I Survived 100 Days in HARDCORE Minecraft...

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hello everybody and welcome to my 100 days in hardcore minecraft i'm going to keep this short and sweet because it's already a long video but this took over 25 hours to make hopefully you guys enjoy i did stream this live on my twitch channel so i'm gonna upload all the streams to a new channel down below called squid live if you want to go watch the whole series in full but please drop a like on this video and please sub if you haven't already and yeah just enjoy oh my goodness this is not the best start first protocol hold up ah i got hit by a trident and i've lost my ball already oh this is wonderful all right let's go murder some sheep boys sorry man i need the stuff though sorry oh all right that's gonna be good for reds just a village now pog oh yeah we save chat we are saved we got ourselves a village let's go okay i'm home boys oh how you doing billy guys look i'm home hello how you doing you want some bro all right well that's day one this should be enough straight down someone double dare me to dig straight down and i bet i will oh pog you boy this is how you get iron hey squid can you pause the stream please no i just need to move my car i'll kick you okay i'll just pause the stream for you do you think your son's username is gonna be my guest i ballistic squid let also what is your fave meme how did i'm having a son oh now we could get fortune and leave these here i might do that i think we're gonna go because this is right under our village i'm gonna leave these bad boys and we're gonna go get fortune hey how you doing gandon i'm sorry man sorry sorry tesco anybody want to sell me some lovely books wait is it our trading hour our we have new profession available come and be a librarian get in the hall get off what did you give looting three cha that's is that good enough oh crap we need paper my guy can you hold on stay stay be my prisoner no stay here people stonks we could do we sounded like an automatic paper farm you were the chosen one this was a good start to the series but now look what you've done ah pog tread the paper to lock it in my guy oh chat thanks for reassuring me meh what are you doing with all these sticks that's what i want to know this is ridiculous we have officially fortune three let's freaking go oh name tag music discs oh we can jam out tonight boys all right let's go fortune three pickaxe let's call it the we're calling it the money maker let's go get some dabbons one two 16 couple more couple more we should be good if i just find one more vein i've got my a full set of diamond armor and possibly tools as well oh squiddy boy oh no just two chat that is not great however i can't really complain kind of like i've literally done hardly no mining at all and it's gone going so well welcome to your new home very nice accommodation room service is not available please do not ring the bell come on my guy made me for 10 em runs ah that could have gone wrong yes trusty trousers i'm full of the best names oh look at this look at 10 days in look how well we've done oh look at this this is going to be really good let's bang this down we did it we finished the house let's go the house is done let's have a step back maybe not a step back will fall to cliff okay this is kind of awkward i don't i don't mind it you know i don't mind it it looks pretty good if you squint i dig it i think it oh this looks good this area looks pretty sick pro 2 for 13. chat we're feet we're feet we're feet with it i just want a little bit of protection for the nether chat gold boots quiet let's go to the nether boys oh ah [Music] jesus okay not what i needed straight away boys i'm not gonna lie this is a pog seed oh my god what are these stutters okay i need to really have a look at what's causing them stutters i don't really want to be looting a bastion and then that happening to me i've never researched how to loot these properly so you'll have to bear with me chat i need i need i need some advice i might have to we might have to hit up sb the nerd himself i'll just be taking this yeah yeah no one gonna stop me [Music] all right sound hi bro i need your help who wants to be a millionaire and i phoned a friend yeah guilt that gilded blackstone which is the gold the blackstone golden don't mind that because that's going to make them angry just stop minding start digging in okay oh look at you oh wow it worked look at this i mean they can't get in yeah that's fine one's gonna drop in aren't they yeah so as long as you don't break any black stone above you you'll be all right there you go yeah you're like a walking walking encyclopedia you met all right thanks mate thanks for the help bro no problem big pogs for sb what what a nice what a nice man okay now we got all the gold in the world this is amazing now chap start working on our little villager breeding program let's make a bigger hole bigger hole for baby making oh yeah we have babies let's go chat big pog come on lads room for a smalling let's get cozy oh another baby yo don't do that bro that's creepy all right squid in the middle all right let's trade him a woodland explorer map badaboom any new babies today boys we have a new knit wit let's go all right mate you're gonna be uh power i kind of need power power 41 chat power 5 41 what are we saying power 5 41 big pog i'mma get it the twinkie twanger you wonder what name my kid will be with the name like twinkie twanger all right uh day 25 squid tries to take on a woodland mansion let's see how this one turns out probably not well i'm not really looking forward to this i mean i want the terms but i probably should have just done a raid for the terms hey boys i hear you give me some sick emeralds yeah just just just pile up you know just pile up pile in chat look at this three emmys boys yo this is a pretty peaceful room i like it is there a diamond block in here yeah i thought that was not better the house down squid there we go