Holly Hunter - Likes Dressing Up - 5/6 Appearances In Chronological Order

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[Music] please welcome the adorable [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we got where [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I'm sorry I'm just helping Holly just helping you put your microphone okay yes that's exactly that's very strategic yeah if there's any problem with you know we placed if there's any problem you know I'll move it around for you later you know like a threat back there the first perhaps only guess we'll see yeah well I want to see how well you do cause something sometimes people come out here full of beans and then it just you know and this is this is a big show for us this is Madagascar independence night oh man again Oh Madagascar hello they are you I don't know where you are but your but I really think you're something [Applause] [Music] do you do a lot of singing mmm yeah where do you have you ever sung on stage have you ever been in a Broadway musical no no no really thoughts I think you'd be great yeah here's the one I think you should be in what's that one with the one neighbor Jess yeah you know what you should stick to the films you're really good at that whatever this and the saving grace I had thing is fantastic I did a film once called saving grace you know we've talked about this before everybody Brenda Brenda you said she's so funny she's so great yeah she's very good actress yeah yeah but yours is better you're they they think because you're a detective in yours yeah you weren't no that was a pothead in that movie yeah are you a pothead no really my character does know drugs I'm not talking about your character now you know we talked a lot about boobs the last time okay let's talk about part this time do you enjoy that do you enjoy the the weed that dare not speak his name you know I do it anymore no I used to when I was a kid that used to bad not so much no what did they do for you you know it just made me feel goofy and then I realized that I feel goofy anyway did you laugh a lot when you oh all the time I would I would smoke it if it made me feel that way well made me paranoid after that easy and that it makes me really shut down right but you're very very you know interior interior interior in like and paranoid that's not good you don't want to be that way well you know that's good then I think we've all learned something kids yeah you know drug drugs are bad ah the what tell me new your character on the show though she's is detect she's carries a gun yeah that's fun do you carry a gun well I mean I like to pretend I like to pretend things but my gun no it's just it's it's it's it's good the guns are scary no really the guys are saying they're meant to be no that's the big one a gun yeah heavens no oh yeah you know but only at clay pigeons which are not real pigeons they're clay and then they don't even look like a pigeon not just like flying saucers they are they're just like flight sources they should call them clean could you hit one I have few of them yes pretty good I they call me dead I dick have you ever done that have you ever did you go target practice and for the part did you research around guns right there were many guns in the house yeah no one ever got hurt well cuz they're probably under lock and key and looked after properly well not really right I mean this is America yeah you know we're all talking abut it sold drugs and guns tonight with us maybe we should move on it's very Scarface tonight very very Scarface wait I mean you grew up in Georgia did you become a DAB and all that did you do the coming-out thing and no gloves in the dress and the ha the last man I just made up that's Atlanta that's it lime Atlanta they do all that coming-out thing well all the girls are dead well they do Bev in San Francisco as well to be our judge over us Oh Conyers you know a bedroom community of Atlanta what is now a bedroom community but then it was like you know role fairs the sticks what is the bedroom community minute I honestly I do I do not I swear I don't work people sleep in that place and they travel to the big you know or urban center with perhaps an hour to three hours away I'm the commute to work yeah she's not like an actress you you actually go to York and you stay there all day and I sleep in that trailer do you really yeah yeah you do you get big giant trailers when you do a movie I went for seven guys it's just a tent right but normally I have a trailer I just want to know do you have like special things like your own airplane and all constructible and he gets an airplane and he gets that you're flying yeah oh yeah yeah yeah I can fly an airplane not really yeah we have your license for real well I've got a student pilot license really yeah how hard you have to work to get that pretty hard because you have to go up in an airplane on your own you have to solo and there you know you know I and and this is not rehearsed truly they'd always know rehearsing I lived when I lived in this place in New York that I since moved from but on the front stoop of the of the building I came out one morning you know and there was all this broken glass and in a duffel bag and in the duffel bag was this guy's or a woman's no it was a guy his name was on all of his flight training records to get a pilot's life that's very important you get what's up like it's huge it was a huge amount of material right and then it's always like wow this was ripped off this was