The Legend Of Zelda: The Wind Waker (Gamecube) Glitches - Son Of A Glitch - Episode 31

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I had no intentions of watching that whole thing and then here I am 30 minutes later.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/DaftlyPunkish 📅︎︎ Dec 04 2014 🗫︎ replies

This guy's videos are great.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Safety_Chicken 📅︎︎ Dec 04 2014 🗫︎ replies
son of a Coolidge The Legend of Zelda of a Wind Waker in the last episode we took a look at the glitches in the HD re-release of Wind Waker but in this episode we're going to check out the amazing glitches in the original GameCube version last episode we looked at zombie hovering in which you get your health down to 1/4 heart get knocked backwards by a bomb and make sure the sword is in links hand as link is trying to get up from being hurt hold the L button and rapidly mash the a and B button and link will rise up from the ground once link is high enough off the ground you can let go of the L button and then you can just mash the B button to gain height but if link touches the ground again it's game over in the HD version this glitch served no purpose without the tingle tuner and item given to you by tingle in the GameCube version that you can use to heal yourself while some be hovering the way the tingle tuner works in a zombie hover goes like so with the Game Boy Advance connected to your Gamecube using a cable contact tingle using the tingle tuner item which you receive when you rescue tingle on windfall island once the green tingle icon appears under Link's feet use the Game Boy Advance screen to select a red or a blue potion and set it to the game boys fever now make sure you have at least 80 rupees to cover the cost of the potions beginner zombie hover and keep mashing to reach your desired height and then press the B button on the Gameboy Advance you have to wait between 10 or 12 seconds for an item to heal you depending on which potion you use red being the quickest and blue takes a bit longer now that the potion is restored links health you can carry on as normal one example of a zombie hover being useful is in dragon roost cavern in the main room of dragon roost call tingle and make sure you have a potion set to your B button on your Gameboy Advance and then cross over the bridge to the bombs we need to use these bombs to knock our health down to 1/4 hearts we're gonna zombie hover all the way up to the top of the dungeon and so we need to be lined up roughly like this next slash the bomb to lose that last bit of health and hold the L button and rapidly mash the a and B button together to get linked off the ground once you get some decent air you can then just mash the B button but you'll need to press B insanely quick to gain height and you'll really need the height to get all the way up to the top it takes around a minute or so to get to the correct height but as you're about to reach the platform above now would be a good time to use the potion on the Gameboy and continue mashing the B button to gain height as links health is restored he'll jump / to the platform and you'll have made it all the way to the top of the dungeon this zombie hover skips a lot of dragon roost cabin so it's a pretty cool trick we'll come back to zombie hovers later in the episode but now let's check out one of the most useful glitches in Wind Waker any time you climb up a Ledge and pull out the wind waker on the correct frame link will drop to the ground whilst using the wind waker and this is called a Wind Waker dive The Legend climb must have an object or something that pushes you off when you climb it like this rock so that you always fall when you pull out the Wind Waker also any parts of level geometry that obstructs the camera's positioning will give you the same effect but Wind Waker dives are just the beginning of the most useful glitch if you cancel the Wind Waker dive three frames before link hits the ground the usual display will be gone but link will be still using the Wind Waker this is called storage and in this state the very next thing link does will be stored or deleted depending on the event for example when you have storage and you open a chest with a cutscene that plays when you open it links collision is changed and this helps him partially clip through walls we'll just go through them completely which is why we can skip getting the Bosque and dragon roost cavern because when we get to the door with storage we can just do this to get through it if you get storage and go and talk to king of Red Lions his text will be stored but won't be displayed on screen like it should now go to the small island at the back of dragon roost and use the Wind Waker in front of the stone tablets the text that you store will appear on-screen but we want to cancel the first text box until we reach the last with the round icon at the bottom now position link in front of the broken stone tablet and make sure you can see check over the a button press the a button and that will close the text box but also render link invisible now go to the left slightly to the tablet with the wins Requiem then pull out the Wind Waker and you'll learn the song but instead of the cutscene playing it skipped entirely checking your inventory you'll see that the song has been learnt but this cutscene that should play out afterwards doesn't happen and also the Wind Waker display is still on screen if we go back a few steps to the point where link is invisible that's pretty cool too you can still interact with any object as you normally would