big pogs i'm i've been super cautious because i know if i come across an evoker i gotta i gotta get a distance on him especially dropped your diamond block made you look [Laughter] good i got done overchat so the oh the problem is now i don't have any access to the outside so if this guy basically shoots me with a vex uh i don't really have any sort of protection which is sort of worrying okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay come on we gotta hit on him got one down yo my heart is beating right now let's go give me that fat tom boys let's go whoa get that in my shield get that in my shield boys let's go what's this guy doing hey i'll kill you not the chicken chicken doesn't deserve to die what the heck is this who built this place oh big pogs do you think they could do more with the rooms diamond block wait what would you mean diamond block where's the diamond block it's fine chat i know what i'm doing i'm a controlled fire expert look we know what we're doing okay maybe we don't know what we're doing no ah no i'm trying to put a fire out welcome to day 31 the day of the um the burning mansion this was not planned nothing else boys a few bookcases definitely no more workers unfortunately but i'll take the one term at least now we can we can sleep easy at night all right what's in the village anything good i guess we could always use the hair from uh for my babies back home they're probably hungry they're probably missing me quite a bit oh diamond horse armor another saddle decisions here chat oh an enchanted gapple let's uh let's get out of here scoob oh we're back home oh look at all my goodies call me sierra all right i'm excited about what oh jesus what we're about to do next i want to go make a red farm so let's go check on the boys let's go check on the boys and see how baby making production is going for today sticky man how we doing bro papa bread's here get your bread get you gluten let's make this red farm i'm excited i need to grab a few things to make this a reality but i think we might have everything that we need oh here it is okay so i'm gonna need like a flat ground to start building and then we need to steal a villager so this design was made by mystic cat just in case like people were like you're stealing i'm not this is someone else's idea it's mystic cassidy one two three okay so apparently you just kind of slap it up yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna go for a quick little wonder just this just a small wee little wonder i just want to see if there's any villages over here just because i really can't be bothered heading back home and then getting one of my villagers out of the ground you know the deal i don't i can't be bothered are they following they're still following me what the heck all right let's uh screenshot this because this would be super useful my guy i will rescue you look come out yeah look come on let's see come on but you'll love your new house mate you're never you're never gonna see the light of day again but don't worry you probably should worry to be honest back to the farm we can finish it off we can get cracking and i'm hoping we can get ourselves some uh some more totems today all right your new home awaits sir five star luxury you're gonna love it here honestly it's great he's fine chad don't worry he'll be fine in there he loves it it's his favorite thing in the world this is where we stand and we whack them all how are you getting back up this is a good point so we're pretty much done we just need to kind of put a few signs in there and uh a bit of lava and then we're all good and then we can test it out which i'm super pumped for okay i think it's ready chat yes pog i'm going i'm good i'm good i'm good i'm good i'm ready i'm ready i'm ready time red time look at this look at this shot get on the hole go down the hole quick quick real quick are you ready for this chat easy red boys xp and then we just wait for the red to be over two raiders remaining i'm waiting for the last two here he is there's supposed to be two left are we too close to the pillage outpost can we get to the second raid i think it works too well i think we're too close to it oh damn look at all these suckers stop respawning what did we do i thought it was capped off at a raid but they just keep respawning in oh yeah he built his quite far away no chat no i don't want to do this i just realized we've got to get stupid we got this stupid guy back here haven't we all right let's just create a space for him chap don't you think the villager's head looks kind of sus [Music] [Music] just saying just just say [Music] goodbye soccer bannerman hey thank you oh areas don't kill him he's mine yes all right here we go let's go oh no nobody's getting down there we need to get down there before they spawn because i need to put the slabs down okay chap let us pray that this is done right oh vodka hey let's go it works it freaking works cha i oh another one this is insane and we did it let's go i got five teddies let's go chat we did it we made a successful farm amazing big pogs you thanks for the baby thanks for the baby never said that before in my life i might spend a day and literally just fix my entire village and just like make it amazing because this doesn't look like i've been playing for 50 days we've done a lot but it'd be nice to kind of show some love back to the village fix fix the house maybe extend it maybe put a fence around all this crap some torches make an iron farm i got loads of plans tons of plans so there's 50 to 60 i did this off stream i made myself a little sheep farm some more babies of course then we fed some more bread to our villages for some more babies we got started on getting efficiency five on all our tools so to do this we needed a lot of sand i started work on my glorious compound which i was kind of happy with this was to protect the villagers and uh then we decided to tidy up the players getting rid of all the old buildings because i'd captured all my