Minecraft UHC but you can only walk in a straight line..

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in this video we play a mic refute see but you can only walk in a straight line yeah and trust me the amount of diamonds and gold I missed in this because if that is it's painful to say the least but you want to know it isn't painful the fact that we are so close to a million subscribers I never thought that would even be possible if you guys want to support the cause click that subscribe button down below you'll never miss another video and if you're currently subscribed while watching this video click that like button to let me know let's see how high we can get that number today enjoy here we go ladies and gentlemen welcome to AU HC where you can only walk in a straight line you guys have seen the one block wide u HC this is similar to that but everyone gets their own lanes check it out there's M there's a bunch of different people in here grapes down there somewhere I'm not sure where he is there's grazer he's got his own lane he's in a village what okay he gets a village I get nothing but I do get a tree that's good we start with five apples tangle and carrots a stone shovel a stone axe one book because there's no guarantees that anyone's gonna get a book for an enchantment table and the super pickaxe there's gonna be an interesting one I think my strat you know straight off the bat so just go straight down yeah I think no one else is gonna do that we're gonna go straight down we're gonna get as many diamonds as we can oh I say that as everyone's going straight down yeah we're gonna get as many diamonds as we can though by going in a straight line and hopefully a bunch of gold as well because we're gonna need golden apples there are got apples enabled so this is gonna be it's gonna be an interesting one for sure after 20 minutes with TP 2 P ap C like this is why this is brutal I can't get that gold there's a barrier block of right here there's barrier blocks all the way to bedrock so we just need to rely on what's in our path and so far that is absolutely nothing okay what level are we at though we are at level 7 let's go to level 12 and we're gonna carve along level 12 hopefully there's no lava you know what for that reason actually no yeah we're gonna go ahead we'll help though this is gonna be so scuffed if we fall into lava okay in 3 2 1 start your engines and go here we go oh this is crazy we have speed too so obviously this is insanely fast I'm sorry if it hurts your eyes at all it's kind of hurt and mine there's some cold and there's a lava pool right here it's good that we can see that so we know not to go in it oh whoa yo check this out let me show you guys this one sec let me cover up this so that I'm safe oh this is it's a ravine full of everyone's pathways all this is so cool and I'm still yet to find any diamonds and there's more gold there I still not found any gold okay we found a cave system but it doesn't really benefit us more lava okay we got to stay safe I really hope we can at least find some diamonds in more lava if I see diamonds on someone else's Lane I'm gonna be cheese I can't see anyone next to me and that would be MZ cave system right there she would be like yeah like there's her pathway she would be right there I just got my first resource actually one piece of iron Oh another ravine oh this is sick I really like this this is such a cool idea I've seen other people do this idea before of grapes right there look at him here he goes he's flying along yeah but I've seen other people do the straight line I do before but never in EU HC I don't believe please do correct me on that if I'm wrong because I don't know who did credit for this idea I think we're the first and that would be super cool if we are but if not I'm sorry credits through whoever did this one first here we go some beautiful gold we got two pieces now the pathway is four thousand you heard that right oh are you kidding me oh stop stop that is a sick joke that is not cool you know I actually I'm gonna do it just cuz I know all of you are curious I'm gonna break this and I'm gonna break this we're not gonna take anything but we're gonna see what we would have missed out on oh my god are you kidding me are you actually kidding me that is not funny that is such a rip and we can't take it and in here is some string oh my gosh okay we're gonna block that back up let's put a barrier block there and just to prove it there's the enchanted golden apple there goes the barrier block it's gone oh no that is really upsetting and the diamonds right there that would have been so clutch can you imagine finding that diamonds and OH carry on let's just go forget about it that did not just happen I'm actually really upset I can't believe that we just no two diamonds we could have had three that's not bad though I mind one of them into the lava there's more another diamond let's just check down okay we're safe we are safe okay nice jeez this is this is so bad this is so bad I can't believe that that just happened I don't think anyone in this game is going to be more unlucky than me right there I would put money on that there is no chance I'll look at this this is so cool being able to see through to everyone else's caves if you guys want to see us do this idea again what was that okay fortunately we only lost four hearts on that one there is a