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guys what is going on the last episode of riddle school got over 110 thousand likes that is the most likes in that span of time I have ever got in the history of the channel that is absolutely incredible so here is riddle school 3 the third in a six-part series of riddle school where we have to escape the school in various different ways I could not believe it a hundred and ten thousand likes it might even be more right now I'll throw it up on the screen but geez thank you guys so much if we can keep up the support for this that I'd be absolutely amazing we got anything close to that amount of likes again you'll blow my mind my mind do that further really let's just get into this game click start see what's going down here we go oh it's looking a lot cooler I like this that you know high school looks like it's only one room big though it looks tiny very tiny there we go there's there's undertale man there smiley and someone else and there's me bored in school yet again look at the production value of this one it's insane riddle school 3 it's even got like a proper title screen and everything this is awesome here we go so we're already in class look it just looks better already it looks so cool so we've got smiley we've got Zach and we've also got Fred in the background I completely forgot his thing I'm gonna call Zach undertale guy though because still looks like you should be an undertale 100% right here we are so study for the test on Saturday what who should we talk to first let's talk to smiley that's my some dumb insane unfathomable reason she enjoys her classes I've also noticed that she doesn't blink that's very true she doesn't blink at all her eyes must be so dry right let's talk - unintelligible it was burning a few days ago and all the flames are frozen solid from what's little I paid attention to during my science class that shouldn't be possible No it definitely should not be possible that's insane and then friends our buddy Fred you know that means whistle to escape school a while back which is in the previous video it's too bad he lost his whistle recently or I'd be out of here in a matter of seconds yes we would this says mu that mu is the best thing about this classroom besides the door to leave so that actually looks like we're in some kind of geography kind of class let's talk to mr. mr. slugger Oh gross that's mr. soggy he's a generally lazy teacher who could be very strict if he wants to be also very soggy indeed worldmap you are here not here I don't even know how to comment on that is that really a test on Saturday who could tell you what's wrong with this sentence well school is never on Saturday I take it we can't actually get out of here yet mr. Saki doesn't let anyone out of the classroom or out of his sights okay the school actually looks kind of bigger due to the maps let's hit the globe the globe just spins pants I think what is that chewing gum I'll take it very nice oh that was sneaky now is really sneaky all about this ruler as well can we got a ruler too can we combine items cuz we could flick chewing gum that'd be insane oh I did it I did it did you see that did you see that I could bind the item so you can actually like click and drag them now which is kind of crazy I don't know what I'm supposed to do with this though can I stick it to the man there we go Swiss the soggy take this mr. soggy take this wait there's a vent there's a rubber band back in the oven I would get it but my fingers couldn't reach what about this can we get it with this yes we can grab it grab it go grab it and the teacher doesn't suspect anything from this look at that that's so gross it's like a hairy piece of chewing gum oh it's so wrong it's so wrong the animation quality in this episode is it's so good what can we do the elastic band though can we flick it could we combine these no can we use it for something Flickinger him oh wait yes we got a cheap liquor here we go good job look a fly through the air oh no I've knocked his glasses off I feel kind of means poor mr. soggy I mind I can't see no you caught that's good let's get out of here I'm out of here there we go that was a very sharp idea actually it was kind of blurry it was indeed we got a Horace three poster that's awesome I'll be sure to play as soon as I'm out of this place kind of playing already buddy right let's go to the left oh what's this a penny give me the penny there's also like a weird gross mark there as well I've got one sense I'm rich all right let's going to the left and see what's going down I see another penny gimme that I got two cents who could i bribe with two cents and also all the lockers appear to be a locked which is annoying let's go to the toilets cuz last time there was a pretty key story point in here let's open this toilet paper we could take that we want we had toilet paper last time to llege that's pretty much how you should say that let's let's get rid of that mirror that says mirror I can see myself in the mirror isn't that exciting very exciting okay we've got toilet paper we've got a gum stick thing and two cents we're going well today to eat should we try it let's just try it he's gonna do it no eat it do it look at his face look at his face oh that's kind of creepy right let's go all the way to the left we've got an upstairs and an auditorium oh this is insane who's this this locker is covered with new grounds a graphic stickers that's