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[Music] so guys the footage video starts I just want to mention but I'll drop some new merch and as you can see on the screen right there we've got some t-shirts different designs some hoodies that look really cool and all of that good stuff so the link is in the description down below check it out right now if you guys haven't already alright so let's go inside because it is actually nighttime I've been kind of working hard or night alright see so my phone said got the fridge actually let me just go into my room because I actually want to put everything away so we actually have some diamonds not too bad but I want to put everything away because we don't really need the stuff it's kind of some junk that I was kind of getting so oh wait it is actually free what it's free two o'clock that's not good I shouldn't even be playing minecraft at free I'm guys I should actually sleep but before I do let me just quickly put my weapons away there we go so it should I watch some TV I don't know I don't really feel like watching TV I'm actually kind of hungry it is free o'clock so should I even be eating I don't know let's go downstairs because I believe I have cookies in the fridge oh yes I do perfect I don't want to eat 32 cookies or else I'm gonna feel sick so I might just get to where else actually I can't even eat it right now huh I mean I still feel hungry but I wish I could eat it still I want these cookies but before I get is sleep I might actually hmm I might just check my phone just to see if I get like any messages or something alright hmm doesn't seem like I have any notifications but what is I don't know wait what does this do I kind of have a new phone so I don't really know yeah I have no messages radio okay well what is this button right here I've actually never seen it before let's actually press on it I guess okay wait Who am I why does it say I'm calling penny wise guys I don't want to call penny wise how did he get this number what wait guys someone just picked up the phone hello oh my god wait what okay I'm hanging up I'm hanging up I don't want this Lord what guys I'm scared how did I just call penny what what I did not mean to call him okay you know what we're gonna have to get some gear just in case oh my goodness guys I'm actually a little nervous I should not be doing this uh okay I'm gonna keep these cookies I might need to bring more cookies with me I'm scared guys I don't want this oh he sounded like really mad on the phone so let's actually get maybe maybe half the cookies just in case I get hungry all right so go outside he said go behind the house and yeah that doesn't look good guys it's free o'clock I should not be out right now I really should be sleeping but at the same time I'm kind of curious to what penny wise actually once so he wants me to follow this all the way across there that's just going to like I don't know I'm scared I don't want to do this guy's maybe he's gonna pop out the water they'll be actually kind of scary if he does all right well let's follow the red blocks just kind of see what like leads to I guess it's leading to like this forest area and I don't like that I do not like that one bit and he's torches the redstone torches they're not helping they're really not helping I can write sort of red okay so it just goes along here alright oh wait what is this okay press the button or else ah well I think Pennywise well he's pretty much leading me to press this button I don't know why I sheep I'm actually scared can you come with me can't can you actually come with me press the button with me all right no come on I don't want to do this okay uh press the button or else or else what like I could just maybe go back but then I don't know what could actually happen I don't know maybe I have to press it here we go guys Oh three two one okay Oh Pennywise ah okay oh wow uh okay maybe he just wants to talk maybe I don't know what he's facing that direction I don't know what to do I can I go back home can I just go to sleep I shouldn't have even checked my phone oh I should have just went straight to bed I shouldn't have even gone in the cookies I was like feeling a little hungry even though I couldn't eat it because you know my hunger bars pretty much full I still felt like cookies I shouldn't have gone downstairs Oh Pennywise please oh no no no no come on come on don't do this to me buddy come on I just know nori noise not oh my goodness no no no no what I didn't mean to call you I'm sorry I'm sorry Pennywise can we just be friends can we talk about this oh my goodness does he have knock-back or something geez yo Pennywise chill my guy chill what's of the the fire and stuff as well okay I don't know what to do what if I just keep on running this way uh doesn't mean like I got out of these yeah he can't follow me now okay um I don't know what to do guys does just love it down there just really no escape except for I believe the command block will put me back to my house I'm a heart bean Pennywise it's not what that button does cuz I actually don't know all right well oh how much health oh my goodness did his health just regenerate that quick are you serious Pennywise are you serious how much health do you actually have alright come on come on Pennywise I'm sorry for calling you at free o'clock I shouldn't have done it I shouldn't have even pressed that button I've got a new phone and I didn't know what it was actually gonna do alright so he's actually over there oh my goodness look at that that looks scary there's literally a face of Pennywise on this kind of mountain looking thing okay uh so right what