Minecraft, If You Could Combine Any Item..

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in this video i have the ability to quite literally merge any item in the game i can merge tools with armors golden apples with weapons and much more now what happens if i merge a chess plate and a sword together stay tuned to find out enjoy [Music] in three two one a village has appeared in front of us and look how big it is it's a beautiful savannah village and you know what we're gonna go right down to it right now because i need as much as i can get i hope they have iron in here because today we're obviously going to be merging a bunch of items here in minecraft but to do that we are going to need the merging anvil and to craft that we're going to need a lot of iron to make a regular anvil and then a lot of crafting tables that surround an anvil so basically well we're looking for anything that's not just paper i feel like savannah villages might be the worst ones in terms of loot oh but they are the best in terms of little kitty guy hello so do a quick hay bale mining session and you know what we'll break down this village home to do our wood mining session bingo and look at this another chest that we bread dude they're literally the worst i can make a lot of bread but you know what i can also make with all this wood a lot of crafting tables so let's go ahead and we're just going to use all of it we're going to make 10 crafting tables and the reason we need 10 is because we obviously need one to do the crafting the other nine are going to be for the merging anvil and also i just want all the food i could ever wish for so give me all this bread and would you look at that a nice little desert temple out in the distance that could have diamonds in it which we need to combine things with in the merchant oh there's also a broken down portal and a well i mean the well is obviously the best but hold on we've got a couple things to look at over here and here it is and oh that's like the best chest i've ever found at a broken portal we have a golden chest plate unbreaking two with a flint steel fire charge and a golden apple please i need diamonds i kind of want diamonds even more than like a notch apple probably so let's get down avoid the button look inside we have a power three book we have string we can make a bow so we can merge a bow with something and we have literally is there anything here we have gold gold could be good maybe we could use that for a merge and emeralds but nothing crazy i mean enchanted books i guess but all right well basically all i need to do now is go down into the ground and what's the quickest way i can do that i guess by being risky oh my gosh what am i doing go freezer go go go oh geez louise make our stone tools dig straight down and now it'd be a good time to tell you guys well i am digging down that i have a brand new lunar cape available now so if you want to purchase that it's at the lunar store it's linked down in the description below it supports me it helps me out hopefully i don't fall into anything crazy here oh of course okay well at least we're in a ravine and there's lots of iron okay perfect let's grab all of it we'll have ourselves a nice big iron mining session smelt all these guys up and now we are going to have the device that will allow us to do all these merges in the first place that's 28 29 where are those extra guys oh yeah so now create a regular anvil so this is just gonna be like hey you can't really do anything with this look at it like come on who cares about this thing but if we put it in a crafting table in the middle surround this bad boy with a bunch of other crafting tables bam we get the merging anvil look at this it's basically like a combination of a crafty table and an anvil in one and let's see if we put it down pretty cool let's open her up and oh it's basically like a crafting table but it's not so we're gonna use this basically for the rest of the video for all of the little combinations we're going to do the only problem remaining is well hopefully not dying by creepers but we also need diamonds because i want to combine using a bunch of diamond tools and i don't want to die and i and there's diamonds right behind the skeleton okay perfect now we're gonna need a lot of diamonds and thank goodness we found there's more diamonds holy dude i swear dude these new caves they got to be more common there's okay never mind our luck ends here there's cave spiders everywhere no no no no but i was just about out of wood so let me tear down this mine shaft make some sticks we're gonna need an iron pick as well and there's iron literally everywhere gosh this is like like amazing this is great cave so grab the iron we'll go ahead and make ourselves an iron pick and we're gonna see how many diamonds are we dealing with here and depending on how many there are that's oh wait no i always do this guys i'm so sorry i don't mean to do this it's not like why is it all around here like what dude it was a prank it was a troll no we actually really need as many as we can get so that was a huge loss and this diamond yes okay so we got four from that there should have been five and i think we yeah there's at least two or three here it looks like four more so we can make an armor piece but oh my gosh there's a lot dude how i just got 11 diamonds i could have gotten 12 if i was careful all in this like they were literally in the same chunk okay so i think the first thing we'll need to make is a sword and what happens if we take a shield so let's go ahead and make one of these guys and we combine it using the merging anvil this is our first combination everyone we got a diamond sword and a shield makes a oh my gosh a diashield blade it's basically a sword and a shield in one dude what so i can show all these cave spiders who spot oh my gosh they're getting flung everywhere what the wow okay and if i right click i start going really fast so i guess it's like a rampage mode where i could just go and just kill everyone in my path with this like shield in front of me so that's really cool being able to combine those two things i don't want to leave my tools behind and we have an enderman up here can we use the blade on him yeah and i got an editor pearl get out of here creepers don't blow up my ender pearl we have nine diamonds left we can do a lot of merging with that so let's get on to the next one what if i use that string from the desert temple i found and i make a bow and i combine this with another diamond sword i know you guys are like no why you just keep making swords make something else i know i know i just want to see what would a sword and a bow do a bow blade oh my