thank you father that you would connect us in divine ways lord that you would show us who it is you have for us to disciple who it is you have for us to raise up lord who it is that you have for us to take under our wing and say walk this way with me father i thank you for all those gathered here tonight lord father i thank you that you would give us new vision that you would give us new insight father i speak a blessing i speak a mama's blessing over everyone here and watching lord no matter the age lord any that have not received a mama's blessing i thank you lord i release that now in the name of jesus father that your arms would comfort them that your arms would keep them father lord that they would just sense your presence and father i release that blessing and father i break the power of word curses that have kept people from fulfilling their destiny in the name of jesus lord i thank you that we will accomplish all that you have written in our book on our scrolls father that we will not be held back any longer but we will go forward in that which you have called us to do in jesus name hallelujah and repeat after me father i ask your forgiveness father i ask your forgiveness and i forgive myself and i forgive myself for those times and places for those times and places or i may not have been where i may not have been the parent that you would have wanted me to be the parent you'd wanted me to be i ask in the name of jesus i ask in the name of jesus that you specifically break every word curse that you specifically break every word curse that i inadvertently or maybe deliberately spoke over my child that i inadvertently or maybe deliberately spoke over my child i ask in the name of jesus i ask in the name of jesus that you give me a tongue that blesses that you give me a tone that blesses i ask in the name of jesus i ask in the name of jesus that you purify my mind that you purify my mind but you purify my heart that you purify my heart and father god right now in the name of jesus father and then right now in the name of jesus i bless every parent every spiritual parent everything in this room right now with a heart that first and foremost loves i'm praying over you now you can just take this in i ask in the name of jesus lord god that you give them an impartation of compassion and love and a non-judgmental spirit all of us at a level that we have not operated in before father god i bless them and ask for an impartation of your wisdom for your spirit of discernment for a spirit in a heart that fears you first and foremost lord guard in a healthy way i ask in jesus name that you give them an impartation of creativity and an impartation of um of discernment that they know in the moment in that teachable moment what it is exactly that they can and should do i pray lord that you train them on the run yes yes lord the baby have formal training but you train them on the run and that the spirit would arise in every teachable moment i bless the parents here with open doors of prosperity that allow them for more time to spend with their children in the name of jesus i close every door that the enemy has felt like he has had and in the past has had to intervene in their lives and their circumstances in jesus name we sever the hand of the enemy right now yes and now father god with your hand that can reach deep and has no limits lord god in the name of jesus i ask you to reach into the deepest realms of the circumstances of these people's lives lord and that you rip out everything that shouldn't be there that is not of you that you pull out every demon in hell that you make away for a full healing a full deliverance in jesus name and that you pour that parental spirit that fatherly spirit that you have and to each and every one of us lord god let us be the very best that we can be as we raise up spiritual natural children and now in the name of jesus i want you to say in the name of jesus in the name of jesus i open up my heart i open up my heart i open up my spirit i open up my spirit and i willfully and i willfully agree agree to receive every impartation to receive every impartation that you have designed for me to have that you have designed for me to have to be that person to be that person to be that parent to be that parent that you want me to be that you want me to be let it be so let it be so in jesus name we pray in jesus name we pray amen amen let's give and holy god some glory thank you jesus thank you lord for what you are going to do we thank you in advance for the changes you'll make in each and every one of us amen you may be seated
Channel: The Life Center Atlanta
Views: 80
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: CtvpPAaho1Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 47sec (4067 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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