Minecraft Manhunt, But You Can Combine Anything...

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this is Minecraft Manhunt but you can combine anything if you guys have seen our last video Dev already used this twist but we weren't able to make many different items and this mod has so many more features in it so I decided to steal it from him and use it again the way it works is you have to craft a custom smithing table then whichever two items you put in get combined together and it usually makes something insane but sometimes it also makes something really useless these items were extremely overpowered and what made it worse is Dev already knew a lot of the combinations that were really good so it made the video really intense so make sure you guys stick around till the end to see who wins also if you guys enjoy make sure to like And subscribe the video now let's get right into it hello Dev how's your day today oh who's Dev I'm Doug Doug bro you like my new nose I got nose reduction surgery doesn't it look better bro it's literally three times bigger than before maybe even four what the hell I ew get away from me yo what's with you today uh it's not Dev it's Doug I don't like Doug that's me come here oh there's literally nothing here oh there's a jungle you're you're not wait where my rendered this is like four right now oh one wait what jungle oh my God I can get it I can get in why would you block it off wait isn't there like traps and stuff oh no yeah I know all the traps yes yes come on let's go wait I got shot by the arrow yes bro I don't think you understand I got shot too how many arrows are in there you know what no no Doug blames it on the ground if that drown didn't exist I would have killed you why are you talking in third person what do you proof okay wait what all right come on wait I can actually already make almost make the twist what's the twist you'll see you'll see I just realized I only need like one more item I'm pretty sure there's iron in these right like a bunch of iron and what a jungle Fortress Doug does not approve of that word bro can you stop I don't like Doug okay it's literally just bamboo never mind that's useless no I lost my Sprint oh no so you didn't collect these melons on the way oh I didn't even see melons bro aren't juggles supposed to be filled with animals isn't that the rule no yes no animals yes what what happened Thug has a partner uh-oh uh oh wait when did you get a bird I'm killing it yup that's rude you can't do it actually I'm running actually I don't want to die right now I'm gonna make a shield oh no I don't have enough this is bad why is it like Stony yeah these are very Stony Shores you know what screw it I'm just gonna have to fight you [Music] yo no no no no no I can't do this please you're here why is there a double-headed chicken oh my God they lied to me oh crit yo you need to chill out yes cheap sheep sheep sheep sheep we need a sheep for food okay [Music] nope nope I'm gone I'm gone I'm gone yo where did you go oh wait you're there oh there's a lot of iron here that skeleton bro I would have been dead powder snow this is bad this is bad this is bad okay now I'm just running no problem now I'm gonna die tomorrow's gonna be you you're so annoying what is this like terrain oh I'm in powdered snow oh no this is bad there was no ground it literally it literally just goes into nothing wait what why is that a thing all right I'm stacking up what is this Indiana Jones freaking seed bro huh have you ever seen Indiana Jones I've seen all of them but that didn't make any sense it made a lot of sense I remember when he was on a mountain and there was powdered snow going into nothingness all right let's go wait I think I have a Fulbright texture pack why don't I just use it we are not using Fulbright you know if you're gonna cheat I'll cheat too you know it's fine it's not even cheating it's just so you can see everything better is it not cheating no oh okay I should use it more then yes okay iron iron you're talking about my arms nice all right let's craft this thing put this here if you do this this should work oh yes just give me flashback oh this feels so good to use what is it it's better now Doug wants to know uh I'm not gonna lie I feel like it'll be pretty mad if I tell you this pickaxe bro so it's a custom pickaxe what is it God tools wait what makes you think it's a custom pickaxe you just said okay proof all right what should I do with this one let's see what does this do oh let me see this okay it's over it's actually over you lost actually let me just do one more before I keep going okay this is like the only good thing I have what is that oh best friends forever no uh what is this all right guys hide hide oh so it's a custom thing nope nope nope you said hide guys why is he not hiding what are those nights wait really bro you're reading you're using my twist we're using what twist bro I know what this is because I helped make it oh I'm actually annoyed I'm killing you to be fair the comments did ask for it