Testing MrBeast's $50,000 Minecraft Mod He Never Used

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Mr Beast spent $50,000 on this Minecraft mod pack and he didn't even end up using it and I'm going to be testing it as YouTube's number one tester it is my duty to test these things and this is literally Minecraft's most expensive mod pack I think ever and just for reference you could buy 10,000 Big Macs with $50,000 or in fact 10 Young camels and lastly but most importantly what I'm actually going to be judging the mod pack on visuals of course does it look good enjoyment do I actually enjoy playing the mod pack and just overall is it actually worth 10,000 Big Macs let's find out so I'm in the mod pack right now nothing crazy because the thing is what you have to do first is kill a Wen I'm not very good at the game this is going to be quite difficult so the best thing to do really for me is to just get stacked as quickly as possible probably just going to get iron armor and then find an ancient city as best as we can but obviously I'm not going to bore you with the stacking up part so let me just put it into a quick Montage so I had all the food I need needed and I was ready to go down into a cave but the game started lagging a bit so I had to relog and upon Rel logging I was greeted by being suffocated because the game wasn't currently loaded very well so then when I respawned in I was just in a wall dying so I had to dig myself out and not only that my furnace which had all my food in was gone so I had to quickly go get more food and then eventually go into a cave after removing the entire Animal Kingdom in Minecraft it was now time to go into a cave and luckily for me the cave I decided was just the most deadly Cave of all time I've genuinely never seen so many creepers in one space like look at this clip oh my God how many creepers okay so I'm full iron I'm also in the ice spikes biome which is like a really good biome for an ancient city to spawn and this is a really good cave underneath a massive Mountain so there's a high probability that there is actually an ancient city here and the good thing as well is a creeper blew up by me and it reminded me to get snowballs so we can actually trap the warden cuz I think that's how I'm going to have to do it there were some of the dripstone spikes which I think I'm going to try and get although I've kind of Forgotten where I was oh no is this a deep dark y okay there is a deep dark here which means there's a large chance there's probably an ancient city here which is good but also very scary yes oh my God okay okay I have I have a really good idea so I just need to pick up all these spikes I'm going to need like a lot okay I'm just going to trust about 110 spikes is enough I'm sure it will I'm just going to repeatedly drop it on the warden okay and we're back at the deep dark I don't see any shriekers which is good that's a witch that's a witch that's a witch that's a witch please oh yep agent City okay I think I also just triggered a shrier too the challenge is now officially started so realistically I need to trigger shers cuz I need to kill a warden but I kind of want to set up my Warden trap so let's get some shears get some wo blocks let's loot the place and then we'll go from there oh it's quite scary when you can't see a thing oh I see Diamonds though yay and to be fair the mod does tell you that you're probably going to want to try and find a diamond sword so that kind of sucks I only found one man bro I didn't even mean to okay well he spawned he spawned he spawned he's spawned he spawned he's spawned he's spawned okay he's right there which is not great this is a good area to make the Trap okay he's already despawn which is actually good okay I'm sure you've seen how this trap works and you're probably wondering how are you going to kill him well let me show you a little something I like to call drop spikes from very high up 3,000 okay this looks pretty high up I there's no way he can Sonic shreak me from here and if he can I can just run all the way this way because I'm going to make the weight up and the way back a little bit of an escape tunnel okay so the game plan is I trigger a shrier I lead the warden into the Trap he falls in then I run round swim up into this water and then I drop spikes on him while he's in that trap okay so I hope this works let's go spawner Warden might as well loot I mean ultimately I'm Pro four oh my God yes please hey spawn man okay cool he should spawn all right he is really really good position he's in a really good position get in the Trap please oh you big dumb idiot oh you absolute big dumb idiot you're so stupid you're so stupid all right he he he should be like kind of pissed off I need to keep triggering him so he doesn't despawn it's just I cannot see okay swim swim swim swim swim swim swim swim swim swim swim swim swim oh my God wait my God how' he hit me bro like what why did that not work okay okay okay okay he despawns he despawns he deso that's why it wasn't working it was landing on the trap doors new plan new plan new plan we dig far down we dig far down okay we got to dig this out of bit okay so I've dug this out a bit deeper hoping if I get warden in through this Gap I can then remove these trap doors and then go up back up the