TULIE IS DEAD?!?! (Minecraft Horror Map)

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so while I was out on tour a lot of you guys said that your favorite videos by me were some of the horror maps I played so obviously you liked me screaming like a girl a lot so today I thought I play a new horror map and it's called the coma so scary that I've lost my skin I don't know why even more scary though because of my shoulder pink sheep is here and I don't know why hey let's begin we've got a voice tester we've got the rules let's go for the rules the rules don't play voice Esther that doesn't work either okay um this is um this is a good sign right big white button let's go the coma nice I like this this mean it's cold doctor said said yeah yeah I will I certainly will enjoy this I'm sure funny way I am now back for working again at my shop at 3:00 a.m. all right now I need to check all the furniture if it is all complain and no one's feel them okay so 3:00 a.m. guys we all know about the 3m videos what's going oh is this my house surely this is of my house right I have no idea he's been talking about checking it's so weird I have a hot bar there's no chat I'm not sure what's going on and I'm walking really slow I think I'm in some kind of mall or shopping center I think I'm in a shop we took look in these chests I guess right let's go through this door and see what some what's behind there I can't escape right I'm stuck items and keys okay old keys new keys tools and furnitures ah 32 oh no someone stole on my stuff I need to find an emergency key for the door because it will not open without electricity okay we're next oh no where's truely when you need to chill 8 chui where are you right it's going to be a puppy air instead let's take puppy air with us so arm that's the thing well key this way right old keys or new keys which Keys do I need definitely no new keys there's not even any old keys okay I'm in big trouble uh anything else here keys here - no great okay um hello can anyone help me out are there's more levels okay with buying let's just try and find the keys can be absolutely fine nothing ah here we go so let's get out of here let let's get out of here the voice acting is kind of creepy Poppaea is going to keep me safe though we will start the key as well let's let's go papi yeah I know you scare me every time I switch to because you remind me of I mean me being next but I'm let's try this here we go key slam ah geez I can't hear I can't hear I can't hear okay I missed the whole speech I think he said something about a shop this is cool look at this there's a little arm clock a shrub fantastic off spruce II no way get out of here Shirley how's it going yes we got red chilly here there's no white chilly but that's final of the kauai piano as well oh man my heart rate won't go down that was horrible this crafting table - there's like a 3d crafting table that's cool right um no let's get you out of here excuse me Lucy get out of here we got to Lee now there we go right me and truly against the world let's see what goes down here I'm a little bit scared very worried why just leave it here oh okay that's a little bit odd but that's fine no no no no no this is scary the power went out again ya think there is something wrong at my generator room okay I need to repair that now great okay can we no just leave instead that doesn't look good right I'm not going to do that Shirley I'm going to need your help please it's my generator room in here this is like a dining table how am I gonna said scary this cave is so bad it's even like floorboards sound it's horrible wait is this a this is the kitchen okay we've got charcoal great why would I need this charcoal and coal I'm going to take it anyway got some new recipes but minecraft I know how to use coal fine put some beef some muffin chicken and stuff I don't know why I'm gonna take all this stuff but um you know what white why should I try out there so let's go to the generator room and fix the power okay you know what let's get rid of all these things let's take what matters there we go and too late mister leave a key we're going to get out of here so why would I need a key though because I could go through here this doesn't need a key but there's a pressure plate there so I see what it does no I can't I can't I can't I can't I can't can't screams Gary where is the locked door actually that might be the way because this is my bedroom there are no the doors in this bedroom so I definitely need to walk through that sprucing well you not just get out of here okay I'm taking the plunge here we go pressure plate activate this generator needs the key from the kitchen okay we already did that of course they've got a picture of Slenderman it's a generator room let's find out here we go why is there laughing oh jeez okay I'm ready guys prepare yourself here we go here we go Julie keep me safe hello oh here's the generator boom easy mode oh it's gonna learn to work no they need to speak with the manager about this great but first let me check the old room okay he didn't know this since I stayed at this hotel what a hotel I thought where our whole mind you I missed loads of the story exhaust busy screaming right okay there's another door here there's weights which one's the door we came through oh I can't even get through this one okay right let's go here we go oh okay ah the TV's on why is the TV on why they're chains down here hello sir radio Oh key key and key do I need to shush oh wait a second what to say help me okay this is not good it's definitely not good Julie please help me out here keep me safe if anything happens please jump in to my aid I know you'll take a bullet for me Julie I know you'll take a bullet for me right okay let's take all three of these and do some stuff with them okay there's a keyhole here great okay what all too late or too late what