I Beat Thronefall by NOT Playing

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well hello there you filthy peasants and welcome back to my hold on welcome back to my kingdom baby today we're back out in Throne fall and I got a little bit of a challenge for myself I've kind of gotten addicted to this game and I've unlocked everything in it uh and I've obviously beat all the levels so I thought why not play the game by not playing it at all and what I mean by that is once night starts the king cannot move and I want to see how far we can get by not moving at all so yeah simple idea for an episode for this first run here we're obviously on the second lands uh I figured we wouldn't do the first one because it's essentially a tutorial and it's way too easy um but yeah for this one I'm obviously going to be using Longbow as I need to have some sort of help and if I can't move my character uh obviously a bow is my best chance Power Tower is going to be really helpful uh the tower I'm closest to gets a significant boost in attack speed we have Commander mode as well all my units and buildings deal significantly more damage but my weapon does not and I thought this would be fun fortified homes uh now level two houses have a lot more more Health points and shoot arrows at enemies so that seems exciting alright so yeah I have no idea how this is going to go but we're going to get right into it and hope for the best here I'm gonna put down two homes hopefully make those level two in the next uh run here I'm gonna stay back because I want to have the towers uh defend me or I should say the kingdom I don't have any Towers yet and now it's time not to play this is gonna be very hard to get used to not moving at night I hope I don't screw it up all right and there we go now we do nothing isn't this exciting all right so we have eight coming in right now so right away what I'm going to want to do is put down this Tower because I have that Tower perk so I need at least one Tower so that's how it gets buffed I'm also going to booby trap my lands a lot with explosive uh Farms again we need as much damage output as possible uh so if this does go down at least I can use it as a defensive structure and uh honestly one of my favorite things in this game is the explosive traps for the farmlands and I'm gonna stand here trying to guard my tower and uh we should be be fine with eight I'm thinking as long as we can continuously earn a lot of money I think we'll be okay with this run um especially for this first world this really isn't going to be too bad at all because most of your fighting is down local to your Castle anyways it's going to be more interesting next uh world where it's much bigger because not being able to move there might get really really interesting so this is just a tester to see if this even is going to work all right so again we're gonna go into farmlands and I'm actually going to turn this one into scarecrows only because I know later in the stages we have a lot of flying units coming in from this way so scarecrows on this side of the map is probably smart and then we'll invest two into that maybe I should only invest in one into that so I could have upgraded one of my homes oh I can't upgrade homes yet until I upgrade my castle so we're not gonna get those archery homes until later on that's fine I think this should be fine again and I'm comfortable standing right here all right doing work on the uh big units that I'm most worried about why do they keep doing that they go downwards they're going to go freaking kill my farm damn it I need that money and I'm just at a range it looks like I can get some of the guys that are a little bit closer to me oh yeah that farm isn't explosive either so that didn't do any damage to them all right getting a little nervous but uh yeah we should be fine I need to upgrade that castle though it doesn't have enough HP right now going to 50 HP on Knight three is a little scary all right but now we're getting 13 gold uh actually more than that if my Farms stay up so right away we're definitely gonna upgrade this all right I think the best way to go for this being that most of these are busts for me I'm really not gonna help much in this uh I think being that we also have the perk for my homes getting homes to level two as quickly as possible is going to be detrimental to Our Success later on so we're gonna go for Builder Guild that automatically upgrades a level one homes to level two or at least one a day so that should help out a lot I think I'm gonna get some troops out now too uh being that it's getting a little risky I think I want to go for my fire archers um so yeah I recently unlocked these guys fantastic for massive teams of small mobs and that's what I'm most worried about right now you know what actually I'm gonna also put a rule in that I can't move my troops just to make this a little harder on myself and we'll upgrade one of my homes so it's an archery uh home and we just gotta make sure we're putting more homes down maybe I shouldn't have upgraded at home since I have the um Castle perk that's gonna do that for me but we still have lots of homes to put down so we should be fine I guess I'm standing here I didn't really think about that I kind of forgot I can't move it's this is where I have to go now oh yeah great being that they're archers too I am not going to get any damage in with my booby traps oh this is bad okay there we go uh at least my tower can reach them and that Tower perk doing work on these guys there we go finally into range all right it isn't too bad thankfully archers don't have much health at all as you