villages so there was no need for all these random buildings anymore now all my glasses smell it i decided to get some big stocks we got efficiency five on most of our tools which is pretty epic [Music] we did a little bit more work on the main breeding area but i decided to kind of leave it for now as on day 90 i had some big plans for this place [Music] and on day number 60 i got to sleep too late the creeper spawned in jerry our main villager got infected and died and we lost a bunch of sheep it was a sad day i made myself a farm because i want to make a crap ton of beds today so we can go get ourselves some nether right oh we lost sticky man do you remember sticky man he died in the in the in the ten days he got blown up by a creeper it was the saddest thing chap sticky man was a real mvp and he got blown up um yeah i don't really know the official technique for blowing things up in the nether i feel like i'm just gonna rock up go down to the desired depth and set that bad boy off what could possibly go wrong chap well that worked ah i saw it let's go the first piece no we need four of these but oh oh three oh let's go yes good job ah let's go haha stinky gas can't get me now [Music] oh right we we're doing pretty good hey let's go boys no lava on me that's great even better news let's go we've got eight pieces we can yeah we can we can get two pieces of the right armor this is this is pretty good no no ah oh god don't die oh look at this near the right scrap what was it another right scrape with gold look at me making nether right tools so fancy chat look at me i'm so shiny unreal chat unreal okay we might do it one more run because i want full another idea so i really want to make myself a iron golem farm and i really want to make myself like the basics like a sugarcane farm but to do it we need a lot of pistons and for a lot of pistons we need a lot of iron so i need to get the iron farm done first farm in minecraft so we're going to start by building a pillar at least 10 blocks above the ground and then we're going to bridge out two three four five six seven i'm gonna put it on this closer inside block so the block the zombie put the water on the closest inside block chat contestant number one please oh thank you i worked what the heck oh brilliant ellen get in the boat find it get it hey let's go off you go oh it works i'm like a delivery service ah this is perfect i'm doing stuff on in morning sweetheart sleep well just ahead [Laughter] um oh god okay no where did he get out get in please get in [Music] he's he's teleported again he's teleport again [Music] hmm [Music] what is going on [Music] yeah i'm actually lucky nervous i've never not i'm never really nervous about fighting and the engines i've done it that many times but there's always that slight chance of something going wrong nice i actually threw my sword chat big pogs okay did i mention i've got a new keyboard let's try and find ourselves some enderman i don't really really want to travel too far but we you know we kind of need them i'm hoping chat that we can kind of find a village on the way just get the pills that way i'm hoping that we can find some enderman i'm hoping that it's like not in the ocean because then at least i get a chance to go over london try and kill some suckers this guy is hella mad at me it's cobra it's cool don't worry about it we can go on a fishing trip together we can forget all about it come on in the bar in the bar whatever just have it your way don't get in the boat whatever thank you oh we got ourselves two render pills all the times he's walking over the boat just getting like squid i love watching your videos fox say just wanted to check this quickly oh my spidey senses chat my spidey senses are great oh thank god for that it's not great however we can go to the nether from here and just get the rest of the pills well hopefully we end up in a crimson forest no cruiser forest the other one let's chuck them all in five shot big sad back in the stupid fortress i then spent the next two days on stream trying to find ender pearls went to the nether went to the overworld went back to the stronghold no pills wasted so much time this is so annoying i just want to fight the dragon man i love you i love you that took i'm so annoyed at myself i'm so annoyed that took what five minutes max oh my god who's on a minecraft oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god i'm weak i'm weak and weak and weak and weak and weak holy crap that did some serious damage let's show roo's boss i don't miss i don't miss boys come on please don't fly off as much this time much appreciated come on time to die my friend oh hey let's go chat we did it oh that took forever oh xp glorious experience points oh big pogs in chalice go give me the egg okay have i got time to go on the end see a bit we've got one day left with well before we we do the next set of ten days but i want to get this done oh yeah just put me on the end of a block man i would oh no i like you but we can get ourselves some shulker boxes oh oh oh oh oh what's that please say please say it please say please say please it's got a bridge please it's got a ship shipping bridge ship and bridge ship what the hell did you find the electron not yet we found like four incidents though and there's another one in the distance over there that one's quite small did i just see a glimpse of it oh yes let's go let's freaking go chat oh what is this seed there's ends it is everywhere there's one two three four five there's another three back that way how dream look no we're not gonna do that play it safe don't be an idiot i'm so happy my dude big box let's go [Music] oh prop pat's we got the wings ah it's scarves yes the shulker box will be filling up right now i could fly from the top of here to the next ship what do you think what i'm saying should we do it chat i'ma do it i don't care to infinity and beyond let's freaking go i want another pair of wings pogboot ah feels good to be greedy you know