Escaping Minecraft’s Funniest Prison...

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Twitter gonna cry when they found out Jschlatt is in Tommy's New Video

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/KneecapTheEchidna 📅︎︎ May 14 2021 🗫︎ replies

This video never made sense since schlatt wasn't the one in jail

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/wolf751 📅︎︎ May 16 2021 🗫︎ replies
i am stuck in this huge minecraft prison and my only goal is to escape the problem being is that all the guards and inmates are all just insane this video is absolutely hilarious also if you don't really know me and you don't find me annoying then please subscribe listen just halfway through the video if you decide that you don't hate me then please consider subscribing now without further ado enjoy this video i have a bit more of a problem than jack has i've got three i'm fine yeah no you you're good sometimes we shorten their sentences sometimes we shorten their bones okay good morning everyone it's one am time to get up you sleep well i [ __ ] hope not stand back stand back stand back okay go here single file line there's only one of you but i know you'll find a way to get off you stay right god damn there excuse me bro excuse me god oh looks like we've got a few trouble makers in here we have us we have a prison infestation charlie perhaps come out come out come out sean you want to take care of these guys he's killing me i'm kind of scared of them but uh it's okay we'll give you an extra couple minutes outside to bury him later oh my god what the hell did you just did you just hit that [ __ ] slap please consistently got a boy beater right here and let me give you a hint you are not the beater you are the boy so you're gonna stand the hell back i'm gonna get on the podium i don't wanna go on the podium okay okay the mic's a bit bust where is that like feedback no that's just my natural guard welcome prisoners today will be another glorious day in prison what's the name of the prison big prison in big prison we love big prison they probably shouldn't love should they love big prison no no the script the script says the script says say we yeah what you mean keep going big prison is love big prison is life well that one that one is legally and technically true for you forever so i actually got a uh got a gift from the from the for-profit company that runs big prison they sent me this oh look it's a mystery box yeah do you not know what that is you know what you know what that is right charlie i know this is your first day you're being a little bit i'm amps dude i'm i'm like i got the boy leader i know once you once you get to my level you might even get the boy catcher take a look at that that's the boy catcher i'm sorry did you just say boy catcher should what's the boy cat should do why doesn't a boy step over this way and find out okay seems eager my kneecaps are gone i can no longer bend my legs at the knee look at me warm why don't we do why isn't this standard excuse me um warden i'm starving could could we please go for for breakfast now roll call is done we didn't even test out the funny box hold on i gotta i gotta type in the it's password protected that's right jack and you never will can i please have some food i'm like i'm dying yeah hey hey no no i'm too hot man don't i don't know where the cafeteria is i studied the maps extensively i know exactly the wrong maybe you guys will think twice next time you know what you did no i don't i don't know what i did why don't i give you a bit to reflect on it see you at lunch are you [ __ ] kidding me i can't be in prison jack i've got wives to attend to i've got kids to have rather ironic because that's what i'm here to avoid so don't you worry listen [Music] you're telling me you just have a drink you can have a bit if you want i got it straight from this it's formerly known as tubo urine and i like to call it sweet sweet special juice cheers i'll die so we're doing breakfast what's on the menu i think it's goop tuesday oh it's goosebumps no it's not sludge sunday dude and we will have the other prisoners whip uh oh [ __ ] i lost where are they i may have locked them in a jail cell i could maybe just hop i don't don't worry about it you do that you're the one that's been behaving so you can sit you're a good guy oh thank you all right so if we get the chance will you escape here with me you'll escape here while you're in here man but look i'm i'm not sure i can go back out after what i mean he's got a boycatcher and that concludes the psychological evaluation tubo you're looking good to go your brain is you're full functioning thanks do i just you want me to just take a step in yeah yeah so well thank you guys breakfast has been wonderful it's coop tuesday [ __ ] oh [ __ ] why did he break that lever how do you open the door if you can effectively right click anything in this entire prison yeah no we can't i [ __ ] up so that how many levers do you have i got three three three i have three three so the lever's open oh can we have food please um group tuesday we need someone to make the goop okay can yeah you know what the irish feel like that's just how we do it here this is my 20th year here i'm kind of getting the hang of things how old are you you know i'm 20. wrong hey don't break my kitchen who did that tommy did probably i didn't do it i watched you do that jelly [Applause] that's three more