Minecraft: THE SECRET BASE MISSION - The Crafting Dead [1]

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] here what's going on guys it's Pat and welcome to our brand new series the crafting day hey guys hey guys I'm really excited about this I set it up so it'd be really fun there's all kinds of missions we're gonna be doing each episode so this guy right in front of us is the disguised man he's got a mission for us to complete and some really cool weapons and stuff too I think you guys are gonna enjoy it he's pretty tall he's a big zombie dude he's not a zombie he's real man he's alive he's real he's real man that is the chunk of real man right there but yeah guys I tried to make this unique so I hope you guys enjoy it be sure to slam the like button or shoot it or something like that that would be amazing we'd really appreciate it ride because you're not gonna see content like this on other channel do it right now alright so should we get started here let's do it I'm one I'm the one I'm one afraid of this what what what sorry I've had a long day I'm afraid of giving Jenna garden yeah you probably should not ever give me a gun oh it's gonna be bad so this guy says don't worry I'm not a real zombie all right so guys have you talked to him for 10 rotten flesh you get a grenade launcher and for three rotten flesh you get tank shells to shoot it and he says the zombie apocalypse has started this disguise won't fool them for long please can't be any food you can you can use one of my weapons to break into the underground base there should be items of use there so we're gonna do that totally all right so if we trade with him for 10 rotten flesh we can get a grenade launcher and for three we can get 16 tank shells I'm gonna get like 10 grenade launcher I'm saving up I'm gonna starve to death I don't care but I want the grenade launcher only an explosion could break this hearthstone so we gotta leave Jen I know you don't know much about this model all and guys if you don't know anything about this basically there's structures everywhere and they have presents in them that's cuz it's Christmas but they have chests in them with the important stuff Oh Jay get his weapon all right leave it to me I'm trying I'm trying to give it to me take it oh the candy cane thank you that's a candy the candy K oh god I can't even get it it's not a candy cane the whole just waiting for me to fall into it it really is just so you know that's very insulting to the crafting to call that a candy cane why candy canes are awesome it's true but still so we have to kill tons of these dudes and we're gonna do is just kind of walk around hopefully find awesome chests with guns and HipChat of gone and see what she does oh my god they look so scary one of them has like a giant moustache so much blood on them what have they been doing slaughtering animals yes no baby people sorry okay so let's just Boston your yeah boobs do look a little bit grumpy yeah dad that's a chunk of real man right there as you would say oh my god first gun should I give it yeah yes I'm taking it are you taking I'm taking art actually I'll take this stuff Oh Jen just so you know if you fall from a really high height like into a hole just start this out there you do break your leg oh that's awful so then I think you need morphine or a band-aid to try to make it better okay so don't fall in any holes I'm not I'm not probably oh god that guy just fell into the hole are you okay do you need some morphine don't do this he just smacked me from in the hole what is he doing so you're going oh yeah I do have a gun oh my god I almost forgot I need to use this a little bit oh my god this is gonna be crazy I'm not very good aiming it this is so bad oh god I got shot by me yeah I got too close oh sorry I've been I'm a woods don't worry Oh Jen I see a hospital this is like one of the best structures in the entire mod in front of us maybe we could live there maybe he want to live in a hospital maybe sound very good but wait I need some canned pasta you know canned pasta sounds disgusting no it's good why am i fighting you in my fist right now I have no idea no but I have all these kinds of weapons putting out my armor Jen's got a gun and she's punching a zombie alright so I'm still home yeah I don't want to eat the rotten flesh Oh thirsty actually I forgot about the thirst bar to be honest with you we need some water and we need food I don't want to you may run flush I'm saving it we need to make it to the hospital there better be supplies there let's get there quickly oh there's summat Jen take your gone and just mom down alright don't waste ammo don't waste the ammo my god you're crazy with joy no don't give me a gun in real life I would never do that I can promise you you will never get a gun in real life and if you did I'll call the police oh this is bad I don't worry okay we're fine we're fine let me get to the hospital there's probably a bunch of really cool stuff there so we know by camp did you break her leg I think so no I'm bye love you daddy you going super slow it's really bad I'm fine I'm durable Jen's a durable person Oh milk I need it Oh water canteen Jen grab that okay so you can actually fill that up at any water source and then you know not thirst to death is there any water sources around here probably I don't see any Paul I need my milk there's gotta be some hello I don't have you say hello to find water away well it's not gonna reply back do you know I see water right there right over here okay I'm coming alright I'll guard you you get walking slow because I'm so hungry hold on hold on here's an apple there you go I don't have a fire there's more food in the hospital there's gotta be alright so just drink that like Abby's dead I wish you would recover more thirst well you can keep refilling it over and over again okay you know what would it be bad to throw this on the ground empty can or am I gonna go muttering I can't do it I citizen arrest you I citizen arrest you wait is that it's caught yeah it is a citizen's arrest but you sound ridiculous when you say it you open now oh god I don't worry all right we got that oh oh oh my god he's like God oh there's another one is there like a spawner in here or something no there's no sporters okay is there Norman near close no it's got a big gaping hole Jenna alright