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this is terrifying as a scariest thing I've ever seen he's really dangerous oh my gosh over it what's up guys it's pat and welcome back to another minecraft video hey guys so today we are checking out two different commands Jen what are they alright so one of them I think you're really gonna like and be really surprised that it exists am i actually gonna like are you just gonna kill me again no nothing bad happening I promise promise you pinky promise I don't do thank you promise me right now I don't even have you're lying I don't even have thumbs thank you promise me or pinkies stupid with your pinky all right fit for head goddess knows promise alright okay okay I promise okay so one of the commands is playground items so I cool like swings and stuff like that and they're usable yes they are usable that sounds awesome the second command is like a show we used to watch on TV a little bit with show tiny houses oh my god there's tiny houses there's like tiny mini houses that's so awesome so I thought you'd really like that one and daddys hope you enjoyed if you to smash your little tiny house into that I'll like it subscribe on that be awesome okay let's go check it out alright so yeah we've got two blocks I'm really nervous cuz there's two and every once in a while like ones not multiplayer compatible so don't crash yet go please work alright you seem fine right yep or that one that one works that one is good that is a playground items and then this is the important one Jen tiny houses and here we go it's working all right beautiful Hey okay so you've got six different things were gonna check out we have three playground items and in three tiny houses okay we were gonna start off though with the playground items even though I know Jen's gonna like tiny houses the most all right so is there swing set alright so the first thing we check out is the swing yeah you're in the eleven Oak fancier need two leads to make this somebody toss us down and then bail there's an activate button over there isn't there there must be I actually see it now so little little embarrassing all right why do you have to do the activate rod okay attempt number two don't lie it's have double three I had the wrong amount of fan sweetie twelve Oh bonus I'm really good at this kind of stuff I here we go hey come on please work great didn't wanna I missing something what you threw it down I swear to you let's go where did my leaves go up number four all right okay here we go stupid leads all right you go there attempt no more okay blanks all right so I was getting worried there for you honestly I didn't think we'd ever get this way there so this is one item in the mod it said that you need to actually relog for the string to show up and that's a glitch in minecraft so we're to reblog we're to come back and a string we'll be right there okay all right beans we are back and the string has appeared I'm doing on oh my god oh cool is so fun it's like a really windy day or something are we gonna die are you okay oh my god this is terrifying it's the scariest thing I've ever seen he's really dangerous oh my gosh over it wait you go over the top yeah she's insane all right my turn wait oh yeah Megan on this side okay no never come on my life is not complete yet yeah my god what's wrong with this thing you just let me get a good view here we go whoa this is absolutely insane you just get on it I'm not even kicking my legs love it oh my god I must flew over the entire thing it's just the weirdest thing I've ever seen you it's absolutely amazing though today oh cool honestly I thought I was gonna be boring when we got on it but it's really really great oh my god oh my top oh my god I went over I wish swings are really like this there's a reason they're not I should make him like this when I was in elementary school someone broke their leg jumping off a swing really this thing you would break your head hey you alright so though I remember I fell off I was going really high in a swing once in elementary school like all the way to the top and then the thing unhinged rope on hinge and I fell off they came over and um they asked if I was okay it said I had to go to the nurse and I said and I was like can I do it again of course he said that's what I said think what kinda yeah I was like at most you'll probably like dial blood was gushing out of your head hello can I do it again all right next up we're on to the slide this one requires 14 iron bars and four ladder I'm probably wrong you got a waterslide put it near the water wait Oh into the water yeah that's the worst area ever we got to do it over here chanakya watery yeah the real water is do this there's no way this is gonna position correctly with all these blocks here I met to parkour I'm really embarrassed all right I'm at a place it's not perfectly okay that's the wrong way um try that again to quote no Assessors to close it so okay let's get a little further away all right position you beautifully right there no pieces that would want to go the other way wait let's put on the other side I think I can get it to work if we position it over here no worries maybe like right right about here it's not that close okay right there there we go it's working all right you go up going up and then I just go doubt it no I think it was really weird I think I did that wrong definitely get it wrong wait let me try this out okay I'm pretty sure you actually click on it and then you slide down or something I'm trying it like how do you do this wait there we go oh how did you do it you just click on the slide just right click it okay you have to get it like right in the middle of the slide all right I'm watching oh my god try this again okay I have a beautiful view jam doing it and I'm going oh yeah oh my god that was amazing that was so fun so you can have this slide in your world guys you can literally go down a slide into water if you said a lot brilliantly like this one right here perfect alright so the next one Jen is the trampoline are you ready for this oh yes all right so this one is made with four slime blocks in four iron bars like that bound you get a trampoline and where do you want it on the roof like on on the rim on the roof okay yeah