Minecraft Xbox - Reach For The Star Challenge [1]

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Hermey aunt would come back to another challenge where they all today we're gonna be doing the rich father star which is gonna be be a star bait going head-to-head again another challenge trying to reach the nether star which is also very high it is so high that is actually on the world limit the biscuit this is gonna be how high you can feel this right over the top of the build high and don't know how many blocks is but it's very high up so it's gonna be the first person to get the star and bring it back down safely and put it in our own that little item frames and pull it a lever which activates the beacon which basically tells that the other person is one pvp's on keep inventories off and yeh is basically it's gonna be it's gonna be absolutely amazing so we can either do two things we can try and get armor under ball and go crazy like this or we can do something a little bit different and we can just go around collect as much stuff as we can and just go for it we can just nip off as high as we can possibly go now I've been thinking about this and I really think that getting better armor isn't gonna be that good I think that's gonna waste a lot of time and you're gonna be quite surprised as how fast you can actually build when you wanna the only problem is he's gonna be getting back down I've got a tactic to actually build myself a little pond just below the target here I'm gonna build it a little bit further down it's gonna be quite secretive and that's gonna be my sort of cushioning I am gonna build I will try and get some iron and yeah I'm gonna basically get some buckets make a little pond and that is gonna be my little jumpy thing I'm gonna go up there with a new pot with a lot of some wood stuff like that and I'm gonna just jump in so anyway nighttime is coming which means we're gonna start soon so this is gonna be really interesting to see how this plays out I have been winning so many challenges recently so I'll city before I'll say again I am not too bothered how this goes this could go really good for me are really good for stamps I have worn a lot so far so I'm pretty happy and yeah with the amount of wins I've got under my belt so I'm not too fussed I'm gonna keep half the fish here because I don't think I'll need all that for now we're gonna hop to bed as is night time and we are gonna stop in morning sir let the challenge begin let's do it did we have anything in our craft ale do we have any call no we don't okay so always what we're gonna do is gonna do a wee bit of mining stamps is going off straight away and it's all about blocks this guy's all about them blocks so I'm just gonna get as many blocks as I possibly can these are gonna be super magnificent for trying to get up there so let's just go with the tactic that's just go with what we've tried to do with the first place let's just try a mine a load of iron we're gonna get as much as we can as I said PvP is on so if we come across stamps and kill him and kill anything that he may hold so that much that might that might mean a lot of books that might mean I don't know you could have riches beyond my wildest imaginations on him but we don't know yet so let's just mine as much iron as we can is lagging a little bit as you guys know I always tend to get a little bit alike on stampy's connection which kind of sucks but we're just going to kind of roll with it it doesn't matter that much I hope some challenges it matters I'm hoping this is gonna be one that it doesn't matter on but yeah we will see so yeah we got ourselves a little bit of iron so far there's some mud there I am NOT going to waste any blocks whatsoever we're gonna make the use of mud something that I'd never say before but yeah we're gonna we're gonna try and get as much material as possible think chubby cheese now is gonna be pretty good as well because we can obviously create them into planks so for every one bitter would we get four planks that's gonna be a good way to gather wood one of the things that we don't want to do is want to head up there and basically run out of materials so yeah and I'm still gonna go with my little plan because even if I do go up there and in stumps you'll be off and then I do have a way down the only problem is is that yeah stamps could use my little pond as well but he doesn't know when I'm gonna put it so that's gonna be my constellation oh okay we found a little Cavey I don't spit too much time because I want stamps to be to be whizzing aware doing bits and bat-cillin you know what so let's not dive too far down there is a really nice cave system here we've got 11 pieces of iron this must mean we can get ourselves at least a little bit oh-ho look at this we found ourselves a mulch from the zombie I'm guessing that it is a dandy it is yeah Dean UPS bag let's block it up is up okay here we go let's get rid of this dude and see what riches we have inside of here we have a nametag book it's that'll save me some I'm gonna sell the Sun in case we can ride vertical with our horse up the pole ah most of like that we can make ourselves a ball already this is amazing that's gonna be amazing so that is all a new one a double mob spawner no way no no way only thing is I want to get killed because yeah that'll be bad keeping the trick is off so yeah let's try not get killed by Timmy and his dad right there we go let's try and eat some food I don't want to get killed is good look it let's not make this a thing okay there we go we're safe just about Oh more inr riches beyond our wildest imagination we can play some music well with what we've got the nether star I'm hoping anyway let's err this leave this place and it's just ignore that damn near because we don't need him it's probably gonna come after me isn't it yeah how is he spawning I basically filled it full of torches I wonder what stamps is doing and we have to go back up to the surface in two minutes I'm a little bit paranoid yeah we just get out smelting some tools as weapons to stuff like that hello mister but he's having the time of his life just flying around yeah this cave is pretty amazing we're gonna carry on going on here because yeah there is a cave system and it's pretty cool so yeah as I said PvP is on