We Count! part 8

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on CNN I was questioned after I spoke in 2007 about Barack Obama and CNN said well what do you think about this young man I said I think he's brilliant I think he has fresh ideas but I'm under no illusion that even if he did become president that he could change the reality of black suffering in America because when you are running for something you can say a lot of things but when you sit in the seat and you feel the energy of electricity putting something on your backside the forces that surround power is always the real power President Obama does not run this country President Obama has been chosen to govern white offense and if in that process we get something it won't be because the governing powers wanted it will be because we organized and forced a government to speak to our knees now thank you for the question I want it clearly said in love that I love my brother I voted for him at five o'clock in the morning I was out there with my wife voting for our brother I like you and very proud that a black man sits in the White House but I also understand very clearly yeah and we should understand that it is the white house and until we exercise power to force that house to address our agenda now remember our dear sister Julianne Malveaux mentioned a philip Randolph man that was long time ago and the cry was jobs and justice in the march on Washington in 1963 the cry was jobs and justice in the 20 year anniversary of the march on Washington the cry was jobs and justice we are now in 2010 and the grand what is the cry what wait a minute how long are you gonna sit around begging white people to do for us what we have I'm quite passionate so and you all set me off you know that but listen an agenda is a program a schedule a timetable a plan a list a scheme to accomplish a certain result we have come up with black agendas but we've been looking to the wrong people to fulfill our agenda if Franklin Delano Roosevelt said to a philip Randolph yeah everything you told me is right the Negroes need this the Negroes are suffering that now you go out and make me do it do you think that having a black face in the White House means that we don't have to make him do it who surrounds him let me let me even go up a bit further I just look look our brother is brilliant he got a good heart I think he really loves America and wants to make America better he wanted to ease the pain between America and the Muslim world he wants to solve the problem of Israel and the Palestinians he has the heart to want to make America better but he's like that camel in the Quran that God warned the people don't hamstring his camel I didn't care what God wanted they hamstrung the camel every one of our brothers and sisters that spoke today we have a right to expect something from our brother 97 percent of our people voted for him yes there's trouble Asset Relief Program but there's post no there is still racist America between the money being sent down and it come in to those who need it most if he does not use his bully pulpit to address that we can fault him for that but wait a minute in love everybody say it in say it again one more game okay I want to deal with that word because love is bigger than some emotional feeling the word love you can change the vowel o2i and the consonant v2f when you have love real love you have life and that's why the scripture says we can tell that we have passed from death into life because we love the Brotherhood okay now I was with Elijah Muhammad one day my teacher and he said to me brother you're always talking about love define it for me and I went into my Webster's emotional dictionary stuff and he said brother where there is freedom where there is justice where there is equality there is love and there is life our problem is we have been looking to the wrong source to give us freedom justice equality love and life
Channel: WYCC PBS Chicago
Views: 2,218,468
Rating: 4.6736455 out of 5
Keywords: Tavis, Smiley, Wayne, Watson, Chicago, State, University, Father, Phleger, St., Sabina, Jesse, Jackson, Julianne, Malveaux, Louis, Farrakhan, Tom, Burrell, obama, black, agenda
Id: SPo5msFpQUc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 42sec (582 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2010
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