feels good to be greedy i'm super happy now if i could just get home i'd be even happier i'm ready i went too far oh my god poor endermite we did it oh ten days left let's go oh all is well that ends well and today has ended well all right the last nine days of my hardcore world i've got some things i want to do today first of all we need to get mending on our helmet because it's pretty beaten up what i want to do for the last nine days is i want to kill the wither um so i'm gonna hop to the nether after i've got myself mending on this thing and uh we're gonna try and get ourselves some skulls with the skulls and uh yeah hopefully we get them in the nine days we should do come on drop one please oh that's cool that's more cold that's more still no head we got six days left six days i've killed so many as well this is ridiculous race oh it's a lot of them now oh my goodness oh come on this is gonna be it this is gonna be it the mother lode has spawned in anything bonds call oh no we got one there's hope boys there's hope only two to go oh the dream yes we got another one oh one left one left we saw day number 94 this is now easily doable easily doable oh let's go come on boys yes we did it another one as well how does he pick it up i'm confused i don't care we got three we got three let's go all right let's get out of here i'm sick of this place i am sick of this place all right well it's time to fight the wither am i prepared i think i am actually it's not often i say that impressive i know i run out of blocks all right let's spawn this bad boy the sun's going down what a perfect time should we just mine straight through his face i thought that's gonna be a good idea oh looks like a vampire now all right buddy please go easy on me it's been a good series don't kill me please all right let's uh let's do this ah okay okay oh maybe doing this at night that wasn't a great idea okay okay where's he going where's he going okay he's going mental oh i forgot how strong he was no no no no gaffle scaffold squid gaffer oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god actually panicking [Music] what do i do die anything else want to attack me right now come on then i'll fight you bro come on yes we got it kill the child oh that was i thought i was prepared that could have been it [Music] oh my god we did it though we got the nether star oh man what a fight holy crap let's get my comb okay i actually want to get back up now this is getting scary let's not do that again for a while oh bedtime please wait where's my oh oh oh i dropped my chest plate are you serious what am i actually doing i've got to try and find my chest plate in all of this well i think that's good by chest plate are you serious there we go we got ourselves a beacon now we just need to make the pyramid i haven't really gathered a lot of materials during this whole adventure however we have made one successful farm and i'm hoping it's produced quite a lot of iron okay we got a couple of stacks um that's probably not gonna be enough okay we've gathered up all the iron that we have let's turn all of this into blocks we got ourselves 34 blocks of iron and the sun is setting on another day which means we've got two days left in this world but let's make the beacon for the last two days i'm gonna fix this place up make it look real fancy and put the beacon down here because this has been um you know the most fun part of the series for me all the making all the babies and stuff sounds so weird i need to stop saying that all right welcome back to day number 100 i've been busy building it's it's not done but i've run out of time what can i do i've literally run out of time this is the 100 days finished we're on the last day um which means we get to put the beacon down because this is the last day we should kind of cover what we've done the barbecue krusty krab whatever you want to call it i'm not happy with the house but it's it's helped us throughout the series we kind of did a nice fancy wall around the compound we destroyed the whole village uh we made a nice little sheep farm we made the most frustrating iron farm ever we also managed to make not one two red farms because the first one was such an epic fail the red farm pretty much allowed me to survive the series thanks to these little teddy bears however we didn't actually need them which is amazing we killed the enderdragon we killed the wither and uh finally i want to show you guys um my nice little spruced up villager baby making machine as i said it's not finished but i've pretty much run out of time anyway i hope you have enjoyed it please smash like if you have enjoyed this hundred days in minecraft hardcore we added a nice little flooring um these guys got a little bit of a better place to live now uh we changed this whole area um and we made this nice little monument for the beacon and i've made a nice little place for the for the dragon head to sit since it's one of my treasures actually we should probably put the elytra down here as well at either side that'll look pretty cool one pair of wings and two pair of wings i like this this is like a little collection i should put some armor stands around here and stuff that'll look pretty cool but anyway let's put the beacon down here we go oh that is pretty epic bring home the beacon guys hope you've enjoyed this series a lot of hours have gone into making it uh so if you could smash like and also subscribe if you haven't already and if you do want me to do more then leave a comment down below but um yeah thank you so much for watching this video and uh hopefully i'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: iBallisticSquid
Views: 363,785
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iballisticsquid, squid, minecraft, squiddy, stampylongnose, xbox, 360, pc
Id: 604AEF_NtXI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 32sec (2252 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 20 2021
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