can see and with that Tower perk we are destroying them flame archers helping down south as well all right so our first big team's coming in uh I'm gonna throw an extra field out here again just to kind of keep these guys busy and I'll be good damage booster I think this is also a tower we may as well throw that out uh and then let's invest the rest of this into homes all right and it looks like the battle is commencing I can't even really watch the fights this is gonna be so boring there's still a lot of archers but I think we should be okay with my boosted Tower God this Tower thing is so fantastic I am essentially one-hitting every one of these archers every time the tower shoots I got 21 baby all right there we go right away we're gonna upgrade this thing okay and I'm definitely gonna go for Castle up the upgrade cost of walls and Towers get reduced by one every night they will never be lower than one fantastic fantastic perk especially if we're going heavily into walls and Towers which we obviously are since I can't really invest too much into myself so yes every night these will slightly get slightly more and more cheap which is going to be fantastic and as per usual one gold left so we're gonna invest it into my farmlands here and we got 15 Flyers coming in this way so I'm actually going to stand out here this should be very easy considering I have my farmlands here with the scarecrows which is exactly why I wanted to put them over here these things are just fantastic at dealing with these flying things coming in look at my home shooting too I just realized they're they're shooting as well that is such an interesting perk and there we go that was a truly successful night we only lost one field all right so being that we have that perk now that makes things cheaper every night we need to place them first before they get cheaper so I want to get all my towers down all my walls down and everything so every night these things are getting cheaper and cheaper this could be a little scary we got 30 coming in from the front and then the big guys from the side side so I'm going to chill right by this Tower to try and help both teams all right night eight out of 13. things have gotten way better than expected uh looks like they're gonna take the front lines there goes one of my Towers there goes the other one but that's okay they're not even into my castle yet they're just kind of getting into my Courtyards almost they didn't even break the wall okay now we're getting attacked from everywhere so we're going to invest into more you know what let's do Hunters here um just because they're outside and I think Hunters have more HP we also have these guys we gotta buy I'm gonna go for Berserkers again my best bet is to stand out front because we're gonna have some Giants coming in so I'm gonna stand right here and try and help uh the north side as well oh man those scarecrow Fields truly fantastic damage output I love this uh the Giants probably are gonna be the only thing that's somewhat difficult here but I have enough troops now with the point where as you can see I don't think they're gonna survive at all all right and I'm gonna one goal old yeah I think I'll spend one gold for a tower that normally costs five this one should be one over here two are pretty close uh three good enough I'll do that uh and now these walls are three each so you know what you know what we have 40 gold I was gonna wait a bit more and be cheap but honestly it's nine gold to fully wallify my my whole place now we just gotta wait for the really expensive Towers which would probably be smart to wait a bit because they're still very expensive I'd rather invest into some more troops all right night 11 out of Thirteen this could be close actually there is a lot coming in very very fast but my damage output is insane now all right and there we go we did it all right so we're just gonna go heavy into these towers here um I think I'm gonna do two ballistas on the sides and then we'll do one hot oil here because that one's definitely gonna fall I think and maybe a healing one here even let the battle commence I'm just gonna stand here and watch this this is the only one I'm slightly worried about there's a great war going on on my farmlands but that's already done with dude this is insane I'm I'm not going to see any action well they're coming in from the north they've made it to the wall almost so that's exciting yeah you can you guys are doing great I'm really helping back here well we won guys didn't see any of the dance but there we go victory that went way better than expected all right and welcome to world three let's see if this goes as good as world two now I did change out uh the house shooting perk to indestructible mines only because there's three mines on this and uh they're fantastic for gold profits and if we can get a mine down T1 that would be fantastic and I'm thinking actually uh mines are five each we can do oh do we want to do this we could do two minds we got ten horses coming and this is a little scary because that is a lot to deal with with just one Tower and me essentially but yeah if we have this Tower down with my perk that's boosting that Tower I think we should be okay and I'm just gonna stand here you gotta remember this mines indestructible so I don't even know if they attack it or not I doubt it uh but yeah if we survive this night this is gonna be a pretty easy run I feel like getting 10 gold already T1 that's fantastic oh with this tower part too look at how fast that Tower is shooting I mean we're definitely gonna get hit there here though that is a lot of horsemen for round