you know running around as a floating bomb or going for an invisible swim cutting things down like a ninja but links just not on screen will see the many ways you can get and use storage as we go but here's how storage leads to another major glitch when you get storage using the Wind Waker once more activates hammerlock which in of itself isn't useful and control inputs will be set depending on which direction you were facing when you activate camera lock which makes movements very confusing unless you use the L button to orientate yourself but this camera lock helps with the next glitch called a superswim when you enter a body of water with camera lock holding up on the analog stick will make the screen flicker as link turns 180 degrees each frame and builds up speed as he goes he'll gain more and more speed the longer you charge a superswim and letting go if the analog will make Linc swim backwards at speed simply holding the analog stick up will not control the super swim very well however to get control of a super swim angle your analog either up left or up right until link moves in a straight line like this hold this angle and watch the air meter in the bottom right hand corner before link drowns pick a destination by pressing up on the d-pad to bring up the C chart say we want to go to windfall which is two quadrants left of where we are so we need to angle our swim in that direction but bear in mind we need to be facing away from our destination as link swims backwards in a super swim without mind keep shifting the angle slightly and pressing up on the d-pad to line link up and facing away from where is you want to go when you're happy with the angle simply press the B button to cancel out of the C chart and watch link go as you can tell we're moving really quickly through the C and across the chart clearing whole quadrants in seconds we can change our angle mid swim but this will decrease links overall speed and chances are we'll drown before we make it to our destination the biggest factors in a successful super swim are how long you charge the swim and the air you have when you let the swim go for instance if I wanted to go from windfall island to outset where you can see that's a huge distance but if I charged a super swim here next to the docks like this I can angle the swim under the docks to get an air refill which lets me charge the swim longer and therefore gain enough speed and air to make it to outset you can see how fast they end up going but choosing a direct angle like this will cause me to sploosh the reason for that is the ocean is made up of rough and calm water when you leave an area of rough Ocean and enter calm seas the game reloads the ocean causing link to sploosh because he's moving much quicker than the game expects if this happens just recharge your swim and you'll land on outset sometimes if you drown before you make land but are practically on the island you'll respawn on the island anyway obviously this glitch is very useful as super swimming is much quicker than sailing but say for instance the island you want to go to has a cutscene which in the earliest section of the game is true for most of the major islands if you super swim to an island with an entry cutscene you'll softlock the game like in this example trying to swim from Dragon roost the great fish will trigger the cutscene and soft lock because camera lock during a super swim prevents the cutscene executing correctly there are two ways to get around a cutscene soft lock though the first one involves using double storage get storage once and then speak to king of Red Lions to store his text and then get storage again which will make the text appear on screen make sure you activate camera lock use in the Wind Waker while the text is still on screen and then you can cancel the text then simply charge a swim and make it to your desired destination and you should store the cutscene although in this example I actually didn't make it in ground which skip the cutscene completely and let me carry on from after where the cutscene would finish and I went on my merry way but I'm returning to great fish this happened the cutscene began playing as it should but links not actually on land so he doesn't appear in the cutscene because he's way out in the ocean infinitely dropping and that's it soft locked dang but here's the correct way to get to great fish get storage on northern triangle island and then super swim to great fish charge the swim with dragon roost in the background in roughly the center of the screen and then get an angle like this on the sea chart we need enough speed that we get through the cutscene but not too fast that we shoot straight through the island when we hit land we quickly pull out the sail to cancel camera lock and then the cutscene for great fish entry plays normally except the wind waker display is still on screen canceling camera lock this way allows the cutscene to play as it should and avoid soft lock using this technique we can go and get bombs earlier than intended by either sailing to windfall or getting double storage on this boat and then super swimming to windfall to avoid getting softlock in the cut scene whichever way you get to windfall we can use storage to get past the pirate ship password you can get storage on this part of the ship by the door and then once you have it try and open the door to store it then make your way back onto the main island like this till you reach the door to where tingle was being held prisoner press the a button to open the text box and then rapidly press the B button to cancel all text