Minecraft Manhunt, But AI Makes The Twist...

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this is Minecraft Mana but AI helps me win if you guys didn't already know there's this new AI called chat gbt4 it's really a crazy new technology that's changing the world but today I'm using it to destroy my friend in Minecraft during The Manhunt I secretly asked the AI to create code for different things like making it so when I eat a raw chicken I teleport to the nether deleting all End Stone in the end and many more to do this live while playing in The Manhunt I had our developer crispy bacon ready on standby to put the code in the server while we're playing one thing though the AI isn't exactly perfect yet so it made for some really unexpected moments and it was super funny make sure to subscribe and like if you guys enjoyed the video and let's get right into it here where are you wait do you see a hole yes come see my house come see my house I built a house um okay it's actually pretty sick I'm not gonna lie what is this right click right click I did what is that supposed are you open am I supposed to I can't get in still what is this it's my house what do you think oh my God you're a door yeah get it yes I get it what's wrong with your brain now today wait hey wait where'd you get dirt yes please oh that's a lot of damage bro what is this spawn what oh my God yes yes wow you got obsidian nice I may have a weapon oh wait is it that's black spot wait wait you're actually so lucky let me smack you with this door hand door handle oh get it my God here hey yo chill [Music] oh okay I'll just wait out here I'm gonna have to come out eventually okay okay Are you standing still why are you not I'm not oh hey oh it was in yeah okay please my mouse glitched why are you yo how'd you get food no I just go to Yo Golden Apple screw this I'm gonna make an ax no this is this is not worth my time no please hurry that's all I'm gonna say please friend hurry if you have if you're already doing it you'll be my true friend if you hurry and screw who are you talking to you don't have to worry about that yet just please hurry please what's up Dev I got an ax bro what yo no yo oh Q you need to relax what's up Dev yo please no I'm actually bad no my excuse I haven't played in a while broken this person hurry what person okay okay okay okay why did you reload the server chill what's happening I'm getting in I don't care what what okay yeah I know you did and I might have Sprints oh this is bad please why are they attacking me yes please why yes yes killed myself I'm doing Fletcher who the hell is Fletcher oh my God that worked where's your weapon where's your weapon that was so scary villagers attacked me why didn't I set my bed wait here are you angry I have a diamond ax no this is not fair why did you reload the server and then okay so you reloaded the server and then the village okay wait does that mean if I reload the server will Villages no chill come on come on are they still they're still attacking me I'm bro how did he follow me out here Fletcher yes Fletcher light doesn't like you bro freaking Fletcher man guys we actually haven't played in like a month so this is gonna be a really crazy man hunt guys here did not let me into the apartment for over a month so that's why we haven't it's not true if you want to be angry at anyone guys comment right now uh that is not true I only tried to change the locks I didn't actually be what I was kidding oh yeah me too bro how are you still here like what are you doing it's not gonna work like stay away I was on half a heart I forgot you're not doing it what kind of name is Nick oh my God trying to fight these villagers okay where'd they go they're all in their houses ooh wait you're slaughtering the village yep it's starting it with whoa or was that Fletcher I don't know well here you're gonna be angry in a second well I may or may not have best friends forever I may or may not have a horse oh my God all right okay this one should be pretty interesting oh yeah this one's gonna be crazy [Music] all right perfect let me uh oh you're doing another thing oh oh and you had to wait the first time too wait oh okay wait why is it delayed Minecraft Mana but the twist is delayed by 30 seconds oh that would be so interesting wow oh okay this looks like a decent cave actually and there's another Village over here wow this is really good okay guys I just muted so Kyra can't hear me but this next one that I know I can still hear you yo okay chill out okay guys now this time I actually muted this next part of this twist that I added is insane not gonna lie I planned this one beforehand and all I'm gonna say is here is not gonna be happy with me I heard everything you just said wait wait here oh uh don't pay any attention to that oh no what's gonna happen now am I gonna get killed by pigs or something whoa no oh hey Dev bed set come on come on why are you running away from me I'm doing my twist I don't want to fight a door where'd you go where'd you go we swim what the hell did you just waste a pearl I forgot about the cool down without oh you could have made a shield you had 11 iron nuggets shut up bro I haven't played actually in like two weeks same because that's been sick and that's why we couldn't record videos dev has been sick and it's all his fault yeah cause you made me sick when you okay I don't want to say how you made me sick but you made me sick whoa that sounds crazy I can't review it on camera okay okay that's that's no okay I can't even speak now what a stupid Twisted they open doors down bro who is Mason who are these people oh I just found what I needed perfectly oh my God where's my stuff oh bro I might be I swear if this is Mason again no no oh no you didn't do a regular villager this time wow this guy was unnamed you died to an unnamed I mean that might be worse guys villager death counter for cure how many villagers this isn't even fair and this should work then if the reload worked properly oh my God God yeah now if I oh oh my God you know I feel like you're kind of overreacting you're doing something crazy but I don't think you're doing something well I have the best pickaxe I can get now that'll be fun what is this twist I'm so confused all right Dev time to die what is that it's great I'm going in I don't care yo chill