Testing Minecraft's Scariest (real) Myths

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scary myths took over Minecraft this year so today we're watching all of them from the least scary to the most horrifying be sure to watch it to the very end of the video and be sure to comment down below the scariest one of them all hellbright is Minecraft's biggest urban legend and the last time that we've seen Herobrine in the patch notes was Minecraft version 1.6.6 as you can see right there however other YouTubers and players claim that Herobrine was also the most recent patch notes so we went and checked for ourselves when in reality they were completely click baiting So today we're here to see if Herobrine is actually in Minecraft once and for all first we need to go ahead and create a world I'm gonna call this the Herobrine worlds now I want to do this in version 1.18 and depending on if you guys want me to do a part two we can do this in 1.19 so be sure to subscribe and leave a like on today's video right now until then let's get into this world here we are I spawned in the world and instantly started getting all my basic resources because I know there's a big adventure that awaits us okay so I've gotten all the basic stuff that I'm gonna need in the next next very important thing that we have to do in this world is Adventure this is not something where we just spawn and suddenly poof there's Herobrine we have to do a lot of digging for all we know this could be a complete waste of time this world may not even have Herobrine in it that's all part of the adventure I started traveling over hundreds of blocks trying to get distance from where I spawned however no Encounters of Herobrine or anything creepy until all of a sudden I came across this wait a second wait what even is this bro it looks like some sort of cave that somebody had mined out or something such an odd what I know Minecraft has like rendering issues and problems before but I literally saw the grass animation that oh it's something doesn't end all of a sudden like that wait there's literally another one right here that was not here a second ago I literally was just looking at this it's just again wait it did it again something's not right here sure blocks appearing in the ground are kind of creepy but that doesn't scream Herobrine I needed something more concrete that would stand out and actually make this legitimate we're almost done day one in this Herobrine wait hold up did you guys did you hear that wait I swear that sounded like a warden call of some so we oh my god dude I wait hold up is there are we above an ancient city right now are you telling me right now directly below me is an ancient city and there's a warden somewhere nearby because I just heard that sound effect bro if I actually managed to land inside of an ancient city this has to be my oh my okay okay okay no this is no ancient city by any means wait wait hold up wait a second when we generated this world we generated this in 1.18 I mean I can I mean here literally there's the version on my main screen there's literally no such thing as a warden in 1.18 they obviously didn't exist in this version and were introduced in 1.19 that literally makes no sense and it's physically impossible for a warden to be in 1.19 it's just not a thing whatsoever oh my God wait yo wait a second hold up am I seeing that straight dude that was literally awarded all that mountain right there wait no no no no no no no no no no no hold up there is no such thing as a what okay something's not right here sure I didn't get a screenshot of the warden but while editing the video we can see it and you'll notice it has a creepy white eye how is that even possible in fact wardens are partially blind in Minecraft hence their incredible hearing this was something we couldn't explain I'm telling you I've searched this entire mountain and there's literally nothing here I know what I saw beforehand but it's not up here okay we have a lava oh my wait hold up is my game bugging out right now hold up I think is my my game's bugging out dude so bad wait what no all the lava just disappeared wait hold up how is there a fire starting all this lava just disappeared right in front of wait guys hold off something is right as I was about to say something weird isn't happening something weird is starting to happen again oh my god dude this Fire's out of control I literally can't control this it just spawned out of nowhere there's it's physically impossible for that lava fire to do that okay there's no point in me doing this there's literally no point in me doing this bro how did all that happen wait there's a there's a book I nervously went over to pick up the book I didn't want to read it but I knew I had to what in the gibberish does this even mean there's like a bunch of corrupted text everywhere and there's a few letters that we might be able to make up a word I'm humming for you okay lovely love I'm dead I'm dead it literally really spells it out perfectly my question is what is these four blocks of text here do they mean anything at least something we should know about watch your steps bro wait what okay this is legitimately something that understands complete perfect English I mean let's be real we're playing a video game right now but this right here is something that actually understands what we're here doing today right now something doesn't add up and I I'm starting to get under the impression that there is something in this world and there is something that wants to kill us nothing explains the ancient city beneath me in fact I could argue that we could dig all the way down and not find a nation City in fact I'm gonna turn cheats on and we're gonna use the locate command slash locate and we're gonna do ancient city there is no structure with type Minecraft ancient city okay locate structure ancient city it's literally not a real command because we're in 1.18 Minecraft wait a second who wrote this book written book tattered hattered this is tattered and apparently this is the person that wrote my book but as we can see I I have no idea who this person is or where they come from or anything about them I've never met this person in my life so how did they write this book and how did they oh my god there it is saw the word I saw the warden it was right there I got a screenshot I got it that time oh my God no way wait it is actually here did you see it has like glowing white eyes or something wait glowing white eyes on a warden and glowing white eyes on Herobrine does this have something to do with Herobrine oh my God wait it's real a new lore is completely introduced how is this even possible I'm not gonna lie to you guys I am at a complete loss of words you know usually I'm really good with diagnosing these things and and kind of coming up with a way to stop them or take them out or any of that but right now I'm at a stop number one oh my okay wait wait wait wait wait wait just what just happened here wait this is a perfectly almost cut circle out of the world that doesn't just happen out of the blue there is absolutely something that's wrong with this it's like whatever's in this world is watching me wait a second did you guys just see that wait that could have I swear that was Herobrine just a second ago okay wait a second hold up see Mojang always says they