Minecraft: All The Mods 8 Ep. 29

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good to go get it here to go uh hello everybody and welcome back to another episode of all the mods eight with uh some very beautiful people as always I'm talking about them not me uh if you guys would also like to play all the mods they'd love to take this moment to thank our uh sponsors for this series Apex hosting you can go down in the link in the description and check them out for 25 off your first month of server hosting you can play all the mods eight like us you can uh play all the mods nine even I'm sure that's the thing at this point there's other mod packs you can play vanilla do whatever you want and uh yeah we appreciate them so check them out and otherwise we're happy to have you here you should do that more often I couldn't I couldn't ask for more well I think you could actually why would you say that why would you uh true actually hold on wait hold on waiting what's on the uh what's on the agenda for today boys well um I was like should we try to tackle more of the Blue Sky stuff I actually don't know if it's necessary for the creative but there is more in those Dimensions that we haven't done as far as like more dungeons more bosses more stuff there's always there is always more actually that is so true except for separate women run out and then then it's that's all of it um yeah I can uh I can be talked into such things I uh I I just you know you know me I I've building I know you things um trying to complete out the productive bees cool cool cool that sounds like uh good fun happy times would you like to take a quick break from that I would like to get the draconic B to come out so they can do a breeding and then I'd be happy to go on the way I'm just waiting oh draconium okay well I didn't realize we were getting ultraconic up in here that's crazy no it's just it's just what the dragon bee is named but um the but he he'd taken his time and it's starting to vex me a little we are at some point and we've kind of pushed this a little bit we are going to have to start working on a mechanism uh reactor because antimatter is an ingredient a lot of things are requiring antimatter for us so it's just just a whole so what you're saying is I should take the space station that is in a different dimension entirely and use that as the grounds for oh is that where you were planning on doing the mechanism reactor no I mean I was going to initially get that set up for uh the neural network stuff but could also do that but thinking maybe if we're going to set up a reactor and have it be relatively close because I don't know what the explosion and radiation is like with this mod pack specifically so maybe best to do that in just like an entirely different planet yeah okay all right yeah for for sure I mean we got a nuclear so okay but but before we do that we could totally head over to the blue skies and continue where we left off which is we gotta find the Summoner on top of the Alchemist and then we gotta find the Starlight Crusher and the arachna narc um all right then Arc okay yeah and and awesomeness and stuff like that uh see okay uh I screwed it up so I'm on my way heck yeah let's go yeah cause I don't remember I think the bees do die off from radiation poisoning right I would imagine so uh yeah I think I mean if it's an effect that can be picked up by some by an entity then yeah it'll keep it away from them remember that time when I thought I killed all the bees yeah yeah I do and and and I I felt quite kind of me to not exploit that or play but I just was like no no calm down it's all right I've got this under control you let it go for like just long enough well he yeah I was letting him just kind of explain like what his thoughts were but uh I came down and believed it I I thought he had done it too because I wasn't down there you came down looked and there was like nope and left foreign has some good moments that was a good series I mean you know they all come up with their their their individual moments and stuff but it is interesting how it's you never know what ones are gonna be like obviously we like what we do and and do our best on each one but it some of them it's just it sounds neat and then you get there you're like not so much and other ones it really that's just it is it's like sometimes you the basis of the pack seems like a cool concept and you we by the time we're halfway through we're like this isn't that great [Music] but uh wait I thought xoria xoria is one that comes to mind is that like uh-oh wasn't terribly oh memorable but uh I mean that is the one where Jordan was paid to call me daddy so that that was a moment from it but um what's your price okay I don't remember what it was but um I think it was fifty dollars time to make one up now um yeah you don't have to do this Pete I didn't say I was going to I was just curious where your floor was at that's all my floor is under my feet right now unfortunately um okay noted noted okay so what was our what was our Blue Skies windmill window why I was thinking yeah Way Stone I I don't know why windmill came to mind probably either tricky Towers or it was also like that the building looks kind of windmill-like um I really don't know where you had it um flying okay never mind yeah yeah but no windmills obviously takes us to the windmills but it was like it was in my mind because anyway I just don't know what Way Stone it is and