you talking about I need to get out of here I need to get out of it writers to a leaving here great ok let's go let's go let's go about hits let me run now ha ha oh my good jeez ok was I dreaming again really ah what's with the noise is surely you've left me I think she saved me we're gonna have to take dead bush instead ok you're not as good as truly but you're gonna have to do absolutely fine there's nothing in these boxes let's go what time is it they've stolen my alarm clock as well but his blood underneath where my alarm clock was who stole my alarm clock oh no really really what is going on here this place who brought me in here I need to get out right now yeah I would love to get out of here right now ok you're going to play some lovely tunes I like it but none of these doors work I'm right clicking but the doors aren't opening and what is going on with Mike my dreams my dreams are completely messed up it's horrible ok there we go there's our out why are you doing this to me I don't know who you who you please no leave me alone leave me alone to play beautiful piano sir it's great look mere numb me and dead bush II would love to join you can we um we join you hey why am I always having the same dreams every day but I have a vision about the closed tunnel with secret graveyards maybe my dreams wants me to go in there I need to go now Oh No 3 a.m. again why why I saw Julie as well I could've grabbed another one oh we got no it is illegal on crossing police lane what I need to do this in order to escape this terrible curse ok ok I'm cursed okay so we cursed there's like something down here dangerous area please do not cross for safety I said police lines as well can I cross them he also need to go around that that place I think no need to go down that place okay this map is a lot scarier than I thought I was gonna be my goodness anything my trunk looks help me out old maybe what's this wooden shovel let's do it let's see if we can use this because Julie's left me bush has left me sapling Saffy whatever his name was is left me as well and I'm having weird dreams someone is terrorizing me let's go let's see what's down below hello seriously there are gravels I need to use the shovel from my van haha come on one step out of your buddy let's do this I can't even see right now what is that noise oh here we go we're doing it we're doing it I cannot see a thing guys we just have to keep digging this really I literally cannot see anything right now it's awful please don't let my thing break please already break please don't break okay looks like I just need to go forward and then we're absolutely fine it's dead so I'm going to a graveyard I don't feel safe about that that's that's not that doesn't sound like fun my shovel is definitely going to break any second now please let me get through without my shovel breaking because then I'll be stuck down here alone and afraid oh wait getting light there we go that's what I'm talking about look my shovel handled that perfectly great right let's go oh no no no no no no no no no no no no please just be nice why am I not being nice I knew it that this tunnel has so many secrets I need to investigate this place so that I could stop my terrible nightmares okay this is creepy why would if you having nasty dreams nightmares why would you come voluntarily to a graveyard that's that's not what I would do I would ask you what would I do maybe I would come to the graveyard because I'm kind of weird like that alright lots of Bones okay let me take one of these just in case just in case we need it and more bones okay great that's it let's investigate all of these I think we're floating above this one or this one we're approaching above one of them but I don't know which one it's going to be all of these just have bones in literally every single one oh look I got a key okay that's good that's good news that's good news right we've got a bone in a key I'm glad this was a trip worthwhile we just make a swift right and then go straight out of this door and then hopefully everything will be you know what you know what's gonna be behind the door unicorns and rainbows and pots of gold that's exactly what's gonna be behind it here we go BAM oh wait we can't open it why can't we open it oh because we need the key there we go that make sense there we go oh no there are no unicorns behind the door to open the door great I need to find a way to escape this moose great right now are you kidding me amazed why is there always amazed hello ah I was promised unicorn Marty how did this get in here no idea someone has one here already you know I'm not the only one yeah doing this know what's going on I can't even see it you know what I'm actually happy that I can't see that because our there's a choice let's go right here we go this way oh man it's actually a maze really really where are the unicorns where are the rainbows whereas the dolls that I was well I wasn't say what I was promised but I kind of made it up so actually if I can do this made oh he was louder then through here hello who's whistling you're wasting my favorite song oh no no what's that what's that what's that what's that I'm running I'm running I'm running there's lots of Dreams no aah stop does I mean I'm going the right way though I just want to be out of this maze I don't like this maze I don't know this means please stop now is it dinner and why it's major stupid no another dead end oh it's getting whiter did I make it yes I made it dork void in here that's what oh my goodness what what it's a no it's a child no I've heard this before no no no no no no no no no no don't do it don't look at my girl what does she want from me I no idea or more about this place great I don't want you though ready I don't have a choice you know I was a weird girl it's fine we can handle that I have seen a weird sheep at the beginning who's I