Minnie Driver - They Adore Each other - 4/6 Visits In Chronological Order

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/youalreadyknow2001 📅︎︎ Sep 22 2018 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh man how amusing yeah no I but I was lovely music what was that you played there are many coming out of that there's Blues for MIDI alright yes that you look well you might lose you - wow look at you old doing it drop her down yeah it's alright lately Simon well kind of legislation this movie looks hilarious yeah no I was like oh it's a laugh a minute what is it about it's a prank guys go on a road trip to find their old college thing now it's not mad at all he were a wonderful woman spent 18 years going to college to become a lawyer to get her innocent brother out of jail ah musical yes Daniel day-lewis is in it he sings Oh a baby can sing actually you could probably thankfully he probably can he's very clever just even the gangs in New York when he put that thing right on his eye yeah you put that thing right on into a sword right on his eye off it's amazing that's not funny film is on over to Larry and he did everything like that we think you did it and you wanted him to sing about it but it was just glorious how have you been haven't seen you since I saw you in the parking lot while ago we still neighbors yeah I'm still gonna have to see you in that area well I'm reclusive and we're done I thought I say your dog's back to the house once for the one when they get up ya know that you're these dogs I've actually the dogs that you took back have gone deep shuffled off to the car finally go no no no they died well then they died of old age they are actually but we got new dogs are you doing yes hi guys did we keep these dogs prisoner do you think do you have a dog I do I have a 12 year old Labrador well you'll find out they're never never never know all right what's your dog's name Bubba I think Henderson yeah so Mary McCormack is a very old friend of mine mine and she gave me this my I heard about that yeah what happened to the two what does that it's gonna broke into I had to break it off because it's poisonous and it was attacking the gas only if they really deserve that I didn't I didn't I didn't brush his teeth okay it's a British rattlesnake it didn't I can't believe that you're jumping on like the rubbish British teeth bandwagon we are and I walk down a street and smile a couple of people but you live near me that's why you go back to Britain like all right me now you do it all right my mouth is dry no I'm actually quite surprised when I go back because it's kind of real it's kind of a real thing it's often it's quite a stranger than someone smiles and it's like nine shades darker than today I know it's weird like a certain shadow passed behind my lid that's quite a poetic thing when someone smiles it's like a dark shadow you prove that you're moving on in spite depressed I'll put it in the next one but in the next one what is the next one now the next one is musical comedy it is a musical yeah it is I shot it in Wales it's called hunky-dory is it about David Bowie well it's not but it's it's you've got a school orchestra basically playing arrangements of a lot of his songs I like hunky-dory that okay that's an older brilliant yeah imagine anybody know I never have I dressed up as a lady but you know when he was younger that's way now no I think he dresses up as an old lady now he's inventing the BBC think it's an old lady but they don't say it like all of those David Bowie thing all our lovely old lady here come on over here grandma and he's like no use flying screeches from the time I really want to meet Dame bowing de Bary actually I don't remember I would really like to be David Byrne because I think he's probably awesome I think he's absolutely incredible he does these playlists like I still check in every once in a while like he sort of iTunes on I tease about where were the somewhere else as well where he it was a radio station I thought what he was listening to I really really strange interesting stuff that I couldn't listen to with a straight face necessarily really sort of there was some really progressives of African techno that was really weird I listened to of it but but also some just amazing he's an amazing guy ya know and you still at the music he's been playing I am really I was singing and playing in this film as well but I just did but I'm a bad start another record really enjoyed covers record you know harmonica player thank you yeah yeah lovely quarters again go on do it again now or I or I already there it is once we get started and then the audience start and our machine opens up it's tickling try to stop will I laugh oh it's impossible and yet train you I train you want to get off no no no no no it's all right well which was your album going to be that it's not gonna have a harmonica or an accordion is bound to fail me thanks to the right of comfort well you don't have a harmonica or an accord again people are now going to be interested that's right again a lot of chord again and of course again yeah it's a chorus in a garment and a musical instrument it all became an accordion yeah yeah you know I'm not gonna have an accordion or harmonica cuz I asked you and you said no did we say that maybe look baby brain no I don't really I might have an accordion a couple of sounds we are actually going to do some David Bowie on the records really which ones are you going to do I want to do life on Mars actually Wow you need an accordion for that take a look at the