all right so I'm gonna put it down right here okay I don't know how you're gonna like climb onto it out how am I gonna go on that thing why would you put it over here I thought it would work out better all right how about you can jump off the roof onto it yeah I'm gonna put one right there all right Jen okay I'm going oh my god cool is that so cool wait when you jump on it once again moving right off yeah wait let me try this out jump on it multiple times is it possible I think you have to stay near the middle of it okay all right so if you stay in the air the black part yeah you just keep your peeps going you go forever hi I want to try this again wait you're gonna get on the roof I'm gonna try for it okay all right two more yes I want to go I want to start at the roof so stay there all right so there's a goal for you this is what you have to do you go on the roof you jump down to it and then I want you to jump back onto the roof again okay all right you got this all right I don't mess it up I'm going roads watching come on all right back on the roof okay three two oh and guys also about what you can do with this one is I believe that you can make it as big as you want it to be oh make a giant one I don't know it's gonna have four my place of here yeah skirts table my leg all right so you can't mix from here John you just can't miss I'm gonna go on the roof ready I'm watching you in yes all right there you go all right let me go to survival to do this I feel like you're creative everything's easier all right I'm gonna jump back there we go did you weight it good what happened I don't know once I got into the roof I went really high into the air really like super high weight I wanted to happen to me I don't know what just happened wait shoot me off oh I was so weird and then you died did I died the cool thing about this guys you also don't take any damage from the trampolining less you go flying into the air randomly I guess I'm chapter and yes sometimes that happens let me get right to the middle this you really go super high when you start jumping I want to fly into the air like you did wait what happens if you do this if you put down one on top of the other maybe it'll become super jump oh maybe I'm not creative I don't know I'm doing all right super jump jump on that Chad okay wait good on the roof for me alright I'm on the roof okay I I'm going wait a minute mister I'm a really horrible job that never happens it didn't happen you did that one really never oh here you are already make the job um it doesn't work you can't even do that apparently if you place them on top of each other it will bug out but off guys this is actually really cool the way this works isn't it is there an emu that was the three items view onto the tiny houses okay cool so I know you were excited for this part so excited alright so I probably get rid of all these small things huh it's got too much stuff in my inventory get rid of that alright so first up Jan we are going to me how many are they there's three there's a house there's a four and there's a mine let's do the mine first the mine first yeah alright so we are gonna start with a block of diamond and an iron pickaxe is all you need to make this okay drum down and boom give a pocket mine ready for this yeah just put it down right here alright right there so it's a little house little it's really little oh yeah these are you crabs so in person anytime so you can remove the pocket mine if you take a swan egg out of here but we don't want to do that then there's storage in here and there is a nice hopper thing set up around here and is this a furnace yeah there's a nice bloody right here so guys you can put stuff in the hopper it will go right into the furnace oh and there's a way down oh this goes into the mine let's go into the hole Jack alright bring some torches it's really dark oh by the way you could just jump down there's all water waiting for you over here yeah you just go down like that alright yeah torch is probably good idea to light this place up yeah one thing you need is lots of light here we go alright so we're in this little hole together so basically this is gonna make a hole down to the bottom of the world so you can start mining you could mine around to try to find diamond pretty cool look how far down we are and you could just jump down there's no quick way to get back up though yeah make it all gotta climb the ladder if the climb all the way back up here but it's a cool little like pocket house little mine yes cute little huge I don't like saying do I sound like we're I said it looks too but umm yet looks nice I really like this why there's nothing wrong when saying that something is cute alright it was adorable alright so next up we are on to imma let you choose again before the house yet for alright we're on to the fort this one is made with a shield in with a block of diamond you throw those down one and then you get a pocket for it all right let's see it oh you mean it back up I made it up finally you only took like ten minute didn't even tell afore I'm proud of you no all right so the fourth gonna go right here oh it's cool isn't it really cool so this is gonna keep you protected for moms Jen come over this oh I get it this is the entrance they can't climb up only you can climb up all right so watch them don't go in okay because there's no room so we can go to sleep in here the bed is hiked underneath any cramps here's about I think it's only half a bed right that there's an enchantment table you can enchant your stuff there's an anvil to repair and name your stuff and there's a toilet yep clearly a toilet clearly toilet right there I'm coming in I clicked something help stuck oh sorry I think I do that again I think I'm inside first ah stuck I was trying to close the door all right so I believe that was the door and I'm sorry oh this is so cool so basically what you can do I let it go down all right you go down okay there we go all right it's gonna be easier for me to show I'm trapped in it now that I closed the door on I yep so there's a storage thing above our head and I need to get out of here I'm gonna break this so basically what you can do where Jenny's is you take a bow and arrow and you can shoot out of these holes at mobs