Minecraft PE : DO NOT CHOOSE THE WRONG SPAWN EGG! (Bees, Demon Eye, SCP-682 & Hydra Dragon)

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guys before this video starts go ahead follow my Instagram and is that fusion droid as you can see on the screen right now and yeah let's go ahead and continue the video what's up guys welcome back to another video and today as you can see we're back with another do not choose this time it is do not choose be wrong spawn egg so we got a red with some kind of like white dots an orange one with black and also a blue with a darker blue on it so we're gonna figure out who's actually inside of these spawn eggs if you guys enjoy these type of videos make sure to go ahead and slap that like button turn on notifications subscribe to channel all that good stuff and yeah let's go ahead jump into this right now so this is the first time we have actually done a spawn egg so um yeah this is gonna be quite interesting I don't really know what to expect from these four eggs but yeah you know what I'm not even gonna guess or maybe I should actually so for this one I'm actually thinking like there is mushroom cows because it's like red and white I don't know now for this one mmm thinking like a lion maybe and for blue II actually have no idea so yeah that's the guess really I have no clue so what we're gonna do enter this chest and we have an iron helmet diamond chestplate leather pants and v iron boots okay it's not too bad it could be better but you know what it will have to do now we have a wooden sword and you know some enchanted apples like we always have so which one should we actually enter first I don't know if should we go right to left maybe just go straight down the middle ah yeah you know what since I'm kind of confident that this one is a lion we're gonna have to enter this one first so here we go in three two one and boom okay oh wait a sec wait these don't look like lions but they do look like tigers and we got some parents in here as well so I was kind of correct kind of wrong at the same time oh geez whoa calm down I don't know if they attack I'm a little scared to go a little bit closer but we're gonna you know kind of test miss Tigers hey they seem to be scared actually of me am i that scary do I look scary I don't even look that scary why are they running away from me like this one right here wait what I just heard something I thought one of them was like dinos like y'all look how far that tails going that was weird okay you know what I'm gonna hit this one see what happens oh wait hang on nothing happened okay you know what I'm gonna climb up here can I climb up here how much old is the chest hang on hang on how do we get to that chest is it free here oh there we go okay oh this is a button right there okay that's actually pretty cool so what's in here oh we can use a crossbow on the Tigers okay we got cooked beef some torches and water bottles okay that's quite interesting let's see can I can I do this one oh there we go okay ah wait is it trying to kill me now hang on let me drop down for a sec no don't what wait a sec that one is different from these ones do you guys see that like this one is actually more orange and this one's like white and a little bit of like yellow in it sorry that's a little bit weird I let's see if I hit this one boom okay yeah nothing nothing at all these Tigers actually like kind of friendly I guess which is a little bit weird can we like tame them maybe they'd like to cook beef no wait wait why wait which one attacked me one of them just attacked me what wait was it this one I think it might be well that's really weird oh wait is it it's not the parrots no it's definitely not the parents it's when I get too close like I kind of scared them whoa okay okay buddy okay no no no no I'm gonna die oh good okay quickly this oh okay I'm I've just made them a little bit mad maybe I was wrong with them being friendly they are actually mean if you get like really close up to them it like too fast they actually attack sorry oh okay oh oh what's attacking okay okay calm down calm down okay can this one die uh the crossfire I don't really like the crossbow to be honest oh oh yo you need show up sorry mr. pirate I'm sorry you got in my way all just ones climbing they can climb they are advancing no I don't like this wait where did it go I actually don't know ah let's just give one tacking this one oh my goodness they can actually climb that's insane and then they just drop down hmm well I'm not too sure what to do if these guys cuz um it seems like they actually have like a lot of help or maybe the wooden sword is actually just trash I really don't know let's just keep on firing at this one I want to see if we can actually you know get rid of a tiger uh come back here buddy come on oh there we go we actually can they drop lever okay this that's quite interesting um yes so they don't really charge at you but if you charge at them look at this then they didn't get all mad and stuff okay well this has been quite interesting but I think it's time to enter the next spawn egg ah so yeah maybe I'm just gonna attack this one cuz this is wait a sec wait whoa boy did I just see a different color door was that oh yeah this one well that one's pretty quick okay well let's get out field let's press this button and hopefully yep okay leads back okay so the next one we're gonna do is should we do red I don't know I feel like red means bad and that's why I tried to like avoid that so what we're gonna do is enter this blue spawn egg now let me just quickly I don't know why we have water bottles let me just quickly get rid of these torches don't really need that fehb is how he killed from the parrots that was a mistake but yeah I'm gonna bring the crossbow with