lawman did B D D D D D D D D D D D yeah that's good except they take even K he doesn't even go know that he just goes like that I know I know it's kind of disappointing I want him to get on going and he just presses a few buttons and leans to you there you go enjoy have you been otherwise of there I'm very very good yeah I did I um I was in Glasgow for gotten closer yes Glasgow Mongolia Glasgow Scotland the so all through the winter which I don't recommend it I mean I grew up there I understand I know and I know the estate where you grew up I mean I call if you've got a couple yeah that's when people think my god this place is a dump I'm like you can you thinkin I'm not he's not wrong if it was the coldest I've ever been they were the kindest loveliest people I come across but it was they found they found us because I had my baby with me and they found us some a house that the BBC could afford which meant that it was in a neighborhood it was live at the intersection of unlucky now Street and they'll kill you later it was really terrifying in those of hoodies hoodies in England like teenagers that was in Scotland sorry where I come from in England foodies also in Scotland yeah people who want to take I would come across the same bunch of teenagers almost every day and every day they'd be like take out your wallet now might be like no not today quite right on your we've gone then 14 year old kids ya know it I always tell you one of them it's business in fact could have your water then with a bloody put it man is gonna lead us out spot it we're gonna just take it we're gonna just take you for money but there's no money who loses not me but it's lovely to see you too though you look sensational experience by having me on the show yeah you were quite nervous but you just started doing the show and I was last on it no no he didn't he used to be used to be much fluffier and his tie was done up really tightly and then I got the show eggs Matt exactly alright it's your very relaxed and brilliant laughs no you are very relaxed and brilliant I'll go to a commercial break and we can make a Hey [Music] the lovely Minnie Driver everybody [Applause] oh man you don't have to take me up those days are behind you you're a scar come on L say oh she see my ring Wow what the head you get engaged to a bird again yeah that's it I said mark you know I said who is a see I said it was an eagle and my son said now it's a seagull which doesn't have such a set of fancy totem in the whole kind of I think it is a bit like an owl do you ever go to Hooters oh my god are we gonna go there already yeah Johnny I haven't seen you for ages ever look great no I tweeted today about coming on this show yeah and I said I've known you a long time so I'll probably talk about my mum and the traffic sorry I reckon she traffic traffic's terrible traffic was bad yeah traffic's bad in LA do you would you drive one of them cars that don't need gasoline yeah but it's a total lie in it cuz they do hold on here's a bit fly away thank you would there be weird to buy like oh yeah when it's us you know hey would it be weird if I went to figure here and it came off like god now but I read that Andre Agassi book I wish it had come off his head you want but when he wrote that thing about but that was what he was most worried about when he was playing thank you playing tennis me I'll give you a small he was wearing like a syrup syrup is a cockney rhyming slang syrup a big wig it says you're in America you know men I'm sorry that's all right yeah but it's your climatized you have you become a citizen no dad you're going to I don't think I could remember the lines you know you have to learn a whole thing about I am an American really I don't I became an American I don't have to do that maybe I went to a different one yeah you mean that I just want to believe you're actually you're actually Canadian that's why not even to say that wrong oh no I love Canada but American questions like you know like yeah your wanted quit yeah so what kind of questions well you know do you like gum yes yes good that's that will you floss I promise I will okay because we have a lot of problem bridge people saying they're gonna flourish they're not flossing our class I saw swear and then you get in you've been here for a while I've been here forever I haven't been here for like 13 or 14 years well that's a little dated you mean to think of it you pay your tax in America yeah I mean taxation without representation it sucks well that that's the world you can have representation okay well swear me in then oh I'm not entitled to oh because you're conveyed you know I've got my equipment here ya know but I think it's time you do have you been otherwise uh well tonin I did I went into the lovely film in England this summer really were you in London I was if it would rain the entire time her Majesty the Queen's do believe this year did you go oh no because I was filming on that day but all everybody she know that they really did have the homeless people handing out sort of cagoule for underneath the bridges windbreakers yeah they literally they marshals only in England with a marshal okay everybody but one would agree hello kaboom I'd never pass the test it's clearly find you be alright son so many rules a Canadian word no it might be I think it might be Inuit I'm lying anyway so the I'd almost people giving out yes they basically they sort of the City of London marshaled as far as I as far as you know if the Guardian is to be trusted which is usually favoring them have you acclimatize