years tommy you've already had your allotted one goop back here i returned my bowl oh in the juice it goes balls where did you get a bowl it almost looks a little shiv like doesn't it is that a [ __ ] i don't have a [ __ ] you'd be a prisoner no no no no no no no no no no i don't want to be beat stop beating me i got a gun too i'm gonna die i'm gonna die if you hit me you know it's fine it's fine he forgot he forgot now they're very good at hypnosis we can't tell the higher-ups we do this do what i think it's time for the funny box it's funny box time do they know what the [ __ ] of funny box is you're looking pretty comedious today you're looking like you've got a little hilarity within your guts one sec guys i need to pee in a [ __ ] so jack we've got something very special today this is the funny box well you're gonna do some stand up and uh we'll use the funny box if we want to if we want to make it a little funnier i picked this up and no one noticed wait wait i'll leave as in so we can okay wait wait i have an idea please sit here and right click no no no we shouldn't open this door this is the exit oh exit so we can leave prison and go home to my wives i've only got three days left on my sentence and i don't and i don't place that i'm right click so i can go up place that and right click so i can go you can just stay here what is wrong with this [ __ ] braces every good joke you do every nice routine we're gonna give you a year off every bad joke we're gonna have to hit the funny box make things a little funnier okay okay what happened to the agreement i thought i was in here for life it's okay every every time you make a good [ __ ] she gets one year off too okay so guys i found this i found this i found this quick ticket what the hell huh that's a that was a lever a letter where did you find that actually i'm pretty sure tommy gave it to me no i didn't no i didn't wait i was with you the entire time what [ __ ] orifice was this in you sick [ __ ] ape get up on [Music] who that was pretty funny that was pretty funny come out stop can i have a go absolutely one more one hey tommy tommy every good joke you make is a year off your sentence every bad joke we're going to teleport jack manifold 10 blocks in the air can i be in charge of the button preston yeah sure oh thank you what the [ __ ] i don't get it why are you unfunny my wife said she wants me to be more like jack manifold here comes i said [Music] no our son our jail son i am the jail son you don't back the [ __ ] up right now i swear to god i'm going to give your wife visitation hours please why did the chicken cross the road why because okay that was pretty good but i do want to hit this button yeah i want to hit it let me die i'm actually gonna make it uh drop him from higher for one second i think i just spotted something over there oh in marriage so thick wait jack is that how you get out how many levers do we oh okay just don't look up there just look down look down yeah oh yeah sure thanks man arrested he beat me to death oh my god i'm on top i'll get in there and you too tommy why me go hey fred hey hey i wish i had my god i need to do it oh no no he wouldn't wait a second why didn't the lever drop i don't have any manifold i don't have it anymore no you have it still come on i have your lever i just have the i just have the flush on my toilet oh my god i'm coming in there no i ain't no don't take my flush i'm taking it oh it's gonna smell of poo maybe that's what you deserve guess it's better than the missus charlie well i'm all the way on the other side of the prison you two inmates just keep talking about what you're gonna talk about turbo i sure would love to go to the boxing ring right now i am feeling unexercised why don't you hand me that gun so we can give it back to schlep we we are good we are good in may in inmates [Music] that and hand it to me hand it to me through here and it hand it hand it hey you two give me the hell i got grippy fingers get in can i come out please charlie i really appreciate it i love you man i love you yeah that guy was trying to take my gun from me you know what tubbo what oh my god does that make me a deputy it i don't really know and you've got your first case right here looks like someone's trying to break through the world no no no no no no to be doing that's right let's go check in with the others why don't we go check this out are you [ __ ] are you [ __ ] kidding me i'm just deputy oh you are yeah i nominated him hey i'm also looking for a job [Music] okay unemployment's a big issue right now it is still a hole in my oh [ __ ] so [ __ ] close oh wait oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] tumble you got this you got this tub i got this okay hey man i lost my bed outside the cell can you open it so i can come and get it please um no it's fine i picked it up why are you can i just can we have a heart of heart man actually you're not right click this back i want you to come in oh listen i'm gonna tell you why i was in here and i know you're not supposed to talk about it breaks the code of conduct britain has a rule for the amount of wives you can have and it's one all right i broke that rule by about seven or eight so you're a tory that's not what dory is i was talking to jack manifold about call of duty i mean he seems like a pretty good guy oh i'm i'm not i didn't do no crime you committed one and it was getting married to that woman it