one it's okay I shall defend you Tower at least for a little bit I'm I'm a freaking goner but yes keep shooting tower for as long as possible I think we're totally fine and I feel like that's really all you have to worry about with a strategy like this as long as you're earning a crapload of gold income you really don't need to help the front lines so with that uh we now have 15 gold do I want to upgrade my my castle already uh first and foremost I'm gonna put this mine down as well I think it would be smart to uh wall off this we got 18 and nine I might even throw down I'm gonna do one and you know what I think we'll do one oh we don't even have the other one so all we have is the berserks so we'll oh sorry these are the archers we'll do the fire archers as well and I think that's a good mix of offense and defense there oh I don't like that the towers not shooting these big guys at all oh this is dangerous can you kill the guys that are actually at the wall oh I hate it I can't help okay please kill them quickly please kill them quickly fire archers I need you over here killing these guys they're gonna knock down this wall and they do so much damage they have so much health too but yeah we're fine thanks thanks to the fire archers man those things are so good I'm gonna throw down this wall and this Tower and I'm going to also get the berserks over here so if they do come in we should be okay oh I didn't even see the 10 archers over here damn it um I wanted to make sure my Farms would be safe I was gonna invest heavily into Farms but I'm wondering if I should wall this off no you know what I'm just gonna go into farmlands and I'll booby trap the hell out of this side so we'll do that in retrospect maybe I shouldn't have uh bought the farmlands yet because it's only archers coming in over there and they're not gonna get hit by the explosive trap but that's okay um as you can see these guys are coming in but very slowly so we're totally fine and being that my infantry is coming back from the far right The Archers have perished so my farmlands might actually be okay all right nice little battle here I don't think they're gonna survive this but they got closer than I expected and goodbye not close enough to do any damage though okay what do we got people coming in we got 12 from up North and 30 archers um I think I'm gonna do the big investment now so we're earning as much as possible with the castle up upgrade uh so we can upgrade those walls and towers as quickly as possible and I forgot about this Tower so again we want to just put down towers as quickly as possible now only because they get cheaper every round as long as they're on the ground so yeah we'll invest into towers and that is it all right and stand here because everything is coming in from this area and again we should be fine anyways oh that's a bad sign they're already this close oh my God they're so healthy oh god oh I need infantry over here oh no okay oh I died so quickly oh great just a whole 50 archers coming in what the hell did you guys how did you I guess you guys didn't get hit by the um X explosive traps at all but we got the flame archers is what I need right now and they are dropping flames right in the middle of them as you can see and without that I'd be a God or guaranteed oh wow they knocked down my tower guys can we get some help over here what is this Archer doing he's walking into my kingdom right now where are you going you're going around the long way you're scared just admit it dude didn't do anything he literally just walked around my freaking Kingdom all right now we just got 35 Horsemen coming in from every side that's that's actually very scary so I think I'm gonna upgrade that to Stone at the bare minimum this should be cheap to upgrade now yeah it's only two or does that mean these are two do I want to upgrade those yet I think I'll just wait till next round so they're 1H because I'm cheap I'm gonna invest into my farmlands a bit so I'm earning more income all right so put one more home down we have three gold left there's nothing really I can do with three gold so I'm just going to invest into another home because why not and there they are up East they're doing still pretty good but my farmlands clearly exploded them quite a bit and Flame arrows are now doing work on them oh yeah they didn't even break down my wooden wall was this going so well all right and I believe this is the final night yeah because I'm being attacked from everywhere so I think the one thing we're gonna do is upgrade to some ballistas here that's really the best option so we'll do one ballista there and is there anything else I really want to do nope screw it I think we're gonna make this a tier three and that's really all I can do so ballista and ballista those should do a lot of damage I got five gold left I'm not worried about it um where do I want to stand I think we're gonna be hit from all sides equally so I'm just gonna stand by my kingdom and hug it can something please break into my kingdom how is this going so well I thought without my sword I this would be a little bit of a challenge but dude they don't even need my help I'm just standing here and nothing is getting anywhere near to my base as you can see well we did it was that the final night that literally saw almost nothing on my screen oh god well I guess we're on to the final Kingdom see if we can beat this game by literally not playing okay welcome to the one that's gonna be truly challenging so I did slightly change the perks I put melee resistance on them because I know at the end we get attacked by a lot of melee things uh so all my