Minecraft UHC but crafting recipes are random..

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in this video the drops aren't random with the crafting yeah the crafting most definitely is thank you guys so much for 500k hashtag one mill by 2020 leave a like on this video and the next UHC I make will have random drops and random crafting [Music] all right welcome everyone to its not randomized THC I almost said welcome everyone to randomize you see random crafting here HC oh my god go then it gets straight off the bat I'll take it alright guys so this is different I've seen a lot of requests to do a random crafting UHC so here we are with doing it that's fine that's all good old dandy and this is only the beginning this is our first ever time playing with this so we don't really know what's gonna happen so this could go really well or it could go really bad let me show you right now I want to make gold armor oh okay okay okay okay mini freakout I had a mini freakout that's okay what what diamond pickaxe gang let's go how in what all right I'm gonna snag a bunch of gold I'm wondering if gold results in tools every time no no No okay this is weird what other crafts are there um I don't know but this is good now we can try and okay so crafting actual scent right I've already come to terms with the fact that my commentary in this video is pro huh it's probably gonna be a mess lackluster confusing at best but hey it's randomizer that's usually what happens right did anyone take the chest they didn't okay thank you very much I'll be taking that why didn't nobody take the chest helmet no boots no no legs no I'm trying to find items that are actually craftable so things like stone we can make a furnace with we can't craft anything with that this really comes down to knowledge its knowledge of what you can craft instead of breaking stuff and hoping to get lucky so the random crafting there's a lot more strategy to it the fact we already have a golden chest plate I feel puts us ahead of a lot of people we have furnaces that we start with and now I'm gonna get four smooth stones that I can be more craft there's test stairs no let's test slabs a beacon test a furnace yellow dye see most of the things that I'm getting here I'm skipping over them because you can't craft anything with them although you can make a bone block and that can make a door but I have to skip over the dork is that cut this is gonna be a mess how will we get a PvP I forgot that the smelting was random at least with quartz we can actually do something we can make the it's a smooth quartz slab I don't think you can do anything with that yeah no this is a mess this is entirely about alright there's no way we go into PvP I'm gonna end up having a PvP with this axe what else can I smell I can smell a piece of wood a smell a piece of wood and see what happens you can craft up these blocks there's a first ever time I've ever mined these with intent to actually use them I think you can just do it in there button I don't do anything with the button every single craft that we're getting has been bad I swear we've gotten a couple good ones but for the most part it's been terrible smelting wood got me a trap door I can't craft anything with prismarine stairs at lapis makes lime terracotta I can't I can't do it what could I do with lime Terra concept I know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna risk it when a chance it the crafting side of Minecraft really comes from caves right right someone convinced me that I'm right it's like you can make all different kinds of armor if you can get your hands on iron andesite slab I can't do anything with an andesite slab but you can make coal blocks you can make iron blocks and the nice thing about coal is it actually drops calls so we are gonna be able to make a coal block whereas if we smelt the iron this is gonna happen your blue stained glass that was from smelting iron we can make okay we can actually make stuff with stained glass I just need to find apples because if we can find apples and we can at least get golden apples no we can't because we can't craft golden apples all this makes everything so much more difficult than it needs to be whose idea was it to do a random crafting UHC I'm calling out everyone in the comment section this reminds me of my first ever time playing the random drops hey you tried to drown me now let's keep it moving we're gonna go straight down even further I want to find diamonds I need to know what diamonds do in random crafting I don't know if it works in the sense that oh wait I can actually make something here and decide okay alright alright okay I like that so with hello hello diamonds okay that worked out a lot better than I thought okay yeah with the random crafting I don't know if the better value of the item the better outcome of the craft you're gonna get so with these I'm wondering if I make a pickaxe I don't have sticks so I can't make a pickaxe anyway yeah what I'm trying to say is if I make a diamond piece of armor for example am I likely to get like an enchanted piece in return or it would be nice but I don't think so