bro oh an amethyst geode oh yes here I don't know if you where'd you go Dev no here I I'm being nice I don't know if you want to fight me don't don't kill me yet there's mobs where'd you go Dev what's up man have fun being on fire I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead do not don't fight me why do you have a fire sword oh I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead [Music] okay give me a hint give me a hint smithing table it's a good hand actually you may need a custom smithing table custom smithing table I actually just guessed it I mean I kind of told you no you guessed it I guess that I'm gonna cut out that one you told me all right let me make my my final weapon right yo oh my it's actually over yeah I need this fast how do you craft a smithing table hey Deb I have a smithing table do you have the Redstone and iron nope well then why are you talking to me like what oh sorry like what my bad oh there's restaurant right here perfect okay it's only one each whoa editing table hmm I'm gonna try something wait wait let's see if this actually works okay okay calm down all right I'm sending this all right the next part is uh being fulfilled right now or actually I I'm gonna do another one right now too because I want this to be ready for you know when I get there you know I want to be all ready so I gotta actually do another one right now too okay there we go that's uh that's done now we just gotta wait okay I'm trying I'm trying the table now give me give me a combination you might be able to do like anything really what should I do oh wait yo I just made a dirt ax no that's the most OP one uh oh wait how what does this do what does this do oh no I'm gonna make my dirt ax now okay a broken one hit why would you screw me like that oh okay what should I do next let me do another ax I have eggs is there an egg ax oh my God there's a freaking egg ax what is this twist now what is this twist um I love the egg ax bro stop oh my God it just spawns infinite chickens wait I just thought I just thought of something what did you think if I can I make like a door weapon oh my God why are you obsessed with doors so much well I just thought about it I'm a door oh my God oh wait I made a door sword what does it do uh Dev the door sword turns everything into doors wait does that mean it can turn you into a door nope nope that's it that's my mission for the video I'm turning everything into a door everything I see we're all what actually if you really do think about it it is one of the men's greatest inventions what it is it is one of like the best inventions humans have ever made if we're really being honest Bro think about it right now if you if you didn't have a door anyone could just walk into your house Dad oh here we can uh we can do something else now do not uh mind the chat oh bro yes oh my God okay wait so now if everything went to plan okay that's perfect now here now here I might have a a cool trick up my sleeve here all right all right here we go wait please work oh my God oh my God literally everything is a fortress this is crazy what is this twist I'm so confused at what this is like what are you gonna title this yes okay that's all the rods Perfect all right time to build a portal bro what is this nether all right all right all right I gotta do this now then you're in the nether this is scaring me all right come on come on I hope this one works please oh my God yes okay there we go there we go yes finally I've gotten better stop talking stop talking here we go here we go here we go oh is that what's up Dad look at this armor bro look at my egg ax look at that oh we have a bowl is that a friend relax I don't need to see that oh I don't want to hold that out please please please please please what's up Dev oh great the freaking piglens everything attacking me why is everything attacking me well why are there so many chickens oh well these guys aren't attacking me this is great are you sure about that okay they are they are there what is this twice it's opposite day that's the twist what we're fighting in the baseball I don't care this is my bottom this is my body let me shoot you with my bow again if you keep running on the street yeah no bow and no door no door sword then okay fine fine fine fine you lied light up door oh my God I actually turned you into a door I'm burning all your friends I don't give up I have no armor I'm throwing all your stuff all your stuff is bro I don't give a you literally out of all my armor I don't I'm actually mad I'm not even mad that you two hit me as long as you're a door I'm fine I'm a door and yeah by the way yo I hate you wait can you open can you not put armor on anymore at all nope wait that's actually op all right here leave me alone now that you died I gotta you know continue what I was doing before and do the next part now progress again as they would say you know come on this one this one this one should work this one this one's pretty easy I'd say [Music] all right there we go now we wait a few minutes again bro can you just tell me what the twist is or give me a hint please just one hint one hint sorry little bro you kind of pissed me off excuse me what did you just call me little bro yes that's you I'm literally older than you guys not for long not for long wait what I'm gonna catch up all right here as always like I've said the the first 10 times do not mind the reload all right now oh my God this is well I already have all the pearls here okay this is actually kind of bad I am 60. I think I need to leave another now you guys agree I don't want a portal I'm just gonna you know I'm gonna eat this food and let's see what happens eat wait oh that's how you got into another wait but I wait everybody ocean I'm back oh I'm still a door oh my God okay well yo there's an iron golem in this cave what the heck uh-huh we all believe you bro what you can literally just show my POV wait I just realized I don't even have to look for the stronghold if I don't want to all right let's make it so this is easy for me uh come on all right here that should take a few minutes now oh my I'm still so confused you know at this point I'm just gonna come up with some random item combinations with the smithing table wait can you put armor in there too uh I don't know oh you definitely can all right Deb egg ax