units sorry me my units and all my buildings take significantly less damage from melee attacks that should be what we need to defend here now I'm thinking I know this first battle is going to be hard so as much as I want to invest in a currency I think the smartest idea right now is to get infantry down as quickly as possible and have them helping out me a little bit so not really what I wanted because I would have liked to invest into currency obviously especially on this map when you need currency so much at the start but uh I think the this is the safer smarter idea for right now because yeah these guys have some crazy Health as you can see but I still got my special attack baby and if you get near me I'm gonna slicey dice oh this is gonna be awful though next round I'm gonna earn like nothing but at least I have the industry now to help me out early on and that's gonna be true help there we go and we got one gold off that guy thank God so that has given me four more gold all right we got 17 of the water droplets coming in I think I'm gonna play the long game and do the harbor now that means another round I'm gonna earn like no gold but I need those Harbors down as quickly as possible and I guess we'll just stand here because these guys are going to come in we should be able to deal with these guys though pretty easily especially with my flame archers there we go yes oh that flame is beautiful okay and that wasn't too bad round two on this one's easier than round one all right I need the defense I feel like so we're gonna put that Tower down plus we have the tower perk so we probably should be doing that anyways and I'll invest I should get the uh this thing up too pretty soon here so I get that buff but I'll invest into more homes and well that's it so hopefully that's how it helps a bit so I really wanted to upgrade my castle the castle doesn't have much HP at all but being with my perk as you can see it's just it shoots so fast it's so freaking good oh these are the weak units I thought they were the freaking crossbowmen all right they dropped a crapload of gold too so that means we should get enough to upgrade my castle assuming this isn't a crazy wave uh nine Flyers coming in okay so yeah we'll definitely upgrade now perfect and Builders Guild no doubt being that we have all these homes down already uh 10 gold smart idea would be to get the harbors down I feel like I do not have Invincible mines anymore so mines are not as useful as they once were so I think Harbors are the good idea right now and I think it's gonna fall regardless but yeah I think it's smart to get this Tower down so we get that buff and let the Knight commence I can't even reach them oh they're just taking down my freaking Harbor I thought I could reach them from here oh it's frustrating oh God uh why are they avoiding why are they smart they're like avoiding my freaking Tower just don't take down my homes come on I need some money I truly need this money please stop okay we'll put these units down berserks and I want to do one more Tower just to make sure we're safe I think that's probably smart and then we'll go heavy into homes uh actually with four I think it's probably smarter to go into this so we get this buff and we'll do melee armor in two days oh man they've already killed all my units oh the freaking archers are horrifying and no problem with all our Towers we're doing totally fine perfect thank you all right in another Net Night done no problems at all all right I think it would be smart I'm nervous doing this because we got a lot coming in tonight but we get added HP with this and again this this Castle up upgrade's so useful especially considering I have so many towers down right now and now I can put down walls as well unfortunately I need one more cold of course uh so this is gonna be a risky wave for sure all right little guys are going in big guys are what we got to worry about don't worry about the little ones those guys going right for the castle or what I'm scared about looks like we'll be okay though please leave me alone well at least I got some action that fight alright so I think I got every Tower down now which is my goal right now oh actually there's a wall no that's the mine I'm not worried about the mine for this run actually it might be smart to put that down now that it's safe over here screw it I'm gonna do that usually that mine gets destroyed so I don't really put it down but yeah being that we're only being attacked from one side right now that mine should be safe for this round which is fantastic uh I have 11 Gold left do I want to invest into this or not yeah you know what that's a lot coming in and I'm a little scared so I think a good defense is the best offense and we can upgrade that's Dirt Cheap we might as well just do that now upgrade one of our Towers all right and that means tomorrow most of my towers are one gold which is fantastic uh because I need those Towers upgraded because I need at least one healing Tower that's my big goal right now get a healing Tower I feel like if we have a healing tower for the boss fight we might stand a chance shocker there goes my freaking Harbor again stupid flying jerks oh God oh God the flying guys are getting in I don't like this don't take down my homes please thank you screw off okay and now is my favorite day oh why is there why are they two I thought they'd be one by now some of them are one some of them are two I guess I can't complain that's still they're cheap and we'll definitely upgrade these things now yeah this won't be a good investment and with one gold left I can't do anything but that is a crap load