''Minister Farrakhan's First Appearance On Donahue 1985.''

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Minister Louis Farrakhan who is he and why is he saying all those things ask him on our next time [Music] we haven't had this many I'm not sure what the mission of this chap is standing back here but I don't want him angry at me I think they get the job because they look mean well guess who's here this is a man who will tell you that he is perhaps not the most popular personality in America but let the records show that he's drawing larger crowds and should we be surprised less than 10% of black Americans voted for President Reagan in the last election should we be surprised that people of color feel perhaps more than they have in a long time a certain alienation from mainstream America nobody's here to say that they could ever have claimed total participation but it does seem to be worse now could that explain the recent increase in the number of people who are listening to the Minister Louis Farrakhan Minister Farrakhan is as you know with the Nation of Islam and has made an awful lot of people angry he spends half his life now trying to explain what he said is that purposeful What did he say about the Jews and did he say something positive about Hitler and what's going on here I will ask him that question and others and give you an opportunity to do the same we are in New York City with the Minister Louis Farrakhan and we'll be back in just a moment [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay where do you begin with some Minister Farrakhan what kind of them do we have a shot at an integrated America where we really do get rid of these fears do you think we have a chance at that have you given up on that if there's justice in America for blacks then blacks will be contented with America if there's injustice continued injustice and oppression yeah blacks will continue this disaffection with the United States my reading of your position is I have the feeling that you've really given this up as a possibility and that you're you're looking for a black nation with black ownership of business and black control of the financial destiny of the membership not at all separation is an ultimate solution it is an extreme solution however if we can get freedom justice and equality within the social political and economic order of the United States that would be better uh-huh so you really you continue to hold out the I can a white person being a member of the Nation of Islam your innate here are white mister yes there are well you're smiling it hasn't always been that way okay all right if that's the case then why are you going out of your way to you invited Qadhafi to speak to your assembly in Chicago on closed-circuit television yes and he he encouraged to four hundred thousand black Americans who serve in the armed force of the United States to revolt and fight the oppressor and he'd help them finance him with with with munitions then yeah you know is this the way we get to our promised land of integrated equality for all of course the majority of blacks reject that suggestion and does rhetoric on secure oh of course I do however the logic of mr. Qaddafi appears to be the logic of the Reagan administration for fourteen million dollars of being asked for for the Nicaraguans yeah thought to overthrow the government if we can support Contras for the purpose of overthrowing Nicaragua why should we be so indignant that adavi would tell American blacks to support the overthrow of the American racist system is that decision okay let's go over this once again here's what you said here's here's what you said this is not so funny here was your statement regarding this is perceived by most people who saw this and heard about it and read about it as a Jewish slur here's what you said may we see that David now are you you're probably getting tired of explaining this did you say gutter religion or dirty religion first let me say this that your religion is not just what you profess your religion is what you practice jesus told his disciples be doers of the word not just hearers of the word lying thievery injustice and murder is unclean and using that to shield your what I call dirty practice under God's name is practicing dirty religion would you say the same thing to her Davi I would say that any person that violates principles of righteousness and decency does practicing dirty really does he there's a man who exports terrorism here's a man that the president of Egypt has condemned as an exporter of man o in now you're gonna give us a long speech about how do we know in the white press and maybe no do not see it alright you see this yeah terrorism like duty is in the eye of the beholder that's what Menachem vengan says incest what that's what the people who fought for Israel won a say Menachem Begum Bagan was a terrorist and now he's accepted as a great statesman well okay but my my point is who decides what terrorism is acceptable you I'm not that judge but you certainly brought your judgment to uh to Israel in this way and this I said exactly that which is truth you cannot refute what I've said Israel has not had any peace in 40 years and it does not look as though she will have peace because there is no peace structured on in just you know what is it it is a fact Israel has a lap full of problem as does America there's no doubt about it you know there's gonna be real hard to argue with you regarding the grievances and I certainly think it's a mistake to get into a contest about who's atrocity is the worst atrocity nevertheless are you here to say that the Jews are not entitled to any home of homeland anywhere for forty years the Jewish state has existed and they have had problems defining what is a Jew once we can define what is a Jew then we can talk about a Jewish homeland what is the definition of which and what is the definition of a member of of a Muslim now you know so nobody's certainly like most religions you're fractured yourself Jew is not a race but what's your point my point is I can define what a Muslim is a Muslim is one who submits