10 C's of URBAN Survival | National Preparedness Month

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in this video we're going to go over the 10 seas of urban survival which is inspired by dave canterbury's 10 seas of wilderness survival this video is part of a collaboration for national preparedness month in the month of september where myself and other preparedness channels are covering various emergency preparedness topics during the month of september i provided a playlist link in the description box below many of us has followed dave canterbury's 10 c's of wilderness survival for including various items in our emergency preparedness kits i recently covered this topic a few months back some of those items included things like cutting tools emergency shelter a container for drinking and other survival items i did a follow-up video where we altered some of the tendencies of wilderness survival to how they could be used in an urban environment but for this video i wanted to do a dedicated 10 seas of urban survival so let's assume that you already have the tendencies of survival in your bug out bag for example here are 10 additional items that are specific for urban survival situations without further ado let's get started if this is your first time watching one of my videos i'd like to welcome you my name is cliff also known as the urban prepper and i feature videos that focus on emergency preparedness topics in an urban environment before going over the 10 c's of urban survival let's quickly highlight what the 10 c's of wilderness survival are according to dave canterbury as many of you already know i'm a big fan of dave canterbury and his teachings on survival so really quickly here are the 10 cs of survival by dave canterbury number one are cutting tools like a knife and folding saw number two combustion devices so basically fire kit components number three cover for emergency shelter so things like a tarp and a military blanket number four we have cordage number five is container so a metal container that's used for drinking and cooking purposes at number six we have a compass number seven cloth and repair items and number eight we have a candling device so something like a flashlight or headlamp at number nine we have cargo tape so something like gorilla duct tape and then at number 10 we have combination tool so a multi-tool such as a leatherman those are the 10 c's of survival and make up a great starter kit for your bug out bag get home bag and other emergency kits so let's assume that you already have the 10 c's of survival in your emergency kit now let's add what i think are the 10 c's of urban survival that we could add on to those 10 c's of wilderness survival now the items that i'm going to be listing are just the items that i think are the most important for urban survival your needs may vary so in the comments section i'd love to see what your recommendations are for urban survival items to be honest it wasn't that hard for me to come up with the 10 seas of urban survival items but it was difficult for me to find ways of saying those items that start with the letter c but i think i did an okay job now of course in an urban environment many people would say a ccw or concealed carry weapon would be your number one urban survival item and i definitely agree with that however i don't focus on firearms on my particular channel and many of the viewers of my channel come from an international audience where they might not have the same laws as i do here in the united states so i'm gonna list 10 urban survival items other than a ccw starting off with number one we have cash in an urban environment i think cash is king and recommend including various denominations of currency in your emergency kits so rather than going with hundred dollar bills for example you probably want to have smaller bills that you could use for vending machines and other purposes if the grid were to go down you might not have the availability to use your debit card or credit card and if you pay for things using your cell phone that too might not be available but for the time being cash still has value whether the lights are on or off so at number one we have cash and number two i have crowbar i think a crowbar or any other kind of prying bar would be a great item to include in an urban survival kit it's basically a universal key you could use it for prying doors open if you happen to be trapped in a building for example after an earthquake if you needed to help someone escape from a vehicle you could break out a window using the crowbar and it's just a natural deterrent as well there's a lot of other options for prying tools and demolition tools but all in all some type of crowbar would be a great item to include in an urban survival kit so at number two we have crowbar at number three i have charge or a way of charging your cell phone using a usb power bank your cell phone is probably the number one item that you include as part of your edc or everyday carry during an emergency situation the power might be out and you might not have a way of charging your cell phone so i think it would be a good idea to have something like an anchor usb power bank for providing multiple charges to your cell phone and other electronic devices there's a lot of other brands out there but anker is just the best so again at number three we have charge for a usb power bank for keeping your cell phones charged at number four i have care in by care i mean a first aid kit during an urban survival situation you or others may become injured and you're going to want to be able to provide them with first aid care you may not have immediate access to first responders and you're going to want to have the right supplies on you to provide medical assistance yourself i really like the pre-made first aid kits made by amp 3 or us and er dock they're a little on the expensive side but it's all high quality stuff that's super well organized if you guys think that i'm organized just take a look at us and er docs medical kits they're ocd to the max and i love them you could always make your own first aid kits as well i like going with more of the modern wound dressings that are slim and are commonly used at hospitals you should probably include a few tourniquets in your first aid kit in addition to a sam splint and i also think it'd be good to have some kind of chest wound dressings but again at number four we have care for first aid kit and number five i have comms or communication devices so for me this means something like a radio a lot of preppers have their ham radio technician's license that they could use for communication over radio frequencies if you don't have your technician's license it's also just good to have a general radio while you can't use it for transmitting you could still use it for listening if the grid is down and your cell phone carrier is out of commission you'll still probably be able to listen to shortwave radio signals there's a lot of great channels out there that discuss this in greater detail make sure you check out survival tech nord ham radio crash course coms prepper ham radio 2.0 and others counting con makes a nice little shortwave radio link in the description box but again at number five we have coms for radios at number six i have clothing and by this i mean gray man clothing or even ppe items in an urban survival situation it would be ideal to have gray man clothes when you're out and about you probably don't want to be in a suit and tie for example as you'll see with a lot of emergency preparedness channels the gray man concept is the best