Minecraft, But You Can Eat Any Item..

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in this video i play minecraft in a world where i can literally eat any item in the game and eating these items can do all kinds of things from giving me special powers to spawning some of the most powerful items in history so let's get right into it enjoy [Music] oh my goodness we spawned right next to a desert temple this is the closest i've ever spawned to a structure that's not like in a village or something so that's pretty cool but the bad thing is we are oh okay we do have trees over here i was gonna say i don't like spawning in the middle of deserts but we have a lot of different blocks around here and that's good because today anything in this world anything we pick up we can eat so well i'm trapped here in this desert might as well make good of the nutrients that come from sand so if i pick up a piece of sand and i'll go in the desert temple in the sack i know you guys are like go in there and check out the loop but we gotta eat the sand first ready in three two one oh i ate it and i got a wooden sword that has bane of arthropods and fire asthma okay well at least the fire aspect is level 15 enchantments so that's good and we have a desert temple in front of us so yeah the worst blocks like sand and stuff aren't going to give us like the best items ever hold on if i do this a lot more am i going to get like even more better items oh i got an iron shovel that's pretty good with efficiency i could just go ahead and mine a bunch of sand to munch on but you know it's really not gonna be that that great so well actually i take back everything maybe we can just eat sand for the whole video and we'll be good but hey we got like a full tool set already let's head down into this desert temple see what we got here because there's probably gonna be even more items that we can eat and we literally didn't get the one thing we needed which was a pickaxe oh please sand will you give us a pick yes and it's got a pretty good enchant it's a stone pick but how coincidental is that i got every single tool i would need i do want to eat some explosives today so let's see what's in the chest we do have an enchanted book with lure one lots of bones lots of gun powder and iron ingot all these things that we could just munch on diamond horse armor gold and get string spider eyes dude i'm in heaven this is probably the best start i could have asked for for this video because i'm getting all sorts of different types of items that we're gonna be able to eat and see what it does we got a golden apple in here and finally we have another apple okay well we know what happens when we eat a notch apple so we don't have to do that right now we'll save that for later in case we need it but definitely by far other than the notch apple the main event of this place is the tnt so i'm just gonna grab that and we're gonna eat some right now and you know what i kind of want to get out of here just in case something really damaging happens i don't want to kill myself this early on so let's get to the surface so on top of eating the blocks you could actually still place them as well so i can eat the sand i can place it but now before we even chop down some wood i'm going to eat a piece of tnt oh no no no no no no no no no get out of here get out of here why did i do that oh my gosh this blew up the entire island but wait this is kind of cool because it doesn't really actually go near me it goes all around me yeah i can live with this yeah blow up tnt pause just real quick guys the majority of you currently watching this video aren't actually subscribed so if you could do me a solid click that red subscribe button beneath the video right now it really helps me out and let's go for like i don't know 13 37 likes on this video all right resume yo this is actually sick because the tnt doesn't damage me and i just got the tnt launcher so i guess there's like a rare chance when you use that when you eat it you get the launcher and of course the tnt launcher as we know from the crafting is giant video it just launches a bunch of tnt everywhere so i can just use this as my main weapon if i need to which is great we'll keep it in the hot bar but now i just you know i need to cut down some wood so let's do a wood mining session and of course before we even make any of the crafting table or anything we've got to eat this dude it's wood let's see what acacia wood will give us oh that was not the wood that did that i think oh it just gave us a wooden axe with unbreaking efficiency and mending x okay i'll take that so that'll make yeah yeah now we can just chop down as much wood as we want and it will take no time at all beautiful because we're gonna need a lot of that what else do we have in our inventory we can eat look at these bones dude we can chow down on some skeleton bones why not what's gonna happen oh my gosh what just happened anything what the heck is that thing skeleton king's bow it's taking away bones i'm shooting bones i look like arrows at first but those are 100 bones that's crazy hey little cow what else can we whoa my goodness what the yo dude i just left click with it and it just oh my goodness it summoned a skeleton army they all have diamond armor