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all right so basically all you have to do guys is just click on the ground if you want to destroy something you click there and then it happens did she just do it welcome back to another video this week we were doing new intros every single day like I feel like a robot saying the same thing every single video I just can't do it anymore jad I know you're right I'm sick of saying the same thing every day too I don't think really weird like yeah I try to keep my commentary in that ourselves but yeah with new intro just be new people I want a new name alright Bob that good no call me Bob it ok now we're going back so guys the thing is when you make youtube videos you say the same intro every time that's the only thing that feels so unnatural it's like so robotic it's like hey what's up dudes it's Pat it feels so weird so every day new interest we cannot think of what we're gonna say before we're gonna say it just has to be crazy like I like having a bucket of lava with me Network something awkward a cringy having to just throw it down so nerds if you're new to the channel be sure to smash that subscribe button you will not see content like this anywhere else I'd even say what the videos about yeah also leave a comment down below right down here guys right down here I'll be replying to a bunch you dudes cuz we appreciate your amazing support and I'm gonna flap here and tell you guys exactly what is going on today all right so we are checking out the brand new command and when I say a new command it came out two years ago but it was so epic I had to show it to everybody alright don't worry the command is so deadly that this is nothing compared to what's gonna happen so we're checking out the disaster command it looks absolutely amazing you have to come outside with me right now jack my own disaster prepared oh you do yes I do are you just gonna take in a pocket of lava and just pour it on me you have a bucket okay all right so it's really important that you are in survival for today's episode okay no no it's really important I don't even run why aren't you in survival because I have to create items yeah mm-hmm mmm Bobette all right so are you in survival all right so guys what you need to do when you're down this commit by the way it is by th commands once again so the link down below to a channel you will meet a crafting table in a bucket of lava and boom you get this morning it isn't the disaster crafter Oh you can't just steal the disaster crafter all right so what you do is you get in there and you have to make some trades so I'm gonna grab everything right now so it is gonna be stone it also a diamond and I was get a meteor which is gonna be awesome I just buy everything alright so an iron shovel and I to loot everything no cuz I want everything - alright okay I'm gonna get plenty I'll get us entire stacks of everything do you want perfect alright so the next one it will be okay so for that one that I just bought it's a sinkhole next up is a blizzard we need 60 for snow with the diamond and then we need a bucket of water this one's to get a tsunami a real tsunami again alright then that we need Flint steel for this one this one will give us a heatwave and then next up 64 sand you're right sandstorm turn to run day since no I was thinking she doesn't know what that means I have no idea what I was thinking alright volcano for the next one and then finally we have for a bucket of water we will get the flood so not only is there a tsunami there's also a flood can I have everything now alright so we're gonna start with the first one so I will give you a meteor oh thank you alright so basically all you have to do guys is just click on the ground if you want destroy something you click there and then it happens did she just do it oh my god Jen I think you might have broken the machine anything she's okay did you see it or did you miss with replace okay oh just come to baby alright why don't you go that way and spot it in and I'll just stand over here oh yeah okay no you have to just need to look off your side there Laurie all right look up I should probably send my spotters okay yeah set it right there cuz that spawn point would be just fine after is that like the best meteor you've ever seen it works like an island I know this guy's just falling down it's beautiful today so guys as you can see it caused a massive crater I don't know how no idea alright come to me so that was the first of all next up we're onto a sinkhole and we're gonna give you okay what you need to do is just run right now Rhonda will she make it I think you made it just fine okay look he takes a little time Wow oh that's actually really cool experience alright so what I'm gonna do is I'm if Gabriel keep inventory as well okay and I'm gonna experience it with you and survive right here okay so did I ever give you some more egg no all right there you go thank you all right let's do I think we're gonna live it looks like like an elevator down down again okay are you okay I'm taking some damage right now further will you die die Oh told what to me I'm so sorry yeah they've just fine oh I clicked meteor by the way Stoke did it land in the water I think it's that possible oh my god who would have known