and but we're not allowed in each other's houses we're not allowed to break each other's houses anything we can do is use our door and stamps is yeah he is nowhere to be seen which is pretty good we couldn't make a break for it now just leg it up there anyway hey let's basically put all this stuff away that we don't need like why do we need horse armor I don't think we're ever gonna need that name tag a saddle saddle the music this we got this would be really good if we was on like a let's play and we needed them but we don't really need any of that stuff so what we do need is we need to smell some of this iron we do have some iron already so let's put this in here put these buckets away because we could fill some full of lava stuff like that I'm going to put some of this food away because we don't need it yet the string I'm gonna go get a tree because what I can do is I can government myself a bar and then obviously we need the blocks from the trees to need Paul I could give it a little bit of a girl now I've got nothing on me if I mind a lot of trees I could I could just start nerd falling I could I could do it I could do it I don't know how much materials I'm gonna have to use I have to have to have but we could give it a girl it's a very tricky it's a very difficult situation here and what I was thinking of as well this would have worked if the update wasn't available if they didn't come into play what happened was is they actually patched the the TNT and so before you used to be able to fire TNT Connor used to go sky-high super crazy but they managed to patch it so TNT cannons don't really do that much now I just thought it'd be a really cool way to to get the star by just flying up in to the sky at a million miles an hour but yeah we can't do that anyway so no point talking about yes sir yeah let's go inside the house see many blocks we have got now we've got quite a bit of wood alright shut this door here right see what we have got sixty four we have got us not really enough physic we've got about okay we're gonna be to keep these plants we don't put these in there way to make some sticks like so we need to grab a little bit of this and let's make our selves a beautiful Bowl I do think that getting armor would be a jolly good idea I guess I've got no I got a born I've got an Arizona whoo that sucks and right okay how is that iron doing it is absolutely beautiful so we don't need to create a book it anymore what we can do is we can focus on a sword and maybe armor I think I think that's gonna be there the best option right now so we gonna take our I was stood from there let's make our selves a beautiful iron sword are we gonna go across we can get those chests split leggings but not booze but that's not bad that is not bad at all that is pretty good for like what we do like 9 min that's pretty good and should I really be myself and yes my tools that would it be a little bit more smarter of me but I think we could go back down the cave now I think that is a good idea for me to get some more iron actually let me grab the book and let me do the thing that I said I was gonna do so let's just grab these here let's grab this book it let's fill it full no open it there we go I put it back in the chest for some reason let's go grab a lot of water let me fill it up and make myself a little secret Pond so that I can jump into it and okay so oh whoa his staffs gone down there that's interesting I don't know that's really weird you two share a nice straight drop it's kind of weird anyway let's get all these together like so we could use these to get down oh that could be pretty good all we could use it to knit Paul up okay let me do let me just get myself a little bit of a plunge so let's put three of them or two let's put two of them in here for backup I'm gonna take this one here and I'm gonna look up in the air and kind of see okay where do I need to kind of plant this let me plant it like here I guess so if I put a little bit of a four it's kind of this kind of a shock like Idol it's kind of a small target to hit but I don't want it bit to be - okay I'm just gonna leave it like that I don't we - - like I don't know - obvious that I've put it there that makes sense I kind of want it to be a very sneaky and very secretive so yeah let's go mine it again stumps isn't there I'm gonna pull all over the chest so if I lose it it doesn't matter actually if you're good idea to keep this armor in the chest I guess because yeah let's keep this on for later we're gonna keep our heart and we're gonna put our helmet in there as well just in case we die we got armor if you guys can remember the egg challenge this is one of the things that I didn't do which was basically having a backup with me at all times I didn't have any sort of backup and that's where I went wrong so yeah let me do this what might be cool a is I could em I could kind of like make a bed and then try and have a spawn point up there I could uh I could be still cool I could try to do that but I don't work at night time if I can I pull up there and try and make a spa boy but in mine it is try and get it as much blocks as we can so we gonna mine ourselves some more wood there we gonna go back down the mine dragging ourselves some more I am because that's gonna be crucial I'm toying between trying to go up there now and not I don't know what stopped him there stumps is gonna be away somewhere so that could do this really quickly if I could just mind a few more trees I don't want to be running out of blocks but we could just give it a go I don't see why not but I think it's gonna have that much materials by now search we do we should do it should we do it I should not do it I could create a nerd pole at the back of my house on the top of my house and go across ah ah that could be amazing and I could I could like have a I could create I could like bring saplings with me and just create and plant trees up there and that can be like some more materials if I like I use all my bricks up and almost all I don't know this many ideas going through my head now to either to really like nope all open or not I'm thinking what I'm thinking of is if I make it behind the back of my house that's a platform for me to successfully run back to my house so I could create a ladder up there but mmm I don't