me and these arrows of course and a few just in case we you know get a little bit hungry and hang on I almost forgot the enchanted apple jeez I cannot lose that hang on let me change this as well there we go alright so blue spawn egg what's gonna be inside it can't be like gumball since I was like an animal so maybe blue is an animal what type actually don't know let's find out and free to one okay oh no no all right guys this is the the Hydra dragon and is free of them go this is a massive place wait were they trying to escape did they play a hole in the ceiling okay that's a little bit scary they don't seem to be attacking me which is good I'm gonna get a little bit closer to them and see what happens hey buddy look at the size of them you know they actually huge look I'm like the size of its foot okay well it seems like they don't attack me which is um you know it's a good thing but what happens if I attack them uh did that Tibet do anything I don't think it it did hide your dragon are you okay buddy alright hang on let me hit it a few times oh okay oh geez Oh No let me quickly listen gentle Apple so um yeah that just happens okay do we have to actually kill off these because I'm pretty sure if I'm correct Hydra dragons have a lot of elf and it's free of them I don't figure I can actually take on all of these but look at this wait what this bedrock oh okay chill chill show this one's getting mad Oh No okay lucky I have done in chance Apple of the five resistance but this one has to go oh my goodness no no no yeah this is gonna be probably the worst one I actually think I picked the wrong one no I should have picked red and then this one last y'all this one's getting really mad okay what if I attack this one and I'm gonna attack this one as well there we go okay oh this is a bad idea but I just wanted to see what would happen I want all three of these guys to come charging at me I don't know why because that's a really bad idea y'all these guys are mad you know what if I didn't even attack annual stem I wouldn't have been attacked so yeah uh yeah my health is going down oh wait we can escape we can escape run wait is a chest yeah hang on oh diamond sword actually Oh in a borough get rid of this car before one potion or potion of strength hang on we might be good ah where's the button okay I need to quickly press that button do not blow it up do not blow it up okay should I use my last enchanted apple oh I'll bring it with me just in case but we still have this red one ten so this is gonna be a bad idea but here we go ah so I'm gonna do fire resistance three minutes oh wait we still have it on potion of strength I think that's what's gonna help me a lot so here we go here we go can we oh geez you gotta chill we have a diamond sword now so this should be a lot more easier and we have strength so um oh jeez okay maybe I need this as well regenerate me please there we go come on come on come on come on maybe if I can at least take out one hydreigon that would be nice but oh oh diamonds 11-time it's okay so it is possible it is actually possible is that hang on is that coal what's that uh City and there is some city in down there which is weird but yeah we can actually get rid of all of them okay this is actually not too bad come on come on come on come on this strength can't run out of me I need to keep using it this is insane this is actually insane okay keep on attacking keep on attacking oh yeah you can see the obsidian why save city and oh jeez um okay let me back up let me back up get me up this one should be close yep okay there we go and then the last Hydra dragon come on this one should be actually not even close I need to keep on attacking it wait where's my diamonds wait wait don't blow out my diamonds please please please please there we go 20 full diamonds I can actually cross the fool diamond Gyo I'm pretty sure of 20 full time and so on yeah GG okay well let's detect this one get my remaining diamonds and then yeah this is actually not too bad I mean I think it's still the worst one because they do like a lot of damage more than the one we just went through with the Tigers so yeah okay come on come on this one should be close come on Hydra Jagan there we go don't okay there we go thought my diamonds are you know kind of blew up from the fire but I yeah that was actually pretty cool thirty-six diamonds wait the real question is I need some wood because we don't have a crafting table okay hang on let's quickly quickly get this and I can make a full diamond gear to go through that red one which I still think maybe Reds gonna be the worst one I think that's all I actually need hang on let's go like that crafting table yeah okay I was basically what I needed okay so let's do hang on do I have to chest plate already yes I do okay so I need this I need the pants and I need the boots and that's basically it because I have the diamond sword as well so yeah this is actually the best one so far okay I'm actually liking this this is fun all right sorry let's I eat the cooked beef there we go now let's quickly put everything back in his chest so we can enter this red spawn egg I am now ready to enter this red spawn egg so we have everything in here we got 20 diamonds which is a bonus I mean if my diamond you know kind of breaks which it won't because it's diamonds it will take a very long time but I yeah we still have you know some backups but yeah let's go ahead enter his last one I certify out of these two the hydras definitely the worst one tigers being the best one and this what we're about to find out in three two one let's press the button okay wait what oh whoa what is that what is that wait what what's up and I boil something that was weird uh-oh wait what is that thing yuck get away get away what