at all do you still eat like pies and stuff here yes of course I do no you don't we were great I'll go to like your shoes then I saw a yes they oh wow look I got real diamonds on your shoes yes real diamonds on the toes of my shoes that's a psalm isn't it no soles of your shoes what's the how come your toe nail polishes the same color as your nail nails because I'm a girl that's the kind of thing you wake up in the morning you go and everything got to match I paint my toenails copy straight competent grape sir well I have to tell you in my researches in this town has proved that not a lot of girls care about that well it's not a whole lot of carpet left that's why that's good not everyone's going for my hardwood floors well there's not the j-pop enjoying buff enjoy man yeah yeah here's the thing you're just as rude as mean but you blame me for being dirty love being dirty and read and I want to at least maintain the sort of you know what I want to feign being a girl who cares about nail polish I'm not exactly dirty [ __ ] yeah anyway no you know no no but you thought that you know parties don't know that you can do that and do that you can be clever and still enjoy you know fart jokes it's okay no wait so what else do you do do you mean well in the futur no no but in addition to being you know sort of dirty and creepy what else is there well that's my main thing immediately but I found behind I occasionally will read a book for example are you reading right now we're even oh my gosh I'm reading a standout on love Robley I haven't learnt anything yet and it's it's a it might I might have bitten off more than I can actually chew I think so then I go back to Fifty Shades of Fifty Shades of Grey that's what you want oh you read there any I tried I tried it I got it funny yeah got it and it's not funny well I read on it I thought you know cuz I think I'm very vanilla and not sexually adventurous at all no you're not being you use a term from the book vanilla you already didn't you Sode no I'm a little-known safety words banana but the I but I actually think I'm quite I'm very sexually adventurous I think more so than that what do you do I can't tell you it's network television you know Adam Sandler once said he wasn't someone asked him about sex he went yeah you know I can just do it slow and I can also do it fast that's funny that's one of the questions on the Americans I love it you only see it's all coming back to you let's keep talking about sex all right still comes coming we have to take a commercial break bargain still keep talk to you about sex we'll be right back and we'll be talking about [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] go back over here I'm here with Minnie Driver who'd you say are you still singing these dog yoga bands yeah I'm just finishing a third rack I can't believe you actually asked me something about something that I'm doing but yeah I just I'm just finishing my and do you find when you're singing if it's actually exciting for you there's for me sometime it will particularly when you when if there's any kind any percussion going it that's a callback to your boss why do you you you enjoy a Newton's Cradle every now and again I love it that that sounds like cockney rhyming slang Newton's Cradle kind I like rhyming slang I'm sorry I say what's the other one third apples and pears is stairs trouble and strife trouble and strife wife beside Richard the third turd yeah oh really well it can be either I thought Richard the third was I have to go to the bathroom I've got Richard coming on or it could be who's that lovely Dicky bird see ya hey how come that girls get called birds like the in America they get called chicks and in England to get cold Birds but why did that happen is it because of so wish I'd had advance notice that they were going to be questions that may or may not contribute to my becoming an American citizen is one of the questions do you like gum there's something because I suppose because you guys used to say I like birds the two-legged variety that two legged variety I think all parts of get to like it'll got furniture there's like oh look at that see goes get four legs the two-legged variety yeah two legged do you know what when I did when I did the Bond film back I don't remember what I did goldeneye 100 years ago and it was before I don't know it was before everything was politically correct and I remember one of the ADEs he used to Pat me on the bottom every single day and go ahead ugly little bird after lovely little bird what and I used to go not my bird is not a bird that's I are right but he always called my bum a bird so I wonder if it's just some sort of quasi producer he watches the moment it turns up every day to pat you in the balls I would I would do that it was actually a Rosamond his brothers like what you would do that it wasn't it was just back in the time where it was sort of it was apparent ok joking I was like 10 years ago I said apparently back then you were allowed to do no you can't touch anyone's bottom no I fetched my waist bottom the other day I'd she called the police [Laughter] she's suing me it says because you read Fifty Shades of Grey no I touch there what's a nice that she said banana and I didn't all right we're out of time hey listen uh one more question dad oh isn't she lovely lovely God blessing no yeah well Oh like everything's don't do anything dirty to the Queen I'm not dirty to the Queen are you gonna put on that plate it's a saucer Cup going what were you gonna ask me I was going to ask you what is she