ELEVATION ACCELERATION - Custom Puzzle Map! W/Stamps

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hany and welcome back to another custom marked Damien staffs gonna be playing a map called elevation acceleration whoo I didn't know what it was called until you said that technical isn't it good just called me up and was like Saffy we got a map we're gonna play it's gonna be fun I was like okay and then here so this thing I know as much as all of you about would you have said if I'd actually to come a place of it rough and had said that it was called that name would you be like would you say I said Paul I go no no I don't like that way off the Nick pick a new name please I hope you have a chocolate bar and you call it something really disgusting you kind of put off by it I just want to know if it was the same for the map I'm not saying it's a disgusting sound him up and say it's been a mouthful I'm gonna get to the babe wait what would go past the babe acceleration it's quite good the problem is the caffeine so when naming maps okay you don't want the titles of the maps to be too long because when we do videos on them you know we put the name of the map and then you got you know then you get it right about what happens in the episode who's in it and stuff you know then your title you know becomes a paragraph yeah yeah encyclopedia it's just last I think we should cook is the a a map I mean EA EA because I I forgot a Michael Ratley that's copyright anyway it's made by symbols and see it's a puzzle map and I'm not really gonna say too much about weight we're just gonna get into it and kind of learn and yeah what it's about together so there's two plays is a blue guy which is a bouncer and there's an orange guy which is a speeder so I think stops is gonna choose his cause not this one okay I'm gonna be I'm gonna be a speeder yeah should we just go for it um yeah well this room isn't Badou I don't know but I don't really want to read that I'm going woo okay bouncer right see what this over so we're not against each other we're working together right I've got I've got a thing saying sorry sweet huh are you're clicking it we switch okay you please wait out of it can I can bounce I can drop me the high can you jump although our on speed on fast look it right so so sure don't know if you choke a if I run then switch then John hair by Ron switch em and jump way very well I know you like I can't bounce hey how did you bounce you see now we need to switch back that I can only jump on this bin you can only run faster this bit so if I jump to this block up here then I can switch to you know switch now and now I can run faster over to just there quick quick quick could you put your toes last hours you're too slow a time oh I see I see I see I see where I switch back a job until that you do the switching surprise we're gonna be like way to go with which right okay there's a fresh plate Oh miss there jump up here as a fresh player so I wanna stand on it I'll switch and actually I promise that doesn't it there you good you've got a switch quicker than that squid again you read it what I could just switch and step on it is another option okay I think that might be I have backspin time mister solid rollers girls alright you want and Kel oh there's a pressure plate here but the pressure plates switched as well there's a pressure plate above you on your side you want to switch back yeah I got our level switching up to you let's see I reckon we're gonna have to switch again and right so we've got a what is it what is this black dude is there a pressure plate there though if there's a block without a pressure plate on there there used to be a pressure plate there then they like disappeared okay where we trying to get I have not got a clone I've not got clue it there's a little diamond block down here direct we need to power leave or something do you think we should have read the rules no I rule schmooze I'm gonna switch I want to see if there's anything at this side that I can do service time so there's there's a leap up here up high on your side hmm yeah so we obviously need to get an I leave a pressure plate story so you also need to get you up high on that side yeah that's the that's this year those over there be good right so I'm gonna switch a roo again um a little bit confused iam it maybe this should be easy we're we're just complicating it I mean what does this thing do here maybe we should read the rules actually we should be the rules well I forgot back down can we go back and read the rules and well let me try let me try and get me up to that topic again where I run across the bridge okay because there was another pressure plate there I'm gonna go and try and go now because the pressure plate disappeared I don't think I stepped on it cup so maybe that does something different let me go and run across here googa googa so I only run fast on the the orange wall okay then let me okay so when I start these when I step on the pressure plate it disappears a lot what what so does the pressure plate on that side disappear when yeah as I Stephanie it looked like it disappeared unless it just disappeared because of time yeah maybe if we were to switch it again maybe have to run quick and I did run quick yeah this slick as I could every I'll I can get you over there Queen I can hold in like control there's control it you run quicker ah does it just test is what you do just click control is if it uh give a bit of a testy test I don't seem to do anything maybe we can't run fast on them it's anybody got a real fast on the orange bit I do like go this and then jump down to the one no oh man right guys jump up here again uh puzzle number one with sub two array this is it six million see the problem is is we didn't read what we're trying to do we don't know what we're attempting to do is the problem yeah oh man you are running so slow oh so yeah that pressure plate disappears where'd it go so if I'm if I'm your side now okay just just run without jumping okay now I'm running jump yes the jumping slows me down I say that did that job right okay I won't i won't job this time I promise squids gravy promise quit I