is that I think I've seen this from what's that game oh wait isn't it terraria I think that's isn't it umm okay oh geez they just kind of come down y'all don't one was fast okay give me a warning please wait can I hit them from here oh I can oh okay wait they drop what what is rotten flesh okay these guys are actually a little bit annoying oh we got another bow we got grass blocks arrows oh not back okay oh that's what it's gonna seem and I hang on why don't we have a spawning all right that's a little bit weird you know what I'm gonna spawn in four of them well look at them whoa whoa whoa okay use not back use knock back okay oh this might actually be harder for some we're gonna charge me eight hey where'd you come from that someone that's a little bit sneaky get back here okay you know what this one has to die this one has to go there we go know what there we go okay get away get away these guys oh my goodness No okay no no no let me back out there we go can I just go back to the Tigers and just stay up like on the trees and just you know chill there um I want to try to crossbow I think it does the same damage as a bow but I just want to you know give it a go and we do have fire resistance which we don't even need water bottles don't really need that maybe what's at the grass blocks hang on so how many do we actually have here so we have one two three four five six seven or some oh geez okay no no no stop stop stop oh wait I don't think can they not get me I don't think they can't hang on let me use my crossbow alright oh wait they can't actually hit me from here yes I found a strategy maybe I was supposed to use these grass blocks for this reason I don't know but I it is working out well oh there we go discover rid of one what No okay um I really don't like the crossbow like the burst is a lot more easier look at that so fast as well ah that was actually a lot of hits oh you sweeping off like that I mean sweeping down actually you know what these remind me of phantoms uh oh whoa okay oh that one actually almost came in here but it kind of thought okay that one actually hit me get out of here which one was it was this one there we go let's get rid of this one okay they actually take a little bit more okay yeah I don't know sometimes they take longer to kill oh it does have one more I can never weirdoes involved him yes okay let's collect these are rotten flesh that's such a weird thing to drop okay well anything else in his chest nope that was pretty much it okay uh I still think the Hydra dragon is the worst one because it was just very Opie like very Opie so it definitely goes this one being the worst one ah maybe second worst and Tigers actually being the best one because they only attacked a few charged at them these guys will they just charge that you no matter what so let's see I feel like with this one it's gonna be a mooshroom cow maybe because it's red and white or maybe it's like penny wise uh uh yellow and black maybe a giraffe maybe uh and for blue I actually have no idea wait what's blue it could be like a fish maybe a fish isn't it or a shark or wait what's that wait what did I just see something flash on my screen or was that I have no idea anyways let's go ahead jump into this chess and we have a chain diamond chain and lever okay okay that's a weird combo and we also have golden apples so not even enchanted okay I'll take it why not okay well let's see which one okay wait see there is something what is fat it just went and smokes like something just died there but I saw nothing I'm a little bit scared there has to be something here I have no idea but let's just go straight down the middle yellow and black spawn egg um I'm thinking a draft but I could be wrong so here we're going free to one and here we go oh my goodness oh wait these bees way out no they know I'm feeling sick and feeling sick oldest button I can't get out get out get out get out so wait bees aren't even in position this is this is bedrock condition um okay yo how long does this last fall holy okay that's a lot that I'm gonna throw up with something just look down miak there we go III don't know how I'm gonna stop that from happening this room is actually probably the worst one that there's a ton of bees I don't know what to do do I have I have nothing in here that can I need milk that would be good but I don't even have a bucket I don't have any cows nearby this is a bad one all right here we go let's just fight them off against all look at this I'm already getting the nausea great oh it is a chess hello wait let me get the chess B's stop no please B's okay no I'm feeling sick I can't even jump I can't I can't get over there okay there we go so oh we got more B's I don't know why I would want that okay we got cooked food crossbow oh we got water bottles we don't want that wait am i good from up here I don't think they can actually come up here so I could shoot them with the crossbow ah wait I didn't get the arrows what am i doing get the arrows Fusion there we go oh my goodness ah so yeah these are bees what are they doing in bedrock I mean they only came out on the Java edition let's see if I can actually shoot this parrots there we go ah I don't know if I was supposed to do that bees come down one just go close uh uh which one just got close I don't know it's way too many all right let's see this is kill him one hit let's boom oh it does but I don't like the crossbow actually let me know in the comments below do you guys like the crossbow or just a normal bow let me know in the comments below I actually like to bury better but yeah just just because it takes too long unless unless you have this fing enchanted oh my goodness I just missed and it's like 20 bees in front of me and I missed again what am i doing that