from this guy all this broken glass then I you know like it was a train was trained for seven Christ detective work right I travel down the block and found the car that was had been busted in good for you and how did you spot the car was that the broken window was that the clay no I am not messing with you did you find the guy you did fade them yeah no I called him was he cute with my boyfriend all right was it kind of like moonlighting you and your boyfriend you know confess you it was quite exciting yeah I mean I felt like you know I was doing something you know extraordinary you were because the amount of it's a great thing then this guy I'm sure well you could attest I mean it's a huge amount of work all that stuff I'd be awful it'd be awful no I really would cuz you really have to I had would you ever be interested in flying in an airplane like learn how to fly one it's very difficult but I'm terrifying well you know I I for a few seconds flew and f-16 just for a few seconds out of Las Vegas right we will let you do that the Thunderbirds the Thunderbirds right my uncle my uncle butch okay you have an uncle butch and he's a Thunderbird he was oh my god that's mine you recently died oh that's the great shame I'm terribly sorry absolutely no that's terribly sad but you you did you you went up and you flew the airplane that's fantastic it's cool yeah you've done that if six teams don't know where they let you in right away with the student fine you work your way up to the SH have they ever offered you the opportunity of going up and actually they have really I haven't done it yet but I would like to do it yeah do you think I'll throw up yes I do I feel did you saw no you didn't this was the thing that my uncle butch was the proudest of me for what I did not you are the legendary one so have you called any jeez I mean what's what's your story who's that me lose any jeez yeah build a couple yeah who the G yes I build a year to sixty degree Bank George all that a couple of G's yeah yeah you know I I can't I can't do anything I fly a Cessna I go making a drug reference man Oh he pulled G's before after 1968 well 1960 I was six I wasn't fooling any G's you know I wasn't not you know any Scotland there wasn't a lot going on I miss the sixth well there was no summer lovin we missed the sixes you missed yeah yeah yeah I mean we were on the cusp what a great decade to be part of I mean we're not you're not an American you were not here when all of that revolution was happening you know no but seriously man Jimi Hendrix Janis Joplin I am an American naturalize naturalized I admit yes different different I'm American like you guys here allegiance to the flag I hey you know I rush my teeth I do all the American things I do brush my things don't look at my teeth now you make me selfish it's still a better the old card treat to be dealt with or whatever yeah oh you look Hollywood no don't no they're not no they're they're a little more real yeah Haga see your teeth are actually not perfect today now which is sexy that's perfect know what perfect he says to me dentures just to me Hollywood yeah you don't like Hollywood that's be what I do really really big Hollywood yeah we've talked about this have we yeah we talked about it again yeah like you ever do that good like with your boyfriend do you ever think well we've talked about I mean you probably I'd say sometime you could have sex with him again oh we had sex oh that way about football oh really I've seen a football game yeah but they change it up a little bit you know something a different guy wins you know different uniforms yeah this is sex again isn't it what is a uniform yeah no do you do that well I mean you're a particular boyfriend to dress up in uniforms and stuff like can I cross the line here you think you're doing or today I didn't cross the line are you doing something here or do 12:30 yeah so do you what dress up for sex depends if it's a formal occasion a little bit of that is okay a little bit oh yeah you know sometimes yeah I don't think that's out of the realm of ordinary at all I think it's prey I mean I'm not talking about goggles and electrodes I'm just talking about sexy clothing I mean bondage you know I mean you can it's all I think within the realm of normal human behavior I really like you a lot of people come over here I pretend to like them I don't really like them you I like we gotta go we are completely out of time you want to hang out talk about sex all right [Applause] please welcome the adorable Holly Hunter [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] well you can know you like when I see some things I just rip stuff up and throw it away I've been clothes everything there be no commercial break I thought you were gonna come keep going not well unfortunately does that whole CBS won't pay me unless they get paid sort of thing so his commercials it's not the movies you know CBS is taking a little bit of a baby I'm noticing I think for me oh well no that's only because they pay me nothing it's nothing personal but you know you're so entertaining out never even notice that you don't have a band my mind actually really true everybody has a band and live in the late night Tel Aviv ancing you do your own singing we play library music if we need music we play in you know we can't do anything expensive like I don't know any blondie or anything like but it's not music you hear in the library it's a it's a could you just talk to me about your project I don't want to talk to you about