Fastest Way To Get Netherite In Minecraft

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all right how's it going and welcome back to Minecraft 1.16 or maybe later if you're watching this in the future but the strategy in this video I think it should apply down the road so as per the title little tutorial for you how to get nether right the quickest way possible or ancient debris I should say because you need the gold as well I think most people are familiar with the quickest way to do that being going strip-mine and a Mesa biome you have a higher chance of running into gold there so also maybe an asterisk I'm sure there's some crazy piston slime block automated TNT dropping mining machine that someone could make that once up and running might be quicker but for simple folk like myself this is a strategy that can be done early on in the game is very simple brute force straightforward and should work for most people so with that said the principle here is ancient debris is blast resistant so if we blow it up you'll notice everything else around it goes bye-bye but the ancient debris itself stays there so we can use this to our advantage you're wondering why the bed blew up if you right-click on a bed try to sleep in it and either the nether or the end it doesn't like it it goes kaboom but it's something we can use to our advantage like I just said so on into survival mode I've already dug down here it seems like the best y-value to go for here even though ancient debris can spawn at most y-values in the nether is around y equals 15 so standing on y equals 14 right now and we'll be doing our bed placement at y equals 15 seems to work pretty well in my experience that I've had doing this in another world on livestream which I'll go into after this so the tutorial so I got a diamond armor I mean go into the nether with whatever you feel most comfortable with if you want to go in before diamond armor that's fine but you might as well have the prerequisites for making the nether right stuff anyway and then because of the new pig Lin's I do recommend having a golden helmet on you so if you end up running into any pig legs you can just do a hot swap out put that on they're not gonna bother you you could get some Hoglund spawning down here and you're not necessarily going to have any of the ground to place the mushrooms on Hoglund shouldn't spawn in big numbers they shouldn't be that difficult to deal with but the gold helmet is nice because it's pretty low cost and you probably already have gold because you need it for the nether right so next up a little tip here if you want to find the best place to actually start your strip mining quote-unquote is even do a little bit of an x-ray glitch it's not hack so within the mechanics of games you'll need a composter and you'll need a piston as I have here and the idea here is you're looking for a spot where you don't see a bunch of lava lake around you and you know when you make a big explosion you're not gonna have a bunch of lava cascading in because lava of course moves more quickly into the nether so you put the composter down here you get into it put the piston above your head get some redstone signal to it and now all of a sudden you can look around and what do you know this whole just blackness area over here means it's primarily solid netherrack you're not gonna be able to get a preview of where ancient debris might actually be unless you happen to have one up against an air pocket or a lava pocket but otherwise this right here seems like a relatively safe direction for me to go mining in so we'll take that to our advantage this over here a lot of lava looking don't really feel like going in that direction so this is it right here and if you don't have success the first time just go walk to another place in the nether try to find a more clear area where it's just blackness when you do the x-ray thing and you should be good to go next up you'll want a nice supply of beds we'll pretend we didn't have that ancient debris from creative mode and it's it's really just it's pretty straightforward at this point so mine a little bit ahead of yourself your goal when placing the bed down is I'm unenchanted on everything here I'll even not wear my diamond helmet and go with the lower protection gold or I could take that off and put it back but just so you can see you don't need blast protection everything's unenchanted you just want to back up as much as possible and it wants to tap a heart there in the process but not a huge deal and you're just gonna want to keep going like this if you run into a lava lake which it's pretty easy to tell when just a never-ending stream of lava starts cascading into your area you can always just branch off in a different direction but I'll just you so bring up f3 again I realize it's concealed by my webcam but take my word for it I'm standing on Y equals 14 mining here at y equals 15 then I again place the bed far away kind of back up as I hit it you want to make sure like if lava is in your way kind of block that up you'll be getting plenty of netherrack through the explosion that you can use to block around you and then you'll just keep on repeating the same thing and I know it'll be just my luck here in this video that I'm not gonna run into any ancient debris for ages but the same might be true for you bring back up f3 or just keep it out if you want keep mining forward and repeat the process you're likely gonna have a lot of lava that you know pours in there's blocks every now and again that are just hidden underground in the nether but at the very least you don't have to worry about if you're strip mining running straight into it within a block away from you and then that's bad news for you cuz the lavas gonna cascade on you real quickly and it could get you into some trouble as you can see assuming you have help there we go it wasn't even from the bed explosion but maybe we'll reveal some more sometimes you can actually get really lucky in a chunk and I personally in a world that I was doing this in pure vanilla all the way through I ran into a chunk where I did one bed explosion and it unveiled three different veins for a total of four pieces of ancient debris so you can get very lucky as opposed to the first introductory snapshot video that I did on this where I was only running into single pieces at a time there we go our first legitimate piece of ancient debris I've run into veins up to 3 so far I've heard of the legendary for being