to do the will of God what is a Jew yes but then from them and we get all kinds of wait just give me a second defining a Muslim would you'd get into an argument for example with Wallace D Muhammad on the issue of defining a Muslim so my point is I think we both would agree Wallace D Muhammad would agree with me that a Muslim is one it's to do the will of God you called Hitler a great man and now you're gonna tell us that you didn't mean great it's necessarily positive I mean for a man who you did say that didn't you you're not gonna deny you said Hitler was let's put that in context okay some Jewish leaders likened me to a black Hitler they did I took umbrage at that Vermont that's true I said the only way you can compare me with Hitler is that Hitler rose Germany up from the ashes we're trying to rise black people up from the ashes but don't compare me with your wicked killers that's what I said Oh Hitler may have killed six million Jews but his trains ran on time is that your point Hitler is no friend of black people if Hitler had his way he would have killed all black people also all right so I mean I am you can damn Hitler's not be laudatory of Hitler I just made a statement of fact yeah but no you can't you can't call a person great and then step forward after the fact and claim that that's not read that you do sorry mr. doner you but the Bible calls Babylon great but Babylon wasn't earlier all right Pharaoh was great but he wasn't a good or some good enough is a great and consequential man but not a good man that's all [Applause] I'll tell you this let me say this here's the insulin does God talk to you Minister Farrakhan does God talk to you do you mean do I hear God yeah you know are you a prophet no I'm not so you are then so you really don't have a whole you don't have any special divine stuff that I don't have right I don't know I didn't miss a very important concession I appreciate very much the humility with which you confessed to being a mortal human being subject to err like all of us and yet you do you don't have a kind of you have a messianic posture about you you do if you are honest to say you're not a prophet but you present at the podium as one sort of follower of Muhammad and that's the problem you have you know you have every right to practice your religion I don't want to sound patronizing but well you know once we don't allow people to do that we really have a bigger problem that we can possibly imagine but you do not have the right to claim absolute truth and that's what I hear from you you argue with you disagree with Minister Farrakhan you disagree with God that's pretty that's pretty arrogant thing is there mister swagat and other white theologians take a very strong theological position yes they do you don't question their right to believe in the correctness of their vision but I've certainly questioned their right to impose it on other people I believe in the correctness of the position of the teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and I stand on that position okay you were born Luis Eugene Walcott in Boston the Roxbury section of Boston you married once no scandal there nine children yes the younger of the the youngest of whom live with you in what I'm told is a predominantly white suburb is that so it's integrated [Music] but I said I'll catch them you're proud of the fact that you live in a community that I assume you feel is the forerunner of what you would like to see all America becomes that so I live in a nice community and I'm proud to live there I had very much difficulty in living in that community yeah but that has been overcome yeah you know you really are you know your timing is perfect your timing is perfect if it wasn't you would be somebody else we have ourselves a whole bunch of problems here we have an administration that appears to have been going out of its way to would alienate itself from your brothers and sisters we have a rise as NBC News viewers might have noticed last night on the news the Klan is back in bigger and bigger numbers so we shouldn't be surprised that you're drawing big crowds Minister Farrakhan here's the question problem is sir that I was drawing large crowds you all won five years but the white president okay Chris now look it we still got more I got another statement here now here we go this is a Milton Coleman you're gonna what you wanted to bring murder to his wife now you're gonna give me a long speech about how this isn't what you meant here's your statement this is the remember the Coleman thing Washington Post and if and if a woman lie down with this kind of person that that person the woman becomes a can is the done it yeah oh go ahead you have certainly cut up that tape you never kept my words in context it all then here if I had threatened the life of Milton Coleman why was I not brought before the courts of law in the United States and punished that is a punishable offense I did not threaten his life and you know that if you listen to that tape what was the first line on that tape he says the D she said the way that tape was ducted you made it to appear as though I said exactly what you proposed as I said I did not see the point here's the point this kind of rhetoric this kind of rhetoric jeopardizes babies of all color it's not consistent with the tradition of Jesus Mohammed Martin Luther King this is bellicose this er this all of the prophets when they spoke they you are there all of the prophets when they spoke they issued threats and warnings I think in the role of a teacher we must look at the condition of black people in this country the condition of America and if the country continues in the path that the country is going all intelligent people see the country growing the way of Rome the way of ancient Babylon the way of Sodom and Gomorrah if something has to be done of a positive nature to turn this around you know let's get this in who's going to say that we don't have problems college basketball listen is that this isn't funny not least young men are innocent but if corruption has hit the NCAA final teams in the basketball tournament