The Fake World Record Minecraft Speedrun that Fooled Everyone...

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it's currently february 11th of 2020. a well-known and respected chinese speedrunner by the user of liming underscore ng is about to submit a run claiming to be the world record for random seed any percent mobile by 21 minutes to second place however this run is far from legit but manages to still bypass the entire moderation verification process and gets placed on leaderboards this is the story behind the fake world record minecraft speedrun that fooled everyone also quick note according to youtube statistics 98 of you guys don't drive a lamborghini so if you're in that launch consider subscribing if you enjoy my content because 50k looks really sexy anyways enjoy the video minecraft speedrunning has its fair share of cheaters and special events occurring the world record that lasted three seconds between bennex and illumina their entire dream cheating bonanza an insane ps4 player grabbing a 13 minute run and a lot more cool scenarios have come upon us in the speedrunning community but as cool events come so do cheaters and people who strive to achieve equal success illegitimately however the number of cheaters who are actually successful are low especially with the actions taken to better catch cheated runs and it's mind-blowing that it took 10 months for someone to even call sauce on lemming's run to better understand how impressive being able to pull off a fake run is legitimate and get verified we need to better understand the verification process that the speedrun moderation team takes to d milan as legit and put it on leaderboards for this i got in contact with skye a moderator that's been in another video of mine she gave me lots of information as to how this all works and i'll briefly explain it here how this works is once a run is submitted from the end user to the moderation team will typically scan the run for anything slightly suspicious and usually runs are not suspicious and runs of low value will usually just go through the normal process of verification firstly the mods will scan for broken rules and check for basic things that many people miss such as not including the original creation of the world screen and not turning off starting math they also check for splices these can often be quite blatant but also sometimes go unnoticed to the naked eye if blatant these can be detected via a cut in the audio or blank frames and such splicing is typically done during the loading screens as it's the easiest to splice there mostly done by showing a clip of a creational world with no input of a seed then cutting to a set seed being played throughout the entirety of the run the speeding up of runs is also quite common in cheated runs which is sometimes obvious but once again can go unnoticed in which the moderators will count the number of frames it takes to mine a block then go and compare to a real run to determine if there's any alteration in speed a very interesting scenario with the speeding up of runs comes from the users xiani underscore billy who submitted a slightly sped up run on may 17 and only saved himself one frame worth of time and was caught and completely banned from another major advantage to the verification process is that even after a run gets verified there are a multitude of people in the community that will watch these runs and be able to catch fake runs for the staff kind of working like a second defense now that we know how usually handles a generic run how do they go about a world record in more suspicious runs it's practically the same process except they go more in depth with their searching by checking directions of spawns one exiting portals to check for splices asking for world files to examine potentially asking the user in question to voice call and screen share themselves speedrunning to indicate a better idea of their skill a good example of a run that required massive investigation and study before being verified was m a uses 13 minute four second rsg any percent run taking the world record for any run ever by over one and a half minutes and the best part it was all done on a playstation 4. this was by far the largest investigation in bedrock edition speedrunning history and a lot of steps were taken in the verification of this run due to the insane luck throughout now that we understand the moderation process we can clearly tell it's very difficult to fake around and get it verified especially when one is going for a world record so how did liming do it and sustain it for such a long period of time of 10 months [Music] from hearing how secure the verification process is you may think that lemming is some god who came up with some legendary cheating scheme or genius way to come up with something so well hidden let's just watch the run he starts off and goes to a village immediately wait did you catch that no you [ __ ] didn't but don't worry neither did the entire moderation team at the time but it's actually quite blatant actually very blatant and that's coming from me i had a moderator darla troller the same guy in my video where i submitted the blatantly fake run explained to me displays and it was a blatant splice so take a close look at this did you catch it that time the aquatic background actually changes as he's in the loading screen this is a very clear splice and he basically changes it from a random seed when he logs into a set seed i was sure he cheated just from downloading the video and looking at it a few times remember this is an rs any percent run meaning that lemming was allowed to use whatever glitches he chose to to get the fastest time possible the major duplication glitch that he used for this run was a mobile glitch that had been patched basically you need to hold an item that you can't get while having another item of interest also held about to