Minecraft PE : DO NOT CHOOSE THE WRONG BUTTON! (Pennywise, Ronald McDonald & Jason Voorhees)

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Jason please Lang's kidney I'm pretty sure if they just touch you once you were dead oh okay we spotted it all [Music] what's up guys welcome back to ain't no FBI and today we are back with another do not choose the wrong button this time now we're in a different area this is actually a map so if you guys you know enjoyed these type of videos make sure to go ahead slap that like button internal notifications and subscribe to the channel if you are new so guys I have not recorded a video for one week I've actually been in Sweden but I've actually had pre-recorded videos going up and yeah it's my first time back I only just go home like literally two days ago and my body clock is all out of place and yeah this should be fun so we have this button right here says play but it says you are not yet ready that is because I think we actually have to go in here and yeah we actually know what is inside as you can obviously tell I don't like the look of any of them but we're gonna have to enter one of these buttons so yeah let's go over here and check this out this is pretty cool it just kind of brings that up and then yeah basically these are the rules and whatnot so it says dear player so first of all thank you for downloading my map so this is pretty cool I did not make this or anything the person actually made this actually don't know oh here we go the commander creeper so that is the person who made it and I think the rules was right here we'll actually how to play so choose which monster do you want in your game so choose how many of those monsters do you want in your game and then choose a location for your game oh my goodness I thought of the word game in there once you are in the maze you have to find and get all 15 pumpkins before going to the exit door to escape huh okay so note pumpkins are placed on the floor in order to get the pumpkins you have to stand on top of them okay and then I'll just basically disappear I think I got this hopefully we have to kill fifteen before one of these actually like kill is also something I don't know so playroom let's go back and that play button should actually work let's see oh alright that's a little bit creepy Oh game starting and free to one that's a slow countdown alright here we go so it main rules do not play multiplayer ok stay in Adventure mode and don't break anything alright well I don't plan on breaking anything and these are the pumpkins we have to collect so 15 of them okay so we have oh these don't look like good options no this is actually bad which one should I pick first Ronald McDonald Jason or the clown I might go Ronald McDonald like it should be friendly right let's click on the button alright how many of that monster do you want in your game well why would I want three of them I just want one but maybe to make things interesting let's have two alright so choose location obviously we want McDonald's cuz it's Ronald McDonald alright loading area okay where am i I'm scared it's dark oh here we go McDonald's get all 15 pumpkins and return to the exit door alright so there's two of them oh here's our first pumpkin so we just go oh that's pretty cool alright I don't want to sprint too much oh there's two in this room uh yeah I don't spring too much because I have no food and if I'm running out of that I can't even sprint and then I might actually die oh jeez I can't no no no no no no no no I need to actually sprint now here's another little pumpkin why do we have to collect 15 oh this is number one Nora forgot that I spawned into oh no I might have AK you made a mistake oh don't hurt me please alright alright maybe I can oh my goodness wait they're still following what get away from me get away from me oh I can hear the laughs that does not sound good all right give me all the pumpkins I have eight oh my goodness is still 15 what's wait what are they holding that looks weird okay um Oh his pumpkin come on come on come on come on oh here's no what no no no I think if they touch you you basically die straight away can I hit them oh I can't hit them I actually can't hit them oh that's that's a problem that is a big problem all right just keep on running keep on running and you're fine these pumpkins where are they I think I might have lost Ronald McDonald I hear him laughing I don't like that I don't know where I'm going oh here's one all right so 11 I need to actually find an exit door as well have some very clear where that is all right can we okay we can't break that and obviously it told us not to break anything wait do I hear something Ronald McDonald where are you buddy oh here's another pumpkin yes yes yes yes yes 12 oh here's no 113 and we just need two more two more where would they be oh just leave one more all right come on with the last one beat I don't like mazes to be honest I kind of get lost in them okay I don't know if of being down here oh geez okay all right didn't mean to disturb you Ronald just keep oh here's the last one okay good good good all right return to exit all food no no no stop stop stop stop hang on was he protecting some door is there door over here I actually don't know where the exit door is so I might actually be here for a while that's not good oh oh no oh that's too close I think that might actually be the door there I I don't know am I going around in circles I think I am okay where is this door my hunger is going down quickly as well which is not good okay I need to keep an eye out for Ronald McDonald there's two of them where is the exit door it should know okay I was gonna say it should be down there but apparently it is not sir I'm just not gonna sprint because I just want all of my hunger still there I'm going around in circles where's this exit door hang on have I been here before maybe maybe maybe I might be onto something yes exit oh my goodness there we go Congrats you have escaped okay that was the first one hmm not too bad so that one wasn't too bad um I mean there was two Ronald McDonald's let's spice things up let's choose the middle one so Jason I don't like that mask that is all I don't like that I don't like that let's press the button how many do one of these should we put in free like should we I don't know it's probably a bad idea but you know what we're gonna do it here we go three two one there we go and I think it's a forest pretty sure let's choose forest we can actually choose the McDonald's again but we're not gonna do that oh yeah I don't like that oh and you get 15 of these pumpkins again except there's free of these Jason's roaming around here hello anybody I can't wait we found our first pumpkin I don't like how I have to collect 15 I mean it's a little bit of a challenge that 15 is quite a lot maybe he feels like 10 that would do just fine but 15 it's a little bit too much all right let's just keep a lookout for Jason where is he wait not gonna move well obviously I'm moving but I don't want to hear my footsteps I want to hear Jason coming towards me okay okay we're good we're good I meant fingers around just yes all right so let's see hmm wait okay yeah this is definitely new area oh there is one I don't know where Jason is I'm a