without having yet proved their case these young men are innocent let's get that in that does not look good for us general dynamics on the take they're building submarines and the guy who ran the company is hiding now in Greece General Electric top ten fortune 500 Minister Farrakhan is right when he says we have a problem the question is whether you're contributing to the possibility of how many babies how many babies are going to be quite literally dead in the crossfire of the profits than if you think that's a question is yes there's corruption yes blacks are suffering but what is the solution to the problem in my judgment sir the solution has to revolve around two things a united front of all black leaders and black organizations to address the problem of black unemployment and blacks suffering we are blessed to get out of the economy of the United States this year approximately two hundred and four billion dollars making us the twelfth richest country on earth I'm talking about black peers with that kind of money redirected into the hands of black people we could redress our own grievances rather than standing on corners or begging white people to do for us what we should now do for ourselves that I believe is a solution to the problem we are in mr. Burke I forgive this audience an opportunity and we'll be back in just a moment [Music] [Music] hi I'm glad you waited mr. Farrakhan on the line what will happen as a result of my inviting and he shouldn't be allowed on media yeah but isn't it isn't it useful to know how did you know how do you know how do you know wasn't it a man well but you wouldn't be able to if I followed your instructions that's the point I don't feel real comfortable engaging this woman in a in a verbal jousting you know this skirting with dirty religion gutter religion hurts deeply deeply the people who people who lost loved ones at the hand of using words like grayton and trying to explain it you must have some pang of conscience for inflicting that kind of emotional pain on the pet one who felt the whole I'm going to mr. Donahue what pangs of conscience do white people feel for inflicting the atrocities on black people that have been inflicted on us ever since our fathers were brought these white people are saying she's not guilty she's calling me a bigot and a racist and an anti-semite are Arabs Semitic people you see her comes from Semitic people and if arabs are Semitic people so what i am let's change that lee pro-arab how can i then be anti-semitic Jews the only Semitic people what's your point that's a racist statement but for me to be accused of being anti-semitic how would you feel how do you feel about the accusation that you are anti-jewish I'm not anti-jewish what would make me anti-jewish there are 800,000 Jews who do not agree that the State of Israel is the fulfillment of divine prophecies right and there are several anti-semitic and there are several hundred thousand Muslims who do not believe you are in any way a spokesman for the Nation of Islam are you saying that Jews will not be acceptable to you until they all march like wooden soldiers agreeing I didn't say that but sound I did not say that I said 800,000 Jews agree with my position are they anti-semitic alright okay hang on a moment yes ma'am I just have to say that I don't maybe Hitler did some good things but always one has to do in your opinion he may have been great in my opinion I'm not Jewish but I have had the opportunity and I say opportunity to go to a concentration camp and tears will just flow I don't care what religion you are it is so sad in Justices that we're done I really I really miss that human suffering is sad no matter who is suffering we don't control NBC ABC and CBS so our story the story of the black Holocaust has never really been told roots did a fairly decent job of trying to tell our story but if we told our story like Jews have been able to tell their story a brass monkey would shed tears over what blacks have suffered use if I understood you correctly you said a Muslim is one who's committed to do the will of God that's Korean I am your sister and the Jewish race are committed to do the will of God you have to fight for us and you have to fight for 97% of the population man you're not man respectfully say to you the Quran teaches us that all those that are Jews or Sabean's who believe in allah in the last day they have their reward with their Lord I cannot be against a Jew if that Jew believes in God and practices the principles of righteousness that's what I believe it so in that sense you would be my sister in faith but now what about the Palestinians who have lost their homeland who have lost their lives trying to defend a homeland that is there's some other that's Jews say that a Zionist cannot be a Jew and a Jew cannot be a Zionist so now is I anism the real problem and not Jews and what is the problem and some Palestinians support Yasser Arafat and some don't what's the point does this mean therefore no piece of real estate should ever be granted to them no piece of real estate should ever be granted or claimed by is a real estate that was to be granted to the suffering Jews was to be granted to them on the coming of the Messiah those persons that set up the State of Israel were not believers in God Herzl didn't believe in God he didn't he's not a believer okay ben-gurion didn't believe in God technically they're not Jews I just have to I'm no there's no battle and no speech but I'm sitting here and listening to this and I'm getting very upset you are obviously a very erudite intelligent learned man and you're using that to twist facts what bothers me is not the Jews and the Catholics or anything what bothers me is your lack of verse you are in a position of power and you're using it in a negative way instead of a positive way your lack of he may not say this but here's here's the disquieting part of this the nice guys don't have any power and he has more and more people showing up at more and more rallies saying I've had it I've had it I'm not saying we shall overcome I did all that stuff and look where I am why are