Minecraft Manhunt, But Anvils Drop When I Shift...

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in this video sharkraft made it so that anvils fall from the sky on the hunters every time i crouch this made it way harder for the hunters than i intended it to be but it was still really funny and they still managed to pull through i also quickly want to mention that we're already at 165k subscribers which means that we're closing in on 200k really fast so get your before 200k gank badge here and leave a like to help me beat the youtube algorithm all right i'm i'm on i'm on i'm on yourselves as a hunter oh my god i can't even type he's running he's running everyone oh yellow get out of the hole i don't know what you're doing in a hole i was just making dirt dude well what for what uh what the freak what you guys heard it i heard an anvil i just saw advil's fault i don't play the sound god care you're the worst player ever why how why are you crouching booster i am hearing things through the room it goes through grooves i'm hearing things but i didn't see it wait bubba you died to it it goes through roofs yeah i have not seen one yet what are you talking about how did you get a staircase i don't know okay i'm playing so bad right now come here secondary color okay oh that's true you're the only secondary color here right now what the hell you just ruined my complete dave the freak he's gonna get a weapon he's gonna get a weapon yeah he definitely got a weapon for this one it looks like one yeah he crushed oh oh my god i just missed me stop it okay i'm too good i'm too good he's just a secondary color it's not that bad what's up what is happening we're missing everything [Music] now guys we need to die it's just me who can't see them you don't see them no i saw one like appear right next to my face yeah that's that's how it works they just oh my god you can't see them falling from this guy so you can't no yes you can i can yeah maybe you just because you're oh i just probably okay i can see them now i can see them now hey look at this three angles though oh i just pressed respawn bruh [Laughter] all right i'm using this as an excuse right now if i play baddest because of my new keyboard and how does this work if the anvil just passes through us like because oh okay well i don't i can't really do anything guys yeah i don't know exactly what i'm doing it goes through the can't stay still ever oh like i just landed right beside me booster please i have nothing there for a couple pieces god today is not gonna be a good day yeah it's always boost for his ideas too that makes you feel like stop what did i do oh my god mr stop best replays are you doing yellow oh it breaks the blocks above you i've been saying that yellow no you just said it freaking you just said it it goes through them this is a great way to get some free wood though never mind you stop crouching i guess you can use it to your advantage he literally just stopped crouching and you're complaining because i want free wood yellow's gonna be the one to get us all killed look at the whole tree i just got a whole tree because whisperer was crouching i'm so smart i just got two whole trees he's in his house in any way which he said he's in the ship he's in the ship he's in the chat they're falling from everywhere i'm scared i got me i made a crafting table i made a freaking crafting table no oh my god this one is supposed to crack this looks so bad guys look at the anvils everywhere oh he's right here um because you're standing next to me it's canon now it's canon here screw bubble [Music] booster did you know i was crafting or something literally there was nothing for a good minute and then i start crafting you kill me i want my woods what do you mean the slabs i'll give you some wood oh okay does this go through caves too yes christopher can you crouch for a second please like legit i was trying to attack something yellow wants us to die yeah yeah if you stand if you stand in water it can't kill you it can't kill you so what the water just makes the anvil not exist no if because i'm in an ocean right now oh right because name bills are made from fire and fire is like not with water you gave it what that's right that's what i thought yeah the more you know wait why why can't it tell you if you're in water right no no it has to be like a uh at least like three thick or something you have to be swimming because think about it the anvil has to touch the ground when you're on the ground for you to take damage here you're right i was mining a tree and i took off my hand from a keyboard to like scratch my head and you were scratching your butthole yeah no i wasn't but you understand no it just passes through you that's what i can't believe this i actually can't believe what just happened what just happened so okay i was trying i was jumping across lava and i want to place a block underneath me but he crouched at the same time so it cleared the block that i placed underneath him [Laughter] i can't believe this i i got an anvil yes so how hog would that be if i killed him with her irony irony that would be so pog water where's my stuff letting it happen no he's making a staircase dude i'm trying to make a staircase to heaven how would you do this he's literally trying to make a staircase now i can't get back up that high if she's mine some dirt oh my god whisper you're evil dude yeah this is pretty nuts but i'm trying to stone here oh just stop crouching it's my tower yeah when you asked me to do this recording i thought you know what you're doing the ghost on soon you can do anything that means yes dude we can literally farm blocks like this literally literally bubble you get the hair bro this might be the worst thing you've ever done is not happening i'm not having something free i just got dude i just got half a stack of couples for free i'm gonna have to