water thing and then drop the spikes and if that doesn't work we then try and drown the warden this is my last chance at actually being able to do it because else I have no idea how oh Warden come get me all right where did he spawn I literally cannot see a thing oh hey you big dummy yeah yeah keep walking you're so stupid you're actually stupid you're genuinely so dumb okay okay okay okay now we just need to swim up our water thing and then we're good dude how is he hitting me from there how is he hitting me from there okay I think it's works I think this works I think this works I think this works I think this works I think this works yes 1 billion IQ okay now we just keep doing this wait he just died he just died he just died he just died he should have dropped if the mod's working he should have dropped a key which means we can then head to the portal thing and then it opens up a new dimension and we can finally start playing the mod did I drop the key do I have it yes okay now all we need to do is head up to that portal and would you look at that it looks like we require a key and I have a key everyone always said this looked like it should be a portal and open to a new dimension well Mr B spent $50,000 let's see what it looks like oh my God that looks insane right okay oh there's one on me okay cool uh right okay so I don't have a choice I'm now in the dimension okay ah let's look not Eerie at all I want I I want this block what is it what is this what is this block okay that was like one of my only light sources what on Earth is this the first city oh my God yo there's like tentacles brother there's tentacles brother okay yeah this is terrifying I'm going to be honest this visually is crazy I'm so confused what to look at there's no shers so I think I can just like run right I also don't want to fall down there oh my God okay yeah this is really cool 50k worth though H I don't know let's keep let's keep exploring looks PR good though that oh I was about to say that looks kind of menacing right okay um eternus dimensional Devourer find a way to a t so I need to get to that checkpoint I guess I have to keep going this way way because there wasn't really another way I could go there's not a lot of mobs I need to fight it's not it's not that dangerous I don't think although that was scary Gap oh okay I oh okay I'm glad I kept this snow this is going to be the Savior yes yes yes yes yes oh my God okay I'm just running I'm just running I'm just running I'm just running oh oh my God bro wardens are way too scary getting the darkness effect in this oh my God that's still light what is going on is that Wen still chasing me wait I think he's still onto me what the yo okay okay okay okay okay that's not chill that is not chill that is not chill there's a Warden still chasing me in a massive eye who's like breaking the map okay cool that's chill actually wait no that's the opposite of chill it is is quite not chill in fact what the Y oh wait those block mechanics are sick I almost just died those like tentacles that break the map that's insane how do you even like code that there's another Warden I'm on fire Jesus Christ I'm just dead okay cool okay attempt number two we have one death already I couldn't see the map cuz I had the darkness effect from this bastard yeah look at you little okay I just got one banged all right never mind um okay H we got to be a little smarter this bad what the yo okay I I was talking him I deserve that I deserve that honestly I deserve that okay I was about to say like this isn't hard but this is actually really difficult I need to like lure this Warden away look at the snowball you bastard okay the map is still getting destroyed can I make the jump oh my God I made the jump I couldn't even see okay right now I'm shifting and waiting because yeah scary all right well this is the Fest we've got right okay dude he's just he's he's what the why GG I think we've made it to the first checkpoint find a way to defeat a tus all right so yo okay that's not cool man right what do I have to do oh objective destroy the tower blocking your view of a tenis so I got to I got to make sure that I aim right on that red dot all right well it's charging up I'm pretty on the money who fire the Doom breaker at a tace okay so I just got to pump this thing into his eye what am I doing like look at what's happening right now I'm firing a massive cannon into an eye Jesus Christ okay so hold space yo wait the Cinematic shot is sick yo wait that's fire that's really cool oh I'm back being touched up by tentacles now that is a sentence I don't want want to say again yep there I go there I go I'm going into a turnus this has taken a very very different trajectory than I thought it would this cut scene's really cool though I feel like I'm in a movie this is Minecraft by the way what whoa wait this is sick dude this can't be Minecraft man this can't be Minecraft man I need to take a screenshot whoo oh is that like a rift from fortnite wow that's absurd okay so I need to rebuild the cannon I guess there's three parts missing and it looks like there's three different like Islands kind of thing all right let's go this looks fun into the rift yo wait that's so clean too this look it feels like a Mario level what happens if I stand on this oh okay yo oh