Fitness can't even happen well cool the meteor actually crashed teleports you though while you're not in there okay right here look at this it literally crashed and it's like wobbling around in the water jump on it do you think I don't know if it's a good idea I'm gonna try to jump on it Goomer okay oh no wait wait when you go near it disappears oh it does Oh cuz you need to be able to see it from further away that's why you can't actually jump on it alright I'm sorry it's not what you expected all right Oh a little disappointed by the giant ride the media what are you doing oh so it's Martin creepers oh the other meteor it's still okay I think I'm gonna on large it by shooting another meteor act No oh yeah y'all are mobs that meteor and maybe both of them will fall down this one's up there oh no it's blowing up right now oh alright so what we're to do is we're ahead back to where the house is and here it's a good smocks I think the house itself is like not that bad no it's horrible no it could be worse brilliant idea I just came up with so it's on fire right yes take this blizzard a look exactly the same dun dun dun here we go what does that mean here Ron oh wait oh oh the visibility is terrible I can't see don't drive Jen go drive oh my god I can't move wait I need to get further away so I can actually see what it looks like but I'm like so stuck I'm gonna slash kill myself and see if I could respawn and be outside the horrible dis okay wait okay I think it's working I think I'm flying I hope I'm flying yes Jen it's a huge huge blizzard oh wow oh man the blizzard is completely massive Jen still by but she is so insane right now I'm understanding why there's lag this blocks movement everywhere no and I'm in the house oh you okay yo oh I made it by bet yo boy yo yo yo boy you guys just call me yo boy and we'll call her Bob back so really next episode when you have a new intro you come up with a new name look at this this is just crazy I don't even know where to go I cannot believe how big this Blizzard is all right so movie bigger then Blizzard sorry yeah all right okay are you ready for the next one I'm sorry oh yeah yeah yeah boy okay but there's that tsunami okay oh it's like army oh my god coming all right yeah they will be more effective one thing still aren't you stand right there okay and then I'll what are there wow-whee I bet you the higher that I started hold on all right teleport to me right now all right so what I'm gonna try to do is I'm heading up here Jen okay to the top of the bow no no no we should go over you if I do it from up here okay I'm pretty sure I think so look no I'm wrong so big all right okay from here just stay right there okay I know this one really not too deadly it's just like a big weight it's cool how they were actually able to make it look like a real wave oh so cool all right so what I want to do in comparison is Mimi why don't we try the flawed compared to that one why because it's gonna actually flood this right way I want to do it like it it knows all right I don't know what you're doing wait did the silverfish somehow attack you oh you know what I think we're too far away from the command blocks so it's coming out but it's not loaded in anymore he's actually attacking you instead all right guys so you do need to be at least somewhat close to the command block Chantal born eBay all right ready for it this will not attack you probably all right nerds we are back we believe the world took too much damage the machine look like Swiss cheese we have a brand spanking new world with a new machine all right so I will give you the flood you will try it if it attacks you I'm really sorry where's the fun I don't know but it should be okay I'm nervous we might have to be in the water for this to work flying away oh my gosh keep swimming just keep swimming up Jen the whole world wait I have to get into survival house whoa let's see if we get inside Wow I cannot believe it the whole world has just flooded guys you know it'd be really crazy what I would look it again look at your heart tree all right okay now you should do the tsunami wait I'm sorry I'm heading in through your door oh I wouldn't go into you all right oh oh no don't let the watery wait is fine climb up Jen up here is fine it's not that bad except we're at a house I cannot believe what happened here guys Jen's right we're gonna get on the roof and we'll try the other water yeah let's get on the roof okay so we can climb up here we're probably at the reset of the world again yes horrible all right we should do the volcano on the roof you think we should do it yes the volcano on the room cake no on the roof all right so I'm doing the flood again oh is that what you wanted maybe the volcano there oh wow indeed so actually like turn it into a volcano okay so I'm just looking over here to make sure everything's okay all right I know you did the flood again apparently it won't get higher than this which is probably a good thing all right volcano right here we're going to both your life for it are you sure you don't want to do it over there oh oh do you think it's gonna start shooting at rocks like it's gonna grow into one escape there has to be well yeah oh no this is horrible this is so bad oh no it's eating me alive I'm