thinking in this photograph I don't think she's got a skirt on frankly I think I she's like didn't care c-minus the eyes that you won't get your lips that thing now I'm not going to be allowed to be English now much less be a marrow of course you're not being humour all the time they know that we mean no disrespect or Majesty the Queen god bless her I bought several mugs for the pin in Luther that's how they make all their money you know crockery oh god bless her she's what the hundred hundred twenty hundred twenty now is it yeah well good honor I say well that's it we're done anything else you wanna add honey went brilliantly I think went very very well I like your hair thanks love lady fixed it you've got very good hair though don't you yeah I do yeah you never lost it I gather it from other parts of my body and I'm shaved all up here so in your house you have my hardwood floors or carpets good night everybody [Applause] [Applause] [Music] you give too much away when you applaud that tell us about yourself correct Jeff woody it is do any driver everybody [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Minnie Driver may I say how elegant and sexy and mysterious you leave you may there's no bloody mystery we all know that oh I think on the contrary I think there is a mystery there you you look like a sort of lovely dancing gypsy girl that's what everyone wants to be and I would ruin Bieber oh no I wasn't discussed thing I don't know it is 19 I think it means I really love Matt he is early forties he's ruining himself there really are you a fan of Justin Bieber is that what you're saying to me no Amy no so you were telling me you hate Canadians because that's not going to play well oh I love Canadians I'm just not he's he's he's for the little ones yeah yeah well who did you listen to you when you were that age did you listen to the Bay City Rollers that's before your time yeah I would say I listened to the Cure and I listened to blondie oh I love that you and echo and the Bunnymen oh I love the cute right wrong you I'm just getting comfortable it's there's always people watching a conversation video a little you know well suit yourself don't would you want some man what is that we want a foot massager something I'm fine cool and ask me something did what about a foot massage I thought that was a question would you like a foot massage what weird question but I want a Peabody Award I can ask any question I want well I never said to be failed oh I never said to Bishop Desmond Tutu would you like if I did they would never have given me the peabody i don't think you like it no okay see something out all right then how tall is Ryan Seacrest short surprisingly not that short hey no I was on the show we're fairly recently and I've got even with Asher I thought he was quite little no it's only because you see him on a screen people think I'm people think I'm this whole yes but I'm not no I know you're in enormous I resemble that room no no I don't mean your enormous eyes in your enormous I mean your eyes all you're like a sort of giraffe ah I can tell I can tell you're not yeah that's how we know you're not a giraffe I know I probably it's a joke you do look very very nice thank you telling are you gonna sing the Cure song tonight yeah well Carla's record coming out and I'm gonna and that's on it well one is it close to me that's a good song that's a good one did you talk to Robert Smith about saying that no you just like saying it you go man I do I hope it's either we piss on his lips tight no it's very angry he's like he doesn't even tell you please looks like only girl you ever met no hi ma'am what did he do they just said hello Lee's car yeah looks like everyone yeah yeah service mother the can I you know he's like 550 now as well and he wears it though wears lipstick yeah well you know I'm 51 I still you're always wearing lips yeah I am in my mind we've never met before this evening and you know I paint was quite interesting it's quite hard to do this as you know the person I know who I mean that's queer that's my sense of like getting comfortable cuz normally I'd be like looking for my pint and like yeah yeah I need like talking and there'll be no one watching but they don't anyone watching no well that could probably be more people watching but that's more your problem than mine I have to say I thought about that and I've decided that I don't want a lot of people to watch well alright and yeah no I'm serious I just think about this like things that are very popular versus things that I like everything that I like is usually smaller in popularity than things that I don't like like what Justin Bieber versus the Cure yeah right Justin Bieber very very popular I don't really care the Cure not as popular as Justin Bieber I care much more I could not agree with you more actually I see well I messed up to change my opinion it so there's fodder for the show I get way oh no no not that or maybe that like if I [ __ ] like in within the parameters of what you just said right Kings of Leon versus the Black Keys the Black Keys slay me Kings of Leon fine nice huge rock band great yeah now I don't all right what about Coldplay versus you two neither what I find out quite interesting why Coldplay are quite nice I like them they're like so they are but it's it's they are very nice it's just it's a bit too nice so you like a better ruff is what you're saying I like the black yes I see you are doing seahorse slice of black keys - don't you see hey you remember who buys your coke man I control him he's not example