my God that fireball looks sick that fireball looks so cool so what do I need to do I need to get up there so I guess I just go up this oh wait I have to go here okay dude these guys fire so frequently chill out guys can I hit it back no let's go let's go let's go okay I think this is the last one wait that was really easy actually that that okay that that was actually so easy all right we' picked one of the bits and now we're already back I have this massive thing on my ass no I need to go back up there okay wait let's go back up there hold up I need to go back oh wait no oh this is game number two I guess where am I like what is this okay yep that's an egg I thought it was going to be an egg wait are these guys like strong okay they're not that strong but there is a lot of them how much damage do they do okay they don't do that much damage disable the generators to lower the barrier I'm guessing I just can't get through this right yep can't get through it there is a lot of those spider guys what does this do okay it takes me over here nice guys guys guys guys guys chill guys chill guys chill guys chill I think this should take me to yeah there we go okay we found the piece we found one of the right click to disable okay I've disabled one of the towers how do I get back okay I just got to go this way oh wait that takes me straight back nice huge huge huge okay so let's disable the next barrier and hopefully that brings down those lasers also these mobs look great I'm going to be honest look at these little guys there they're really easy to kill but they are pretty cool let's see what the red one does I'm guessing it just explodes I'm bringing my shield out for this also how tank are they yeah it just explodes they they seem a bit tanky though which is kind of cool the sounds and stuff are insane okay let's go back that is not the way okay we can disable the next generator we finally made it oh my goodness okay boom boom boom boom and then it should take us back it does yo this is very well made can I even place blocks can I place blocks oh I can all right well we are going through now I don't get vaporized by this okay I just don't trust that can I break this I cannot break it okay cool this this is insane I still can't get over the fact this is in Minecraft this does not feel like Minecraft all right we've got the piece awesome and the rift oh my god let's go back okay cool uh do I have to add this to like the machine all right wait it just builds it for me one part missing O Okay retrieve the broken Doom breaker pieces and that guy looks like probably got something to do with it guess I'm going to Shield up for this because I'm not actually that good at Minecraft okay he's just starting to do things all right cool yo what are these mobs do I just crit them out like how do I even right okay um cool what on Earth yo wait this thing's sick all right I can do damage to him this is insane what is going on wait this guy's ass wait this guy's actually so bad though I'm just crit chaining him that's a lot of things attacking me this is really cool oh ouch however the mob is kind of easy to kill but then how how like okay oh wait never mind never mind I'm about to die I'm actually about to die hold the phone hold the phone that is a crazy attack all right how tanky are these guys are these guys tanky no they are very easy to kill but there are a lot of them I guess yes there there are certainly a lot of them ow dude dang yo this guy is getting hard carried he's getting hard carried by these planets that just shoot out Spears he is getting hard carried yo quit pushing my ass away bro dude what is happening let me hit you dude stop pushing me away if you don't walk in a straight line you can actually get some good crits on him oh my God what is happening on my screen that is also a lot of guys and this bastard keeps just pushing me away snowballs okay this should kill him here all right we got him GG absolute noobs bro absolute noobs how much xp do I get wow barely any XP very cool how much armor damage did it do barely any was it hard probably not but look at where we are man oh my God okay cool and the Rifts I really like the Rifts everything about this is so smooth okay so I've added all the pieces destroy the core and aim for the center okay that looks pretty Central all right let's fire this bastard up I'm guessing we just kill him here right yo oh my God wait that's sick can I shoot again what is happening oh my goodness what the yo yo that's a crazy animation yo and it's over yo yo shout out everybody who's displayed here oh my God cool this is definitely the best mod I've ever played like as in just quality wise the quality is insane I got this from Doc forf very cool Creator yeah this is a this is insane this is insane would I rather have this mod though or 10,000 Big Mac I'm probably the Big Max let's go back to the Overworld I'm in lava wait what wait why dude dude okay that's Karma but we beat it yay consider liking subscribing and I'll see you guys in the next video peace
Channel: Chiefxd
Views: 841,444
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: PuiehTkgBRo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 46sec (1126 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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