get a copy after this one that's for sure can i go with yeah i'll pick you up are you even trying to speed run or is this a patrol i don't even know there's like i don't even know what to do i think it's kind of funny that you guys aren't even trying anymore you literally can't do anything and why are you running in circles circles oh my god oh my god i would have killed you too if it wasn't for that like this first match oh i got a weapon now i don't know where i got it from but i got it oh i'm calling lag back here where was he his new keyboard came in broken you know what it's so hard to get used to right now i'm not even joking oh so you are speed running this isn't just a massive troll oh it doesn't matter oh wait oh is he doing the is he making a portal at the big portal is he i think he is i think he is as well what yellow are you gonna do something yet or what am i just trying to kill this freaking skeleton careful i don't want to look down and be surprised oh it's happening [Music] bubble you ass there's another one oh that was worth it there's another one oh closer than another at least you know you see what i'm doing yeah yeah yeah yeah you keep doing that meanwhile oh wait it's working as dimensions nice the anvil broke the portal yeah because i was trying to get in bubba doesn't want any of this there's legit nothing we can do what are we supposed to do there's like nothing we can do yes i have a word with that guy i'm going to kill him i'm going to say if boo trevor says some stupid like this just to say you're busy okay that's what i'm going to tell them i wasn't even crouching bubbles this is the worst this this isn't as bad as a ghost hunt but like freak me we can't do anything i disagree this is worse than ghost hunting [Music] creeper just jumped down on me while i was mining and it just blew me up yellow you just died it looked like it was an envelope first but then it was a creeper damn cold here here i saved your life thank you wait i'm almost there breaking it i saved your life trying to cheat where you can't kill me where if you stand on the edge of the block no no dude here it's not because you're on the edge of a block look what's underneath you i don't want to i'm breaking this anvil slob you're on a slab someone light the damn thing we don't have look we're on a stop though that's why we just need to play slabs underneath us oh everyone gets slabs what are you doing right now that is involving approaching uh fighting blazes why do you need to crouch because they're being annoying okay someone get a lighter and they'll open the door i have a few in real life anyway put it up to your screen bubble and just light it and see if it lights the portal he's actually doing it he actually just did it why did nothing in real life it didn't work [Music] hello the crouch button is the crouch button what is it do you guys use shift yes that's the crouch button i use shift to sprint you're joking no i always oh i've always used shifted sprint hey yellow okay you know what ella am i gonna have to come hold your hand dude that was a different skill in though i got it take me to where the ravine is and i'll help you it's not repeating anymore i got freaking out and then skeleton was just waiting for me okay show me where your stuff is taking potty taking potty [Music] now i'm going to die that's how it always goes you help the kid and then you get burned yeah yeah i got it i got it pick up my flint this is hard this isn't even all my stuff what the frick did half of it despawn oh wait oh my gosh oh okay i'm sorry bubble i haven't launched my game bubble i had some stuff oh yeah you totally crashed huh oh my goodness you know what to do oh my goodness what do you mean we can't make stuff in another dude yeah but not in this biome look at look below i said oh i see okay i see it now how'd you get down there uh i'll make a boat hold on too late i jumped did you die no i see bubbo killing nope see bubble killing he was killing a hogland don't speak of it let it be a surprise oh my goodness hi bubba what's up you look like you're about to die nah how did you manage to stop breaking it oh this is so relaxing i can finally live are you coming sound like a train [Applause] why did i just hear a creeper in the nether oh wait i heard a i heard a gas never mind i'm an idiot we need iron for a shield though we do need that that's fine i mean i've got two iron i can make it two shields thank you thank you i wasn't even here it's my damn keyboard i told you it's so sensitive i'm not used to it i just pressed a and i fell off the bridge i thought i still pissed me off because i need to know i was talking the key yeah here start mining some blackstone oh i'm going to grab that crap table hold on drop your pickaxe did oh let's make one two oh there's someone over here folks you're probably around there that was funny that was funny well done we'll get you some black sweater oil here are you thank you very much thank you thank you very much thank you very much yellow that is so all my stuff just burnt as well no i didn't it's good yeah is it good guys are you good god i'm playing with a bunch of idiots today it's my keyboard it's my damn keyboard i'm coming back now wait no he saw you yeah he saw me he saw myself no what a skin wait why are all your skins black so you can't see it didn't he wasn't supposed to see what is this where are you right there oh my god and i got a trap you guys doing where's bubble why are all of you green secondary color production distraction he's actually gonna die he's actually gonna die he's scared he's scared he's scared he's scared the plug is broke the plug is broken broke no way let's go no it did not break you're dead there's no angels i just heard one fall you didn't [Music] [Music] someone climb up come come out here get some wood uh dirt i'm gonna get some wood there we go it's