trying to park around where you are yes all right I'm not I'm suffocating out here I'm gonna come out of it so we can see what this thing looks like oh it's so incredibly tall okay you would actually be in survival for this it's perfectly safe no it's really not I'm telling oh my god it shoots out oh my god I'm loving it Jen your house was underneath this stop I wonder how long it erupts for oh my god never ending the most insane thing I've ever seen in my life all right I think your house is okay let's go down and check it out no the water protected it except for the fraud I mean the front looks pretty bad like I think that you can still live in this if you wanted to yeah it's fine drain the water drain it out it's fine but you might want to get rid of that lava that's floating down in the sky all right so are you still in creative teleport to me to get the ultimate walk of the floor in the volcano amazing all right news we are back once again the word was just so destroyed from the volcano and the flood that we had to make a brand new one but we only have two things left now all right so we have this sandstorm and the heat wait I'm thinking we should go to the desert for both of them all right no Jen we have to just do it here this is our house you have to stand firm and this let it die okay I'm going all right you're going into house through the window all right so there's what I'm digging I think we can survive the heat wave if we're just in the house right oh yeah we're totally used to heat waves with the meridians yeah we're like basically Alden peacocks Wow I mean wait I got it what do they call what are those pink birds oh let me go let me go they live in I feel like I once was a flamingo it's weird because you're wearing like a flamingo dress I feel warmer do you feel more my god I feel like suspected me realize we all are grass are grass I'm open the garden not the beautiful garden okay the garden still looks nice but look it's like jen is a grandmama oh my god the whole world is burning all the grass is gone cuz it looks horrible no I really die it would be a shame like a total shame to see storm hit us right now I've coming in through the window okay alright I think it should be fine for the house I don't nothing's happening I don't know I can't see all right maybe it was still like loading in the other disaster and I was a little too hasty okay baby or did you see sand no is it looks sandy or out different like where we didn't destroy you notice that the whole world is this joy to this point it doesn't matter how far I go it's completely destroyed alright one more try right here if not we'll restart because we broke this world time alright guys we are back once again I'm throwing over the sand storm to Shannon she's gonna do it I wanna do it like right over here in Marina all right I'm not gonna go in there with you no you have to do all right you're trying to get away from her house trying to save your house this time aren't you alright well do it right from here right here you think the laws are gonna protect you nothing will protect you from the staff this is horrible it's horrible and it's like putting the weather effect on me if they I'm gonna make it how cool would it be to have like a game where we try to survive the disasters you are oh you did brilliant I'm trying to get through the sand amen no oh man look at it outside I know it's raining sandy okay I'm gonna hit a little peak okay a little bit is not that bad I'm not sure alright so that was interesting but let's try this okay follow me over there once again so you made it alive didn't you yes I did you didn't die no what are we gonna do it again we're gonna do it again already or twice okay all right over to me I'm teleport another one to you something happen oh just enjoy yourself how would a beautiful day outside Rome okay we got to make this yes anything's allowed right now Oh break I'm almost there I'm so sorry guys oh man I'm trying to I'm trying to get to you I don't know what's happening what did you do I mean you are 100 the quality over 9000 come I am in my head is unreal oh man I made it well dude that was every disaster I hope you guys enjoyed the video if you did definitely subscribe to our channel that would be amazing also leave a comment down below right down here it's really hard to point myself I can't change it now I'll be replying to a bunch you guys we appreciate your amazing support and we'll see dudes next time [Music] you
Channel: PopularMMOs
Views: 8,739,474
Rating: 4.8648 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, challenge, mini-games, mini games, mods, mod, trolling, parody, videos, animation, popularmmos, building, funny, moments, gamingwithjen, lets play, new, roleplay, survival, tutorial, xbox, xbox 360, showcase, custom, map, adventure, games, game, villager, house, traps, modded, biome, disaster mod, meteor mod, mod showcase, more disasters, betetr disasters, sandstorm, heat wave, jen's house, insane, crazy, epic, modded mini-game, new mods, fire, lava, explosion, volcano, tnt, survive, destroy, vs, flood
Id: Jv4JpB_kvGI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 26sec (1226 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2018
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