we'll just go through the portal I suppose we could yeah what portal over at the barn this one oh yeah this one wait which one oh wait is it here Dives oh that one did we forget where we put the portal down for the device 100 100 yeah wait we're doing 100 oh down here oh my God hey okay hey maybe building in the ship was actually not a good idea in hindsight no it was a great idea it's fantastic one I think we're still relocated if we want to Space Station uh you know what sure yeah cool cool let's just bring all our other crafting over weapons don't work well here no no they don't what are we looking for we're looking for a structure other than the one that we've already fought at wait I might oh wait was this the same dimension this is the one that had the Tower with the dude this is The Alchemist Tower yeah so yeah because I took that screenshot of the spider layer I'm gonna see if I can find that so you already know where it is I just might uh okay 337 13 22. oh okay cool that's the direction I was going 3 27 13 32 yes okay heading over be there a sample lapagus I also Jordan I don't think you were on yeah you weren't um the space station did not get erased from a hard reset so I figured I don't know what caused that to happen in the first place or like why it didn't appear again um I haven't traveled or like tried traveling back to space and rebuilding it maybe it just prompts you for it every single time that you visit which would be kind of weird but yeah I don't know and and what's doing is this spider yes and what happened that you're you're talking about with it remember like at the end of the episode I wanted to see if a server restart would uh delete it because that's what we thought for a little bit but Zen restarted the server and the other stuff was still there so yeah so what do you what do you think it was from I have no idea oh okay it's a mystery got it gotta got it oh this is uh a lot of hallways it's spooky bit spooky Mooney stones the noises yeah ow oh it was a lot of unique loot interesting glowing poison Stone wait I just got this from a chest this is the loot here wait what oh my God that's insane I have not seen that sort of loot in this dimension oh you know what can I say you haven't been here very long either what we've been here on a few occasions Oh I thought you were saying like just in here I was like yeah we just got here so no so far I'm uh I'm gray green and blue oh pog oh sick was that just in a chest yeah so is the boss in this oh I got one too is the boss in this dungeon I would have to imagine so this is not small oh yeah it does seem to not be small oh bug guts my favorite I'm always feeling a bit hungry you guys haven't eaten a bug before of any kind essentially I mean yeah we all have one way or another inadvertently but I can't I don't think I have actively do snails count as bugs um have you done the as cargo yes I wouldn't I don't know I guess the question that I'm asking I wouldn't put them in the same category okay um wouldn't compare a snail like that's a delicacy to like a cockroach for example do people eat roaches I think people eat a lot of things I don't know if I've met anyone that willingly eats roaches but I feel like roaches aren't really up there in the like insects that people try to consume category well if you're wrong and someone can prove you're wrong now would be a good time for them to say something no by all means prove me wrong someone's probably gonna prove me wrong right now but I don't know that just doesn't seem like one of the ones that's that's super duper heavily sought out cockroaches are considered a great meal in many parts of the world like Mexico and Japan says a quote in the chat I believe them surely nobody on the internet would tell lies yeah but if uh like I mean let's be honest if you could um figure out uh like if you could nutritionalize uh cockroaches and you would be in a great position to like as far as food as a food source I don't think that like I can do anything to change their nutritional value I think their nutritional value is what it is it's just a matter of you know if you can uh if you can convince yourself or or get to a point where you are happy eating it um uh that would be advantageous because it is oh sure no I agree readily available source of some form of food yeah dude if the world was completely willing to eat insects like we would be in a much better place than we are now even though I I read this really cool statistic um the other week that was like some some like massive it was like 30 percent or something uh of the winged insect biomass has gone away in like the last 20 years or something like that yeah there's some it like there's a whole thing there yeah oh hey I found another level down that's what I've been looking for I was like are you guys uh Pete did you already find like you can follow my arrow if you want to find it I'll be on the wire okay I was just looking up uh apparently uh German cockroaches contain 78 grams of protein per 100 gram of weight so they they are they just are protein seems to be so again you know like If It Fits your Macros and you need some protein for the day could seriously those are some muscly boys that just goes around if you look at the mini map peep or am I looking on the mini map I don't think I'm intelligent wait yeah you're not showing up for me on the mini map which is a little weird oh hey follow me behind me but he went around in