gosh look at it in my inventory it's shooting actual swords onto the ground what that's another right sword in the wall and look at this a lovely dungeon you have no match actually why am i using that let's use my bow blade and there is literally nothing in these chests that we would ever need actually gunpowder yes we can make tnt maybe we can merge a weapon with tnt and make a very explosive one wait what else can this bow do though whoa my goodness holy smokes it just obliterated that skeleton let's make an axe why not wait what if we combine an axe with the golden apple we got from the desert oh my goodness a gap axe healing shield yes that's exactly what i wanted and it gives me regeneration x okay so having this in my hand basically is just amazing we're gonna go back up to the servers but i just wanted to quickly make some tnt because i want to do a combination with this at least once in this video and right after we just found a couple more dots i hope a couple more diamonds please give me more than one a lot of the times in these new caves there's just one sitting here yes give me all of them is it just two whatever oh there's three yes give me all the diamonds possible now we can do more combinations i will go to the surface first because i just want a couple more things from up there but we do have enough we have eight diamonds yeah that's what i'm talking about we are going to need some feathers for a combination oh my goodness i keep forgetting when i whip this thing out it just creates this huge thing in front of me i just want to kill a little chicken get the feather beautiful and we just need a bit more wood oh my the cat-backs at first i was like yo this item is not that crazy oh my goodness there are golden apples literally everywhere a stack in 12 golden apples wow well on that note since we're in a good mood let's go ahead and do our next comment i think for this one i just want to keep it really basic i just want to combine a sword and a pickaxe or weight what if we do the sword and the feather a heavenly blade oh my goodness holding this gives me fly i can fly as long as i'm holding this thing i still have no armor on by the way at all like i could die very very easily what a pretty area though okay so what else can this guy do oh i just lifted every single mob near me into the air and here they come crashing down oh my goodness the creepers didn't even return they must have blown up in the air hey sheepy goodbye sheepy and now he's just permanently glitched there hey zombie what the heck are those things that is the coolest thing i've ever seen so if you left click it looks like it spawns like heavenly angels attack this zombie i want this zombie dead oh they got him die zombie they get them all oh my goodness can they fight the ender dragon for me but what i was going to do was i was going to make a sword and combine it with a pickaxe because this is kind of like you know i just want to see what does a sword and a pickaxe both give you can you combine them and you can and you get a gemstone driller i love these items this probably means that i can like drill heavily into the ground oh my angels are dying i guess they have a lifespan so what happens oh my goodness oars all over the place this is exactly what i wanted because i was about to say i don't want to have to go back into the caves i still have no armor on by the way and yes yes another right we're gonna need another right for other combinations as well so guys what if i told you that there's a whole nother level to this combining stuff all right so we're not only gonna be combining stuff we are going to actually craft an advanced merging table shortly after i combine a couple more things and we have all the ores to do it right now in front of us and i forgot i can just like fly forever oh okay so this is just a neat little tool as well just mines nicely into things and what do you know another desert temple what do we got in here we'll just drill down on into it hopefully that doesn't trigger the tnt thing because remember oh gosh and i just got rid of all the contents of all the chests what else okay well i don't really care with all the diamonds i have now i'm making a diamond block and i am combining a diamond pick with it because i want to see do we get something oh a super diamond pink yes because look we only have the iron pick i really wanted something that would be a better pickaxe now all four of our main weapons are custom merged items what does this pick do oh oh it just goes look at this holy smokes beautiful does it have any special powers i just okay well i wasn't geared before i absolutely am now i'm gonna make some diamond armor real quick just so we're not in any danger i don't think we really have been anyways so i have infinite fly with the heavenly blade but if i put that down i don't have the fly anymore and i can just infinitely spawn diamond blocks and a chest disappeared my chest disappeared cover me with diamonds i didn't even wait what protection level 26 frostwalker 24 uh yeah oh we got a whole chest of open diamond gear oh protection level 23. don't mind if i do some of them have kind of like uh but protection level 21 leggings look at me now just need a hat to cap it off and we're good to go now well we're starting to get to the point where i don't really need anything left we could just start combining even more and more items how did i get that chest though oh there's another one right here do we have a hat in here we do it has aqua affinity good enough now here in my masterful diamond cave i'm gonna combine pretty much anything i want to because i can let's get into the armors we'll make a diamond chest plate and why not combine that with a diamond sword see what it does here we go oh my god what is that it looks like a freaking diamond chest blade looks like a guitar dude look at that i could rock and roll on this thing yo i just blew up my anvil but hold on i just want to see oh my goodness it like to it rams me it dude i can infinitely ram through things you look at me go i don't even know where i am this is i guess i'm rocking rolling on the guitar hey creeper so we'll remake that anvil but now we're gonna make the advanced merging table luckily it's really easy to create we just need a couple gold and a couple diamonds which obviously we got from the driller if we didn't have that it wouldn't be that easy i hear explosions in the background but this is a merging crafting table so this well if we put it down and check it out look at that thing and essentially we can use the merging anvil for straight combinations so one item plus one item equals another but we can do custom crafts in this guy that