craft something they'll do this is patch and it's one of the many reasons mobile speedrunners often go to older versions to speedrun the game it's still an absolutely insane run and even to this day still beats the legit world record by two minutes of course other than the fact that it's cheated let's examine the run as a whole before we go into how this even got verified even with the blatant splice he starts going to a village and collecting food and finds a nearby desert temple which is essential for a lot of rsu world record speed runs he doesn't receive too much of great loot but he does get diamonds he then goes on to duplicate these diamonds then gears up completely with full diamond armor quite unnecessary for a minecraft speedrun but whatever floats his boat afterwards he starts walking in the direction of the stronghold suspicious but plausible afterwards he sees a ravine and in the ravine there's a stronghold seeing this lemming jumps in he immediately finds himself in the portal room as soon as he jumps in he minds coal and dupes torches to better navigate the stronghold he goes searching throughout the stronghold for lu until he reaches a chest with an ender pearl instantly after he duplicates the pearls until he has two stacks of them he then duplicates his bread till he has a stack he goes back to the portal room and proceeds to create the nether portal after duplicating obsidian then runs out quickly to retrieve a piece of flint from the gravel to light the portal once in the nether he builds straight up and then builds a portal to go back he pearls around and wanders for near two minutes before finding a fortress in which he gets blaze rods to turn into blaze powder to make eyes of ender he returns back to the portal room and lights the portal he then pearls in twice and before even breaking a single crystal regardless of actually touching the dragon the portal to finish the game is pre-lit which is done by a glitch called dragon skip where you set your simulation and render distance to as low as possible and go as far away from the center of the end as possible to try and unload the dragon to make the game think it's already dead and he gets an astonishing 12 minute 11 second time however this is a fake run and how it went past any moderator is honestly beyond me the reason the run was overlooked was because of a few things lemming was a decently respected runner and no one expected him to cheat and the category at the time in february had little to no runner so verification wasn't too strong at the time and has progressed over time another reason people didn't put too much thought into the splice was in belief that it was just lag or a visual glitch at the start screen all of these reasons just never pushed anyone to truly believe he was guilty but how the run got announces cheated was even more astonishing i got in contact with kai another speedrun moderator who just ended up being the same person who asked living about his run around nine months later and called suss on it lemming took one month to respond and finally on december 7th of this year this was his response actually it was a splice and i was just trying to make a joke with my classmates but i didn't think it would actually pass speedrun's review and i'm sorry about that i didn't know how to retract it so i just put it on hold again i sincerely say sorry because i'm busy with my studies recently so it took me a long time to reply to you i'm sorry i'm gonna break this record i promise as you can see he admitted to it just like that and he said he was sorry it was that same day on december 7th that lemming's run was finally rejected due to admitting to cheating however he didn't get banned because he was well respected lemming is not a bad person and i don't want to portray him in that way and i just want to make that clear but just two days ago on december 23rd when i started talking about potentially making this video and such while getting in contact with mods lemming got banned from and all his runs legit or fake were completely wiped off nearly a year later only due to one's place i find this really unfortunate as he had goals of one day beating the world record and didn't really mean too much harm and was in a weird and odd position of either retracting a run or keeping it on hold the fact that he just admitted to cheating when it was brought up to him gives me a form of respect for him him getting banned is entirely fair as he did break tos but i personally think he should be but it's still an amazing story to look at as it is a fake world record run that got verified and it did take 10 months to get rejected and it was due to him admitting to it it's all in all a pretty beautiful story in my opinion i would like to thank everyone who helped me with gathering the information for this video more especially though to datalog trollers sky and kai as this video would definitely not exist if it weren't for them all their channel links will be in the description and i ask you to please subscribe to all of them also i would like to ask you to join my discord server as we're nearing 1k members and it's a great place to talk to me and other cool people as well i really hope you enjoyed this video and if you did consider watching this video of mine anyways thank you for watching i love you you
Channel: SoarinSky
Views: 1,916,512
Rating: 4.893436 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft Speedrun, Fake Minecraft Speedrun, Speedrun, MCPE, Fake, Fool, Speedrun Moderator, Speedrun Moderator that Fooled, Fooled, Minecraft Speedrun that Fooled Everyone, Minecraft Speedrun that Tricked, Minecraft Speedrun that got Verified, Fake Minecraft Speedrun Verified
Id: i07jre68Lgo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 11sec (611 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 26 2020
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