a circle let me go get him I need saving you turned East one early oh okay coming pretty close now uh where did you go there's I see your name so you went ahead to the north right turn and then straight on until dawn oh I see Geronimo I went down here but I didn't see the way down did I just miss it when I'm on the right turn I did are you awesome I was like I was like right there no no I'm not lost I'm just like man I'd been placing torches to kind of remember where I'd been and I just was like it seems like mining cobwebs with an AOE weapon is a good way to cheese the spawner breakage kind of like and oh the spawners just melt uh to a regular to our pickaxes oh no mine was not working properly because of the dimensions I can just hit it with the AOE though I wonder if there's another level down from here or if the uh final Dubrow is here I also wonder how many keys it actually takes to get into the boss fight it's interesting having I found another level down with this because like we're getting so many more keys than I think you would normally be intended to wait why are we getting a lot of keys well because we have client side loot so we're getting like three times the amount of Loot and three times the amount of keys theoretically oh um well if y'all want to come to me we got another descent where are you oh you've gone all the way down the line here it's Southeast Corner basically oh you can't place blocks here interesting yeah they force you to do the old-fashioned way you know that's cool man I think that one gem was a fluke because I'm getting like I I have not gotten anything stellar hey I haven't seen great I got one purple um but that is about it but I mean I don't even pick up any of that stuff anymore well I mean why you don't want to juice to get gem dust not really oh he's got his gear he's sad man but there's there's so much more to optimize like there's more gems to add to things yeah Jordan said is addiction friend is no longer participating in those Endeavors any company lonely sometimes huh I I I it's lonely at the bottom you know like another key diminishing returns kind of thing yeah I got some more keys as well ah I was also going to wind up being a thing where like some items you need to kill them oh cool um what corner of the dungeon I am west of both of you and about right where you're at North South why so just almost directly west good day g'day mate good night all right we must be getting close it's getting yeah it's getting have you noticed that it's like gone from being not built to oh my God the spawners there's so many spawners here oh my God oh these guys are chucking poison oh yeah they've they've been checking poison for a little bit you just gotta duck oh I found a found a fancier staircase over on like East ish side of things I really like the design of the cobwebs it's cool ain't nothing down here Pete what about down this way I guess I'm just continuing there's articles yeah I I just I ran away but yeah oh we can go back if you want to keep descending these look like mostly just more Loot and things I guess so we can see yeah Petrie we are quite a bit north and a little East now we're now we are directly north of you um halfway to us still more Northville and now you're heading a bit east so we are west of you dead end nice I think that's right now directly cool don't mind me just a slow guy oh good Down the Hatch okay this seems like the place where Keys probably come into play this looks friendly oh I gotta take a hold on you guys want to stand in front of this he's got to take a hold on heck yeah I do oh my God okay cool that's so cool you guys that's so awesome okay I'll ask you to pose probably one more time with that with the boss but you know are you dolphining trades unlocked the gatekeeper is now selling poison Keys interesting huh um I'm just gonna throw them down four you can just pick them up they go I think Jordan got them all nope I threw some more on the oh hello Baby Mama this is the ragnarch oh why are you narking on us though oh my God okay you see this thing crawling toward you in real life what do you do die oh oh oh my god oh hello I really uh always wished in phasmaphobia that they would figure out how to get the ghost to be able to walk up the walls or run along the ceiling I always thought oh that would be terrifying so much worse uh we're not even all right I'm gonna guess that like the web design over the Boss Bar means that we gotta do something else first okay you can't break the webs oh wait no you're oh never mind it just isn't as effective fire oh it has the reflection ow is it like a special well it just for arrows it reflects like I was like why am I levitating oh God somebody hit me bad heat wow cheese Pete Jesus how long am I gonna be this way I keep getting re-hit okay we're getting reflected here you know I'm gonna be putting sweeping Edge seven on this was actually not a good idea oh my god oh you're getting fricked up it doesn't seem to take much damage when it's up on the ceiling yeah maybe we made it better either all right get down here you coward face I'm gonna highlight it I can see it now I'm telling you he has the air reflection you're just gonna hurt yourself I may have come here I think I figured out it's Agro I got myself with that one we got it whoa oh my God it goes crazy [Music] you're crazy I got a common word loot bag I got a rare over here a rare Rarity sorry what did I do it oh yeah that's