oh my god I just got the parents ie serious I accidentally and I killed the parrot again I kept that is really weird do you guys see that like black flash on my screen I don't know what that is it just comes and goes like there's something just dying in front of me and I'm just like disappears maybe it's here a bride I don't know alright here we go oh my goodness I keep shooting the parrot honestly in the chat right now in the comments just put put hashtag rip parrot I keep on killing them okay you know what I don't want to go down there but I feel like this diamond swords gonna do a lot more damage so here we go yep it's definitely don't hit me no okay if I can make it not hit me then I won't get nausea here we go hey I can see you sneaking up on me buddy there we go get rid of you get rid of you okay never get rid of this part no I got stung ah no no no no no no can I climb up it what I can't even climb up here let's break down there we go okay wait hang on what that nausea just disappeared already that's weird okay well let's just keep on shooting them with the bow wait what I don't even aim for that B and I hit it that's such that's so weird I'm so confused all right here we go jump down here there should be like 115 left and I just saw that little black flash again I don't know what's with my politician man I don't know oh my god I can't hit this B this one B right here wait I can't even hit it wait what can I just not attack the Beast now oh my goodness I'm feeling sick help there we go maybe I'm not hitting the rides the little hitbox ping jeez oh my god this is so hard this is a get here B there we go and so much clicking man there we go wait did I do it oh my goodness is still this still some of these baby here come on I can't I can't hit it when I'm all over the place feeling sick oh here we go lost B come on come on come on or joint hit me again sorry ha there we go are we done okay wait the nausea went away finally yeah and there's this one parrot here I swear those like 10 pairs I think I killed a lot of them my sister lost one why not ah that was very interesting I don't know if I like this one at all let's get out of here okay so growing here just press the button boom there we go okay so what is that I don't know see it look smoke again so weird I'm so confused by that okay well do I need this not really bombs gonna eat it anyways so we're gonna enter this red and white spawn egg now what's gonna be inside of here I said a mushroom cow but I don't think it is let's let's put oh geez that definitely does not look like a cow oh wow I just kill me one here are you serious wait this is it right there scp-682 I've actually never heard of that SCP before Wow I just got demolished what Oh what I'm like I don't know how I'm supposed to do this guys how am I supposed to do this let me quickly get my stuff alright can I even get my stuff was it gonna kill me straight away or it kills you straight away even with armor and everything there's no point even bringing extra swords of me what if I just bring dirt and kind of just build up and get scared that that's pretty much all I can do jeez I think hits you one one shot and you're dead and I had full armor that's insane okay eight no no no no no what how what looks like a need to get more dirt this might actually be the worst spawning worse than the bees even though the bees were actually pretty bad I did not like the bees whatsoever but yeah let's let's try this again maybe it fun run okay okay yes there we go I just don't know how I'm gonna get my stuff insane flash on my screen again here Brian where are you okay I don't know what I'm supposed to do I'm especially like this on parkour like what how am I supposed to get my stuff how can I hit it from me I can't even hit it can I get back here there we go what's in that chest there's something in there but it's focused on me right now its head is free to ward geez okay so in flash again uh okay you know what make him run for it okay that was woo that was a bad mistake so we're back here again and what I could actually do is wait can i click on that chest hang on get out of my way there we go oh okay okay okay this might be good this might be good tonight oh my goodness I jumped legit just jumped and it just attacked me straight away oh wait here we go what if I just keep doing that I mean this is not gonna work this looks so weird and it's making so much noise I don't like it but this thing is legit no time and I can't marry for else it's gonna kill me so yeah this is pretty much impossible I don't like this morning I don't like this SCP whatsoever the other SCP is are a lot more easy to kill this one's just it's not dying guys it's legit not dying okay ah don't mind me buddy I'm just getting my stuff okay let's get him my stuff you don't need it you don't need to kill me you don't you don't you really don't okay you don't have to do that you know what I'm gonna have a few more tries if I can't do it I give up on that one this one's is way too hard alright here we go No okay okay you know that was just a little practice run hmm it's like okay you know what I give up I give up with someone you know what just to say I'm just gonna just destroy these buttons as well I do not like this mornig no one should go through that that one is the worst more neg worse oh my god it's just terrible I prefer to go for the B's and that just made me feel sick honestly so I lost all my armor so now I only have this golden sword and a Golden Apple so let's go ahead enter the last spawn egg which is this blue kind of color so we got like dark blue and light blue so we go and free to one please be good okay that's not good there is if you guys don't know what that is they are behind Dragons yes these are hard to kill but