this talk to me about this saving grace no this is my time I get to ask you questions - okay Wow we should have go max Lee I'm not entirely sure we wear at one point thank you very much indeed that congratulations to you have been here for ages I miss you it's true why I am I finished doing the show for lap the the season right and went to France fraud wait wait what happened there Wow I wish no no but you sound like a little north of Toulouse oh yeah I know winter in Toulouse yeah winter in Toulouse yeah it's that book I don't know what they're what now what were you doing north of Toulouse day yeah do you have a just hanging out no you know rented a house right spent the winter there do you speak the French no okay no not not even remotely right but you do we so what were you doing there we're in France yeah many times but but were you living there no I'm not no I do work there no I didn't work there no I met some girls there sometimes they're very friendly so are the men really yes did you ever have a French boyfriend okay how's the house the the saving grace go and then is that just beautiful yeah solving crimes isn't well I mean I I love the show I love the clip there you were drinking yes no dude were you acting drunk is actively say acting drunk is the hardest thing to do for me well I mean you need to you know have some emotional recall you need to like use your imagination yeah you know so you're going drunk a lot actually when I was in France I was drinking with someone all right oh man you know I'd let you tell me you guys was he French a nice man no okay Scottish shut up half Scottish tops Cody's Jewish half Scottish chef Jewish okay so he likes food and drink okay but he said wow you know this would be a really good breakfast one breakfast wine yeah you Scottish alright that's good what about do you ever go like just go nuts you got to Vegas and go drinking up there and go crazy and go to a strip clubs now okay oh yeah I love strip clubs do you not telling the truth no I'd like to go boxing I mean I'd like to go see boxing I don't like to box right okay but but I enjoy going to Vegas only to box oh wait to see the box see boxing looks like a 40 in flip I keep saying that I like to box yeah do you do you want to try boxes yeah we can get you some gloves I don't want to like hurt my shoulders may not be your shoulders the guy might get hit yeah oh yeah depends what you want to do is try and bulks a kid start with a kid yourself aunt your older something box with admin weren't gonna be up to you know I grown up watching a lot of Charlie Chaplin Charlie check have you ever watched him recently oh I think NBC are gonna run him between nine and ten and then it's Jay between 10:00 and 11:00 what do you do well forget about Charlie Chaplin let's talk about Buster Keaton okay I like Buster Keaton I think he's career ended sometime in the early 1820s I don't do you like Buster Buster Keaton was a fantastic silent movie star I know but do you think that he was better than Charlie Chaplin well I haven't given a lot to be honest once I hear the piano and see them do not silly right a little bit you got you got to check it out again you got to check it out again right all right with your child or something yeah yeah my son would enjoy actually in a while watch with my son the Marx Brothers I'm not if they offer a day at the race yeah yeah yeah oh the other one fantastic uh-huh you know what I like when an Italian when Chico Marx please in Italian he says get your tootsie fruitsie Isaac hey what's succumbing ago I got a bush do you ever put on a fake Italian accent to annoy Italian people long though yeah when you you know maybe when you get drunk in France you probably just ended up across the border yeah do you enjoy the pasta you know I'll tell you I I really enjoy the French a friend should be talking there this french kissing French some other type of French behavior or just French people all of it you like the French I you know I I really do okay I really did uh how long have you been an al-qaeda I'm kidding I actually love the French do i do love the French and what we've I think speak the language I do yes weakly you spent some time house devote yourself to perfection fer I love front and actually the thing is is that I tend to I don't know if you do this I tend to make fun of things that I love and and it's a kind of weird pathology yourself Oh oh that's a nice catch you really do make fun of yourself yeah snappy that's yeah well did you ever do you go with the therapy you're good at this oh yes darling years ago yeah I just know go there's no way you don't have time I caught you in the day but you know where the shows live well actually most of these people are French there no I I go and see a don't you do that other all I just went to the the like the mystery of not knowing well like you know all that goes on above envelope bovine below you're you're very mysterious woman I always find you very much and a little bit frightening which I like that you're frightening and mysterious you're kind of like a sexy Vincent Price I'm not up on him oh really he was he came after strangely he came after Charlie Chaplin he was in the you know he was in the law of the horror movies he was the one who talked like this and David's fairy it wasn't you know you know he was very kind of all like a giant spider you know yeah you doing better do you ever do that when you're just gonna run the house just do that yeah no I do that do you play the piano yeah what about