mineshaft always someone got a mineshaft I don't know who it is but they got a mineshaft how lucky is that let's continue on I'm just getting nothing but lava if you guys are actually enjoying this idea right now just please leave a like on the video and we will a hundred percent do this again if this video can get a hundred K likes that would be insane I will put out another one of these maybe we could booby traps in people's lanes that would be quite funny also kind of mean but also quite funny just knowing that this Lane is four thousand blocks long though kinda gives me hope we've only travelled 900 blocks so far oh and was walked into lava while I was reading that yeah we've only travelled 900 blocks so fast so all hope is not lost but I tell you what is lost that a vein of gold right there and that notch Apple from earlier that is definitely lost that is so upsetting okay some gold there is a silver lining to this nice okay let's carry on that gives us six gold now fantastic we've gone a thousand blocks and got six gold I'm also noting that we only have like ten minutes left as well so I'm gonna take some iron just in case we need to make some armor obsidian yes this is good okay this is actually good let's make sure that we can get it safely put some space in our inventory one okay that's one two and three there we go we only got three we do need one more and the water bucket that we need is right there which is unfortunate there's also a piece of lava that made some cobble right there maybe we'll get lucky and find some more obsidian down the line and this is just getting to be a sick joke at this point Oh beautiful so beautiful that's enough to get in chance we do need to get some lapis so hopefully there's gonna be some lapis in our lane we'll have a look up top nope oh we already have lapis this 12 maybe that could be a little bit more down here as well why would this game go in my favor why would it even think to do that of course not alright come on we might have to be up first a little bit of food almost ate the apples that could have been bad okay this is not good why is there gravel in my face or now get out of my face please there's gonna come a point where I need to go to the surface though because we might need to get some more books that might be the move they're looking for sugarcane and cows might be a good idea also getting a couple more apples but saying that we've not really found there's a the diamond we've not really found any gold so yeah this is gonna be tragic to say the least we're just gonna try and preserve all of the health that we can oh yo a mineshaft are you are you joking it stops right here interns no I see it up here maybe we can get something do not avoid me like this Oh some gold okay thank you that's not bad I'll take the gold this is actually a troll at this point ow okay there's five minutes remaining more gold missed right there I'm just gonna need you guys to comment down below because I've been so unlucky and no no no no oh no oh no oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh my word I have one and a half hearts this is not a joke anymore guys we are doing this with one and a half hearts there will be a final heal before PvP we just have to survive until that point and there are some god that would have been beautiful to make a golden apple with oh there's more diamonds that's a nice vein as well okay I'm really moving now we're going as fast as we can this is no joke anymore this is no joke just don't hit lava we'll just don't hit lava lava right there be careful Oh three minutes remaining my eyes hurt so bad from running through that what it was like an optical illusion for a minute there get up and over this let's not touch this lava because we know what happened last time there's only three minutes I should probably be crafting oh no this is not good this is really really bad for us get our enchant table nice let's get a chest plate nice let's get a sword that's gonna be good we can make one Golden Apple oh boy that notch Apple I hate to say but it probably would have won is the game two minutes remaining that gives us time to enchant our armor okay protection one let's get sharpness one note protection one can we get sharp this one now yes and then jacket out protection I don't want that I really don't want that but we're gonna take it alright there we go a full armored got a pickaxe oh boy oh this is really bad so take our enchant table this is terrible guys this has gone really bad for us I'd love to do this again but hopefully with better luck next time I'm on this lobby right there be careful will I'm just gonna go up and over the dirt it's probably quicker than going straight through it oh yeah that's a long way down as well here we go continuing on more diamonds would be great more diamonds would be so good one minute final heal coming in a few seconds there's diamonds right there for anyone that's counting in the comments section that's another three I think this is for us we've just oh my oh we must have got killed there's more right there there's two more oh this is bad this is bad this is bad there's the final here oh here's the teleport after this guys I'm gonna do a fly through of all of the stuff that we missed so if you guys are interested to see that definitely stay until the end okay this person up here has a lot of enchants okay let's get that hit