Urban EDC Backpack (v3.0) by TheUrbanPrepper (1/2)

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today I like to do a video on my updated urban EDC backpack version 3.0 by EC backpack was actually the first video that I posted on my youtube channel back in 2011 around a year and a half later I posted an update to that one which was 2.0 and now almost three years later it's time for version 3.0 and as you can see it's a lot different than the first iteration mostly due to the new bag which I'm now using to vanquish Trident 20 backpack which works really nicely for my modules due to the design of the main compartment area which has kind of a built-in shelving system so there's a lot to cover in this video so let's just get right down to it as always I've created a PDF that you can download by clicking the link in the description box below the PDF serves as a companion to this video and has a very detailed description of all the items that are included in this version of the urban EDC backpack it has tables that were talked about the item the type of item the weight of it the price of it why I chose to include it in there so make sure you download this document it'll help provide a little bit more details on all the items that are included you could also click on the links here that take you directly to that item off to where you can actually purchase it at for example if I got it on Amazon you'll show show there I put Amazon so make sure you check out the PDF document and I think it'll serve as good a up to this video there's a lot of various compartments and pockets in this particular version of the EDC backpack so to film this particular video we're going to do some on the tripod we'll do a few off the tripod so we could get into some of the different areas and then in the main compartment area where I have most of my modules will do a breakaway and go on the tabletop so we could get a closer look at the items included in those modules let's start off first with all the exterior items so right here on this top pocket area you'll see I have the rescue me attached to the pulley on this so the rescue me is used for cutting a seat belt using that little razor there and then you have a little glass punch here so most likely this backpack will be sitting on the passenger side of my car and it be quickly accessible so the rescue me and then on this main compartment a zipper area I have just a little key fob those made by custom pair corporations it's in seahawks colors I really like the idea that Varitek's uses for their backpacks where the main compartment area has a nice large pulley on and so I kind of did the same thing but with the van quests using this little inexpensive key fob so I'll check out custom paracord creations on that since the Trident 20 doesn't have any exterior pockets for holding a water bottle I attach my water bottle on the outside so this is actually an idea that was stolen from Michael from Van Quest and I kind of call it the Michael earned because the water bottle kind of looks like an urn the water bottles made by a glad designs it's a 32 ounce stainless steel water bottle which works really well for any kind of a water purification tablets for example since most of those require 32 ounces and it's attached using one of these little Grimlock hooks that you see here so I just have that attached to the backpack itself and then you're able to just open that clip there for taking off the water bottle when you need it so oh well it's that my you know desk at work I'll take it off and then when I need to you know carry it I don't want to carry it with my hand I'll just attach it to the Grimlock hook on the other side of the backpack I have a few more additional items attached externally so first I have just a carabiner this is a Black Diamond carabiner I just use it for attaching items randomly that are on the exterior portion of the backpack I can move the carabiner up two different loops on the Trident 20 next I like having a signaling device is readily available so this is a fox 40 whistle and it's attached to a retractable ID a holder so I can easily grab this even while carrying the backpack and it extends out to be able to use so works really well for me so just the Fox 40 whistle there on the retractable a keychain loop so then lastly I have some police strength a pepper spray just for urban commuting and I don't have to worry about this going through security checkpoint lines as much as you would for other kind of personal protection items so just some pepper spray readily available in the back zipper area of the backpack I oftentimes store random pieces of paper throughout the day but I always have some maps with me so here's a map of the state of Washington plus another map of the Seattle area and I have it in a ziplock bag I find that the paper maps have a little bit more detail than the ones that are completely waterproof and so that's why I go with this method so just a Maps back there and they could be paired with the compass in the front small pocket area here I like to keep my notebook so I like the moleskin notebook it works really well for me I've been using it for a long time now this is kind of turned into my prepping journal slash you know YouTube video project ideas so the moleskin ones works really nice for me I really like the size of it and a little elastic belt that you have rounded to keep it secure so just a notebook in this medium-sized compartment I store my office and tools which features the van quest EDC Maximizer