think controlling this whole thing that's my theory anyway but she he's employed a girl what's this in here uh-oh words guys is dead truly look at that look at our bar icon it's literally a dead chilli Julie died no how did this happen I will never forgive you for this I'm so angry let's go nothing can scare me now nothing not even you know you don't scare me you don't scare me I'm so angry with you you / - Lee back to normal okay I know there's two more of them as well and so mean little girl what did you do why would you kill so many chilies you know I'm going to save all of them here we go and save all the dead Julie's here we go oh no she's gonna start laughing even more she's so happy about ourselves but she's killed all the chilies give me them give me them why would you do this I'm so sad really sad but there's so many of them we can achieve work on an absolute on page is 13 unlucky 13 14 15 Oh No okay um I'm just gonna take this I'm just going to take this and I'm gonna walk away that looks like a scary elevator actually there's always a little bit more scary it's a little bit more dark you know what I'm sure that's gonna be fine yeah maybe not maybe not okay right let's press this button ha man I would say it's gonna be fine but this girl this girl is mean evil and creepy oh that's cool though that's really cool I like that I love all the little details this map is really well made but because it's well made that means it's scary what is this place I need to run fact okay until the end of this doors okay let's do it here we go that's right run run run run let's all read that Julie's no goal keep going keep going keep going to go for keep on going it's absolutely fine I'm going to save all 17 of these two leaves the ones that are left behind that I don't know what I'm going to do it's fine you know what keep going is this even going anywhere is this achieving anything yeah okay here we go what happened what I know is it's trying to make me scared I'm not scared I'm the hero here I'm the one saving that kid you didn't scare me this time pawed the beat it didn't kill me I just need to avoid it okay okay great great thanks thanks for advice um I am now oh no wait wait a minor grave hello my old house why am I in here what is this a another nightmare I hope there I need to go inside there now okay I need to go inside here I need to break into my own house and let's try this there's blood outside okay I'm going to blame the girl for this I still need to find out I need to find out the truth I need to be brave find out the truth of why she killed all of those Chili's through those corridors there was so many explain yourself okay what was that it looks like that someone is in my house great fantastic hello hello okay okay she's welcoming herobrine that's not good that's terrible actually right there to do this come on I'm just gonna follow all the footprints you don't scare me you don't scare me at all because you went out the window why would you do that oh I found you no no no leave me alone No why are you a puppet what's wrong with you I'm running I'm running and running and running I'm running I can't really run very fast in the other stairs it's probably a bad idea oh no no stop okay bedroom um where do I go what do I got no no no no no what just happened what just happened what's going on why am I in a bathroom hello pop it little girl what have you done to me why did you kill all these chilies secret secret daughter is not very secretive it it's got Oh what do you want from me umm why did you brought me in here umm what is happening to me please just leave me alone please I just want to take the chilies and go so can I leave please sir what's your name ah it's gone gone rent you died because of coma what roams this graveyard it's great for long for me am i dead because of coma it's better who's coma coma is that what happened to Julie did they get Oh No what's going on I don't like this I'm going back I'm going back there's another door I can go through come on we don't have to be taken by the coma it's going to be fine I can't even go through this door I can't go through any door where do I go is this the end Julie Julie no I'm gonna have to put these down here Julie acaba leave this happens this grave is for you and for all your friends let's put them all down here here we go keep silent if the music could die down that would be great Oh having a moment here right I'm gonna pick you back up just in case Oh wasn't even scary wasn't even scary I'm not even scared you took my chilis away from me as well so what did you do my Julie's hello ah and that's it that's uh that's the Matt I literally threw every kind of scary meme at us and we survived and we will never find out where the dead Julie's went sort of set some guys that's pretty much gonna wrap up this video uh you wanted me to play more scary Maps and you got what you wanted exactly what you wanted so if you want to see some more as you enjoyed this video please leave a big fat thumbs up that we greatly appreciated and if it happens to be the person you see why me how are you consider joining the greatest team on YouTube team TDM today by hitting that big fat subscribe us and apart from that guys add a lot of fun today or if you did - and I will see you guys in the next one love you all fight [Music]
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 4,923,460
Rating: 4.909925 out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, minecraft, thediamondminecart, minecart, no swearing, no cursing, dr trayaurus, tdm, the diamond minecart, trayaurus, grim, app, dantdm minecraft, minecraft dantdm, minecraft funny, minecraft horror, dantdm horror map
Id: Q6iGP7k2qYU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 37sec (1177 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 27 2017
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