more troops so I'm feeling way more confident all right I'm just gonna stand right here so actually I need to go closer to the wall because I actually do want to fight these guys but I want to defend my castle too because I'm worried the other side's gonna get in I'm more worried about these things though these things can do some serious damage so I'm gonna stand here and hopefully reach the castle if they do get in all right the night before the Boss Wave though I can't believe we can can I beat this game literally not playing I don't think I'm gonna be able to defeat the boss wave though I love how my Harbor to the right has struggled so much in this it's only Built two boats it can build five it just gets destroyed every round buying that Harbor was clearly a mistake all right well we survived this side no idea how the other side's doing all right well clearly we did well because they didn't reach any of my Gates and I can't believe this we're on the final wave all right goal one is to get a healing Tower I really want that so I'm trying to decide you know what I'm gonna do with this one this one right here it's 14 though it's so expensive but I think it's worth it healing Tower is going to be huge here maybe even two would two be smart before we do that let's upgrade some of these Dirt Cheap Towers to at least help out a little bit because we are gonna get hit from all sides so we can have a bunch of Tier Two Towers they are great and they can help out quite a bit I think this one should be able to reach so we'll do that I have a big decision for the final bit here um I do want one more tier 3 hour I think I could go into more infantry as well but they're so expensive now I don't think they're that lucrative so I think what I'm going to do I might regret this decision but this Tower right here is gonna see some crazy action I'm going to turn that into a hot thing I still have my my tower perk closest Tower gets a significant boost in attack speed I think you know where I'm going with this I want a mass heal and defend my kingdom which is why I made this one the healing orb so if I'm close to this I should heal massively and if they do get to my castle which they likely will I can at least help out a little bit here we go the final fight am I gonna be able to do this by literally not moving I don't think so but I'm hoping for the best well so far it's been like a minute and uh as you can see I can't see a damn thing which is a good thing if I can't see anything things are going well oh no they've reached my Gates get the hell out of here all right I finally see his bar he is very low that's five more spawns now he's gonna be spawning them close and over to this side let's see if we can heal this side please freaking do something Tower oh God the middle move to the middle boys this is my my moment to shine I sliced them oh God guys get in the middle get in the freaking middle I can't do anything oh my freaking Kingdom no please go to the ones that are on the castle for the love of God they're five feet away from me and I can't do anything please guys please please please please please please please get over there please get over there oh we're back to 50 Health okay and he has one more attack in the middle oh my God I really wish I could direct my troops better but I can't tell them do anything because I can't move okay and now this is where it's gonna get an interesting because pretty much all my guys are dead and he's going to the middle in a second here the final one oh this is all it and I have no one helping me I have nobody helping me damn it please for the love of God get in here we go again this is deja vu oh I'm not feeling good I'm feeling good I'm feeling fine everything's fine let's stay positive here my kingdom is not crumbling around me oh come on I'm so close I killed him I kill I killed do I have to kill the creeps I killed the boss please please oh oh my God you cannot be closer than that I can't believe that I can't ah what a wonderful experiment I I thought I was gone so much at the end there oh dude I am I'm shivering I've never shivered in a game before I thought I was dead I don't want to try again what am I saying regardless we won we won the game by not playing all right guys and I hope you guys enjoyed another episode of Throne fall so yeah I'm very much waiting for new stuff to be added to the game and they did warn uh when the game came out in Early Access there wasn't going to be much to the game but the important part is this game is extremely addicting and I'm hoping it becomes way more challenging because as you can just see by this episode uh the challenge once you're deeper into the game and have all the good perks is isn't really that difficult so yeah I'm super excited to see where this game goes as it does get developed and yeah I hope you guys enjoyed this little challenge in Throne fall as always thanks for watching and liking and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Drae
Views: 199,840
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thronefall gameplay, throne fall, thronefall steam, thronefall game, thronefall release, drae, draegast, thronefall ending, thronefall boss, thronefall funny, steam thronefall, thronefall ep 1, castle building games, castle siege, castle defense, tower defense, thronefall end, city builder, city builder games, thronefall guide, strategy game, thronefall strategy, thronefall gameplay pc, thronefall drae
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 48sec (1548 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 18 2023
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