we need to close that hole up are all these other one coming that's what she said hold on I'm gonna think this crafting table for sorry I did not mean to do that I'm taking this give me that so we got a bunch of chests around here guys do you need food Jen yes I'm like starving to death I'm gonna get this baseball bat a brand new crowbar a lot of crowbars I want this ammo why don't you take the canned pasta alright don't get the morphine in the band-aids I already know that you're gonna kill yourself okay it's gonna happen it's definitely gonna happen but I need food oh wait I have to I gave you camp pasta all right in here there's empty can't there's more soda honestly I don't have drinks like you do so we're gonna have some soda have a little give you like none why are there so many spiderwebs in here I do not like them so really broken down old hospital oh this way jet tongs more chest awesome Oh gone for me thank God I've gotten m9 painkiller what's that for I think it's like the same kind of stuff like injuring yourself okay it does bad things to you though keep that in mind what do you do I don't remember just habit okay if you have to just try it go up here so Mia this baseball bat pasta you take the can pasta already have a baseball bat if you won't have the drinks well I'm taking all this all these drinks and how many a brand new hatchet ok so up to the top I believe there is one more Jess Jen summit there it is oh how much rotten flesh do you have I've got 11 that's not bad we need 13 each I have 13 right now oh so we almost have enough already yes I'm so in here we got a med pack that heals you some so doc should we just like kill them here I have no ammo though oh you have no ammo I used it all I got a little too excited Noorie I'm sure gonna find more I can't believe you used it already alright let's go down here you know what we can find you want to live here or do you want to find a different place there's an army base all right yeah live there I don't really like the idea of living in a hospital it kind of freaks me out dude I don't know if I wanna live in a hospital either but I finally can shoot something dying you have a better gun than need to be on it this is so violent violent yeah what about it you're hitting him with a candy cane all right so that dude is down let's go into the desert let's see if we could find one okay there's so much stuff around rockers are everywhere I really need to pay attention to the ground cuz I cannot fall in any holes and break my legs I mean it you can recover from it if you actually found a hole it's gonna be fine all by the way I forgot to mention shooting guns and running actually does make mobs to you easier oh they'll come from further away okay oh the night is coming upon us night it sounds like if you like one of those old books like The Raven the night is coming up I don't know why it sounds like that to me the night is coming upon us now sounds like an old story it does alright so Jen what are we doing are we gonna find some epic stuff I don't see anything around here it's pretty uncommon you really need to find a house that we're gonna be stranded there's helicopters wait do I need to fill this I need to climb I can't even hear you kill those monsters don't worry there's just a hundred after me probably but I can't see the name place in the way there's so many night times actually worse I believe there's fast zombies at night there's fast zombies oh my god I think I found a Jen I found the helicopter I'm so good it's got so many guns it's the best structure in the mod maybe we could live there alright there's a lot of zombies coming oh that's a lot of zone no we're gonna get so much flash dump I hope that's true I hope so I'm down just destroy them all guys we go behind you - behind you oh my god they're so scary oh by the way guys I did want to mention we do have Flan's mod so there is a possibility for this I can't believe I'm gonna say it there's gonna be guns and tanks and I want to see Jen drive walk I'm serious there's guns in tanks like a really bad idea I meant plane today Saigon Sudan gun ride a gun Ryback how exactly do you ride a gun oh these pumpkins been yeah they're for iron going let's do it I suck I'm thirsty to death or not oh god wait here drink it Norway with soda don't worry I need my own canteen so we don't have to like switch it back and forth alright so much littering I feel so bad you should grabbing the pumpkins are you get those really quick well I just drink the whole world here oh there's a lot of zombies over here they're protecting the structure yes we need to kill them all all right I'm coming I'm coming he's not gonna be that bad right no ammo no matter how you are yeah I think so Sam right there oh my crowbar just broke it okay I do have another gun do a baseball bat I do have a baseball bat I have a hatchet no you're fine you'll be all right no I'm out of ammo what am I talking about don't know it's raining now I died bro they're so ugly it's ugly ridiculous alright so we need to get in here thank you get in here quickly you want to live here doesn't look very protected actually this all right I'm trying to save every both place to live no it's got amazing stuff though there's so many guns Jeb there's an ak-47 in an ar-15 year I'm diggin bolt alright no better right best it's probably best that you take simple I probably is honestly um oh my god other guns in here do you want these I'm digging the binoculars it looks cool I think that's the strongest one like in the mod oh it is yeah it's really good it's really good have the boots yeah you can take the boot to take the ak-47 already have one okay and I believe there's like a hidden chest in the back woah party guards gen Jiu I'm in the back like not in the structure but outside go back here that's a prawn oh that's the front of it come back here there's a hidden check it's got so many things in it all right let me see there's mobs coming by the way there's gonna be fine oh my god we hit the jackpot I said shoot them hit them alright so this one I'm not used to getting this much stuff in the first episode I know it's really cool I love it so much I love to call my dog Mikey yeah it's strong thank okay so let's see what is actually in here another ak-47 I'm taking some they stop being really good in here oh