when when you actually kill them they drop a lot of diamonds I'm pretty sure so we got actually a boat or we got a diamond sword yes okay perfect strength resistance okay but we're pretty much all set now the good thing about the hide dragons is I'm pretty sure they don't attack you unless okay I'm just kidding I'm just kidding big do attack you I thought maybe they didn't attack you unless you did like the first attack but I guess I was actually wrong you know I'm gonna drink this potion of strength and I might need this as well all right here we go I have no Yamla so I have no idea how this is gonna go I feel like this is gonna go really bad okay it's not hitting me yet it's not anything me yeah but these things take a while to kill oh my goodness that just oh my heart's my hearts aren't looking good mmm there we go just have to go on an apple I wish it wasn't chances that would be a lot more helpful but it is what it is we won't give him one I need armor I really need to go back and get my armor I'm about to die I'm actually about the nor do not burn do not burn please my diamond sword and stuff do not burn in that fire okay I got it I got it I got it I got it but now that I have fire resistance so um yeah yeah this is not fun maybe if I just keep spamming my bro from all the way over here eventually it will die I don't know wait can I hit its head from here Oh what your kind of hit the head okay weird oh wait what did it did I just kill the the Hydra dragon okay wait there's diamonds 14 okay you know what you know what we have to quickly do where's the button I get a buttons over here wait does anything not okay nothing in there wait what if I just do it from here oh hello where am I I'm scared what is this place okay you know what Hydra dragon just stay there for now I need to make a crafting table so I can actually kill you because I'm gonna make some diamond gear let's get some wood I only need one piece actually that's all I need cuz I have a diamond sword so don't need sticks or anything like that so here we go go out make the crafting table and chest plates actually wait I'm not even gonna get full diamonds oh well that's ok that is ok it's better than nothing it's better than nothing alright let's go back and geez this place is massive I mean the hydro dragons are pretty big so let's get back in here and hopefully we can kill the other hydrogen and it's gonna organize this very quickly because it's annoying me there we go who likes the sword in the first hot bar me that this you know kind of how it goes it's not the bow that very second I can just hit it from here and maybe miss my shots it just went straight through it I understand that but the hitbox must be in more blow the body over here so there we go look at it so scary I wish I had like some kind of animation with its head or like its body or something and did like some special attack ok ok I might die here actually this might not be good I might lose all my diamonds oh ok yo yo chill chill chill chill chill chill chill I come in peace I come in peace no I'm gonna die I'm gonna die and yeah I know it's gonna happen at least I got away from the fire I'm pretty sure I can just get my stuff yes I can perfect food I was lucky I thought I lost all my gear but we're fine we're fine so there's only two hydrogen's here I think last time I did the do not shoot strong spawn egg there was actually like four of them and it was very difficult it took a very long time this thing's just going what what are you doing it it's legit just spinning around ok it's stopped dancing are you are you good are you okay buddy that's weird I guess let's keep on spamming it see what I mean this is better than the crossbone crossbow it takes forever unless is enchanted and I have no more arrows perfect just what I needed now I have to get up close to this thing and just get demolished here oh geez okay if I can't kill this thing in a few more tries I might just give up honestly oh okay no no no we can't give up we can't give up we can't okay come on please there we go yes and I might actually die I might die oh I just ran free to fire okay what if I just quickly press the button and I can die here that's okay if I die here that's that's okay there we go and I can just collect my stuff perfect and we got eleven wait eleven diamonds I've got to go 14 last time that's weird well anyways uh that's gonna wrap up today's video guys which one was the worst let me know in the comments below in my opinion it definitely was this morning right here the red and white one then um actually the hi dragon or the bees the bees made me feel sick and the hydrogen did kill me more like the bees actually didn't kill me so it definitely goes this then this one and the bees actually being the best one even I was really annoying but yeah if you guys enjoyed this video make sure to go ahead and slap that like button and turn on notifications subscribe to channel if that good stuff and I'll see you guys in the next video peace see ya
Channel: FuzionDroid
Views: 2,056,207
Rating: 4.7858562 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft pocket edition, FuzionDroid, fuziondroid, Redstone in mcpe, ✔️, Pocket, Edition, PE, redstone creation, mcpe, minecrtaft pe, pocket edition, DO NOT CHOOSE THE WRONG SECRET BASE, fuziondroid don't choose the wrong, wrong spawn egg, DO NOT CHOOSE, Minecraft, minecraft do not choose the wrong, do not choose the wrong anvil, do not choose the wrong dragon head, do not choose the wrong fuziondroid, wrong, do not, 3AM, wrong axe, marshmello, mutant creeper, mosasaurus
Id: jF4WcNWo6hU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 12sec (1932 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 17 2019
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