did a run cross by alright you do down purpose yeah you switch I just popped it to the ground come on man right but you got this you got this I believe in yet just run don't job go go go go go go look at me good see you God dude yes yeah I know I got look it's turned blue so I can jump on this bit now look ah okay you know you want to go this side I think hey there's a pressure plate over here landing so dot job now so I fought that when I hit this pressure player disappeared but I think it just happened I disappeared like as I press quickly quickly ah I got it nice what happens now as a chest there's a chest here ah oh I leave her in it yes level key okay so you need to drop the lever don't use oh I'll just switch them I always overthink puzzle by you they are first level good job that was right level 2 oh I died yeah okay oh I think if you step on that color you're gonna die oh okay oh do you kill both of us oh we do okay I'll switch so this size no I don't switch again okay you do all the switching how this is good make sure you look him oh how you stepped on the blue now I don't know let me go first okay but no instinct okay okay okay okay only step on orange only step on or a base nice you keep an eye on your dose with them ready I'm stopping it's fine it's fine weird right now I'm not younger silly sausage right okay and we switch them I gonna switch I know cuz got half you got a good at you got a no you switch back switch back switch right don't so as you know it's okay yeah you know I was just thinking I can job look I'm not cut you should have stayed on your side we got all that weight right yeah I've carved the shots okay right go I'm sure rich I'm calling the shortest route eh damn alright if I didn't know you I didn't know you can jump over them I thought you had to only touch the floor I didn't know yeah then I found out we we got that knowledge now so what well how we doing right yes car ain't gonna bother you I've just got a can I wait what are you gonna do though I need to just jump you can't you but mine was only a one block jump I guess I was - there's only two blocks there because my was a 100 pounds you should just burn me yeah my guy I was finding that out you know okay so what we need to us are you can I'm helpless here you go you go he jump on that little block in front of you oh yeah see if this does anything no oh it sure what screw that's what I know what to do I know what to do are you can use sweet wings you made it right go across it midair oh um I'm outside the map are you know you are you TP me I just click the scroll are you switched well TP you I can see you like the command blocks whirring away everytime I quit yeah stabs can't do it I'm dead oh there we go that picture okay right this is tricky I like these puzzles these are good stops it to me before he loves puzzles so I didn't say that it even a partial squid I do I do I'm so thankful for you inviting me to these folks I love puzzles it's exactly what you said should I love patience right you go have you all right and then I'll have to so John don't try and jump over it why that doesn't work imagine there's a name I snap here and then switch no no don't go look think about it weird that I was I going to go and what did you think was gonna happen alright this is this is like our best test of our friendship I've already like punched my chair in frustration right what do you think we should do I'm no Greg could we come here can I go for the jump thing with his bits higher up up there I don't know if they can you yes you stay there yeah yeah okay don't do anything I'm gonna switch you now can you jump up Oh ah there we go uh okay okay okay don't sweet me and won't put out to disappear and then can now switch me okay stay safe its do Sifu know I can run across I'll go though if I fall on oh please oh my god the pie before it disappears oh I got a chest I know they'll ever maybe the level key where's the ice here stamps so this side okay so I need to get right so what sir is that just orange where you are that's changed holiness yeah okay say they don't move don't move I'm gonna switch you three go what I don't this up down been super careful I'm gonna switch back now okay I'm gonna switch I'm gonna eat the lever on the floor down here for you okay boys blindly running and actually had to think about it we were able to exit what of a chart that was amazing there was a thing at the start of the map said could you beat this in 15 minutes I reckon that if what once we know what we're doing we could easily do it yeah what you don't that's the what do you know you're doing your C Z it's a point of up I just had the edge to jump on that lid switch and I'm looking at okay so I can go so that's this is where I need to go at the end to put the lever down what does this do yeah things to do yeah because all okay till the chest is here the chest is behind this wall squid right so um where you can do this bit cuz there's a little bouncy bounce go it out Oh get in switch and switch Oh Cochran adds a button Oh someone doing anything oh yeah let's made a little staircase for me over here thank you I'm up this council now I can't move right I need to I need to switch with you can I do it now and then I need to press down oh I cut you need to K you need to jump up press the button okay I then switch with me quickly and do parkour okay okay go go go go it's done it okay you're gonna do that parkour did it nice right what now Bama jump play we're a jump inter see there's a button that you can hold even on hell yeah I'll go after I finish a little block you can land on and then press the button that's it now what do you press the buyer anything happen at any flap in the yard is a door up let's try pressing the bones at the same time so I got mine down here okay three two one mr. van okay we did it oh it opened this door for like a second okay John I go through no easy no I wasn't quick enough we do it again three two one go go I did I go go go go go go go go don't switch cuz you'll die okay oh no oh this desire I've been locked in with a brilliant try need to make it through this whole area in time Oh what like this gives you