the goal to the window okay it's not a real window what about the massage and acupuncture are you still getting that massage yes oh really I've done some acupuncture but you know you got to go to somebody really great eh yeah yeah I mean how do you know if they're really good well you survived but like am I better am I not better I mean it's you know I don't know well um well ya know I've been to the acupuncture I went to an acupuncturist once but that's at a sore eye and she put needles in my feet and my I go bare you you explain that to me a holy God Chuck have you ever had like the laser things of that really you don't use glasses no I use a nut cuz it wore off [Laughter] no no I haven't done ten years ago Wow and they're willing to risk ten years ago like what were they doing um well basically you just lied doesn't he put some bengay on your eye and then a he's helped it mold and you know it's they they do this have you had it done no I mean I actually said no I mean I went and saw a guy this week and said like I'm tired of the reading glasses and he said would you mind like giving up just like would you mind having the edge taken off of your your distance vision no you I left do you do a lot of it did you did this happen to you did you lose some of your uh distance who's in it that was an in a show that's full of lame jokes I think that was about as lame as it but it was good so why'd you write to the show as much go back very much a little bit I mean not not you know my entire family still lives on the farm that I grew up and did you just buy a farm no no I my wife our family has a farm in Vermont sometimes I go there for days at a time I come here really no I would go for a week or two weeks in the summer made chickens do you have I have check out ten before Pickton's hello white legen yeah do you eat the eggs are the eggs fertilized to me well they're not they don't they're not but they're eggs they're delicious and you American eggs but they're they're um they're not fertilized there's no little chickens in America do you fertilize your I'm sorry I'm just laughing because I'm stupid I'm sorry no you're not because you came on the show that's what you're gonna say right I love myself I'm making fun of myself because I love that do you know that's actually very Nietzsche and Nietzsche used to say that self-loathing was the true form of arrogance the most extreme form of arrogance was self-loathing defeat because you really yeah he went mad though nature do you know what Nietzsche hated a hated people quoting him he said you mustn't quote a philosopher unless you've read the entire body of their work so I ever haven't read the entire body of his work I mean here you are that's all the time yeah and everybody does that with Nietzsche he must hate that Freud - Freudian name but Nietzsche that's that's a more kind of you know that's a ten-dollar kind of thing that you're throwing around oh yeah Freud is cheaper yeah what about Descartes he was French you know Wow I mean yeah and that's like if the whole the whole thing you know discourse on method that's very good your discourse yeah yeah it's written in French but you can get it translated okay so did you have to recite the Pledge of Allegiance yes ma'am and obviously you can do it no yeah but I wouldn't do for something as flippant as a talk short did you get naturalized with it was one new Scottish American and 3,000 new Mexican Americans it's really true it was great it was a great day you probably talked about but but but where what what where it was in Pomona Fairgrounds was it great it was fantastic I want to be so bad yeah you're not gonna admit it here on late-night television but but it was moving was it yeah I cried like a little baby yeah okay yeah and the flag is gone and the big moon and they sing and I'm like we're completely out of time you know we can't keep talking well we can keep telling it ain't easily burst into song or anything did you like to sing America the Beautiful did you did you I mean no no they I didn't want to get arrested US soldiers in place man you just want to fit in and get out you know you want to get I'm gonna cause trouble we're completely our team I can't be yakking to you all night you know you should come here more often and then we wouldn't run out okay man I'm out of France you're back from Vegas yeah you're high high role in high dollar life in Vegas oh yeah because I mentioned Nietzsche and you don't want your shoulder start in the box my first guest tonight is a big kite star the the saving grace third season premieres tomorrow night and she's in it spontaneous or not at all look if you don't like her that's fine she wouldn't you over oh shut up I like the clap French don't TNT coming soon look at this look please welcome the lovely Holly Hunter everybody [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] holy how are you you guys are hot tonight I mean the combination of you guys and you it's pretty incredible I mean this could be the best audience you ever had that is the best audience I'm kidding yeah well you tried to win them over did you sense that because no no they love you [Applause] a lot of these people of German - did we have a German penguins being gay I didn't know that oh wow yeah you know I did know that oh you dead no no do you follow animal life closely not really soon I mean you've been getting away with this since March yeah yeah I find that for a while yeah and you know what don't touch it but it's oddly cold I just think it