removed Herobrine in every update except for woman 18 and 119 but I literally just saw Herobrine he was just there I I'm almost certain we can roll back the footage dude that's literally Herobrine it looks exactly like him it's confirmed that was Herobrine okay so the question is why am I seeing Herobrine and why is everybody else struggling to see heroin what is it what is it with me it doesn't know that we're purposely hunting for Herobrine or is it something deeper and darker that we don't know about yet I'm gonna be honest with you guys I'm getting really really sketched out oh my God okay okay okay okay hold up I literally have my finger hovering over F2 right now if I see anything at all oh my god dude look right there right there that was a warden we're in 118. dude that's literally not a thing in fact wait I have cheats on now game mode creative we can type in Warden right here there is no such thing spawn Warden there is nothing we can go through every spawn egg here and there is not a warden wait a second dude wait what's happening now I'm going back to survival mode oh my God wait dude what everything is getting cut from beneath me guys wait hold up no no no no no please this can't be real this can't be real I'm coming for you watch your steps am I not supposed to be am I not supposed to be stepping somewhere am I oh my God no I died wait what no no I lost everything in the book dude are you serious we were onto something at least I got the screenshot at the very least I have the screenshot for all this but none of this makes sense at all I mean guys there is definitely something here and I oh my God what okay no it's happening again it's happening again no guys guys guys guys guys I cannot stress this enough when I say that this is legitimately real um no please no please no please no no no no no thank you thank you something is so wrong here there is there is no way that this is legitimately possible I think something is targeting Us and something knows that we're here and something is trying to kill us whatever this is that knows that I'm here wants us dead 100 no wait no I'm dead that's it oh my gosh the only thing that we have to back us up from what happened today are these screenshots right here there's one right there you can clearly see something dying it looks like a Ward and dying just before that that is that is a warden absolutely 100 that is a warden that is as real as it gets and then right here look it's awarded but with white eyes what is going on is and what is Mojang not telling us Minecraft is full of what seems to be infinite things that you can do in the game from playing multiplayer with your friends or grinding a hardcore survival world but have you ever taken the time to actually look around you it would be selfish of us to believe that we were the only ones in this entire universe today we're taking a look at some of the scary Minecraft legends that were caught on camera which brings us to the first one which is error 422 error 422 is the lost and scariest version of our favorite game but it wasn't like this before previously it was a snapshot of an unknown version that was supposed to turn the whole game around something went wrong there's a reason Mojang specifically pulled this version away from Minecraft itself and never launched it to the public however some people got their hands on it down here on the Creepypasta website is a download link to this world now granted I am not going to be downloading this and nor do I recommend any of you to go and download this not only are you opening up the opportunity for viruses and malicious software installed on your computer we also don't know what is behind this code however I have found a way to replicate the World error 422 by simply just using that as its seed now you might have a hard time believing me in this one I almost barely believed it myself until you witness the chilling footage of what we have captured today I joined the world we begin I spawned in my world my first moments in the world were actually very calming it's almost like I could hear birds off in the distance and crickets and frogs although we know those animals aren't in the game it's almost as if our imagination just put them there I started off with the basics I got some wood and I crafted all my basic resources right off the bat when I was collecting Stone I had noticed something was off every other block that I broke I would see this very odd black particle pop up on my screen as the block fell you see that what is that wait for it right yeah there was there was there was wait can I screenshot it I'm gonna try I'm gonna try I'm gonna try oh I think I got it I think I got it hold up I think you gotta understand what these lore videos is evidence is everything it's like I'm solving an FBI case and in this particular moment I got it oh my god dude you can actually see it okay yeah look at that that is very very weird I've never seen that beforehand now we're not gonna let some random particles throw off our journey we need to know exactly what we're going up against I think most chilling part about the lore that we're going after today is it happens to not be an animal it's not a player it's not a mob it's none of that actually in fact it's an entire world take a look at the Minecraft main menu here something is very wrong literally the task application is error 422 and if we scroll through some more photos here we see floating cactuses error messages displayed all across the screen leaves floating in the air and even a headless player how is this even possible I'm glad that I did all of this research because for us to truly comprehend what we're going up against we need to know what are we searching for and in this case seeing as it's not a player it's not a mob any of that sort we are literally searching for evidence within this world and oh boy you find it okay so aside from what we saw in the beginning here nothing is out of the ordinary in fact I am actually more than calm being in this world I think I spoke a little bit too soon I started Gathering some food and continued traveling that's when I stumbled across something a little unusual okay let's see and also so everybody is aware we are doing this on 1.17 but if this video happens to break say 40 000 likes we can try this on 1.8 what wait what is this hold up there's like 13 cactuses all over here that are just destroyed on the ground hey Mr Turtle did you do something all jokes aside there was something serious here what in the world it's literally floating there's nothing here there's nothing around it I know if I put a block right beside it it's gonna break but there is literally there's a floating Cactus right here lo and behold a floating Cactus was the least of my concerns which I was soon to figure out although it was the start something more eerie okay well that is certainly very unsettling and in fact you can actually see those black particles when I'm mining things still see if it still pops up oh nope it's gone now I just saw it a moment ago I carried on with my adventure I needed to set up base somewhere I stumbled across a village and I decided to post up here oh yes okay okay okay okay just like the Vil R Video we did a few days ago which you haven't watched I highly recommend you go watch that after this video I feel a whole lot