Minecraft's WORST Glitch?! 😡

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minecraft glitches come in all sorts of different shapes and sizes when it comes to minecraft bedrock edition anyways there's one glitch in particular that comes to mind when i think about this version of the game and that's the glitch that very aggressively affects your ability to travel around your world in minecraft bedrock edition every single time you double your distance away from the spawn point it becomes more and more difficult to just walk around at all on top of that once you double your distance 20 times and travel about 1.048 million blocks away from the spawn it becomes possible to fall right through the world itself all the way into the void or at least i thought it took a million blocks but as it turns out it doesn't even take a million blocks it doesn't take a hundred thousand blocks either in minecraft bedrock edition you can fall right through the world after only 65 536 blocks or wait did i say 65 536 what i meant was 16 384 or no i meant 8 190 4 000 2048 what before i get into this i just want to provide a little bit of background for the glitch as a whole within all versions of minecraft in some form or another every single time you double your distance away from the spawn point starting at just two blocks out a little bit of numerical precision is lost for certain calculations within the game in minecraft java edition beta 1.7 this could be observed with a stuttering effect that occurred as you just walked around however the difference here is that only the visual world rendering itself lost precision all entities including yourself could still travel around just fine even if the world rendering itself couldn't keep up another element to consider is that the hitboxes for the blocks around you didn't lose any precision either meaning you weren't ever prone to falling through the world and this is where minecraft bedrock edition differs from minecraft java edition beta 1.7 let me explain in minecraft bedrock edition the exact opposite circumstance of minecraft java edition beta 1.7 is occurring rather than observing a harmless visual world rendering bug we're instead encountering a problem with how the game calculates the hitboxes of the blocks around you here's a visual example in front of me is a block of diamond when the game is working correctly the hitbox of this block is well the block itself one full block but when i travel far enough away from the spawn point the hitbox becomes something along the lines of 7 8 of a block the remaining 1 8 is empty void and if my coordinates wind up falling within that one-eighth range as i'm walking around i fall right through the block and every other block all the way into the void but because the visual side of world rendering is not affected we can't visually see this glitch until we encounter the stripe lands over 16.7 million blocks away where the precision loss becomes more than one full block now on to the main glitch as you can see from my coordinate screen i am only 2047 blocks away from the spawn point but using a controller with low sensitivity and pushing myself against a wall at exactly the right angle i will be moving as slow as possible towards the 2048th block and when i cross that threshold the block precision that i mentioned before is just wrong enough to allow me to fall right through the world while this is quite difficult while only 2048 blocks away the fact that it's possible at all at any distance is unacceptable while minecraft java edition beta 1.7 just had a silly bug that didn't prevent you from playing the game as intended this does prevent you from playing as intended and in my opinion is a critical bug mojeng please fix this one even if we lose the stripe lands as a result now full disclaimer the details behind how this glitch works is just my best guess i don't know for sure if this is exactly what's going on under the surface but based on what i see this is my best guess i want to thank xp2 on my discord server which you can join at discord.gg antvenom for bringing the critical nature of this glitch to my attention mojeng has a history of fixing glitches that i show off on this channel and i certainly hope that they follow suit in this case as well bedrock edition players shouldn't have to worry about the chance albeit a very rare chance of them falling through the world if they just explore around a little too much so yeah that just about does it for me for now if you guys enjoyed this video please consider leaving a like on it because it would really help out myself the channel and the video quite a lot so i hope you all enjoyed my name is ant venom and i bid you all farewell thanks so much for watching
Channel: AntVenom
Views: 2,432,833
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft glitch, minecraft bug, stripe lands, minecraft stripe lands, minecraft far lands, minecraft bedrock edition, bedrock edition, minecraft bedrock, bedrock edition glitch, broken minecraft, minecraft broken
Id: q3BvjYdqM0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 37sec (337 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 17 2018
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