was gonna be warm I thought it was gonna be you know English breakfast oh no would you like breakfast I knew what you meant yeah yeah nice a Scottish breakfast well I got my teeth yeah there you go that's me one hot ticket so called it here no I mean I know you guys are warmed up and you've been dancing well they've been dancing and we've all had been having a lovely time we're talking about the Tweety the Twitter they you know that thing do you have a computer have you actually did make some money the other day that doesn't have a computer which I don't know I that's been a while since I've met somebody who didn't have a computer what was that whole bit have you been raiding the trains again [Music] God you know since 2001 yeah I can't do that what you know the guys they can't like ride the train to anymore the hobos yeah you can't do that anymore oh I mean you know the security I mean it kind of wiped out an entire culture of people what do they do other and if they can't ride the truck you know drink I mean I don't know but you know there was something kind of romantic about those guys who would get on a train you know just catch a train in st. Louis or something and ride across the country yeah you know do you think so or did you not have did you did you do they have that in Scotland well people kind of culture it's you can get across the entire country in - I don't know let's ride the train well we're here but necessary yes Alton no no it's all right sir I think I was fine but well how do you travel that if you can't read the trades anymore do you fly the airplanes have you heard you know the tell me that guy you know that guy you know landed in the middle of the hut yeah it was pretty good you know he's on that plane really no no I made that up but but that would be a great so you're looking at my what's going wrong you're just looking at your topic yeah you like it yeah pick ties for your man no really he picks us on ties yeah of course really he doesn't wear ties oMG wear a tie oh no you sure you don't do it then you don't do the Tweedy in the twin you seriously do not I can't I don't even know what is I but I really am I really feel quite strongly it's not for me I think I should write with a big feathery pen that's that's really where I'm headed I think yeah but like Twitter's headed this whole other way from you like that well it's like you all of your thoughts and 140 characters of less or less sometimes I try to set myself up as many rainy but sometimes I have thoughts that need more than a hundred forty characters yeah I mean you got a whole book I do I mean you know nobody tells you you can't it can't be you know you can't be that's what I always do when I run out material grab a puppet it's not durable so cute do you like - I do you have cute toys laying around your house well I do do you really but not for me but we won't talk about that no we will talk about toys are we talking about [Laughter] [Applause] hey yeah don't you have a guy your dresser something comes out yeah yeah but you want him to are we talking about a personal massager here you know that no we're not have you have you gone have you ever have you ever had a plata by a big rushing guy I want one I want one oh-ho an oak branch yeah oak leaves yeah soaked in like soap a bucket full of soapy water yeah and you know you're in this you're in this hot room big Russian guy yeah big big big guy yeah what's his name what's his name broken no English oh great great yeah no names just just nice teeth Vladimir Vladimir all right okay and he like you know does a number on you have you never done this I've been to a car wash it's an deserves a bet like a car is it like a car wash can't you yeah yeah going what no I mean can you still go in car this off car washes like that oh yeah the hobos are all in them now get clean through months of the old days they go from car wash the car was well I like your dress Thanks she matches your eyes a little bit look good right now your eyes will count green really my fears are they would blue look great thank you guys you're like huh you can't tell in the studio they can't tell this to do we have this no you have blue eyes well yeah we do yeah yeah I we do have blue eyes we have grown do we have a split personality do we have do we have multiple personalities like one of them is a good girl and one of them has toys no no I don't like you know you must hear some good lines from guys hitting on you that is that one of them does that was that me hitting on I don't get out anymore I stop really you don't know why not nobody hit me up with a one-liner I mean you know can I see your ID that's the best pretty good morning liner you're at a bar somebody like cards you yeah I'm always Wow thanks very much how much remember that well actually no I'm like this but the best pick-up line I've had in one why did you go to bars a lot of that on your lawn no no no but the other girl does it the bad ones that way the bad lady does it and then you have to take her home that's enough we gotta go where it's I'm sorry we were chatting I'm sorry I was talking to someone a little more interesting than you I'm sorry I'm sorry but I Paulie under everybody [Music] and no celebrities read excerpts from Craig's book one of Karen's friends handed me a joint I sucked on that doobie until someone Crossley snatched it from me and snapped something about Humphrey Bogart I did start to feel pretty good and the band sounded great everybody was funny hilarious in fact and I was