a few arrows fine silk drops rarely from spiders when killed oh Chris is damaged out by one when poisoned interesting interesting okay uh what do we need to be getting from here I got it poisonous Ark uh we need a different sword and Venom sack yep did we get those uh I guess not because it probably would be highlighted okay how do we oh it does say they're optional though yeah but I mean are you just gonna let that slide like not completing them I guess they're optional we actually really don't need to I think it says that because it probably takes quite a few tries for it to actually drop that um I wonder if the uh it's not on here I was gonna say I wonder if like the uh what was the table the purple table that we got from the last guy like that was optional but I guess it's not a quest at all is there a slot that we can put the poisonous Arc thing remember the middle tab of your inventory oh right where's that again there it is I mean how do can you respawn the spider would you stop that Jesus like can you sense wait wait stand still oh my God what bruh what did you just do wait that's actually such a cool interaction if I just punch the block it just procs a swing every time like come near me I don't wanna I I'm almost out of Hearts bro like you took me down like four bars of Hearts you did like 20 30 hearts of damage what step a little bit more toward me Jordan Just a Little Closer I don't wanna I don't get out though you're literally shaking Jordan it's funny shouldn't anymore oh my God why does it do that I wanted her son really dies yeah I wonder if like you could have one person go in and fight the boss and the other person stand on the outside well no I actually think because it works on the inside right because it worked from this angle you could just get the bus to go over to you and then just like you want to try it does anyone have more keys I have two more keys but I don't know how to respawn I don't have anymore I think we need four keys to respawn it is could be more did we I don't think we fully looted right we didn't loot this side now but the sir or the floor you definitely we definitely haven't fully looted good God 's understanding why why does that happen would that happen with other blocks no just that one something about the way that it be makes it do oh wait we can break here now just fly to perfect height where the Cowboys on the floor and in the ceiling are not hitting me I feel like God that's so smart of you to do I am God okay climb that ego be smitten I am not finding any stuff I found one more yep oh there was a thing that said we unlocked a key trade right oh I finally got a big [Music] oh nice with the uh with the trader dude now we can buy Keys is what it's saying we could just set up a Way Stone here and go to wherever that is that the guy in the Overworld who we got the stuff from Eddie my guess is that yeah it's all right it's all day at and a bad potato chips I guess I'll drop a boy Stone down in front of the uh the boss the balls like a boss okay I'm gonna head over he was as quick as he could be like a boss oh bad news it doesn't let you nope it says I can't do it in this room can you put it on the Bedrock hey [Music] I probably wasn't supposed to activate that yet is that there for you oh yeah yeah it's good it just gave me another one huh where are you guys wait a minute did we just find it back in front of the key spot I'm pretty sure I did wait oh yeah break wait hold on I'm gonna break this one yeah I've got two um I know I have two now nevermind wait but you have two so you did get a dupe I did get a dude but I don't know how um I'm trying to find my way back to the key spawn now I'm sad about it yeah it's like all the way uh North scene if you're on like the second to the last floor yeah oh see nice I did find a third key a second we have enough okey-doke so there you go here you go no no I did it last time Jordan here you go I don't want to get proced for this he's back wait can we leave oh we can't go back out but we need Pete to uh oh I need you guys step away from me and let him actually oh yeah try it on the yeah just try just hitting the thing right now it's not working oh wait maybe it wasn't close enough was he in his invulnerable state I have no idea okay now it's invulnerable regardless of state it still would have made a procking sound for me which it didn't maybe it's like it just it's invulnerable to the tricks that we fall for I wonder if we can make a nice weapon that will actually do better here I have a a reforged blue skies that I'm using oh that's probably what's doing so much damage all right bring it to the door okay come on come to the door guess so just had to make sure sorry boys [Music] no problem so cool come on come to the door Jordan do you want to hit off ceiling I think you're the one that does more damage and maybe like gets it to come down faster oh yep yeah that's what I do hey buddy hey hey oh okay this is your chance this is your chance let me off now let me off now thank you thank you now come little oh he's grabbing you with his legs it's actually kind of cool to see [Laughter] we gotta kill away though we have to kill it though okay okay get down you foul Beast can I hit it from here no almost almost come on oh no oh I did get a few swings on it just then I got a few procs it counts discounts all right that was pretty sick that was pretty cool I got an uncommon loot bag I wanna know what it is important