approach in an urban environment all that means is that you're blending in and dressing in a way that just blends in with the crowd for some people this means wearing something like blue jeans nondescript shoes a dark hoodie that's kind of the stereotypical gray man look however i also think that going with a ppe approach such as dressing up as a construction worker would also be a great urban gray man outfit no one really thinks twice of a construction worker walking around in the city but frequently construction workers have all of the ppe items on them such as a hard hat gloves glasses earplugs a safety vest and work boots so in your urban survival kits i think it would be best to have some gray man clothing available again at number six we have clothing number seven took a little bit of work to figure out a name but i wanted to include a silcot key for urban survival purposes so i couldn't really say c for sil so instead i'm gonna call it c for crank and by crank i mean a four-way silcot key this is basically a tool that allows you to access the water spigots outside of industrial buildings those spigots don't have a handle like you would have at your home for example so you need to have a four-way silcot key for accessing it while the power might be out there could still be some water that you could access to fill up your water bottle in an urban environment so again at number seven we have crank for four-way sockey at number eight i have chao for food in a lot of wilderness survival situations you'll see that they're gonna start looking for food after a couple days either by hunting or trapping or fishing in an urban environment you're probably not gonna find a lot of deer walking around in the street so i think it's good to have some food in your emergency survival kit so you don't have to immediately start searching for food items what i think works best in an urban environment are ready to go food items so individual items that are wrapped up in a package that don't require you to cook them while a lot of preppers like including things like an mre which is a valid food item to include i'm thinking something more along the lines of individually wrapped beef jerky granola bars packets of peanut butter and other items that will provide you with quick on-the-go calories during stressful emergency situations you're probably not going to want to take the time to start a fire boil some water and prepare your mountain house dinner you're probably going to be on the go moving fast and you might just want to munch something down really quick so in all of my emergency kits i like including various snacks that are individually wrapped for on-the-go eating again at number eight we have chow and number nine i have clean water filter most of us already include bottled water as part of our emergency kits i recommend having at least two liters of water in your emergency kits if not more during an emergency situation you're not going to want to go looking around for clean water however you may run out of water and you're going to want to make sure that it is clean so i think it's good to have some type of clean water filter the one that i really like right now is a grail water bottle filter this one's becoming popular with a lot of people in the preparedness and survival world it's basically a geopress style water bottle where you put the dirty water in the canister you push down with the press that filters the water and now you have clean drinking water it would be great to include this for quick on-the-go clean water filtration so again at number nine we have a clean water filter and at number 10 i have a canister filter gas mask i had to get a little creative with the name on this one but in urban environment i just think having a gas mask with a canister filter is the way to go for many emergency situations in an urban environment you might have to deal with things like tear gas or maybe ash from debris or maybe a volcanic eruption or maybe there's fire mirror safety is my go-to gas mask and canister filter company you could get canister filters for cbrn you could also get particulate filters for things like viruses and they also have carbon monoxide and smoke filters so if you needed to evacuate a building that was on fire having this gas mask with smoke filter would allow you to see and breathe as you're evacuating so again the 10th c of urban survival is a canister filter gas mask one additional item that fell outside of the top 10 for me are cutters like bolt cutters i personally like the canipex mini bolt cutters which could be used for cutting chain link fences for example in an urban environment however in dave canterbury's 10 c's of survival he already includes cutting tools so you could probably count many bulk cutters as a cutting tool in the original 10 seas of survival and those are all of the items that i include in the 10 c's of urban survival so how did i do with my list did i get all 10 c's of urban survival in your opinion again i'm assuming that you already have the 10 c's of wilderness survival as listed by dave canterbury so these 10 items would be in addition to the 10 c's of wilderness survival which i think should be mandatory items for your emergency kits if all you did was include these 20 seas of survival in your emergency kits such as your bug out bags get home bags and other evacuation kits i think it would provide you with a lot of capabilities to use in an emergency situation while some of the items could be expensive like a radio or a usb power bank many of them are fairly inexpensive so you can replicate these 20 c's of survival in many kits for you and your family but that's going to do it for this video featuring the 10 c's of urban survival as part of national preparedness month in the month of september i hope that you guys enjoyed watching it i've provided a link to the collaboration playlist that has all of the videos that were covered as part of national preparedness month i've also included some links to a few of the items that were listed in this video at the end of this video i'll include some video links that you could watch if you want to continue learning more about the tendencies of survival which we covered in some previous videos earlier this year if you like these type of videos please consider subscribing to the channel again i try to focus on family friendly emergency preparedness topics from an urban environment i don't discuss things like religion or politics or anything that could be polarizing to my audience because in my opinion emergency preparedness should be a universal thing that all of us strive to achieve to me it's just a form of insurance such as car insurance or medical insurance that you hope you never have to use but if you do have to use it you're glad that you have it ready that's how i try to think about the topic of prepping again thanks for watching this video and see you on the next one take care [Music] you
Channel: TheUrbanPrepper
Views: 97,520
Rating: 4.953105 out of 5
Keywords: The Urban Prepper, Prep, Prepping, Emergency Preparedness, Survival, Emergency, dave canterbury, dave canterbury dual survival, 10 c's of survival, 10 c's dave canterbury, bug out bag, get home bag, pathfinder school, pathfinder school basic class, pathfinder school basic class equipment list, urban survival, SHTF, how to survive in the city, urban survival kit, urban survival bag, national preparedness month
Id: RZb9pVsjLgQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 20sec (740 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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