they wanted it all I'm saying here I know the most OP items pretty much and now that's all I'm gonna do I know exactly I feel like there's gonna be something op oh what does this do what does it do oh my God I swear if you craft this one it's over for me all right let me go speedrun actually what am I doing I just remembered the multi bow I'm gonna go craft that Royal Knights get here bro how are they dying to spiders how can be a royal Enlighten die to a spider and another Warden spawn let me get away oh I can't see anything do you have a thing for wardens yes okay one more string one more string well there's two even better they do say two is better than one they do say that all right Two bows for cure you just talking to yourself other person you can't get mad at me anymore yes and we got the multi bow again can I come by my boots for my water bucket water boots I forgot about that that's actually a good one too is that no fall damage yeah you don't have to clutch yeah I'm making that too I'm making that two I don't care oh I just had an idea this would make sense technically speed gangs okay uh you're not catching me I'm sorry oh the smitting table I'm making Old Reliable again don't make that dulax that does so yes damage bro well if it's not broke why would I not fix it huh exactly should I not fix it okay there better be a lava pool down here Gotta Love pools Oh no I got lied to oh wait there's more passageways oh I got lied to again uh I guess this will do I could probably make a portal here all right now if I x-ray helmet now if I put it on oh now I see all the diamonds wow this is great dude can you get out of my portal please you guys don't care about me I'm their King and they don't care about me okay how do you do that bro all right perfect and we're off I love the X-ray helmet it's actually so overpowered I don't know why I didn't think of that what'd you combine with it I bro why would I give you a hint oh another 10 diamonds wait what 33 diamonds wow how do I keep forgetting you have x-ray even though you just told me like yes Fortress oh I could just pull them towards me oh here all I'm gonna say is my my chest plate might have a plus 13 armor what oh this looks sick someone take a screenshot oh my God what what are you doing nah I'm sorry you're not gonna be able to kill me like it's actually gonna be impossible actually wait I can make something else too this is actually gonna also be overpowered oh yeah it's kind of over bro look at them go this is the best twist ever bro this is this is so good I don't even have to fight the blazes pretty much I'm under the blaze spawner this isn't content I don't know what it is uh oh relax relax what not ready for you I'm now in your land no yes I got five I got five bro they're not dropping anything why do I hear a chicken why is there a chicken ravager yo what is this hey here how'd you do that how did you do that wait oh my God here what is that armor oh my God yo wait what do you do oh I know what that is oh and of course you have that chest plate I forgot that chest part yeah I'm even gonna catch you yes what is that armor why is it so beefy yo you're so annoying how is that not doing damage yo oh this is so bad where are you going bro how much health do you have how is that not even hitting you oh no cheer oh yes please die please die please die it's not gonna kill me how is that not gonna kill you my armor is way too strong all right you know what you can just sit there I'm gonna go get the blaze rods I'm out of here you're so annoying okay I got eight rods I'm out of here I'm out of here see you Dev bro like holy you're already down there heck here no no I don't have any arrows yes oh yes wait I can make more arrows no no no no no stop stop no they're all terrible mobs oh you're stupid um God bro like I can't get over there how's that not hitting yes oh my God wait how'd you how'd you take so much damage I'm so confused the fall damage put me down to one heart for some reason I am gonna take this x-ray helmet bro Doug died because of lag there shut up iron triple pickaxe a little upgrade let's go but I am gonna take that mobbo I I know I know something about this twist that makes it so I can fly up forever so that's what I'm doing okay that's a lie oh yeah we'll see you're literally never gonna be able to catch me now somebody shoot it squid I can get food now wait my Royal Knights are just gonna kill the Enderman for me oh this is good this is good come on guys get him good work guys now let's be real though if you got an army who would you attack first you what I would go for booster yes I got tall pearls I'm gonna get one more then I'm gone yes he dropped his horn what yes how'd you get it to drop its horn oh my god oh no what does that do I can fly Forever Wait what from a horn does that make any sense how does a goat horn make you fly bro I'm not helping you now I need to get some op leggings and this is broken bro oh I forgot I don't even need a pickaxe why don't worry about it dude yes 13 okay I'm going