super speedy stamps okay let's try this again then right right yeah three two one go Giggy Giggy Giggy oh no that was slow okay hang that quicker that's how oh that's not easy squid it looks easy it's not easy as if I stand from up here it's just pressing my button or doing this it devil have to be to press I need to do both of them that they are bird orders no picket three two one go oh no I'm sure - lady jumping well I need yeah but look jump over this look a cat see I think there's an obstacle as yeah I might only need to press this button let me try hey I don't even need you as a sport for this is for the end so that button opened the door which I needed to get in this room to start with and then my one does this um this is a it's a bit tricky of it yeah I'd I don't know if this is possible sure this plant doesn't do anything yeah a day it opens this door so press it again said I did there's two doors there's the first door that you saw yeah the police island is a door at the end of the corridor as well so you're buying opens the first one and then mine open to the second one so why do so what it is why don't you get in there why don't you get out if I press the button and then switch at the doorway and then I can press the over button while you're doing it so you get outside I press the button and switch and you get in quickly if you swear icon do not I select review objects I'm gonna die wait what I say again if you're up there and you switch with me I'm dead so right so the system presence is it up on the first door yeah right so if I press the button and then switch and then you rush in quickly after I've telepods then you'll be inside now be outside and then I can help you by pressing the button there because I'm gonna be you I'm not gonna be inside I'm gonna be on your side I'm I I'm gonna be about how you know it doesn't work like we can't both be on this side yeah but god I died I think I might just need to do this quicker yeah but I'm not even like I don't know I'm doing this badly but like I'm not even getting close hey but I'm not even doing anything impressing this boy like I impressed it so it's just cuz it constantly open do one no like I can can you see me like here yeah so I can jump up yeah and I can reach down and press the button from do I need to be here then oh I don't think this is kind of it in case I just accidentally fall out okay well George Orda coach coming up a lot limits if you go down somewhere off that blue block yeah I'll let you have a look and see if you can work it out in somewhere safe oh yeah I'm somewhere safe I'm gonna switch with you I think I think you should get a go on the floor but like yeah you just can't go fast on it so that first always open by you so there's the but you can go and press the other button you can jump up and press it that opens there I don't have fun being slow but I just can't get there in time can you not oh oh there's another bit why is there another bit for like a bit to the right seems like yes away once you go through that door if you go right it kind of leads into there um that's so fast yeah like it shot so quick and cuz the pigs like if I didn't have to jump over that section it would be okay but I do yeah yeah how do you mean if you just got all the way through yeah so what about if I I press this and then just TP you and then you just start running but how would that have why is that any different to me but you've gotta press it so you look you okay you got that side okay and then go down there and then start running forwards as in like go right thing to tell me when you start running okay I don't think this is the solution but let's give it a go right three two one go I'm ready no Mike slow health evil oh no I don't go too big though I think Oh slow this is this is so hard oh um can let me try as I can you go back up your side I can't get off anymore now I do okay if I do this okay I need to go boy and then blob and then switch and then do this just do the pack off yeah it's gonna sort of time okay yeah what now so you buy the button again disliking yam by the pub right I think I think that okay can you press that buy in a second make up I stay like inside the door add this door hasn't shocks I'm here I think I might be quicker if I go like that and then run go go go go so I hear my wither can you press the barn again I sure can I'm kind of standing inside the door so then that way I don't have to drop down I'm like straight on the faster here let me go and try this if I get a good jump here as it there's a chest remember the chest yes I was got a lever and I got to see what's down here though this is mysterious killed I'm gonna I'm being careful oh okay I don't think we're done yet I found there's another bounce pad here No are you check the chest first then okay we're gonna do you I let you actually no I can't but yeah you stay there for now shiny Oh just that was good that was good how's a good tattoo oh that's how I don't a--first was you're supposed to live I was like glitching through the door like yeah I was really touched there guys so I got the league here so we could we can complete the level now so do I have to like jump on that thing so I did the leave so I need to place the lever down on that side but there's another jump out on this side I might just beep like a seeker or something you wanna check it out with this no no no no don't don't think look where you're standing oh yeah oh that's gonna be little can drop you in okay so we switch switch when you're somewhere safe yeah right here we go all right I'm somewhere safe okay just do thin and you just jump on the three I can no can look at your pal hmm what does that new then really that just gets you out with a minor level we did those good
Channel: iBallisticSquid
Views: 2,366,074
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iballisticsquid, squid, minecraft, squiddy, stampylongnose, xbox, 360, pc, elevation acceleration, custom puzzle map, stamps
Id: 3lar1hvS-TU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 57sec (1197 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 02 2016
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