Mining a Planet Made of Solid Gold - To The Core

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well hello there everybody Dre here and welcome back to upgrades the game today we're going to be doing more upgrades and probably a little more upgrading as well because uh that's pretty much what this game this game is all about I love that love that you guys are as addicted to this as I am though uh it's doing really well on the channel and uh I hope it doesn't stop because I want to keep going to see how insane this game gets uh so it's been about a week since I last played I have uh I don't even know what that number is anymore q u 24 qus I've also been farming this whole time I just spent a few seeds oh I should probably upgrade okay I have 7 000 of nitrogen seeds I didn't even see hold on here let me just click for an hour oh my God I have wait I have a lot of seeds everywhere okay God why can't I just hold to upgrade this this is the one thing you can't hold the upgrade so you just gotta click this like an insane person for way too long also I don't have anything into these so I should probably move around some of my cores alright that's good enough for right now let's go spend some of my uh currency that I have been collecting for the last week so I want to get away from any of the middle stuff that's the starting stuff for example like coal here we have uh actually we don't have a lot of coal I'm gonna have to go into coal maybe that that's probably why I haven't upgraded these I was only able to upgrade that once jeez all right but now that we're getting hydrogen we can upgrade this drop rate of blocks fantastic increase shiny block chance yes please I actually don't have as many stuff as I expected yes stuff that's that's that's the right word I actually need coal and I need lots of coal so maybe we should go coal hunting for right now the goal today is to unlock my next Vision because that's going to give us I'm assuming this Moon I don't know what that Moon entails but that would be great a lot of you guys are saying I said dude I should do the the challenges as well because yes now as you can see we get boost if we actually do the challenges so seven seconds to break the core before dying instantly uh Prestige one that should be easy Frozen is applied to the planet Maxfield is divided by one thousand should be pretty easy to do this in seven seconds done [Laughter] wait I died why did I die did I actually do it though okay so Challenge Rewards can stack depending on how high The Prestige was when you beat it obviously Prestige one was a bit easy I think I'm supposed to die anyways let's see so we have times two right now let's see what happens I might be able to do this in seven seconds I'm gonna die in seven seconds that's why I died and please uh okay so that one's a bit hard all right we'll try again using my orbital lasers that might be what we need come on seven seconds yeah I don't think we're gonna be able to do that so let's go back and see if we can do a lower Prestige okay and yes I was able to do it on Prestige six and yeah these are gonna be actually pretty huge I'm getting 10x the block drop doing it at Prestige six and Prestige six was pretty easy we actually might be able to do Prestige nine let's see using my orbital lasers I think we actually should be able to get this why is that not going down fast go I'm gonna die okay I think I got it I got this perfect oh these challenges are fun though either uh well challenging and that's kind of rare in this game at this point because I'm so damn strong uh so yeah now let's just see what it's at just out of curiosity it's still at 9.6 wasn't that what it was before oh did I not turn it on I hate that I have to turn it on every time all right let's try that again I died I died how did I die there we go I got it that time and I died just after all right now as yeah as you can see it does go up okay so these challenges are something I'm gonna do a bunch right now um just being that these boosts are so insane and I'm gonna mind this planet for a little bit because I need coal or Moon I should say so we'll get some cores as well so we can upgrade our farming well we're doing all these challenges all right was able to uh Prestige it three times and I'm dying now so I could probably do it a bit more if I wanted to I just want to see if we have enough coal now to get that upgrade where was that was it this one yes all right so I have 20.42 qus of cool is that quintillion I don't know uh I don't I only need the trillion so let's see how much this gets me they're just mining that planet alone it's gotten me this match upgrades all right let's go back and finish off this just so it's done all right and a couple more prestigious three to be more specific we should hopefully have enough now I actually I think we're gonna have to go out again yeah we're close I gotta finish this man we might be able to challenge do some higher challenges now too I don't know okay and that's all we need to finish up that I am happily done with Cole I believe I see we have Diamond here as well we also have sand I got q u and sand let's see if we can finish up this one of course we can't we're so close to the end of them though um diamond we need a lot of Maybe not maybe not hold on I think I think I lied I think okay I do need a lot of diamonds okay that would be great though I would like to uh get some challenges done on the Diamond Planet which is this one I'm pretty low prestige on this as well so we should be able to get some more cores for our farm I'm gonna start at Prestige six we have block Health block Health surge plus Blockhouse