boxes now everything is going to go white and we're going to need the mini-map to guide us back to the door of the pirate ship what's useful is every time we pause the game we can briefly see where we actually are so this makes it a tiny bit easier to get back to the door once we're in front of the door and just go through it will hit the loading zone for the pirate ship now we can do the annoying rope swing stuff and get bombs early which will be very useful later but for now let's head to forest Haven where we're going to use a Wind Waker dive to get under the island when you first arrive at Forest Haven beetles boat is on your left so run and jump to grab the top of his boat pull out the Wind Waker on the correct frame to drop to the ground and you'll fall under the ocean let one beat of the Wind Waker play and then simply cancel it you'll be under the ocean and you're able to go under the island and then swim to the loading zone above you may remember we did a similar thing last episode in the HD version with roll clipping which still works in this version but Wind Waker diving is much easier to do when you reach forbidden woods and if you have bombs early you can actually breeze through this dungeon in about five minutes using storage and bombs in this area here you can get storage on this ledge and get up to the chest using the leak this type of storage is called chess storage and as you can see it gives you the ability to run up steep vertical geometry now usually we'd need the boomerang to finish this dungeon but we can just use bombs on all the doors and this boss door doesn't put up much of a fight at all we can just go right through it with storage when it comes to fighting the boss we can use bombs here to stand underneath the boss pull out a bomb and as it's about to explode throw it like this and it should register a hit for well-aimed bomb throws will finish the job with no problem moving on to the Tower of the Gods and skipping the whole first floor from the last episode still works in exactly the same way as the HD version but I wanted to explain something about the way ledge clipping works that confuse some in the last episode when you want to clip out of bounds with a Ledge and an object you always press in the opposite direction you want to go with this clip I want to go to my right into the wall but to do that I need to press left why because if I press right I'll just fall out of bounds which is not what I want if I press left link is trying to occupy the same space as the statue I placed below him but because two objects cannot be in the same place at the same time the collision pushes me out just enough that I go right where I want to be but not falling out of bounds so you see that pressing the opposite direction has the desired effect and this goes for all ledge clips from the last episode moving on we can do some pretty crazy stuff with forsaken fortress - such as a Wind Waker dive in this spot here outside the fortress which you can find using the mini-map move to the edge and keep using the Wind Waker till you fall let one beat play out and then cancel to get under the fortress swim over this way towards the floating door and you'll pop into the cutscene with phantom Ganon here's where things get really crazy using the chest that contains the skull hammer we're going to jump slash on top of it pull out a bomb turn around pull out the Wind Waker cancel turn to Walter bomb and use the Wind Waker again in the hopes that it pushes us off the chest and we're able to cancel and get storage from it which is incredibly hard to get the timing on if you do manage to get storage open the chest and everything will go dark so we're flying blind with only the mini-map to guide us as we reach the edge of this green area we're going to jump off and leaf over to this rock here or preferably over to this area here I stupidly took a wrong turn so it's best to leave over to this spot if you're gonna try this one also worth mentioning wind direction is your friend here so point it this way to help you out now we're over here follow this green area around until you reach this spot which is actually a wall we can run up using storage abilities once we reach the top we need to leaf over to this great door which has a loading zone we need to enter and we'll have just skipped pretty much the whole of forsaken fortress now we're onto the helm arak skip for the GameCube version which differs slightly from the HD version the beginning is the same where once we reach the top of the tower we need to run in and out of helmets trigger which makes him move far enough away that we can roll up to where he cuts link off when he crashes down we just need to climb up this ledge to move on now we need to take damage till we have one and a half hearts left so that link hunches and makes his collision slightly smaller here's the trickiest part we next need to leaf and cancel to grab this part of the ledge here which when link pulls himself up he'll be inside the floor this allows us to crouch here and crawl under this wall and from here we can run and roll to our right and arrived on the ramp leading up to the top you don't have to leave to the ledge you can make it with an angle like this which eliminates the need for magic and also when you make the crawl under this wall don't go too far forward otherwise you'll fall out of battle let's take a little break from skipping stuff and breaking the game to see some of the other fun and useful glitches in the Gamecube Wind Waker here's a really simple one called the soup glitch when you use a ferry to heal