II no um no I like the class versus and Sex Pistols clash yeah oh my god clash a million times the clown dog's neck specials too though yeah but more facet of sorry all of you I mean it really as I only have a conversation spittle just sort of piss and vinegar do you remain a class you might be you can TV it is one of the greatest rock songs anarchy in the UK god save the queen although I have to say but all taking a position on what was happening at the times of culturally and not really musically like the class that went on being brilliant and brilliant and Burnett and developing and expanding and that they feel like they have an evolution where the sectors for yellow I've got competition well who says I think here it's not competition see that's my problem I don't think it's a competition what about about what you like isn't right it's like you know what I think the worst thing is when they say the top ten movies like you've got a top ten man wait a minute let's piece of crap open than 4,000 screens and that's really good movie or did forced me it's not what Y is going to make the most money and it's not it is not fair and it is not Hollywood it's not a meritocracy at all and never really never has been I know can you believe I'm sure please ooh shocker AMA it's that so you have to identify that's why it's important that you I think as you go ders you just do whatever the hell you like well that is generally what happens because there's no one to tell you not to I'm constantly telling my son to not do stuff and then I'm sort of like you have adjusted your bra right what what was it doing that was annoying you so much well it look like it was being squished down was I'm squishing it you did it I have no shame cragars you're nodding again my holding again you never invite your cold man may be quickest wasn't it it would have been square foot 103 something else you want to put massage what about what is it wow what a view your heads don't please don't please that's the thing everything's going nuts from people are going crazy it's the new popcorn I like the old popcorn well if you can still have that but you can also have store please here's like thing yeah I do and have you ever been to Belgium no that's why you haven't it's dope exactly I've never had a reason to go to boundary always lovely did you go to Antwerp I like that it has 12 that's funny yeah yeah it's like colander tone and idiot yeah yeah does that mean that here that I do it no I've lived here for a long time but I've never checked ding Club yeah it's where yeah oh yeah yeah yeah oh yeah at work we have an American live American over there he knows the word twerp no I went to Brussels which is also funny that was very all the comedy tones are in Belgium Brussels Antwerp cloneville it's workable let me fun yeah and all of that Flemmi fun it's got flemish in it yeah yeah that's that's without like the language as well let me like a combination of Welsh French and the flu oh that's exactly right yep I'm so sorry I do I feel like apologizing because we're talking about Belgium what's wrong with us a lovely country tell me what else is lovely by Belgium chocolate waffles jean-claude Van Damme oh my knee he's crazy I did mmm tiny I mean talk about me being an Amazon store managed in one time almost fat honest Maya Moore seems only having a rest well you look like an event ID piece of equipment right oh and get a mess I'm not equipment I'm just tired get me an onion with in butter I'm Claire but I think about that quite like it break it down again hi there oh yeah good times right alright well we'll take a break from your thing and then but you'll come back at the end to the show and sing that song either so love - alright you're gonna do that with your makeup no sure you know what you're doing [Applause] [Music] you [Applause] why please glasses in session she's back to perform close to me they're fantastically lovely I'd northa giraffe mini driver or whatever where did all of this i'm emma sam thousand cows Esther sheep today I never thought this day and I never thought tonight would ever be this close to me [Music] you just trying to see in the dark just try to make it work see before he I'll make the shakes come lunch to grow I put my eyes out all my breath away to share but if I had a no-face the nothing [Music] - oh come on the tree [Music] the you I waited I was her thing only myself so city I wish I stayed sister day I never thought this day then I never saw you not could ever be me but if I had a yo face and I make it safely show them I am [Music] you [Applause] many drivers [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey wow man you look I mean you look really great you're like you're like you like a sort of sexy lady in a Bond film GJ well I wasn't upon sight no oh I'm just like you're doing it again yeah but you know what I wasn't a Bond girl cuz I mean you have to kill someone or have sex with someone and I didn't do either ever Wow not much well in the butt in the butt you had sex with someone didn't ya oh that was a different film or maybe it was in my mind I think it is in your Lynn my mind and by the way is the best way to know if a bloke likes you what does sex with them yeah if he's having sex with you you generally in again it gets dirty fast because I don't really know what else to do with him doing me for quite a look hoarsely yeah and a horn honking yeah ya know what I didn't know this but Jeff could be this is a whole new subtext is going on now Jeff convened divorces made and apparently the horse thinks