surge plus plus this actually won't be too bad it's not time based so I think this should be easy it's just going to take some patience to uh drill through these massive blocks oh God okay this might take a lot longer than expected doing all the challenges at once probably not the smartest idea but I'm patient damn it I cannot mine this final layer oh this is gonna take a long time I'm still hitting the call oh you jerk that's the problem I touched the damn blocks and I'm dead okay maybe we should chill out a bit and I thought Prestige six would be good Prestige three I mean that block health is just insane so three is definitely a little bit easier maybe I should have waited to use those I have one more left all right I mean I'm in the dragon stand I'm getting hit so hard there we go I just gotta get that core down I don't think the chorus Bop so this should be pretty easy and done okay so now I'm getting times 5.2 on all these things I think that's enough for right now these challenges are gonna be pretty difficult oh wow this I forgot how hard the diamond planet is let's go see how much that got me at least I've killed the planet a couple times yeah we're back in the queue installing in the trillions but yeah we still have a lot of upgrades to do as you can see okay so I think what we'll do being that I don't want this to be just that diamond farming episode let's upgrade this a bit we did get a bunch of seeds and I'm going to put all my new cores into that so we are getting 11 000 or sorry 11 trillion uh diamonds per second and we'll worry about that a little bit later because there is other things I would like to do what is this oh yeah the the thick boy of course it's more diamonds that's all right that's cheap so let's do that we've maxed that out sick speaking of sick how much are we oh my God to off-grade I forgot how hard glass is right now I need 1.587 Q in gym so I need to figure out how to get more freaking gems because 196 trillion not gonna cut it and I'm still very much waiting for glass so I can get more drones I'm I've been focused on drones for way too long I feel like oh new neon stuff so damage action again not the most exciting of things but these are cheap right now so let's invest into it a few times and we maxed it out that a uranium one be able to gain electricity from broken blocks yes please I need a little bit more uranium for that we are farming it so we should get that done soon we are farming meteorites more electricity you will have will buff damage so obviously that's very very good um grenade bulk this thing uh has been fantastic so I definitely want to go more into this we need antimatter for that we have lots of it right now okay never mind geez that was aggressive big thing is I need Quantum boards I have 224 I only need a a thousand so let me actually go see what do I need for Quantum boards I can craft them right now I can craft 662 so we got 684. I need steel for that I can craft that right here and am I gonna get it right now 740 when I run out of circuit boards that's when bad things will happen so I'm just trying to get the Thousand that I need oh I actually might be able to get Vision five right now and I can I think if I didn't spend all the resources I needed well well well we have unlocked it and vision five is here and now gold I've had I've gotten gold before I thought gold was new um increased damage well that's gonna be pretty huge I think we should start mining gold so we get a major damage upgrade from zero to four thousand whatever the hell those numbers mean I'm zero damage right now I guess yet I'm destroying planets I don't I don't understand all right did that unlock the moon which one which moon was it was it this one no that's definitely not it that was the one I was working on is oh it's this one oh we have the gold Moon oh with a gem crust or not crust a gem core I need a a grand total of one qu for that I think I have enough all right and we're on Cupid we are mining gold literally this is actually pretty hard to get through being that it's only a Prestige one kind of nice kind of odd a moon's the hardest thing to get to you would think a vision upgrade the further it is the harder it would be to get to but this is kind of in the middle of my solar system uh I'm excited for this planet though it is our first gem based Planet I no longer have to have this little gem thing on me I can maybe get another thing equipped that isn't just gem related because yes if we can mine gems now I think you know I'm gonna be focused on this planet we need gems so we can get glass again the hardest thing in the cosmos for me is freaking glass and gems so yes I think we'll be chilling on Cupid for a little bit oh my God Prestige too look at how hard this planet is though gold is a soft resource this game is inaccurate all right but I'm already seeing I'm at 65 Q of gems so I wonder if we could do the challenge on this planet of some sort I'm gonna try and uh Prestige one more time and go check out how much we've just just unlocked in terms of gems oh man I'm really struggling to get in there okay I see my access point if I go right here and not hit the core we should be able to get it drop a few bombs and come on core you're so freaking small just go away done okay Prestige and we'll go to the shop now please tell me this is how I'm gonna need to get gems all right I got 245 queue of gems now that is a huge upgrade I need 1.587 Q to upgrade my glass that means this is going to be easy now oh my God I just got so many glass upgrades I am so excited for this that means we should be able to get my drones done today and now just looking at my