so they can't get you oh so that is that's why it's a fort you can actually attack them from here really like these windows do those are protective Jen they're not windows so don't windows completely windows right there and also there's brewing stands right here so you could like brew up some cool potions as you're fighting mobs I like this Oh totally forgot about the coolest part what all right just stay out there watch this okay all right it's gonna be amazing this button will kill all the mobs around you so pretend to her mom all right all right can you go next to the side and growl a little way over here yeah like you're trying to break in okay she's really baracy oh the lavas coming the lava comes down to kill mommy did her around you how cool is that so cool so all you have to do is just I believe hit the button one more time and hopefully the lava will go away that's gonna make a mess yeah it's gonna be a little bit messy but you know once it got go away oh wait the wrong one I hit this one and the lava is now gone Wow that's nifty so there's a button for each side so you can actually spawn lava down I have to do is hit it one more time it will go away every mom around you will die from that so many gadgets and things I like it I mean seriously it's like the show tiny houses there's like this is a bed it's like a toilet well it's a bed - oh cool I don't know how they fit the bed into the toilet but it's they make it work they make it work - like this house is twelve square feet I'm guys like he's like to eight feet tall it's like I don't know I don't know how they do it I could never live in a house that I don't even fit in I think it'd be cozy I would probably have a bad back and stuff roughly be like hunched over all right so next up your house the best for last flock of diamonds Baca bricks pocket house okay let's get a little further let's do it right over here okay right here is the spot all right boy I'm ready the house is ready wait this is the house this is the house it is everything a person needs there's a cactus I know it has a garden too can you go inside yeah you can you can oh how do you do it wait I know that there's all the lever or something somewhere yeah her buds away how do you get into this we're not expecting this there is totally away into this oh there's even a little garden it runs off the daylight sensor and that might be the reason that it's like that right now wait oh hold on let me try something okay make you be completely wrong what I'm doing I was there 15,000 and then you can go in when it gets to be night time you could just jump right in oh this is night you gotta get in the house right okay I do I want to go in here yes hey yeah this is nice so you've got chess you've got dispensers you can't the table you have your own jukebox you have an entire garden Jen entire Gordon wait sleep in the bed I want to see how it fits okay um well I'm just you have to compromise yeah this really cozy right now it's like Duran leaves my mouth lay hold on the other one had the most ridiculous band I've ever seen right was it this one they had the ridiculous all right let me turn off this lava get out of the I'm out of the bed oh you are it's like you can't stay in there forever I want you to try to get into the bed that's over here okay I have to see what happens all right don't bored of me all right goodnight okay now go to bed okay how do I look you look cozy hey do your whole bodies crush that rump the blocks he's insane isn't it I think this one's my favorite one so there's a daylight sensor that actually like opens it closes the door oh and also guys it's actually pretty cool so I'm gonna show it really quickly with some bone meal and stuff this bone marrow cactuses a cacti try it and see I've never tried this it doesn't do it's gonna work I was kind of hoping that it would alright so basically let me explain this the reason there's a weird piece of glass here when the cactus grows it's actually going to knock that piece off so that you can gather it automatically so it's like an automatic cactus farm so cool but I'm gonna take the bone meal at least grow these okay you upset at meat open at all right so I'm growing some nice plants right here you can have your own garden Jen oh yeah I'm going in I don't think I went in this one yeah yeah go in crashing table below you it's really you know it's really nice it's really nice in here I really like it this is one of the weirdest commands I've ever seen no I like the fort the best the force your favorite water it's really cool with the lava and everything I know you can actually take out the mob see this is not you experiment no is little I thought I would actually look like a house honestly this is the one that looks like a house yeah good night it looks like a little tiny house as we thought dad this one's thanks to you no but I put a lot of effort into this turning into something that's actually useful yeah it's true like you could do absolutely everything you could even grab like the stuff off the tree right here you can grab them whenever you are useful off anyways dudes we combine the two commands had absolutely nothing to do with each other today but I really hope that you enjoyed this video if you did they definitely cross your house if you have a house that's small into the subscribe button and drop alike as well that would be absolutely amazing and we will see you guys next time leash dog hey guys you
Channel: PopularMMOs
Views: 17,074,314
Rating: 4.8821087 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, custom, mod, mods, command, house, mini, small, slide, swing, waterslide, playground, one command block, modded, mini-game, slider, games, game, minecraft mods, custom command, minecraft command, redstone, block, mine, ore, mining, fort, tiny house, items, lava, trap, funny, moments, popularmmos, gamingwithjen, modded mini-game, build, structure, song, animation, how to, tutorial, map, parkour, 1.9, minecraft 1.9, house mod, playground mod, house command, structures mod, new, fun, farm, bed, enchant, lets play
Id: _GBb_KWOYuc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 5sec (1085 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 20 2016
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