little bit scared but he's it's gonna pop out of nowhere or maybe he's not even in this map I don't know maybe it's gonna trick me okay let's go down this way Jason please don't scare me I'm pretty sure if they just touch you once you were dead oh okay we spotted the fit all oh you're that laughs is or no or game over you fail to escape dude that is actually hard I might just go with two free might be a little bit overkill let's try a Jason again alright but this time we're gonna only have two of them and we're gonna go into the forest once again I think this is the right scene for him I'm pretty sure uh uh and then the clown might be in the hotel that actually maybe yeah I don't know well anyways let's go back to collecting these pumpkins wait where was the first one I'm pretty sure it might have been in the same room maybe I don't know I forgot oh yeah it was right here there we go so now we just have to wait give me the pumpkin there we go yes I have to look out for - Jason's this time instead of free which is good alright here's another one - I wish I could kill them though I just don't think we can like I don't think they even have any knock-back I need to keep a lookout I'm so yeah I'm a little bit paranoid just a little bit okay oh let's see let's go down this way I think this is where I spotted them last time I'm pretty sure oh I can't wait hang on I do remember coming here I think I hear something yeah here's something hello anybody please thank sneak up on me like you did last time that was not nice that was not nice at all okay we found another one okay I have to just keep on looking around cuz they can just touch you once in you're dead it's not nice oh there's one right there okay is he protecting anything he might have he might actually be protecting a pumpkin down there where's your other friend where's the second Jason yo this actually makes things very challenging I don't know why I'm doing this to myself like like why alright so we got 7 where is the pumpkins oh I can hear him I can hear him Jason chill buddy chill all right where am I going I'm actually a little bit lost feel like I'm going around in circles I think I am I going around in circles okay this is good this way oh here's another one how is it 15 I'm a little bit confused how is this 15 on here oh my goodness I'm actually struggling oh this Jason there is Jason oh please don't scorn me all right we got nine there we go that took a while to collect okay I think I'm doing all right oh he's rolled oh no there's a pumpkin and oh no I might've just not uh not not not okay that is um yeah that's actually hard I I don't think I like having more than one character in there let's go respawn game over you failed to escaped only room I escaped was um the top one which was Ronald McDonald all right well let's retry it I guess we'll just go to clown one and see how the hotel is hopefully it's maybe easier I don't know we're gonna have one okay just one and we're gonna choose the hotel actually can we go back no I don't think we can let's go right down and hopefully this is a good one haven't actually tried this so let's see oh okay where's the clown oh I don't like clowns do not like clowns oh there's mmm there might be a lot of doors oh well I found the first pumpkin Gigi all right well at least I only have to focus on one clown that might actually be good sorry where are you where are you buddy clown come out come out wherever you are oh okay a little swimming pool or something that's weird oh here's no one dude I don't like how we have to collect 15 that's a lot Oh two in the same room okay that's not too bad can I have more of those please oh isn't a one four I might be able to escape this one all right all right oh well it kind of depends where he is he's around this corner I might be dead oh it does - in this room okay good good good all right five let's collect the six come on clicked there we go I haven't seen him I'm a little bit scared he might be protecting weight today here's something la that was good oh oh no he's various various various alright come on come on Oh he has the evil laugh is this like Pennywise like hang on let's just oh geez okay well you don't look it and friendly whatsoever again he is somehow okay please don't be a dead end if this is a dead end I am gone alright good good good good I this should be one yep okay come on come on if he's following me right now I might be dead okay where is he I don't know where he is go go go go go okay we got ten I could actually just close the door but then I'd be kind of locked in here so that might be a problem just a slight problem uh oh wait we're back to you here alright so eleven oh we just need four more where am I gonna find four more I swear I've looked everywhere oh definitely haven't looked in here alright there might be one hiding somewhere like a secret one aha hopefully it's not that will be very very bad I where do I go let's go this way mmm this where we came from oh there was a door here interesting alright well 13 Oh sneaky fourteen I need one more and then I can actually escape actually oh the escape doors right there I was about to say I haven't seen a schedule yet say what in here nope okay um this might be a problem this might be a slight problem cuz I cannot find it and if that clown touches me once I'm gone okay where haven't I been come on just show yourself I wish I had x-ray is I might need to actually double check these rooms because it could potentially be in there and I just missed it I swear someone's got a time stamp it and I just like walked past it or something I can't looking everywhere I don't even see the clown where's the clown think God oh there he is okay just keep running keep on whatever go ho hmm you guys might have spotted that again I think the escape room is this way if I'm correct could be wrong I think I'm going right way hopefully please please no no no no no no I just went the wrong way okay I think this is the way yes I think please please yes here we go exit and boom Congrats you have escaped so we actually escaped two of these which isn't too bad I mean I think I can actually escape Jason wait this is still learning very good I think I can escape Jason except I had three of them and then I had two of them so yeah I think that's gonna wrap up today's video if you guys enjoyed and want to see more videos like this where I have to kind of collect pumpkins or some kind of challenge let me know in the comments below but if you guys enjoyed slept I'll like button and yes subscribe to channel fury and I'll see you guys in the next video peace see ya
Channel: FuzionDroid
Views: 306,263
Rating: 4.7569385 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft pocket edition, FuzionDroid, fuziondroid, Redstone in mcpe, ✔️, Pocket, Edition, PE, redstone creation, mcpe, minecrtaft pe, pocket edition, DO NOT CHOOSE THE WRONG SECRET BASE, DO NOT CHOOSE, do not choose the wrong portal, minecraft secret base, secret base, Lunar moon, wrong portal, wrong button, do not choose the wrong potion, SCP-096, pennywise, ronald mcdonald, Jason Voorhees
Id: vlWzTW4Uy68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 24sec (984 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2019
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