more calm and safe inside of a village giving me some sort of feeling that although I am playing on a single player world I just don't feel alone as much after getting to the village and grabbing the hay bales right when I turned around I noticed something was missing okay there we go we are good on food oh wait what the roofs wait wait wait wait hold up what's wrong with these roofs wait what okay last time I checked the roofs in a village all look like that and I'm almost certain that they did when I first walked in here I was a little bit unsure and skeptical so I just Googled a Minecraft village here's a photo of a villager house right here and the only kind of flat roof is this type of house but here's a literal screenshot from a village and all of them except for one house has Oak stairs as a roof oh I wasn't going crazy something definitely happened I just happened to miss it oh bro that gives me goosebumps that is not okay at all oh my gosh I need to take a look inside of these houses there's literally no difference with any of these houses in fact if anything the only thing changed was the roof not sitting right with me as nighttime was approaching the village I had taken over one of the Villagers houses I didn't feel like building something again boom here we go let's go dude we're looking pretty good here okay we have a little house going on um so far there's a few confirmed things of what we've witnessed just happened here I gotta be honest with you guys I don't think this error 422 world was ever actually taken out of the game I think it was just masks pushed to the sides of the public you and I the average player won't see it thankfully nothing happened this Minecraft Knight in fact I went to bed woke up momentarily afterwards and everything was completely fine here we go I decided to grab some basic Resources with me and I went on a little Adventure immediately upon leaving the village I had noticed something really really off ding dong I'm leaving I'm out I'm out of here wait wait hold up hold up dude more floating cactuses what was this just a seed that happened to be corrupted or was this something actually here trying to haunt any player that joined it oh my God bro and there's like 1300 more cactuses here what dude look at this oh my God I'm not sure what's up with floating cactuses or why that's supposed to be something corrupt but it's so weird it could be anything but it's a cactus I think it's probably a smart idea if I just leave those alone I don't want to I don't want to break anything typically with lores one thing leads to another it's like a chain and if you break the start of the chain something else breaks and before you know it you're ultimately doomed I think just roaming around is going to be a lot more beneficial for us and oh boy it was I barely walked for five minutes until I caught a glimpse of something else I was even more chilling in fact watch the next 30 seconds We're Not Gonna edit anything witness this for yourself why am I lagging Somebody explain please I'm getting 90 75 frames okay that's us what is that oh bro what is this wait hold up oh my God oh my God wait what wait what dude look at this that was another sighting that we saw in the Creepypasta website it was right in front of my eyes oh my god oh what look how many lily pads are here dude same with these cactuses I have like almost four stacks of cactuses and there's just random lily pads here in fact I can literally climb on them dude what how does how does this even make any sense dude oh my God bro like I actually am at a loss of words for this this is so confusing only one Minecraft day into this world and we found not one not two but three different things that could conclude something is wrong with this world talk about this as well there's a lily pad on top of a sand block didn't even know that was possible to be honest with you oh okay what happens if I it's all break oh nothing happens they're all just individual entities bro this is weird if you guys aren't convinced that something's off here I don't know what else I'm already convinced I am certainly convinced that something is wrong with this world bro oh my gosh okay okay that is uh okay this is definitely like for sure something's off here hey but to break the mood a little bit call me dream because I'll be buzzing bruh just saying just sit sorry I found a village and I wanted to start exploring it that's been suddenly something seemed very very weird I started to hear something off the distance and I wanted to chase it what is that like something's breaking or like uh I don't even know what that is it sounds like a block or something is being broken do you all hear that where is that coming from it's getting louder as I get closer sounds like it's coming from over here literally right here what is that noise and now I'm seeing those things on my screen again every time I mine bro what is this I spent the next five minutes trying to figure out what this noise was I was so close to it but as I got closer and closer this happened dude where is this it's literally like right here oh my God no oh my game froze my game froze and Minecraft has crashed previously we've looked at Minecraft CreepyPasta websites today we'll be going through a viewer comment about a scream myth I was I was gone I got this email a few days ago and it reads the following fear shark a couple days ago my friend and I were exploring the Minecraft world looking for an illager Mansion we wanted to get a totem about dying before taking on the Ender Dragon however what happened next truly terrified us while exploring the forest we noticed a lit up cave and neither of us had explored previously as we entered the cave both of our games crashed suddenly but booted back up instantaneously once we got back in the world we left the cave immediately but we noticed both of our skins had changed the original Steve skin after glancing off into the force we noticed a completely dark-skinned except for a strange and terrifying red smile staring at us this thing wrote in chat get out and since that day I have yet to hear back from the person that emailed me so today we're gonna test this to see if it's real more World options the seed they used was living nightmare there we go we're gonna have cheats off so you can see it right here create the world we're gonna join in the living nightmare seed and as always for everybody watching if you see anything weird in this video be sure to comment it down below in the comments section there are times I might miss something and I know you guys are very very good at spotting things I don't okay we are officially in the world and um as many times when we do scary videos things seem completely normal although this biome always for some reason gives me the heebie-jeebies I'm not sure why see some fire over here this is a little bit weird okay this is naturally generated lava fire so there's nothing to be too concerned about this although this lava will wait a second there's a lava pool here and there's three very oddly specific lava like almost upside down crosses okay that's creepy but again that could just be generation from the game and we can't confirm anything with this now when we were reading that email they specifically mentioned they were going to look for an illager Mansion to try and get a