in Morgan three boys right yes sweet horses mine yeah right now I'm wearing a tracker and walk alone I like an old-school baby amazing the things you find out about people for example this film let's talk about it quickly quickly yeah I looks great to me you've got what's one of my favorite David Bowie songs right there man is all the world all the kids played everything in that film really workshop them for like three years you a Bowie fan I love David Bowie happen have you got the new album yeah wow it's fantastic can't say enough I know and you know that you see his wife did you see that his wife came out and with a proper rant about him really yesterday in the paper but he doesn't do the dishes instead well we said if she basically ended by sort of going yeah and I bet he's like happy in his house like making love to his beautiful wife sir there it was about their fish it was a rubbish ranch was there ex-wife yeah Angie Oh Angie yeah eyebrows and well she wore something a bit like this actually all right you'll be Angie but it's a ninety said you're Angie Boeing I'm David Bowie right I really like American I think she is alright Oh dreamy the one where you're the spaceman I done I don't want to sing that one I want to sing the new one where I gangbang today on driceratops touching mine I know I'm awesome yeah yeah did you know what Peter O'Toole said about marriage what he said find a woman you lose and give her your house now that jade is an awful having you know a romantic person horribly Raymond I really and also horrible no you're not horrible you're lovely I see you having run for you nice with you lovely boy Henry's very nice it was nice he ain't happy no four new boy that's trouble yeah he's big trouble he's trouble in he's trouble with the ladies up for ya he knows he knows what a pretty girl looks like I think it's sort of it's wired into you know your penis if you're if you're straight every straight than your penis and if it's and if you're gay it's also in your penis but it's in a different direction yeah but no I oh yes I think it starts there leader I really know them because we were on a plane right we were walking up and down because you know it takes a level to London for walking up and down and there is three really nice-looking girls all sitting next to each other but the one who's sitting by the window is properly gorgeous very hot and so we're walking down Henry's a bit like the Pope likes to say hello to people hold their hand little benediction here little love there a little bit of kiss are you trying to tell us that he is and should be the paper oh maybe yeah because that what pretty girl things going to work against them in the Alexis I'm not going near that one all right anyway there we are on the airplane walking down she's singing out he gets to the three girls and he checks out the two quite nice looking eyes and he just he put his arm by the migos what's your name the girl by the window really and she's thanks Ashley and I hate for I don't come on Ashley here you're gonna have to deal with it you're gonna have to do with it later on my oldest boy when I was changed get his diaper changed in in Hyde Park in London in the public bathrooms and my wife is his mother was changing his diaper and he was lying there with his junk out right at her away and it was in the ladies bathroom and this hot girl walked in and he's lying there I'm completely naked and he looked out he said hey so what's the film about what's in the film do you think I David Bowie song that's enough for me i man it is it's about a it sort of inner city glee really urban you know it's a teacher who is on the skids a bit herself who decides to put on a rock opera with these kids who have no interest in music and so she gets she shows the problem that the inner-city community by doing this because I think Michelle Pfeiffer did that with yeah no not even she's you know it's set in the 70s and she's um do you play someone in the 70s I do how do you do that oh oh you're not 70 someone in no - I said and their seventies I like did you have to do what they did in the 70s Jaffee like you know no what do you Bob like that oh yeah talked about this you know me I like to keep me wax like a floorball yeah it's an orbit if it if the rule requires you to get bored with that you have to get fuzziness not like anyone's going to see a blooming European where were you could you long you know I think it would really affect my performance I had unshaven pubis I think it might it might make the performance of those aromas guess what today lad it's not that type of film is enough be a know-it-all listen love it's really brilliant the kids play all the music we put on this musical it's all Bowie yellow amazing I wasn't such a fan of yellow but I love David Bowie eyes I Gina it's quite good thing they do a Bowie song with just jam jars filled with water so it's a what think blink-blink me oh the man who fell to earth that one again yes the only one you could get the rights to yeah keep no it was amazing about that like cut the sweetest deal to help us really working with any prescribing he's at have you ever met no no I have no I don't really want to okay today think you've liked those notes and loads of water on our planets Marylou I want them to be from another planet I don't want to go hello yeah no I'd be like mm-hm I love you too babe yeah I do I enjoy it very much indeed see did it a bit more the entity as him oh I'll do the entire interview as David berry done what else have you been doing I heard you bought a house