they showing up like this it is because those in positions of power that were white have misuse their trust in their responsibilities I am NOT misusing power I'm not advocating that blacks riot I'm not advocating that they stick up I'm not advocating that they kill white people I'm not advocating that they break the law I'm advocating that we unite and pool our resources to change the conditions under which we live what is so improper about that responsible use of power okay what's improper is the fact that you're not saying directly you didn't say you were going to kill Coleman directly but by using inflammatory words you are creating an image I think I've heard an awful lot about this power movement would you explain what that means in detail so that the just a little detail we it's an hour well power is an acronym that stands for people organized and working for economic rebirth we do not believe sir that black people should continue to depend on whites to do for us what we should be doing for ourselves we believe that a lot of the responsibility must rest firmly on our own shoulders we should turn that production power back into our own hands build our own schools our own factories employ our own people this would make us stronger black people it would make us stronger America if blacks were allowed to do so here's the color there hi I don't have a lot of time go ahead yes ma'am just like to make a statement reference to your guests today he is the most hypocritical himself a minister sitting up there with his guard bodyguards is he so godly and holy why did he need bodyguards well I thank you for your call ma'am but the Pope has bodyguards and he is his holiness so if the Pope can have his and the president can have his and the mayor can have his in a society like this when people disagree with your position they will take your life I think it's an act of wisdom on my part to watch while others pray now as far as as far as Reverend Jackson is concerned most White's didn't agree that he didn't have a chance in the beginning so I could not have been a downfall to a man that you never gave a chance to become a black president of the United States so my words were used to hurt Reverend Jackson because this country was not ready to see a true rainbow coalition of black brown red yellow and white people who are interested in changing the political landscape of this country and you would welcome that yes I would you would welcome what I'm sorry you would you would like to see a range see a rainbow coalition and I would like to see mr. Falcons bodyguards in it and I would like to see these this dude these Jewish ladies in it and I would like to see it really happen but I don't think it's gonna happen with the rhetoric that you're using I don't think it it's not conduct and what would you say to the people who say it's not happening when we with the people who don't make a saying I think it will happen I think Jesse Jackson was making it happen you know here's a good here's I mean just a real good example the Klan membership is apparently ruia we have a lot of people scared out there and I mean they've got kids with the little uniforms and the that will get larger if white people don't condemn it that's right alright now now in the age of at this moment of our in the history of our republic with Clarence Pendleton we don't want any quotas with everybody claiming to have a brother-in-law who didn't get a job because the black guy got it with unemployment being as high as it is in an age like this it's easier not to say anything I happen to be one of the people that say sorry that sounds like you do but how do you feel about how do you feel about my Amaya now what I'm saying I feel this should be quotas and I feel that that why I feel that the white race oh the black race a lot I'm one of these people that feels that that's the way life is life is ok you pay for the career ancestors and you have to accept that you already issue life that you are in the minority on that position Minsky's I mean where did I come from I came from what is my opinion come from it comes from listening to people like Jesse Jackson not to listen to people like this guy what troubles you most about his rhetoric what is it that troubles you know I think it's counterproductive he's he polarizes people instead of bringing them together Mac Mac please respond you know black folk need to be brought together we need to be brought together so that our moral voice can be heard in this country it's wonderful to talk about blacks and whites together but jesus said love your neighbor as yourself so neighbor love is predicated on self love you will agree with me that the black community is destructive of itself and somebody needs to teach black people to love themselves to love each other to come into unity with each other wait take them in and calling them Judaism a dirty religion in hinds ever said that they again are i mr donahue you are repeating the lies that have been told about miss let me say this if the white american public had a chance and that's why i enjoyed being on your show mr. Donna you because it does give me a chance to express myself before the American public you get a chance to hear me and to see me and to reason with me and if we could set aside what the press you listen to what I say and judge what I say then will your judgment be the same but that's what everybody in power says if it weren't for the press all my speeches would be reported in entirety and you would know what wisdom I have that is not the way the system is ever going to work this system is not designed we'll be back in just a moment [Music] [Music] hi I'm glad you way to go ahead mr. Donny - at the onset of the show you inflamed your white audience by describing the men accompanying Reverend Farrakhan is intimidating they appear to be gentlemanly to me but any time a black man speaks out against injustice is perpetrated against us by white people there's something wrong with him and you helped to contribute to that attitude by suggesting that these men who was Reverend Farrakhan are somehow intimidating