totem of undying I think it might be a little difficult for me to find a mansion this early on however I think it might be a good idea if we go searching for a cave while searching for the cave everything seemed normal however I had this sudden urge in the back of my mind and I was constantly being watched okay so we found ourselves a cave here now before I go any deeper I do want something to defend myself in case I happen to get rushed okay we seem everything seems okay oh my gosh bro don't jump scare me like that don't mind if I do if I could just get this freaking pickaxe bro oh my gosh grab this coal so I don't go in complete darkness oh okay now it's time for us to go into this cave you know ever since they did the massive cave update caves just aren't as scary as they once used to be I mean look at all this green everything just feels complete okay okay chill chill chill chill chill chill chill all the block everything is wait everything just just turned so everything just turned a stone I know I don't have the Infinity Gauntlet I don't have powers like that I can't just boom turn everything to Stone what is this okay whoa whoa hold up hold up hold up hold up I did not do that I did not do that dude wait is it like a chunk glitch I'm confused every time I walk back up when I came back down it altered a stone when I walked back up it all came back to normal what yeah I can't see okay well no no no no something is off something is definitely off with this no something is definitely not right with this bro there's absolutely no way that this is just changing like this I'm literally on a single player world I don't even have cheats enabled okay no no no no no no no something is not right with this at all I don't know how I feel about this okay cave that's one thing okay this could totally just be a Minecraft Glitch I mean Minecraft is full of bugs and glitches we all know that right I think it might not be a bad idea if I try and get a totem of undying to see if that summons in this supposedly scary scary living nightmare now the only way this is possible is to open to land and now I can do slash game mode creative there we go now I'm in creative mode okay we are now open to land okay I'm gonna grab a totem of undying just like this okay now I think it might be possible I could probably summon I could use the totem of undone I mean if you think about it the totem of undying brings you life and it prevents you from dying it would make sense if the living nightmare it was like almost attracted by the totem of this is definitely something real I'm dropping the totem I'm dropping the totem oh my God bro I think we're actually onto something whoever emailed me that is actually it's real is that noise percent noise oh my are you guys hearing that too I'm not going crazy right I'm absolutely not going crazy okay no no no no no no no no this isn't real this can't be real wait if I told him there my totem's gone I told him it's completely gone wait where did it go it's completely gone the totem I described is completely gone no no no no no no this is physically possible there is absolutely something wrong wait a second the totem is on the crap bro no no no no no no no no there's no wet wait I'm frozen it's a Frozen Minecraft is completely crashed the game completely okay hold up I need to relaunch bro this is this is no this is not okay bro something is absolutely up with this world there's no freaking way the totem moves I crash there's something wrong with this absolutely we're launching here we go here we go oh my God bro I'm actually so nervous right now what in the world is happening single player we're joining back to the world oh my God bro I hope it lets me join uh oh I'm here the totem is is here where's the Cave the whole cave is gone bro what wait no no this has to be a lie this has to be a freaking lie dude there's no way you're telling me the entire cave is just gone now bro what no this there's no way this is possible okay something's not right something is confirmed something is actually in this world another key part that they mentioned in the email is they were exploring a rooted Force before looking for the cave so I think this is literally the perfect biome for a rooted Forest now now the thing is is we know for sure after everything that's just happened over the last five minutes there's absolutely something in this world 100 you might notice I'm not even I'm barely editing this video because I want everything to come I want you to be able to see this just as I am now okay why am I lagging hold up why am I lagging this is weird this is really weird I'm sorry sheep I need to kill you I need food okay I absolutely need food thank you something is not right with all this guys I'm not gonna lie I'm kind of hearing weird noises uh wait a second what was that chill chill there's there has to be something here there has to be something here everybody watching you need to comment down below if you see something because I currently can't see a thing uh hello wait if I look behind me yo wait what no no no just witness that cow die bro what no there's no freaking way this is actually possible I I don't know I I have no idea what to say right now I'm actually in complete awe I'm completely all right now you're telling me this is just completely normal this is just complete okay no this is not right so something is wrong with this world I'm claiming it right now there is something haunted in this world wait I'm frozen again I'm frozen again can hear explosions but I'm frozen I'm frozen I'm frozen and my game bro what what no no this is not right this is absolutely not right 100 okay we're launching one more time we're launching one more time oh my bro what is happening right now genuinely what is happening I don't get it okay so if I go back to the world wait a second what wait hold up the last World saved here is is December 1st and it's currently well no no there were two more worlds here and now they're both gone as this living nightmare infected my own computer are there lores trapped inside of Minecraft hidden deep within the code that's secretly stalk all of its players and this Mystery Begins with giant Alex right now I'm inside of a swamp difficulty peaceful and the only thing left to do now is drop my render distance so I can't see anything but wait a second okay that listen Minecraft is notorious for uh render glitches and and bugs but bro that is just weird especially right in the beginning as I drop my render distance and my vision slowly faded an eerie Vibe surrounded the swamp and I knew I wasn't alone giant Alex only comes out and around when you're at the lowest render distance possible and you're on peaceful mode which almost makes you wonder why does giant Alex only come out when it's peaceful now I could just sit around the swamp and walk around oh it's so spooky we need a legitimate way to actually summon in giant Alex in fact I have the wiki right now we are on the giant Alex form and if we notice here the date of the first setting was somewhere in 2020 and the version was opt to find one point 12.2 now the signs of giant Alex are pit holes three by two by two blocks in the ground and they look like giant Footprints I mean everything on here doesn't seem that odd it's not like I could do a Herobrine totem and all of a sudden boom