possible but I I haven't seen it with my own eyes yet the 3 is possible and you can also get chunks that have even more MSL it's uh not too bad so let me go ahead and show you the other world where I was doing this in vanilla all the way from scratch starting off the game and survival and show you exactly how much progress I was able to make in an hour so this is my quest for nether right world I've been streaming this over at slash CaptainSparklez with the vods viewable on CaptainSparklez to the YouTube channel and everything you see here with the nether right I've gotten completely vanilla from scratch started off punching trees and started from the bottom now we here really so the strategy is we've got a supply of wood and we've got this Penta Street this is all I have so far again I haven't invested a huge amount of time we're probably about three hours in on the world total but this amount of sheep as long as you got a grass supply they regenerate they're well pretty quickly which you can use in conjunction with the wood in order to get a pretty pretty good supply of beds cuz you're gonna need to come back into the overworld every now and again anyway to tend to stuff you know keep your crops up so you can keep breeding the sheep keep getting more wood things like that but if we head into the nether over here I'll be able to show you the progress that I've done in the actual strip mining area so see this is why I have the golden helmet because you do get clusters of the pick ones spawning and there also are quite a few that end up spawning once you've got a massive area going on under here but this is all done with beds and also some TNT because I had some TNT from a couple of desert temples that I ran into and from this area so I'll go into spectator in just a second so you can get a nice overarching view of the area but it's it's a pretty decent sized swath of underground that I've been able to blow up here and you got all these pickling spawning in it so again where your protection and this was about an hour's worth of work but that's while I was streaming so an hour's worth of work while I'm streaming which includes me reading off notifications pausing talking with the chat probably be just about a half an hour of work if you're just focused I'd say cut the time in half which means that in about half an hour of game time now your luck could vary but I finding ancient debris pretty regularly in here that means you would get 24 ancient debris because that's how many I've found so far and 24 ancient debris is enough for a full set of nether right Armour plus another right sword plus another right pickaxe the only things I'm missing are nether right axe now the right shovel and of course the nether Idaho which is the ultimate goal for anyone in Minecraft now that is the second-best ultimate flex after a beacon obviously but let me just show you exactly how big this area is in spectator mode it looks like a lot more than it actually is if you're just focused putting down the beds one after another and you don't have to worry about you know streaming and trying to remain entertaining and interacting with chat you can speed through this pretty darn quickly and then just go back into the overworld restock on some beds come on back and do it again so this is what the tunnel looks like in spectator mode and wow I didn't even realize I was kinda real close to a massive lava lake that's why y equals 15 seems to work out pretty well I guess I didn't actually use the x-ray technique here with the composter and the Pistons I just kinda dug down and hope for the best so if the composter x-ray technique becomes obsolete and patched or something don't worry you could still do this without it it's not terribly difficult just kind of experiment with locations and directions and you should find one that works for you and even if you find one that's working for you and then you end up running into a lava lake at the end of it what you can always do is just like when you're strip mining in the overworld you branch mine right you dig out windows on either side of you as you're digging the main tunnel because it increases your likelihood of finding diamonds or gold things like that you can do the same here so you have your nice long main tunnel and then you can start digging out long side tunnels if you find another direction that ends up working so even if you hit a dead end don't worry about it just head off in a different direction and it's very likely that things are gonna pan out just fine and you'll keep on finding the ancient debris and you'll be able to get this pretty darn quickly so much so that I'm almost thinking it wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing if they increase the cost of making the armor and the tools to be the same as it would be with iron gold diamond bits with you needing that same amount of ingots but it is what it is for now and I don't know if that will be changed in the future but at the very least the full nether right beacon will probably forever remain the same and is actually interesting after doing the math maybe you caught that nether right beacon video that I did a little while back and it turns out my approximately 200 hours of play time estimates to get a full nether right beacon when you incorporate going back into the overworld fetching your resupply on beds coming back in seems like it actually would average out to about one piece of ancient debris every couple minutes or so which turns out to 200 hours ish of playtime to get the full now the right beacon for those of you who just really want to flex on everyone so it's there for you anyway hopefully you found this informative make sure to LIKE if you liked check out the playlist in the description if you want to catch more minecraft tutorials or update stuff whatever playlist I had them throwing this in subscribe to the channel if you're not already and we will leave it off there happy bed mining for ancient debris and getting some nether right thanks for tuning in see you next time [Music] you [Music]
Channel: CaptainSparklez
Views: 4,182,812
Rating: 4.91682 out of 5
Keywords: captainsparklez, captain, sparklez, lets, play, playthrough, minecraft, minecraft tutorial, netherite, netherite farming, the nether, minecraft nether
Id: yb0EWtBjR84
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 17sec (737 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 23 2020
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