and well they are intimidating you don't think he's intimidating The Secret Service intimidating yeah that's a good point intimidating I the police intimidating well what kind of society do we live in them don't miss their her point though she's saying so she feels this is a white media attempt to what trivialize the guests not not only that if any time a black man speaks out against the injustice perpetrated against us by I understand your point you I think your point should be considered I truly do Minister Farrakhan thanks you for your support you will not be upset with this bleeding heart white liberal if I call your attention to the fact Louis Farrakhan is as I said drawing larger and larger crowds and boy I'll tell you this you're getting it right up there with all those TV evangelists you got stuff to sell now and that's legal here in America but how do we know you're not a Billy Sunday and not to mention you know we've had an awful lot of terrible things happen in the name of the Lord down through the years the most recent of which might be entitled the Jim Jones escapade now I'm not here to suggest that you're capable of that kind of behavior Minister Farrakhan but you will not be upset with me for saying that folks like you have a responsibility to retain some humility and not presume that you are the possessor of absolute truth and to overreach out perhaps for a dialogue something that your rhetoric does not promote I would be very glad to have a dialogue in fact I asked for a dialogue with the Jewish leadership of the Binet Britain they denied that Sir with all due respect to you the Pope's are supposed to be infallible but history tells us they made many many mistakes and were responsible for a lot of wrongdoing something that's been called to the attention of our audience on application so when a black person stands up and gathers thousands of black people to listen to him automatically whites fear why do you fear it is because you feel a guilt and that guilt is that one day blacks are going to repay whites for the evil that they poured on us that's why you don't want a black person to be a strong black leader yeah I'm I'm concerned about the statement you made at the beginning of the show as far as religion goes each one that has their own religion follows their God why would you even question what did you is when they followed their God the same as you follow your God and I questioned what I'm questioning is not one's right to follow one's God I'm questioning a practice of injustice that has deprived Palestinians of their homeland and deprived blacks and Indians of justice in the United States all the people that deprived of us claim to be religious you don't you don't promote incidentally you're not alone as I'm as you must know in your in your feeling about that agony you don't promote the possibility of peace by using words like great to describe Hitler I still can't believe that you in your heart think there's something promoting the general welfare embodied in that kind of rhetoric either I don't think you believe again again you know you are an intelligent man mr. Donahue you know the dictionary you know the word great you know what it means you know the colloquial meaning and the colloquial meaning is not the actual meaning of the word so when I said Hitler was great that meant he was consequential and your esteemed writers say that the beginning of political acumen today is the study of Adolf Hitler I didn't say that mr. wills said that I thank you for the compliment and and and I and I and I want to say that anybody with your education and abilities and gifts who is consistently chronic misunderstood by the majority of people is doing so purposely you are either selling tickets to your next rally or you are purposely trying to enrage those against whom you feel you have I think that's a rather mischief-making statement in that you accused the victim of the crime now the press gave an accurate distillation of my words to the American people I would have nothing to say but the press misrepresented what I said and you continue to do the same he asked a question he said Jesus said love one another as I have loved you and in another breath he says terrorism is in the eyes of the beholder I want to know what your idea of terrorism is well first let me say this that you know it's easy to talk about love but what is love if you don't give freedom justice and equality you cannot love if black people are in America and we've given our sweat and our blood to maintain and build this country and to defend it and we have not yet acquired real freedom real justice really quality then the hypocrites then the hypocrites the hypocrites who continue to say what is love or you should love have not loved themselves now the the program of black people using their resources to rebuild themselves how can one know more about that and get more involved with that that's a I think they fly the cassettes they love them they see that's all right 800 one 893 and power and they'll find out all about how we can pool our resources to change the conditions the never get it one 843 power our I would hope that you all would call it yeah I was not an odd in support of Minister Farrakhan but in light of the Reagan administration and everything that's been going on in the past four or five years to me Minister Farrakhan has become Nicastro oil I think this racist America needs in order to begin to clean us out because the problem is the reason that so much opposition is to what Minister Farrakhan says is because it hits to the core and he's throwing out some statements that hurt and where and people are feeling guilty about him and what happened doesn't it trouble you that he uses other people's oppression he manipulates it and and through confused rhetoric seems to almost forgive it when in fact you and I know and so does he that those people who were victimized for example in the Holocaust were victimized by the same kind of fear hatred and psychotic behavior that you feel as oppressed people of color all these someone else's agony to try and get a tension-free