was getting married to that [ __ ] [ __ ] we gotta keep this guy in here man because the prison is here it is it's it's much better than the prison out there he's on a life sentence but not his life it ends when she does yeah jack we want to make your stay as cozy as possible we got all sorts of stuff we got a boxing ring we got a library if you know how to read hey what do you think what do you think next listen i reckon me and you i get you man i really do do you get do you want to work here not with a prison please wait so are you trying to escape jax uh jack you want do you want to tell them i just chose what we're doing next boxing let's go you know honestly honestly it could go it really could go wait wait wait wait wait wait yeah i think your videos are not a thousand percent funnier than usual i think it's maybe 50 at best that's literally only happening okay they're not 50 percent you want to see the last person who watch your tommy in it video dead you know what happened to the second guy that watched the tommy in it video dead so are we fighting to the guy who made the tommy any videos guess i'll just stay in my cell all night you know what tommy we appreciate that oh [ __ ] oh my god he's a tommy innit viewer it's a help help i'm watching hey hey you know what i want to go think about things yeah yeah you would i'm gonna go back to myself what this feels dangerous doesn't it there's like a bunch of buttons oh absolutely absolutely i'm just going to go to a different vc while i'm in my cell [Music] they didn't see me but i've got a [ __ ] lever freedom freedom sunrise the sunrise here we go what oh no we're one lever away if you give me that leverage then i can go and escape by myself i can't give it you the door is closed okay well if you open the [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] i'm gonna go check on tommy real quick that's lovely wake up where the [ __ ] is tommy why are there beds here oh my god earlier tommy used the trick where i got in the bed and it brought me out the cell the exit i don't even know how to get out of it oh this is awkward oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no break it down break it down jack well i don't want to do this my wife my wife i don't want to see no no don't don't you get cold feet now if i get home i can see my what do you mean your wife you don't want to see her what [ __ ] i'm staying away from her i didn't do anything wrong i just pretended i just said hey honey i did bad things need to leave for the next few years what's your sentence life her life when she dies i leave you you could just go to argentina or something and meet other women you know you just leave here with me please should help me break it we can't do this by ourselves you know okay i'm with you all right let's do this we can do this it really hurts my actions [Music] oh wait [Music] wait don't leave me out here what are we gonna tell the warren we can just tell him our our big prison is so fun tommy in it got high on life guys what about tommy welcome back what did it's because i carry skulls with me you know before i came into the prison we did research and we heard that they call you the bone man why do they call you the bone man hey what's what's this what's this video on my recommended tell me that makes minecraft a thousand times funnier let me go home bone man hey guys hey maneuver the maneuver the maneuver get back here just use the funny box you know i've been in this prison for 20 years is it all right if i just kind of leave no you want to know something jack you want to know what they used to call me yes the button boy go go go that's a really specific name for this scenario [Music] the bone man's immortal you should know this wait is that wait no it's so beautiful jack what the [ __ ] hell are you doing your wife is out there are you sure about that i'm sailing to argentina she's not there either charlie are you positive i'm positive she won't be there charlie let me go bone man hey click that for me why just press it jack look at that charlie maybe it's about time you need a new hot no what let me go home man i was so close i was gonna be his new wife for legal reasons you know tax benefits tax benefit tabo i'm coming to the boat too i gotta get the hell out of here man oh man let's go why should i wait wait it's never wait a second it's teleporting manifold why did you make the funny box only target me always oh you [ __ ] up big time [Music] i'm going to die coming down no i'm going to die wait just take some bread bro why did they not it was possible hey what the [ __ ] are you doing here um oh okay no he's too far now we gotta we gotta sing that we gotta sing the song and he's earned it he's earned it [Music] against you this whole time bye-bye boys oh my god how the [ __ ] did i handcuff myself
Channel: TommyInnit
Views: 13,365,662
Rating: 4.9530225 out of 5
Keywords: tommyinnit, minecraft, mine craft, dream, dream minecraft, funny, minecraft funny, funniest minecraft video, minecraft but, minecraft manhunt, minecraft speedrunner vs hunter, minecraft speedrunner, minecraft speedrun, minecraft challenge, challenge, modded minecraft, escape, prison escape, dream smp prison, pandoras box, Surviving Minecraft’s Funniest Prison...
Id: KbhtubTmWaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 56sec (1316 seconds)
Published: Fri May 14 2021
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