Minecraft Xbox - Side By Side Challenge - W/Stampy [1]

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hello and welcome to a new puzzle map this one is called side by side and I'm be joined by my colleague or friend if he's around here somewhere stop wait um stop where do you still I'm stuck in the ie in the air in the air I'm stuck in the a ba hey I'm stuck in the a yay oh the water me the jokes yet to come okay I got a fader so we're about to stop and squid was saying or we might as well not start in this room because like this isn't the start of the map but I'd already come up with a joke for this area and so yeah we didn't suppose somebody's up we're all gonna do a really big laugh when the punchline comes because he's been working I supposed to just come up in conversation naturally you know I feel like I'm too much of a pedestal but I was so we were gonna be chatting about the area blah blah blah now to go to go look oh look there's big pixelated models of all of my favorite video game characters there's Mario Luffy flappy bird and melon man I felt pressured I felt this is to play a minigame map both players must work together to complete each stage do not break blocks of any kind unless required you'll know when that comes hey let's tell them up yeah okay I know I'm stuck right needs lever to be open here okay so it says welcome to the first stage you and player to both have your own obstacle course with their lever at the end of each one each lever opens half of both doors are once both believers have been pulled you may proceed beginning right we have we have an obstacle cool cause to do eat does that mean ahead and oh no I got a maze I gonna oh no man it's all like paintings Ari it's like a like a maze no I got like pay you money till you wanna fruit all of you and let's see what you Europe against yeah okay switching over to stampy cat cam now so this is my situation this is this is where I am alright so I can go through some of these but I was like calm you're my looks I'm not like - mine's pretty much like a load of blue like hallways we have a glass ceiling on so it's kind of nice and air it's not like a deep dark maze but it is amazing there's no getting away from the fact it's amazed at least you can kind of see where you're going like I've just got just like rooms full of paintings I'm sliding along the wall it's just like pushing into them to see if I end up going through any of it is through the same painting as well chase noises cruelty that is cruelty I mean right okay what's the rule and you'd go through mazes is there a certain rule cuz you normally always do quite well amazes and amnon with on that just like t pieced here do you feel like oh girl yeah if you always just stick to one wall then I guess you know the chances are you'll end up you know you're guiding walls yeah you're eventually you know you're at least check erect if you're wandering around randomly you're kind of gonna keep going back to places you've already checked I don't got it I don't this is it doll ever yes I should have opened up a half of both our doors and so now someone hold on you know get back in ah dams wait wait a minute I know it's okay yeah like that I had a turning point where I could even turn left or right and one put me to where I supposed to go and one just put me back into the middle of the maze again just well I had so much fun the first times good I had to go and I had to have another back to the Bob look where I am I'm back to this room I could say go make sure that when you do come back that you actually go through excite a choice to go to go to different way sorry I can have a little I can have a sneaky peek of what's up ahead Jonica though I'll describe it to you in great detail okay okay so on my side there's red wolves I assume your sight that be blue oh yeah there are some never caught staircase oh never caught staircase leading up to a wooden door and above the wooden door a torch there's a torch above the wooden door and I can just about make out there seems to be some glass possibly some sort of window to allow us to see from one side of the corridor to the other person side I found it okay so make a hey go go turn right turn right turn right yeah don't go back in the mace like I always did here's the corridor I told you about you see the wooden door with the torch is now stage two in the next room you must help play a one cross the obstacle course your job is to control the platforms to help your teammate get across safely good luck good luck heids okay can you go and press all the buttons just so we can see what they do just that okay and just one at the end so you only really need these tuned for now five four okay there is all I did to get backup of five videos get a bit coal in the love and people get a bit bored or watch me die then I regard the health right you got cute acacia mate tell me when okay I'm gonna go three two one after one press the buttons on 0 press the button okay three two one Oh say same again game again and this one's right over the lava so three two one good good good good do you think I could just skip it Ola this way you're not controlling that one oh yeah I know that's not me if let me do oh there we go yeah I mean I was actually the easier way oh yeah yeah all the ones you controller over love ha ha ha I don't like it right okay same again yep three two one nice teamwork that right has never happened parkour first time maybe people think you're just really good at editing and edit out edited out all the fails yeah it's like a catchy are you against the window stage 3 I hope you manage welcome to vines and fish can I have a fish please have a fish in of is splash it against the window coupe ideas well hope you had fun torturing player1 now it's your turn to be the victor victim on ahead you're just going to have to find out tone fast-moving okay right well what we got going on here haha alright looks like you have grass a biggie pan have you said have you read the grass there's Grund on the floor look look under look down there's grass wow this is magic this is what this is my real challenge I'm gonna become a gardener now to pass oh no ok you got that there's a lot of stuff here on there it says passionate paintings soft sweet blood of immersion bold creations of mixed hues absolutely orange time fears the novel of life fades yellowing pages crops out of our time to move on greener lands the first present life eyes of baby blue a blue okay but not quite just make sense what is it this sounds good nugget what is you see the end down here