or no we're not using someone else's at a gurney we're using our own agonizing in America not because but because of a Reagan administration because of former administration's inactivity to solve the problem of justice for black people and the other point is that white America wants us to use their language of oppression and if we talked away white America feels then it's okay but as soon as we start talking from our black perspective then all of a sudden it's raised do you know why there's their sister you know why this is because most whites actually still feel that they're in the position of the slave master and we're the slave just a minute if that were not so if that were not so don't I have the right to invite mr. Qaddafi or any other African leader and don't we have the right to listen to what they say accept or reject what they have to say why do I have to apologize to white people for acting as a free black man I'm not your slave only try how do you feel about Ronald Reagan you know I feel that Ronald Reagan is a blessing in disguise to black faith tell me how tell me because Ronald Reagan is one of those winds that will get the dry bones in the valley together if it were not for government rejection of handouts blacks would still be looking to white people to do something for us that's his position exactly and you agree with agree with that position so come out here to see black people do for them all that New Deal Great Society Johnson bleeding-heart liberal government handouts crippled black people exactly exactly so yeah did you vote for President Reagan oh I'm sure I did not vote you sure I did not I feel I feel that the more mr. Reagan continues these kinds of policies the more black people will be forced to rely on themselves it's one thing to say to America you've been bad to us all right but it's another thing to also say on the other side look at the blessings we've gotten out of America we have gotten good education we have 204 billion dollar purchasing power which we squander away in riotous living we need to pull together all black leaders around the serious question of getting black folk to use the resources that we have gained in America to better ourselves and if we did that mr. Donahue the racist attitude of whites in the country would diminish because they would see black people for the first time in a self-respecting position and we'll be back in just [Music] yes Minister Farrakhan with international implications of power the international implications are that black folk once we become producers of what we consume we become a trading partner with other third world peoples that strengthens their eyes our eyes and we can leverage that economic power into political power to redirect the course of this nation how did you feel when even Jesse Jackson had to repudiate you I felt that Reverend Jackson is my brother he had to do that he was forced to do that up to this point we still have a very warm brotherly and friendly relationship I just wanted to say I never seen either of you before and I haven't been able to disagree with anything that the guest is said today why everything is black-and-white why can't everybody work together to do this you just want the blacks here and the whites here and everybody at each other what seems to be your position through the whole show I appreciate your spirit and that is that you want black and white to work together unfortunately the society has created a problem that we believe black people have to unite to solve our own problem then we can work together with whites to solve other problems I want to know how come there's all this fighting and everything all in the name of God I want to know that you know God is always on the side of the oppressed against the oppressor historically has always been that way we are an oppressed people God is on our side he's against the oppressor why are you the cause of oppression with what you're saying today pardon me remarks and don't get into a semantic conversation what you're gonna try to change your words around and tell us that what you said wasn't what you meant Liz I don't care for a lot of things this man has said but he made he has made a statement that makes sense to me start your own school start your own factories and leave us alone fight your own way are you applauding man you'll pardon the white liberals back but hang on just a second thing once we've already got this but if we we just we don't learn if you're going to have black here and white here sooner or later somebody's going to go to the wrong convenience store somebody's going to have consumed a six-pack somewhere during the night the word will be heard then the word honky and there goes the whole neighborhood that's the whole point of the effort that we are on however imperfectly sorry mr. downer here to disagree I don't think that's what this lady wanted at all blacks are already living separately but we don't profit from our separateness we should build up our own community we should do all of these things and then your people will have more respect for black people because black people will be showing a measure of self respect I am tired of having to take the guilt for what my ancestors did [Music] [Music] yeah the only thing that disturbs me is these people are like these people are black we're all the same people if there is a God we're all going to see him and I don't think there's one to have that the white one for the black one for the Jewish plane that's it that's my speech I would like to see I'd like to make services provided and promotional fee is paid by the father claimed one with a life expectancy inside of New York State call 800 Drake NY in New York State called two one two four two one zero nine zero zero six work and what's guts where a law has decided God has set down the law [Music] [Music] [Applause]
Views: 2,369,477
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: w-OiUW_uGwM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 9sec (2889 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 30 2014
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