starting to get a little hungry and I'm really hungry you know Karis got it Karin got his hot dogs and they were the best hot dogs I had ever tasted and the band was brilliant and this was the best night of my life and and it was then that I had my Satori my kick in the eye my sudden and profound realization my on the road to Damascus revelation from this moment on I would dedicate my life to rock and roll and take as many drugs as possible any what could possibly go wrong that was celebrities read excerpts from Craig's book right through the studio everybody but please welcome the adorable the beautiful Holly Hunter everybody [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] poly you look sensational you look really just look beautiful with your red dress your your shoes and your hair it's all Oh girlfriend you don't you look good I like your earrings too these big bulbs you you're very confident of course [Applause] it could be the double bluff I might be bluffing and actually not be as confident as I say I am but I'm not I'm actually that corner do you play poker are you going to in Vegas no I don't think I will play poker I know I'm not very good at it I'm not good at lying I know he's bluffing right now you're good yeah no I'm not bluffing III I'm a confident man hey it just happened you know it's look at the draw you know that's the way it is who do you like do you like a confident man or do you like someone who's shyer a needy insecure person you oh you do oh that's a choice do you remember do you remember um Albert Brooks in in broadcast news a movie that I did in the eighties great movie I love that movie but but Albert Brooks says it's what if knees together annoyed tone all right [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it is a great movie and you are great that's the first time I ever saw you actually was in that movie that's lovely you didn't see me I'm so sorry that's all right Barbara Brooke says in the movie while he says it's only neediness and insecurity were a turn-on yeah but they're not really are they yeah but really I can have a weakness what is that weakness then neither isn't insecurity you like a man to be oh my pants look does this make my ass look big oh that's like being a girl whoa whoa do some news well it's a kind of very it's I mean it's a bold statement right there I know isn't it yeah he's very bald yeah for a very confident man well he used to have money at one point anything probably not so much anymore broke yeah yeah Brooke now yeah he's spent all this money but that's the thing to do get it now what about Vegas do you ever go there for the fight do you like to fight I like to watch you like to watch men fight yes that's interesting I do do you not do you do you ever go to the fight a bit of the box and a cup without me talking of a box no the ultimate fate well you know III saw Pacquiao in Coto did anybody see that fight I went to Vegas and saw that fight and books not that long ago it was fantastic okay that's why I like to go to Vegas do you ever box yourself do you like to go boxing I know you could box oh no no I quite cuz you have to take your jewelry [Laughter] I mean I'm not sexist but I like to say guys box I I think it's a male thing really easy because if I said that about ladies are for you to even be talking to me with that mug I mean it's a phallic symbol right there people know that I've got an enormous you know and I'll use it that's not a turn-on for you for the ladies is it I mean the mug I mean hey who gives a rat's ass here does that ever occur not be the ladies that I want a turn are there I'm European you're up for it all like do you ever I go Italy I had them yes it's a bit like the Venetian and Las Vegas oh yes I see here that you're going to New York and I don't know yeah though we didn't have a New York seemed casino there as well don't think yeah yeah where is it what tone are you from New York well you should go there when you're in Vegas and it would like we like going home you're going to Vegas and then after that then after Vegas then you're going to where Michael I mean I isn't all of this in preparation for the Big Apple oh yeah yeah you would you want to come I'm playing I'm gonna be there yeah well I did sold out but I got 23rd I get you it I I wanna I wanted you by it's like I want to feel you a Carnegie Hall yeah I'd like to see me at Carnegie Hall pretty cool that it's apparently as bigger than the studio it's very different did you ever did you ever see anything there before I have what did you see um actually essa Peka Salonen who has as a becca Salonen who was the conductor of the LA Phil has also conducted at Carnegie and you know at the Met in the or did you enjoy the classical music I do I did what kind of classical music do you enjoy oh well Beethoven I love Mozart yes I think sometimes think Beethoven's a bit bleak I don't know if that's true I just made it up sewn together they sounded made up yeah it has made up but you have to see that's the whole thing it doesn't matter what you say as long you say it with confidence see what I'm saying like if you ever go these art galleries in New York to ever go to the openings know why not you don't like painting that you don't like painting all right then do you yeah you just listen to classical music and you don't like painting I thought you'd love painting visual you don't like visual things yeah really could you change something with the rain Lego I don't care what it looks like that one no listen I had nothing