there's giant Alex I mean let's be honest wait a second hold up one two three one wait that wasn't here when I first tapped out right hold on let me let me re-watch the footage no dude look it's lit when I tapped out there missing wait a second this is this is only possible by giant Alex as I patiently waited for giant Alex to show more signs of themselves I had a better idea up my sleeve here's what I'm thinking I've been running around the swamp for the last 45 minutes and nothing has even happened yet I'm just going to very simply just AFK I'm gonna AFK right here in this swamp keep this Minecraft tab open but in the meantime we have another Lord that is a lot less shy Benny now if you've never heard of Benny allow me to introduce them this is Binny this terrifying white and red textured skin that was first originally caught in version 1.9.4 now the seed to find Binion happens to be zero zero one one zero zero which I've already entered but you know what stands out more to me than that is zero zero one one zero zero seems like Morse code I mean does Benny have something to do with Morse code is it something that's already coded into Minecraft why would Mojang want to add something like this now one thing to note when Benny was first caught individual when they came back to their computer claims that it was already night time in game and what do you think the keyboard had stopped working are you telling me that Binny has complete access to your computer is Binny a virus now we can sit here and talk about Benny all day oh bitty this and Benny that but nothing is concrete evidence until we actually find Binny and perfect for me is now going night time we're gonna try and replicate exactly what that person had done step one is to mine a tree step two is to grab your basic resources and put a base down okay so we have our base down we have our basic stuff and it is night time in fact this is actually the exact same biome that Benny was first caught in now this is where my house is I don't want to forget that oh my God okay that kind of scared me bro okay it's just a zombie villager nope you can stay away okay where did you even come from is there must be a village nearby or something wait is there a village this way that that zombie villager literally just walked over here uh hello this is kind of weird I don't even see a village wait what why why is that a thing okay okay maybe I'm just going crazy maybe you have to sleep multiple nights before Binny reveals himself so you know what I'll just make a bed that's the easiest thing I could do right let's just go back to my base here and make a bed there we go grab some wood beautiful wool right there now if I just place this down and I go to sleep wait one out of two players are sleeping what do you mean one wait what I do I'm not a single player world what are you talking about one of the two players wait a second good hello who's that wait what is this what is it oh my God this has to be real bro what wait did that my base oh my God oh my God no no no no no no no no no no hold up wait my keyboard's not working I can still use my mouse I can still use my keyboard's not working anymore bro Mikey yo listen listen I literally I can move my mouse still but my keyboard is not working at all wait hold up what is happening what is happening bro I can't see it oh my God yo I'm scared I can't even have five yo wait that's bitty I can't move I can't move the zombies killing I can't move I can't move he's coming wait wait oh my god oh I can move again I can move yo that was pity that was actually bitty oh my God wait wait wait what it's a real thing what I thought that was clickbait I thought we were just getting scammed those oh my God bro that was a real thing bro that lore was real I've never I've never seen bidding before but that thing is actually real are you kidding me what okay okay no no something something's not right something that's not right uh Benny Benny are you here okay I know I'm talking to an AI which sounds so stupid but one one zero oh my God stop stop stop stop wait a stop wait no it's still got bro what stop Benny must actually be Morse code bro it's just spamming in chat that's all this is is Benny secretly a virus that is infected by computer are you a hacker oh my God guys any Show Yourself wait wait I I can't I can't wait wait I I can't press T again oh God that must be bitty's coming that must be oh my god there he is there's I can look but I can't see no stop stop wait wait my computer it's black wait what hold up I gotta get my phone I gotta get my phone my entire PC just blue screen the entire thing just blue screen mid recording as I'm doing this right now no signal this monitor went completely black this one was just blue screen just a second ago this all just happened just now bro what hold up I need it I gotta turn this back on okay there we go I think we're booting up I think we're putting up hold up hold up I'm just waiting oh what I didn't think this thing was real are you serious if you guys caught anything at all that I missed in this video you need to comment it down below come on PC come on my mouse and keyboard aren't even working anymore bro what is happening Oh wait we're back okay wait a second hold on I'm gonna start recording okay we're back we're back we're here I'm here we're here right here there we are okay wait respond where do I respond wait where I'm at the bottom of the [Music] what wait how did I even get in here where's my spawn where's my bed where's all my why do I only have one level why is my level only one I haven't I don't even have a fit [Music] and my PC just went black again it's completely it Minecraft entirely my computer's still on but Minecraft entirely just closed down bro what about my giant Alex world I need to go back and timer stop it has literally been six hours since I've tapped back in game and okay we're here everything kind of seems a little bit normal wait hold up hold up hold up hold up hold up wait why is there fire hold up guys okay something's not right here wait this fire must be fresh wait something new I was coming back online but it was six hours anything could have happened within six hours but all of a sudden now now it happens uh something doesn't seem right about this I think giant Alex might actually be near us there's no way hold up I I need concrete proof and evidence the whole swamp is slowly burning but I didn't think that giant Alex did I didn't know that giant Alex did things with fire I thought giant Alex was supposed to be peaceful and not harmful unless this is something deeper and darker than giant Alex giant Alex if you are reading this show yourself I don't know if AI understands AI but it's worth a shot uh guys because I'm hearing something um hello is there somebody or something in this world that needs to show themselves to me I don't know about you guys but I'm just having some oh my God wait wait hold up hold up wait that was actually giant no wait double shine outs that was that oh my God wait no no no he's right here they were they were right on the street right on the street they're right here just a second ago oh my God bro I knew it I called it I called it I called it I called it I was right oh my God and I caught it up I'm recording I got the wrong video I got through the video this is amazing wait wait where