know it's gonna be quite a tough a it's gonna be quite a toughy indeed so yeah let's let's let's let's destroy anyway let's just try and crit a little bit let's just trying to create a ladder I don't know what to do I don't want to do I think I'm just gonna go for it let's just go for it's coming nighttime I want to get this show on the road let's just try and see how far we can get so let's create all this into planks all this into planks this is pretty much what we got to take with us so let's check we're not going to take our sword we're to take this gonna get rid of these we're going to take half of our food we take some torches things are probably gonna be spawning the next it's night I'm going to take all this wood all the materials that we have you're gonna be brought with me and what else do we need screener get I think we could take a bucket of water I think that'll be that'll be kind of useful I guess I don't feel good have enough stuff this is gonna be the problem is it it's gonna be the main problem I'm gonna just that's just y'all or us ah star versus outside I knew it I do be out there somewhere oh man okay how did it where did it so he's got full on but I've got kind of full armor I could I could I could I don't do now I didn't think you'd be that I'm thinking I don't think it'd have the smarts to come outside of my house and okay what could we possibly do squinting it is it gonna be outside my house hello I'm gonna we're gonna put everything in the chest like this let's just put everything away that I've got and it's just let's just run outside I wanna see if he's there is he gonna be here or not stabs I don't know what he's planning he's been a very sneaky key cut which I don't like where did he go where on earth did he go I know we're not allowed to each of those houses so maybe he went was his charity work he's not cheersing me ah this is tense unless he's in his house okay this would be a good time just to do if he's not here then why don't we just go for it let's just go for it okay and if I can live poor fast enough this would be a good this would be good place to start I try to make sure he's not there out there like waiting for me I'm gonna drop all my blocks that would be annoying okay let's just grab them all cut the mark of the mark of the mark of the mark of the ball all right hello okay is he out here don't think is should start should we just start and do it oh we're gonna do it okay let's just do this guys let's just literally do this we're gonna go ahh let's just go here here we go up we're gonna go for it we're gonna go for it I've decided I have literally decided I'm gonna go for it now this is even gonna be a really bad move or a really good move I thought it goes faster the con so we can't shoot me you can't shoot a bow and arrow that high up so this is my only plot ha ha okay keep going don't keep going keep going keep going nerd Paul like you have never heard Paul before in your Squidoo delay life here we go he thought he had been but it doesn't stop sis down there I can see you running oh man he's chopping trees it might not have blocks this could be our advantage I saw high up he's so high up he might set me on fire but she would take a long time to reach man I have got a bit of mud to break it up in between I don't think he knows if I jump down behind the block that I'm near putting on now I could just jump straight into my house and he is not allowed in my house whatsoever and he's not allowed to block the beacon up sir this could be a really good kind of tactic here so let me keep going like this oh man this is so high I could see I could see it I can see it how many blocks to have oh this is all I have could you imagine I would cry if I don't get this I don't think I've got enough blocks I don't they go write it up Fox Oh squid nugget duh why do you not have it oh hi this is guys can you actually believe this right now I might have enough okay we're gonna start going over oh okay the only problem is I don't know if if I've put the I'll do it did I put it like one can I put it by the because I really want to jump into house but that is a small target to try and reach isn't it that is a very small target indeed it's either I get this now and I wear up here I don't actually know a Brahma water bring more water I think I did bring the water ah squid negate didn't bring the water ah oh man you know what I could do I could throw it haven't really thought about this I could throw it okay where he might not look I could throw at the back of the house that could be an idea you know okay we should be coming up to it now I don't think I have enough blocks I don't know if he's nerd Paul and after me exceed running down there oh well it's got pretty good so far I am not dead I kind of just wanted to go for it just to see if I could like make it with this amount of blocks and apparently a con apparently our mind enough I can't believe I actually did yeah I managed to mine enough blocks so right where is it it's up here now so let's create a nice little platform I do not want any lag here otherwise squid nugget is dead and that'd be bad oh okay here we go up here imagine if I run outta blocks I would literally cry oh there it is right I'm gonna cocoon myself in a little platform around it because if I punch this and it drops I will be so sad I'll cry alright this should be enough hopefully I keeps trying to look for stops and see if he's like made any other platforms but it doesn't really seem to be nerd pole or anything like that I'm kind of just watching him I wonder if he's waiting for me to come down to the ground well this is tough I would have been amazed if I would have got like an enderchest and I would have basically put the engine chest up here and I mean yeah then put the other one at home but that would have been a lot of way so anyway let's try and break this loose at fault ah here we go we've got the nether star now what if I do
Channel: iBallisticSquid
Views: 788,340
Rating: 4.9078565 out of 5
Keywords: iballisticsquid, squid, minecraft, squiddy, stampylongnose, xbox, 360, pc, reach for the star challenge
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 24sec (1164 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 12 2015
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