organizer let's take a look at the table top I use the van quest EDC Maximizer organizer as a tools slash office compartment so let's just get right down to it so in this front little pocket that we see here I like to carry a little bit of cash so for Furley in smaller bills I try to keep around $40 or so right now I just have a couple twenties I just always keep enough cash on you so let's open it up so as you see here is the office slash tool supplies now keep in mind I work in software engineering so some of the tools are geared more towards that and what I want to do with this particular compartment or module is to treat it as more of a complementary module to the items that I already carry my EDC for example instead of duplicating a multi-tool or a flashlight I want to have tools that will complement those so this is going to be reflected in this particular module so let's just go from this side first and then we'll move here and we'll go satellite quickly but you have the PDF to look at it so starting here on the Left what I have here this is a the kneeble Larry eight LED pocket work flashlight and it doesn't it's not like a you know normal flashlight that you might see so this one is actually a work one so you're going to click it here and it has a very bright light it's very inexpensive too and the best part about it is that this little gut clip that you see here the pocket clip is magnetic so it works really great as a as a work light for example if you need to do something on your automobile for example I need to click that there it's going to provide you ample light it's a really nice little inexpensive work flashlight Oh down over here I just have a little Kingston USB flash drive I have a ton of these and I think it's always good to have a USB flash drive this one is empty right now I like having empty flash lives too so let's go over here I just have some tweezers these are made by tweezerman these at the tweezerman mini tweezers and they have a flat edge over there I'm not going to open it up out here next we have a stainless steel sharpie so a sharpie marker this one's the stainless steel version next we have this is made by zebra this is the zebra m7o one so this is a mechanical pencil it looks very similar to the zebra f7o one which is a ballpoint pen I just really like the zebra a style of Panza there they look extremely nice and they're very affordable and so I have that over here right here we have just a little six inch clear ruler this one's made by Westcott it's very inexpensive making around $2 or so just to provide a straight edge to be to use when needed also if you want to do any kind of a small measurements and it has both imperial as well as metric let's go on the back over here so I have a glasses cleaning cloth also it works good for the camera I have a couple envelopes that you see here every once in a while I just have to do a random mailing and it's always nice to have it I also have a little roll of gaffer tape I really like using gaffer tape instead of duct tape or gorilla duct tape because it doesn't leave that residue it's not it's permanent as those kind of tapes are and it works really well it's kind of expensive but the roll will last you a little a while so a little bit of gaffer tape as well as some stamps to go along with the envelope now let's move to the right-hand portion of the organizer starting here on the left webbing slot we have the whee-ha micro bit precision screwdriver this is an awesome little screwdriver has various bits in here you have various torque bits as well as flatheads and phillips comes an extremely handy especially for computer tasks and we how just makes awesome tools so I highly recommend this one next this is another one of those items that complements my EDC I always have a folding knife as part of my EDC but I don't often have a precision cutting tool on my person so I like having this one in the organizer this one's a really nice one it's the NT cutter Pro anti lock stainless steel graphical knife it's for a precision cutting type tasks every once in a while I'll need to do that this definitely isn't TSA safe so you have to remove this if you're going to the airport but I like having that precision cutting capabilities next we have my EDC backpack scissors and these ones are really awesome these are made by ginger these are the ginger 5 inch stainless steel craft scissors they're extremely nice let me see if I could cut something really quick it's hard to really show how how nice they are just on camera but you could do a look and it just cuts really really well these are very very high quality again the ginger 5-inch craft scissors next here's another one that complements the EDC I always have some kind of multi-tool on me and rather than just have a duplicate of that in this particular organizer I want to have similar capabilities but slightly different and this one is pretty awesome this is made by channel lot this is the channel lock wide as adjustable wrench so as you can see it gets really I mean that's that's a really beefy wrench as you see here for such a small size I think this one is the 6 inch 4 6 inch version of it as you can see it has you're measuring markers here as well this is an imperial at inches so you also have it in metric here on both side on the on the back side so I'll both type of measurements it goes very large as you see here it comes in handy for when you really need that kind of task when the multi-tool just won't cut it so again these are made by channel lock continue on