also contain merge kind of things so let me give you an example what if i decided that a diamond pick wasn't enough and i instead wanted to mesh it with let's say netherrite we can and it's the ominous pickaxe and now we have a half diamond half netherrite pick that we can use wherever we want so that's what this is good for so look i have all these custom merged tools but nothing to do with armor i need a merged set of armor so i'm going to go ahead and just make my own set of diamond real quick and this is low-key what i've been saving the tnt for guys we only have four which is perfect because we only need four armor pieces that's a boomerang helmet it's a cap with a tnt you get the boomerang boomerang leggings boomerang boots and a boomerang chest plate get rid of these guys and say hello to full boom we got like every effect in the game i'm going to assume this is going to be really explosive so i'm just going to oh no no no no no no my computer just crashed oh my goodness okay i did get the merging anvil back i forgot i didn't even test out what this ominous pickaxe does there's an enderman right here oh my goodness look how many mobs there are from all my ramming through the caves but none of them drop any items so it's not that good but i can get rid of them all what else can this thing do what are those things what are they going to get the creeper for me oh my gosh they're killing the creeper oh so the boomerang gets the uh opie items underway i was wondering when that was going to come because we do need some of these opi items specifically we need ender pearls i have enders and notch apples all right now i will create the greatest weapon that will ever grace the earth of minecraft i'm going to make a bow out of different ores like lapis at the top diamond in the middle redstone at the bottom and we get the infinity bow what does this guy do what is that wait no no the sheep oh my goodness i thought the sheep were wait the babies no no it's a black hole it's sucking everything in wait can i create like infinite enemies yeah everywhere i shoot it creates literally a black hole and it just sucks any mob i wonder if this i could probably use this against the ender dragon now can you break this no you can't it is literally just that it's just a black hole and what do you know an amethyst geode just what i wanted now we can go ahead and maybe take a shard and combine it or merge it rather i can get this just breaking this yes there it is the shard i keep thinking of these zombies i'm sorry i'm killing my own zombies and by doing that i'm spawning my own angels what are with these weird glitches going on with the mobs today all right put a black hole in front of me we'll put the merging anvil down and i'm thinking we should go ahead and make a bow and combine it with this thing i don't know i the bows have been really cool i kind of want a bow that just shoots out a bunch of these amethyst shards crystallite bow is what it will give me if i click j oh it knocks him back it knocks him way back but i can also change the mode of this thing and now i can click j again and it freezes him in place it's a frozen creeper and then i can change it again to a deadly red laser that will kill him because i don't want to do anything with this creeper go away dude now i'm frozen i walked into the freeziness that he was in and look at my screen it's putting frozen effects all over it all right now what does this crystallite bow do dude what that's the coolest thing i've ever seen that's a bunch of shards just coming in and out of the ground wait does that kill things if i get close i'm gonna assume it does hey sheepies sorry sheepies oh yes okay infinity mode for black hole crystallite bow for this whatever this is i quickly just want to go ahead and make a hybrid of a gold and diamond pickaxe of treasures you can make anything in this game oh and it just gave oh so it gives me minerals everything i mine very oh okay big explosion of minerals everywhere if we didn't have anything we have it now dude that actually looks gorgeous wow hey broken down portal let me grab your obsidian real quick and let me create an obsidian axe with diamond look at that oblivion battle axe the reason i need this is because it creates a triple ravine monster this will also help in the end trust me guys hello mr squid goodbye mr squid hello sword and ink sack oh and sword yes i right clicked and it teleported all the mobs out of my vicinity which i guess is good and that is a undereye spawner put this down get those eyes okay so i guess that appeared when i just started vanishing mobs away i guess it drops as like a drop get out of here bucko yeah there it is again okay cool so that's what the end sword does that's why it's called the end sword we'll take these launch it in the air it's this way i'm really curious i need to make some arrows because i want to suck the dragon into the black hole oh and we're actually really close to it yeah it's right here all right we'll use our super diamond pick to just mine down real quick and we can just do this wee all the way down is there gonna be a stronghold here what it said it was here ah here it is we went through it it's like in a ravine that's why fill up the portal head in and what kind of spot okay not too bad actually with my sword here i can just literally teleport on top of these pillars look at this i just have to click boom just like so all right here we go i'm gonna shoot it right onto his portal here we go infinity bow don't let me down black hole activated he's getting sucked in oh oh with the dragon he destroyed it yo this guy is absolutely insane okay can i crystallize him then with these things he actually got rid of my my black hole it can't reach him i guess i'm just gonna have to come up to your level send my angels at you hey a nice little flight battle what if i use the guitar's ram oh my gosh that's doing a lot of damage die yeah at the end of the day it was the guitar sword that saved everything i thought i would kill him with the black hole or something look at this end the way it is he's just gonna die real quick good bye and now i will safely just fly over with my flight sword and win the game
Channel: Graser
Views: 1,712,181
Rating: 4.8544502 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but, minecraft but challenge, minecraft challenges, minecraft mod, minecraft combine, graser, challenge, minecraft items, minecraft 100 days, minecraft op items, op items minecraft, minecraft if
Id: XREqjRhvo-Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 21sec (1221 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 03 2021
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