grandma she gives you the elixir soup which fully restores your health and your magic and gives you double damage on your attacks until you get damage to yourself but it can only be used twice per full bottle unless of course you use the soup glitch put the soup on a button and then cancel out of the pause menu then press the button you assign the soup to and the start button at the exact same time and the pause menu will pop up now reassign any item to the button the soup was on and then once again cancel out the pause menu link will drink the soup but when you pause you'll see that the soup is still full it gets better if you replace the soup with an empty bottle during the glitch when link drinks the soup checkout the pause menu and you'll see the empty bottle is now half filled with soup so you now have even more soup than before awesome this glitch also works with ferries and bottles to press the button the ferry is assigned to and then press the start button at the same time then switch out the ferry with any other item and what do you know the ferries are still there a similar glitch happens with the tingle tuner set the tingle to no to a button and then press that button and pause at the same time and then swap the tingle tuner with any other item link will then pull out that item like this bow or this leaf or this telescope in the eye but the most useful if you can call it that a bombs perform this glitch inside the bomb shop and link will pull out a bomb indoors which usually isn't a thing you can do throw the bomb towards the back of the shop and it will blow up all the barrels but the strangest part of this whole thing is this guy for some reason there's a little pig in the bomb shop I don't even know he's just there I guess that's a nice segue into something that's become a feature lately Pig glitches on windfall throw all the pigs into the ocean I know I've lost it hear me out now go talk to this guy and make sure you have at least three skull necklaces to play pig sitting I don't know anyway once you begin the game go look for the pigs and when you find them they'll be doing this swimming on land like it's just a normal thing I think this could be a whole side quest by itself I guess it will be wrong not to talk about the big guy back announcer island last episode we threw him here him up on this side of the fence and he came out all off-center but what didn't happen last episode was this I don't even know why this happens but I love it look at that piggy fly I don't think you liked that one also last episode we put the pig here and picked him up from this ledge and he was then floating above our head in the GameCube version we can get the crooked Pig a lot easier than we could in the HD version take the pig that's now floating above your head over to this tree outside Lynx house and he just does this and now we can do Pig spinning again on the subject of heavy objects go to forest Haven and get forest water and wait for it to expire which takes about 20 minutes as it's about to expire lift a heavy object like this rock and when it does expire link will lift the rock like it's not even heavy at all which is so fun to just run around with those killer bees on windfall island is such a pain stop running around your kids but if you get them over by these stairs and target the leader speak to him and when he's done talking move him back to slightly and then speak to him again and you can repeat this until he's halfway down the path then you just leave him to casually go through the wall and take all his friends with him if you take care now okay enough with them messing around we're headed to dragon roost island for another cool storage trick you can get storage on this ledge here and then go to the top of this hill where we're going to use an arrow to hit a bomb on the side of the rock face a chest will fall and when we open it we'll be able to walk over the top of these rocks and using a leaf make our way up to the top of this rock now we need the grapple hook and from the swing we'll jump and leap over to this part of the wall with the crack and we can run up the wall with storage once at the top we need to come over to this end backflip and use the leaf to get over the fence and then we just run over to medley which is a pretty sweet shortcut with the storage glitch the earth temple has a lot of cool stuff going on when you enter this room with all the tutu's make sure you beat them all to unlock the door and then get storage in the corner of the room with these pillars now open the chests in the center of the room and things will go dark grab medley and then guide yourself using the mini-map to the next room in this room with the giant statue we can line up with the statues arm and then use medley to fly over to it because of storage were able to climb up the arm and then we can just jump slash onto it earing turn to our right and then jump slash again onto its head there's a slightly higher part of the head that you can side hop or jump slash onto and then give you some decent height to leap over to this platform and enter the next room which is already skipping a lot of the earth temple you don't really need medley to get up on the statue you can side hop onto the feet and then on to the ankle and then run up the arm like this and get to the top that way now in the next room we want to call tingle as we're going to zombie hover out of bounds the setup for this trick involves entering the room turn 180 degrees back flip twice line up with the door in the sea up or first-person mode like this using the on-screen B button as a