there's apples why don't you take all the food okay I'm gonna get this sword I'll get the map my inventory so fall we have the backpack mod it's all guys will leave the links now the links will leave the mods down below you I check those out so should we live here should we find something else Oh what do you think I don't think he's gonna protect us no it's not protected at all oh god oh wait no wait a second use my amazing gun boy shoot the zombies over there Jed okay shoot them with this awesome gun there's a dude behind Oh behind you again Oh God they just pop out of nowhere wow that's just so much damage it really does you know we have you back that guy okay yeah let's teleport back to him wait I thought I made a teleport way boy I didn't tell Berta mate okay so I've got so much flash lightning is shooting down like crazy here alright so I'm gonna buy myself a grenade launcher I'm excited about this and I'm gonna get like two stacks of ammo because it's gonna be amazing it's gonna be so cool alright let me trade with him can I shoot you with it no all right I was major not nice I so get your grenade launcher I got it alright so what should I know we have to break into this with it but what do you want to shoot first not me I don't know let's shoot the structure okay let's do it come on oh I just crash it crashed it was harassing me it's so powerful oh my god I can't believe that I come back come back okay so we need to blow this off I hope it doesn't crack baby back and back arching Oh crash you again can't even use it oh that's no fun alright so I'm not gonna shoot it again now that I broke it open go on don't come on yet okay let me just have a little fun first music oh let me have some milk I've sought it for nothing no don't worry what I'm gonna do since we didn't know I would crash Jen obviously so what we're gonna do is trade it in for grenades we have a lot of like cool mods with like crazy explosives so we'll just raise it to for something out I'm building you a hole or something we can live in the hole you can live in it I'm not living in a hole why why do you think do you think you're too good to live in a hole yes I do I'm not a hobbit do they live in holes I don't know anyways I'll stop shooting ok can I come on now yeah come on I had too much fun that's sorry already what you did let me see the destruction oh that's a nice looking hole nice looking oh nice looking more I gotta use accidentally impress yourself yeah who crashed yourself I need to get this out of my hands I'm gonna get out of my an-24 now how didn't know that would happen guys but we're gonna be messing with all kinds of cool stuff why are we taking damage I'm not even thirsty you're not thirsty no are you sure let me just grab some water this drink so what we need to do Jeff is we need to go down here because this is where the base is I'm trying to protect it by killing all these mobs I'm using food you're right no I don't know what's wrong with me you're taking damage yes even though your thirst is off yes it's really weird and it's kind of weird I'm looking at Jen's screen her thirst really his off and won't even let me drink don't even know all right I blame it on the grenade launcher anyways let's go down here okay nice head down so there's another dude in here Jen it looks like Steve can we trade with him alright so one rotten flash for a pickaxe he says the zombies have invaded the base here you will need this if you want to make it out alive alright give me one I'm a failure at a die no matter what thank you alright you Jen yeah I am I don't know what's going on are you around first okay I'll back you up I've got gone oh wait there's an evil dude you climbing a balloon boy shot I'll shoot him oh god oh my god I didn't know make your climb ladders are you a dad all right I'm going I'm RIT I'm really scared okay I'm gonna get the spawner are you this morning me oh there's chance up here oh I'll shoot him Dory I got him this is taking forever this big egg sucks alright be on it alright check out the chest oh thank god oh there's so much food finally we needed food so bad guys meets grenades grenades I want to see if the grenades actually crash you in my own kid canteen I drowned what did you drown where does that get my thirst did it go down all the way while I was like looking it's not proper I'm actually about to die and I don't even know why I want to see what it says when you die to be honest I want to know what it says I'm not thirsting to death you're not Thursday no you're just dying I want to do it says then okay I'm waiting for it see kill you come on do it drought drought that's really weird all right well jen is drowned in I've pay Li is some kind of bug with that but when you play ultimate players or something all right though so we are back and I think we're fine now we're good now there we go oh I just have I've got so much stuff Jen did you take all the food yeah doing good all right you want to take some actually because I bet a room for it yeah I'll take them okay so we have actually succeeded in conquer this base we get one down here we could let's do it let's live in the cave it's a whole it's a base to cave it's a cave sort of this is not a key no I came as a whole it's let me know anyways guys hope you enjoyed this video if you did drop a like and subscribe that would be amazing guys we'd really appreciate it we love the support and if you have any ideas for like it episode a theme for it let us know in the comment and we'll see you next time peace out see you guys [Music]
Channel: PopularMMOs
Views: 19,156,269
Rating: 4.9230862 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft missions, mission, minecraft challenges, the crafting dead, the walking dead, let's play, modded, survival, mini-game, secret base, hidden base, minecraft mods, mod, zombie apocalypse, gun mod, explosives, tnt, quest, minecraft mini-game, modded survival, games, song, animation, how to, map, modded map, survive, new, better, best, xbox, minecraft xbox, tutorial, mod showcase, gameplay, mods, base, house, build, structures, structures mod, crafting, craft, hospital, helicopter, mobs
Id: k0XvnS-1N2E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 0sec (1140 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 27 2014
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