does this actually do Oh so it actually just puts me back here but I feel like I should actually go back and and actually attack him we need to kill pennyways guys that is the ultimate goal oh no no come on come on come on oh he might actually can he push me off the edge like is that even possible I get this fire is actually really a really annoying but good thing is it doesn't last long wait how long does it last for let's see one two three like about three seconds I guess so all his health is like very very low guys this is good this is good maybe he's gonna drop something please drop something good all right here we go come on come on sorry low all right wait off what I need to eat this cookie but I'm not even hungry yet not even hungry alright here we go guys well he's actually not he doesn't do much damage I don't know why this is kind of weird anyways he's getting so low here we go five more hits five four three two one note one more hit there we go yes oh my goodness well thirty two diamonds and we've got a nine sword okay well that's actually pretty good I guess well I want to do one thing um and I'll show you guys what I actually want to do right now let's head back home alright that was actually a little bit laggy hello a sheep how you doing that was oh my goodness I shouldn't have answered the friend but what I'm gonna do with my friend guys is actually burn it because I don't want to accidentally cool Pennywise again because that was actually pretty bad that could have gone really badly but thank God for this diamond gear that I got so yeah let's get back in here I believe my phone should be still in the war which is right here yep perfect let's get rid of this fine guys this is what caused all the problems to begin with I didn't even think it was gonna call penny wise that's very very weird all right let's head back because I don't know if there's any laughs around here to be honest so we actually have to go all the way back and just drop it into that lava that we saw so um actually don't know where the mobs are like we're sort of creepers and zombies it's so weird like it's nighttime it's it's free I am but I don't see anything it's like penny wise did something to this world honestly I don't know let's just get rid of this phone we have to get rid of this phone all right let's drop it off right here so just break this and there we go all right sorry goodbye phone um any last words well the phone can't talk back get rid of it there we go so now we can't accidentally call penny wise or anything like that so um yeah let's actually wait I can't put the defense back because it fell in the lava too let's head back home guys all my goodness that was a journey so yeah wait what does he always lag around here it's so strange all right let's head back home and actually I'm gonna put these diamonds back in my chest I don't know what I'm gonna do a for these diamonds to be honest I mean we got 32 from penny wise and we got an iron sword as well so um I mean I could just make a diamond sword if I really wanted to but I'm just gonna stack it up in my room with the chest which is right here so have a little bit of junk in here some dirt you know roll mud and I should be cooking that but yeah let's just put everything back oh wait and he put the the cookies back in the fridge I'd even eat one I don't even get hungry once even though I was feeling hungry but yeah at least we don't have a fire now this is kind of like a modern design I guess we have like this mailbox right here ah so yeah it's like nighttime and all that kind of stuff we have my dogs free of them actually so one two free we have the massive massive dining table right here we can actually sit down on this which is pretty good let's just go over here and obviously we have a fridge you know we have some stuff in there so let me just go inside of here which is my bedroom and it is actually free I am okay oh hello it's gonna put the the mirror there okay well yeah but I have anything in here yet we do have a few items in here just in case anything does happen like you know zombies coming in or skeletons creepers all of that good stuff well actually it's not even good it's kind of bad ah but yeah this is pretty much the house right here hang on uh I don't know if you guys remember my vid oh my god wait this is the iPhone no um if you guys saw my last video I think it was like a week ago maybe Pennywise actually called me and we actually destroyed that phone and for some reason it's actually here now okay that's I don't remember place in this yeah I was just kind of building my place and then huh okay well we have T we have the iPhone um we destroyed this a week ago how did I actually come back does that mean Pennywise is back cuz I'm pretty sure if I'm not wrong we push Pennywise into the lava dogs I'm kind of scared I am kind of scared maybe we should go in that room for this and I guess I don't know see what happens well actually I called Pennywise he didn't call me I press this green button so let's see if that's still there oh it it is still there should we click on it I don't know if we should click on it but I feel like maybe it's penny wise to say sorry for you know trying to kill me and stuff I don't know I don't know guys I don't know if I want to press that green button I really don't know maybe I should go near the dogs and maybe press it there tonight here we go oh all right let's press it and Freight to one okay wait I'm cooling here Oh Brian so I'm not actually calling Pennywise this time okay it's not answer oh wait hang up the phone so here Brian said to actually go outside and follow the torches huh okay you