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[Music] so guys before this video starts i just want to mention that i'll drop some new merch and as you can see on the screen right there we've got some t-shirts different designs some hoodies that look really cool and all of that good stuff so the link is in the description down below check it out right now if you guys haven't already what's up guys welcome back to another video now if i sound a little bit weird it is because i'm sick been sick for like a few days now so it's been a struggle to record but i'm doing it for you guys so smash that like button if you guys enjoyed this video and definitely go ahead subscribe if you haven't already and you know turn on notifications all of that good stuff let's jump into this right now so before we actually begin i just want to quickly mention that i made a discord server so i'll be leaving a link in the description down below basically you can join and as soon as i upload a video it will tell you guys or basically you can just chat and uh you know communicate with me or just other people as well so it's gonna be really awesome so definitely go ahead and join the discord server link in the description down below but anyways guys you know the drill as you can see it's night time obviously it is super late i should probably be sleeping except i'm gonna do a little nights uh a little night trip to the mcdonald's because i'm a little bit hungry as you can see so we're gonna actually drive there and i do apologize again if i sound a little bit weird or if i cough or something it is because i am sick so um yeah let's go let's drive all the way to mcdonald's and uh hopefully we don't come across anything weird or creepy i probably should have brought a sword with me but i didn't so that is a little bit of a worry but uh yeah mcdonald's is just over here which is perfect and let's turn the vehicle there we go awesome all right here is mcdonald's uh but there is no parking there so we actually have to park at chuck e cheese so this is parked right here right next to this chicken turn off the engine there we go sweets all right so i brought some coins with me basically it's gold ingots uh and then we'll head home and then like head to sleep all that good stuff so hello uh what is he doing why are you looking that way okay anyways uh let's just go here okay what do i feel like a beef burger some fries apple juice okay we'll go for the beef burger uh we'll get some fries yeah and wait yep there we go and uh apple juice as well there we go perfect thank you all right guys so we are on our way home we got our beef burger we got some fries some apple juice still night time obviously because it is 3am uh so i probably shouldn't even be eating this late but you know what yolo all right here we go now we just need to park the car inside of here turn off the engine there we go sweet came back in one piece all right so now hopefully this actually fills up my hunger because i mean yeah if it doesn't then i just have to eat some food that we got in the fridge but uh let's do that sit here and hopefully this fills me i don't even see my hunger but it looks like that actually filled it there we go i couldn't even fit down the fries that beef burger just filled me straight away so you know what we'll put the fries in the fridge that might not be a good idea but um yeah i think that's uh pretty much it wait hang on the phone is ringing okay someone is calling okay who could be um hello wait noob1234 is that you wait you want me to come over to to do wait you want me to clean your house um i'll be there i i guess huh that was a really random phone call from noob1234 okay apparently i need to clean his house what why am i cleaning the house that that's super weird well at least we got that phone call like after i ate so i need to head to uh noob one two three four's place but uh i just need to get some food stuff just in case like anything happens i mean he said he just wanted me to clean his house so we will just get some armor just in case uh there we go and i think that's it yeah all right time to start the vehicle again even though we just got home oh my goodness why does this always happen to me why all right here we go oh man it is so hard to talk right now i'm not gonna lie but i'm trying my best for you guys so here we go start the car there we go okay can i reverse oh okay this is gonna be a tricky actually not too bad my head was like going in the uh the windshield there but i don't usually drive in first person but this looks pretty cool now i think we just turned left here and i think his house is down here where is his house oh there he is yo noob one two three four what is up okay let's just park our car right here turn it off there we go all right so um what is the problem why did you call me hey uh i kind of made a mess in my house okay so all right uh could you help i guess since i've like came all this way i i could help you uh thank you okay so i mean surely you didn't mess it up this bad wait what is that whoa what is that um okay so there is a lot of mess but noob one two three four you did not explain that whatever this is like is inside of your house what is going on wait what is this oh okay ow that hurts um are you trying to tell me i have to get rid of that thing what maybe that's why he didn't want to clean up the mess shouldn't you be scared cause i'm scared i don't even know what that is okay you know what let's clean up the place and i guess fix up this water how did you even do this this is super weird all right here we go oh my goodness i should have brought like a shovel actually i don't have one so we have to do it the slow way okay so with this we can block up the water i think uh right here wait a second what is it wait what is that ow no no no no no no no no please please please i don't want to die i don't want to die please oh what is that dude i have half a heart okay can i just kill this thing from here what is that i don't even i've never seen this before in my life oh my goodness ow okay well wait scp-087 okay well i just lost absolutely everything now we have to run all the way back oh my goodness okay so guys have you ever like seen the scp character in your world let me know in the comments below but that was super weird i was just expecting to clean his house and then head to sleep but apparently