that makes him Shake it's the it's the the Pete's like shivering thing the frostbite oh is that what it is you're also yeah you're also shaking us in um well I didn't get anything interesting or new yeah I think we're done here perhaps what a great discovery that is interesting interaction okay so I mean there is another two dungeons so we just that's the quest the bottom quest line and then there's the top one where we do the Summoner and then we find the Starlet Crusher so I'm assuming another over over the ground and then another Underground possibly that would be my guess hmm do we just fly around more perhaps there oh it's another dimension oh right that was the ever got it we did like the ever Dawn and now we need to go to the ever bright hey did you guys keep the poison Stone oh uh yeah uh there's an extra one I threw it in the uh thing who wants to fetch like a lot of it because the well I guess we don't need the poison dungeon keys right we don't actually need this trade right now we're done I don't think so yeah I think we're good okay yeah it's six points is done 16 spider eyes for a key but we're good with it so I think we're fine we need to go and uh go to the ever bright which does that Trader trade the portals for that um well I have the zealiter blue journal and then the keys so I'm assuming um where's the ad Blues are unlocked it's happened or inventory where is the uh oh I see around the house okay what a life he's been in here a while what a life poor fellow Ellison I feed him well okay yeah that's cargo like so I assume it's it's a different house that we have to find so this guy is the ever Dawn and then there's another house that does ever bright got it so there's basically another another guy has a portal in his garage oh hold on uh the interest of the ever bright Dimension the portal is made of turquoise stone bricks and can be lit with a Zeal lighter it seems that ever bright is constantly day but is somehow always brittle and cold the world has home to lots of large thick coated fauna plenty of snow and spirit-like enemies can be found there during the snow more enemies like to show their faces as they much prefer the Colder Weather okay so turquoise stone bricks we can use that oh that Alchemy thing that we got we can put a stone in there and we can turn it to a turquoise which we can turn into the bricks all for real wait let's do it that item is crazy good I wonder if that like that's just an alternative or if that's the way that you're supposed to do it I'm assuming alternative considering this is from oh I know the Alchemy tables from Blue Skies but yeah never mind oh right there I know it's a wonderful spot for it it looks great so wait you just oh yeah or stoning this actually doesn't even need a uh an item underneath it too it's like the saplings needed the Ender shards or the echo shards that's just free for free 30. don't get used to it where do we want to make this portal um up here maybe that works wait isn't is it not the stone brick oh wait is it the stone oh yes it is I got it uh we can't have corners that's not allowed okay are you building this just write up above the other portal get on over using that's a nice Nest though oh yep that definitely works it's true it's a nice color yeah okay away we go away we go away I think I go well it's spawning a new dimension right no sure that's true now you're thinking with portals we weren't thinking with portals before but now we are hey look your people are here should I say your sheeple you must feel right at home I really do asulfo or something to bark but then scene made a actual good sound effect so I didn't oh yeah why are the quests like popping off right now what the heck's going on because we just remember something for a prereq oh that was a pre-raq to go into both of them oh I know all the things they're like all right well we're probably searching for a pretty equivalent like above ground Tower structure with my guess look at the nature dungeon wait what if you go into the tub and click on it shows you an image of what it looks like a thing is thick nature does oh is that the Starlight oh wow oh that's above ground okay I see but the other one is just a blue version of the first thing we found um I don't see where the nature dungeon portion is all the way on the right do you see like the little uh kind of green and yellow tub yeah for the block if you click on oh wait no it's the one before it's the spawn egg if you click on that it'll show you what the oh that's a that's a hefty boy you're not gonna not notice him now how do we explore when the chunks are um as chunks are oh right right never mind I answered my own question I said explore good joke it's a good joke it's a good one what's the name of the Temple um ever I'm assuming it's ever bright blinding dungeon which I just structure attempted to structure compass for and it's not working um the server's angry oh yeah I mean we're okay all three of them 3 500 blocks away what a treat oh do you find it 3500 is not terrible I did find it yep it's uh directly diagonal Northwest Do you have a it doesn't give a chords on the structure compass nope I see oh all right I'll head to the northwest ah gotta right click the compass I see those three thousand away but yeah very much Northwest would go to like 380. around there I actually know it's diagonal so it wouldn't be absolute coordinates travel in the nether I don't even know if there is