guide and this is a pretty much perfect lineup here now hold the L button and move diagonally into this corner and finally back flip twice on the tingle tuner set the blue potion to the B button and then pull out a bomb now make sure you have the sword in links hand and then take damage hold the L button and then match the a and B buttons till you get off the ground then once you're at this height just match the B button match the B button quickly as you enter the corner and the angle should be enough to clip us out of bounds now we need to gain a lot of height quickly and when we get about here press the B button on the gameboy advance as you continue mashing to gain height listen for the sound of tingle healing you and when you reach the fourth gulping like sound from tingle switch from the B button on the controller to tapping the button you have the leaf equip to and link should pull out the leaf the second health is restored the blue potion restores all health and magic which we'll need to leaf over to this area behind a door and this will put us in the room with the mirror shield to clip out of bounds stick to the ceiling as much as you can or the wall will block you and you'll just slowly fall to the ground and make sure you have enough height otherwise you won't make it to the load zone in the room with the mirror shield we can use the leaf pump trick from last episode to grab this ledge without beating the stalfos and grab the mirror shield early now you want to save and quit to menu and reopen the file to save walk to the beginning of the earth temple as the mirror shield is the only major requirement of this dungeon and now we have it we can move on go back to the room you originally got storage and you can once again open the chest and things will go dark this chest is a really noble chest meaning every time you get storage and open it it's never permanent so you can open it again and again back to the statue room we need to repeat the statue climb from earlier but this time we need to take men to this spot at the back wall and drop her into the wall then hold the L button and at this angle move along the wall until Linc Falls and grabs the edge like this climb back up and Linc will fall down behind the statue and we can grab medley and carry on through this door play the earth gods lyric and carry on through the rest of the dungeon as normal till you reach this room where we need medley to cross over the fog don't fall into the pit here as link won't be able to climb with storage and you'll have to be taken by a floor master which will lose you storage and you'll have to get it all over again once on the other side you can drop medley and say bye-bye because we won't be needing her anymore you can jump slash up these ledges and then hold the L button and move along the wall until link grabs the ledge like earlier climb up and then immediately pull out the leaf and then hold the analog for word you'll now be in the next room and from here we can jump and leaf up to this column and then use the same ledge grab as before to get inside the wall on top of the column and facing in this direction side hop and then pull out the leaf and glide to this door and then land turn till you see the word open over the a bun and then open the door to arrive in the next room in this room you can grab a full magic refill ready for the next bit when you reach the lyric stone turn to face the right side wall and then hold the L button and move sideways up the stone and when you reach the top side hop and then leaf over to the top of this coffin once again use this method to fall and grab the ledge and then climb up and immediately pull out the leaf and then glide around to the other side of the lyric stone and repeat the door trick from the last room from here it's a straight shot to the bus door which yet again we can skip with storage in two ways you can stand at this angle and line up using the C up first person view and then turn 180 degrees back flip and pull the leaf to go through the door and into the loading zone behind it or you can style it out like this roll up the side of the door which will make link jump and then you can pull out the leaf and go behind the door which is a lot quicker and that's the earth temple completely destroyed by storage the wind temple doesn't fare much better in this first room use makar to place a seed into the ground and then grow the trees and make a chest appear and then get him over to the button to shut off the fans above and then switch back to link now we want to get storage from the spring platform by climbing the very edge and then canceling the wind waker dive now you have storage open the chest and Link will now run up the trees to jump and leaf over to the spring platform as you won't be able to climb them normally with storage now carry on through the dungeon is normal until you reach the main room and the door you entered this room from has a small gap that we can fall through at the right angle and once we're through we can use the leaf to glide over the room with the hook shot inside you need to grab a small key and for that you can still use the bomb damage boost from the last episode and grab the key in the chest which will be used in the next bit in the main room as this chest and you guessed it we're going to get storage from it using the same storage technique as before with the springboard get storage and then open the chest and everything is going to go dark again in the dark we need to leaf over to this door and then land on the top ledge hold the L button slowly move against the wall - link