on and they're on skeletal horses wait what if i kill some of my own skeletons can i get the diamond armor ah they don't drop it man but they do drop arrows and we could probably eat arrows damn bam but okay it just dropped a whole lot of different types of arrows from the sky we have like spectral arrows in here and normal arrows and yeah literally every arrow you can think of arrow of poison and all that jazz and you know what i'm not really like an arrow guy so i don't really care what kind of arrows we have i'm probably going to end up throwing away some of these just to conserve inventory space all right well we have a lot of blocks in our inventory that we can start chowing on so let's see what we can get from dirt did we get anything oh it gave us hero of the village way to give us hero the village i'm placing them everywhere but hold on does it give us anything else glowing five okay does it just give us a random effect every time we eat it i hate like placing the blocks and i'm eating i just want to see what they do yeah look at that strength my saturation invisibility yo i'm invisible and have a spectral effect because i'm glowing so that kind of takes away the whole invis thing but i mean that's cool so dirk gives you a random potion effect is the creeper gonna see me it actually works it actually works okay well i will peacefully without any armor on by the way eat a piece of cobblestone next no no oh my gosh it didn't work it did not work i was totally wrong and there's an axolotl that just spawned in there dude they're so cute okay i'll eat the cobble right around the axolotl and i just got an item i don't know what it was i think it might have been one of these stone things yeah stone shovel efficiency okay so eating cobble will give us stone stuff i'm just gonna throw out the sand i know you can eat sand and stuff and probably throwing out some of it but these are all basic items guys i think the the better the item the better thing you're gonna get so let's go ahead and eat an iron ingot because i need to get geared and there's literally a ravine right underneath me this cave is crazy if i eat this thing whoa okay now i i just got what a dual wielder sword oh and i'm getting like iron armor up the wazoo everywhere and i have an effect called luck we're all geared up now and what on earth this thing is like a massive iron sword and creeper whoa it made it go up in the air wait what was that it's like a shockwave effect okay hold on i think i've used a couple weapons with this before i want to just verify that that's yeah i forgot these these pics are real good and wow i can just i just sent a shock wave of sweeping edge towards everything around me and that is pretty handy to have as well hey this skeleton doesn't have a bow i didn't think i'd ever just make a friend in the caves like this especially a skeleton what's up bro it's a diorite no i don't want to blaze you i want to eat you give me the dye right let me eat it oh baby oh and i just got some minerals let's see what a red stone does i'll eat a red stone and oh it added an extra heart to our little yo hold on oh my gosh every redstone we eat adds more hearts and if we eat emeralds what will that do oh i think it whoa oh protection level 19 and emerald dropped that and i think it dropped the four lap as well and 14 blocks of netherrite we just got this overpowered diamond chess piece you bet i'm combining with netherright look at that we're already another right armor oh my goodness emeralds are like one of the best things ever we just got stacks and stacks of diamond blocks and netherright gear from just eating a bunch of emeralds so now we have a fire protection level 16. i mean well we have netherright and that's still fire protection but still look at all this all right perfect i was actually just looking around mine shaft chassis of any other things we could eat in here we got coal railroad tracks but eh none of those are really that great seems we have a nice ravine here but there is a whole line of things that i want to start eating right now starting with gold okay i want to eat gold and then i want to follow it up with diamonds i want to see what those two things do i have not eaten them yet i've just been looking around and wait what is that is that a dungeon it is what do we have in the dungeon chest we have buckets and nothing great we have punched one these guys are trying to kill me i ate the redstone guys so eating gold now what does it do what did i get i got is that it i literally just got gold's armor really oh but i did get these regen effects so if i if i was really in trouble yeah i have two absorption hearts so gold is essentially it looks like a golden apple whoa eating that just damaged me hang on oh it's like resetting the effect so it gives me a little damage indicator so gold is all right and now i want to see what will happen if we eat a raw diamond come on baby give me some good stuff oh yeah this is exactly what i wanted okay so i already have full netherright armor but we do need a better sword i'm kind of tired of the dual wielder one so we'll take fire aspect level 43 yes and some overall better tools oh my gosh oh my goodness i totally forgot you could eat weapons and tools you i was literally just walking