another here I don't I don't think that's a viable option in this uh particular case but hey if we stay in the same job it'll go it'll go quicker if you would Pete and I I just saw Pete whiz by and I'm like hey if we stay in the same chunks it'll go faster because you know we're loading the same chunks as ourselves indeed I like learning this is where you guys are but it's hard to move across is a hard to move across you move so much faster than me I like to move it move it foreign you know it's it's a bit of a like 10 blocks forward five blocks backward sort of situation but a little bit we're getting we're getting down at the ocean and just seeing the chunks connected by a single diagonal Point yeah I'm just I'm currently just looking at the structure compass and it gets closer and then it goes back a little bit and then it gets closer like we're making forward progress thousand blocks away Center construction same thing well I I'm in your guys's Trail now or entering your Trail so I'm not all right let's go now we're making four requires 600 blocks 600 blocks it's going it's going I see that trail loading a little better now yeah we would have had a really not fun time trying to find this oh wait oh there it is I just smashed into it I'm sorry that you didn't get to explore for it Pete I know that I heard the disdain in your voice and no I got to fly it was nice totally this would have been a this would have been a not terribly fun one to try to find with it being you know three thousand blocks away to be fair foreign opportunities here man which one to choose what do you guys think would you be more likely to click on a video with this Tower but we've had a similar Tower in purple in the other dimension or with the spider boss in it or with you guys in front of the door hmm if it has a picture maybe whichever is brighter if it has a picture of Pete then I'm in you you like brighter you'll see like every ever bright would be would be good me personally yes your bright thumbnail kind of guy okay what if I bump up the levels dramatically using Photoshop oh now you're speaking my language for the spider blinding Keystone you need four dungeon keys to enter yeah I assume it's kind of the same mechanic as last time and there is oh wait we already have the blinding dungeon keys guys oh we can still explore though if you want what's the point what is the point of anything oh no he stole my sword oh you're back get up here boys oh we got a fish to fry what kind of fish Cod tilapia oh okay Call of Duty let's go let's blow this Popsicle stand oh he looks like pretty similar yeah wait these dudes are funny ads hold on wait a minute wait a minute oh frick chill in one place for like two seconds bro God dang it why is he poisoned there we go that was good that was good that was good all right whoa ow Peter hey Peter I saved us in don't worry he's healing he was healing for a second oh really yeah oh cute it won't matter beat we got him I'm the problem tragic Magic [Music] uh ethereal Arc oh yo that's sick actually like the adding these things we have 15 movement speed increase just easy peasy let's go oh check this out what was that the spear the soul sounds fair I was built in loyalty [Music] that looks like some Vault Hunters like that's pretty cool actually yeah oh you got lucky because that's one of the bonus um things wanted to read what it uh the other one is the summoning table I don't know do we we do have a lot of keys do we care to fight against see if we get the summoning table that wasn't too bad again oh okay yeah I didn't even realize this could happen without us leaving my king ouch ow wait it's speared does it do a lot of damage ow I'm being fricked look at those four okay no not the best ow L zine what's up what's up Boko oh my God yeah I bet you could actually reforge the spear oh now we're talking huh now we're talking now we're talking all right beautiful did we get it did we get it do we get it we can do another I got more keys oh wait yeah you're right oh I gotta I got a spear too oh what do you think I got a summoning tone wait I got two Spears did someone Loop pin you out of this because that wouldn't happen I don't think it's how the bags work right yeah wait what the whoa you can do it to me wait what happened oh I got the summoning table I don't know why I responded one more time that kind of reminds me of the like starting noise of space cadet 3A pinball wait what it sounds like that and 80s uh like computer and movie computer you know like this is what tech is supposed to sound like yeah you expect welcome to Planet glenard Lane you expect that in the background you know future near the future we believe in chicken do some of that right now I'm hungry what uh what item was that Zayn uh the summoning Tomei oh that's not actually listed in the challenges is it no I can't move because Pete hit me again so I'm just gonna stay up here man I've swung twice this whole battle and one time it was at you it's time don't swing at me I got two bags for that yeah I know yeah I think you looping on it because I got all these Summoner trophies now huh that's cool yeah I've got I've got quite a few of the spear things oh I'll get the summing table we didn't have that right I had one yeah okay got it it's not important sorry sorry I'm still happy to participate not even interested I'm happy to have you participate uh what is that oh I have three summoning tables oh okay so we've got