not apparently we have to go through more stuff why why is it this world right here everything just seems to happen and uh you know what i'm actually thinking i'm moving out because this is getting a little bit weird okay so here's my stuff right here all right uh is it gone oh okay definitely not gone uh i think i have to like try and hit it from here dude can this thing even die it has no legs so that is well actually the arms are the legs which is pretty random uh okay my heart's not looking good guys i should have brought food with me oh no do not kill me again please i'm just here oh the thing is what wait where did it go it's flying i i don't know where it is uh okay uh let's see let's just oh no yo it's like a scary bat oh wow are you serious so this one is called scp-354 okay so i died for the second time and now i have to run all the way back again this is getting annoying so i just don't know what to do and i actually just forgot to bring the food again so that is my mistake once again uh okay so noob one two three four i don't know if i can do this i might have to head home soon because like i said it is starting to get um a little late i mean it is three a.m so oh no my sword's inside oh oh how am i supposed to get that oh no okay uh let's just run and there we go perfect okay we got the sword which is good what is my character doing oh okay that was weird okay so uh where is it oh okay it's above me oh it's coming down okay can i just clean this place in peace if i just try removing all of this dirt for noob one two three four then we should be good i don't know where the other creature is but it is good that he is not near me because i would probably be dead uh yo this thing is like trying to escape oh no oh oh no okay well i knew that was gonna happen i knew it this is getting really difficult okay so let's remove some of the dirt here at least i cleared some of the water oh no no no no no oh dude you do a lot of damage okay uh maybe if i hmm can i enter from the back maybe i can do that hang on maybe i'm about to like 1000 iq this okay so where does this take me oh my goodness how did you make all of this mess i am very very confused but let's just quickly block up this water because it is really annoying so i think this is up here there we go perfect uh but there is more water so where is the other ones oh wait actually no that was all of it for here perfect dude my heart's not looking good but we are clearing up the place so that is good now where is that thing that was like no legs but it had arms as the legs i don't know where that thing went uh okay there we go blocked up the water sweet and remove the dirt all right so where did this thing go maybe it died i just i don't know i don't know where the flying thing is anymore uh okay hang on so definitely didn't go in the bathroom oh what was that which one was that was that the one that was flying or the one with the arms i have no idea oh no okay well i'm gonna try one more time to clean up the place i just don't know if i can get rid of those saps so i'm going to try going from the front side oh okay so it is back oh no no no no no no okay you know what i'm out peace i can't do this wait wait actually we got our sword which is good uh okay okay okay um i need to think of a plan i got absolutely nothing uh oh no did it see me oh my goodness oh oh no don't oh just go away okay are we good no okay this thing is just like literally guarding his house so i i can't do anything and his eyes are so scary wait hang on what if i do this what if i block him off please no no i'm sorry but guys this mission is impossible basically the movie mission impossible but uh yeah i i've tried so many times but i can't get rid of them i try trapping them i just i can't do it i'm gonna do this one more time if i die then that is it i'm heading to sleep and then we'll never have to see this again hopefully these mobs are just gone but they are not unfortunately uh okay so oh no okay you know i'm going from the back i am not going from the front there so i was trying to trap uh the flying thing but i kind of failed okay there's my sword perfect all right so let's just quickly clear this up so the kitchen kitchen is fairly done okay do not kill me again please there we go okay you know what i'm sorry i'm gonna have to leave i've tried cleaning most of it up so you have to just do the rest and uh maybe get rid of the the mobs as well but for me i just it's impossible unless you have diamonds you can give me but i don't think you look like you have diamonds because well you are a little bit of a uh a noob so yeah i'm sorry uh good luck i'm gonna head home because uh it is getting late super tight i lost a lot of my stuff so i need to craft those uh items back again but let's head home here we go perfect oh my goodness wait i turned off the car no there we go that could have caused like an accident if people were actually on the road but sadly i'm the only one driving at this time because i'm crazy everyone else is asleep and that is what i'm about to do right now which is perfect good night sleep is all i need all right there we go wait okay that's getting stuck on the car for whatever reason so before we head to sleep i do need to get some uh food into me because i mean after all of that dying i do need to eat some oh actually we got the fries from before there we go oh that doesn't even like fill it up straight away uh can we drink the apple juice yeah we can okay that almost did it but we have to eat the cooked mutton uh there we go now i can finally head to sleep uh i did lose everything which is super annoying um but that is unfortunate uh so let's head to sleep and um yeah uh actually i do need to go to the bathroom uh so i will be right back okay there we go we went to the toilet and now we just have to wash our hands there we go all right sweet now i can finally head to sleep and what okay why is the phone ringing again please don't tell me it's noob one two three four okay i i can't help you okay uh hello oh wait fusion that was the most weirdest call i got a call from fusion droid but i'm fusion droid so who could have called me what i'm so confused uh okay well it did sound close so i mean i'm the one that lives here i live alone so if fusion wait does that mean fusion droids inside of my house because i mean i'm inside of my house but it's so confusing