cool I wish I could say that's my locker but sadly it is in my locker is a clean yellow one that's upstairs okay we need to remember that let's go to the left one more time and then we've got a poster miscount the door's locked and the lights are out miscount must be somewhere else okay let me just check all these lockers just in case okay they're all locked let's go to the lunch room this looks very hygienic why is there an egg and egg on the wall I'm supposed to be the squats I'm just supposing the score and our decorations I mean if I didn't have any decorations in this office I would so slap an egg on the wall Greg Greg Greg's been sleeping for eight years the old middle-school teacher mrs. sleep from the previous episode has been asleep for a few years as well they must be relatives can I take his macaroni macaroni macaroni macaroni macaroni put the cheese in the noodles or do you get what do you get macaroni and cheese that's what I'm talking about okay mrs. munch iu j what can I get for you hello everyone are you chubbs mom I'd like chocolate pudding think I changed my this just say hello hello that was that was a good conversation are you chubs mum yes why you're faster than the Sun oh I don't know if I can say that that is that's mean that's really mean I'm gonna click it ah I can live with that okay she was cool with it it's all good what is this mess on the floor as though it's so gross what can I get for you I'd like chocolate pudding sorry pudding cost a dollar you don't have enough I have two cents add you have two cents I need a dollar my goodness let's go up to my locker oh you're back oh you're actually back he needs pudding this time oh man this fat guy needs to move how does he even get round the school properly so leaping from window who prohibited Minds a yellow Locker where are they a yellow ocher which one's mine which one's mine there is some more this way as well which one's mine gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme none of those really what's this what's in there what's going on this is Richie help me out but what's the combination he's lost Athenee I could never remember why are you inside your locker I have it written down oh jeez it's in mrs. odd verbs room ID tell her I need to get out of here you definitely do or I could just keep you in there that's that's bad oh wait more yellow lockers this one's brighter there it is okay I have a nickel that's up to 7 cents that's still that's still not good all sloping to find like $20 in there but apparently not let's go into mrs. Alford what's a penny give me this give me this give me this penny eight cents we need Slyke 92 more sense to buy a pudding carrots are also people too don't forget that let's go to the teachers lounge where did you come from oh my goodness there are so many choices this is too many this is too many we need an excuse what's outside the hallway I fell asleep in class I want some Korra Phil - there's a 20 ton cat in the hallway just laugh like crazy mrs. adverb what about Richie I think I'm in the wrong room let's ask him out Richie because he's kind of stuck in the in the locker which is really bad for him what about Richie um break5 this game just gave her anima and random her by the second he doesn't know what Goomba trooper is I beat the stuffing out of him he's stuck in his locker again you think I should go to my costume and look for the combination now I already wanna click you smell like an elephant oh yes I'm gonna choose yes instead go get out of here don't go and find the combination please get out here mrs. odd verb is that Miss la pub or you mrs. odd verb I should probably leave too yeah you get out of here - get out of here get out of here oh you see what it means my chlorophyll now $200 that's the most expensive vending machine I've ever seen in my life are we actually gonna find dollars today like that many let's check all these covers and see if there's anything in here it's broken great oh nickel kami with a 13 cents we're doing good guys so we shouldn't now be able to go in the classrooms in miscount oh my goodness why is your classroom full of monkeys that's really way tall isn't a here look there's a little keyboard key I'll take that don't mind if I do that's a trash power very nice miss count I hate monkeys of course you do someone's told you big style then because there's a lot of monkeys in here a lot of monkeys somebody get me out of this locker I'm trying I'm trying my best let's go and see if mrs. adverb has the the coat on or what's this combination this it I found the combination blah Buhl's I thought it was gonna be some numbers hey odd verb how are you doing that's mrs. of verb isn't that odd very Oh no look at that spelling that's atrocious that's atrocious spelling well let's go and help this Punk out of his locker here you go here you go oh wait bubbles is it the Lexus as they occur in the alphabet so B would be to L be a b c d e f g h i j k l no because that's that's 12 oh man oh I think I might know it actually is this so that it looks like the word so we do eight eight and then one and then three and then five please be right please be right here we go open-open blob that looks like bubbles bubbles whatever it says is there another thing that could look like an la7 not really Global's please say that's right can you get out oh no what ah oh wait a second what if we do it backwards so it looks upside down you know you snowing calculators