grabs the edge and you'll be able to tell if he's in position if his eyes are like this climb up by holding the analog left if the camera is at linked side and then when he's up immediately hold right on the analog link will do a small jump out of bounds and then we need to use the leaf to glide down slightly and then back in bounds using the mini-map link should land in the basement and then we guide him to this door on the mini-map and then use the key we got earlier to open the door now we can see what we're doing unlock the door with the switch at the top of the room as usual and then we can move on to the next room from here we can leap over to the fan because of storage and we need to look this way run forwards to make link jump off the fan use the leaf and then jump slash at the right time to make it to the other side make your way to the Aria stone blocking the room with the boss door and last episode we just sidle behind it now we can just go over the top of it with storage and land on the other side and as always the boss doors don't really keep us out so we can just get around this one too so that's all the dungeons broken with storage which I think you will agree is a really cool glitch you can really see how the birds peak Rock skip from last episode works more clearly in the GameCube version just press the a button on the backswing to go through the wall and skip the gate entirely the ghost ship charts skip on diamond step island works in much the same way to go to this corner of the ship aim the hookshot at the pot and then hold the L button step forward slightly in place a bomb and then move backwards and aim the hook shot of the wooden post as the bomb begins to grow press Start and hold the L button and hold left on the analog and then unpause the hookshot will fire and the bomb will explode knocking you inside the ship this is possible because of the L slide technique where you can move left or right with a fired hook shot when the L button is held down and from here you can hook shot the chest and grab the go ship chart once you get on the go ship you can leave pump over to the other side to avoid having to fight all the enemies to drop a ladder pretty cool you can also use storage to skip the cabana deed on the private oasis get storage here and then store king of Red Lions text by speaking to him then enter this area to hookshot the chest up on the ledge above pull out the Wind Waker and then open the chest and now your collision has changed go over to the cabana door if you get inside the door like this you can use the hookshot to lock onto a tree behind the cabana and when you fire the hookshot you'll be dragged through the load zone behind the cabana door and now you're inside if you have storage and gets the chest without storing king of Red Lions text when you open the chest everything will go dug making it pretty difficult to get inside the Cabana as it's really hard to tell where anything is so that's why storing the text is useful another thing storage can do is teleport you across great distances get storage and then store king of Red Lions text pull out the Wind Waker and the text will appear on-screen and if you open a door like this the door will get stored jump in your boat and sail far out without leaving the quadrant and then get out of the boat and speak to king of Red Lions his text box will appear on screen and link will be teleported back to the door you stored also anytime you use the wind waker from that point you'll again be sent back to the door that you stored overall storage is a really crazy glitch and it lets you break the game in all kinds of ways so I recommend giving storage a try and finally here's an easy glitch everyone can do when you game over don't save but continue playing but as soon as though would you like to continue playing screen disappears reset the console and then instead of taking you back to the title screen you'll be back in regular play but then seconds later the title screen will appear anyway you can continue this way but eventually you'll need to press the a or B button which takes you to the file menu also link is wearing is out set close to this glitch is also referred to as the back in time glitch and it's really easy to do but that concludes our adventures with the Wind Waker both HD and original it's been quite a journey and there's tons of glitches you guys can go and have fun with and if you liked this episode hit that like button share it with everyone you know and love but most importantly please subscribe if you want to see more from the series head over to the Facebook page for the show I post updates and sneak peeks to upcoming episodes and keep you guys in the know about all things son of a glitch or you guys can follow me on Twitter and keep updated that way also I stream on Twitch whilst making episodes so you guys should check me out there too you know if you want to [Music]
Channel: A+Start
Views: 1,387,351
Rating: 4.927393 out of 5
Keywords: Wind Waker Gamecube Glitches, Wind Waker Any%, Zombie Hover With Tingle Tuner, Dragon Roost Zombie Hover, Storage, Super Swim, Password Skip With Storage, Wind Waker Dive, Forbidden Woods With Bombs, Helmaroc King Skip, Soup Glitch, Earth Temple Broken, Wind Temple Broken, Cabana Deed Skip With Storage Storage Teleport Title Screen / Back in Time Glitch, The Legend Of Zelda: The Wind Waker (Video Game), Retro Glitches
Id: n7QkI6kxV1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 49sec (1609 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 23 2014
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