Minister Louis Farrakhan handles the Donahue audience!

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Jun 10 2020 🗫︎ replies

I think a lot of the tension during these types of discussions arise from the difficulty of understanding eachothers experiences. If you are a man, have you ever tried to talk about men's right to a female feminist? If so, you may have experienced a very defensive response from the feminist. The whole discourse falls apart as it jumps from whataboutism, comparing suffering, abstract to detail, absolute statements to individual opinions.

You can see this in the BLM discussion. Many instantly react with "All lives matter!" (I did back in 2014), because the assumption and the straw man pictured is white people don't suffer at all, and they only care about black people. Then certain events happen, and the BLM movement use it as an example of the suffering and unjust they are fighting, but people start talking about general issues of crimes in black community, gang violence, looting and etc., Eventually their discourse is removed from the event, and the references BLM movement is referring to, and they talk about whataboutism, comparing suffering, abstract to detail, absolute statements to individual opinions.

Anyway, to have a proper discussion you need a different host then this guy, who just want the drama to explode, and some more sober, specific conversation, with someone who can hold the conversation to the scope and participants who don't base their opinion on emotions.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/kazizmo 📅︎︎ Jun 10 2020 🗫︎ replies
please to welcome you to part 2 of the Donahue two-part program featuring Minister Louis Farrakhan who at the end of our last program left an awful lot of unhappy people in our audience not necessarily unhappy at anything he said but unhappy because they had no time at all to say anything so this is our attempt to give you an opportunity to express yourself and ask Minister Farrakhan to respond whom didn't we yes yes um I would just like to say that I am terrified that even you someone who's obviously educated has given up hope completely like when when you call upon us you say white folk you say black people Jewish people but I can't we come together we obviously can come together we just have to we just have to find a way to do it the desire is good but the reality is the total opposite of your desire and unfortunately as a young lady you are not in the position of power to make the decisions to make America work may I you know as as an audience of intelligent people I would like to just take a moment to say to you that I really don't think you fully understand what has happened to these people that you look at as second-class or inferior citizens in this nation black people who were brought to this country were stripped of their names language culture religion God and taken totally away from the history of themselves here are 30 million people who don't wear their own names they wear your names who don't speak their own language they speak English which is not their language they never never were allowed their own cultural expression of Africa don't you realize that when you turn a people upside down and inside out then sell them not for a day not for a year but for 300 years and deny us the human right to know to read a book to learn to understand and then after 100 300 years of that you allow us into the church but by that time you've painted jesus white God right the Angels right and then all these black people have been subjected to a form of white supremacy which produces in the reverse a black inferiority and this is fulfilling what Jesus said as a man thinketh so is he and as long as our people think the way they think we will never be able to do what we as a people should do to correct I can be sure here please several people in the audience have said the things that he's saying but you really haven't been specific what is he saying that you have a problem with and why is it when a black man stands up to speak for his people and all the people stand up to speak for their people there's no problem with it but you're saying he said black he said you when people talk they talk like that but why is it when a black man stands up to speak for his people you feel so threatened everybody's paranoid and you talk about snot segregation we live in Harlem we live in watts we live in Bedford Stuyvesant that's a form of segregation we walked through Bensonhurst we get killed so what are you talking about Oh what I'd like to say there was some money over there in the audience who said that they were afraid they were scared of when they were talking about the what he was saying you see and what I'm saying is the other day you asked Mandela that same question about fearing your white people fearing you know what will the black folks do and stuff we should be running down the street screaming rampant and raving cuz will you look at the statistics who is the one dying from the policeman from the KKK from the skinheads from the black people wouldn't get me scared as [ __ ] Yeah right it should be us who should be scared of y'all excuse me I was brought up in quote bedford-stuyvesant in my town but I would like to say what scares us as I think we hear violence may I respond may I respond please I'm sorry all right I'm Minister Farrakhan would you explain why it is relevant at this stage in 1990 with all that we've gone through why it is still relevant to try and to educate or to get white people to understand the plight of black people shouldn't energy be directed to us if I may my work is directly to black people I spend 99% of my time dealing with us to help us reform our minds and spirit that we may do for ourselves however when you live in a society like this and we know that in order to effect a solution to a problem between black and white then there's going to have to be some meaningful dialogue between black and white in order to affect the solution the young lady said she's afraid of violence and isn't it sad that we who have been the victims of so much violence now White's fear violence from us we do not have a history of killing white people white people have a history of killing us see and what and what you fear may I say this er what you fear it is a deep guilt thing that white folks suffer you are afraid that if we ever come to power we will do to you and your fathers what you and your people have done to us and I think you are judging us by the state of your own mind and that is not necessarily the mind of black people um I'm with you in that you're talking about wanting to have meaningful dialogue and that's a problem you know right away I don't know what it's gonna make whites happy for pete's sake you know you're talking about trying to find a solution to your problem you're trying hard to do