that's a lot of hearts that is a lot of hearts also potentially a really good sword half elf there are half health right now we got to get this hopefully they got a Golden Apple I don't think they did maybe they got a little bit of gold there's another hit okay and there we go oh and someone wants to go into a sky base did we get any string we didn't get any string okay think I see grape over here oh that's grazer and he's not enchanted but I'm low health I've taken the fight so we probably can't go ahead and attack him okay there's she just munched something gold as well so we don't want to go near that I think it was a carrot but I'm not willing to take that risk this person here is enchanted but only two pieces of iron that could be a good play let's see shake get ahead I think I hit them down did I hit them down I didn't but they jumped down okay they jumped down here we go eating a Golden Apple interesting I was they haven't acts as well Lily oh my gosh that golden apples coming in clutch and there we go not sure what it's helped is always run right into grazer we're taking that kill all crazy got the kill okay he's trying to end chant though oh we know some blur I'm super low now nine gold I managed to swoop the gold from that kill at least might not be the best looks they lost some health on that attack but let's do that get another Golden Apple we'll eat one it's just me great Grazer and M left I need to let them fight if I'm gonna send any chance at this I need to let them fight I didn't get myself any string okay the best bet is to let these guys fight and then swoop it we're gonna interrupt this fight great got a fishing rod that's dangerous for anyone involved he doesn't know them behind him though which is good maybe he does that's why he's not going for grazer anymore not letting him know what okay he definitely knows I don't think he got a bow or anything though which is nice okay this is pretty much a stalemate everyone's got low health graces now as low as I am but I don't think he has a golden apple so let's see if we can go for it might not be the smart play here we go he just ate one yeah this is it this even as it gets all no who didn't eat one you didn't eat one it's over for him it comes grape we're gonna get absolutely screwed here unless we can get a clutch escape right here which it kind of looks like we might be able to or we might be able to get up and around this before the border comes just in time he's really got us trapped here we're gonna go through the wall this is the play we're going underground we have to go underground waiting for us to come out at the other side he's right there this is the play we have to hide here we have three hearts mmm need to fight rape strike that he has no idea that I'm right here okay that was a clutch get away see if we can get out the other side that's the surface right there see the border could come at any moment Em's right above me grapes right there as well okay we had to go up now I have no idea what the borders at so we either go up now potentially risk dying oh yeah grapes super close a cell is well deadly grape says he's sneaky you might be able to see my particles through the blocks that's the issue I were gonna go up there we go we're up the border was getting pretty close oh my gosh it was right behind me she was right there oh I'm so dead they both want me and I'm so I'm so done I'm so done oh my god I'm so done how am I still alive not happening not happening not happening Danielle I tried my hardest guys alright as promised I said we would fly through the world and check out everything that we missed so this is our line let's actually go down to Diamond level well yeah turns out that was a mineshaft in the line I just had to mine up a little bit it was a ravine up here with another mine shaft okay okay so this is where we stop let's find out what would have happened if we went further on no are you kidding me no no no no there any chests in my line oh my is there chest there is a chest okay just two apples were safe we're safe okay but there's also string and bookshelves all that would have been so sick look at that it's such a shame that we didn't make it there we were maybe oh my we were actually a hundred blocks away from it that was so close that would've been cool do you be sure to leave a like on this video that was really cool if you did enjoy that click that subscribe button we are too close to a million subscribers now we're literally 50,000 subscribers away so if each of you watching this that have not subscribed click that button we can't we could very well hit it right now yeah click that subscribe button hit that play let's check out some other videos and we'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: Kiingtong
Views: 2,886,078
Rating: 4.9391856 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft UHC but you can only walk in a straight line, minecraft but you can only walk in a straight line, minecraft walk in straight line, minecraft straight line, minecraft uhc walk in straight line, minecraft uhc straight line, you can only walk in a straight line, walk in straight line minecraft, minecraft uhc but, minecraft uhc, minecraft, uhc
Id: 1hEpk1ju7V0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 7sec (787 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2020
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