breaking Minecraft's FINAL Limit...

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[Music] minecraft is a game full of infinite wonder and endless possibilities just when we think the limit for breaking minecraft has been achieved something someone comes along to shatter everything we know [Music] bite short int and long these are four of the data types used within minecraft to determine how high various numbers can go byte is a signed 8-bit number meaning it can go from negative 128 to positive 127 and governs things such as the effectiveness of certain item enchantments the limit to most player effects among other things short is a 16 bit number ranging from negative 32 768 up to positive 32 767. an int is a 32-bit number ranging from approximately negative 2.147 billion up to positive billion this number governs many many things within minecraft the primary item for this video that it governs is the maximum achievable distance that you can travel within minecraft i mean yes within modern versions of the game there does exist a wall at 30 million blocks that cannot be surpassed however this limit is entirely arbitrary using very simple mods this limit can be removed allowing for travel all the way to the integer limit 2 billion 147 million and for at least 10 years this is as far as anybody has ever successfully pushed the game until today today thanks to a very powerful mod made by pyrift minecraft's maximum distance has been pushed from the integer limit to the long limit long long is a value type ranging from negative 2 to the power 63 up to positive 2 to the power 63 minus 1. now thanks to ekwal the second ever person to reach minecraft beta 1.7 far lands on foot we know that walking to the far lands 12 million 550 824 blocks away will take just over 40 real life days this means we can realistically expect to walk about 13 000 blocks an hour because of this we know that walking to the integer limit would take about 19 years plus or minus some bathroom breaks but walking to the long limit would take roughly 810 million centuries but first a quick message from manscaped i may not be able to stop tearing minecraft apart but you can prevent tearing yourself apart by using the right tools for the right job do you need to care for your crops manscaped maybe you just need to mow the lawn manscaped if you're just looking to protect what's closest to you head on over to and use my promo code antvenom for 20 off and free shipping where do we even begin this is a mod for minecraft release 1.2.5 the reason this version was chosen was due to it being the very last version of minecraft before the client and server code was merged together this version was plain and simply much easier to develop this mod for this mod replaces nearly every single integer value within the game with long values and modifies the world save code to allow for all of this to work this might sound simple but it's not there's a reason that this mod took 10 years for anyone to make i mean it took pyrift three weeks of 8 to 10 hours of coding per day to make this mod work and to get it running at all but now that we have it where do we even begin well first off let's teleport to the integer limit 2 billion 147 million this is wild the games not crashing never have i thought that i would find normal terrain so extraordinary [Music] aside from one of the spawn chunks repeating itself every 2 to the power 36 or 68.72 billion blocks out the first major glitch becomes noticeable at 2 to the power 48 blocks out or roughly 281.5 trillion blocks yeah you can walk for hundreds of trillions of blocks before even noticing that anything even remotely major is wrong what happens at this distance may seem familiar to some of you if we crouch walk and surpass 2 to the power 48 it becomes easy to notice that a stuttering effect is occurring while walking around in versions prior to minecraft beta 1.8 a very similar bug was noticeable only 2 to the 19 or 20 blocks from spawn but this is not that bug this bug is actually the exact same bug that occurs in minecraft bedrock edition where it feels like you the player along with every other entity are hitting walls as you're walking except in this case it occurs at the 64-bit equivalent so if minecraft java edition is now somewhat mimicking minecraft bedrock edition glitches but at different coordinates at what point will we run into the stripe lands well in minecraft bedrock edition they occur 16 777 216 blocks from spawn but in this java edition mod they occur at just over 9 quadrillion blocks away and at this point it's also worth noting that we can no longer move along the direction that we're traveling using just normal flight speed it feels like we're missing something the far lands we're missing the far lands or at least it seems like we are when using integer values we can calculate where the farlands will be by taking the integer limit and dividing it by 171.103 however because all int values have been replaced by long values we now have to divide the long limit by 171.103 doing so provides a value just over 53.9 quadrillion upon teleporting to this location nothing nothing's there but hang on in normal java edition when the farlands are enabled they can sometimes appear one to four blocks closer than we might otherwise expect well a one to four block integer variation turns into billions of blocks of variation for a long value through a little bit of trial and error we do indeed find the farlands just over 53.9 quadrillion blocks away within the stripe lands the far lands look pretty trippy however one other thing this mod does implement is an optional stripe lands fix i need you to appreciate the scale of what we're dealing with here we are tens of quadrillions of blocks or meters from the spawn point we are 5.7 light years from the spawn point and yet we are still less than 0.6 of the way to the new world limit at this point we need to teleport in increments greater than 10 quadrillion blocks to even notice any new effects at all now this is the point in the video where i would just teleport to the expected location of the next major milestone otherwise called the farther lands a video for which you can check out on the top right of the screen however the farlands don't break down as they normally would with the 32-bit limit instead they behave a little bit more like minecraft bedrock edition farlands where the detail of the farlands break down very very slowly starting from 53.9 quadrillion blocks all the way to 4.312 quintillion blocks now here's 60 quadrillion blocks just after where the farlands start looks pretty normal next up 100 quadrillion fairly normal but noticeably less detail than before 150 quadrillion okay now things appear noticeably more messed up and repeating patterns are starting to emerge 500 quadrillion the repeating patterns are becoming more and more pronounced one quintillion now any variations in the farlands have almost been entirely replaced by these repeating patterns for quintillion the repeating patterns are becoming less and less frequent and finally 4.313 quintillion the repeating patterns are entirely gone and what's left in their place are what we would expect of the farther lands from here all the way until 9.223 quintillion is nothing but this [Music] from one end to the other using this mod minecraft is now 2 to the power 64 blocks long that's just over 18.44 quintillion total meters from end to end to put it another way it would take light 1904 years to travel from one end to the other that is insane and for now that's all i've got there are other things worth noting such as elements of grass generation breaking beyond 2 to the power 35 blocks if you travel in the other direction among a lot of other things but i'm gonna wait for those things to become more well documented before considering even making another video on the matter because otherwise that video would be a mess but rest assured i do want to make it if you want to check out this mod for yourself i put a link in the description down below for you to try it out for yourself just keep in mind that it has to be installed with multi-mc using vanilla minecraft 1.2.5 using the add to minecraft jar button on the console window for your minecraft instance now whether you're among the 81.5 percent of males who watch my channel or the 18.5 of females everyone deserves the right tools for the job and manscaped has you covered i mean would you take care of tending to your body as badly as this build has been taken care of i wouldn't think so whether you're after the right tools for mowing your lawn whacking your weeds plowing your road all right anyway to aside when it comes to maintaining and preserving your most sensitive landscape check out manscaped for a limited time you can save 44 off of their performance package in case your balls really need saving so yeah if you all enjoyed this video please consider leaving a like on it because it would really help out myself the channel and the video quite a lot so i hope you all enjoyed my name is ant venom and i bid you all farewell thanks so much for watching you
Channel: AntVenom
Views: 467,710
Rating: 4.9614596 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, antvenom, breaking minecraft, minecraft 32 bit, minecraft 64 bit
Id: F8cMZA8J2Hk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 12sec (792 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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