gold block we haven't made a gold block it makes a bet at least we got the iron chestplate though we need to find something that makes a sword way oh my god we can use the recipe book no but that's cheating though isn't it I just told everyone use the recipe book because if we use the recipe book then it sort of makes sense do you give away my secret as it's been using the recipe book okay so when you mind stuff you get to see it here so can we craft anything with anything in here if I'm being honest I'm really not seeing anything so far I can make a sword though essentially what that book was telling me is that everything that I have in me this current moment time is useless wondering if it's worth going to the icebergs can you craft anything with ice I guess you can make packed ice okay I feel like I'm on to something you can make packed ice with sand you can make sand stone I haven't tested making sense in yet have I where's marine blocks okay you can actually do stuff with prismarine blocks all right I'm getting the hang of it slowly but surely it's probably being a rocky ride to watch but I'm sure you guys will be helping me in the comment section is you know we got the best comment section going on YouTube it's just the truth okay so with the prisoner Ian blocks we can go like that and make sign concrete powder we can go like that and make great stained glass I think that's all we can do yeah okay that was that was thoroughly disappointing i''m bars we can't do anything with iron bars aside from this wasn't that fantastic I do apologize if this has resulted in a three-minute video I had expected this to go mildly better than it currently has yeah it's very hard to do the thing very hard to do stuff with a limited limited blocks at your disposal and I can't break this why can I not break this okay let's craft up a block of pressure plate what do you expect me to do with a pressure plate you're dead dead done well everyone's had the same luck I'm fairly certain but we're just gonna go ahead and say that this is over I think that's probably the best course of action right here a lesson get a piece of Flint okay maybe I do have brains maybe I do our brains give me one second I think I might have brains oh wait I might have extra brains right now my brain is slowly but surely working I think I don't don't get your hopes up I think it's working that made charcoal fantastic I use coal to make coal what could I do with three diamonds absolutely nothing okay bonemeal make stone slabs which I can't do this it's so difficult it just hurts my brain everything about this is hard in my brain I'm supposed to be making a flint and steel Brown concrete powder that's about all I can do with that my brain hurts my brain my brain just hurt how has she done this ten seconds that gives me time to grab this and this and let's see what sugar does at white banner I give up I genuinely thought this was a good idea before going into this yeah I read your comments and I was like these guys have great ideas but let me do that I'm I'm gonna do that okay I'm gonna listen to them I listened this was the result I hope you guys are happy you know I definitely had fun today I basically just prepped for my death right here because no doubt Emma's gonna win I hope she wins just diamond legs how do you get diamond legs we started off so positive with so much potential we got three diamonds we got Olbers gold we got all this iron we can't do a single thing with it I'm gonna check my recipe book once more it's got to be something in here that I could use I'm gonna get a beacon give me a beacon the border is in where is everyone okay that's grazer oh that's nester nest the down there he's got diamonds wait wait wait don't you dare I'm going for the sneak attack I have to sneak attack him how's he gonna have diamonds their item jerem Joe Doug Doug Doug dad okay okay there's grazer where's em everyone wants their oh nice bug who's gonna die first that's the question I'm just gonna patrol this place this is my area you want to stepped in the biggest bug you gonna be stepping to me as a result sees me he knows show me your sword he got an iron sword how did he get an iron sword he's gonna add me he's gonna end me I'm stuck in a block cause it's not gonna block oh my god oh my god oh my god dudes over use that get through yeah come on don't die knit whatever is happening right that
Channel: Kiingtong
Views: 2,851,874
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft UHC but the crafting is RANDOM.., Minecraft UHC but crafting recipes are random.., Minecraft UHC but crafting is random, minecraft uhc but random, minecraft uhc random, minecraft but the crafting is random, minecraft but random crafting, random crafting minecraft, random crafting minecraft uhc, minecraft random crafting recipes, minecraft random crafting, random crafting recipes minecraft, kiingtong random uhc, random uhc minecraft, random uhc, minecraft, minecraft uhc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 8sec (608 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 28 2019
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