around the cave and i right clicked because i just have a habit of doing that to block it was starting to eat it you can eat anything guys okay hold on we need to eat this stuff okay before we eat the tools i want to eat a piece of copper i haven't tried copper yet what does copper do whoa what the 57 seconds force field time left holy smokes and what is that thing lightning bow why does copper get to be so cool wait hold on look at this skeleton there oh my goodness it is a it's a lightning force field every mob that enters into this thing i can hear it everywhere i go they're all dying i'm just gonna run around and just kill a bunch of mobs okay well now they're all gone but that is so sick spy zombie but we also have the lightning bow is this better than the skeleton's bow i wonder okay i get it oh my goodness okay that's loud but this thing is like a machine gun okay so eating the copper gives you the force field i might just keep that in my hot bar that is like one of the better items i've eaten so far what would a flint even give me is it worth eating oh okay yeah it is worth eating is that better than what i yeah it's no it's all right but now eating my weapon this is gonna look so weird oh look at those little particles again i'm eating it and whoa and wait did it just give me another sword oh my goodness sharpness mending looting at all 100 and it gave me every effect in the game okay so now i can go really really quickly around these caves i was gonna say it better be something good if i'm gonna risk eating my sword there's another mine shaft chest down here what do we have in it i don't want to eat you we have more diamonds dude we're getting so lucky oh okay we do have the fire resistance i was going to say it's making me go into lava so i'm gonna buy spiders so what happens if we eat a pickaxe what will occur whoa oh okay if we didn't have opie stuff before we definitely do now dude this is crazy i feel like i'm in a fun house like a kid's playground right now in minecraft look at all the oars everywhere all right wait we haven't eaten a diamond axe yet what is a diamond axe gonna do i low-key wanna get out of this place just so we can do it in case there's like a whole nother thing that occurs all right in three two one oh oh yo what dude he just cleared out the entire cave system i'm poisoned i think there was a witch are those cave spiders after me and everything oh my goodness every mob wants me dead i just completely ruined their living environment and there is an axolotl drowning on the surface wait i didn't know these things could just be like on the surface like this that's cool get out of here enderman oh my goodness does this have it does have looting on it there's too many mobs at this point but i think i just got all the ender pearls i need to go to the end so this eating thing is really really powerful and you know what a lot of mobs i'll just put the uh electricity field oh no i just killed the poor axolotl get out of here all of you dude i look like i feel like i'm a king i feel like i'm the best ever all right well what happens if we eat an ender pearl now i need to know oh okay it drops more ender pearls and we just got teleported somewhere i don't know where we are are we even anywhere close to where we just were wait did i just teleport everywhere doing this oh and it teleported me back and it dropped what is that hold on and the right boots oh it's the underrate armor yes yes yes i will take custom armor any day of the week if i keep what are these items that are in front of me right here old your horses elven super bow and there's also i think this might have come from eating the axe and i just missed it a universal battle axe yeah i was wondering like where do i my axe is just gone so i eat it i don't get it back but it cleared the entire cave gave me a universal battle axe and what does this do get out of here okay so it electrocutes opponents oh gosh i just created a ravine with the battle axe okay so you could do that as well does it drop op items too because this is a stronghold guide right here it does there are opi items everywhere okay so that's why this thing is so cool so we also got alvin's super bowl we also we have the stronghold guide so let's do that real quick hey all of you get out of here that's what it's good for and i'm just gonna keep using these ender pearls and hopefully get every piece i need to the under eye armor look how sick i'm starting to look dude this is insane and we will cap it off and it gives us speed 3 strength 5 regeneration i guess infinitely okay so we have a bit faster speed we have the strength let's get out of here man i don't even want to be down here anymore so we'll see where the stronghold is via the stronghold guide it is this way so we're heading in the right way and we actually have a village right here in front of us which is nice we have a blacksmith not that i need that hey guys beat me in my sick end right armor don't i look dope i know and inside we have oh i mean i guess it kind of has obsidian wait what happens if we eat this hey villagers don't mind me just eating obsidian oh my goodness we got a bunch of absorption arts and what is that sort of oblivion okay well i was telling you guys how i wanted a new sword the sword