maybe so if you turn upside down this will look like a blob oles let me try a three and then oh no wait this needs to be a seven and then this needs to be a three let's go three and then one two three four five unlock yes get out of here there you go how long have you been in here fill egg tree is that my name is that actually my name fill egg three are the combination there you go buddy thanks Oh would you get me oh by the way I'm collecting buttons okay that's awesome do you want the button that I've got cuz I've got got 38 cents that's perfect right we haven't visited the janitor yet that's going here what do you want the bathroom sink is stuck the hallways a mess bread crumbs and beaver spit I think I'll leave now I want this I want this nickel the bathroom sink is stuck no not possible of all people I would know if the sink was overflowing I can hear a plumbing problem from a mile away the hallways a mess yeah well I gave up trying to clean the hallways okay so you won't let me pick anything up so we need to get him out of there how could we get him out of there there must be a way or we haven't been to the auditorium yet it's only unlocked during the school performances that won't happen anytime soon though okay what about a supply closet tissues stapler bin oh there's the time up here the time is about a foot and a half out of my reach can you just jump on these no can you jump on this can you use this to get it let's use this no no I can't use that at all I think I might need to make this longer somehow I don't know what to do oh wait let's see if this works let's see if this works yes flush flush flush we're causing an absolute ruckus in this school today well it's escalate oh jeez here comes the janitor do I hear a call he said he could hear it from a mile off oh my goodness haha there he is is in there the janitors stalling seriously though does it take this long to remove toilet paper from the toilet I guess so let's go to his closet again where is it I've lost it there we go now we should be able to pick this up a quarter of a 63 cents I'm doing well I'm doing well there's a bucket on the floor I better not kick it I got more you mean that and there's a chair it's just a chair I know what do you want me to do yeah I guess you could the only thing is now that I don't know what to do is I'm trying to find that guy who was collecting buttons so oh wait there's a there's a coin right here penny 64 cents I'm rich is there anything we can pick up in here anything at all anything at all that's sure that's chalk glasses we could take his glasses that's so mean only I'm consider ivory yet cheese what am i doing you have to be super quiet be quiet it's a library shut up this guy's very upset with himself we've got a book sonic sonic is awesome stop reading that's a terrible book why is this book glowing how to read read this this book was written by George Age 5 well I this book I love this poem book by pinky fine 5 pennies find them all every pennies in the hall don't beat this game to taste rate or else you'll meet a certain fates deep in the jungle you'll find the key guarded by creatures they watch from the trees so I'm guessing that means monkeys and we need five pennies from the hallways ok that's good this is these are good books face on apply directly to the toenail what's what's this message was no stop reading mr. Reid how are you doing I'm feeling kind of depressed I'm a librarian and I can't even read well I can read but only big print books you see my eyesight is like a stuffed monkey doll it's fuzzy ok great let's get out of here oh no wait we're all right can you use these take these take these yes yes you can see cuz he said he could only read big texts now you can read small text here's a free bookmark Fant plastic thank you thank you thank you for the bookmark now I think we can combine these two now yes and now we can go back and get that money and I can't remember where the money was it was where was it death the supply cause it's of course right now I should be able to grab this if I put this on there yes my brain is working well today I like this grab it knock it off nice collections 74 cents I still need 26 cents from somewhere I'm guessing there's more pennies in this hallway somewhere because I should be on a round number I think so let me search for this and I'll come back to you when I'm a little bit richer there it is found it give me the penny so I need 25 cents now which is a nice round number but who could I get that from I don't know what else I need to do I need to find that guy oh wait here it is Ritchie if you find any buttons or badges of any kind lying around show them to me here you go enjoy this enjoy it enjoy it have it why won't you take it off me buns or badges oh I haven't been here yet jeez how did I miss this what what are you saying mrs. floss Yahtzee she's the shape of applause that's amazing is your button making machine almost complete mrs. flask well I feel sorry to admit it but I can't turn it on it needs a switch or a button to even work so I need a button to make a button it doesn't have to be big all I need is something slightly larger than a pistachio no what about this does this work wow it does look at that a a for turn on tap they're always gonna happen whoa it's like a toast toaster a very very bad so so that makes badges can I take this it's a start now we can give this to the other guy and hopefully we're making some progress very