where did giant Alex go exactly wait that that's the footprint that near giant Alex was that wait just heard uh Clinton steal I think something's going on wait what's happening in my screen what's happening what's happening my entire Minecraft is not booting up anymore I literally have to reinstall Minecraft bro what did giant Alex corrupt my game day one spawned in a fresh 1.18 world and I decided to get all my basic resources I need to collect all my Basics relatively quick because there's a lot that I need to explore today because today we're going to be testing the giant Alex theories C they came true everybody I must tell you that uh this is probably gonna be one of the craziest videos that we have ever done on the channel and boy was I right look if you're new here consider subscribing we're almost at 5 million and it's only possible with your help but let me assure you you're gonna love this video for those that have never seen me before hi I'm shark uh we have been searching for Laura's for the last month or two here from Villar Herobrine giant Alex I mean there's hundreds that we have gone through but as I was explaining what we were doing I found something a little bit unusual what in the world is this what hold up bro that is weird I know we're in 1.18 but that is a complete terrain glitch right there I mean what is even happening I didn't let it bother me too much I already knew a little bit about giant Alex and well that's not necessarily what giant Alex does but we'll keep it in mind for those that have no idea who giant Alex is or what giant Alex is all about let me give you a 30 second rundown giant Alex is a creature with a height of 12 blocks which has the appearance of the default skin of Alex giant Alex is known to stock and watch the player it does not seem to harm the player Spike the blood around the body how it looks Giant Oaks can be seen in a certain seed you need to use OptiFine as well and set the difficulty to Peaceful Telltale clues of giant Alex looks something like this they look like Bigfoot footprints on the ground so now that you're caught up to speed you know a little bit more about giant Alex okay we are here in Minecraft 1.18 why exactly are we doing this in 1.18 well I've read up a ton of reports saying that giant Alex has been spotted in the latest version so we need to debunk this throughout the entirety of day one I just played normal Minecraft aside from what I saw in the beginning of the video nothing was out of the ordinary so I stacked up on my loot got some food and I started to build a house [Music] see thankfully I built my house right next to a village which uh this might be a good idea to go and actually take a look at this so previously when I was hunting for giant Alex one of the biggest things that I noticed is that giant Alex loved Villages so this actually works out in our favor because there's probably a higher chance we actually might get a sighting I was extremely optimistic as to what we might be able to find here but I was not prepared for what I witnessed later on I continued to loot the village and gather whatever I could by the time I was finished nighttime was approaching and this is where things started to get weird I would argue that that was a good Village run for sure we have a lot of food now and I am not concerned whatsoever wait a second this wasn't here before I left for the village this was not here when I first built my house I had witnessed one of the first sightings that we covered earlier in the video it's one of these Footprints it was just one though I couldn't find any others is there more lying around well that's weird okay okay I was a little bit hesitant at first maybe we wouldn't find anything but this is definitely a good clue for the remaining of the night finished up my house and went to bed I knew that we had a big day the following morning day two Bing Bong okay so we have finished uh pretty much everything we need out of our house here we have a good handful of iron which uh which is very handy for this journey although we are in peaceful mode because this is the most likely way to actually find giant Alex I still think some armor would be ideal as I was Bing bonging to the camera I didn't realize something was happening out in the distance till I walked outside hey let's freaking go dude we are stacked oh my wait what hold up is that a snow biome on fire oh my god dude it is it's straight up on fire that was not burning yesterday I had to explore this if there was no lava source over there this would be yet another clue that giant Alex could be lurking this world I hurried over there as quick as I can before everything burnt down closer that I got the more it seemed like it was burning oh my gosh oh my gosh dude what this is all burnt it wasn't burning yesterday I know that for sure see there's my house and dude oh my God there's no Lava pool around here either so there's physically no way that this fire should have started for those that might be unaware this has been a common Telltale sign that giant Alex is around most of our sightings happened when we found burning forest and I had a funny feeling this was another one oh my God bro this is messed up bro I don't even know what to say the whole force is gone bro oh my oh my god dude wait that was not burning when I first got here oh my God what you're witnessing and for me right now it's one of the biggest forest fires that I've ever caught on camera I mean this thing was huge it was wiping out an entire colony of trees on the side of this mountain there is not a single lava pool here bro and I can tell there's there's nothing this whole Forest is just gone what at a blink of an eye this entire place was once here it is now Up in Flames and the source of what caused it is completely unknown I was in so much shock I decided to head back to the house forest fire isn't sufficient enough evidence I want to see giant Alex however when I got back I noticed things were a little bit off oh my God bro that entire place is gone dude I don't even know [Music] wait hold up okay okay now I'm sketched out now I'm sketched out dude these were bro what one two three four five six seven eight nine ten different Footprints right outside of my house I mean dude giant Alex has to be in this world and giant Alex has to know that I'm here bro what this is ridiculous oh my God bro this is terrifying what okay so it is now I would say sufficiently confirmed that giant Alex is indeed here in this world with us today now it's a matter of actually getting signed of seeing giant Alex somewhere which in this case we have a really really good place to be at we're very high up on the mountains and as you might know giant Alex is roughly 12 blocks tall roughly this tall should be about the height of giant Alex is this Cobblestone pillar right here okay bro what does giant Alex know that I live here I'm so confused I quickly patched up some of the holes that giant Alex has made but I left a few for memory's sake as the sun was falling on day two I thought nighttime would be interesting however I got an early surprise you're not gonna believe what we caught on camera here in fact I'm Gonna Leave a 30 second uncut raw footage for you to judge for yourself I'm stuck in between wanting to go to bed or staying awake for sightings for giant Alex that's