V2 acquired okay I'm gonna make a chest plate I'm you know what Dev I'm gonna wait till I get something really cool to combine this with wait is this a mine shaft oh oh wait can you do bows as well oh yes yes one second here don't mind that oh my God okay you're doing something oh here well why are you all happy you want to see why I'm about to be happy I don't even care what you're doing I'm combining two bows together I don't know what that does please work oh why didn't my why did everything just lag wait why am I in a wall I don't know what you're just teepeeing to the freaking shot I'm not bro you definitely are oh multi-bow I got a multi bow Dev for chill bro is the struggle just below me then I don't understand oh it is yes hey here oh my God the room already wow this is going well yo okay I gotta come I gotta come yo what you know what I mean all right here well you might have a few more minutes because I need to do one more thing before I go into the end because this will definitely help me in the end so give me one second one please I hope this one works if this one works this will just be funny okay that's sent off perfect now he's got to wait now he's gonna wait oh wait Dev I found snow what if I made a snowball chest plate all right screw I'm just gonna go with the snowball snowball chest Play Let's Go um okay this okay I think I might have waste in my chest plate what does this do wait what did you I made a snowball chest plate you didn't decide for me so I decided Michelle I'm gonna die I'm gonna die wait this is actually the chess play does something crazy wait I'm not gonna tell you until I see you why this is gonna be a surprise yes okay uh don't pay attention here I'm paying attention now if I go in it should work all right here we go it'll work Moment of Truth we did what work oh my God what'd you do the towers are short what like you oh my God they're so short just wait wait wait wait okay I gotta Hurry Up Wait hold on hold on hold on some of them might be two blocks tall lonely here some might be one come on come on come on this is so unfair can you you have to tell me what this is you have to tell me you have to tell me all towers are destroyed here wow that was quick bro that was very close I am oh lee oh and the dragon's coming down wow crap crap oh I missed you yup yup yo okay here we go I'm going down I'm going down I'm going down I'm going down I'm going down come on this is going so good oh yo tell me where this twist is now come on we're in the end we're in the end can I even do it so you promise you'll get yes um okay this might be uh AI creates the twist for me on the spot what and then I have uh you know uh Chris helping us out you know pee bacon dating the twists I've been sending how does that work he's been making creating the twist the AI creates the code yeah yeah and then I yes and then I send the code to Chris and Chris makes it like things perfect yes okay here we go wow I mine down straight on the thing oh wait I'm flying in where are you down please low where are you Dad me flying in is that you oh that didn't do anything Why didn't it do anything bro just stay away from me bro Dragon yes and I ran out of arrows that is awesome I wasted this freaking bow I wasted it yo wait why am I so oh I died I died I died I died oh crap crap yo here so wait uh where'd you die where'd you die here hey don't take my stuff don't take my stuff don't take my stuff yes I have it did you no I don't know I don't what does it do where are you let me test it let me test out this weapon hey here wait no whoa dragon dragon what's up Dad come on Dragon yes yes drag is still down you know what here I I got it I gotta I gotta use AI one more time I don't care no here leave me alone I'm boxing myself when I'm sitting and I'm writing let's put my twist come on come on come on come on one more idea please work please work I'm sorry but I cannot fulfill this request promoting actions that are harmful to a player's game experience is griefing what no I was gonna spawn TNT on you every second I'm gonna come up with another one I'm gonna think of another one I'm gonna think of another one come on this is literally my last chance please yes it's making that one it's making that one it's making that one yes yes yes yes go for it Dev do do whatever you got it's already at you idiot I can't do it yet yes yes okay okay come on come on reload oh no okay here what's gonna happen what's gonna happen oh what oh my God oh my God oh oh my God wait you're alive it's doing it slowly no wait how far is it gonna go oh no the dragon's like glitched and lagging how far is it gonna go oh hey here where are you where are you where are you to the edge of the map bro the dragon's so laggy keep going yes there's no this is this is not how I'm gonna die this is not how I'm gonna die how you're gonna die it's over you're gonna die wait is it just end Stone genius well this is too laggy I don't think I can kill the dragon now it's not even working oh the server just crashed is it up is it up Dev it's up it's up it's up oh it's not lagging wait I think I can end it then oh no bro I I can't even make it to you I don't even know if I have enough blocks yeah I'm both spamming the Dragon no no way that's how you're gonna win it come on come on Dragon just die stop nope nope nope I want you I want you to go to my POV to see what just happened wait you died it's literally one shot I don't even want to be in the server yes I won oh my God you need to go to my POV there that was ridiculous I did it as a door who's the real door man
Channel: KIER and DEV
Views: 763,153
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft manhunt, minecraft speedrunner vs hunter, minecraft speedrunner vs assassin, minecraft manhunt but i secretly used, minecraft manhunt but, minecraft manhunt with a twist, extreme minecraft manhunt, dream manhunt, minecraft speedrunner vs mage, minecraft speedrunner vs 5 hunter, minecraft speedrunner vs 4 hunters, dream 4 hunters finale, dream 5 hunters, minecraft challenge, speedrunner vs hunter, 4 hunters, tapl uhc, minecraft but lava rises every minute, redstone, VR
Id: SKdC8D_EHi8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 43sec (1123 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 29 2023
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