fixed no [Music] no wonder it wasn't working in the nether i'm so happy we're naked again i'm not afraid thank you yeah we need a screenshot of this the three meagles [Music] oh you got an axe how did you get an axe i told you i'm ready i stay strapped [Music] you have to when you're in the game guys he sucks so much [Music] crap grab it [Music] yo the and you guys are actually scariest green blobs coming at me with wooden axes what is this the green blob game oh my god why is he just chilling at spawn i don't know probably because we're not ready and he's trying to give us a chance maybe no he's not he keeps killing us i tried to give him the benefit of the doubt being a nice person staying at spawn doesn't give us a better chance this is the worst channel oh but he's trash though i forgot i forgot just stand inside him just stand inside him yes yes he's not gonna crouch now you just said that out loud and screamed it yeah that's a good thing if he doesn't crash he should have just done it without like saying it christopher why are you trying so hard to kill me i didn't want to hit you dude i was i was i was chilling oh freak guys it's fine it's fine guys oh he's going into that what are you doing coming back to the overworld anyways i don't know but i almost fell and died this is bang as a thing i know that okay dude my brother keeps on banging on this wall because i keep shouting think of that why did we don't think of that welcome to factor cap okay there you go where are we test tick tock minecraft trends yo keep christian our items apologies what do these dolphins want from me yeah we don't call it the fall here it's called awesome autumn autumn autumn because we are what the freak is this what the freaking where did this building come from huh i'm trying to american [Music] no just get it because it was american boy i was singing no get it oh no what are you guys doing all right she on a scale of one to twelve probably like the zero oh why one to twelve was for crutch for me thanks baby okay what do you mean what just request for me please yeah boy just found the room boys die all the time you better be afraid you better because he made the thing boys yeah boy just got to the end good luck [Music] have you got any wood you know i'm pretty set i think to go i don't know about you guys let's rock and roll baby i'm coming home oh oh that's what she's saying probably just went in wait what i'm coming i'm coming all right i'm coming yo let's go dude you should not underestimate us i am honestly green bob you don't understand the power we possess no he's not green blobs what is that seventh shot i have enough shots let's see if we can go nine let's see ten let's see ten oh eleven maybe what the hell is this oh thirteen thirteen lucky guys [Music] you did it you did it well done yeah everyone's clap for boost for wow he's down he's saying he's down oh he's down okay how are you guys doing he's actually screwed he's actually screwed yeah yeah if you die now [Music] [Applause] oh guys i'm in danger oh yeah we're all endangered what the hell did i power within oh he's here enough he's getting apple i don't know oh it goes off and sprinkled from the start oh my goodness he's gonna fall off he's about to fall off oh [Music] dude i literally right click the bed what the freak snl you would have been able to sleep if you burn our stuff that is just evil earlier you scummy idiots okay you know what meanwhile we're just gonna have to kill you with our fists okay that's it easy easy he's in the dragon just punch him when he's dragging he'll get launched up and then stand where he lands his water oh he's doing an anvil again is it working in the end by the way yeah okay because it was it wasn't working before i guess he just wasn't crouching oh well great bubble grab it grab the cobblestone from the chest oh it sounds down make an axe make an axe here just hit him oh he killed me oh he's trying hard he said he's being a try i'm trying my best voice she's playing like a tripod what else am i supposed to do i want to win dude well dude you realize that we've had nothing it's a tired cave yeah what's up here what's up piss off [Music] the dragon killed me i saw that i saw that i don't even know i'm trying what did you expect when you literally run into his mouth hey that smell wasn't there on my screen yes it was his oh wait that sounds really wrong right there that's actually going to be your demise you're you're giving you're giving us way too much little credit you're giving us a little credit literally going to be the end of your your days dragon might be a complete idiot like i'm trying to save her horror life and she keeps shooting stuff at me okay okay bubble i say you just go into the purple stuff oh well he did didn't he sub bubble here we go we're good we're good to go come at me boosper yeah that's right that's right it's my my guy oh i'm gonna smell another stuff what's up what's up what's up what's up what what i think i need to just hit the nae nae real quick gg guys did he win did he win yeah he won one i don't know what the time what the dragon's help is
Channel: Boosfer
Views: 424,143
Rating: 4.9647627 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft Manhunt but, Minecraft but challenge, Minecraft Manhunt but I secretly used, Minecraft Manhunt but when I shift, Minecraft manhunt but when I crouch, Minecraft Manhunt but Op Loot, Minecraft Manhunt but OP Items, Minecraft Manhunt but random items, Minecraft manhunt but the hunters, Minecraft but op items, Minecraft but Super Tools, Minecraft but Super Ores, Minecraft but Wisp, Wisp, Wisp Minecraft but, TapL, Dream Manhunt, Dream Manhunt 5 hunters, Dream Latest Manhunt
Id: guAp-nu1hIM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 47sec (1607 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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