where I don't really know how I oh my God what dude wait what it's daytime and there was so much lightning here well even the villagers wokeeth like what the heck no no okay on a serious no dude what in the world bro do they shot the lightning bolts they struck oh my God no get me out of this the lightning bolt Struck it looked like every single every single footstep that giant Alex made the lightning bolts were what I was in complete awe in distress of what I just witnessed at this point I was unsure as to what I should do I mean I was definitely being watched and I knew that whoever was watching me wasn't far away whatever's happening bro they know I'm here and they're trying to mess with me and for all the haters and doubters that are saying that I'm on a server or something okay look at this all right literally right here okay I can literally save and quit right now single player go right back to it and I'm right back online so this is absolutely not a server for any of the doubters that are out there bro I am what in the world dude what is happening at this point it's a matter of time until we actually see something it's just a matter of getting lucky enough to actually catch it and see it on camera right when I thought I saw everything I noticed off in the distance where the forest fire had started something was standing there won't believe what happened next what is that bro wait what my game froze my game froze dude my whole game's Frozen my whole game's Frozen it just crashed like dude what I saw something I literally saw something after reviewing the footage and zooming in you'll notice that there is something standing there in fact it looks a little bit bigger what giant Alex would be but is this concrete evidence that giant Alex is there I attempted to log back into the world so I launched Minecraft again but there was something a little bit off my world was completely gone okay wait where is it bro it's gone it's gone my last world is the air 422 world which I haven't played since December 3rd in today's December 10th what it's gone what happened here and what should I do next time these are scary Minecraft myths that actually came true let's just say today's lore Adventure on giant Alex is a little bit more than what we've seen before in fact we actually saw giant Alex and this is what happened day one I spawned in a brand new world and I wanted to attempt to find giant Alex in the latest version of Minecraft conveniently enough I spawned right behind a ruined portal how convenient I looted the portal and got all my basic resources I found a master of Ravine so I jumped in and started mining nighttime was approaching sooner than I'd expected and I was still down in the cave I wrapped up my mining journey and I started traveling through the world I decided it was going to be a smart idea to get some food so I quickly just killed some animals go dude holy eggs bro they're everywhere oh that was close it was probably not a good idea to linger around at night time I had almost died on day one and we don't want that here after traveling for a little bit I found a little crevice that I wanted to camp out in for the night I decided to stay here until morning came around okay wow um that was horrendous I am very glad that we are out of this for now okay so giant Alex everybody so a lot of you might be curious as to why I decided to start a new world with this well number one first things first uh there have been multiple videos on YouTube regarding a sighting where giant Alex has actually been seen in in the latest versions of the games I figured this is a perfect time to actually attempting as we've been hunting giant Alex and several other lores for the past few days this is probably a good time to start now the first three days were honestly really boring I was just playing normal Minecraft and nothing stood out however when day four approached this is where things got interesting I found myself in a taga biome something stood out with this one oh let's go dude we got a village oh what okay all right this is where things get interesting bro what look at this this is nuts oh God no okay eat up yeah that's probably a smart idea I'm not even gonna have enough food for this bro oh my gosh this Village just set fire as I entered the biome it was confusing because I didn't see any Flames as I was walking in I saw it as I entered the village this whole thing is gonna catch on fire I mean this is like the worst place to have a fire anyways I mean we're surrounded by forests here this is this is horrible oh my God bro this whole place is set on fire this is ridiculous I guess I should just grab everything that's here that's useful to me and just get out of here I mean this is proof oh God no this is good proof that something is here I was almost about to give up we are almost at day five and I had not experienced a single thing yeah oh boy shark were you right you were about to enter the wildest ride of your life after Scavenging The Village I decided to leave that's when things started to get really really creepy oh let's go dude that is nuts holy I'm still that bro what the oh God wait is that is that the whole oh my God it is it is bro are you serious there's so much emotion going through me I'm getting stacked from this Village but there's also all of this okay hold up wait there's there's a path yeah shark you're right you found a pathway this pathway was either leading away or to the Village it's time to follow it wait hold up there's another one here okay and there's one here okay wait what that's four uh five wait is there more uh okay six seven bro what is there something inside of this mountain that I'm missing or I need to take note of concerned actually I found myself leaving the Tego biome maybe it was for the better oh that cave looks creepy bro what that is a hard confirmation that there's something certainly here now it's just a matter of figuring out okay are we supposed to summon something are we supposed to do something in particular nighttime started rolling around and I was still knee-deep in the forest this wasn't a good place for me to camp out I mean get cornered too quickly my goal right now is to try and find a swamp I mean that is the main goal here is it not oh God it's gonna get dark fast okay I need a torch okay ow oh God oh God all throughout the night I pretty much just ran I wish I can give you a better story than this one but I was just searching for the swamp one it felt like forever halfway through the night I finally got my break I found a swamp oh let's go finally dude we've been looking for this okay okay okay uh now last time when we were in a swap like this we when I went to the witches thought the witches had started to burn so I want to test the theory to see if that happens every time or if that was coincidental that the Wichita was burning last time I was here there were so many mobs around me at this point it was hard to stay focused on one thing at once so if you happen to see anything that I didn't catch please let me know Down Below in the comments honestly I'm not even gonna lie it felt like a zombie apocalypse out here it's like I'm in The Walking Dead or something okay which is hot which is hot which is hot which is hot where are you where are you as I was wandering through the swamp look what I found oh