know what let's let's just put this phone back actually I don't know what to do have to fine cuz I don't want it inside of my house I really don't I you know what I might bring it with me so let's just put it you know right here we actually need to get some of this stuff alright this is gonna be pretty bad I think let's put some of this just in case we need to trap him all right there we go so we've got four iron a stone sword which isn't too bad cobblestone and we've got this phone which we're gonna throw away again now hopefully when we do that the phone is destroyed and you know this doesn't happen again so yeah here Brian said follow the torches okay well I remember place in a bunch of torches here so like you know creepers and zombies and stuff tank spawn so which one does he actually mean um oh wait a second I don't remember placing a blue block of there okay so I'm guessing he means follow these torches why am I even doing this I could just leave now should I just leave but then again I'm kind of curious what herobrine once cuz like maybe he's friendly but he's not gonna be friendly let's let's be honest he's not I can't wait hang on the blue block just kind of stops but I see torches over there oh wait no it's right here okay I was getting fooled by this one get out of here okay so follow the blue of two torches Oh next one is right here where's the next one I am confused it does it go out this way no I don't see any blue blocks all right I'm a little bit confused where is the next one is it this way oh wait I get it is blue block all right ah this is taking me kind of far from my place just a little bit I mean it is just over there okay let's see all right another blue block oh it's kind of like spread out this time not so like close together all right all right oh we got some bunnies rabbits okay you know what we're not gonna hurt them uh it's up the next one over there yeah I think it is all right let's just swim across all right wait a second I see something is that what I think it is almost fell down there okay ah oh wow okay yo this place is massive I've seen this before isn't this herobrine's mansion okay so yeah the blue blocks just pretty much leads to this massive mansion that is crazy I'm guessing herobrine is in here uh does it just stop well I mean I think we definitely have to go there that's what I was leading to but the blue blocks just kind of don't wait yeah it stops right here that's really strange okay oh why am I doing this guys why am I doing this why am I doing this all right let's go up and let's actually just find out maybe maybe it's a trick maybe it's actually Pennywise in here even though I said I was calling here Brian I don't know I'm just surprised he actually picked up mmm I don't like the look of this I really don't Oh am i uh what do I do is this I friend guys I need some lava maybe there's gonna be lava inside of here but first of all we'll just talk to her Brian kind of see what's going on oh there he is okay here Brian um nice to meet you you told me to come here why is he just looking at me now why is he just looking at me is he he's pretty much like yeah what okay that's weird what what does he one um do you want the phone did you place the phone in my house is like is that how it works here I I don't want the phone he's just standing there guys I don't know what to do why is he just standing there alright um Nord here O'Brien we can talk about this buddy here O'Brien stop he said die wait this is almost destroyed which is good you know what let's maybe hit here Browns the phone does it break that way wait maybe it doesn't oh okay didn't mean to click on that oh no no no no get away from me here Brian no is this why you like called me I will actually called you but is this why you want me to like come here I guess hmm well I'm gonna leave the frame here and hopefully actually wait maybe this might work if I trap it that way it can't escape I mean a phone doesn't have legs it shouldn't be able to walk but for some reason his phone ended up back in my place so Oh what okay is right there wait he might have just heard that so maybe he could pick up the phone and then place it back in my house hmm that might not be good we might need to kill him right all right here we go oh he does hunger and stops I guess strange Oh get away from me is he taller than me hang on was he the same size actually don't know ah okay drop down here go go go go go whoa how did he drop down as well oh he's faster than me I'm pretty sure oh wait this lot wait this could work guys oh he just thought okay uh maybe I should drop the phone here now the thing is I don't have a pickaxe yeah I really need a pickaxe cuz I just kind of like traps my stuff is there a crafting table here it doesn't look like one just a furnace alright what is this okay nothing huh I mean I could just make a crafting table out of this wood I don't think I'm supposed to be destroying herobrine's mansion but you know what he's been not nice to me so I'm gonna break it regardless all right here we go all right so let's do that make a crafting table there we go now we need some sticks perfect and I do not have enough I need to get one more piece and then we should have enough for a wooden pickaxe so I can get that sword burn it in this fire and then we have to kill here Brian what am i doing I have to get more of this all right there we go all right let's make the pickaxe sweet all right now we just have to try and go round here Oh Brian because I'm pretty sure he's blocking the door hang on is he yep he's still there he's just standing there I can't hear Brian listen up I'm just gonna go around you