I see I didn't hear you bought a house do you want a house why not why don't you throw some money you can buy a home is that when he could come up with this David Mann I was David Bowie as a talk short that's what they say they say that pre-interview thanks for they go I hear you did something that the researcher told me about five minutes ago I've done nothing of consequence I'm about to shoot a pilot which I don't do that why not goodbye I'll knock it out you're being sarcastic what uh well never laughing oh I tried I don't know but I familiar on another like moon but we don't know what to do there's the cool person with the last I don't know own app who are you no don't don't yeah one with the Dino much never it was the Nelson Muntz laughs it was the hair yeah freaking me out it's like I got a honking great laugh I can't I can't point oh you I can tell when you're laughing because things like donkeys are approaching don't you go broad day oh [Applause] now stop it huh listen we have to take a commercial break cool [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] like tobacco today I'm here with Minnie Driver is wearing an off-the-shoulder number off the shoulder very nice and I like this it's quite it's fine sort of Pro Skater which I like yes yes a bit figure skater like perhaps more amateur skate what is that fabric I don't know it feels like it might involve electrical charges like you know if you were if you rubbed up against something too quickly some sparks would fly that's always hot oh stop it happening no you're very attractive women why is the horse not all the time is it if he just agreeing well yeah yeah what happens is it's like it's like Destiny's Child I'm Beyonce I can't go on you I'll be early no no no no no no I'm Beyonce and they are the two other ones max yeah yes that Kelly Rowland and I can't remember the other girls I just want to be impressed if you knew everybody in Destiny's Child because I only know Beyonce and they're new to other ones learning know what it is quite odd for nodding we'll look it out yeah look at all I'm sorry you've saved hey hey give me a second just relax it's not real fast man do you know what I used to have a horse you had a [ __ ] either who was cool flash and you couldn't catch him which is why he was cool / was he's not called flash because he liked it she was genitals to strangers I don't think horses have much choice about that because their genitals are constantly on display no on the contrary where I come from horses wear trousers young lady Yamini common scholar nobody goes there I love Scotland the horses do not wear trousers yes they do many yes they do they wear trousers horses wear trousers and Scotland - David Boies my best friend you might as well know your horse is fat nodding again yeah listen we're out of time you want to do Anderson a mouth organ or compose Christmas crow had his only office or go home did he bring his own window eye I do I see fresh mouth organ everything I wouldn't ask you to blow Russell Crowe's organ unless unless it was an integral part of the plot but it's gone oh I think I've gone from won't look I'll bring it out for ya you played that in the film than you know I didn't I'm not blowing anything on your show I'm not ready you've changed you you're the most organ it out and I'll not play the trombone what do you want to play the man who sold the world alright oh no something mmm I never lost control let me drive everybody Oh you we started can you shut up for a minute apparent apparently boy these two ladies over there that are sitting down I'm from Switzerland yeah oh that was no you were really show up there right well here's the thing one of them has an injured foot which surprises me because I thought the Swiss were neutral how did this happen let's find out hi ladies when I type in the soldier please state your name and where you're from my name is Diana and I'm from Azusa ah ha and you are I'm Anita and I'm from Switzerland really and what do you girls doing in Los Angeles we're living the good life which Park required Switzerland are you from Zurich Zurich my favorite part really have you been yes how did you like it it was excellent I particularly enjoyed what was the thing we liked in special and Jeff the men all right okay may I ask how you injured your food should I really say this yeah I was beautiful quiet right I know what it sounded like what language do you speak German French Swiss German Swiss German anyway it probably founded like a different word so you literally were then you're a racist man so when you you were out enjoying a party I guess exactly I had high heels on Oh tell me after and you went over where was this with you in Las Vegas no Emerson Emerson Emerson Amberson an immersive immersive not the Hollywood everything we love today we went because of him yeah actually we wanted the change of the shark really have me
Channel: The Jayleno Fly
Views: 453,591
Rating: 4.833447 out of 5
Keywords: クレイグと女の子の女性, クレイグ・ファーガソン, ロボットをゲオフ, craig ferguson, craig ferguson and the ladies, flirting masterclass, funny late night, best talkshow, funny talkshow, talkshow compilation, talkshow moments, flirt talkshow, geoff the robot, the jayleno fly, funny moments, minnie driver, minnie driver craig ferguson, minnie driver sing, minnie driver music, minnie driver funny, minnie, driver, craig, ferguson, speechless, about a boy
Id: XG2Q6wdNL3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 55sec (3115 seconds)
Published: Wed May 31 2017
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