yeah there's a whole load of leavers at different colors on them and I think you need to do a little bit of a combination lock in order to be able to open them all up correctly so I've got a right yeah or take a screen shot this is another option if you take just a I mean just take a screen shot of the game using the old el gato HD game capture software thank you wait for the responses today's episode yeah there we go I'm using good old iPhone all the levers and then looks like there's two doors that can open up but before that you had some jobs to be fair though your jobs are over a little splishy-splashy paddling pool of water mine was over sand cobwebs and lover right okay same tactic okay do you want to count me down then I'll press the button okay to one person getting pulled back as you jump press no to tool at all hahaha you're leaving at last minute you like you say press and then jump I know you should like be jumping like as you say press ok press my eyes look at that perfecto right now to show the iPhone ok first successful passionate painting soft sweet bored of immersion right ok read first sure a lot of cozier and then it says world creation of mixed hues absolutely orange so happy already I think that's blue pocket I'm Josh pull the orange one as time for the novel of life is yellowing pages yellow why did they just say the colors of Odd Fellows you say like the Sun or something you know rather than like yeah this is just me in the wind red crops are devoured time to move on greener lands for this - oh these two greens in other stamps I'm just slurping my tea while you carry on I'd go for normal green rather than lime if I was you that's line the first breath of life eyes of baby blue I wouldn't if that's baby but it might be baby blue that one a blue but not quite what as purple just dead right um but is that a riddle stamps I'm just drinking my teeth grid don't disturb me I guess I may be a shout when the door the rope'n will yeah and I think we got it wrong what was that last what about blue and purple and stuff now I want to use this one this one's right is it right okay maybe the greens are right last one was a blue but not quite but as purple just ain't right so Purser's not purple and not blue it's got to be cyan which one's cyan the one next to orange between orange and green and well done Steve I had my tea my brain juice he wished this episode is sponsored by PG tipps I was a pig there's a pig in here today is sponsored by too big and there's a pig in a hole really I guess it's a traditional English dish a pig in a hog we gonna come join me you can only go look areas oh man come out your favorite subjects in the next room is it yeah however do are we making cakes no no okay stage well good job those are too hard I hope you like mathematics the next room made just test your wit let's go No what if you don't have any wit to test do you love it right what is 14 yeah plus seven twenty wives by six twenty one time soaks is a hundred twenty six D is that right okay we should go through I guess I guess at the end we'll find out right two two limes for eight times six eight times six there is six and then five far and then and for a hey I only read the question squid you got a soul from you you picked p6 this is where like kind of like fail Badgley okay I'm gonna go eight this this next one looks like a fun one really okay it's not too bad so forty forty plus eighteen eighteen fifty eight divided by two twenty nine take away 1613 okay doll will open once all problems have to be solved so forget this one right then hopefully he'll offer okay okay forty-nine yeah times 2.9 times 2 divided by eight now he eight divided by a times four is it 11 times take away 19 I take times three tick whoa it's well what was it was last one what's joke it's good that's not really yeah you did really well there I was just making up a ridiculously hard what then you just like worked it out anyway so the real real is 46 yeah Plus 8 a judge Fayette the 54 okay my gonna be checking out times 9 54 times 9 [Music] okay so that's 500 for a takeaway 54 like it was just a 300 not 300 next month then divided by 4 okay so that's got to be in the hundreds so I'm gonna go under 21 / 5 okay that it works we're gonna get the calculator out 14 plus 7 times 6 is 136 they're all right really yeah just checking on a calculator put them all right within Dobbs who's pulling my tentacles here if not me like iTunes all the answers I'll be broken sorry sorry I'm not being made a fool not in this adventure map I get that abyss you know what happened something what's happened here the person who's actually done the math questions have got it wrong and it making us look like fools we've actually got the finally I feel pretty good about that stamps I'm not gonna lie I'm not the best at maths and he says as he breaks down the door maybe this is just part of the test yeah I just started yet okay doesn't I just toasted the widdle water just died fair uncle the advantage cuz I got fish relay are using your fish buddy I hope you swim like I got fish okay I've strapped them to my feet for momentum but we're fish Natalya stuck notoriously good at parkour every speak all that matters right over in when I figure fish I think of jumping is the the first first thing that comes to my mind salmon swimming stroke yeah I'd be fine if wasn't the pressure of a race day not a racist I'm just you like competitive how did it it doesn't matter who finishes first you should have seen your faces I can't believe you actually fell for that draw the lalalalalalala see the joke's on you you see even though you want it doesn't matter you should you should have seen your face quit what a picture okay well I'll wait for your stamps cuz we are just about out of time there and we're on to stage number six you know they say about stage number six don't you what does it say about stage number six stamps they say it's the sixth stage yes it is and on that note we're gonna end today's episode with stampy's wise words of wisdom anyway guys hope you have enjoyed this little minigame map called side by side we've got a service every stage number six and hopefully yeah hope it's gonna be as fun as this was let's watch you guys will see 1x1
Channel: iBallisticSquid
Views: 5,384,070
Rating: 4.8709364 out of 5
Keywords: iballisticsquid, squid, minecraft, squiddy, stampylongnose, xbox, 360, pc, Side By Side
Id: -z14nWFU7VU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 32sec (1112 seconds)
Published: Thu May 28 2015
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