that and we're toning you right out we're arguing with you we're not agreeing with anything we're not trying to give you a chance for pete's sake you know what do we want assalamualaikum um mr. Fogg Khan there's a situation now running for black males I in prison or in jail or in some type of probation situation okay when I look around even myself being a black reporter okay and they talk about racism of a black and white person go to a job a black person's want to get the job I never find that out and we're in New York City with a black mayor and I still haven't seen it and when I see Minister Farrakhan not only the brothers enlighten me but he gives me hope to not give up not go get a pistol and stick somebody up okay so when I see you not only are you delighting the hope but I think white America you need to listen and please don't harm this brother cuz we love him yeah yeah send him back to what she said what exactly do we have a problem with before you made a statement you said that I think that while not obvious ed that white people think that you're inferior to us I don't believe that I'm part of the youth of America I am NOT prejudiced I feel more prejudice right now than I've ever felt not against black I am NOT prejudiced against black people some of my best friends are black people I am what what's wrong with that yeah you let him speak let me speak yeah you wanted to speak to this young woman no I don't want to talk to her yet what do you what do you mean you feel more prejudice right now because the way you think because why what are you saying right now I mean I feel the you are prejudiced towards white people excuse me excuse me I think it's like you said it might be a fear or misunderstanding that you have because what fear has he put or what is he actually said here today that makes you feel prejudice you said that we think that they're inferior I think it's partly part of your own complex that you have to get over because I don't feel you're inferior I have nothing against black people yeah man sir this this this is excuse me excuse me this is the situation every young white adult says I have not done this to white black people I have not done that to black people but your forefathers are the ones who have set us in the situation we are in now what I'm saying is this when that Turner stood out you all rejected him you killed him when Marcus Garvey stood up you all rejected him enslaved him he died a broken heart now what I'm saying is this your fathers have put us in the condition we are in and today you are profiting from what your forefathers have done now now my grandchildren are gonna be raised and your children are gonna say to them do it they have not done to them because you are the ones who have you are the ones who are gonna do to my grandchildren what they're going going to experience if the situation continues now what I'm saying is this when we talk about America falling what we are saying is this if you all want to control America then we must have a land base that we control you all cannot continue printing the dollar bill and then expect us to oh by your rules when you do not want to give us jobs therefore I'm saying that we have now got to come into negotiations and Minister Farrakhan is the man to listen to it it becomes it becomes apparent more and more as we listen to each other and try to talk to each other that we don't perceive reality the same and as we're talking about either reconciling differences or separating it becomes clear that if two people are looking at the same thing and perceiving it so differently then the two people are operating under a different stimulus and so when the young lady says I am prejudiced to be prejudiced means to judge before the fact after 400 years of living and experiencing we're not prejudiced we are looking at the reality of what we have suffered and continue this up are you there are you there caller well thank you for waiting I'm sorry took us a while to get you but go ahead I know you'll be brief I'm a white American born into poverty and I overcame it you know the opportunities are here in America and why can't we just start now when you're all this far why can't we just talk in a positive way and go forward instead of remembering all these things that are in the past that are negative they were not good for right according according uh yes mr. Farrakhan commenting according to the state of black America by the Urban League if we started right now they said we could never close the gap to black poverty and white poverty she said let us start right now let's forget the past notice this when Jewish people remember the Holocaust and want the world to remember the Holocaust wait wait wait why do you want the world to remember because if the world does not remember it is likely to repeat itself and Jewish persons who suffered from the Holocaust want the world to remember this because the world turned its back while Jews were put in ovens I as a black person want my people to remember what we have suffered and what we continue to suffer so that we will say like the Jews never again never okay I've been listening in this corner right here and I've heard a whole lot of negative things from the white people here when you're trying to explain yourself the white people don't want to hear you explain yourself they drown you out they start already trying to drown you out and talk over you there's a certain amount of white arrogance here and they don't want to listen to what black people are saying they don't understand cuz they don't want to understand I've heard a woman here and say go back to Africa somebody said we have a black holiday what does that mean so what was that he did not say that he said if we have a choice what some of us can go and some of you remember there's no understanding in here people are just trying to talk to those arrogant persons you know when you tell us go back please remember where you came from and when you when you want to relegate somebody to a specific place just remember what your origin is in this world please I'm not trying to be disrespectful but I want you to understand that you wherever you are on the earth you are not a native anywhere you came there and took it from the native people who are out there so please don't talk about going back because if others talk to you about that where would you go
Channel: Britt Hart
Views: 4,070,727
Rating: 4.7744045 out of 5
Keywords: Racism (Quotation Subject), race in america, Louis Farrakhan (Politician), Politics (TV Genre), The Phil Donahue Show (TV Program), African American (Ethnicity), White People (Ethnicity), 1990, diaspora, slavery, segregation
Id: Epjb-A6vOhQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 43sec (883 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 09 2015
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