those down I'm glad you're happy that we do that we do that's a 10 movement speed increase oh yeah no that's like dude I'm I'm gonna get too fast at some point here what to do with all of these beers because they like they're all they all have reforgers on them oh you went for a reforge I see no that's just oh that just dropped wow yep ow how's it do it tickles a little bit oh all right are we finding the big thick boy now oh right the thick boy I forgot about that so much stuff I gotta juice um yeah yeah let me head back uh I moved moved away I went back home and we didn't have a waist Stone so I'm gonna end up back at the portal spawn I mean probably a good advantage point to find the structure anyway all right let's see so that one is called the Nature's dungeon right yeah uh yep let's just see if I got a closer one over here from where we are oh uh did it work I don't know if it worked they're not too happy right now oh okay a server not too happy yeah nature dungeon cannot be located perhaps try again later that just happens sometimes oh mine is 2200 away from here mine is a thousand blocks all right I know where we're going where are we going back to portal uh back to the home and then through the portal I guess so we can get to or Jordan's at it's uh through the portal and then just like pretty much South [Music] oh oh oh oh I I had made a Way Stone and didn't realize that I had utilized my uh um warp Stone to to make it and so I was sitting there like why is it okay but oh I have done that at least twice this series put the pieces together and was like oh that's right are you still uh MCC skinned by the way yeah yeah I'm gonna keep this good for a while oh really it's yeah Mine mine's pretty cool you can't really see it but okay pretty much to the South like Saloon I went slightly East ish but mostly just south like South South South Southeast we getting close same better take my breath away hey there's what is this should we check out the village it's like a traditional Village as opposed to a not traditional Village a village where these guys where Zine shoots at us is that challenge here can't even yell at him I'm frozen but it's my fault oh frick that was God dang it I threw forged gear into the system I'm gonna break our system everything everything is going to crash and die pretty much yeah I'll be honest I've done that a few times today I just haven't said anything about it okay I'm the problem making me feel better you're fine I've actually probably done that a lot without realizing um I'll clean the system I promise I'm seeing people suggest bringing an ax I don't know if it's uh like bandwagoning or I found a uh ax that I grabbed out of it that was a like just I just like well maybe I'll take that and see how that does oh because we might need that that looks pretty cool wait so at blue skies do we have any of that ax oh we have a horizon at night X that X or we have a quiet ax which one's better backing it up guys one one brief moment here while I go do a thing he has a problem it's a problem doesn't it feel good seeing to just be away from that oh yeah no like you look back and think man I can't believe that was me but I'm glad it's not me anymore yeah exactly like I just left it behind really I just looked and thought you know what am I achieving and I realize nothing nothing's being achieved nothing's being changed I'm achieving something right now I can I can optimize as much as I want and very little is different at all other than I'm just I just have spent time and resources I just achieved bigly I just want to add some HP damage and then it'll be awesome because I want to see if it works I'm not maxing this guys I'm just gonna you know we're just gonna go for a little just to see just to see if it works good skis you know just a little bit of this and see if it goes good okay guys don't worry I'm coming right back okay I wasn't worried all right all right sorry uh I see it oh I see it on the we're very close we didn't actually see it but it's in it's in the mini map and it's large oh hello holy frick that thing is crazy looking wow that looks like cake yeah take a slice out of it and take a bite of it big old layer cake that's thumbnailable God there's so much thumbnailing going on today it's like what do you even what are you 12 different thumbnails taken and eleven will just be discarded after this episode so far I know I know but you gotta get options man you ever just cheat and use this thumbnail from a previous episode and go they'll never know that's what I was gonna say like how many times could you do that in a row before someone points it out and notices like hey guys anyone knows that the thumbnail has nothing to do with the video that we're watching no I see I've never actually done that though never he's a man of integrity no I haven't oh okay so we probably need to work our way to the top I'm spoiling the top but okay are you guys oh my God the stonelets look cool ouch oh whoa what is the spawning Stone lit hmm we could make this our base guys okay oh man you both had trouble finding the the blue skies portal in the first place are we sure we wanna do one with this many hallways well look it's a five by five Grid it's actually pretty easy to follow on the minimap well you gotta throw a uh shade like that bro I just need some cover from the Sun you're right I'm sorry why you gotta be like that is this the down nope it's just the dead I think it's