of oblivion might be it hey guys okay well it got rid of all the villagers and now the iron golem's gonna be mad and it does that oh i thought i was just about to die yo that's sick okay so we have a whole bedrock crater the only problem is now i can't get out but while we're down here and we have a bunch of diamond armor everywhere why don't we eat it i sound so weird when i say that or we can eat netherride armor okay so let's see diamond chest plate gives us fly for a minute okay so now we can get out of the big crater but wait i want to eat the rest of these diamond pieces it also gave us a super diamond chest plate i still want to know what the elven super bow does oh oh yo no we just got rid of half the stuff down here i needed that and no there's an x-ray totem so if i eat a pair of leggings what will it drop oh it drops the super diamond leggings okay and a helmet and that should drop yep the super diamond helmet right there what does this give us is it oh this is much better than the ender right okay good swap i will go ahead and eat a diamond chest plate to get out of here for the fly wait can we just we can fly with this armor i don't know what the limit is but we can fly look i think yeah it has the fly effect all right it's time to just go on an eating spree what happens if i eat a nether right sword whoa infinity blade what in the heck does this thing even do oh what the it just vanished all the squid and are they my zombies are they gonna attack me no they're not no they they work for me no they're gonna kill these four squid they're also gonna die because they can't survive in water and i also have the freaking jump boost that's the only thing i don't like about this armor i can just snap them out of existence and have another set of them come in okay so that's cool it also has a crater that okay so this is gonna be my main weapon then okay wait wait we've been in the desert for like this whole video so far what if we ate a cactus let's eat a cactus and what is it okay dropped us a bunch of potions oh my goodness all in one potion wait let's drink this yo that is sick thanks cacti okay so is it the same potion every time it's just kind of like a mix between very very good potions all right break the poppy eat it up what's a pop gonna do thorn rose sword yo is that a sword made from flowers oh my gosh look at my hearts yo they're healing so quick dude it's a healing force field but this would be good to have on for the ender dragon which is nice and let's eat a blaze rod and it drops a what the an inferno sword another force field dude this is the video of force fields man this is sick hey panda i'm so sorry no it does it does burn alive all right goodbye oh right clicking turns this entire thing into a blaze of glory but yeah what does that do oh i have just single-handedly ruined this glacier with a bunch of nether right craters and stuff wait before we go this is a hill and i want to just see yeah yeah snowball what happens if i eat a snowball let's eat a snowball snowball fighting is fun icicle ray so i'm gonna guess that this just like freezes things which is good i was trying to get a shovel sorry for the mess and oh my goodness is that an above ground stronghold okay well i can't see anything now but it's right next to a yo dude this is cool okay so this is the stronghold right here this is a water temple i don't want it's a sea temple i don't want to mess with any of these fish we're in all right so here we are we'll burn up all the silverfish and oh here they come well at least i have a force field so they can get in i have nine i have enders that's the problem i will need a couple of more cause i obviously lost some oh my goodness dude they're everywhere luckily we have the blaze mod spawner so we could just you know spawn some up make a couple more and in we go so i actually want to use the icicle ray on the dragon first i'm gonna use the lightning bow to go ahead and try and strike down these little pier yeah that worked almost flawlessly actually dude this alvin's bow is the move by the way oh my goodness dude it like explodes in the air is literally like a heat-seeking missile alright let's see can i freeze the dragon in midair please hit the dragon no why does the dragon not just like get frozen by my stuff man oh my gosh i could create ravines in the end yo i'm deleting the end island because i can fly with my dad my super diamond ever look at this die you yeah there he goes look he's going up and oh my gosh he was blowing up in the middle of a bunch of opie items so now i officially got him he was never going to kill me i mean i'm flying him in there that's what happens when you eat a bunch of items but spawn me my portal let me win the game thanks for watching leave a like subscribe i'll see you next time goodbye
Channel: Graser
Views: 1,254,071
Rating: 4.9076014 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but, minecraft but challenge, minecraft challenges, minecraft mod, minecraft eat, graser, challenge, minecraft items, minecraft 100 days, minecraft op items, op items minecraft
Id: spPmELa6vsw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 36sec (1236 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 29 2021
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