glass go up I mean it's still slow in this game slow at least but it's going up we should be able to at least upgrade this a few times and obviously I'm gonna be mining that uh moon like crazy right now so we can upgrade my uh glass making even more okay Prestige three like look at this I can't even get through the gold now this is well I think we might need some upgrades to start mining more of this planet I mean I can do the first two prestiges pretty easily I can't even mind this right now I'm not even gonna try the challenges right now because there's no freaking chance all right I did at least get into the gem layer so I'm gonna chill here till I die because my feel is quite low but I may as well try there we go I was able to get how much gems not sure which one I'm assuming it's this 6 Q one all right so yeah I only got 86 Q of gems only 86 we may as well upgrade some of these lower ones in the in the trillions just because why not right all right and now we are crafting much much faster and with that gold grind we can actually upgrade our damage by quite a bit wow I've only killed that moon like four times and I'm already at 26 so that's really good my damage has been increased and I just upgrade some of these random things uh boost damage sure why not boost siphon yep that sounds fun oh speaking of that let's actually go into damage diffuser increases Hull and feel not the most exciting of um pieces of equipment but I do want to upgrade it so I need uh mercury in meteorite for that oh I'm done realize my farm would do that so can I finish this one too then [Music] hilarious equip and done all right so honestly I'm not really interested in this piece of equipment defense is boring I think I'm gonna go back to siphon expander uh which is it increases a siphon yield I mean maybe I should stay in gems but honestly with this new moon I don't think we really have to worry about gems anymore I just have to grind them out a little bit what the hell is this what the hell is this Infinity box Singularity 0 out of 10 trillion uh okay we're getting into the really weird upgrades that's exciting um I guess how do I how do I mine Singularity well worry about that later there's still so many upgrades I want like this I forgot about energy balls everybody loves balls I need Quantum boards for that so let's get back to crafting those why is this not automated I'm not sure why I'm not automating Quantum boards I have 48 000 Quantum boards okay chill Game Jesus I just I just had like 200. all right well now we're gonna have energy balls and that unlocks more of course it does um what does this do increases energy ball size bigger balls are always better all right so we'll make that eight out of ten these are question marks right now so I have to buy more energy balls all right we can get fast balls fast balls are important we'll Max that out dude farming made this game too easy I don't even need to go out I can just sit here and farm micro drill damage oh I forgot about my micro drillings so yes I now have drills that go throughout the planet so we'll upgrade that a little bit um oh I can get new drones exciting finally got an enough glass now I only need 51 billion all right so coal is an issue so I guess we should go back out being that I want to focus on glass and go back to that coal planet or Moon I believe it was was it this one yes it was okay uh let's try out this new energy ball I have I don't know how to use it how the hell do I use my balls oh there they are hello balls welcome to the club I couldn't even see them because the screen's always so chaotic but yeah I just have these spinning discs of Doom now that uh help me mine so thank you because I totally need more help mining planets I didn't have enough help yet as you can see by all my drones and Mining lasers and Quantum lasers and whatever the hell else I have fart clouds I love this game all right and we prestige again now I see that we have um Cole it said oh of course Cole goes away I think I have s x and coal 1.25 ISX or 251sx sextillion I don't know so I think that should be a enough coal to uh get some upgrades here um and by upgrades I mean glass wait why does it say I have 1.251 SX of coal and steel but not in this is that how much it takes for one piece of glass I don't know man let's just let's just put some in it yeah that's still not enough um I have 10 billion glass I think I need way more than that right yeah I needed a 51 billion all right well I mined some coal don't know if it was worth it or not I think I'm just gonna let the farm mine it we should actually upgrade that a bit because I think I changed it I have five cores I'll just put those into it oh speaking of that we've also unlocked gold so we gotta Farm gold now too all right and we'll put a few more into coal I'm gonna drop the diamonds way down and throw those into coal because coal is something we need a lot of got a lot of seeds thanks to that so I'm now producing over a hundred trillion per second sounds like a lot not really in this game though all right and we're back at Supernova I was able to prestige that once I don't know if that changes the planets or not if I'm honest I'm assuming it would so can I still mine the planets in Supernova yes I can I don't understand if there's any difference though but yeah I'm gonna go back to the gem planet and Prestige three see if this is any easier now I have done a few damage upgrades dude I can't even touch this thing like look it freaking gold man now might be because I mean Supernova as well this might be a bit harder I I don't know people will just stumble on this series that this episode must be