I do not care all right time to win oh wait I just thought it was a great idea I'm gonna make a TNT bow you can't why would that be that has to be a thing wait Dev I just thought of something is this a thing what can you combine already combined items or something does that just turn into a regular TNT both damn it crap my ax broke yes I have eggs bro don't make that stupid ax I'm making the egg ax again it's coming back yes all right this should work oh my God yes I don't even need to make a diamond pickaxe now oh my God and I'm pretty sure oh okay yeah this pickaxe is crazy oh my God this pickaxe is insane yes here we go I'll make speed leggings too because you know oh yeah this is gonna be a fun fight it moved it moved okay it's right here crap some arrows and I'm gone let's go oh chill chill okay let me track you is this enough oh yeah that should be enough all right I'm going in chill yes let's go I can just fly to the end Island let's go oh I should you know what I I should have crafted the Dual ax I don't know what I'm thinking oh yeah I have another dual ax so yeah I can't wait to use that on you I know you do oh breaking Towers is so easy with an elytra oh yes compass compass yes it's right here okay damn it chill hurry up I need to hurry up can I ax this Dragon oh come on no way that doesn't reach yes it's coming down yo relax oh this is op I don't even have to wait oh if I hit his head it does more damage right I'm so stupid Oh yeah this dragon's dead before you're getting here there's no way it's not bro chill oh it went away so quick yes it's coming down again yo can that Dragon piss off please please please please please one more thing come on oh yes now I can blend in blend in what does that mean here I come oh my God I'm literally camouflaged you literally won't know where I am I literally don't see you so you can't it's really impossible to see me know here you have no idea yeah I literally can't what was that probably wasn't even like rendering properly I saw your ax How's that gonna work in the bro what it's like glitching out hey man how do you expect the camouflage in the end yeah we were all nicer on me yes get him get him yeah right here it's over for you now what is it oh I'm getting to Mid have fun getting what is that have fun getting to Mid what is that uh run into it and find out I don't want to run into it you want to know something else here look at me ready yeah what the hell what is that blue stuff run into it and find out I don't want to touch it go go go run into it guys they die they die instantly bro what is this Tron take care what ready yeah for what yo good luck getting to Mid bro what is that okay screw I'm using my TNT bow oh no oh my God wait did it actually work with the multiball it did bro how did you figure that out wait yes the Tron stuff is getting deleted yes no uh if you're not scared you'll place a water for me to get my stuff all right make it interesting let's make it interesting oh well I know I just got my tromb boots again thank you for that why didn't I just blow it up oh no like it as my mind underneath you would you yo stop stop stop come here yes you have to be dead oh my God you're so annoying you're so annoying yo you're so annoying that's so overpowered okay dragon dragon come on come on come on come on yo chill chill yes where are you no [Music] I mean that's not me bro come at me bro come at me Spawn something good [Music] on the last block you're so lucky on the actual last block where are you where are you where are you oh I'm getting low on food this isn't good oh that's good that's good that's good hey I'll make us an arena I'll make us an arena I'll make a center no don't leave this Arena so we can actually fight then okay fine only if you take off your tromb boots no what why would I do that yo chill you really want to bring me closer with it okay you know what do this do that again do that again yes yeah I can fly oh no oh my God that's just not gonna work bro I'm sorry to get your hopes up but that's just not gonna do it today can you okay how about this let me get up bro yo like bro do it again go ahead look I'll fly and show you that it's not gonna do anything go ahead do it no way wait did that was that my line oh my God you got it are you serious what you get for using my twist
Channel: KIER and DEV
Views: 863,806
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft manhunt, minecraft speedrunner vs hunter, minecraft speedrunner vs assassin, minecraft manhunt but i secretly used, minecraft manhunt but, minecraft manhunt with a twist, extreme minecraft manhunt, dream manhunt, minecraft speedrunner vs mage, minecraft speedrunner vs 5 hunter, minecraft speedrunner vs 4 hunters, dream 4 hunters finale, dream 5 hunters, minecraft challenge, speedrunner vs hunter, 4 hunters, tapl uhc, minecraft but lava rises every minute, redstone, VR
Id: s6SZ4D32ubU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 18sec (858 seconds)
Published: Fri May 05 2023
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