Minecraft Speedrunner Stereotypes...

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dude why i why i'm supposed to beat this game fast what the heck what the heck is this we got potatoes we got potatoes no way no no way yeah what a trash spawn like what's that you disgusting dude oh my why am i so unlucky uh let's check in this house nice dude i heard these things could build under like nether portals or something let me try um i i i swear i saw i saw i saw mcgill do this like i swear he's i swear dude this is how you build a portal yeah okay this is exactly how okay uh let's try bruh [Music] oh wow what a nice world uh so much to venture the skies wow well i'm supposed to beat this game fast so i need to find a tree oh is that a tree that's a tree right what you're what it's literally cheating okay uh you know um hoes literally do everything they can mine stone whatever dude trust me just ask my e girl uh okay let's try okay it doesn't make sense i know hoes do everything bro i'm not even kidding i literally saw dream do this i know what i'm doing okay bud uh yeah he literally built nether portals like what dude dude dream's literally cheating oh yeah dude i'm telling you i saw a dream do this i know what i'm okay i saw a dream do this dude watch watch okay this is literally he's cheating he's cheating okay okay uh we're only 12 seconds in let's go let's go let's go nice nice okay let's build the portal oh whoa that was fast okay nice i was like five seconds in dude okay um let's take let's look for the stronghold uh [Music] oh my god i swear this is such a horrible seed who plays with this oh my god i can't find anything it's only fair i mean i'm just gonna just real quick i mean the seed's so bad it makes sense all right i'm gonna find a village [Music] oh nice we found a village we found a village okay okay wait just a sec um let me just put some quick goodies uh in a chest here okay okay now uh we'll cut this part out we'll cut the they'll never find out okay uh yeah okay oh oh damn we found a village cool uh let's look for in the chest let's look in here um oh nice dude oh my god that is some serious luck bro like how often does that happen yo let's just mlg though oh yeah dude oh yeah okay okay let's let's uh let's emoji again dude oh damn i'm so good at this oh my god you don't get better than this okay look i've been playing this game since like 2012 dude i know exactly how to do it the uh people can get lucky i mean that's the point of a world record speedrun they get lucky they find a portal themselves but usually you need to build it yourself yeah dude i know i've been playing this game for a while watch watch watch you just they subsidy and down right you just place the obsidian down four by four or something dude [Music] all right and you just finish in and you put the item frames because this is where you want to put the ender uh the eye of vendors and then you just spam the eye vendors and then like dude it's not hard i i literally know how it works and now you just want to light it up let's go moment of truth let's do this let's do this anyways i hope you like that uh i like making it and uh yeah if you want to watch another video of mine where i literally like submitted a fake run to speedrun.com i got banned but yeah here anyways thank you
Channel: SoarinSky
Views: 7,945,809
Rating: 4.6272545 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, Minecraft speedrun, Speedrun, minecraft speedrun world record, Types of Minecraft Speedrunners, Minecraft Speedrunner Stereotypes, Stereotypes, Minecraft Stereotypes, Speedrunner Stereotypes, Stereotypes Minecraft, Types of Minecraft Speedrunnersss, SoarinSky, McYum, minecraft hardcore, McBirken, McBirken Stereotypes, minecraft animation
Id: 6laZWST-ofw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 8sec (248 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 21 2020
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