this doesn't make any sense maybe he's actually inside of my house like another fusion droid like a fake or something okay i need to look around because i'm getting a little paranoid i was gonna go to sleep but now that i got that random phone call from a pretend fusion droid i need to check my house and like make sure no one like i don't know broke in because someone did break into our house uh if you guys didn't see that video someone did and uh they stole like the tv they stole a lot of money as well from me so that was unfortunate but we did find him everything was good but i do need to look around this place just to make sure because we did get that weird call okay there is nothing here there's no one in the bathroom i mean i was just in here so i don't know there's no one even in this house except for me so it must be in someone trolling well i'm gonna head to sleep that must have been like a prank call or something i have no idea uh okay so let's put this in here whoa whoa whoa wait what is that wait hang on hang on hang on hang on up can only be one fusion droid wait is his eyes white i'm sorry guys i was trying to like not scream because my throat is hurting but where did he go wait he just came out of nowhere is he gone is he herobrine uh did he come from here oh okay he is dude why is there a fake fusion droid inside of my house why did you call me has he been here like the whole time and i just didn't realize dude look at his eyes yo they're literally like herobrine eyes wait i actually have to fight him i don't know how much healthy he has oh this has just gone bad i had to go through noob one two three four and he's like scps inside of his house which i couldn't do and now i'm probably yeah i'm gonna fail this one as well this is just awful why why does this have to happen oh no okay i need to like figure something out what if i try trapping them inside of that room i could do that actually hang on wait i'm getting some good hits whoa you are nothing to me you fake fusion droid uh dude how did his eyes get white like that like okay when we stop attacking i'll show you guys my eyes oh wait that was actually easier than i thought wait what is this a wallet wait why is that this is my wallet how did he get access to my wallet did he steal something from my chest i don't know that was super weird well we got eight diamonds from him and my wallet so i guess it's a gg uh there is one more thing i can do guys since we did get those diamonds i could craft i need to actually break this a little bit weird that i'm breaking some of my furniture uh but i have to do it so i need to make some sticks so i can make a diamond sword i'm gonna quickly go back to noob1234 because i just want to be a nice guy and help him out because i do feel a little bit bad that i did leave him on his own but uh i need to bring some food as well wait a second we do have diamonds here surely i can actually complete this i completely forgot i had these diamonds in my chest so that is a little bit embarrassing but there we go let's put on the boots and the helmet perfect now i just need some food and i think we should be able to beat the the scps i'm not sure uh if the diamonds will actually do anything but we'll try we'll try our best if we just don't succeed then i'm gonna have to uh head to sleep because i've been doing a lot of work uh in this video today so let's quickly eat this and let's hop in the car there we go turn on the engine there we go wait is it on yep there we go perfect all right i couldn't hear it for a second i was like what is going on all right reverse it looks so weird reverse in this car but all right no cars here perfect head to noob one two three four's house and then we'll see if we can actually fight these scps i i don't know if it's going to be possible but dude i'm so bad at driving in this game uh just like turning and stuff is horrible all right i'm here uh i'm sorry i left you like this on your own i i felt bad so i had to come back so here we go maybe they're actually gone wait okay no they're definitely definitely not gone guys okay so with the diamond sword now that we can attack a lot more harder uh wait okay i was like can i even hit this thing yo how are you hitting me from so far away uh okay you know what even before this diamond guys i i don't think i can do this loop one two three four i don't think i can this is so hard okay what if i break through this what if i just like let them fly away okay wait that could work okay i have a plan guys i have a plan i don't know if it's gonna work but i'm gonna like break through hmm maybe these doors i think it will be able to fit through the door i'm probably gonna end up like dying from this but if we can get them out of his house that is all we need to do all right so come over here guys wait wait oh no okay that thing's actually not going to fit oh okay you know what plan b i'm gonna head home i i tried my best guys it's just not working now i mean look at my hearts right now sorry man i really tried with the diamonds i thought that was gonna work but as you can see i'm struggling even with this so maybe in the morning they might be gone hopefully uh but yeah i do apologize man i did try my best so let's head home guys so hopefully that is the last phone call for today uh but yeah if you guys enjoyed today's video definitely go ahead and smash that like button subscribe if you haven't already and uh also make sure you guys join the discord server the link is in the description down below and uh yeah i thank you so much for watching and i'll see you guys in the next one [Music] peace [Music] you
Channel: FuzionDroid
Views: 509,816
Rating: 4.9000068 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft pocket edition, FuzionDroid, fuziondroid, Redstone in mcpe, ✔️, Pocket, Edition, PE, redstone creation, mcpe, minecrtaft pe, pocket edition, DO NOT CHOOSE THE WRONG SECRET BASE, fuziondroid don't choose the wrong, DO NOT CHOOSE, Minecraft, 3AM, minecraft do not choose the wrong, wrong, do not, sonic, marshmello, Minecraft sonic, sonic 3am, i found sonic in my world at 3am, wanted 3am, sonic wanted, who called me at 3am, who called me at 3am minecraft, noob1234
Id: mn7qxXAbDoM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 1sec (1321 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 25 2020
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