very confused at what the hell is going on anyways I've been mining uh gem planet for a while in Supernova form I'm at uh I really wish these things would just stay that having them go up and down is really annoying but it looks like I'm at 14 Q or Q U of gems so we'll go back to the shop and see what that gets us oh yeah I'm actually at quantastic because I'm in queue of gems oh I'm already at Q you damn it um it's gonna give us well two uplines too ah that sucks that sucks so much a 33 billion glass all right well at least there is a way to mine gems now and not just have this piece of equipment on to get it um did I get any more upgrades I should yeah I've been working on this gold upgrade as well wow we need a lot of gold so I gotta be mining that moon for a while uh because Gold and Gems come from that and this damage upgrade has to be pretty huge all right well we've upgraded our chance to spawn micro drills and now those drills explode so that's exciting um yep let's upgrade that too oh I can finally get more drones yay and 148 billion more glass and then we'll get some more all right and let's mine this Supernova I don't remember if we Prestige this or not uh I'm hoping my explodey micro drills will help because this one is the most annoying I was gonna say Planet but it's a supernova to mine only because I can't get through this freaking wall of pixel blocks so I'm gonna destroy them all wow that's actually doing a great job as you can see I have an opening over here get down to the middle how can't get in I can't I can't plan it I keep on the planet this Supernova so much I'm back outside let me in and I died ah all right I'm assuming I thought I did Prestige this but when I click it there's no Prestige so there's no Prestige for the sun either oh there is a Prestige for the Sun so I don't think I have oh I have prestiged it okay I'm not crazy this blocks was just gone for a second I don't know why all right I thought this is how you get to the singularity I don't know how you get to the singularity because we've already prestiged it once maybe there's a certain amount of prestiging that you need to do uh I'll try this again and be a little less aggressive and see if we can get to the center here to prestige this one more time just because why not wait wait wait I just realized I'm just randomly thinking as I sit here and stare at this I might have gem seeds now don't I because I mind that Moon and seeds drop when you mine the resource oh wow we have an opening we have an opening all right so I have to go check my farm later because we have if we have gem seeds oh I would love to set up that I just want to sneak through just let me sneak through I need to get to the fart clouds oh this might be risky I might die I see the core I'm so close stop bouncing me oh you little jerks please don't kill me please come here I got it I mean I'm in the Dragon's Den fart clouds work with me we must kill it oh hell yeah Supernova you are too weak for me I have my balls of Doom spinning around and doing the majority of the damage I'm assuming and we have prestiged Planet Prestige the Supernova all right and please tell me there's some gems in here oh gem seats I have 15 000. oh freaking yes all right where are we gonna take the prestigious why why do I have 10 in lead I don't think I've used lead in so long we'll drop that down let's just do two I should have two in most things um all these resources are rather new so I'm assuming we still need some I don't know why I'm not in lithium don't ask me not an anti-matter either should probably go into that a little bit at least uh we need more gold so we're gonna go up that uh we should probably go core hunting why why do I have 28 in sand I think it was for the glass right it's probably for the glass so let's up that a little bit I don't remember dude it's all a blur this game at this point but look at that I'm investing heavily into Gems or yeah gem seeds and we're producing eight trillion a second which really is not that much because I need qu at this point yeah Q you of gems um I'm at 11. I can't even upgrade this once I mean look it it's not even changing the number it's not uh uh so we're gonna have to mine that Moon so much all right made a few more Quantum boards and I just wanna I can't Max that out you jerks I'll up the damage a little bit oh yes there we go we got fuel copies the current Max feel of the Jordan dude there's just it's too much this game is too much for me I didn't even when did I unlock this I have a carbon thing I need to do and again we don't know how to get the Infinity box so that is the ultimate goal now but I think it's a good time to wrap up this episode here uh we did a lot today mostly focusing on gems and uh drones and it worked out we also got our balls of Doom so that's always exciting in the next episode maybe we'll reach the end maybe we won't I keep thinking I'm about to reach the end and it never ends so yeah I hope you guys are enjoying this journey with me as always thanks for watching and liking and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Drae
Views: 142,017
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asteroid mining, to the core, to the core game, solar system, space mining, mining games, mining game, mining sim, space exploration, to the core ending, planet mining, mining simulator, asteroid belt, to the core firework, outer space, space mine, planet drilling, gold planet, diamond planet, supernova
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 12sec (1272 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 03 2023
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