to do with this this was a he sprang this on me yeah I mean but we've been together for nine years we have two children you know that was we needed to make them legit some people have deserved before they have the before they you know you can eat it it's like play with the structure and you do that very well yeah you just mess around with it so right so are you gonna then did you not want to turn I mean you know who knows if this was gonna get that I don't know oh well I think it probably is yeah that's the whole idea this is very interesting this is a GPS mechanism and will actually relay my position 24/7 to command center oh and that is that's that does that make you nervous yeah it would have been the old days but now I'm like oh he's and Dunkin Donuts again you know no tell me about the show is it canceled did the cancel they did oh well what you gonna do know that Wow you know I have a life well yeah I had a very beautiful life on the show don't get me I love the character right I love the character I'm I'm you know very excited about these last shows that we've got going and I you know I love my life I love my family I'm looking at your family there yeah a picture of my son there I never put it on the TV but I keep it there so that when I'm going through this crap I think why do I do this crap oh yeah Wow next to the hand sanitizer that's interesting you got out of hand sanitizer because some of them movie stars are disgusting Holly I mean really they come over here you want some no no I'm fine with you I mean maybe maybe you know you make I'm totally cool really yeah yeah you know end of the house it's kind of disgusting why is that sanitized first on the show right now couldn't you at least wait till I'm gone that would be worse than everyone like oh holy Hunter was on everybody you can both do it it's kind of like you shouldn't be afraid of cleanliness it comes off I don't want to get that nasty stuff on my beautiful yeah that's a fire it's a very nice piece of sparkly yeah us so you better pick it up lovely delicate fingers you have really no they're they're small trust me I wish you were my doctor [Music] [Applause] I like them in New York yeah a doctor jokes yeah it was a lot dr. Sarah no that's that's where all the hospitals are that's where you go this doctors everywhere they're like not like trees there's not enough doctors apparently yeah boys are your kids what with me here what I kind of don't talk about them in all right well but they're our children right would you encourage them can't deny or confirm the existence of children right so when you said I have got two kids elrod you bet don't you seem a good it could possibly be I have two small goats that I can write okay so you know there's no Inside Edition here you know I mean I'm trying to you know probe how old is it how old is your child I'm sorry I don't wish to confirm the existence of my nine-year-old son that's a magical age it is yeah yeah he's very very nice sir right on the verge verge of war well the furniture but the verge of war many things we're talking about why are you acting you know innocent I genuinely don't know what you mean on the verge of what you mean like puberty yeah oh he's no years to go by that has he ever eaten haggis I mean never even touch it I can't get him to eat vegetables and has it have you ever eaten saveloy what's that fish you don't know what saveloy is or what isn't neither neither do i I mean I didn't mean to stop the conversation it happens here all the time I wouldn't worry about it we actually build them in no would you let's do one yeah oh great did you do what last thing you were here because you don't get to do two it's like um a Peabody Award just do one didn't we just have a big pause big pause yeah do you like bears [Laughter] bears a big paw some of them the bigger ones if you ever seen a bear picture painter he has pauses you know Harold Pinter yes he has pauses yeah I didn't none of these people know what the hell you're talking about I'm talking about a bear never mind help enter who's you know his excellent work in the theater has radicalized you know modern drama I'm talking about bears never seen a bear no let me ask you I never have and but I've thought a lot about it all right I will ask you the beer question again but now we are in a Harold Pinter play and I'm about to ask you if you've ever seen a bear I can't work he's not gonna work what's for peñarol time or not have you ever seen a bear [Music] [Applause] you have to stop all right hey I thought it was pretty good look we just did nothing they just give themselves a round of applause it worked pretty well by its by the way it's a sausage assembly how do you know I knew it the whole time that's the twist at the end of the play [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: The Jayleno Fly
Views: 717,940
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: クレイグと女の子の女性, クレイグ・ファーガソン, ロボットをゲオフ, craig ferguson, craig ferguson and the ladies, flirting masterclass, funny late night, best talkshow, funny talkshow, talkshow compilation, talkshow moments, flirt talkshow, geoff the robot, the jayleno fly, funny moments, holly hunter craig ferguson, holly hunter interview, holly hunter funny, holly hunter uniform, holly hunter movies, holly hunter hot, holly hunter compilation
Id: gMSYNK0edbQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 34sec (3334 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 28 2017
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