so that's all as far as the webbing goes on this particular one I like having zip ties on me I have around 7 to 10 usually at a time they just come in handy for various repair type tasks so some zip ties I think that might be all in this particular organizer so those are all the items that I carry in my tools and office module I do keep a few additional items in this larger pocket area outside of the Maximizer organizer for the most part it's fairly clear sometimes they'll put papers in here maybe the iPad in this little sleeve here but I want to have some quick access to a few first-aid and trauma equipment items so the first one is quick access to my CPR micro shield it's a clear mouth barrier a highly rated one and won't have quick access to that and second for more drama for the urban related emergencies or my people at law someone have quick access or second count to a high quality tourniquet I'll put the information on this particular tourniquet in the PDF document that you could download so quick access to this for any kind of trauma that might happen in a urban environment and for the most part the rest of this particular pocket is fairly clear although it will fill up throughout the day and I'll empty it at the end of the day and that's about it for this medium size pocket now let's go through the items in the side pocket I like to refer to this one as my admin pocket just quick access items that are used fairly often so open it up as you see it has that bright orange fabric on the inside so right off here in this little lanyard I have just the Lebanon bruiser for opening up any kind of bottles very quickly so a quick access of 11 bruiser next we just have a mechanical pencil like you see here this is made by Pinto my favorite mechanical pencil over here we have a pen this is the zebra F 701 I previously reviewed and I also have one sharpie here so back here in these little sleeves that you see here I like keeping my cell phone always charged so this is currently my favorite small external battery this is what's semi small this is made by Ankur this is the anchor ultra slim a second-generation charger it's very very nice charger as you can see it's very thin it's almost the slightly wider than your average smartphone but very thin so I really like that one and then there's just the USB micro cable that comes with it for keeping my smart phones charged and those are all the items that are included in my admin side pocket now let's go through all the items in this top pocket of the Trident 20 these are all items that I like having quick access to so opening it up I like having quick access to my earbuds I'm not too selective on the earbuds that I use because I also oftentimes lose them or damaged them these are just some inexpensive Panasonic ones in bright green so they're highly visible next for urban commuting I think it's important to keep your hands clean so I like having my hand sanitizer right there I'm not too selective again on the hand sanitizer as long as it's a alcohol-based one this particular one is from Target I think next we're using the Trident backpack and I have some Trident gum in there so just I'll you don't keep fresh breath it it's a very helpful for everyone not just yourself okay next I like having access to fire at all times so even though I do have fire capabilities on the on my EDC on my person I like having a Bic lighter in there and it's an orange because that represents fire in my color of prepping video and over here I have some quick access to some black nitrile gloves kind of to go along with the for any kind of first-aid emergencies maybe to use with the CPR shield and the tourniquet that you saw previously so just some black nitrile gloves and then lastly I have my business card holder in there and I'll just keep various business cards decent ones specific to my youtube channel but yeah business card holders keep it right in there and for the most part that's what's in there sometimes it changes I might throw the Altoids tin in there maybe even a charging cable for a laptop but for the most part those are the items that reside in this top little pocket of the try 220 alright so far we've gone through all the items that are stored externally on the backpack we've also gone through a few of the items that are stored in the smaller pocket areas of the tread and 20 now it's time to get down to the good stuff which is all stored in the main compartment area although I think this video starting to run a little too long so let's take a little pause and we'll go to the bathroom get some coffee and then come back because we're going to start going through all the items that are stored in this main compartment area which consists largely of my modules and they're all color coordinated based off of the color of prepping videos and a lot of good stuff in here so I hope you guys are enjoying watching this video featuring my updated urban EDC backpack version 3.0 please feel free to leave any kind of comments below in the comments section and let's continue on in part 2 to start going through the modules you
Channel: TheUrbanPrepper
Views: 170,046
Rating: 4.8604455 out of 5
Keywords: The Urban Prepper, Urban Prepper, EDC, Every Day Carry, Backpack, Bag, Version 3.0, Prep, Prepping, Gear, Urban, Commuter, Vanquest, Eagle Creek, Emergency, Trident 20, Maximizer, Organizer, PDF, Part 1
Id: lls5EhamnM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 6sec (846 seconds)
Published: Mon May 25 2015
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