okay don't mind me I'm wait what happens with a sneek does that work okay it does it doesn't okay we know the answer to that it does not work you always quick he's quick he's quick he's quick I build build build build build okay that kind of slowed him down all right go oh wait it's lava there that could actually work better than um the fire okay well he stopped let's get this phone again because I don't want to go into another world again and this phone just appearing out of nowhere all right yeah this friends always broken as well so let's get rid of this put it in this lava where's herobrine oh he's trying to stop me no you're not buddy okay that was a little bit of a fail I was embarrassing all right here we go there it's gone hopefully is it okay yeah it should be um now where did here Brian go wait what alright he's um he's right there okay let's get him let's go let's go let's go all right come on come on here Brian I have been working very hard for this iron so if you kill me right now and I lose everything I'm gonna be very very very mad hopefully you drop that diamond sword as well yo we're getting some good hits on him all right come on come on come on how much health do you have I mean I can see it right there but dude I'm doing a lot of hits like a stone sword does what full attack damage I'm pretty sure one close to dying and he saw is he so is he all right oh well you're not gonna drop anything are you serious so I just did all of that work for my reason did it go through the ground or something why he didn't drop the diamond sword seriously okay well I mean at least we didn't die that's all that matters ha okay well this has been a very very crazy journey mmm do I have to walk all the way back do I really have to all my goodness all mrs. Felder I would have died that would have been very very bad you know what I'm gonna head back home just to see if that phone is gone like if that phone is back in my place on how I I don't know what to do so yeah let's just quickly head back and see if it's there all right guys so we're very close to a house I can see it's just over there now let's see hopefully by destroying that phone in that lava it shouldn't be back in my house so I can wait I don't really need to follow the blue I mean I know where my house is I can take a little shortcut hello mr. sheep all right let's check hopefully it's going all right today did I just see it are you serious how how is this phone back in here ah guys did you see anything I don't think well they can't talk back but what are you serious like a you know what you guys just come with me all right I want you guys to follow me I don't know what to do we have to get rid of this phone again it just keeps on coming back I have no idea how can we put in here is that possible mmm all right come on dogs follow me we have to do something with this wait there is a temple over there maybe we could drop it down actually I have a better idea it might be a little bit risky for you guys to follow me because I'm actually going to exploit this place you guys the dogs look after all my stuff for me please alright this should be able to get rid of this phone once and for all alright you guys need to just sit alright I don't want you guys getting hurt or following me I will get rid of this phone alright so I'm guessing if oh I need a young pickaxe oh well I mean we can just break up a hand it shouldn't take too long three two one there we go okay perfect let's make this happen let's go alright I wish I could just you know run away with this but I really can't did how did I how did I just survive how am i luck what what just happened okay I'm so confused do you guys know why I just survived up because I was pretty sad and I should have died there now I'm stuck down here wait this is like bad luck or something all in one video alright hang on let me just go back up that clearly did not work I join a house that didn't work wait where's the UPS right here okay and boom there we go okay so I really thought that's gonna work wait where's where's the dog so fingers over this way dogs where are you wait what I'm up there it is but I was like where's my dogs so yeah that's gonna work so you know what I'm just gonna drop it off here hopefully it sings down to the bottom of this water right here squids do whatever eat it I don't care dude that was weird I should have died there that is so strange well anyways guys um you guys says follow me so uh yeah that's gonna wrap up today's video do not cool here O'Brien guys at 3 a.m. because yeah this kind of weird stuff happens just if you guys see a phone in your like survival world just get rid of it do not pick it up cuz that's kind of like the mistake I have done but if you guys enjoyed this video slap that like button turn on notifications subscribe to channel for your new year and I'll see you guys in the next video [Music] [Music] you
Channel: FuzionDroid
Views: 1,411,444
Rating: 4.862216 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft pocket edition, FuzionDroid, fuziondroid, Redstone in mcpe, ✔️, Pocket, Edition, PE, redstone creation, mcpe, minecrtaft pe, pocket edition, DO NOT CHOOSE THE WRONG SECRET BASE, fuziondroid don't choose the wrong, DO NOT CHOOSE, Minecraft, 3AM, minecraft do not choose the wrong, wrong, do not, sonic, marshmello, Minecraft sonic, sonic 3am, i found sonic in my world at 3am, wanted 3am, sonic wanted, who called me at 3am, who called me at 3am minecraft
Id: Q7qomKQrSHU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 19sec (1639 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2020
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