nice we still need more money though is there any more money in here I can't see anything right let's go and give this button to this guy hopefully who give us 25 cents please take this enjoy it there we go hey nice thanks for the button buddy look at that suits you yes yes good good Center a dollar science rocks yet you're the man you're the man Ritchie thanks man probably right let's go buy ourselves a great big chocolate pudding I am excited right let's go downstairs and then to the canteen where is it lunch room here we go can I have myself a chocolate pudding please I've collected all this money for you it's right I promise you it's right chocolate pudding please give it wow that's massive that's huge that was a good deal that was so worth trying to find the dollars worth of change look how big this thing is now we should be able to give this to the a giant a guy who is still learning at the school and here you go chocolate pudding buddy law renounce learn about God walks no tax Oh Oh No watch out watch out though run away run away oh dear wait we escaped now is our way to escape it is we're in the auditorium that wasn't open let's leave let's get out of here weak we not get out of here who knew chub could make it such a great wrecking ball I thought that was the outside world how do I get out of here now where was the key there was meant to be a key I'm in the office hello this is mrs. mooses how can I help you Oh five is here hey five how you doing so many choices so many choices what do I need though we need ya why is my picture on the wall I couldn't find a picture of the counts nice is that your any reason ah you're an insolent tub of lard speak for yourself kid everyone takes insults really well in this school I want to see mr. potato please why would you be sent to the counselor I have a ruler with gum on it I can see you're not needed here have a nice day I'm in trouble your trouble is not my trouble go away oh come on I need to see him I'm awesome I felt you the logic of that but go right at it of course of course where's mr. potato where is he what does he look like he's playing video games look at that video again that's beautiful he does look like a potato as well but that's the key we needs sneak sneak very carefully not even sneak just woke up grab the key and we're out of here love the animations and stuff in this game this is this is really cool I love the music as well very nice I think we got the key guys were out of here we are out of here here we go that seemed very epic for something that wasn't supposed to be it's pink yes let's go let's get out here where do we need to go downstairs to the left to left and leave we did it yes out into the open world I can go to Starbucks I can go to Pizza lands that's not even a place and go to Freddy fazbear's I can eat all the pizza I wants while I'm supposed to be in school that's such a small high school for the amount of rooms that are inside it could I steal the bus that'd be pretty cool as well oh I have my own car no way I have moved up in the world that's a decent car the color is amazing is that even my car yeah it is swag swag swag she says key on it come on let's get out of here oh no I'm gonna play a driving game now this is epic look how happy is that's a really nice car for someone who's still in high school the end yes this is really epic stay tuned of the credits your time no I don't want to see that it's probably really bad why is there a flying pig and why is he if why is he flying faster than me that's one speedy Pig I like that oh let me jump he got hit by a speed sign rest in peace little pig rest in peace there's another one there's another one another another big I was good a sheep then what's gonna happen to this one please don't die can this one survive please please ah he didn't survive Oh poor pig don't fly near cars there we go drive up into the distance my friend after you helped kill two pigs it took you this long to beat the game 24 minutes and 33 seconds hopefully the video is a lot shorter for you guys I don't think that's too bad so we are halfway through the riddle school series again guys thank you for blowing my mind that with the amount of likes in the previous video if you could get anywhere near that as I mentioned the beginning that would be awesome so please leave a big fat thumbs up if you enjoyed it I would like to see some more riddle schools soon because I love this game it's really cool all the animations in the gameplay it's a lot harder but everything is a lot better which is really really cool so thank you guys so much for watching if you did enjoy please leave a big fat thumbs up that'd be greatly appreciated and if it happens to be the first video you see by me please do consider subscribing join team tvN's day for daily gameplay videos apart from that thank you again so much watching you can follow me on Twitter and description below too if you so wish now see you guys in the next one yeah
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 22,621,844
Rating: 4.9430709 out of 5
Keywords: riddle school, school, escape from school, thediamondminecart, minecart, playthrough, dantdm, no swearing, no cursing, dr trayaurus, tdm, the diamond minecart, trayaurus, grim, challenge, app, free app, free app game, free game
Id: lmANvpfPbHM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 38sec (1358 seconds)
Published: Mon May 09 2016
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