probably uh oh that makes sense oh yeah I guess up would make more sense than down yeah I do just wanna remember to know that um my food is on the way and so maybe we will you know wanna oh hey I got an atro dungeon key maybe we'll want a cliffhanger like the boss fight you know it's like no I'd actually like to get two thumbnails out of this session yeah that would be so cool oh annihilating a quite ax I found a tree I don't think the tree is the way up so you said we need nature sounds if we want to get extra or we're going to need the stone found on the chest to get extra keys if we want to get extra keys is that so that's what you were saying in the spider dungeon so I guess I'm gonna grab some of the rocks oh dead center uh all the way all the way to the West Center West okay oh wow there's so many spawners in here oh hey would you look at that boy what's up I call her Buffy the toe Slayer them toes Buffy all of a sudden just nipped it my toes it's like a painful nip no no no no no just like is she actually just came up and licked my foot oh and she's like it's one of those things you know like it's fine when you're prepared for it but when you've just been chilling for a while it's like kind of like okay that was a moment after all these years you still don't expect it oh I mean you just get a little distracted by the game and you know like you just don't realize she's up and about and then she is up and about foreign key I have two at the moment I have two oh we're so ready to go dude except you know we'll have to leave it in suspense probably and oh my God I just realized this dungeon is purple and green that's the color combo of Doom or if dude my viewers the best color combo in the world um that seems suspicious the purple and green is the best color combo in the world yeah it's suspicious I agree it is sus IE colors so sassy I think they'll ever make an emojis movie and like use the term sauce repeatedly God I love that I want to just be nothing but an hour and a half of stray fan service that'd be great okay um so it is Middle straight South to get higher nice nice I found a big book of bees nice oh wait what what what did I put that in there did I do that am I the problem and I knew it uh what's got your time brother what did you do hello man so wait did they stop did they steal it or did I somehow put stuff in anyway I huh it's fine I opened a a loot chest and it had like my loot in it and I'm not I'm trying to figure out like how it got there oh my what I just mimicked your inventory well it was like you know you lost your inventory yeah but it had my time in a bottle in it like it was like uh well yeah but and that's the did I put it in there without like when did I when did I do that but anyway it was just it was very disconcerting for me and uh I I now returned back to our previously scheduled program you do not have a duplicate set of stuff though no I just don't know how I inserted that straight middle North so it seems like they're kind of on the far directions you know straight middle and North okay okay would this one be all the way west pattern recognition leads me to bully but otherwise preschool was a lie it is not damn it this thing has no attack speed I've just realized oh God why do I choose this with .45 attack speed I should reforge you should set away Sunday and do that right now I will I will once we find the top because then I'll have an entirety until the next episode to do it [Music] God I love half episodes you can stop at any time well no not a half episode I'm just saying I'd make a quick pit stop back at home and hit it up real quick you know but 0.45 on an attack speed is is pretty miserable yo the sphere of partying that's awesome well the uppies here is actually middle straight East that's a cool structure there's a statue statue looks cool guys this is it this is the arena why was it this is the Key Arena uh it was to the east east okay oh my God the dead ends okay don't do it yet a balls you can't do that right here [Music] um surely there's a way this is such a cool view like the purple on the outside or no no not gonna agree but I think it's pretty sick no it's a nice place it's a nice place all right guys shall we uh cliffhanger suppose we shall so uh we want to thank our sponsor MC Peru let me try that again we want to thank our sponsor Apex hosting formerly AMC Pro Hosting uh providing the server we've been playing on today if you would like to try out a server with your friends then be sure to check out the link in our description you can save 25 off on your first month and you help support is what we do so thank you to for that and thank you to them for sponsoring uh don't forget we create these live you can see as it happens Twitch TV slash Pizza Hut twitch.tv captainsparkles and twitch.tv Zine um and uh then if you have enjoyed the video please uh go ahead hit that like button perhaps consider subscribing turning on notifications and leaving a comment letting us know what you liked anything for YouTube before we go no you got them all right bye guys very well later
Channel: CaptainSparklez 2
Views: 19,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: captainsparkles, minecraft, modpack, x33n, petezahhutt, atm8, amt 8, all the mods, all the mods 8
Id: 3RiFLY27czg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 4sec (4204 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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