no way wow that is gonna be meaningful for some Adventure later on that is for sure holy I'm not even gonna lie the swamp was massive but finally after getting some High Ground I managed to find the witch's Hut and this is what was most interesting hey hey anything hello hello dude oh my gosh oh my gosh oh there it is there it is yes finally The Witch's Hut this is exactly what I was looking for I noticed that there was a hole in the witch height right on top of it exactly why was that there and who did it okay let's get going let's get going over the witch hut come on now there you go there we go there we go oh my God what in the world wait are those bats what is even happening here is there even a witch inside hello what's going on bro wait what hold up I gotta block that off bro wait what is even going on here why are there so many bats there was probably 70 bats all around this witch hut some were sleeping inside some were just roaming around but it was weird why were they there okay well there's no witch here but there is three holes right here there's a hole right there so that's four there's also one on the roof that I saw yeah right here why are there holes in the witch hut decided to camp out on top of the Witch Hunt until daytime I couldn't handle all these mobs it was distracting me from my goal okay here we go it's about time day time finally you couldn't have come any sooner for this one the witch hut is essentially no help this time around there's nothing there that stands out to me any different there's nothing there that stands out to me like it did in the last video um I'm kind of getting hopeless at this point I'm getting close to day six or seven nothing is really that interesting but everything takes a twist for the dark side no pun intended very very shortly decided to explore the biome that we saw and not gonna lie I was quite excited oh lee Ravine that is massive dude jeez you see the good thing about these biomes is that they're so open if you get on High Ground you can see almost everything if something's there watching you'll know about it holy dude this is insanity look at this wow oh my gosh bro this is nuts dude but what is going on here found floating sand what was really it is I've never seen this before especially on top of water I noticed how interesting this biome was it was merging with a few other ones and kind of made it look nice but as I was browsing around I noticed another fire that had started my God what dude look oh that's nuts there's another fire legitimately right there hold up I need to get high ground why are these fires continuously happening giant Alex and Herobrine are both doing this why is this so common bro look oh my God yo there yo it's actually giant Alex oh my god oh my god dude no freaking way I actually saw giant Alex and the funny part was my render distance wasn't on six it was really good that I didn't have my render distance on six because I probably wouldn't have caught that oh my god dude I've been watched this whole time I've literally been being watched this entire time oh right in between here you giant Alex he was standing right here in between these mountains okay I have to follow the direction where giant Alex went bro that is ridiculous oh my God bro what no way dude it's been so long songs that have actually seen a lore I'm I'm literally Star Struck this is nuts okay in between here in between here bro this biome what is going on with this this is weird at this point I was looking for where John Alex went one moment there there and then they were gone there was no tracks or any direction that I could find that indicated where giant Alex went I just continued searching okay I gotta get up on this mountain I really have to get up here oh my dude that force is still burning okay what if that Force by chance right up there stands for something what if that means something there has to be more information bro this biome is oh there it is there she is there she is there she is there she is oh my God bro we where did she go oh my God I can't believe I got that I can't believe I got that okay we have to go that way oh my God this is nuts dude what are up with all these mountains these are ridiculous I am not prepped for a journey like this bro oh my God y'all I'm not even gonna lie to you I am like actually really freaking nervous right now this is ridiculous I this took me like four or five episodes to actually shoot sighting of giant Alex giant Alex was like right here on top of these trees not too sure where oh my God bro oh wait more fire right here okay wait this one could be justified there is a lava pool right there oh my dude what I am so blown away I actually saw that I've spent so many hours and days in this game trying to get a sighting and finally we actually managed to pull something off but I want to get closer oh [Music] oh my God I just saved myself from dying there Bro Look literally all the way down to almost a Bedrock dude oh my God bro that is dude it literally just voided out the entire world look there goes the zombie bro okay I almost just died I saved myself there dude what you witnessed that just as I did the entire void just cut out from beneath me oh God okay at least we're out of those biomes because those mountains are really slowing me down that my travel time those mountains so the fact that we're out of it very nice dude we just have to talk about how crazy these biomes are I mean we're literally traveling through Mountain biomes to snow biomes dude this is ridiculous oh my goodness okay maybe it's a good idea to trail out exactly where I'm going oh my God bro it just keeps going you can still see the Mountain Fire down there bro I don't know man I'm not gonna lie to you guys I'm really sketched out what do you guys think before I show you what happens at the very end I need you to comment let's have a friendly debate Down Below in the comments section okay oh my gosh bro look how many cows are here at least I do know that giant Alex still is in these worlds especially on the newer version so anybody saying that I have to do it in a specific version is wrong this works completely fine why are there so many bats here one bad what whoa what what do I do now what do I honestly do now I can't even fathom what we just witnessed that is ridiculous bro oh my God I'm gonna take a breather for a few days on the whole lore stuff because I need to process exactly what's going on please let me know what is going on please everybody comment down below what I should be doing and I'll see you guys in the next one the story is not over yet
Channel: Shark
Views: 942,400
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, shark, 09sharkboy, challenge, funny, mods, scary minecraft, minecraft scary, minecraft scary myth, testing scary minecraft, testing scary minecraft myths, minecraft myths, testing myth, testing minecraft myths, minecraft myth, testing scary real minecraft myths, minecraft scary eystreem, eystreem minecraft, eystreem scary, minecraft eystreem, scary minecraft eystreem, minecraft myths eystreem, minecraft creepypasta, minecraft scary seed, scary myths in minecraft
Id: 1kJas4tt9MM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 28sec (3448 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 07 2023
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